List of usage examples for Signature getInstance
public static Signature getInstance(String algorithm, Provider provider) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException
From source
public static boolean verifySignatureES384(byte[] signingInput, byte[] sigBytes, ECDSAPublicKey ecdsaPublicKey) throws NoSuchProviderException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, InvalidKeySpecException, NoSuchPaddingException, InvalidKeyException, IllegalBlockSizeException, BadPaddingException, IOException, SignatureException { ECParameterSpec ecSpec = ECNamedCurveTable.getParameterSpec("P-384"); BigInteger q = ((ECCurve.Fp) ecSpec.getCurve()).getQ(); ECFieldElement xFieldElement = new ECFieldElement.Fp(q, ecdsaPublicKey.getX()); ECFieldElement yFieldElement = new ECFieldElement.Fp(q, ecdsaPublicKey.getY()); ECPoint pointQ = new ECPoint.Fp(ecSpec.getCurve(), xFieldElement, yFieldElement); ECPublicKeySpec publicKeySpec = new ECPublicKeySpec(pointQ, ecSpec); KeyFactory keyFactory = KeyFactory.getInstance("ECDSA", "BC"); PublicKey publicKey = keyFactory.generatePublic(publicKeySpec); Signature signature = Signature.getInstance("SHA384WITHECDSA", "BC"); signature.initVerify(publicKey);// w w w . j av a 2 s .c o m signature.update(signingInput); return signature.verify(sigBytes); }
From source
public static boolean verifySignatureES384(byte[] signingInput, byte[] sigBytes, X509Certificate cert) throws NoSuchProviderException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, InvalidKeyException, SignatureException { PublicKey publicKey = cert.getPublicKey(); Signature signature = Signature.getInstance("SHA384WITHECDSA", "BC"); signature.initVerify(publicKey);/*from w w w . j ava 2s . c o m*/ signature.update(signingInput); return signature.verify(sigBytes); }
From source
public static boolean verifySignatureES512(byte[] signingInput, byte[] sigBytes, ECDSAPublicKey ecdsaPublicKey) throws NoSuchProviderException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, InvalidKeySpecException, NoSuchPaddingException, InvalidKeyException, IllegalBlockSizeException, BadPaddingException, IOException, SignatureException { ECParameterSpec ecSpec = ECNamedCurveTable.getParameterSpec("P-521"); BigInteger q = ((ECCurve.Fp) ecSpec.getCurve()).getQ(); ECFieldElement xFieldElement = new ECFieldElement.Fp(q, ecdsaPublicKey.getX()); ECFieldElement yFieldElement = new ECFieldElement.Fp(q, ecdsaPublicKey.getY()); ECPoint pointQ = new ECPoint.Fp(ecSpec.getCurve(), xFieldElement, yFieldElement); ECPublicKeySpec publicKeySpec = new ECPublicKeySpec(pointQ, ecSpec); KeyFactory keyFactory = KeyFactory.getInstance("ECDSA", "BC"); PublicKey publicKey = keyFactory.generatePublic(publicKeySpec); Signature signature = Signature.getInstance("SHA512WITHECDSA", "BC"); signature.initVerify(publicKey);// w w w. jav a 2s . co m signature.update(signingInput); return signature.verify(sigBytes); }
From source
public static boolean verifySignatureES512(byte[] signingInput, byte[] sigBytes, X509Certificate cert) throws NoSuchProviderException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, InvalidKeyException, SignatureException { PublicKey publicKey = cert.getPublicKey(); Signature signature = Signature.getInstance("SHA512WITHECDSA", "BC"); signature.initVerify(publicKey);/*from ww w .jav a2 s. c o m*/ signature.update(signingInput); return signature.verify(sigBytes); }
From source
/** * 1- Sends a CRMF request signed by RA2Admin to RA1. Expected: Fail * 2- Sends a CRMF request signed by RA1Admin to RA2. Expected: Fail * //from ww w .j av a m * @throws Exception */ @Test public void test01RA1FailedCRMF() throws Exception { // Send CRMF message signed by RA2Admin to RA1 String testUsername = "ra1testuser"; X500Name testUserDN = new X500Name("CN=" + testUsername); KeyPair keys = KeyTools.genKeys("512", AlgorithmConstants.KEYALGORITHM_RSA); AlgorithmIdentifier pAlg = new AlgorithmIdentifier(PKCSObjectIdentifiers.sha1WithRSAEncryption); PKIMessage msg = genCertReq(ca1.getSubjectDN(), testUserDN, keys, ca1.getCACertificate(), nonce, transid, false, null, null, null, null, pAlg, new DEROctetString(nonce)); assertNotNull("Generating CrmfRequest failed.", msg); CMPCertificate[] extraCert = getCMPCert(ra2admincert); msg = CmpMessageHelper.buildCertBasedPKIProtection(msg, extraCert, ra2adminkeys.getPrivate(), pAlg.getAlgorithm().getId(), "BC"); assertNotNull("Signing CMP message failed.", msg); //******************************************'''''' Signature sig = Signature.getInstance(msg.getHeader().getProtectionAlg().getAlgorithm().getId(), "BC"); sig.initVerify(ra2admincert.getPublicKey()); sig.update(CmpMessageHelper.getProtectedBytes(msg)); boolean verified = sig.verify(msg.getProtection().getBytes()); assertTrue("Signing the message failed.", verified); //*************************************************** ByteArrayOutputStream bao = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); DEROutputStream out = new DEROutputStream(bao); out.writeObject(msg); byte[] ba = bao.toByteArray(); // Send request and receive response byte[] resp = sendCmpHttp(ba, 200, RA1_ALIAS); checkCmpResponseGeneral(resp, ca1.getSubjectDN(), testUserDN, ca1.getCACertificate(), msg.getHeader().getSenderNonce().getOctets(), msg.getHeader().getTransactionID().getOctets(), false, null, null); ASN1InputStream asn1InputStream = new ASN1InputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(resp)); PKIMessage respObject = null; try { respObject = PKIMessage.getInstance(asn1InputStream.readObject()); } finally { asn1InputStream.close(); } assertNotNull("Reading CMP response failed.", respObject); PKIBody body = respObject.getBody(); assertEquals(PKIBody.TYPE_ERROR, body.getType()); ErrorMsgContent err = (ErrorMsgContent) body.getContent(); String errMsg = err.getPKIStatusInfo().getStatusString().getStringAt(0).getString(); String expectedErrMsg = "'CN=" + RA2_ADMIN + "' is not an authorized administrator."; assertEquals(expectedErrMsg, errMsg); // Send CRMF message signed by RA1Admin to RA2 testUsername = "ra2testuser"; testUserDN = new X500Name("CN=" + testUsername); keys = KeyTools.genKeys("512", AlgorithmConstants.KEYALGORITHM_RSA); pAlg = new AlgorithmIdentifier(PKCSObjectIdentifiers.sha1WithRSAEncryption); msg = genCertReq(ca2.getSubjectDN(), testUserDN, keys, ca2.getCACertificate(), nonce, transid, false, null, null, null, null, pAlg, new DEROctetString(nonce)); assertNotNull("Generating CrmfRequest failed.", msg); extraCert = getCMPCert(ra1admincert); msg = CmpMessageHelper.buildCertBasedPKIProtection(msg, extraCert, ra1adminkeys.getPrivate(), pAlg.getAlgorithm().getId(), "BC"); assertNotNull("Signing CMP message failed.", msg); //******************************************'''''' sig = Signature.getInstance(msg.getHeader().getProtectionAlg().getAlgorithm().getId(), "BC"); sig.initVerify(ra1admincert.getPublicKey()); sig.update(CmpMessageHelper.getProtectedBytes(msg)); verified = sig.verify(msg.getProtection().getBytes()); assertTrue("Signing the message failed.", verified); //*************************************************** bao = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); out = new DEROutputStream(bao); out.writeObject(msg); ba = bao.toByteArray(); // Send request and receive response resp = sendCmpHttp(ba, 200, RA2_ALIAS); checkCmpResponseGeneral(resp, ca2.getSubjectDN(), testUserDN, ca2.getCACertificate(), msg.getHeader().getSenderNonce().getOctets(), msg.getHeader().getTransactionID().getOctets(), false, null, null); asn1InputStream = new ASN1InputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(resp)); try { respObject = PKIMessage.getInstance(asn1InputStream.readObject()); } finally { asn1InputStream.close(); } assertNotNull("Reading CMP response failed.", respObject); body = respObject.getBody(); assertEquals(PKIBody.TYPE_ERROR, body.getType()); err = (ErrorMsgContent) body.getContent(); errMsg = err.getPKIStatusInfo().getStatusString().getStringAt(0).getString(); expectedErrMsg = "'CN=" + RA1_ADMIN + "' is not an authorized administrator."; assertEquals(expectedErrMsg, errMsg); }
From source
@Test public void test08EECrmfReqMultipleAuthModules() throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, EjbcaException, IOException, Exception { String modules = CmpConfiguration.AUTHMODULE_HMAC + ";" + CmpConfiguration.AUTHMODULE_ENDENTITY_CERTIFICATE; String parameters = "foo123" + ";" + "TestCA"; this.cmpConfiguration.setAuthenticationModule(ALIAS, modules); this.cmpConfiguration.setAuthenticationParameters(ALIAS, parameters); this.cmpConfiguration.setRAMode(ALIAS, true); this.globalConfigurationSession.saveConfiguration(ADMIN, this.cmpConfiguration); KeyPair keys = KeyTools.genKeys("512", AlgorithmConstants.KEYALGORITHM_RSA); AlgorithmIdentifier pAlg = new AlgorithmIdentifier(PKCSObjectIdentifiers.sha1WithRSAEncryption); PKIMessage msg = genCertReq(issuerDN, USER_DN, keys, this.cacert, this.nonce, this.transid, false, null, null, null, null, pAlg, null); assertNotNull("Generating CrmfRequest failed.", msg); String adminName = "cmpTestAdmin"; KeyPair admkeys = KeyTools.genKeys("1024", "RSA"); AuthenticationToken adminToken = createAdminToken(admkeys, adminName, "CN=" + adminName + ",C=SE", this.caid, SecConst.EMPTY_ENDENTITYPROFILE, CertificateProfileConstants.CERTPROFILE_FIXED_ENDUSER); Certificate admCert = getCertFromCredentials(adminToken); CMPCertificate[] extraCert = getCMPCert(admCert); msg = CmpMessageHelper.buildCertBasedPKIProtection(msg, extraCert, admkeys.getPrivate(), pAlg.getAlgorithm().getId(), "BC"); assertNotNull(msg);/*from www . j a va2s .co m*/ //******************************************** final Signature sig = Signature.getInstance(msg.getHeader().getProtectionAlg().getAlgorithm().getId(), "BC"); sig.initVerify(admCert.getPublicKey()); sig.update(CmpMessageHelper.getProtectedBytes(msg)); boolean verified = sig.verify(msg.getProtection().getBytes()); assertTrue("Signing the message failed.", verified); //******************************************** final ByteArrayOutputStream bao = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); final DEROutputStream out = new DEROutputStream(bao); out.writeObject(msg); final byte[] ba = bao.toByteArray(); // Send request and receive response final byte[] resp = sendCmpHttp(ba, 200, ALIAS); checkCmpResponseGeneral(resp, issuerDN, USER_DN, this.cacert, msg.getHeader().getSenderNonce().getOctets(), msg.getHeader().getTransactionID().getOctets(), true, null, PKCSObjectIdentifiers.sha1WithRSAEncryption.getId()); CertReqMessages ir = (CertReqMessages) msg.getBody().getContent(); Certificate cert2 = checkCmpCertRepMessage(USER_DN, this.cacert, resp, ir.toCertReqMsgArray()[0].getCertReq().getCertReqId().getValue().intValue()); assertNotNull("CrmfRequest did not return a certificate", cert2); removeAuthenticationToken(adminToken, admCert, adminName); }
From source
protected static void checkCmpResponseGeneral(byte[] retMsg, String issuerDN, X500Name userDN, Certificate cacert, byte[] senderNonce, byte[] transId, boolean signed, String pbeSecret, String expectedSignAlg)//w ww.j a v a 2 s .c o m throws IOException, InvalidKeyException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, NoSuchProviderException { assertNotNull("No response from server.", retMsg); assertTrue("Response was of 0 length.", retMsg.length > 0); boolean pbe = (pbeSecret != null); // // Parse response message // ASN1InputStream asn1InputStream = new ASN1InputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(retMsg)); PKIMessage respObject = null; try { respObject = PKIMessage.getInstance(asn1InputStream.readObject()); } finally { asn1InputStream.close(); } assertNotNull(respObject); // The signer, i.e. the CA, check it's the right CA PKIHeader header = respObject.getHeader(); // Check that the message is signed with the correct digest alg if (StringUtils.isEmpty(expectedSignAlg)) { expectedSignAlg = PKCSObjectIdentifiers.sha1WithRSAEncryption.getId(); } // if cacert is ECDSA we should expect an ECDSA signature alg //if (AlgorithmTools.getSignatureAlgorithm(cacert).contains("ECDSA")) { // expectedSignAlg = X9ObjectIdentifiers.ecdsa_with_SHA1.getId(); //} else if(AlgorithmTools.getSignatureAlgorithm(cacert).contains("ECGOST3410")) { // expectedSignAlg = CryptoProObjectIdentifiers.gostR3411_94_with_gostR3410_2001.getId(); //} else if(AlgorithmTools.getSignatureAlgorithm(cacert).contains("DSTU4145")) { // expectedSignAlg = (new ASN1ObjectIdentifier(CesecoreConfiguration.getOidDstu4145())).getId(); //} if (signed) { AlgorithmIdentifier algId = header.getProtectionAlg(); assertNotNull( "Protection algorithm was null when expecting a signed response, this was propably an unprotected error message: " + header.getFreeText(), algId); assertEquals(expectedSignAlg, algId.getAlgorithm().getId()); } if (pbe) { AlgorithmIdentifier algId = header.getProtectionAlg(); assertNotNull( "Protection algorithm was null when expecting a pbe protected response, this was propably an unprotected error message: " + header.getFreeText(), algId); assertEquals("Protection algorithm id: " + algId.getAlgorithm().getId(), CMPObjectIdentifiers.passwordBasedMac.getId(), algId.getAlgorithm().getId()); // 1.2.840.113549.1.1.5 - SHA-1 with RSA Encryption } // Check that the signer is the expected CA assertEquals(header.getSender().getTagNo(), 4); X500Name expissuer = new X500Name(issuerDN); X500Name actissuer = new X500Name(header.getSender().getName().toString()); assertEquals(expissuer, actissuer); if (signed) { // Verify the signature byte[] protBytes = CmpMessageHelper.getProtectedBytes(respObject); DERBitString bs = respObject.getProtection(); Signature sig; try { sig = Signature.getInstance(expectedSignAlg, "BC"); sig.initVerify(cacert); sig.update(protBytes); boolean ret = sig.verify(bs.getBytes()); assertTrue(ret); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { e.printStackTrace(); assertTrue(false); } catch (NoSuchProviderException e) { e.printStackTrace(); assertTrue(false); } catch (InvalidKeyException e) { e.printStackTrace(); assertTrue(false); } catch (SignatureException e) { e.printStackTrace(); assertTrue(false); } } if (pbe) { ASN1OctetString os = header.getSenderKID(); assertNotNull(os); String keyId = CmpMessageHelper.getStringFromOctets(os); log.debug("Found a sender keyId: " + keyId); // Verify the PasswordBased protection of the message byte[] protectedBytes = CmpMessageHelper.getProtectedBytes(respObject); DERBitString protection = respObject.getProtection(); AlgorithmIdentifier pAlg = header.getProtectionAlg(); log.debug("Protection type is: " + pAlg.getAlgorithm().getId()); PBMParameter pp = PBMParameter.getInstance(pAlg.getParameters()); int iterationCount = pp.getIterationCount().getPositiveValue().intValue(); log.debug("Iteration count is: " + iterationCount); AlgorithmIdentifier owfAlg = pp.getOwf(); // Normal OWF alg is - SHA1 log.debug("Owf type is: " + owfAlg.getAlgorithm().getId()); AlgorithmIdentifier macAlg = pp.getMac(); // Normal mac alg is - HMAC/SHA1 log.debug("Mac type is: " + macAlg.getAlgorithm().getId()); byte[] salt = pp.getSalt().getOctets(); //"Salt is: "+new String(salt)); byte[] raSecret = pbeSecret != null ? pbeSecret.getBytes() : new byte[0]; byte[] basekey = new byte[raSecret.length + salt.length]; System.arraycopy(raSecret, 0, basekey, 0, raSecret.length); for (int i = 0; i < salt.length; i++) { basekey[raSecret.length + i] = salt[i]; } // Construct the base key according to rfc4210, section MessageDigest dig = MessageDigest.getInstance(owfAlg.getAlgorithm().getId(), BouncyCastleProvider.PROVIDER_NAME); for (int i = 0; i < iterationCount; i++) { basekey = dig.digest(basekey); dig.reset(); } // HMAC/SHA1 os normal or 1.2.840.113549.2.7 String macOid = macAlg.getAlgorithm().getId(); Mac mac = Mac.getInstance(macOid, BouncyCastleProvider.PROVIDER_NAME); SecretKey key = new SecretKeySpec(basekey, macOid); mac.init(key); mac.reset(); mac.update(protectedBytes, 0, protectedBytes.length); byte[] out = mac.doFinal(); // My out should now be the same as the protection bits byte[] pb = protection.getBytes(); boolean ret = Arrays.equals(out, pb); assertTrue(ret); } // --SenderNonce // SenderNonce is something the server came up with, but it should be 16 // chars byte[] nonce = header.getSenderNonce().getOctets(); assertEquals(nonce.length, 16); // --Recipient Nonce // recipient nonce should be the same as we sent away as sender nonce nonce = header.getRecipNonce().getOctets(); assertEquals(new String(nonce), new String(senderNonce)); // --Transaction ID // transid should be the same as the one we sent nonce = header.getTransactionID().getOctets(); assertEquals(new String(nonce), new String(transId)); }
From source
/** * Sends a KeyUpdateRequest with a different key and the configurations is NOT to allow the use of the same keys. * Successful operation is expected and a new certificate is received. * /* ww w . j av a 2 s . co m*/ * - Pre-configuration: Sets the operational mode to client mode (cmp.raoperationalmode=normal) * - Pre-configuration: Sets cmp.allowautomaticrenewal to 'true' and tests that the resetting of configuration has worked. * - Pre-configuration: Sets cmp.allowupdatewithsamekey to 'false' * - Creates a new user and obtains a certificate, cert, for this user. Tests whether obtaining the certificate was successful. * - Generates a CMP KeyUpdate Request and tests that such request has been created. * - Signs the CMP request using cert and attaches cert to the CMP request. Tests that the CMP request is still not null * - Sends the request using HTTP and receives a response. * - Examines the response: * - Checks that the response is not empty or null * - Checks that the protection algorithm is sha1WithRSAEncryption * - Check that the signer is the expected CA * - Verifies the response signature * - Checks that the response's senderNonce is 16 bytes long * - Checks that the request's senderNonce is the same as the response's recipientNonce * - Checks that the request and the response has the same transactionID * - Obtains the certificate from the response * - Checks that the obtained certificate has the right subjectDN and issuerDN * * @throws Exception */ @Test public void test06UpdateWithDifferentKey() throws Exception { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace(">test08UpdateWithDifferentKey"); } this.cmpConfiguration.setRAMode(this.cmpAlias, false); this.cmpConfiguration.setKurAllowAutomaticUpdate(this.cmpAlias, true); this.cmpConfiguration.setKurAllowSameKey(this.cmpAlias, false); this.globalConfigurationSession.saveConfiguration(ADMIN, this.cmpConfiguration); //--------------- create the user and issue his first certificate ----------------- createUser(this.username, this.userDN.toString(), "foo123"); KeyPair keys = KeyTools.genKeys("512", AlgorithmConstants.KEYALGORITHM_RSA); final Certificate certificate; certificate = this.signSession.createCertificate(ADMIN, this.username, "foo123", new PublicKeyWrapper(keys.getPublic())); assertNotNull("Failed to create a test certificate", certificate); KeyPair newkeys = KeyTools.genKeys("512", AlgorithmConstants.KEYALGORITHM_RSA); AlgorithmIdentifier pAlg = new AlgorithmIdentifier(PKCSObjectIdentifiers.sha1WithRSAEncryption); PKIMessage req = genRenewalReq(this.userDN, this.cacert, this.nonce, this.transid, newkeys, false, null, null, pAlg, new DEROctetString(this.nonce)); assertNotNull("Failed to generate a CMP renewal request", req); CertReqMessages kur = (CertReqMessages) req.getBody().getContent(); int reqId = kur.toCertReqMsgArray()[0].getCertReq().getCertReqId().getValue().intValue(); CMPCertificate[] extraCert = getCMPCert(certificate); req = CmpMessageHelper.buildCertBasedPKIProtection(req, extraCert, keys.getPrivate(), pAlg.getAlgorithm().getId(), "BC"); assertNotNull(req); //******************************************'''''' final Signature sig = Signature.getInstance(req.getHeader().getProtectionAlg().getAlgorithm().getId(), "BC"); sig.initVerify(certificate.getPublicKey()); sig.update(CmpMessageHelper.getProtectedBytes(req)); boolean verified = sig.verify(req.getProtection().getBytes()); assertTrue("Signing the message failed.", verified); //*************************************************** ByteArrayOutputStream bao = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); DEROutputStream out = new DEROutputStream(bao); out.writeObject(req); byte[] ba = bao.toByteArray(); // Send request and receive response byte[] resp = sendCmpHttp(ba, 200, this.cmpAlias); checkCmpResponseGeneral(resp, this.issuerDN, this.userDN, this.cacert, this.nonce, this.transid, true, null, PKCSObjectIdentifiers.sha1WithRSAEncryption.getId()); X509Certificate cert = checkKurCertRepMessage(this.userDN, this.cacert, resp, reqId); assertNotNull("Failed to renew the certificate", cert); assertTrue("The new certificate's keys are incorrect.", cert.getPublicKey().equals(newkeys.getPublic())); assertFalse("The new certificate's keys are the same as the old certificate's keys.", cert.getPublicKey().equals(keys.getPublic())); if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("<test08UpdateWithDifferentKey"); } }
From source
@Test public void test12EECrmfNotCheckAdmin() throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, EjbcaException, IOException, Exception { this.cmpConfiguration.setAuthenticationModule(ALIAS, CmpConfiguration.AUTHMODULE_ENDENTITY_CERTIFICATE); this.cmpConfiguration.setAuthenticationParameters(ALIAS, "TestCA"); this.cmpConfiguration.setOmitVerificationsInECC(ALIAS, true); this.cmpConfiguration.setRAMode(ALIAS, true); this.globalConfigurationSession.saveConfiguration(ADMIN, this.cmpConfiguration); KeyPair keys = KeyTools.genKeys("512", AlgorithmConstants.KEYALGORITHM_RSA); AlgorithmIdentifier pAlg = new AlgorithmIdentifier(PKCSObjectIdentifiers.sha1WithRSAEncryption); PKIMessage msg = genCertReq(issuerDN, USER_DN, keys, this.cacert, this.nonce, this.transid, false, null, null, null, null, pAlg, new DEROctetString(this.nonce)); assertNotNull("Generating CrmfRequest failed.", msg); String adminName = "cmpTestAdmin"; KeyPair admkeys = KeyTools.genKeys("1024", "RSA"); AuthenticationToken adminToken = createAdminToken(admkeys, adminName, "CN=" + adminName + ",C=SE", this.caid, SecConst.EMPTY_ENDENTITYPROFILE, CertificateProfileConstants.CERTPROFILE_FIXED_ENDUSER); Certificate admCert = getCertFromCredentials(adminToken); CMPCertificate[] extraCert = getCMPCert(admCert); msg = CmpMessageHelper.buildCertBasedPKIProtection(msg, extraCert, admkeys.getPrivate(), pAlg.getAlgorithm().getId(), "BC"); assertNotNull(msg);/*from w ww . j ava 2 s .c om*/ //******************************************** final Signature sig = Signature.getInstance(msg.getHeader().getProtectionAlg().getAlgorithm().getId(), "BC"); sig.initVerify(admCert.getPublicKey()); sig.update(CmpMessageHelper.getProtectedBytes(msg)); boolean verified = sig.verify(msg.getProtection().getBytes()); assertTrue("Signing the message failed.", verified); //******************************************** final ByteArrayOutputStream bao = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); final DEROutputStream out = new DEROutputStream(bao); out.writeObject(msg); final byte[] ba = bao.toByteArray(); // Send request and receive response final byte[] resp = sendCmpHttp(ba, 200, ALIAS); checkCmpResponseGeneral(resp, issuerDN, USER_DN, this.cacert, msg.getHeader().getSenderNonce().getOctets(), msg.getHeader().getTransactionID().getOctets(), false, null, PKCSObjectIdentifiers.sha1WithRSAEncryption.getId()); ASN1InputStream inputStream = new ASN1InputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(resp)); try { PKIMessage respObject = PKIMessage.getInstance(inputStream.readObject()); assertNotNull(respObject); PKIBody body = respObject.getBody(); assertEquals(23, body.getType()); ErrorMsgContent err = (ErrorMsgContent) body.getContent(); String errMsg = err.getPKIStatusInfo().getStatusString().getStringAt(0).getString(); String expectedErrmsg = "Omitting some verifications can only be accepted in RA mode and when the CMP request has already been authenticated, for example, through the use of NestedMessageContent"; assertEquals(expectedErrmsg, errMsg); } finally { inputStream.close(); } removeAuthenticationToken(adminToken, admCert, adminName); }
From source
/** * Testing a key pair to verify that it is possible to first sign and then verify with it. * //from w w w. j av a2s . c o m * @param priv * private key to sign a string with * @param pub * public key to verify the signature with * @param provider * A provider used for signing with the private key, or null if "BC" should be used. * * @throws InvalidKeyException * if the public key can not be used to verify a string signed by the private key, because the key is wrong or the signature operation * fails for other reasons such as a NoSuchAlgorithmException or SignatureException. * @throws NoSuchProviderException * if the provider is not installed. */ public static void testKey(final PrivateKey priv, final PublicKey pub, final String provider) throws InvalidKeyException { // NOPMD:this is not a junit test final byte input[] = "Lillan gick pa vagen ut, motte dar en katt...".getBytes(); final byte signBV[]; final String testSigAlg; { final Iterator<String> i = AlgorithmTools.getSignatureAlgorithms(pub).iterator(); final String tmp = i.hasNext() ? : null; testSigAlg = tmp != null ? tmp : "SHA1WithRSA"; } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Testing keys with algorithm: " + pub.getAlgorithm()); log.debug("testSigAlg: " + testSigAlg); log.debug("provider: " + provider); log.trace("privateKey: " + priv); log.trace("privateKey class: " + priv.getClass().getName()); log.trace("publicKey: " + pub); log.trace("publicKey class: " + pub.getClass().getName()); } try { { final Provider prov = Security.getProvider(provider != null ? provider : "BC"); final Signature signature = Signature.getInstance(testSigAlg, prov); signature.initSign(priv); signature.update(input); signBV = signature.sign(); if (signBV == null) { throw new InvalidKeyException("Result from signing is null."); } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.trace("Created signature of size: " + signBV.length); log.trace("Created signature: " + new String(Hex.encode(signBV))); } } { Signature signature; try { signature = Signature.getInstance(testSigAlg, "BC"); } catch (NoSuchProviderException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("BouncyCastle was not found as a provider.", e); } signature.initVerify(pub); signature.update(input); if (!signature.verify(signBV)) { throw new InvalidKeyException("Not possible to sign and then verify with key pair."); } } } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { throw new InvalidKeyException("Exception testing key: " + e.getMessage(), e); } catch (SignatureException e) { throw new InvalidKeyException("Exception testing key: " + e.getMessage(), e); } }