Example usage for java.security Key getAlgorithm

List of usage examples for java.security Key getAlgorithm


In this page you can find the example usage for java.security Key getAlgorithm.


public String getAlgorithm();

Source Link


Returns the standard algorithm name for this key.


From source file:org.lockss.util.KeyStoreUtil.java

private static void initializeKeyStore(KeyStore keyStore, String domainName, String password)
        throws IOException, CertificateException, InvalidKeyException, SignatureException,
        NoSuchAlgorithmException, NoSuchProviderException, KeyStoreException, UnrecoverableKeyException {
    String keyAlias = domainName + keySuffix;
    String certAlias = domainName + crtSuffix;
    String keyStorePassword = domainName;
    String keyStoreFileName = domainName + ".jceks";
    File keyStoreFile = new File(keyStoreFileName);
    if (keyStoreFile.exists()) {
        log.debug("Key store file " + keyStoreFileName + " exists");
        throw new IOException("Key store file " + keyStoreFileName + " exists");
    }/*w w w. j a v  a  2s.  co m*/
    String keyAlgName = "RSA";
    String sigAlgName = "MD5WithRSA";
    log.debug("About to create a CertAndKeyGen: " + keyAlgName + " " + sigAlgName);
    CertAndKeyGen keypair;
    try {
        keypair = new CertAndKeyGen(keyAlgName, sigAlgName);
    } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
        log.debug("new CertAndKeyGen(" + keyAlgName + "," + sigAlgName + ") threw " + e);
        throw e;
    log.debug("About to generate a key pair");
    try {
    } catch (InvalidKeyException e) {
        log.debug("keypair.generate(1024) threw " + e);
        throw e;
    log.debug("About to get a PrivateKey");
    PrivateKey privKey = keypair.getPrivateKey();
    log.debug("MyKey: " + privKey.getAlgorithm() + " " + privKey.getFormat());
    log.debug("About to get a self-signed certificate");
    X509Certificate[] chain = new X509Certificate[1];
    X500Name x500Name = new X500Name(
            "CN=" + domainName + ", " + "OU=LOCKSS Team, O=Stanford, " + "L=Stanford, S=California, C=US");
    chain[0] = keypair.getSelfCertificate(x500Name, 365 * 24 * 60 * 60);
    log.debug("Certificate: " + chain[0].toString());
    log.debug("About to keyStore.load(null)");
    try {
        keyStore.load(null, keyStorePassword.toCharArray());
    } catch (IOException e) {
        log.debug("keyStore.load() threw " + e);
        throw e;
    } catch (CertificateException e) {
        log.debug("keyStore.load() threw " + e);
        throw e;
    } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
        log.debug("keyStore.load() threw " + e);
        throw e;
    log.debug("About to store " + certAlias + " in key store");
    try {
        keyStore.setCertificateEntry(certAlias, chain[0]);
    } catch (KeyStoreException e) {
        log.debug("keyStore.setCertificateEntry() threw " + e);
        throw e;
    log.debug("About to store " + keyAlias + " in key store");
    try {
        keyStore.setKeyEntry(keyAlias, privKey, password.toCharArray(), chain);
    } catch (KeyStoreException e) {
        log.debug("keyStore.setKeyEntry() threw " + e);
        throw e;
    log.debug("About to getKeyEntry()");
    Key myKey = keyStore.getKey(keyAlias, password.toCharArray());
    log.debug("MyKey: " + myKey.getAlgorithm() + " " + myKey.getFormat());
    log.debug("Done storing");

From source file:org.lockss.util.KeyStoreUtil.java

private static void listKeyStore(String domainNames[], KeyStore kss[], String passwords[], int i) {
    log.debug("start of key store for " + domainNames[i]);
    try {//  w ww .java2s . c  om
        for (Enumeration en = kss[i].aliases(); en.hasMoreElements();) {
            String alias = (String) en.nextElement();
            log.debug("Next alias " + alias);
            if (kss[i].isCertificateEntry(alias)) {
                log.debug("About to getCertificate");
                java.security.cert.Certificate cert = kss[i].getCertificate(alias);
                if (cert == null) {
                    log.debug(alias + " null cert chain");
                } else {
                    log.debug("Cert for " + alias + " is " + cert.toString());
            } else if (kss[i].isKeyEntry(alias)) {
                log.debug("About to getKey");
                Key privateKey = kss[i].getKey(alias, passwords[i].toCharArray());
                log.debug(alias + " key " + privateKey.getAlgorithm() + "/" + privateKey.getFormat());
            } else {
                log.error(alias + " neither key nor cert");
        log.debug("end of key store for " + domainNames[i]);
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        log.error("listKeyStore() threw " + ex);

From source file:org.lockss.util.TestKeyStoreUtil.java

void assertPrivateKs(File file, String pass, String alias) throws Exception {
    KeyStore ks = loadKeyStore("jceks", file, alias);
    List aliases = ListUtil.fromIterator(new EnumerationIterator(ks.aliases()));
    assertEquals(2, aliases.size());/*from  www  .jav  a 2 s. c  o  m*/
    Certificate cert = ks.getCertificate(alias + ".crt");
    assertEquals("X.509", cert.getType());
    assertTrue(ks.isKeyEntry(alias + ".key"));
    assertTrue(ks.isCertificateEntry(alias + ".crt"));
    Key key = ks.getKey(alias + ".key", pass.toCharArray());
    assertEquals("RSA", key.getAlgorithm());

From source file:org.opensaml.security.crypto.SigningUtil.java

 * Compute the Message Authentication Code (MAC) value over the supplied input.
 * /*from  ww  w .  ja v a2s. c  om*/
 * It is up to the caller to ensure that the specified algorithm ID is consistent with the type of signing key
 * supplied.
 * @param signingKey the key with which to compute the MAC
 * @param jcaAlgorithmID the Java JCA algorithm ID to use
 * @param input the input over which to compute the MAC
 * @return the computed MAC value
 * @throws SecurityException thrown if the MAC computation results in an error
public static byte[] signMAC(@Nonnull final Key signingKey, @Nonnull final String jcaAlgorithmID,
        @Nonnull final byte[] input) throws SecurityException {
    Constraint.isNotNull(signingKey, "Secret key cannot be null");
    Constraint.isNotNull(jcaAlgorithmID, "JCA algorithm ID cannot be null");
    Constraint.isNotNull(input, "Input data to sign cannot be null");

    Logger log = getLogger();
    log.debug("Computing MAC over input using key of type {} and JCA algorithm ID {}",
            signingKey.getAlgorithm(), jcaAlgorithmID);

    try {
        Mac mac = Mac.getInstance(jcaAlgorithmID);
        byte[] rawMAC = mac.doFinal();
        log.debug("Computed MAC: {}", Hex.encodeHexString(rawMAC));
        return rawMAC;
    } catch (GeneralSecurityException e) {
        log.error("Error during MAC generation", e);
        throw new SecurityException("Error during MAC generation", e);

From source file:org.opensaml.security.crypto.SigningUtil.java

 * Verify the Message Authentication Code (MAC) value computed over the supplied input against the supplied MAC
 * value.//from ww w.  ja  va  2  s. c o m
 * It is up to the caller to ensure that the specified algorithm ID is consistent with the type of verification key
 * supplied.
 * @param verificationKey the key with which to compute and verify the MAC
 * @param jcaAlgorithmID the Java JCA algorithm ID to use
 * @param signature the computed MAC value received from the signer
 * @param input the input over which the MAC is computed and verified
 * @return true iff the MAC value computed over the input using the supplied key and algorithm ID is identical to
 *         the supplied MAC signature value
 * @throws SecurityException thrown if the MAC computation or verification process results in an error
public static boolean verifyMAC(@Nonnull final Key verificationKey, @Nonnull final String jcaAlgorithmID,
        @Nonnull final byte[] signature, @Nonnull final byte[] input) throws SecurityException {
    Constraint.isNotNull(verificationKey, "Secret key cannot be null");
    Constraint.isNotNull(jcaAlgorithmID, "JCA algorithm ID cannot be null");
    Constraint.isNotNull(signature, "Signature data to verify cannot be null");
    Constraint.isNotNull(input, "Input data to verify cannot be null");

    Logger log = getLogger();
    log.debug("Verifying MAC over input using key of type {} and JCA algorithm ID {}",
            verificationKey.getAlgorithm(), jcaAlgorithmID);

    // Java JCA/JCE Mac interface doesn't have a verification op,
    // so have to compute the Mac and compare the byte arrays manually.

    byte[] computed = signMAC(verificationKey, jcaAlgorithmID, input);
    return Arrays.equals(computed, signature);

From source file:org.opensc.pkcs11.spi.PKCS11CipherSpi.java

protected void engineInit(int opmode, Key key, SecureRandom random) throws InvalidKeyException {
    if (opmode == Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE) {
        if (!(key instanceof PKCS11SessionChild))
            throw new InvalidKeyException("PKCS11 signature engine expects a valid PKCS11 object.");

        if (!this.algorithm.startsWith(key.getAlgorithm()))
            throw new InvalidKeyException("PKCS11 key algorithm [" + key.getAlgorithm()
                    + "] is incompatible with signature algorithm [" + this.algorithm + "].");

        int pkcs11_alg = getPKCS11MechanismType();

        this.worker = (PKCS11SessionChild) key;

        if (key instanceof PublicKey) {
            this.publicKey = (PublicKey) key;
            this.privateKey = null;
        } else if (key instanceof PrivateKey) {
            this.publicKey = null;
            this.privateKey = (PrivateKey) key;
        } else//from  w w  w  . j  a  v  a  2 s  .  co  m
            throw new InvalidKeyException(
                    "PKCS11 signature engine expects a public or private key for encryption mode.");

        this.mode = opmode;

        try {
            initEncryptNative(this.worker.getPvh(), this.worker.getSlotHandle(), this.worker.getSessionHandle(),
                    this.worker.getHandle(), pkcs11_alg);

        } catch (PKCS11Exception e) {
            throw new InvalidKeyException("PKCS11 exception initializing encryption:", e);
    } else if (opmode == Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE) {
        if (!(key instanceof PKCS11SessionChild))
            throw new InvalidKeyException("PKCS11 signature engine expects a valid PKCS11 object.");

        if (!this.algorithm.startsWith(key.getAlgorithm()))
            throw new InvalidKeyException("PKCS11 key algorithm [" + key.getAlgorithm()
                    + "] is incompatible with signature algorithm [" + this.algorithm + "].");

        int pkcs11_alg = getPKCS11MechanismType();

        this.worker = (PKCS11SessionChild) key;
        if (key instanceof PublicKey) {
            this.publicKey = (PublicKey) key;
            this.privateKey = null;
        } else if (key instanceof PrivateKey) {
            this.publicKey = null;
            this.privateKey = (PrivateKey) key;
        } else
            throw new InvalidKeyException(
                    "PKCS11 signature engine expects a public or private key for decryption mode.");

        this.mode = opmode;

        try {
            initDecryptNative(this.worker.getPvh(), this.worker.getSlotHandle(), this.worker.getSessionHandle(),
                    this.worker.getHandle(), pkcs11_alg);

        } catch (PKCS11Exception e) {
            throw new InvalidKeyException("PKCS11 exception initializing decryption:", e);
    } else
        throw new InvalidKeyException(
                "Invalid operation mode [" + opmode + "] in PKCS11CipherSpi.engineInit().");

    this.count = 0;

From source file:org.sonar.api.config.AesCipherTest.java

public void loadSecretKeyFromFile() throws Exception {
    AesCipher cipher = new AesCipher(new Settings());
    Key secretKey = cipher.loadSecretFileFromFile(pathToSecretKey());
    assertThat(secretKey.getAlgorithm(), is("AES"));
    assertThat(secretKey.getEncoded().length, greaterThan(10));

From source file:org.sonar.api.config.AesCipherTest.java

public void loadSecretKeyFromFile_trim_content() throws Exception {
    URL resource = getClass().getResource("/org/sonar/api/config/AesCipherTest/non_trimmed_secret_key.txt");
    String path = new File(resource.toURI()).getCanonicalPath();
    AesCipher cipher = new AesCipher(new Settings());

    Key secretKey = cipher.loadSecretFileFromFile(path);

    assertThat(secretKey.getAlgorithm(), is("AES"));
    assertThat(secretKey.getEncoded().length, greaterThan(10));

From source file:org.sonar.application.AesCipherTest.java

public void loadSecretKeyFromFile() throws Exception {
    AesCipher cipher = new AesCipher(null);
    Key secretKey = cipher.loadSecretFileFromFile(pathToSecretKey());

From source file:org.sonar.application.AesCipherTest.java

public void loadSecretKeyFromFile_trim_content() throws Exception {
    String path = getPath("non_trimmed_secret_key.txt");
    AesCipher cipher = new AesCipher(null);

    Key secretKey = cipher.loadSecretFileFromFile(path);
