List of usage examples for KeyPair KeyPair
public KeyPair(PublicKey publicKey, PrivateKey privateKey)
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private KeyPair generateKeyPair() { try {/* w w w. j av a 2s. com*/ KeyPair seed = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("RSA", "BC").generateKeyPair(); RSAPrivateKey privateSeed = (RSAPrivateKey) seed.getPrivate(); RSAPublicKey publicSeed = (RSAPublicKey) seed.getPublic(); KeyFactory fact = KeyFactory.getInstance("RSA", "BC"); RSAPrivateKeySpec privateKeySpec = new RSAPrivateKeySpec(privateSeed.getModulus(), privateSeed.getPrivateExponent()); RSAPublicKeySpec publicKeySpec = new RSAPublicKeySpec(publicSeed.getModulus(), publicSeed.getPublicExponent()); return new KeyPair(fact.generatePublic(publicKeySpec), fact.generatePrivate(privateKeySpec)); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } }
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private KeyPair createKeyPair() { PublicKey pk = mock(PublicKey.class); PrivateKey ppk = mock(PrivateKey.class); return new KeyPair(pk, ppk); }
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@Override public KeyPair getKeyPair(KeyStore ks, String keyAlias, String certAlias, String keyPassword) throws CertException { KeyPair keyPair = null;/*from ww w . ja v a2 s .c o m*/ try { if (!ks.containsAlias(keyAlias)) { throw new CertException("Missing keystore key entry for key alias:" + keyAlias); } if (!ks.containsAlias(certAlias)) { throw new CertException("Missing keystore certificate entry for :" + certAlias); } PrivateKey privateKey = (PrivateKey) ks.getKey(keyAlias, keyPassword.toCharArray()); X509Certificate cert = (X509Certificate) ks.getCertificate(certAlias); PublicKey publicKey = cert.getPublicKey(); keyPair = new KeyPair(publicKey, privateKey); } catch (UnrecoverableKeyException e) { throw new CertException(e); } catch (KeyStoreException e) { throw new CertException(e); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { throw new CertException(e); } return keyPair; }
From source
KeyPair getKeyPair(SigAlgorithms reqSigAlgo, String requestID) { KeyPair kp;/*from w w w . j a v a 2 s.c o m*/ switch (reqSigAlgo) { case ECDSA: try { kp = generateECDSAKeyPair(); // Save ECDSA key pair TestData.storeEcdsaKeyPair(requestID, kp); TestData.storeAlgo(requestID, "ECDSA"); return kp; } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.getLogger(KeyStoreFactory.class.getName()).warning(ex.getMessage()); } break; case RSA: KeyStoreObjects kso = getKeyStoreObjects(requestID); kp = new KeyPair(kso.getCert().getPublicKey(), kso.getPk()); // Save key pair in test data TestData.storeRSAKeyPair(requestID, kp); TestData.storeAlgo(requestID, "RSA"); return kp; } return null; }
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private KeyPair getKeyPairFromKeystore(KeyStore keystore, String keyAlias, String keyPassword) { try {// w ww . j av a 2 s . c om PasswordProtection passwordProtected = new PasswordProtection(keyPassword.toCharArray()); Entry keyEntry = keystore.getEntry(keyAlias, passwordProtected); if (!(keyEntry instanceof PrivateKeyEntry)) { // Invalid key entry return null; } PrivateKeyEntry pkEntry = (PrivateKeyEntry) keyEntry; return new KeyPair(pkEntry.getCertificate().getPublicKey(), pkEntry.getPrivateKey()); } catch (KeyStoreException | NoSuchAlgorithmException | UnrecoverableEntryException e) { // Problem occurred e.printStackTrace(); return null; } }
From source
private KeyPair getKeyPair(String fileName) { KeyPair pair = null;/*w w w. j ava 2 s . c o m*/ JCERSAPrivateCrtKey privateKey = null; PEMReader r = null; FileReader fileReader = null; File keyFile = new File(getTempCertDir() + fileName.replace("crt", "key")); if (keyFile.isFile()) { try { fileReader = new FileReader(keyFile); r = new PEMReader(fileReader, new PasswordFinder() { public char[] getPassword() { // Since keys are stored without a password this // function should not be called. return null; } }); Object keys = r.readObject(); if (keys == null) { log.error(" Unable to read keys from: " + keyFile.getAbsolutePath()); return null; } if (keys instanceof KeyPair) { pair = (KeyPair) keys; log.debug(keyFile.getAbsolutePath() + "contains KeyPair"); } else if (keys instanceof JCERSAPrivateCrtKey) { privateKey = (JCERSAPrivateCrtKey) keys; log.debug(keyFile.getAbsolutePath() + "contains JCERSAPrivateCrtKey"); BigInteger exponent = privateKey.getPublicExponent(); BigInteger modulus = privateKey.getModulus(); RSAPublicKeySpec publicKeySpec = new, exponent); PublicKey publicKey = null; try { KeyFactory keyFactory = KeyFactory.getInstance("RSA"); publicKey = keyFactory.generatePublic(publicKeySpec); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } pair = new KeyPair(publicKey, privateKey); } else { log.error(keyFile.getAbsolutePath() + " Contains unsupported key type: " + keys.getClass().getName()); return null; } } catch (IOException e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); return null; } finally { try { r.close(); fileReader.close(); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); return null; } } } else { log.error("Key file does not exist : " + keyFile.getAbsolutePath()); } log.debug("KeyPair successfully extracted from: " + keyFile.getAbsolutePath()); return pair; }
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@Override protected void setupCloudClient() throws IOException { // Get settings from the configuration bucketName = getProperty(BUCKET_NAME_PROPERTY); bucketNamePrefix = MoreObjects.firstNonNull(getProperty(BUCKET_PREFIX_PROPERTY), StringUtils.EMPTY); String bucketRegion = getProperty(BUCKET_REGION_PROPERTY); if (isBlank(bucketRegion)) { bucketRegion = DEFAULT_BUCKET_REGION; }//w ww . ja v a 2 s . c o m String awsID = getProperty(AWS_ID_PROPERTY); String awsSecret = getProperty(AWS_SECRET_PROPERTY); String proxyHost = Framework.getProperty(Environment.NUXEO_HTTP_PROXY_HOST); String proxyPort = Framework.getProperty(Environment.NUXEO_HTTP_PROXY_PORT); String proxyLogin = Framework.getProperty(Environment.NUXEO_HTTP_PROXY_LOGIN); String proxyPassword = Framework.getProperty(Environment.NUXEO_HTTP_PROXY_PASSWORD); int maxConnections = getIntProperty(CONNECTION_MAX_PROPERTY); int maxErrorRetry = getIntProperty(CONNECTION_RETRY_PROPERTY); int connectionTimeout = getIntProperty(CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_PROPERTY); int socketTimeout = getIntProperty(SOCKET_TIMEOUT_PROPERTY); String keystoreFile = getProperty(KEYSTORE_FILE_PROPERTY); String keystorePass = getProperty(KEYSTORE_PASS_PROPERTY); String privkeyAlias = getProperty(PRIVKEY_ALIAS_PROPERTY); String privkeyPass = getProperty(PRIVKEY_PASS_PROPERTY); String endpoint = getProperty(ENDPOINT_PROPERTY); String sseprop = getProperty(SERVERSIDE_ENCRYPTION_PROPERTY); if (isNotBlank(sseprop)) { userServerSideEncryption = Boolean.parseBoolean(sseprop); } // Fallback on default env keys for ID and secret if (isBlank(awsID)) { awsID = System.getenv(AWS_ID_ENV); } if (isBlank(awsSecret)) { awsSecret = System.getenv(AWS_SECRET_ENV); } if (isBlank(bucketName)) { throw new RuntimeException("Missing conf: " + BUCKET_NAME_PROPERTY); } if (!isBlank(bucketNamePrefix) && !bucketNamePrefix.endsWith("/")) { log.warn(String.format("%s %s S3 bucket prefix should end by '/' " + ": added automatically.", BUCKET_PREFIX_PROPERTY, bucketNamePrefix)); bucketNamePrefix += "/"; } // set up credentials if (isBlank(awsID) || isBlank(awsSecret)) { awsCredentialsProvider = new InstanceProfileCredentialsProvider(); try { awsCredentialsProvider.getCredentials(); } catch (AmazonClientException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Missing AWS credentials and no instance role found"); } } else { awsCredentialsProvider = new BasicAWSCredentialsProvider(awsID, awsSecret); } // set up client configuration clientConfiguration = new ClientConfiguration(); if (isNotBlank(proxyHost)) { clientConfiguration.setProxyHost(proxyHost); } if (isNotBlank(proxyPort)) { clientConfiguration.setProxyPort(Integer.parseInt(proxyPort)); } if (isNotBlank(proxyLogin)) { clientConfiguration.setProxyUsername(proxyLogin); } if (proxyPassword != null) { // could be blank clientConfiguration.setProxyPassword(proxyPassword); } if (maxConnections > 0) { clientConfiguration.setMaxConnections(maxConnections); } if (maxErrorRetry >= 0) { // 0 is allowed clientConfiguration.setMaxErrorRetry(maxErrorRetry); } if (connectionTimeout >= 0) { // 0 is allowed clientConfiguration.setConnectionTimeout(connectionTimeout); } if (socketTimeout >= 0) { // 0 is allowed clientConfiguration.setSocketTimeout(socketTimeout); } // set up encryption encryptionMaterials = null; if (isNotBlank(keystoreFile)) { boolean confok = true; if (keystorePass == null) { // could be blank log.error("Keystore password missing"); confok = false; } if (isBlank(privkeyAlias)) { log.error("Key alias missing"); confok = false; } if (privkeyPass == null) { // could be blank log.error("Key password missing"); confok = false; } if (!confok) { throw new RuntimeException("S3 Crypto configuration incomplete"); } try { // Open keystore File ksFile = new File(keystoreFile); FileInputStream ksStream = new FileInputStream(ksFile); KeyStore keystore = KeyStore.getInstance(KeyStore.getDefaultType()); keystore.load(ksStream, keystorePass.toCharArray()); ksStream.close(); // Get keypair for alias if (!keystore.isKeyEntry(privkeyAlias)) { throw new RuntimeException("Alias " + privkeyAlias + " is missing or not a key alias"); } PrivateKey privKey = (PrivateKey) keystore.getKey(privkeyAlias, privkeyPass.toCharArray()); Certificate cert = keystore.getCertificate(privkeyAlias); PublicKey pubKey = cert.getPublicKey(); KeyPair keypair = new KeyPair(pubKey, privKey); // Get encryptionMaterials from keypair encryptionMaterials = new EncryptionMaterials(keypair); cryptoConfiguration = new CryptoConfiguration(); } catch (IOException | GeneralSecurityException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not read keystore: " + keystoreFile + ", alias: " + privkeyAlias, e); } } isEncrypted = encryptionMaterials != null; // Try to create bucket if it doesn't exist if (!isEncrypted) { amazonS3 = new AmazonS3Client(awsCredentialsProvider, clientConfiguration); } else { amazonS3 = new AmazonS3EncryptionClient(awsCredentialsProvider, new StaticEncryptionMaterialsProvider(encryptionMaterials), clientConfiguration, cryptoConfiguration); } if (isNotBlank(endpoint)) { amazonS3.setEndpoint(endpoint); } // Set region explicitely for regions that reguire Version 4 signature ArrayList<String> V4_ONLY_REGIONS = new ArrayList<String>(); V4_ONLY_REGIONS.add("eu-central-1"); V4_ONLY_REGIONS.add("ap-northeast-2"); if (V4_ONLY_REGIONS.contains(bucketRegion)) { amazonS3.setRegion(Region.getRegion(Regions.fromName(bucketRegion))); } try { if (!amazonS3.doesBucketExist(bucketName)) { amazonS3.createBucket(bucketName, bucketRegion); amazonS3.setBucketAcl(bucketName, CannedAccessControlList.Private); } } catch (AmazonClientException e) { throw new IOException(e); } // compat for NXP-17895, using "downloadfroms3", to be removed // these two fields have already been initialized by the base class initialize() // using standard property "directdownload" String dd = getProperty(DIRECTDOWNLOAD_PROPERTY_COMPAT); if (dd != null) { directDownload = Boolean.parseBoolean(dd); } int dde = getIntProperty(DIRECTDOWNLOAD_EXPIRE_PROPERTY_COMPAT); if (dde >= 0) { directDownloadExpire = dde; } transferManager = new TransferManager(amazonS3); abortOldUploads(); }
From source
/** If the request is a CVC request, this method adds an outer signature to the request. * If this request is a CVCA certificate and this is the same CVCA, this method creates a CVCA link certificate. * If not creating a link certificate this means that an authenticated request, CVCAuthenticatedRequest is created. * /*from w w w. ja v a 2 s. c om*/ * @see CA#signRequest(byte[], boolean, boolean) */ public byte[] signRequest(byte[] request, boolean usepreviouskey, boolean createlinkcert) throws CATokenOfflineException { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace(">signRequest: usepreviouskey=" + usepreviouskey + ", createlinkcert=" + createlinkcert); } byte[] ret = request; try { CardVerifiableCertificate cacert = (CardVerifiableCertificate) getCACertificate(); if (cacert == null) { // if we don't have a CA certificate, we can't sign any request, just return it return request; } CATokenContainer catoken = getCAToken(); // Get either the current or the previous signing key for signing this request int key = SecConst.CAKEYPURPOSE_CERTSIGN; if (usepreviouskey) { log.debug("Using previous CertSign key to sign request"); key = SecConst.CAKEYPURPOSE_CERTSIGN_PREVIOUS; } else { log.debug("Using current CertSign key to sign request"); } KeyPair keyPair = new KeyPair(catoken.getPublicKey(key), catoken.getPrivateKey(key)); String signAlg = getCAToken().getCATokenInfo().getSignatureAlgorithm(); // Create the CA reference, should be from signing certificates holder field HolderReferenceField caHolder = cacert.getCVCertificate().getCertificateBody().getHolderReference(); String sequence = caHolder.getSequence(); // See if we have a previous sequence to put in the CA reference instead of the same as we have from the request String propdata = catoken.getCATokenInfo().getProperties(); Properties prop = new Properties(); if (propdata != null) { prop.load(new ByteArrayInputStream(propdata.getBytes())); } String previousSequence = (String) prop.get(ICAToken.PREVIOUS_SEQUENCE_PROPERTY); // Only use previous sequence if we also use previous key if ((previousSequence != null) && (usepreviouskey)) { sequence = previousSequence; log.debug("Using previous sequence in caRef: " + sequence); } else { log.debug("Using current sequence in caRef: " + sequence); } // Set the CA reference field for the authentication signature CAReferenceField caRef = new CAReferenceField(caHolder.getCountry(), caHolder.getMnemonic(), sequence); CVCertificate cvcert = null; try { byte[] binbytes = request; try { // We don't know if this is a PEM or binary certificate or request request so we first try to // decode it as a PEM certificate, and if it's not we try it as a PEM request and finally as a binary request Collection<Certificate> col = CertTools.getCertsFromPEM(new ByteArrayInputStream(request)); Certificate cert = col.iterator().next(); if (cert != null) { binbytes = cert.getEncoded(); } } catch (Exception e) { log.debug("This is not a PEM certificate?: " + e.getMessage()); try { binbytes = RequestMessageUtils.getRequestBytes(request); } catch (Exception e2) { log.debug("This is not a PEM request?: " + e2.getMessage()); } } // This can be either a CV certificate, a CV certificate request, or an authenticated request that we should re-sign CVCObject parsedObject; parsedObject = CertificateParser.parseCVCObject(binbytes); if (parsedObject instanceof CVCertificate) { cvcert = (CVCertificate) parsedObject; log.debug("This is a reqular CV request, or cert."); } else if (parsedObject instanceof CVCAuthenticatedRequest) { CVCAuthenticatedRequest authreq = (CVCAuthenticatedRequest) parsedObject; cvcert = authreq.getRequest(); log.debug( "This is an authenticated CV request, we will overwrite the old authentication with a new."); } } catch (ParseException e) { String msg = intres.getLocalizedMessage("cvc.error.notcvcrequest");, e); return request; } catch (ClassCastException e) { String msg = intres.getLocalizedMessage("cvc.error.notcvcrequest");, e); return request; } // Check if the input was a CVCA certificate, which is the same CVCA as this. If all is true we should create a CVCA link certificate // instead of an authenticated request CardVerifiableCertificate cvccert = new CardVerifiableCertificate(cvcert); HolderReferenceField cvccertholder = cvccert.getCVCertificate().getCertificateBody() .getHolderReference(); AuthorizationRoleEnum authRole = null; AccessRightEnum rights = null; try { authRole = cvccert.getCVCertificate().getCertificateBody().getAuthorizationTemplate() .getAuthorizationField().getRole(); rights = cvccert.getCVCertificate().getCertificateBody().getAuthorizationTemplate() .getAuthorizationField().getAccessRight(); } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) { log.debug( "No AuthorizationRoleEnum or AccessRightEnum, this is not a CV certificate so we can't make a link certificate: " + e.getMessage()); } if (createlinkcert && (authRole != null) && (rights != null)) { log.debug("We will create a link certificate."); String msg = intres.getLocalizedMessage("", cvccertholder.getConcatenated(), caRef.getConcatenated());; PublicKey pk = cvccert.getPublicKey(); Date validFrom = cvccert.getCVCertificate().getCertificateBody().getValidFrom(); Date validTo = cvccert.getCVCertificate().getCertificateBody().getValidTo(); // Generate a new certificate with the same contents as the passed in certificate, but with new caRef and signature CVCertificate retcert = CertificateGenerator.createCertificate(pk, keyPair.getPrivate(), signAlg, caRef, cvccertholder, authRole, rights, validFrom, validTo, catoken.getProvider()); ret = retcert.getDEREncoded(); log.debug("Signed a CardVerifiableCertificate CardVerifiableCertificate."); } else { log.debug("Creating authenticated request with signature alg: " + signAlg + ", using provider " + catoken.getProvider()); CVCAuthenticatedRequest authreq = CertificateGenerator.createAuthenticatedRequest(cvcert, keyPair, signAlg, caRef, catoken.getProvider()); ret = authreq.getDEREncoded(); log.debug("Signed a CardVerifiableCertificate request and returned a CVCAuthenticatedRequest."); } } catch (IllegalKeyStoreException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } catch (InvalidKeyException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } catch (NoSuchProviderException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } catch (SignatureException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } catch (ConstructionException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("<signRequest"); } return ret; }
From source
/** * Converts a given RSA PrivateKey instance to a KeyPair instance. The * PublicKey will be extracted from PrivateKey instance. * // w ww . j a v a 2s . com * @param pKey * The RSA PrivateKey used to generate the KeyPair * @return KeyPair instance including the private and public key. * @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException * @throws InvalidKeySpecException */ public static KeyPair privateKeyToKeyPair(PrivateKey pKey) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, InvalidKeySpecException { KeyFactory keyFactory = KeyFactory.getInstance(KeyConstants.KEY_FACTORY, new BouncyCastleProvider()); RSAPrivateCrtKey rsaPKey = (RSAPrivateCrtKey) pKey; RSAPublicKeySpec publicKeySpec = new, rsaPKey.getPublicExponent()); return new KeyPair(keyFactory.generatePublic(publicKeySpec), pKey); }
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/** * Get a key pair from this key store//from www. j ava 2s . co m * * @param alias alias under which the pair is stored * @param password password protecting the keys if any * @return key pair */ public KeyPair getKeyPair(String alias, char[] password) { try { checkKeyStore(); if (isKeyStoreExists() && !isKeyStoreEmpty()) { Key key = keyStore.getKey(alias, password); if (key instanceof PrivateKey) { Certificate cert = keyStore.getCertificate(alias); PublicKey publicKey = cert.getPublicKey(); return new KeyPair(publicKey, (PrivateKey) key); } } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Could not get key pair with alias " + alias + ".", e); } return null; }