List of usage examples for MessageDigest update
public final void update(ByteBuffer input)
From source
/** * @param args the command line arguments */// ww w . j ava2 s . c o m public static void main(String[] args) { MessageDigest md = null; String password = "password D:"; try { //SHA-512 md = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-512"); md.update(password.getBytes()); byte[] mb = md.digest(); System.out.println(Hex.encodeHex(mb)); //SHA-1 md = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-1"); md.update(password.getBytes()); mb = md.digest(); System.out.println(Hex.encodeHex(mb)); //MD5 md = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5"); md.update(password.getBytes()); mb = md.digest(); System.out.println(Hex.encodeHex(mb)); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { //Error } }
From source
public static void main(String[] args) { //String password = args[0]; String password = "test"; MessageDigest digest = null; try {// ww w . j a v a 2 s .co m digest = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5"); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } try { digest.update(password.getBytes("UTF-8")); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } byte[] rawData = digest.digest(); StringBuffer printable = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < rawData.length; i++) { printable.append(carr[((rawData[i] & 0xF0) >> 4)]); printable.append(carr[(rawData[i] & 0x0F)]); } String phpbbPassword = printable.toString(); System.out.println("PHPBB : " + phpbbPassword); System.out.println("MVNFORUM : " + getMD5_Base64(password)); System.out.println("PHPBB->MVNFORUM : " + getBase64FromHEX(phpbbPassword)); }
From source
/** * The main - whole logic of Install Cert Tool. * //from w ww . j av a 2s .co m * @param args * @throws Exception */ public static void main(String[] args) { String host; int port; char[] passphrase; System.out.println("InstallCert - Install CA certificate to Java Keystore"); System.out.println("====================================================="); final BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; try { if ((args.length == 1) || (args.length == 2)) { String[] c = args[0].split(":"); host = c[0]; port = (c.length == 1) ? 443 : Integer.parseInt(c[1]); String p = (args.length == 1) ? "changeit" : args[1]; passphrase = p.toCharArray(); } else { String tmpStr; do { System.out.print("Enter hostname or IP address: "); tmpStr = StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(reader.readLine(), null); } while (tmpStr == null); host = tmpStr; System.out.print("Enter port number [443]: "); tmpStr = StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(reader.readLine(), null); port = tmpStr == null ? 443 : Integer.parseInt(tmpStr); System.out.print("Enter keystore password [changeit]: "); tmpStr = reader.readLine(); String p = "".equals(tmpStr) ? "changeit" : tmpStr; passphrase = p.toCharArray(); } char SEP = File.separatorChar; final File dir = new File(System.getProperty("java.home") + SEP + "lib" + SEP + "security"); final File file = new File(dir, "cacerts"); System.out.println("Loading KeyStore " + file + "..."); InputStream in = new FileInputStream(file); KeyStore ks = KeyStore.getInstance(KeyStore.getDefaultType()); ks.load(in, passphrase); in.close(); SSLContext context = SSLContext.getInstance("TLS"); TrustManagerFactory tmf = TrustManagerFactory.getInstance(TrustManagerFactory.getDefaultAlgorithm()); tmf.init(ks); X509TrustManager defaultTrustManager = (X509TrustManager) tmf.getTrustManagers()[0]; SavingTrustManager tm = new SavingTrustManager(defaultTrustManager); context.init(null, new TrustManager[] { tm }, null); SSLSocketFactory factory = context.getSocketFactory(); System.out.println("Opening connection to " + host + ":" + port + "..."); SSLSocket socket = (SSLSocket) factory.createSocket(host, port); socket.setSoTimeout(10000); try { System.out.println("Starting SSL handshake..."); socket.startHandshake(); socket.close(); System.out.println(); System.out.println("No errors, certificate is already trusted"); } catch (SSLException e) { System.out.println(); System.out.println("Certificate is not yet trusted."); // e.printStackTrace(System.out); } X509Certificate[] chain = tm.chain; if (chain == null) { System.out.println("Could not obtain server certificate chain"); return; } System.out.println(); System.out.println("Server sent " + chain.length + " certificate(s):"); System.out.println(); MessageDigest sha1 = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA1"); MessageDigest md5 = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5"); for (int i = 0; i < chain.length; i++) { X509Certificate cert = chain[i]; System.out.println(" " + (i + 1) + " Subject " + cert.getSubjectDN()); System.out.println(" Issuer " + cert.getIssuerDN()); sha1.update(cert.getEncoded()); System.out.println(" sha1 " + toHexString(sha1.digest())); md5.update(cert.getEncoded()); System.out.println(" md5 " + toHexString(md5.digest())); System.out.println(); } System.out.print("Enter certificate to add to trusted keystore or 'q' to quit [1]: "); String line = reader.readLine().trim(); int k = -1; try { k = (line.length() == 0) ? 0 : Integer.parseInt(line) - 1; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { } if (k < 0 || k >= chain.length) { System.out.println("KeyStore not changed"); } else { try { System.out.println("Creating keystore backup"); final SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmmss"); final File backupFile = new File(dir, CACERTS_KEYSTORE + "." + dateFormat.format(new java.util.Date())); final FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(file); final FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(backupFile); IOUtils.copy(fis, fos); fis.close(); fos.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } System.out.println("Installing certificate..."); X509Certificate cert = chain[k]; String alias = host + "-" + (k + 1); ks.setCertificateEntry(alias, cert); OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(file);, passphrase); out.close(); System.out.println(); System.out.println(cert); System.out.println(); System.out.println("Added certificate to keystore '" + file + "' using alias '" + alias + "'"); } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(); System.out.println("----------------------------------------------"); System.out.println("Problem occured during installing certificate:"); e.printStackTrace(); System.out.println("----------------------------------------------"); } System.out.println("Press Enter to finish..."); try { reader.readLine(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
From source
public static byte[] md5Byte(String encryptStr) throws Exception { MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5"); md.update(encryptStr.getBytes("UTF-8")); return md.digest(); }
From source
static Cipher createCipher(int mode) throws Exception { PBEKeySpec keySpec = new PBEKeySpec("test".toCharArray()); SecretKeyFactory keyFactory = SecretKeyFactory.getInstance("PBEWithMD5AndDES"); SecretKey key = keyFactory.generateSecret(keySpec); MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5"); md.update("input".getBytes()); byte[] digest = md.digest(); byte[] salt = new byte[8]; for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) salt[i] = digest[i];/*from w ww.j a va 2s. c om*/ PBEParameterSpec paramSpec = new PBEParameterSpec(salt, 20); Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("PBEWithMD5AndDES"); cipher.init(mode, key, paramSpec); return cipher; }
From source
public static byte[] makeDigest(byte[] mush, long t2, double q2) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException { MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA"); md.update(mush); md.update(makeBytes(t2, q2));//from w ww .ja v a2s .c om return md.digest(); }
From source
public static byte[] makeDigest(String user, String password, long t1, double q1) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException { MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA"); md.update(user.getBytes()); md.update(password.getBytes());//ww w. java 2 s .c om md.update(makeBytes(t1, q1)); return md.digest(); }
From source
public static byte[] md5(byte[] bytes) throws Exception { MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5Util"); md.update(bytes); return md.digest(); }
From source
public static String sha1(String input) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, UnsupportedEncodingException { MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA1"); md.update(input.getBytes("UTF-8")); byte[] output = md.digest(); return bytesToHex(output); }
From source
public static byte[] md5Digest(byte[] password) throws Exception { try {//from ww w . j a v a2s. c om MessageDigest alg = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5"); alg.update(password); byte[] digest = alg.digest(); return digest; } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception(e); } }