Example usage for java.security Key getFormat

List of usage examples for java.security Key getFormat


In this page you can find the example usage for java.security Key getFormat.


public String getFormat();

Source Link


Returns the name of the primary encoding format of this key, or null if this key does not support encoding.


From source file:Main.java

public static String formatKey(Key key) {
    String algo = key.getAlgorithm();
    String fmt = key.getFormat();
    byte[] encoded = key.getEncoded();
    return "Key[algorithm=" + algo + ", format=" + fmt + ", bytes=" + encoded.length + "]";

From source file:com.kuzumeji.platform.standard.SecurityServiceTest.java

private static String dumpKeyPair(final Key key) {
    return MessageFormat.format("?:{0} ?:{1} ?:{2}", key.getAlgorithm(), key.getFormat(),

From source file:com.google.api.auth.DefaultJwksSupplierTest.java

private static void assertKeysEqual(Key expected, Key actual) {
    assertEquals(expected.getAlgorithm(), actual.getAlgorithm());
    assertEquals(new String(Hex.encode(expected.getEncoded())), new String(Hex.encode(actual.getEncoded())));
    assertEquals(expected.getFormat(), actual.getFormat());

From source file:energy.usef.environment.tool.security.KeystoreService.java

public byte[] loadSecretKey() {
    char[] ksPassword = toCharArray(keystorePassword);
    char[] ksKeyPassword = toCharArray(keystorePKPassword);

    Key key = null;
    try (InputStream is = new FileInputStream(keystoreFilename)) {
        KeyStore ks = KeyStore.getInstance(JCEKS);
        ks.load(is, ksPassword);//from   www.j a v a  2  s .c om
        key = ks.getKey(keystorePKAlias, ksKeyPassword);
    } catch (IOException | NoSuchAlgorithmException | CertificateException | KeyStoreException
            | UnrecoverableKeyException e) {
        LOGGER.error("Exception occured during the loading of the secret key. {}", e);
        throw new RuntimeException(e);
    if (key == null) {
        return new byte[0];
    LOGGER.info("Algorithm: " + key.getAlgorithm());
    LOGGER.info("Format: " + key.getFormat());
    return key.getEncoded();

From source file:mitm.common.security.keystore.hibernate.SerializableKeyEntry.java

public SerializableKeyEntry(Key key, char[] password, PBEncryption encryptor)
        throws InvalidKeyException, InvalidKeySpecException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, NoSuchProviderException,
        NoSuchPaddingException, IllegalBlockSizeException, BadPaddingException, IOException {
    if (encryptor == null || password == null) {
        this.rawKey = key.getEncoded();
        this.protection = Protection.NONE;
    } else {//w  w  w  . j  a v a 2  s  . c om
        this.rawKey = encryptor.encrypt(key.getEncoded(), password);
        this.protection = Protection.ENCRYPTED;

    this.algorithm = key.getAlgorithm();
    this.format = key.getFormat();

    if (key instanceof PrivateKey) {
        keyType = KeyType.PRIVATE;
    } else {
        if (key instanceof PublicKey) {
            keyType = KeyType.PUBLIC;
        } else {
            keyType = KeyType.SECRET;

From source file:com.evolveum.midpoint.provisioning.ucf.impl.ConnectorFactoryIcfImpl.java

private void selfTestGuardedString(OperationResult parentTestResult) {
    OperationResult result = parentTestResult
            .createSubresult(ConnectorFactoryIcfImpl.class + ".selfTestGuardedString");

    OperationResult subresult = result/*  ww  w  .ja va2s . c  o m*/
            .createSubresult(ConnectorFactoryIcfImpl.class + ".selfTestGuardedString.encryptorReflection");
    EncryptorFactory encryptorFactory = EncryptorFactory.getInstance();
    subresult.addReturn("encryptorFactoryImpl", encryptorFactory.getClass());
    LOGGER.debug("Encryptor factory implementation class: {}", encryptorFactory.getClass());
    Encryptor encryptor = EncryptorFactory.getInstance().newRandomEncryptor();
    subresult.addReturn("encryptorImpl", encryptor.getClass());
    LOGGER.debug("Encryptor implementation class: {}", encryptor.getClass());
    if (encryptor.getClass().getName().equals("org.identityconnectors.common.security.impl.EncryptorImpl")) {
        // let's do some reflection magic to have a look inside
        try {
            LOGGER.trace("Encryptor fields: {}", Arrays.asList(encryptor.getClass().getDeclaredFields()));
            Field keyField = encryptor.getClass().getDeclaredField("key");
            Key key = (Key) keyField.get(encryptor);
            subresult.addReturn("keyAlgorithm", key.getAlgorithm());
            subresult.addReturn("keyLength", key.getEncoded().length * 8);
            subresult.addReturn("keyFormat", key.getFormat());
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
            subresult.recordPartialError("Reflection introspection failed", e);
        } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
            subresult.recordPartialError("Reflection introspection failed", e);
        } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {
            subresult.recordPartialError("Reflection introspection failed", e);
        } catch (SecurityException e) {
            subresult.recordPartialError("Reflection introspection failed", e);

    OperationResult encryptorSubresult = result
            .createSubresult(ConnectorFactoryIcfImpl.class + ".selfTestGuardedString.encryptor");
    try {
        String plainString = "Scurvy seadog";
        byte[] encryptedBytes = encryptor.encrypt(plainString.getBytes());
        byte[] decryptedBytes = encryptor.decrypt(encryptedBytes);
        String decryptedString = new String(decryptedBytes);
        if (!plainString.equals(decryptedString)) {
                    "Encryptor roundtrip failed; encrypted=" + plainString + ", decrypted=" + decryptedString);
        } else {
    } catch (Throwable e) {
        LOGGER.error("Encryptor operation error: {}", e.getMessage(), e);
        encryptorSubresult.recordFatalError("Encryptor opeation error: " + e.getMessage(), e);

    final OperationResult guardedStringSubresult = result
            .createSubresult(ConnectorFactoryIcfImpl.class + ".selfTestGuardedString.guardedString");
    // try to encrypt and decrypt GuardedString
    try {
        final String origString = "Shiver me timbers";
        // This should encrypt it
        GuardedString guardedString = new GuardedString(origString.toCharArray());
        // and this should decrypt it
        guardedString.access(new GuardedString.Accessor() {
            public void access(char[] decryptedChars) {
                if (!(new String(decryptedChars)).equals(origString)) {
                    guardedStringSubresult.recordFatalError("GuardeString roundtrip failed; encrypted="
                            + origString + ", decrypted=" + (new String(decryptedChars)));
    } catch (Throwable e) {
        LOGGER.error("GuardedString operation error: {}", e.getMessage(), e);
        guardedStringSubresult.recordFatalError("GuardedString opeation error: " + e.getMessage(), e);


From source file:com.evolveum.midpoint.provisioning.ucf.impl.connid.ConnectorFactoryConnIdImpl.java

private void selfTestGuardedString(OperationResult parentTestResult) {
    OperationResult result = parentTestResult
            .createSubresult(ConnectorFactoryConnIdImpl.class + ".selfTestGuardedString");

    OperationResult subresult = result/*ww  w .jav  a  2 s  . c  o m*/
            .createSubresult(ConnectorFactoryConnIdImpl.class + ".selfTestGuardedString.encryptorReflection");
    EncryptorFactory encryptorFactory = EncryptorFactory.getInstance();
    subresult.addReturn("encryptorFactoryImpl", encryptorFactory.getClass());
    LOGGER.debug("Encryptor factory implementation class: {}", encryptorFactory.getClass());
    Encryptor encryptor = EncryptorFactory.getInstance().newRandomEncryptor();
    subresult.addReturn("encryptorImpl", encryptor.getClass());
    LOGGER.debug("Encryptor implementation class: {}", encryptor.getClass());
    if (encryptor.getClass().getName().equals("org.identityconnectors.common.security.impl.EncryptorImpl")) {
        // let's do some reflection magic to have a look inside
        try {
            LOGGER.trace("Encryptor fields: {}", Arrays.asList(encryptor.getClass().getDeclaredFields()));
            Field keyField = encryptor.getClass().getDeclaredField("key");
            Key key = (Key) keyField.get(encryptor);
            subresult.addReturn("keyAlgorithm", key.getAlgorithm());
            subresult.addReturn("keyLength", key.getEncoded().length * 8);
            subresult.addReturn("keyFormat", key.getFormat());
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
            subresult.recordPartialError("Reflection introspection failed", e);
        } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
            subresult.recordPartialError("Reflection introspection failed", e);
        } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {
            subresult.recordPartialError("Reflection introspection failed", e);
        } catch (SecurityException e) {
            subresult.recordPartialError("Reflection introspection failed", e);

    OperationResult encryptorSubresult = result
            .createSubresult(ConnectorFactoryConnIdImpl.class + ".selfTestGuardedString.encryptor");
    try {
        String plainString = "Scurvy seadog";
        byte[] encryptedBytes = encryptor.encrypt(plainString.getBytes());
        byte[] decryptedBytes = encryptor.decrypt(encryptedBytes);
        String decryptedString = new String(decryptedBytes);
        if (!plainString.equals(decryptedString)) {
                    "Encryptor roundtrip failed; encrypted=" + plainString + ", decrypted=" + decryptedString);
        } else {
    } catch (Throwable e) {
        LOGGER.error("Encryptor operation error: {}", e.getMessage(), e);
        encryptorSubresult.recordFatalError("Encryptor opeation error: " + e.getMessage(), e);

    final OperationResult guardedStringSubresult = result
            .createSubresult(ConnectorFactoryConnIdImpl.class + ".selfTestGuardedString.guardedString");
    // try to encrypt and decrypt GuardedString
    try {
        final String origString = "Shiver me timbers";
        // This should encrypt it
        GuardedString guardedString = new GuardedString(origString.toCharArray());
        // and this should decrypt it
        guardedString.access(new GuardedString.Accessor() {
            public void access(char[] decryptedChars) {
                if (!(new String(decryptedChars)).equals(origString)) {
                    guardedStringSubresult.recordFatalError("GuardeString roundtrip failed; encrypted="
                            + origString + ", decrypted=" + (new String(decryptedChars)));
    } catch (Throwable e) {
        LOGGER.error("GuardedString operation error: {}", e.getMessage(), e);
        guardedStringSubresult.recordFatalError("GuardedString opeation error: " + e.getMessage(), e);


From source file:nl.b3p.viewer.admin.stripes.CycloramaConfigurationActionBean.java

private String getBase64EncodedPrivateKeyFromPfxUpload(InputStream in, String password)
        throws KeyStoreException, IOException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, CertificateException,
        UnrecoverableKeyException {

    String base64 = null;//from  www . j  ava 2 s . co  m

    PrivateKey privateKey = null;

    KeyStore ks = java.security.KeyStore.getInstance(CERT_TYPE);
    ks.load(new BufferedInputStream(in), password.toCharArray());

    Enumeration<String> aliases = ks.aliases();

    while (aliases.hasMoreElements()) {
        String alias = aliases.nextElement();

        Key ksKey = ks.getKey(alias, password.toCharArray());
        String keyFormat = ksKey.getFormat();

        if ((ksKey instanceof RSAPrivateCrtKeyImpl) && keyFormat.equals(KEY_FORMAT)) {
            privateKey = (PrivateKey) ksKey;

    if (privateKey != null) {
        Base64 encoder = new Base64();
        base64 = new String(encoder.encode(privateKey.getEncoded()));

    return base64;

From source file:org.apache.hadoop.io.crypto.KeyStoreKeyProvider.java

 * Implementation of getting keys from the key store.
 *//*  w  w  w.  j a  va2s. co  m*/
public Key[] getKeys(String[] keyNames) throws CryptoException {
    if (keyStore == null)
        throw new CryptoException("Key store is not intialized.");

    if (keyNames == null)
        return null;

    Key[] rawKeys = new Key[keyNames.length];

    try {
        for (int i = 0; i < keyNames.length; i++) {
            String keyName = keyNames[i];
            String password = getKeyPassword(keyName);

            char[] passphase = null;
            if (password != null)
                passphase = password.toCharArray();

            Key.KeyType keyType = Key.KeyType.OPAQUE;
            String algorithm = null;
            String format = null;
            byte[] rawKey;

            java.security.Key key = keyStore.getKey(keyName, passphase);
            if (key != null) {
                // secret key or private key
                rawKey = key.getEncoded();
                algorithm = key.getAlgorithm();
                format = key.getFormat();

                if (key instanceof SecretKey) {
                    keyType = Key.KeyType.SYMMETRIC_KEY;
                } else if (key instanceof PrivateKey) {
                    keyType = Key.KeyType.PRIVATE_KEY;
            } else {
                // trusted certificate
                Certificate certificate = keyStore.getCertificate(keyName);
                if (certificate == null)
                    throw new CryptoException("Key " + keyName + " not found");

                keyType = Key.KeyType.CERTIFICATE;
                rawKey = certificate.getEncoded();

            rawKeys[i] = new Key(keyType, algorithm, 0, format, rawKey);
    } catch (KeyStoreException e) {
        throw new CryptoException(e);
    } catch (UnrecoverableEntryException e) {
        throw new CryptoException(e);
    } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
        throw new CryptoException(e);
    } catch (CertificateException e) {
        throw new CryptoException(e);

    return rawKeys;

From source file:org.ejbca.core.protocol.ws.client.NestedCrmfRequestTestCommand.java

private void init(String args[]) {

    FileInputStream file_inputstream;
    try {//from  w w w .  j  a  v  a2 s. c  o  m
        String pwd = args[ARG_KEYSTOREPASSWORD];
        String certNameInKeystore = args[ARG_CERTNAMEINKEYSTORE];
        file_inputstream = new FileInputStream(args[ARG_KEYSTOREPATH]);
        KeyStore keyStore = KeyStore.getInstance("PKCS12");
        keyStore.load(file_inputstream, pwd.toCharArray());
        System.out.println("Keystore size " + keyStore.size());
        Enumeration aliases = keyStore.aliases();
        while (aliases.hasMoreElements()) {
        Key key = keyStore.getKey(certNameInKeystore, pwd.toCharArray());
        getPrintStream().println("Key information " + key.getAlgorithm() + " " + key.getFormat());
        PKCS8EncodedKeySpec keySpec = new PKCS8EncodedKeySpec(key.getEncoded());
        KeyFactory keyFactory = KeyFactory.getInstance("RSA");
        innerSignKey = keyFactory.generatePrivate(keySpec);
        innerCertificate = keyStore.getCertificate(certNameInKeystore);
    } catch (FileNotFoundException e2) {
    } catch (KeyStoreException e) {
    } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
    } catch (CertificateException e) {
    } catch (IOException e) {
    } catch (UnrecoverableKeyException e) {
    } catch (InvalidKeySpecException e) {

    try {
        KeyPair outerSignKeys = KeyTools.genKeys("1024", "RSA");
        outerSignKey = outerSignKeys.getPrivate();
        X509Certificate signCert = CertTools.genSelfCert("CN=cmpTest,C=SE", 5000, null,
                outerSignKeys.getPrivate(), outerSignKeys.getPublic(),
                PKCSObjectIdentifiers.sha256WithRSAEncryption.getId(), true, "BC");

        writeCertificate(signCert, "/opt/racerts", "cmpTest.pem");

        ArrayList<Certificate> certCollection = new ArrayList<Certificate>();
        byte[] pemRaCert = CertTools.getPEMFromCerts(certCollection);
        FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(new File("/opt/racerts/cmpStressTest.pem"));
    } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e1) {
    } catch (NoSuchProviderException e1) {
    } catch (InvalidAlgorithmParameterException e1) {
    } catch (InvalidKeyException e) {
    } catch (CertificateEncodingException e) {
    } catch (SignatureException e) {
    } catch (IllegalStateException e) {
        //} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
        //   e.printStackTrace();
        //} catch (IOException e) {
        //   e.printStackTrace();
        //} catch (CertificateException e) {
        //   e.printStackTrace();
