List of usage examples for Key getEncoded
public byte[] getEncoded();
From source
@Override protected void execute(String[] args) { final String hostName; final String keystoreFile; final String keystorePassword; final String certNameInKeystore; final int numberOfThreads; final int waitTime; final int port; final String urlPath; final String resultFilePrefix; if (args.length < 5) { System.out.println(args[0] + " <host name> <keystore (p12)> <keystore password> <friendlyname in keystore> [<number of threads>] [<wait time (ms) between each thread is started>] [<port>] [<URL path of servlet. use 'null' to get EJBCA (not proxy) default>] [<certificate file prefix. set this if you want all received certificates stored on files>]"); System.out.println(/*from ww w . j a va2 s . c o m*/ "EJBCA build configuration requirements: cmp.operationmode=normal, cmp.allowraverifypopo=true, cmp.allowautomatickeyupdate=true, cmp.allowupdatewithsamekey=true"); // System.out.println("EJBCA build configuration optional: cmp.ra.certificateprofile=KeyId cmp.ra.endentityprofile=KeyId (used when the KeyId argument should be used as profile name)."); System.out.println( "Ejbca expects the following: There exists an end entity with a generated certificate. The end entity's certificate and its private key are stored in the keystore used " + "in the commandline. The end entity's certificate's 'friendly name' in the keystore is the one used in the command line. Such keystore can be obtained, for example, by specifying " + "the token to be 'P12' when creating the end entity and then download the keystore by choosing 'create keystore' from the public web"); return; } hostName = args[1]; keystoreFile = args[2]; keystorePassword = args[3]; certNameInKeystore = args[4]; numberOfThreads = args.length > 5 ? Integer.parseInt(args[5].trim()) : 1; waitTime = args.length > 6 ? Integer.parseInt(args[6].trim()) : 0; port = args.length > 7 ? Integer.parseInt(args[7].trim()) : 8080; // isHttp = true; urlPath = args.length > 8 && args[8].toLowerCase().indexOf("null") < 0 ? args[8].trim() : null; resultFilePrefix = args.length > 9 ? args[9].trim() : null; CryptoProviderTools.installBCProviderIfNotAvailable(); Certificate cacert = null; Certificate extracert = null; PrivateKey oldCertKey = null; FileInputStream file_inputstream; try { file_inputstream = new FileInputStream(keystoreFile); KeyStore keyStore = KeyStore.getInstance("PKCS12"); keyStore.load(file_inputstream, keystorePassword.toCharArray()); Key key = keyStore.getKey(certNameInKeystore, keystorePassword.toCharArray()); PKCS8EncodedKeySpec keySpec = new PKCS8EncodedKeySpec(key.getEncoded()); KeyFactory keyFactory = KeyFactory.getInstance("RSA"); oldCertKey = keyFactory.generatePrivate(keySpec); //extracert = keyStore.getCertificate(certNameInKeystore); Certificate[] certs = keyStore.getCertificateChain(certNameInKeystore); extracert = certs[0]; cacert = certs[1]; } catch (FileNotFoundException e2) { e2.printStackTrace(); System.exit(-1); } catch (KeyStoreException e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(-1); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(-1); } catch (CertificateException e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(-1); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(-1); } catch (UnrecoverableKeyException e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(-1); } catch (InvalidKeySpecException e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(-1); } try { new StressTest(hostName, port, numberOfThreads, waitTime, urlPath, resultFilePrefix, keystorePassword, cacert, oldCertKey, extracert); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
From source
private void selfTestGuardedString(OperationResult parentTestResult) { OperationResult result = parentTestResult .createSubresult(ConnectorFactoryConnIdImpl.class + ".selfTestGuardedString"); OperationResult subresult = result//from ww w . j a v a 2 s .co m .createSubresult(ConnectorFactoryConnIdImpl.class + ".selfTestGuardedString.encryptorReflection"); EncryptorFactory encryptorFactory = EncryptorFactory.getInstance(); subresult.addReturn("encryptorFactoryImpl", encryptorFactory.getClass()); LOGGER.debug("Encryptor factory implementation class: {}", encryptorFactory.getClass()); Encryptor encryptor = EncryptorFactory.getInstance().newRandomEncryptor(); subresult.addReturn("encryptorImpl", encryptor.getClass()); LOGGER.debug("Encryptor implementation class: {}", encryptor.getClass()); if (encryptor.getClass().getName().equals("")) { // let's do some reflection magic to have a look inside try { LOGGER.trace("Encryptor fields: {}", Arrays.asList(encryptor.getClass().getDeclaredFields())); Field keyField = encryptor.getClass().getDeclaredField("key"); keyField.setAccessible(true); Key key = (Key) keyField.get(encryptor); subresult.addReturn("keyAlgorithm", key.getAlgorithm()); subresult.addReturn("keyLength", key.getEncoded().length * 8); subresult.addReturn("keyFormat", key.getFormat()); subresult.recordSuccess(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { subresult.recordPartialError("Reflection introspection failed", e); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { subresult.recordPartialError("Reflection introspection failed", e); } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) { subresult.recordPartialError("Reflection introspection failed", e); } catch (SecurityException e) { subresult.recordPartialError("Reflection introspection failed", e); } } OperationResult encryptorSubresult = result .createSubresult(ConnectorFactoryConnIdImpl.class + ".selfTestGuardedString.encryptor"); try { String plainString = "Scurvy seadog"; byte[] encryptedBytes = encryptor.encrypt(plainString.getBytes()); byte[] decryptedBytes = encryptor.decrypt(encryptedBytes); String decryptedString = new String(decryptedBytes); if (!plainString.equals(decryptedString)) { encryptorSubresult.recordFatalError( "Encryptor roundtrip failed; encrypted=" + plainString + ", decrypted=" + decryptedString); } else { encryptorSubresult.recordSuccess(); } } catch (Throwable e) { LOGGER.error("Encryptor operation error: {}", e.getMessage(), e); encryptorSubresult.recordFatalError("Encryptor opeation error: " + e.getMessage(), e); } final OperationResult guardedStringSubresult = result .createSubresult(ConnectorFactoryConnIdImpl.class + ".selfTestGuardedString.guardedString"); // try to encrypt and decrypt GuardedString try { final String origString = "Shiver me timbers"; // This should encrypt it GuardedString guardedString = new GuardedString(origString.toCharArray()); // and this should decrypt it guardedString.access(new GuardedString.Accessor() { @Override public void access(char[] decryptedChars) { if (!(new String(decryptedChars)).equals(origString)) { guardedStringSubresult.recordFatalError("GuardeString roundtrip failed; encrypted=" + origString + ", decrypted=" + (new String(decryptedChars))); } } }); guardedStringSubresult.recordSuccessIfUnknown(); } catch (Throwable e) { LOGGER.error("GuardedString operation error: {}", e.getMessage(), e); guardedStringSubresult.recordFatalError("GuardedString opeation error: " + e.getMessage(), e); } result.computeStatus(); }
From source
/** * @throws SystemException if jceks keystore is not available on {@link ProtectorImpl#getKeyStorePath} *//*from w ww .j av a2s .com*/ public void init() { InputStream stream = null; try { // Test if use file or classpath resource File f = new File(getKeyStorePath()); if (f.exists()) {"Using file keystore at {}", getKeyStorePath()); if (!f.canRead()) { LOGGER.error("Provided keystore file {} is unreadable.", getKeyStorePath()); throw new EncryptionException( "Provided keystore file " + getKeyStorePath() + " is unreadable."); } stream = new FileInputStream(f); // Use class path keystore } else { LOGGER.warn("Using default keystore from classpath ({}).", getKeyStorePath()); // Read from class path stream = ProtectorImpl.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(getKeyStorePath()); // ugly dirty hack to have second chance to find keystore on // class path if (stream == null) { stream = ProtectorImpl.class.getClassLoader() .getResourceAsStream("com/../../" + getKeyStorePath()); } } // Test if we have valid stream if (stream == null) { throw new EncryptionException("Couldn't load keystore as resource '" + getKeyStorePath() + "'"); } // Load keystore keyStore.load(stream, getKeyStorePassword().toCharArray()); Enumeration<String> aliases = keyStore.aliases(); Set<String> keyEntryAliasesInKeyStore = new HashSet<>(); MessageDigest sha1; try { sha1 = MessageDigest.getInstance(KEY_DIGEST_TYPE); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException ex) { throw new EncryptionException(ex.getMessage(), ex); } while (aliases.hasMoreElements()) { String alias = aliases.nextElement(); try { if (!keyStore.isKeyEntry(alias)) { LOGGER.trace("Alias {} is not a key entry and shall be skipped", alias); continue; } keyEntryAliasesInKeyStore.add(alias); Key key = keyStore.getKey(alias, KEY_PASSWORD); if (!(key instanceof SecretKey)) { continue; } final SecretKey secretKey = (SecretKey) key; LOGGER.trace("Found secret key for alias {}", alias); aliasToSecretKeyHashMap.put(alias, secretKey); final String digest = Base64.encode(sha1.digest(key.getEncoded())); LOGGER.trace("Calculated digest {} for key alias {}", digest, key); digestToSecretKeyHashMap.put(digest, secretKey); } catch (UnrecoverableKeyException ex) { LOGGER.trace("Couldn't recover key {} from keystore, reason: {}", new Object[] { alias, ex.getMessage() }); } } LOGGER.trace("Found {} aliases in keystore identified as secret keys", aliasToSecretKeyHashMap.size()); stream.close(); // Initialize trust manager list TrustManagerFactory tmFactory = TrustManagerFactory .getInstance(TrustManagerFactory.getDefaultAlgorithm()); tmFactory.init(keyStore); trustManagers = new ArrayList<>(); for (TrustManager trustManager : tmFactory.getTrustManagers()) { trustManagers.add(trustManager); } //init apache crypto library Init.init(); } catch (Exception ex) { LOGGER.error("Unable to work with keystore {}, reason {}.", new Object[] { getKeyStorePath(), ex.getMessage() }, ex); throw new SystemException(ex.getMessage(), ex); } randomNumberGenerator = new SecureRandom(); }
From source
private XMLSecEvent processEvent(InputProcessorChain inputProcessorChain, boolean isSecurityHeaderEvent) throws XMLStreamException, XMLSecurityException { if (!tmpXmlEventList.isEmpty()) { return tmpXmlEventList.pollLast(); }/*w w w .ja va 2 s .co m*/ XMLSecEvent xmlSecEvent = isSecurityHeaderEvent ? inputProcessorChain.processHeaderEvent() : inputProcessorChain.processEvent(); boolean encryptedHeader = false; if (xmlSecEvent.getEventType() == XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT) { XMLSecStartElement xmlSecStartElement = xmlSecEvent.asStartElement(); //buffer the events until the EncryptedData Element appears and discard it if we found the reference inside it //otherwise replay it if (xmlSecStartElement.getName().equals(XMLSecurityConstants.TAG_wsse11_EncryptedHeader)) { xmlSecEvent = readAndBufferEncryptedHeader(inputProcessorChain, isSecurityHeaderEvent, xmlSecEvent); xmlSecStartElement = xmlSecEvent.asStartElement(); encryptedHeader = true; } //check if the current start-element has the name EncryptedData and an Id attribute if (xmlSecStartElement.getName().equals(XMLSecurityConstants.TAG_xenc_EncryptedData)) { ReferenceType referenceType = null; if (references != null) { referenceType = matchesReferenceId(xmlSecStartElement); if (referenceType == null) { //if the events were not for us (no matching reference-id the we have to replay the EncryptedHeader elements) if (!tmpXmlEventList.isEmpty()) { return tmpXmlEventList.pollLast(); } return xmlSecEvent; } //duplicate id's are forbidden if (processedReferences.contains(referenceType)) { throw new XMLSecurityException("signature.Verification.MultipleIDs"); } processedReferences.add(referenceType); } tmpXmlEventList.clear(); //the following logic reads the encryptedData structure and doesn't pass them further //through the chain InputProcessorChain subInputProcessorChain = inputProcessorChain.createSubChain(this); EncryptedDataType encryptedDataType = parseEncryptedDataStructure(isSecurityHeaderEvent, xmlSecEvent, subInputProcessorChain); if (encryptedDataType.getId() == null) { encryptedDataType.setId(IDGenerator.generateID(null)); } InboundSecurityToken inboundSecurityToken = getSecurityToken(inputProcessorChain, xmlSecStartElement, encryptedDataType); handleSecurityToken(inboundSecurityToken, inputProcessorChain.getSecurityContext(), encryptedDataType); final String algorithmURI = encryptedDataType.getEncryptionMethod().getAlgorithm(); final int ivLength = JCEAlgorithmMapper.getIVLengthFromURI(algorithmURI) / 8; Cipher symCipher = getCipher(algorithmURI); if (encryptedDataType.getCipherData().getCipherReference() != null) { handleCipherReference(inputProcessorChain, encryptedDataType, symCipher, inboundSecurityToken); subInputProcessorChain.reset(); return isSecurityHeaderEvent ? subInputProcessorChain.processHeaderEvent() : subInputProcessorChain.processEvent(); } //create a new Thread for streaming decryption DecryptionThread decryptionThread = new DecryptionThread(subInputProcessorChain, isSecurityHeaderEvent); Key decryptionKey = inboundSecurityToken.getSecretKey(algorithmURI, XMLSecurityConstants.Enc, encryptedDataType.getId()); decryptionKey = XMLSecurityUtils.prepareSecretKey(algorithmURI, decryptionKey.getEncoded()); decryptionThread.setSecretKey(decryptionKey); decryptionThread.setSymmetricCipher(symCipher); decryptionThread.setIvLength(ivLength); XMLSecStartElement parentXMLSecStartElement = xmlSecStartElement.getParentXMLSecStartElement(); if (encryptedHeader) { parentXMLSecStartElement = parentXMLSecStartElement.getParentXMLSecStartElement(); } AbstractDecryptedEventReaderInputProcessor decryptedEventReaderInputProcessor = newDecryptedEventReaderInputProcessor( encryptedHeader, parentXMLSecStartElement, encryptedDataType, inboundSecurityToken, inputProcessorChain.getSecurityContext()); //add the new created EventReader processor to the chain. inputProcessorChain.addProcessor(decryptedEventReaderInputProcessor); inputProcessorChain.getDocumentContext().setIsInEncryptedContent( inputProcessorChain.getProcessors().indexOf(decryptedEventReaderInputProcessor), decryptedEventReaderInputProcessor); //fire here only ContentEncryptedElementEvents //the other ones will be fired later, because we don't know the encrypted element name yet //important: this must occur after setIsInEncryptedContent! if (SecurePart.Modifier.Content.getModifier().equals(encryptedDataType.getType())) { handleEncryptedContent(inputProcessorChain, xmlSecStartElement.getParentXMLSecStartElement(), inboundSecurityToken, encryptedDataType); } Thread thread = new Thread(decryptionThread); thread.setPriority(Thread.NORM_PRIORITY + 1); thread.setName("decryption thread"); //when an exception in the decryption thread occurs, we want to forward them: thread.setUncaughtExceptionHandler(decryptedEventReaderInputProcessor); decryptedEventReaderInputProcessor.setDecryptionThread(thread); //we have to start the thread before we call decryptionThread.getPipedInputStream(). //Otherwise we will end in a deadlock, because the StAX reader expects already data. //@See some lines below: log.debug("Starting decryption thread"); thread.start(); InputStream prologInputStream; InputStream epilogInputStream; try { prologInputStream = writeWrapperStartElement(xmlSecStartElement); epilogInputStream = writeWrapperEndElement(); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { throw new XMLSecurityException(e); } catch (IOException e) { throw new XMLSecurityException(e); } InputStream decryptInputStream = decryptionThread.getPipedInputStream(); decryptInputStream = applyTransforms(referenceType, decryptInputStream); //spec says (4.2): "The cleartext octet sequence obtained in step 3 is //interpreted as UTF-8 encoded character data." XMLStreamReader xmlStreamReader = inputProcessorChain.getSecurityContext() .<XMLInputFactory>get(XMLSecurityConstants.XMLINPUTFACTORY).createXMLStreamReader( new MultiInputStream(prologInputStream, decryptInputStream, epilogInputStream), "UTF-8"); //forward to wrapper element forwardToWrapperElement(xmlStreamReader); decryptedEventReaderInputProcessor.setXmlStreamReader(xmlStreamReader); if (isSecurityHeaderEvent) { return decryptedEventReaderInputProcessor.processNextHeaderEvent(inputProcessorChain); } else { return decryptedEventReaderInputProcessor.processNextEvent(inputProcessorChain); } } } return xmlSecEvent; }
From source
@Override public String getEncryptedLicense(PublicKey targetKey) throws SystemStateException, OperationException { byte[] licenseAsBytes; try (ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ObjectOutput out = new ObjectOutputStream(bos)) { out.writeObject(this); licenseAsBytes = bos.toByteArray(); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new OperationException("An error occured while serializing the license", ex); }//from w w w . j a v a 2 s .c om SecureRandom random = new SecureRandom(); Cipher aescipher; Cipher rsacipher; KeyGenerator aesgenerator; Key symkey; try { aesgenerator = KeyGenerator.getInstance(symmetricKeyType, provider); aesgenerator.init(128, random); symkey = aesgenerator.generateKey(); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException | NoSuchProviderException ex) { throw new SystemStateException("The specified symkey could not be generated.", ex); } try { aescipher = Cipher.getInstance(symmetricEncoding, provider); rsacipher = Cipher.getInstance(asymmetricEncoding, provider); aescipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, symkey); rsacipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, targetKey); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException | NoSuchProviderException | /*InvalidKeySpecException |*/ NoSuchPaddingException | InvalidKeyException ex) { throw new SystemStateException("The specified encryption provider or algorithm was not found", ex); } String encryptedLicense; try { byte[] encryptedsymkey = rsacipher.doFinal(symkey.getEncoded()); byte[] encryptedlicense = aescipher.doFinal(licenseAsBytes); byte[] licenseWithKey = new byte[encryptedsymkey.length + encryptedlicense.length]; System.arraycopy(encryptedsymkey, 0, licenseWithKey, 0, encryptedsymkey.length); System.arraycopy(encryptedlicense, 0, licenseWithKey, encryptedsymkey.length, encryptedlicense.length); encryptedLicense = Base64.encodeBase64String(licenseWithKey); } catch (IllegalBlockSizeException | BadPaddingException ex) { throw new OperationException("Could not encode to base64", ex); } return encryptedLicense; }
From source
@SuppressWarnings("resource") public void run() { SingletonForSSFMP info = null;/*from w w w. j av a2 s . co m*/ SingletonForSSFMP2 info2 = null; SingletonForSSFMP3 info3 = null; switch (abs) { case 0: info = SingletonForSSFMP.getInstance(); break; case 1: info2 = SingletonForSSFMP2.getInstance(); break; case 2: info3 = SingletonForSSFMP3.getInstance(); break; default: //info = SingletonForMyStreamer.getInstance(); break; } int seqTsEnc = 0; //info.getSeqTsEnc(); if (!modeLive.equals("capturedTimeShifted")) { if ((abs == 0) && (info != null)) { seqTsEnc = info.getSeqTsEnc(); } else if ((abs == 1) && (info2 != null)) { seqTsEnc = info2.getSeqTsEnc(); } else if ((abs == 2) && (info3 != null)) { seqTsEnc = info3.getSeqTsEnc(); } } else if (modeLive.equals("capturedTimeShifted")) { if ((abs == 0) && (info != null)) { seqTsEnc = info.getSeqTsCapturedTimeShifted(); } else if ((abs == 1) && (info2 != null)) { seqTsEnc = info2.getSeqTsCapturedTimeShifted(); } else if ((abs == 2) && (info3 != null)) { seqTsEnc = info3.getSeqTsCapturedTimeShifted(); } } if ((abs == 0) && (info != null) && info.getFlagLastTs()) { seqTsEnc = info.getSeqTsLast(); } else if ((abs == 1) && (info2 != null) && info2.getFlagLastTs()) { seqTsEnc = info2.getSeqTsLast(); } else if ((abs == 2) && (info3 != null) && info3.getFlagLastTs()) { seqTsEnc = info3.getSeqTsLast(); } log.debug(MARKER_Encrypter, "{} Begin : Encryption of seqTsEnc : {}", Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()[1].getMethodName(), seqTsEnc); Key sKey; Cipher c; FileOutputStream keyOut; FileWriter ivOut; FileInputStream fis; BufferedInputStream bis; FileOutputStream fos; CipherOutputStream cos; try { Security.addProvider(new org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider()); sKey = makeKey(128); // Key length is 128bit c = Cipher.getInstance("AES/CBC/PKCS7Padding", "BC"); // log.debug(MARKER_Encrypter, "{} [c.getAlgorithm()] {}", Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()[1].getMethodName(), c.getAlgorithm()); c.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, sKey); // Set Key File Name at random String keyPre = RandomStringUtils.randomAlphabetic(10); keyOut = new FileOutputStream(streamPath + FILE_SEPARATOR + keyPre + seqTsEnc + ".key"); if ((abs == 0) && (info != null)) { info.addKeyArrayList(keyPre); } else if ((abs == 1) && (info2 != null)) { info2.addKeyArrayList(keyPre); } else if ((abs == 2) && (info3 != null)) { info3.addKeyArrayList(keyPre); } byte[] keyOutByte = sKey.getEncoded(); keyOut.write(keyOutByte); keyOut.close(); byte[] iv = c.getIV(); // log.debug(MARKER_Encrypter, "{} [iv.length] {} [byte]", Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()[1].getMethodName(), iv.length); String ivHex = ""; for (int i = 0; i < iv.length; i++) { String ivHexTmp = String.format("%02x", iv[i]).toUpperCase(); ivHex = ivHex + ivHexTmp; } String ivPre = RandomStringUtils.randomAlphabetic(10); ivOut = new FileWriter(streamPath + FILE_SEPARATOR + ivPre + seqTsEnc + ".iv"); ivOut.write(ivHex); ivOut.close(); // log.debug(MARKER_Encrypter, "{} [iv] {}", Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()[1].getMethodName(), ivHex); if ((abs == 0) && (info != null)) { info.addIvArrayList(ivHex); } else if ((abs == 1) && (info2 != null)) { info2.addIvArrayList(ivHex); } else if ((abs == 2) && (info3 != null)) { info3.addIvArrayList(ivHex); } fis = new FileInputStream(TEMP_PATH_FOR_ENC + FILE_SEPARATOR + "fileSequence" + seqTsEnc + ".ts"); bis = new BufferedInputStream(fis); fos = new FileOutputStream(streamPath + FILE_SEPARATOR + "fileSequenceEnc" + seqTsEnc + ".ts"); cos = new CipherOutputStream(fos, c); if (modeLive.equals("capturedTimeShifted")) { fis = new FileInputStream( TEMP_PATH_FOR_ENC + FILE_SEPARATOR + "fileSequenceEncoded" + seqTsEnc + ".ts"); bis = new BufferedInputStream(fis); fos = new FileOutputStream(streamPath + FILE_SEPARATOR + "fileSequenceEnc" + seqTsEnc + ".ts"); cos = new CipherOutputStream(fos, c); } byte[] buf = new byte[TS_PACKET_LENGTH]; int ch; while ((ch = != -1) { cos.write(buf, 0, ch); } cos.close(); fos.close(); bis.close(); fis.close(); log.debug(MARKER_Encrypter, "{} End : Encryption of seqTsEnc : {}", Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()[1].getMethodName(), seqTsEnc); if ((abs == 0) && (info != null) && info.getFlagLastTs()) { log.debug(MARKER_Encrypter, "{} ALL ENCRYPTION FINISHED!!! {}", Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()[1].getMethodName(), abs); } else if ((abs == 1) && (info2 != null) && info2.getFlagLastTs()) { log.debug(MARKER_Encrypter, "{} ALL ENCRYPTION FINISHED!!! {}", Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()[1].getMethodName(), abs); } else if ((abs == 2) && (info3 != null) && info3.getFlagLastTs()) { log.debug(MARKER_Encrypter, "{} ALL ENCRYPTION FINISHED!!! {}", Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()[1].getMethodName(), abs); } } catch (NoSuchProviderException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (NoSuchPaddingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (InvalidKeyException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // try }
From source
private void logKeyStore(KeyStore ks, String ksLocation, char[] ksPwd) { if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Loaded cluster key store from: {}", ksLocation); try {/*from w ww .j a va 2s . c o m*/ for (Enumeration<String> e = ks.aliases(); e.hasMoreElements();) { String alias = e.nextElement(); Key key = ks.getKey(alias, ksPwd); Certificate[] certs = ks.getCertificateChain(alias); log.debug("{} -> {}", alias, certs); final byte[] encodedKey; if (certs != null && certs.length > 0) { encodedKey = certs[0].getEncoded(); } else {"Could not find cert chain for {}, using fingerprint of key instead...", alias); encodedKey = key.getEncoded(); } // Compute the certificate's fingerprint (use the key if certificate cannot be found) MessageDigest digest = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA1"); digest.update(encodedKey); StringJoiner fingerprint = new StringJoiner(":"); for (byte b : digest.digest()) { fingerprint.add(String.format("%02X", b)); }"{} -> {}", alias, fingerprint); } } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("Unable to print contents of key store: {}", ksLocation, e); } } }