List of usage examples for SecureRandom nextBytes
@Override public void nextBytes(byte[] bytes)
From source
TrustedTokenKey(long version, byte[] key) throws ServiceException { mVersion = version;// ww w . j av a 2 s . com mCreated = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (key != null) { mKey = key; } else { SecureRandom random = new SecureRandom(); mKey = new byte[KEY_SIZE_BYTES]; random.nextBytes(mKey); } }
From source
/** * Build the SAML V2.0 Artifact type of Type Code 0x0004 * Artifact length : 44 bytes// w ww .java2s. c o m * * SAML V2.0 defines an artifact type of type code 0x0004 * Identification:urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:artifact-04 * * SAML_artifact := B64(TypeCode EndpointIndex RemainingArtifact) * TypeCode := Byte1Byte2 * EndpointIndex := Byte1Byte2 * * TypeCode := 0x0004 * RemainingArtifact := SourceID MessageHandle * SourceID := 20-byte_sequence * MessageHandle := 20-byte_sequence * * @return SAML V2.0 Artifact type of Type Code 0x0004 */ private String buildSAML2Artifact() throws IdentityException, NoSuchAlgorithmException { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Building Artifact"); } //Endpoint Index byte[] endpointIndex = { 0, 0 }; //Source ID MessageDigest sha1Digester = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-1"); String issuerID = SAMLSSOUtil.getIssuer().getValue(); byte[] sourceID = sha1Digester.digest(issuerID.getBytes()); //MessageHandle SecureRandom handleGenerator = SecureRandom.getInstance("SHA1PRNG"); byte[] messageHandle; messageHandle = new byte[20]; handleGenerator.nextBytes(messageHandle); byte[] artifactByteArray = new byte[44]; System.arraycopy(SAMLSSOConstants.SAML2_ARTIFACT_TYPE_CODE, 0, artifactByteArray, 0, 2); System.arraycopy(endpointIndex, 0, artifactByteArray, 2, 2); System.arraycopy(sourceID, 0, artifactByteArray, 4, 20); System.arraycopy(messageHandle, 0, artifactByteArray, 24, 20); return new String(Base64.encode(artifactByteArray)); }
From source
private static void exportIdPMetadata(Options options, CommandLine cmd, TremoloType tt, KeyStore ks) throws Exception, KeyStoreException, CertificateEncodingException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, UnrecoverableKeyException, SecurityException, MarshallingException, SignatureException { InitializationService.initialize();/*from www . ja v a2s . c o m*/"Finding IdP..."); String idpName = loadOption(cmd, "idpName", options); ApplicationType idp = null; for (ApplicationType app : tt.getApplications().getApplication()) { if (app.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(idpName)) { idp = app; } } if (idp == null) { throw new Exception("IdP '" + idpName + "' not found"); }"Loading the base URL"); String baseURL = loadOption(cmd, "urlBase", options); String url = baseURL + idp.getUrls().getUrl().get(0).getUri(); SecureRandom random = new SecureRandom(); byte[] idBytes = new byte[20]; random.nextBytes(idBytes); StringBuffer b = new StringBuffer(); b.append('f').append(Hex.encodeHexString(idBytes)); String id = b.toString(); EntityDescriptorBuilder edb = new EntityDescriptorBuilder(); EntityDescriptor ed = edb.buildObject(); ed.setID(id); ed.setEntityID(url); IDPSSODescriptorBuilder idpssdb = new IDPSSODescriptorBuilder(); IDPSSODescriptor sd = idpssdb.buildObject();//ed.getSPSSODescriptor("urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:protocol"); sd.addSupportedProtocol("urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:protocol"); ed.getRoleDescriptors().add(sd); HashMap<String, List<String>> params = new HashMap<String, List<String>>(); for (ParamType pt : idp.getUrls().getUrl().get(0).getIdp().getParams()) { List<String> vals = params.get(pt.getName()); if (vals == null) { vals = new ArrayList<String>(); params.put(pt.getName(), vals); } vals.add(pt.getValue()); } sd.setWantAuthnRequestsSigned(params.containsKey("requireSignedAuthn") && params.get("requireSignedAuthn").get(0).equalsIgnoreCase("true")); KeyDescriptorBuilder kdb = new KeyDescriptorBuilder(); if (params.get("encKey") != null && !params.get("encKey").isEmpty() && (ks.getCertificate(params.get("encKey").get(0)) != null)) { KeyDescriptor kd = kdb.buildObject(); kd.setUse(UsageType.ENCRYPTION); KeyInfoBuilder kib = new KeyInfoBuilder(); KeyInfo ki = kib.buildObject(); X509DataBuilder x509b = new X509DataBuilder(); X509Data x509 = x509b.buildObject(); X509CertificateBuilder certb = new X509CertificateBuilder(); org.opensaml.xmlsec.signature.X509Certificate cert = certb.buildObject(); cert.setValue(Base64.encode(ks.getCertificate(params.get("encKey").get(0)).getEncoded())); x509.getX509Certificates().add(cert); ki.getX509Datas().add(x509); kd.setKeyInfo(ki); sd.getKeyDescriptors().add(kd); } if (params.get("sigKey") != null && !params.get("sigKey").isEmpty() && (ks.getCertificate(params.get("sigKey").get(0)) != null)) { KeyDescriptor kd = kdb.buildObject(); kd.setUse(UsageType.SIGNING); KeyInfoBuilder kib = new KeyInfoBuilder(); KeyInfo ki = kib.buildObject(); X509DataBuilder x509b = new X509DataBuilder(); X509Data x509 = x509b.buildObject(); X509CertificateBuilder certb = new X509CertificateBuilder(); org.opensaml.xmlsec.signature.X509Certificate cert = certb.buildObject(); cert.setValue(Base64.encode(ks.getCertificate(params.get("sigKey").get(0)).getEncoded())); x509.getX509Certificates().add(cert); ki.getX509Datas().add(x509); kd.setKeyInfo(ki); sd.getKeyDescriptors().add(kd); } HashSet<String> nameids = new HashSet<String>(); for (TrustType trustType : idp.getUrls().getUrl().get(0).getIdp().getTrusts().getTrust()) { for (ParamType pt : trustType.getParam()) { if (pt.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("nameIdMap")) { String val = pt.getValue().substring(0, pt.getValue().indexOf('=')); if (!nameids.contains(val)) { nameids.add(val); } } } } NameIDFormatBuilder nifb = new NameIDFormatBuilder(); for (String nidf : nameids) { NameIDFormat nif = nifb.buildObject(); nif.setFormat(nidf); sd.getNameIDFormats().add(nif); } SingleSignOnServiceBuilder ssosb = new SingleSignOnServiceBuilder(); SingleSignOnService sso = ssosb.buildObject(); sso.setBinding("urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-POST"); sso.setLocation(url + "/httpPost"); sd.getSingleSignOnServices().add(sso); sso = ssosb.buildObject(); sso.setBinding("urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-Redirect"); sso.setLocation(url + "/httpRedirect"); sd.getSingleSignOnServices().add(sso); String signingKey = loadOptional(cmd, "signMetadataWithKey", options); if (signingKey != null && ks.getCertificate(signingKey) != null) { BasicX509Credential signingCredential = new BasicX509Credential( (X509Certificate) ks.getCertificate(signingKey), (PrivateKey) ks.getKey(signingKey, tt.getKeyStorePassword().toCharArray())); Signature signature = OpenSAMLUtils.buildSAMLObject(Signature.class); signature.setSigningCredential(signingCredential); signature.setSignatureAlgorithm(SignatureConstants.ALGO_ID_SIGNATURE_RSA_SHA1); signature.setCanonicalizationAlgorithm(SignatureConstants.ALGO_ID_C14N_EXCL_OMIT_COMMENTS); ed.setSignature(signature); try { XMLObjectProviderRegistrySupport.getMarshallerFactory().getMarshaller(ed).marshall(ed); } catch (MarshallingException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } Signer.signObject(signature); } // Get the Subject marshaller EntityDescriptorMarshaller marshaller = new EntityDescriptorMarshaller(); // Marshall the Subject Element assertionElement = marshaller.marshall(ed);; }
From source
ExtAuthTokenKey(long version, byte[] key) throws ServiceException { this.version = version; created = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (key != null) { this.key = key; } else {/*w w w . j a v a 2 s .c o m*/ SecureRandom random = new SecureRandom(); this.key = new byte[KEY_SIZE_BYTES]; random.nextBytes(this.key); } }
From source
AuthTokenKey(long version, byte[] key) throws ServiceException { mVersion = version;/*from ww w . j a v a 2 s. c o m*/ mCreated = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (key != null) { mKey = key; } else { SecureRandom random = new SecureRandom(); mKey = new byte[KEY_SIZE_BYTES]; random.nextBytes(mKey); } }
From source
private synchronized void createSymmetricPassphrase() { if (symmetricKey == null) { symmetricKey = securityProviderConnector.generateSecretKey(); SecureRandom randomSecureRandom = new SecureRandom(); iv = new byte[16]; randomSecureRandom.nextBytes(iv); byte[] encodedKey = symmetricKey.getEncoded(); concatenated = new byte[iv.length + encodedKey.length]; System.arraycopy(iv, 0, concatenated, 0, iv.length); System.arraycopy(encodedKey, 0, concatenated, iv.length, encodedKey.length); }// w w w . ja v a2 s . c o m }
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private String generateAndStoreToken(String orcid) { // Generate a random token SecureRandom random = new SecureRandom(); byte[] bytes = new byte[16]; random.nextBytes(bytes); byte[] encoded = Base64.encodeBase64(bytes); String token = new String(encoded); // Insert it into the DB internalSSODao.insert(orcid, token); return token; }
From source
/** * @param version//from w w w.ja v a 2s. c o m * @param key * @throws ServiceException */ CsrfTokenKey(long version, byte[] key) throws ServiceException { keyVersion = version; keyCreatedAt = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (key != null) { csrfTokenKey = key; } else { SecureRandom random = new SecureRandom(); csrfTokenKey = new byte[KEY_SIZE_BYTES]; random.nextBytes(csrfTokenKey); } }
From source
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected SAMLArtifactMapEntry stageArtifact(String relyingPartyId) throws Exception { SAMLObjectBuilder<Assertion> assetionBuilder = (SAMLObjectBuilder<Assertion>) builderFactory .getBuilder(Assertion.DEFAULT_ELEMENT_NAME); Assertion assertion = assetionBuilder.buildObject(); SecureRandom handleGenerator = SecureRandom.getInstance("SHA1PRNG"); byte[] assertionHandle = new byte[20]; handleGenerator.nextBytes(assertionHandle); SAML1ArtifactType0002 artifact = new SAML1ArtifactType0002(assertionHandle, relyingPartyId); SAMLArtifactMap artifactMap = (SAMLArtifactMap) getApplicationContext().getBean("shibboleth.ArtifactMap"); artifactMap.put(artifact.base64Encode(), relyingPartyId, "", assertion); return artifactMap.get(artifact.base64Encode()); }
From source
@Override public byte[] allocateAndBind(AuthenticatedPrincipal authenticatedPrincipal) { SecureRandom secureRandom = randomCryptoService.getSecureRandom(); byte[] keyBytes = new byte[SESSION_ID_LENGTH]; secureRandom.nextBytes(keyBytes); CacheKey key = new CacheKey(keyBytes); PrincipalSession principalSession = new PrincipalSession(authenticatedPrincipal); cache.put(key, principalSession);/* w w w.j av a2 s . com*/ context.set(principalSession); return keyBytes; }