Example usage for java.security Signature getInstance

List of usage examples for java.security Signature getInstance


In this page you can find the example usage for java.security Signature getInstance.


public static Signature getInstance(String algorithm) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException 

Source Link


Returns a Signature object that implements the specified signature algorithm.


From source file:com.cloudbees.jenkins.plugins.enterpriseplugins.CloudBeesUpdateSite.java

 * Verifies the signature in the update center data file.
 *///  w  w w.  j av  a2  s . c  om
private FormValidation verifySignature(JSONObject o) throws IOException {
    try {
        FormValidation warning = null;

        JSONObject signature = o.getJSONObject("signature");
        if (signature.isNullObject()) {
            return FormValidation.error("No signature block found in update center '" + getId() + "'");

        List<X509Certificate> certs = new ArrayList<X509Certificate>();
        {// load and verify certificates
            CertificateFactory cf = CertificateFactory.getInstance("X509");
            for (Object cert : signature.getJSONArray("certificates")) {
                X509Certificate c = (X509Certificate) cf.generateCertificate(
                        new ByteArrayInputStream(Base64.decode(cert.toString().toCharArray())));
                try {
                } catch (CertificateExpiredException e) { // even if the certificate isn't valid yet,
                    // we'll proceed it anyway
                    warning = FormValidation.warning(e, String.format(
                            "Certificate %s has expired in update center '%s'", cert.toString(), getId()));
                } catch (CertificateNotYetValidException e) {
                    warning = FormValidation.warning(e, String.format(
                            "Certificate %s is not yet valid in update center '%s'", cert.toString(), getId()));

            // all default root CAs in JVM are trusted, plus certs bundled in Jenkins
            Set<TrustAnchor> anchors = new HashSet<TrustAnchor>(); // CertificateUtil.getDefaultRootCAs();
            ServletContext context = Hudson.getInstance().servletContext;
            anchors.add(new TrustAnchor(loadLicenseCaCertificate(), null));
            for (String cert : (Set<String>) context.getResourcePaths("/WEB-INF/update-center-rootCAs")) {
                if (cert.endsWith(".txt")) {
                    continue; // skip text files that are meant to be documentation
                InputStream stream = context.getResourceAsStream(cert);
                if (stream != null) {
                    try {
                        anchors.add(new TrustAnchor((X509Certificate) cf.generateCertificate(stream), null));
                    } finally {
            CertificateUtil.validatePath(certs, anchors);

        // this is for computing a digest to check sanity
        MessageDigest sha1 = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA1");
        DigestOutputStream dos = new DigestOutputStream(new NullOutputStream(), sha1);

        // this is for computing a signature
        Signature sig = Signature.getInstance("SHA1withRSA");
        SignatureOutputStream sos = new SignatureOutputStream(sig);

        // until JENKINS-11110 fix, UC used to serve invalid digest (and therefore unverifiable signature)
        // that only covers the earlier portion of the file. This was caused by the lack of close() call
        // in the canonical writing, which apparently leave some bytes somewhere that's not flushed to
        // the digest output stream. This affects Jenkins [1.424,1,431].
        // Jenkins 1.432 shipped with the "fix" (1eb0c64abb3794edce29cbb1de50c93fa03a8229) that made it
        // compute the correct digest, but it breaks all the existing UC json metadata out there. We then
        // quickly discovered ourselves in the catch-22 situation. If we generate UC with the correct signature,
        // it'll cut off [1.424,1.431] from the UC. But if we don't, we'll cut off [1.432,*).
        // In 1.433, we revisited 1eb0c64abb3794edce29cbb1de50c93fa03a8229 so that the original "digest"/"signature"
        // pair continues to be generated in a buggy form, while "correct_digest"/"correct_signature" are generated
        // correctly.
        // Jenkins should ignore "digest"/"signature" pair. Accepting it creates a vulnerability that allows
        // the attacker to inject a fragment at the end of the json.
        o.writeCanonical(new OutputStreamWriter(new TeeOutputStream(dos, sos), "UTF-8")).close();

        // did the digest match? this is not a part of the signature validation, but if we have a bug in the c14n
        // (which is more likely than someone tampering with update center), we can tell
        String computedDigest = new String(Base64.encode(sha1.digest()));
        String providedDigest = signature.optString("correct_digest");
        if (providedDigest == null) {
            return FormValidation.error("No correct_digest parameter in update center '" + getId()
                    + "'. This metadata appears to be old.");
        if (!computedDigest.equalsIgnoreCase(providedDigest)) {
            return FormValidation.error("Digest mismatch: " + computedDigest + " vs " + providedDigest
                    + " in update center '" + getId() + "'");

        String providedSignature = signature.getString("correct_signature");
        if (!sig.verify(Base64.decode(providedSignature.toCharArray()))) {
            return FormValidation.error(
                    "Signature in the update center doesn't match with the certificate in update center '"
                            + getId() + "'");

        if (warning != null) {
            return warning;
        return FormValidation.ok();
    } catch (GeneralSecurityException e) {
        return FormValidation.error(e, "Signature verification failed in the update center '" + getId() + "'");

From source file:test.unit.be.fedict.eid.applet.service.SignatureDataMessageHandlerTest.java

public void testHandleMessageWithAudit() throws Exception {
    // setup//from  w w  w.ja v a2 s .c o m
    KeyPair keyPair = MiscTestUtils.generateKeyPair();
    DateTime notBefore = new DateTime();
    DateTime notAfter = notBefore.plusYears(1);
    X509Certificate certificate = MiscTestUtils.generateCertificate(keyPair.getPublic(),
            "CN=Test,SERIALNUMBER=1234", notBefore, notAfter, null, keyPair.getPrivate(), true, 0, null, null);

    ServletConfig mockServletConfig = EasyMock.createMock(ServletConfig.class);
    Map<String, String> httpHeaders = new HashMap<String, String>();
    HttpSession mockHttpSession = EasyMock.createMock(HttpSession.class);
    HttpServletRequest mockServletRequest = EasyMock.createMock(HttpServletRequest.class);


    MessageDigest messageDigest = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA1");
    byte[] document = "hello world".getBytes();
    byte[] digestValue = messageDigest.digest(document);

    SignatureDataMessage message = new SignatureDataMessage();
    message.certificateChain = new LinkedList<X509Certificate>();

    Signature signature = Signature.getInstance("SHA1withRSA");
    byte[] signatureValue = signature.sign();
    message.signatureValue = signatureValue;

    // prepare
    EasyMock.replay(mockServletConfig, mockHttpSession, mockServletRequest);

    // operate
    AppletServiceServlet.injectInitParams(mockServletConfig, this.testedInstance);
    this.testedInstance.handleMessage(message, httpHeaders, mockServletRequest, mockHttpSession);

    // verify
    EasyMock.verify(mockServletConfig, mockHttpSession, mockServletRequest);
    assertEquals(signatureValue, SignatureTestService.getSignatureValue());
    assertEquals("1234", AuditTestService.getAuditSigningUserId());

From source file:edu.byu.wso2.apim.extensions.JWTDecoder.java

private boolean verifySignature(Certificate publicCert, byte[] decodedSignature, String base64EncodedHeader,
        String base64EncodedBody, String base64EncodedSignature)
        throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, InvalidKeyException, SignatureException {
    // create signature instance with signature algorithm and public cert,
    // to verify the signature.
    Signature verifySig = Signature.getInstance("SHA256withRSA");
    // init//from w ww . j  a va2  s  .  c om
    // update signature with signature data.
    verifySig.update((base64EncodedHeader + "." + base64EncodedBody).getBytes());
    // do the verification
    return verifySig.verify(decodedSignature);

From source file:com.example.android.basicandroidkeystore.BasicAndroidKeyStoreFragment.java

 * Given some data and a signature, uses the key pair stored in the Android Key Store to verify
 * that the data was signed by this application, using that key pair.
 * @param input The data to be verified.
 * @param signatureStr The signature provided for the data.
 * @return A boolean value telling you whether the signature is valid or not.
 *///  w  w  w.  j av a  2s .c  o  m
public boolean verifyData(String input, String signatureStr)
        throws KeyStoreException, CertificateException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, IOException,
        UnrecoverableEntryException, InvalidKeyException, SignatureException {
    byte[] data = input.getBytes();
    byte[] signature;
    // BEGIN_INCLUDE(decode_signature)

    // Make sure the signature string exists.  If not, bail out, nothing to do.

    if (signatureStr == null) {
        Log.w(TAG, "Invalid signature.");
        Log.w(TAG, "Exiting verifyData()...");
        return false;

    try {
        // The signature is going to be examined as a byte array,
        // not as a base64 encoded string.
        signature = Base64.decode(signatureStr, Base64.DEFAULT);
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
        // signatureStr wasn't null, but might not have been encoded properly.
        // It's not a valid Base64 string.
        return false;
    // END_INCLUDE(decode_signature)

    KeyStore ks = KeyStore.getInstance("AndroidKeyStore");

    // Weird artifact of Java API.  If you don't have an InputStream to load, you still need
    // to call "load", or it'll crash.

    // Load the key pair from the Android Key Store
    KeyStore.Entry entry = ks.getEntry(mAlias, null);

    if (entry == null) {
        Log.w(TAG, "No key found under alias: " + mAlias);
        Log.w(TAG, "Exiting verifyData()...");
        return false;

    if (!(entry instanceof KeyStore.PrivateKeyEntry)) {
        Log.w(TAG, "Not an instance of a PrivateKeyEntry");
        return false;

    // This class doesn't actually represent the signature,
    // just the engine for creating/verifying signatures, using
    // the specified algorithm.
    Signature s = Signature.getInstance(SecurityConstants.SIGNATURE_SHA256withRSA);

    // BEGIN_INCLUDE(verify_data)
    // Verify the data.
    s.initVerify(((KeyStore.PrivateKeyEntry) entry).getCertificate());
    return s.verify(signature);
    // END_INCLUDE(verify_data)

From source file:test.integ.be.fedict.commons.eid.client.JCATest.java

public void testLocale() throws Exception {
    Security.addProvider(new BeIDProvider());

    KeyStore keyStore = KeyStore.getInstance("BeID");
    BeIDKeyStoreParameter beIDKeyStoreParameter = new BeIDKeyStoreParameter();
    beIDKeyStoreParameter.setLogger(new TestLogger());

    PrivateKey privateKey = (PrivateKey) keyStore.getKey("Signature", null);

    Signature signature = Signature.getInstance("SHA1withRSA");
    signature.initSign(privateKey);/*w w w  . j a  v a2  s.  com*/

    byte[] toBeSigned = "hello world".getBytes();

From source file:mx.bigdata.sat.cfdi.CFDv33.java

String getSignature(PrivateKey key) throws Exception {
    byte[] bytes = getOriginalBytes();
    Signature sig = Signature.getInstance("SHA256withRSA");
    sig.initSign(key);/* w  w  w.  java 2  s  .  com*/
    byte[] signed = sig.sign();
    Base64 b64 = new Base64(-1);
    return b64.encodeToString(signed);

From source file:com.mytalentfolio.h_daforum.CconnectToServer.java

 * Returns the string formatted digital signature for the data.
 * //from ww  w  .ja  v  a2 s  .  co m
 * @param key
 *            Private key for signing the data.
 * @param data
 *            Data for which the signature is to be generated.
 * @return signed data with the provide private key.
 * @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException
 *             if the specified algorithm is not available.
 * @throws InvalidKeyException
 *             if privateKey is not valid.
 * @throws SignatureException
 *             if this Signature instance is not initialized properly.
private String getDataSig(PrivateKey key, String data)
        throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, InvalidKeyException, SignatureException {

    // Generate Signature For the data
    Signature signature = Signature.getInstance("SHA256withRSA");
    byte[] sigBytes = signature.sign();
    return Base64.encodeToString(sigBytes, Base64.DEFAULT);

From source file:es.gob.afirma.signers.ooxml.be.fedict.eid.applet.service.signer.AbstractXmlSignatureService.java

private byte[] getSignedXML(final String digestAlgo, final List<DigestInfo> digestInfos,
        final List<X509Certificate> signingCertificateChain, final PrivateKey signingKey)
        throws ParserConfigurationException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, InvalidAlgorithmParameterException,
        MarshalException, javax.xml.crypto.dsig.XMLSignatureException, TransformerException, IOException,
        SAXException {/*www .  jav a 2 s .c  o m*/
    // DOM Document construction.
    Document document = getEnvelopingDocument();
    if (null == document) {
        final DocumentBuilderFactory documentBuilderFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
        document = documentBuilderFactory.newDocumentBuilder().newDocument();

    final XMLSignContext xmlSignContext = new DOMSignContext(signingKey, document);
    final URIDereferencer uriDereferencer = getURIDereferencer();
    if (null != uriDereferencer) {

    final XMLSignatureFactory signatureFactory = XMLSignatureFactory.getInstance("DOM", //$NON-NLS-1$
            new org.jcp.xml.dsig.internal.dom.XMLDSigRI());

    // Add ds:References that come from signing client local files.
    final List<Reference> references = new LinkedList<Reference>();
    addDigestInfosAsReferences(digestInfos, signatureFactory, references);

    // Invoke the signature facets.
    final String signatureId = "xmldsig-" + UUID.randomUUID().toString(); //$NON-NLS-1$
    final List<XMLObject> objects = new LinkedList<XMLObject>();
    for (final SignatureFacet signatureFacet : this.signatureFacets) {
        signatureFacet.preSign(signatureFactory, document, signatureId, signingCertificateChain, references,

    // ds:SignedInfo
    final SignatureMethod signatureMethod = signatureFactory.newSignatureMethod(getSignatureMethod(digestAlgo),
    final SignedInfo signedInfo = signatureFactory.newSignedInfo(signatureFactory.newCanonicalizationMethod(
            getCanonicalizationMethod(), (C14NMethodParameterSpec) null), signatureMethod, references);

    // Creamos el KeyInfo
    final KeyInfoFactory kif = signatureFactory.getKeyInfoFactory();
    final List<Object> x509Content = new ArrayList<Object>();

    final List<Object> content = new ArrayList<Object>();
    try {
    } catch (final Exception e) {
        Logger.getLogger("es.gob.afirma") //$NON-NLS-1$
                .severe("Error creando el KeyInfo, la informacion puede resultar incompleta: " + e); //$NON-NLS-1$

    // JSR105 ds:Signature creation
    final String signatureValueId = signatureId + "-signature-value"; //$NON-NLS-1$
    final javax.xml.crypto.dsig.XMLSignature xmlSignature = signatureFactory.newXMLSignature(signedInfo,
            kif.newKeyInfo(content), // KeyInfo
            objects, signatureId, signatureValueId);

    // ds:Signature Marshalling.
    final DOMXMLSignature domXmlSignature = (DOMXMLSignature) xmlSignature;
    Node documentNode = document.getDocumentElement();
    if (null == documentNode) {
        documentNode = document; // In case of an empty DOM document.
    final String dsPrefix = null;
    domXmlSignature.marshal(documentNode, dsPrefix, (DOMCryptoContext) xmlSignContext);

    // Completion of undigested ds:References in the ds:Manifests.
    for (final XMLObject object : objects) {

        final List<XMLStructure> objectContentList = object.getContent();
        for (final XMLStructure objectContent : objectContentList) {
            if (!(objectContent instanceof Manifest)) {
            final Manifest manifest = (Manifest) objectContent;
            final List<Reference> manifestReferences = manifest.getReferences();
            for (final Reference manifestReference : manifestReferences) {
                if (null != manifestReference.getDigestValue()) {
                final DOMReference manifestDOMReference = (DOMReference) manifestReference;

    // Completion of undigested ds:References.
    final List<Reference> signedInfoReferences = signedInfo.getReferences();
    for (final Reference signedInfoReference : signedInfoReferences) {
        final DOMReference domReference = (DOMReference) signedInfoReference;
        if (null != domReference.getDigestValue()) {
            // ds:Reference with external digest value

    // Calculation of signature
    final DOMSignedInfo domSignedInfo = (DOMSignedInfo) signedInfo;
    final ByteArrayOutputStream dataStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    domSignedInfo.canonicalize(xmlSignContext, dataStream);
    final byte[] octets = dataStream.toByteArray();
    final Signature sig = Signature.getInstance(digestAlgo.replace("-", "") + "withRSA"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$
    final byte[] sigBytes;
    try {
        sigBytes = sig.sign();
    } catch (final Exception e) {
        throw new javax.xml.crypto.dsig.XMLSignatureException(
                "Error en la firma PKCS#1 ('" + digestAlgo + "withRSA): " + e); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$

    // Sacamos el pre-XML a un OutputStream
    final ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    writeDocument(document, baos);

    // Ya tenemos el XML, con la firma vacia y el SignatureValue, cada uno
    // por su lado...
    return postSign(baos.toByteArray(), signingCertificateChain, signatureId, sigBytes);


From source file:org.hyperledger.fabric.sdk.security.CryptoPrimitives.java

public boolean verify(byte[] pemCertificate, String signatureAlgorithm, byte[] signature, byte[] plainText)
        throws CryptoException {
    boolean isVerified = false;

    if (plainText == null || signature == null || pemCertificate == null) {
        return false;
    }//from   ww  w.  j a va 2 s. c o m

    if (config.extraLogLevel(10)) {
        if (null != diagnosticFileDumper) {
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(10000);
            sb.append("plaintext in hex: ").append(DatatypeConverter.printHexBinary(plainText)).append("\n")
                    .append("signature in hex: " + DatatypeConverter.printHexBinary(signature)).append("\n")
                    .append("PEM cert in hex: " + DatatypeConverter.printHexBinary(pemCertificate));
            logger.trace("verify :  " + diagnosticFileDumper.createDiagnosticFile(sb.toString()));

    try {

        X509Certificate certificate = getX509Certificate(pemCertificate);

        if (certificate != null) {

            isVerified = validateCertificate(certificate);
            if (isVerified) { // only proceed if cert is trusted

                Signature sig = Signature.getInstance(signatureAlgorithm);
                isVerified = sig.verify(signature);
    } catch (InvalidKeyException e) {
        CryptoException ex = new CryptoException("Cannot verify signature. Error is: " + e.getMessage()
                + "\r\nCertificate: " + DatatypeConverter.printHexBinary(pemCertificate), e);
        logger.error(ex.getMessage(), ex);
        throw ex;
    } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException | SignatureException e) {
        CryptoException ex = new CryptoException(
                "Cannot verify. Signature algorithm is invalid. Error is: " + e.getMessage(), e);
        logger.error(ex.getMessage(), ex);
        throw ex;

    return isVerified;

From source file:edu.lternet.pasta.gatekeeper.GatekeeperFilter.java

private byte[] generateSignature(String tokenString) {

    byte[] signature = null;

    File ksFile = ConfigurationListener.getLterKeyStore();
    String ksType = ConfigurationListener.getLterKeyStoreType();
    String ksAlias = ConfigurationListener.getLterKeyStoreAlias();
    char[] storePass = ConfigurationListener.getLterStorePasswd().toCharArray();
    char[] keyPass = ConfigurationListener.getLterKeyPasswd().toCharArray();

    try {/*w w w.j av  a 2s.  c o m*/

        KeyStore ks = KeyStore.getInstance(ksType);
        FileInputStream ksFis = new FileInputStream(ksFile);
        BufferedInputStream ksBufIn = new BufferedInputStream(ksFis);

        ks.load(ksBufIn, storePass);
        PrivateKey priv = (PrivateKey) ks.getKey(ksAlias, keyPass);

        Signature rsa = Signature.getInstance("MD5withRSA");

        signature = rsa.sign();

    } catch (Exception e) {

    return signature;
