List of usage examples for KeyStore getKey
public final Key getKey(String alias, char[] password) throws KeyStoreException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, UnrecoverableKeyException
From source
/** * teste passando apenas o hash do arquivo *///from w ww . j a v a 2s .co m //@Test public void testSignWithHash() { try { System.out.println("******** TESTANDO COM HASH *****************"); // INFORMAR o arquivo para gerar o hash String fileDirName = "/home/teste.txt"; byte[] fileToSign = readContent(fileDirName); // Para certificado em arquivo A1 preciso essa senha para PrivateKey // para token troque a senha em: getKeyStoreToken() char[] senha = "senha".toCharArray(); // Para certificado em arquivo A1 // KeyStore ks = getKeyStoreFile(); // Para certificados no so windows (mascapi) // KeyStore ks = getKeyStoreOnWindows(); // Para certificado em token KeyStore ks = getKeyStoreToken(); // Para certificado NeoID e windows token //KeyStore ks = getKeyStoreTokenBySigner(); String alias = getAlias(ks); /* Parametrizando o objeto doSign */ PKCS7Signer signer = PKCS7Factory.getInstance().factoryDefault(); signer.setCertificates(ks.getCertificateChain(alias)); // gera o hash do arquivo md = .getInstance(DigestAlgorithmEnum.SHA_512.getAlgorithm()); // devido a uma restrio do token branco, no windws s funciona com 256 if (org.demoiselle.signer.core.keystore.loader.configuration.Configuration.getInstance().getSO() .toLowerCase().indexOf("indows") > 0) { md =; } byte[] hash = md.digest(fileToSign); String contentEncoded = Base64.encodeBase64String(fileToSign); System.out.println("contentEncoded : " + contentEncoded); String hashEncoded = new String(Base64.encodeBase64(hash)); System.out.println("hashEncoded: " + hashEncoded); // seta o algoritmo de acordo com o que foi gerado o Hash signer.setAlgorithm(SignerAlgorithmEnum.SHA512withRSA); if (org.demoiselle.signer.core.keystore.loader.configuration.Configuration.getInstance().getSO() .toLowerCase().indexOf("indows") > 0) { signer.setAlgorithm(SignerAlgorithmEnum.SHA256withRSA); } // Para certificado em arquivo A1 // signer.setPrivateKey((PrivateKey) ks.getKey(alias,senha)); // Para certificado em token signer.setPrivateKey((PrivateKey) ks.getKey(alias, null)); // Sem carimbo de tempo signer.setSignaturePolicy(PolicyFactory.Policies.AD_RB_CADES_2_3); // com carimbo de tempo // signer.setSignaturePolicy(PolicyFactory.Policies.AD_RT_CADES_2_3); /* Realiza a assinatura do conteudo */ System.out.println("Efetuando a assinatura do hash"); byte[] signature = signer.doHashSign(hash); String signatureEncoded = new String(Base64.encodeBase64(signature)); System.out.println("signatureEncoded :" + signatureEncoded); File file = new File(fileDirName + ".p7s"); FileOutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(file); os.write(signature); os.flush(); os.close(); assertTrue(true); } catch (KeyStoreException | NoSuchAlgorithmException | UnrecoverableKeyException | IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); assertTrue(false); } }
From source
@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" }) public Map cancelaNfe(String alias, KeyStore ks, char[] senha, String codigoUf, String ambiente, String chaveAcesso, String numeroProtocolo, String justificativa, String cnpj) throws Exception { String versaoDados = "1.00"; String url = ""; if (codigoUf.equals("53")) { if (ambiente.equals("1")) { url = ""; } else if (ambiente.equals("2")) { url = ""; }/* www . j av a2s.c o m*/ } /* fica a cargo de cada participante definir a url que ser utiizada de acordo com o cdigo da UF * URLs disponveis em: * Homologao: * Produo: */ if (url.equals("")) { throw new Exception("URL da sefaz no definida para o cdigo de UF = " + codigoUf); } SimpleDateFormat formatoIso = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssXXX"); String dataHoraEvento = formatoIso.format(new Date()); String xmlCanc = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>" + "<envEvento xmlns=\"\" versao=\"" + versaoDados + "\">" + "<idLote>1</idLote>" + "<evento versao=\"" + versaoDados + "\">" + "<infEvento Id=\"ID" + "110111" + chaveAcesso + "01\">" + "<cOrgao>" + codigoUf + "</cOrgao>" + "<tpAmb>" + ambiente + "</tpAmb>" + "<CNPJ>" + cnpj + "</CNPJ>" + "<chNFe>" + chaveAcesso + "</chNFe>" + "<dhEvento>" + dataHoraEvento + "</dhEvento>" + "<tpEvento>110111</tpEvento>" + "<nSeqEvento>1</nSeqEvento>" + "<verEvento>" + versaoDados + "</verEvento>" + "<detEvento versao=\"" + versaoDados + "\">" + "<descEvento>Cancelamento</descEvento>" + "<nProt>" + numeroProtocolo + "</nProt>" + "<xJust>" + justificativa + "</xJust>" + "</detEvento>" + "</infEvento>" + "</evento>" + "</envEvento>"; xmlCanc = Biblioteca.assinaXML(xmlCanc, alias, ks, senha, "#ID110111" + chaveAcesso + "01", "evento", "infEvento", "Id"); X509Certificate certificate = (X509Certificate) ks.getCertificate(alias); PrivateKey privatekey = (PrivateKey) ks.getKey(alias, senha); SocketFactoryDinamico socketFactory = new SocketFactoryDinamico(certificate, privatekey); //arquivo que contm a cadeia de certificados do servio a ser consumido socketFactory.setFileCacerts(this.getClass().getResourceAsStream("/br/inf/portalfiscal/nfe/jssecacerts")); //define o protocolo a ser utilizado na conexo Protocol protocol = new Protocol("https", socketFactory, 443); Protocol.registerProtocol("https", protocol); OMElement omElement = AXIOMUtil.stringToOM(xmlCanc); RecepcaoEventoStub.NfeDadosMsg dadosMsg = new RecepcaoEventoStub.NfeDadosMsg(); dadosMsg.setExtraElement(omElement); RecepcaoEventoStub.NfeCabecMsg cabecMsg = new RecepcaoEventoStub.NfeCabecMsg(); cabecMsg.setCUF(codigoUf); cabecMsg.setVersaoDados(versaoDados); RecepcaoEventoStub.NfeCabecMsgE cabecMsgE = new RecepcaoEventoStub.NfeCabecMsgE(); cabecMsgE.setNfeCabecMsg(cabecMsg); RecepcaoEventoStub stub = new RecepcaoEventoStub(url); RecepcaoEventoStub.NfeRecepcaoEventoResult result = stub.nfeRecepcaoEvento(dadosMsg, cabecMsgE); ByteArrayInputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(result.getExtraElement().toString().getBytes()); JAXBContext jc = JAXBContext.newInstance("br.inf.portalfiscal.nfe.retevento"); Unmarshaller unmarshaller = jc.createUnmarshaller(); JAXBElement<br.inf.portalfiscal.nfe.retevento.TRetEnvEvento> retEvento = (JAXBElement) unmarshaller .unmarshal(in); Map map = new HashMap(); if (retEvento.getValue().getRetEvento().get(0).getInfEvento().getCStat().equals("135")) { map.put("nfeCancelada", true); xmlCanc = xmlCancelamento(retEvento.getValue(), versaoDados, codigoUf, ambiente, chaveAcesso, numeroProtocolo, justificativa, cnpj, dataHoraEvento); xmlCanc = xmlCanc.replaceAll("xmlns:ns2=\"\"", ""); xmlCanc = Biblioteca.assinaXML(xmlCanc, alias, ks, senha, "#ID110111" + chaveAcesso + "01", "evento", "infEvento", "Id"); map.put("xmlCancelamento", xmlCanc); } else { map.put("nfeCancelada", false); } map.put("motivo1", retEvento.getValue().getXMotivo()); map.put("motivo2", retEvento.getValue().getRetEvento().get(0).getInfEvento().getXMotivo()); return map; }
From source
private static void initializeKeyStore(KeyStore keyStore, String domainName, String password) throws IOException, CertificateException, InvalidKeyException, SignatureException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, NoSuchProviderException, KeyStoreException, UnrecoverableKeyException { String keyAlias = domainName + keySuffix; String certAlias = domainName + crtSuffix; String keyStorePassword = domainName; String keyStoreFileName = domainName + ".jceks"; File keyStoreFile = new File(keyStoreFileName); if (keyStoreFile.exists()) { log.debug("Key store file " + keyStoreFileName + " exists"); throw new IOException("Key store file " + keyStoreFileName + " exists"); }// w w w . j a va String keyAlgName = "RSA"; String sigAlgName = "MD5WithRSA"; log.debug("About to create a CertAndKeyGen: " + keyAlgName + " " + sigAlgName); CertAndKeyGen keypair; try { keypair = new CertAndKeyGen(keyAlgName, sigAlgName); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { log.debug("new CertAndKeyGen(" + keyAlgName + "," + sigAlgName + ") threw " + e); throw e; } log.debug("About to generate a key pair"); try { keypair.generate(1024); } catch (InvalidKeyException e) { log.debug("keypair.generate(1024) threw " + e); throw e; } log.debug("About to get a PrivateKey"); PrivateKey privKey = keypair.getPrivateKey(); log.debug("MyKey: " + privKey.getAlgorithm() + " " + privKey.getFormat()); log.debug("About to get a self-signed certificate"); X509Certificate[] chain = new X509Certificate[1]; X500Name x500Name = new X500Name( "CN=" + domainName + ", " + "OU=LOCKSS Team, O=Stanford, " + "L=Stanford, S=California, C=US"); chain[0] = keypair.getSelfCertificate(x500Name, 365 * 24 * 60 * 60); log.debug("Certificate: " + chain[0].toString()); log.debug("About to keyStore.load(null)"); try { keyStore.load(null, keyStorePassword.toCharArray()); } catch (IOException e) { log.debug("keyStore.load() threw " + e); throw e; } catch (CertificateException e) { log.debug("keyStore.load() threw " + e); throw e; } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { log.debug("keyStore.load() threw " + e); throw e; } log.debug("About to store " + certAlias + " in key store"); try { keyStore.setCertificateEntry(certAlias, chain[0]); } catch (KeyStoreException e) { log.debug("keyStore.setCertificateEntry() threw " + e); throw e; } log.debug("About to store " + keyAlias + " in key store"); try { keyStore.setKeyEntry(keyAlias, privKey, password.toCharArray(), chain); } catch (KeyStoreException e) { log.debug("keyStore.setKeyEntry() threw " + e); throw e; } log.debug("About to getKeyEntry()"); Key myKey = keyStore.getKey(keyAlias, password.toCharArray()); log.debug("MyKey: " + myKey.getAlgorithm() + " " + myKey.getFormat()); log.debug("Done storing"); }
From source
private void logKeyStore(KeyStore ks, char[] privateKeyPassWord) { log.debug3("start of key store"); try {//from w ww .j a v a 2 s . co m for (Enumeration en = ks.aliases(); en.hasMoreElements();) { String alias = (String) en.nextElement(); log.debug3("Next alias " + alias); if (ks.isCertificateEntry(alias)) { log.debug3("About to Certificate"); cert = ks.getCertificate(alias); if (cert == null) { log.debug3(alias + " null cert chain"); } else { log.debug3("Cert for " + alias + " is " + cert.toString()); } } else if (ks.isKeyEntry(alias)) { log.debug3("About to getKey"); Key privateKey = ks.getKey(alias, privateKeyPassWord); log.debug3(alias + " key " + privateKey.getAlgorithm() + "/" + privateKey.getFormat()); } else { log.debug3(alias + " neither key nor cert"); } } log.debug3("end of key store"); } catch (Exception ex) { log.error("logKeyStore() threw " + ex); } }
From source
@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public static void signSAMLAssertion(SignableSAMLObject as, String keyAlias, char[] keyPassword) throws Exception { //String KEY_STORE_NAME="Unknown-1"; //String KEY_STORE_PASS="spirit"; //String PRIVATE_KEY_PASS="spirit"; //String KEY_ALIAS="server1"; ConfigurationManagerService cms = ConfigurationManagerService.getInstance(); //String KEY_STORE_NAME =GetterUtil.getString(GnPropsUtil.get("portalb", "KEYSTORE_LOCATION"),"Unknown-1"); String KEYSTORE_LOCATION = cms.getProperty(""); String KEY_STORE_PASS = cms.getProperty(""); //GetterUtil.getString(GnPropsUtil.get("portalb", "KEYSTORE_PASSWORD"),"spirit"); String KEY_ALIAS = cms.getProperty(""); //GetterUtil.getString(GnPropsUtil.get("portalb", "PRIVATEKEY_ALIAS"),"server1"); String PRIVATE_KEY_PASS = cms.getProperty(""); //GetterUtil.getString(GnPropsUtil.get("portalb", "PRIVATEKEY_PASSWORD"),"spirit"); _log.debug("-------" + KEYSTORE_LOCATION); _log.debug("-------" + KEY_STORE_PASS); _log.debug("-------" + KEY_ALIAS); _log.debug("-------" + PRIVATE_KEY_PASS); KeyStoreManager keyManager = new DefaultKeyStoreManager(); //KeyPair kp = null; X509Certificate cert = null;/*from ww w . java 2s . c om*/ //check if we must use the default key PrivateKey privateKey = null; PublicKey publicKey = null; if (keyAlias == null) { // kp = keyManager.getDefaultPrivateKey(); cert = (X509Certificate) keyManager.getDefaultCertificate(); } else { KeyStore keyStore = KeyStore.getInstance("JKS"); ClassLoader cl = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); File file = new File(KEYSTORE_LOCATION); keyStore.load(new FileInputStream(file), KEY_STORE_PASS.toCharArray()); privateKey = (PrivateKey) keyStore.getKey(KEY_ALIAS, PRIVATE_KEY_PASS.toCharArray()); X509Certificate cert1 = (X509Certificate) keyStore.getCertificate(KEY_ALIAS); publicKey = cert1.getPublicKey(); //kp = keyManager.getPrivateKey(keyAlias, keyPassword); cert = (X509Certificate) keyManager.getCertificate(keyAlias); } org.opensaml.xml.signature.Signature sig = (org.opensaml.xml.signature.Signature) Configuration .getBuilderFactory().getBuilder(org.opensaml.xml.signature.Signature.DEFAULT_ELEMENT_NAME) .buildObject(org.opensaml.xml.signature.Signature.DEFAULT_ELEMENT_NAME); Credential signingCredential = SecurityHelper.getSimpleCredential(cert, privateKey); //sig.setCanonicalizationAlgorithm(SignatureConstants.TRANSFORM_C14N_EXCL_OMIT_COMMENTS); sig.setSigningCredential(signingCredential); // sig.setKeyInfo(SecurityHelper.getKeyInfoGenerator(signingCredential, null, null).generate(signingCredential)); sig.setSignatureAlgorithm(""); sig.setCanonicalizationAlgorithm(""); SecurityConfiguration secConfig = Configuration.getGlobalSecurityConfiguration(); try { SecurityHelper.prepareSignatureParams(sig, signingCredential, secConfig, null); } catch (SecurityException e) { throw new SMgrException(e.getMessage(), e); } as.setSignature(sig); try { Configuration.getMarshallerFactory().getMarshaller(as).marshall(as); } catch (MarshallingException e) { throw new SMgrException(e.getMessage(), e); } try { org.opensaml.xml.signature.Signer.signObject(sig); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
From source
private static void exportSPMetaData(Options options, CommandLine cmd, TremoloType tt, KeyStore ks) throws Exception, KeyStoreException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, UnrecoverableKeyException, CertificateEncodingException, MarshallingException {"Finding mechanism..."); String mechanismName = loadOption(cmd, "mechanismName", options); MechanismType saml2Mech = loadMechanismType(mechanismName, tt);"...found");"Finding chain..."); String chainName = loadOption(cmd, "chainName", options); AuthChainType act = loadChainType(chainName, tt);"Looking for correct mechanism on the chain..."); AuthMechType currentMechanism = null; for (AuthMechType amt : act.getAuthMech()) { if (amt.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(mechanismName)) { currentMechanism = amt;// w ww. jav a 2s . co m break; } } if (currentMechanism == null) { System.err.println("Unknown chain on mechanism"); System.exit(1); } InitializationService.initialize();"loading url base"); String urlBase = loadOption(cmd, "urlBase", options); String url = urlBase + saml2Mech.getUri(); SecureRandom random = new SecureRandom(); byte[] idBytes = new byte[20]; random.nextBytes(idBytes); String id = "f" + Hex.encodeHexString(idBytes); EntityDescriptorBuilder edb = new EntityDescriptorBuilder(); EntityDescriptorImpl ed = (EntityDescriptorImpl) edb.buildObject(); ed.setID(id); ed.setEntityID(url); SPSSODescriptorBuilder spb = new SPSSODescriptorBuilder(); SPSSODescriptorImpl sp = (SPSSODescriptorImpl) spb.buildObject(); ed.getRoleDescriptors().add(sp); HashMap<String, ParamType> params = new HashMap<String, ParamType>(); for (ParamType pt : currentMechanism.getParams().getParam()) { params.put(pt.getName(), pt); } boolean assertionsSigned = params.get("assertionsSigned") != null && params.get("assertionsSigned").getValue().equalsIgnoreCase("true"); sp.setWantAssertionsSigned(assertionsSigned); sp.addSupportedProtocol("urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:protocol"); SingleLogoutServiceBuilder slsb = new SingleLogoutServiceBuilder(); SingleLogoutService sls = slsb.buildObject(); sls.setLocation(url); sls.setBinding("urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-Redirect"); sp.getSingleLogoutServices().add(sls); sls = slsb.buildObject(); sls.setLocation(url); sls.setBinding("urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-POST"); sp.getSingleLogoutServices().add(sls); AssertionConsumerServiceBuilder acsb = new AssertionConsumerServiceBuilder(); AssertionConsumerService acs = acsb.buildObject(); acs.setLocation(url); acs.setBinding("urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-POST"); acs.setIndex(0); acs.setIsDefault(true); sp.getAssertionConsumerServices().add(acs); acs = acsb.buildObject(); acs.setLocation(url); acs.setBinding("urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-Redirect"); acs.setIndex(1); sp.getAssertionConsumerServices().add(acs); if (params.get("spSigKey") != null && !params.get("spSigKey").getValue().isEmpty()) { String alias = params.get("spSigKey").getValue(); X509Certificate certFromKS = (X509Certificate) ks.getCertificate(alias); if (certFromKS == null) { throw new Exception("Certificate '" + params.get("spSigKey").getValue() + "' not found"); } PrivateKey keyFromKS = (PrivateKey) ks.getKey(alias, tt.getKeyStorePassword().toCharArray()); KeyDescriptorBuilder kdb = new KeyDescriptorBuilder(); KeyDescriptor kd = kdb.buildObject(); kd.setUse(UsageType.SIGNING); KeyInfoBuilder kib = new KeyInfoBuilder(); KeyInfo ki = kib.buildObject(); X509DataBuilder x509b = new X509DataBuilder(); X509Data x509 = x509b.buildObject(); X509CertificateBuilder certb = new X509CertificateBuilder(); org.opensaml.xmlsec.signature.X509Certificate cert = certb.buildObject(); cert.setValue(new String(Base64.encode(certFromKS.getEncoded()))); x509.getX509Certificates().add(cert); ki.getX509Datas().add(x509); kd.setKeyInfo(ki); sp.getKeyDescriptors().add(kd); } if (params.get("spEncKey") != null && !params.get("spEncKey").getValue().isEmpty()) { String alias = params.get("spEncKey").getValue(); X509Certificate certFromKS = (X509Certificate) ks.getCertificate(alias); if (certFromKS == null) { throw new Exception("Certificate '" + params.get("spEncKey").getValue() + "' not found"); } PrivateKey keyFromKS = (PrivateKey) ks.getKey(alias, tt.getKeyStorePassword().toCharArray()); KeyDescriptorBuilder kdb = new KeyDescriptorBuilder(); KeyDescriptor kd = kdb.buildObject(); kd.setUse(UsageType.ENCRYPTION); KeyInfoBuilder kib = new KeyInfoBuilder(); KeyInfo ki = kib.buildObject(); X509DataBuilder x509b = new X509DataBuilder(); X509Data x509 = x509b.buildObject(); X509CertificateBuilder certb = new X509CertificateBuilder(); org.opensaml.xmlsec.signature.X509Certificate cert = certb.buildObject(); cert.setValue(new String(Base64.encode(certFromKS.getEncoded()))); x509.getX509Certificates().add(cert); ki.getX509Datas().add(x509); kd.setKeyInfo(ki); sp.getKeyDescriptors().add(kd); } EntityDescriptorMarshaller marshaller = new EntityDescriptorMarshaller(); // Marshall the Subject Element assertionElement = marshaller.marshall(ed); String xml =;; }
From source
/** * This method will list 1. Certificate aliases 2. Private key alise 3. Private key value to a * given keystore./*from w ww.jav a2 s . c o m*/ * * @param keyStoreName The name of the keystore * @return Instance of KeyStoreData * @throws SecurityConfigException will be thrown */ public KeyStoreData getKeystoreInfo(String keyStoreName) throws SecurityConfigException { try { if (keyStoreName == null) { throw new Exception("keystore name cannot be null"); } KeyStore keyStore; String keyStoreType; String privateKeyPassowrd = null; if (KeyStoreUtil.isPrimaryStore(keyStoreName)) { KeyStoreManager keyMan = KeyStoreManager.getInstance(tenantId); keyStore = keyMan.getPrimaryKeyStore(); ServerConfiguration serverConfig = ServerConfiguration.getInstance(); keyStoreType = serverConfig .getFirstProperty(RegistryResources.SecurityManagement.SERVER_PRIMARY_KEYSTORE_TYPE); privateKeyPassowrd = serverConfig .getFirstProperty(RegistryResources.SecurityManagement.SERVER_PRIVATE_KEY_PASSWORD); } else { String path = SecurityConstants.KEY_STORES + "/" + keyStoreName; if (!registry.resourceExists(path)) { throw new SecurityConfigException("Key Store not found"); } Resource resource = registry.get(path); KeyStoreManager manager = KeyStoreManager.getInstance(tenantId); keyStore = manager.getKeyStore(keyStoreName); keyStoreType = resource.getProperty(SecurityConstants.PROP_TYPE); String encpass = resource.getProperty(SecurityConstants.PROP_PRIVATE_KEY_PASS); if (encpass != null) { CryptoUtil util = CryptoUtil.getDefaultCryptoUtil(); privateKeyPassowrd = new String(util.base64DecodeAndDecrypt(encpass)); } } // Fill the information about the certificates Enumeration<String> aliases = keyStore.aliases(); List<> certDataList = new ArrayList<>(); Format formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy"); while (aliases.hasMoreElements()) { String alias = aliases.nextElement(); if (keyStore.isCertificateEntry(alias)) { X509Certificate cert = (X509Certificate) keyStore.getCertificate(alias); certDataList.add(fillCertData(cert, alias, formatter)); } } // Create a cert array CertData[] certs = certDataList.toArray(new CertData[certDataList.size()]); // Create a KeyStoreData bean, set the name and fill in the cert information KeyStoreData keyStoreData = new KeyStoreData(); keyStoreData.setKeyStoreName(keyStoreName); keyStoreData.setCerts(certs); keyStoreData.setKeyStoreType(keyStoreType); aliases = keyStore.aliases(); while (aliases.hasMoreElements()) { String alias = aliases.nextElement(); // There be only one entry in WSAS related keystores if (keyStore.isKeyEntry(alias)) { X509Certificate cert = (X509Certificate) keyStore.getCertificate(alias); keyStoreData.setKey(fillCertData(cert, alias, formatter)); PrivateKey key = (PrivateKey) keyStore.getKey(alias, privateKeyPassowrd.toCharArray()); String pemKey; pemKey = "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\n"; pemKey += Base64.encode(key.getEncoded()); pemKey += "\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----"; keyStoreData.setKeyValue(pemKey); break; } } return keyStoreData; } catch (Exception e) { String msg = "Error has encounted while loading the keystore to the given keystore name " + keyStoreName; log.error(msg, e); throw new SecurityConfigException(msg); } }
From source
/** * This method will list 1. Certificate aliases 2. Private key alise 3. Private key value to a * given keystore.//from ww w . jav a 2 s . c o m * * @param keyStoreName The name of the keystore * @param pageNumber page number * @return Instance of KeyStoreData * @throws SecurityConfigException will be thrown */ public PaginatedKeyStoreData getPaginatedKeystoreInfo(String keyStoreName, int pageNumber) throws SecurityConfigException { try { if (keyStoreName == null) { throw new Exception("keystore name cannot be null"); } KeyStore keyStore; String keyStoreType; String privateKeyPassowrd = null; if (KeyStoreUtil.isPrimaryStore(keyStoreName)) { KeyStoreManager keyMan = KeyStoreManager.getInstance(tenantId); keyStore = keyMan.getPrimaryKeyStore(); ServerConfiguration serverConfig = ServerConfiguration.getInstance(); keyStoreType = serverConfig .getFirstProperty(RegistryResources.SecurityManagement.SERVER_PRIMARY_KEYSTORE_TYPE); privateKeyPassowrd = serverConfig .getFirstProperty(RegistryResources.SecurityManagement.SERVER_PRIVATE_KEY_PASSWORD); } else { String path = SecurityConstants.KEY_STORES + "/" + keyStoreName; if (!registry.resourceExists(path)) { throw new SecurityConfigException("Key Store not found"); } Resource resource = registry.get(path); KeyStoreManager manager = KeyStoreManager.getInstance(tenantId); keyStore = manager.getKeyStore(keyStoreName); keyStoreType = resource.getProperty(SecurityConstants.PROP_TYPE); String encpass = resource.getProperty(SecurityConstants.PROP_PRIVATE_KEY_PASS); if (encpass != null) { CryptoUtil util = CryptoUtil.getDefaultCryptoUtil(); privateKeyPassowrd = new String(util.base64DecodeAndDecrypt(encpass)); } } // Fill the information about the certificates Enumeration<String> aliases = keyStore.aliases(); List<> certDataList = new ArrayList<>(); Format formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy"); while (aliases.hasMoreElements()) { String alias = aliases.nextElement(); if (keyStore.isCertificateEntry(alias)) { X509Certificate cert = (X509Certificate) keyStore.getCertificate(alias); certDataList.add(fillCertData(cert, alias, formatter)); } } // Create a cert array CertData[] certs = certDataList.toArray(new CertData[certDataList.size()]); // Create a KeyStoreData bean, set the name and fill in the cert information PaginatedKeyStoreData keyStoreData = new PaginatedKeyStoreData(); keyStoreData.setKeyStoreName(keyStoreName); keyStoreData.setPaginatedCertData(doPaging(pageNumber, certs)); keyStoreData.setKeyStoreType(keyStoreType); aliases = keyStore.aliases(); while (aliases.hasMoreElements()) { String alias = aliases.nextElement(); // There be only one entry in WSAS related keystores if (keyStore.isKeyEntry(alias)) { X509Certificate cert = (X509Certificate) keyStore.getCertificate(alias); keyStoreData.setKey(fillCertData(cert, alias, formatter)); PrivateKey key = (PrivateKey) keyStore.getKey(alias, privateKeyPassowrd.toCharArray()); String pemKey; pemKey = "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\n"; pemKey += Base64.encode(key.getEncoded()); pemKey += "\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----"; keyStoreData.setKeyValue(pemKey); break; } } return keyStoreData; } catch (Exception e) { String msg = "Error has encounted while loading the keystore to the given keystore name " + keyStoreName; log.error(msg, e); throw new SecurityConfigException(msg); } }
From source
/** * Set the identity for the communications to the XMLRPC controller. Eventually * we may talk to several controller with different identities. For now only * one is configured./*from w w w. j a v a 2 s . co m*/ */ private void setSSLIdentity() throws Exception { //if (sslIdentitySet) // return; //System.out.println("In setSSLIdentity()"); try { // create multikeymanager mkm = new MultiKeyManager(); //TODO //URL ctrlrUrl = new URL(GUI.getInstance().getSelectedController()); URL ctrlrUrl = new URL(CONTROLLER_URL); // TODO // register a new protocol ContextualSSLProtocolSocketFactory regSslFact = new ContextualSSLProtocolSocketFactory(); // add this multikey context factory for the controller host/port regSslFact.addHostContextFactory(new MultiKeySSLContextFactory(mkm, trustAllCerts), ctrlrUrl.getHost(), ctrlrUrl.getPort()); if (rmProperties == null) { System.out.println("ERROR ... Property File with user credentials not supplied..."); return; } KeyStore ks = null; //File keyStorePath = loadUserFile("/Users/anirban/Misc/tmp/renci-openvpn/flukes.jks"); //File certFilePath = loadUserFile("/Users/anirban/.ssl/geni-anirban.pem"); //File certKeyFilePath = loadUserFile("/Users/anirban/.ssl/geni-anirban.pem"); File keyStorePath = null; File certFilePath = null; File certKeyFilePath = null; if (rmProperties.getProperty(USER_KEYSTORE_PATH_PROP) != null) { keyStorePath = loadUserFile(rmProperties.getProperty(USER_KEYSTORE_PATH_PROP)); } if (rmProperties.getProperty(USER_CERTFILE_PATH_PROP) != null) { certFilePath = loadUserFile(rmProperties.getProperty(USER_CERTFILE_PATH_PROP)); } if (rmProperties.getProperty(USER_CERTKEYFILE_PATH_PROP) != null) { certKeyFilePath = loadUserFile(rmProperties.getProperty(USER_CERTKEYFILE_PATH_PROP)); } String keyAlias = null, keyPassword = null; if (keyStorePath != null && keyStorePath.exists()) { // load keystore and get the right cert from it System.out.println("Reading auth details from keystore"); //TODO keyAlias = rmProperties.getProperty(USER_KEYSTORE_KEYALIAS_PROP); keyPassword = rmProperties.getProperty(USER_KEYSTORE_KEYPASS_PROP); //TODO FileInputStream jksIS = new FileInputStream(keyStorePath); ks = loadJKSData(jksIS, keyAlias, keyPassword); jksIS.close(); } else if (certFilePath != null && certKeyFilePath != null && certFilePath.exists() && certKeyFilePath.exists()) { System.out.println("Reading auth details from cert file and certkeyfile"); FileInputStream certIS = new FileInputStream(certFilePath); FileInputStream keyIS = new FileInputStream(certKeyFilePath); keyAlias = "x509convert"; //TODO keyPassword = rmProperties.getProperty(USER_KEYPASS_PROP); //TODO ks = loadX509Data(certIS, keyIS, keyAlias, keyPassword); certIS.close(); keyIS.close(); } if (ks == null) throw new Exception("Was unable to find either: " + keyStorePath.getCanonicalPath() + " or the pair of: " + certFilePath.getCanonicalPath() + " and " + certKeyFilePath.getCanonicalPath() + " as specified."); // check that the spelling of key alias is proper Enumeration<String> as = ks.aliases(); while (as.hasMoreElements()) { String a = as.nextElement(); if (keyAlias.toLowerCase().equals(a.toLowerCase())) { keyAlias = a; break; } } // alias has to exist and have a key and cert present if (!ks.containsAlias(keyAlias)) { throw new Exception("Alias " + keyAlias + " does not exist in keystore " + keyStorePath + "."); } if (ks.getKey(keyAlias, keyPassword.toCharArray()) == null) throw new Exception( "Key with alias " + keyAlias + " does not exist in keystore " + keyStorePath + "."); if (ks.getCertificate(keyAlias) == null) { throw new Exception( "Certificate with alias " + keyAlias + " does not exist in keystore " + keyStorePath + "."); } if (ks.getCertificate(keyAlias).getType().equals("X.509")) { X509Certificate x509Cert = (X509Certificate) ks.getCertificate(keyAlias); try { x509Cert.checkValidity(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Certificate with alias " + keyAlias + " is not yet valid or has expired."); } } // add the identity into it mkm.addPrivateKey(keyAlias, (PrivateKey) ks.getKey(keyAlias, keyPassword.toCharArray()), ks.getCertificate(keyAlias)); // before we do SSL to this controller, set our identity mkm.setCurrentGuid(keyAlias); // register the protocol (Note: All xmlrpc clients must use XmlRpcCommonsTransportFactory // for this to work). See ContextualSSLProtocolSocketFactory. Protocol reghhttps = new Protocol("https", (ProtocolSocketFactory) regSslFact, 443); Protocol.registerProtocol("https", reghhttps); sslIdentitySet = true; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new Exception("Unable to load user private key and certificate from the keystore: " + e); } //System.out.println("Exiting setSSLIdentity"); }
From source
@Override public void importCAFromKeyStore(AuthenticationToken admin, String caname, byte[] p12file, String keystorepass, String privkeypass, String privateSignatureKeyAlias, String privateEncryptionKeyAlias) { try {/*from w ww . j a v a 2 s . c o m*/ // check authorization if (!accessSession.isAuthorizedNoLogging(admin, StandardRules.ROLE_ROOT.resource())) { String msg = intres.getLocalizedMessage("caadmin.notauthorizedtocreateca", caname); Map<String, Object> details = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(); details.put("msg", msg); auditSession.log(EventTypes.ACCESS_CONTROL, EventStatus.FAILURE, ModuleTypes.CA, ServiceTypes.CORE, admin.toString(), null, null, null, details); } // load keystore keystore = KeyStore.getInstance("PKCS12", "BC"); keystore.load(new, keystorepass.toCharArray()); // Extract signature keys if (privateSignatureKeyAlias == null || !keystore.isKeyEntry(privateSignatureKeyAlias)) { throw new Exception("Alias \"" + privateSignatureKeyAlias + "\" not found."); } Certificate[] signatureCertChain = KeyTools.getCertChain(keystore, privateSignatureKeyAlias); if (signatureCertChain.length < 1) { String msg = "Cannot load certificate chain with alias " + privateSignatureKeyAlias; log.error(msg); throw new Exception(msg); } Certificate caSignatureCertificate = (Certificate) signatureCertChain[0]; PublicKey p12PublicSignatureKey = caSignatureCertificate.getPublicKey(); PrivateKey p12PrivateSignatureKey = null; p12PrivateSignatureKey = (PrivateKey) keystore.getKey(privateSignatureKeyAlias, privkeypass.toCharArray()); log.debug("ImportSignatureKeyAlgorithm=" + p12PrivateSignatureKey.getAlgorithm()); // Extract encryption keys PrivateKey p12PrivateEncryptionKey = null; PublicKey p12PublicEncryptionKey = null; Certificate caEncryptionCertificate = null; if (privateEncryptionKeyAlias != null) { if (!keystore.isKeyEntry(privateEncryptionKeyAlias)) { throw new Exception("Alias \"" + privateEncryptionKeyAlias + "\" not found."); } Certificate[] encryptionCertChain = KeyTools.getCertChain(keystore, privateEncryptionKeyAlias); if (encryptionCertChain.length < 1) { String msg = "Cannot load certificate chain with alias " + privateEncryptionKeyAlias; log.error(msg); throw new Exception(msg); } caEncryptionCertificate = (Certificate) encryptionCertChain[0]; p12PrivateEncryptionKey = (PrivateKey) keystore.getKey(privateEncryptionKeyAlias, privkeypass.toCharArray()); p12PublicEncryptionKey = caEncryptionCertificate.getPublicKey(); } importCAFromKeys(admin, caname, keystorepass, signatureCertChain, p12PublicSignatureKey, p12PrivateSignatureKey, p12PrivateEncryptionKey, p12PublicEncryptionKey); } catch (Exception e) { String detailsMsg = intres.getLocalizedMessage("caadmin.errorimportca", caname, "PKCS12", e.getMessage()); auditSession.log(EjbcaEventTypes.CA_IMPORT, EventStatus.FAILURE, ModuleTypes.CA, ServiceTypes.CORE, admin.toString(), null, null, null, detailsMsg); throw new EJBException(e); } }