List of usage examples for SecureRandom SecureRandom
public SecureRandom()
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public static void loadDimData(NBTTagCompound data) { if (!data.hasKey("Seed")) { data.setLong("Seed", new SecureRandom().nextLong()); }//w w w . j a v a 2 s. com if (!data.hasKey("SubsurfaceHeight")) { data.setInteger("SubsurfaceHeight", Config.subsurfaceHeight); } dimensionSeed = data.getLong("Seed"); subsurfaceHeight = data.getInteger("SubsurfaceHeight"); NBTTagCompound dat = data.getCompoundTag("TeleportPos"); if (dat != null) { int posX = dat.getInteger("PosX"); int posY = dat.getInteger("PosY"); int posZ = dat.getInteger("PosZ"); recentTeleportPos = new ChunkCoordinates(posX, posY, posZ); } }
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@Test public void testClientInitiatedSignup() throws Exception { String userEmail = "user" + new SecureRandom().nextInt() + ""; webDriver.get(baseUrl + "/create_account?client_id=app"); Assert.assertEquals("Create your account", webDriver.findElement(By.tagName("h1")).getText()); int receivedEmailSize = simpleSmtpServer.getReceivedEmailSize(); webDriver.findElement("email")).sendKeys(userEmail); webDriver.findElement("password")).sendKeys("secret"); webDriver.findElement("password_confirmation")).sendKeys("secret"); webDriver.findElement(By.xpath("//input[@value='Send activation link']")).click(); Assert.assertEquals(receivedEmailSize + 1, simpleSmtpServer.getReceivedEmailSize()); Iterator receivedEmail = simpleSmtpServer.getReceivedEmail(); SmtpMessage message = (SmtpMessage); receivedEmail.remove();//from www . jav a 2s.c o m Assert.assertEquals(userEmail, message.getHeaderValue("To")); Assert.assertThat(message.getBody(), containsString("Activate your account")); Assert.assertEquals("Please check email for an activation link.", webDriver.findElement(By.cssSelector(".instructions-sent")).getText()); String link = testClient.extractLink(message.getBody()); assertFalse(isEmpty(link)); webDriver.get(link); Assert.assertThat(webDriver.findElement(By.cssSelector("h1")).getText(), not(containsString("Where to?"))); }
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public int poll() throws Exception { /** Always ignore authentication protocol errors. */ if (ignoreAuthenticationFailure) { SSLContext sslContext = SSLContext.getInstance("SSL"); // set up a TrustManager that trusts everything sslContext.init(null, new TrustManager[] { new EasyX509TrustManager() }, new SecureRandom()); SchemeRegistry schemeRegistry = new SchemeRegistry(); SSLSocketFactory sf = new SSLSocketFactory(sslContext); Scheme httpsScheme = new Scheme("https", sf, 443); schemeRegistry.register(httpsScheme); SocketFactory sfa = new PlainSocketFactory(); Scheme httpScheme = new Scheme("http", sfa, 80); schemeRegistry.register(httpScheme); HttpParams params = new BasicHttpParams(); ClientConnectionManager cm = new SingleClientConnManager(params, schemeRegistry); client = new DefaultHttpClient(cm, params); } else {/*w w w . j av a 2 s . com*/ client = new DefaultHttpClient(); } String proxyHost = getHttpCrawlerEndpoint().getProxyHost(); Integer proxyPort = getHttpCrawlerEndpoint().getProxyPort(); if (proxyHost != null && proxyPort != null) { HttpHost proxy = new HttpHost(proxyHost, proxyPort); client.getParams().setParameter(ConnRoutePNames.DEFAULT_PROXY, proxy); } else { ProxySelectorRoutePlanner routePlanner = new ProxySelectorRoutePlanner( client.getConnectionManager().getSchemeRegistry(), ProxySelector.getDefault()); client.setRoutePlanner(routePlanner); } /** The target location may demand authentication. We setup preemptive authentication. */ if (getHttpCrawlerEndpoint().getAuthenticationUser() != null && getHttpCrawlerEndpoint().getAuthenticationPassword() != null) { client.getCredentialsProvider().setCredentials( new AuthScope(getHttpCrawlerEndpoint().getDomain(), getHttpCrawlerEndpoint().getPort()), new UsernamePasswordCredentials(getHttpCrawlerEndpoint().getAuthenticationUser(), getHttpCrawlerEndpoint().getAuthenticationPassword())); } /** Set default cookie policy and store. Can be overridden for a specific method using for example; * method.getParams().setParameter(ClientPNames.COOKIE_POLICY, CookiePolicy.BROWSER_COMPATIBILITY); */ client.setCookieStore(cookieStore); client.getParams().setParameter(ClientPNames.COOKIE_POLICY, CookiePolicy.BEST_MATCH); String uriStr = getHttpCrawlerEndpoint().getProtocol() + "://" + getHttpCrawlerEndpoint().getDomain(); if (getHttpCrawlerEndpoint().getPort() != 80) { uriStr += ":" + getHttpCrawlerEndpoint().getPort() + "" + getHttpCrawlerEndpoint().getPath(); } else { uriStr += getHttpCrawlerEndpoint().getPath(); } URI uri = new URI(uriStr); if (getHttpCrawlerEndpoint().getPort() != 80) { target = new HttpHost(getHttpCrawlerEndpoint().getDomain(), getHttpCrawlerEndpoint().getPort(), getHttpCrawlerEndpoint().getProtocol()); } else { target = new HttpHost(getHttpCrawlerEndpoint().getDomain()); } localContext = new BasicHttpContext(); localContext.setAttribute(ClientContext.COOKIE_STORE, cookieStore); /** Default boundary is the domain. */ getHttpCrawlerEndpoint().getBoundaries() .add(getHttpCrawlerEndpoint().getProtocol() + "://" + getHttpCrawlerEndpoint().getDomain()); HttpUriRequest method = createInitialRequest(uri); HttpResponse response = client.execute(target, method, localContext); if (response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == 200) { processSite(uri, response); } else if (response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == 302) { HttpHost target = (HttpHost) localContext.getAttribute(ExecutionContext.HTTP_TARGET_HOST); HttpGet get = new HttpGet(target.toURI()); // HttpGet get = new HttpGet(""); /** Read the response fully, to clear it. */ HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity(); HttpClientConfigurer.readFully(entity.getContent()); response = client.execute(target, get, localContext); processSite(uri, response); System.out.println("Final target: " + target); } else { HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity(); InputStream instream = entity.getContent(); System.out.println(HttpClientConfigurer.readFully(instream)); } return 0; }
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/** * Gets a SchemeRegistry object accepting all the X509 certificates by default. * @return A SchemeRegistry object.//from w w w . j a va2 s. c o m */ private SchemeRegistry getSchemeRegistry() { // SSLContext sslContext = null; try { sslContext = SSLContext.getInstance("SSL"); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { logger.fatal("Fatal error (SSL cannot be used, no such algorithm. Details=" + e.getMessage() + ")"); return null; } // try catch try { // set up a TrustManager that trusts everything sslContext.init(null, new TrustManager[] { new X509TrustManager() { @Override public X509Certificate[] getAcceptedIssuers() { return null; } // getAcceptedIssuers @Override public void checkClientTrusted(X509Certificate[] certs, String authType) { } // getAcceptedIssuers @Override public void checkServerTrusted(X509Certificate[] certs, String authType) { } // checkServerTrusted } }, new SecureRandom()); } catch (KeyManagementException e) { logger.fatal("Fatal error (Cannot ignore SSL certificates. Details=" + e.getMessage() + ")"); return null; } // try catch if (sslContext == null) { logger.fatal("Fatal error (Cannot ignore SSL certificates, SSL context is null)"); return null; } // if SSLSocketFactory sf = new SSLSocketFactory(sslContext); Scheme httpsScheme = new Scheme("https", 443, sf); SchemeRegistry schemeRegistry = new SchemeRegistry(); schemeRegistry.register(httpsScheme); return schemeRegistry; }
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private void cryptoCipherTestForInputStream(int count, String encCipherClass, String decCipherClass, byte[] iv) throws IOException { Cipher encCipher = null;/*from w ww . ja va 2 m*/ try { encCipher = (Cipher) ReflectionUtils.newInstance(ReflectionUtils.getClassByName(encCipherClass), props, transformation); } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) { throw new IOException("Illegal crypto cipher!"); }"Created a cipher object of type: " + encCipherClass); // Generate data SecureRandom random = new SecureRandom(); byte[] originalData = new byte[count]; byte[] decryptedData = new byte[count]; random.nextBytes(originalData);"Generated " + count + " records"); // Encrypt data ByteArrayOutputStream encryptedData = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); CTRCryptoOutputStream out = new CTRCryptoOutputStream(encryptedData, encCipher, bufferSize, key, iv); out.write(originalData, 0, originalData.length); out.flush(); out.close();"Finished encrypting data"); Cipher decCipher = null; try { decCipher = (Cipher) ReflectionUtils.newInstance(ReflectionUtils.getClassByName(decCipherClass), props, transformation); } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) { throw new IOException("Illegal crypto cipher!"); }"Created a cipher object of type: " + decCipherClass); // Decrypt data CTRCryptoInputStream in = new CTRCryptoInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(encryptedData.toByteArray()), decCipher, bufferSize, key, iv); // Check int remainingToRead = count; int offset = 0; while (remainingToRead > 0) { int n =, offset, decryptedData.length - offset); if (n >= 0) { remainingToRead -= n; offset += n; } } Assert.assertArrayEquals("originalData and decryptedData not equal", originalData, decryptedData); // Decrypt data byte-at-a-time in = new CTRCryptoInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(encryptedData.toByteArray()), decCipher, bufferSize, key, iv); // Check DataInputStream originalIn = new DataInputStream( new BufferedInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(originalData))); int expected; do { expected =; Assert.assertEquals("Decrypted stream read by byte does not match", expected,; } while (expected != -1);"SUCCESS! Completed checking " + count + " records"); }
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public String getEncryptedMessage(byte[] data) { Security.addProvider(new BouncyCastleProvider()); try {/*from w w w . j a v a 2 s. c o m*/ ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); OutputStream out = new ArmoredOutputStream(baos); byte[] compressedData = compressFile(data, CompressionAlgorithmTags.ZIP); PGPEncryptedDataGenerator encGen = new PGPEncryptedDataGenerator( new JcePGPDataEncryptorBuilder(PGPEncryptedData.AES_128).setWithIntegrityPacket(true) .setSecureRandom(new SecureRandom()).setProvider("BC")); encGen.addMethod(new JcePublicKeyKeyEncryptionMethodGenerator(this.publicKey).setProvider("BC")); OutputStream cOut =, compressedData.length); cOut.write(compressedData); cOut.close(); out.close(); baos.flush(); return new String(baos.toByteArray()); } catch (PGPException | IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; }
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/** * Private encryption method./*from w ww. j av a 2 s. c o m*/ * * @param keystring * @param message * @param bits * @return bytearray containing encrypted message * @throws Exception */ private static byte[] encrypt(String keystring, String message, int bits) throws Exception { byte[] encValue = null; SecureRandom random = new SecureRandom(); byte[] nonceBytes = new byte[8]; random.nextBytes(nonceBytes); IvParameterSpec nonce = new IvParameterSpec(Arrays.copyOf(nonceBytes, 16)); Key key = generateKey(keystring, bits); Cipher c = Cipher.getInstance(ALGORITHM); c.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, key, nonce); byte[] ciphertextWithoutNonce = c.doFinal(message.getBytes("UTF-8")); encValue = Arrays.copyOf(nonceBytes, nonceBytes.length + ciphertextWithoutNonce.length); for (int i = 0; i < ciphertextWithoutNonce.length; i++) { encValue[i + 8] = ciphertextWithoutNonce[i]; } return encValue; }
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/** * For simplicity, we generate the nonce in the client. However, it should be generated on the * server for anti-replay protection.// w w w . j a v a2 s .c om */ private byte[] generateNonce() { byte[] nonce = new byte[32]; SecureRandom secureRandom = new SecureRandom(); secureRandom.nextBytes(nonce); return nonce; }
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@Override public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response, FilterChain chain) throws IOException, ServletException { HttpServletRequest httpReq = (HttpServletRequest) request; HttpServletResponse httpRes = (HttpServletResponse) response; UrlExclusionList exclList = (UrlExclusionList) request.getServletContext() .getAttribute(SecurityConstant.CSRF_CHECK_URL_EXCL_LIST_ATTR_NAME); logger.debug("doFilter: request from IP address=" + httpReq.getRemoteAddr()); if (httpReq.getSession(false) == null) { chain.doFilter(request, response); return;// w ww. j a v m } logger.debug("doFilter: matching " + httpReq.getRequestURI() + " to exclusions list " + exclList.getExclusionMap()); try { if (!exclList.isEmpty() && exclList.isMatch(httpReq.getRequestURI())) { chain.doFilter(request, response); return; } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("doFilter", e); } // Check the user session for the salt cache, if none is present we // create one Cache<SecurityInfo, SecurityInfo> csrfPreventionSaltCache = (Cache<SecurityInfo, SecurityInfo>) httpReq .getSession().getAttribute(SecurityConstant.SALT_CACHE_ATTR_NAME); if (csrfPreventionSaltCache == null) { if (tokenTimeout == -1) { csrfPreventionSaltCache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder().maximumSize(1000).build(); } else { csrfPreventionSaltCache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder().maximumSize(1000) .expireAfterAccess(tokenTimeout, TimeUnit.SECONDS).build(); } httpReq.getSession().setAttribute(SecurityConstant.SALT_CACHE_ATTR_NAME, csrfPreventionSaltCache); String nameSalt = RandomStringUtils.random(10, 0, 0, true, true, null, new SecureRandom()); httpReq.getSession().setAttribute(SecurityConstant.SALT_PARAM_NAME, nameSalt); } // Generate the salt and store it in the users cache String salt = RandomStringUtils.random(20, 0, 0, true, true, null, new SecureRandom()); String saltNameAttr = (String) httpReq.getSession().getAttribute(SecurityConstant.SALT_PARAM_NAME); SecurityInfo si = new SecurityInfo(saltNameAttr, salt); if (SecurityTokenFilter.checkReferer) { String refHeader = StringUtils.defaultString(httpReq.getHeader("Referer")); logger.debug("doFilter: refHeader=" + refHeader); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(refHeader)) { try { URL refUrl = new URL(refHeader); refHeader = refUrl.getHost(); } catch (MalformedURLException mex) { logger.debug("doFilter: parsing referer header failed", mex); } } si.setRefererHost(refHeader); } logger.debug("doFilter: si=" + si.toString()); csrfPreventionSaltCache.put(si, si); // Add the salt to the current request so it can be used // by the page rendered in this request httpReq.setAttribute(SecurityConstant.SALT_ATTR_NAME, si); // set CSRF cookie HttpSession session = httpReq.getSession(false); if (session != null && StringUtils.isNotBlank(csrfCookieName)) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { Cookie[] cookies = httpReq.getCookies(); // boolean cookiePresent = false; for (Cookie c : cookies) { String name = c.getName(); logger.debug("doFilter: cookie domain=" + c.getDomain() + "|name=" + name + "|value=" + c.getValue() + "|path=" + c.getPath() + "|maxage=" + c.getMaxAge() + "|httpOnly=" + c.isHttpOnly()); // if (csrfCookieName.equals(name)) { // cookiePresent = true; // break; // } } } // if (!cookiePresent) { byte[] hashSalt = new byte[32]; SecureRandom sr = new SecureRandom(); sr.nextBytes(hashSalt); String csrfHash = RandomStringUtils.random(64, 0, 0, true, true, null, sr); Cookie c = new Cookie(csrfCookieName, csrfHash); c.setMaxAge(1800); c.setSecure(false); c.setPath(httpReq.getContextPath()); c.setHttpOnly(false); httpRes.addCookie(c); // session.setAttribute(SecurityConstant.CSRFCOOKIE_VALUE_PARAM, // hashStr); // } } chain.doFilter(request, response); }