Example usage for java.security DigestInputStream getMessageDigest

List of usage examples for java.security DigestInputStream getMessageDigest


In this page you can find the example usage for java.security DigestInputStream getMessageDigest.


public MessageDigest getMessageDigest() 

Source Link


Returns the message digest associated with this stream.


From source file:edu.stanford.muse.datacache.BlobStore.java

 * add a new piece of data with content copied from is.
 * if owner is not set on the data, we will set it to this data store's owner.
 * computes content hash and sets it.//from   ww  w . ja v a  2 s. co m
 * will close the stream when done.
 * Performance critical!
 * returns # of bytes in inputstream
public long add(Blob blob, InputStream is) throws IOException {
    long nBytes = -1;
    /* we no longer assume that if 2 blobs have the same name and file size, their contents must be the same!
    synchronized (this) {
    if (this.contains(blob)) {
        log.info("Item is already present: " + blob);
        return nBytes;
    // release the lock here because we dont want a long op like reading the object's stream
    // and storing the file to be serialized across threads.

    // copy the stream, if it throws IOException, then we cancel the item
    try {
        // this code is slightly tricky because blob equality (and therefore its membership in this blob store) depends on the hash , which we don't have yet.
        // so we first read the stream into a temp file. As we read the temp file, we get its checksum. We use the checksum to initialize the blob object completely
        // and check if it already exists in the blob store. if not, we assign it in the id_map etc. and then rename the temp file to the proper location in the blob store.

        DigestInputStream din = new DigestInputStream(is, MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-1"));
        log.info(" adding file to blob store = " + blob.filename);
        Path tmpPath = Files.createTempFile(new File(System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir")).toPath(), "epadd.",
        File tmpFile = tmpPath.toFile();
        nBytes = Util.copy_stream_to_file(din, tmpFile.getAbsolutePath());

        // now set the blob size and digest
        blob.size = nBytes; // overwrite this -- earlier we had the part size stored in blob size
        // be careful -- add the blob only after its size and SHA-1 has been updated
        byte byteArray[] = din.getMessageDigest().digest();

        // ok, now blob is finally set up and can be compared
        // if the blob is already present, fetching the bytes was a waste, but there would no other way to know its checksum.
        // we'll delete the file that is in the tmp dir

        if (uniqueBlobs.contains(blob)) {
            return nBytes;

        // blob doesn't already exist, add it, and move it from the temp dir to its actual place in the blobstore

        // move it from the temp file to the blobs dir. don't do this before add(blob), because full_filename will not be set up correctly until the blob object can be lookedup
        String destination = dir + File.separatorChar + full_filename(blob);
        Files.move(tmpPath, new File(destination).toPath());
    } catch (IOException ioe) {
        // we couldn't copy the stream to the data store, so undo everything
        Util.print_exception("IO Error copying blob to blobstore", ioe, log);
        throw ioe;
    } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException nsae) {
        // we couldn't copy the stream to the data store, so undo everything
        throw new RuntimeException(nsae);


    // packing needs to be done more efficiently (batch mode or incremental)
    if ((uniqueBlobs.size() % 100) == 0)

    return nBytes;

From source file:org.opencastproject.workingfilerepository.impl.WorkingFileRepositoryImpl.java

 * {@inheritDoc}//  w w w.  j a v a 2s. co m
 * @throws IOException
 *           if the hash can't be created
 * @see org.opencastproject.workingfilerepository.api.WorkingFileRepository#putInCollection(java.lang.String,
 *      java.lang.String, java.io.InputStream)
public URI putInCollection(String collectionId, String fileName, InputStream in) throws IOException {
    File f = new File(PathSupport.concat(new String[] { rootDirectory, COLLECTION_PATH_PREFIX, collectionId,
            PathSupport.toSafeName(fileName) }));
    logger.debug("Attempting to write a file to {}", f.getAbsolutePath());
    FileOutputStream out = null;
    try {
        if (!f.exists()) {
            logger.debug("Attempting to create a new file at {}", f.getAbsolutePath());
            File collectionDirectory = getCollectionDirectory(collectionId, true);
            if (!collectionDirectory.exists()) {
                logger.debug("Attempting to create a new directory at {}",
        } else {
            logger.debug("Attempting to overwrite the file at {}", f.getAbsolutePath());
        out = new FileOutputStream(f);

        // Wrap the input stream and copy the input stream to the file
        MessageDigest messageDigest = null;
        DigestInputStream dis = null;
        try {
            messageDigest = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5");
            dis = new DigestInputStream(in, messageDigest);
            IOUtils.copy(dis, out);
        } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e1) {
            logger.error("Unable to create md5 message digest");

        // Store the hash
        String md5 = Checksum.convertToHex(dis.getMessageDigest().digest());
        File md5File = null;
        try {
            md5File = getMd5File(f);
            FileUtils.writeStringToFile(md5File, md5);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw e;
        } finally {

    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw e;
    } finally {
    return getCollectionURI(collectionId, fileName);

From source file:org.opencastproject.workingfilerepository.impl.WorkingFileRepositoryImpl.java

 * {@inheritDoc}//from  w  w  w  .  j  a va 2 s  .c o  m
 * @see org.opencastproject.workingfilerepository.api.WorkingFileRepository#put(java.lang.String, java.lang.String,
 *      java.lang.String, java.io.InputStream)
public URI put(String mediaPackageID, String mediaPackageElementID, String filename, InputStream in)
        throws IOException {
    File f = null;
    File dir = getElementDirectory(mediaPackageID, mediaPackageElementID);
    if (dir.exists()) {
        // clear the directory
        File[] filesToDelete = dir.listFiles();
        if (filesToDelete != null && filesToDelete.length > 0) {
            for (File fileToDelete : filesToDelete) {
                if (!fileToDelete.delete()) {
                    throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to delete file: " + fileToDelete.getAbsolutePath());
    } else {
        logger.debug("Attempting to create a new directory at {}", dir.getAbsolutePath());
    f = new File(dir, PathSupport.toSafeName(filename));
    logger.debug("Attempting to write a file to {}", f.getAbsolutePath());
    FileOutputStream out = null;
    try {
        if (!f.exists()) {
        } else {
            logger.debug("Attempting to overwrite the file at {}", f.getAbsolutePath());
        out = new FileOutputStream(f);

        // Wrap the input stream and copy the input stream to the file
        MessageDigest messageDigest = null;
        DigestInputStream dis = null;
        try {
            messageDigest = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5");
            dis = new DigestInputStream(in, messageDigest);
            IOUtils.copy(dis, out);
        } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e1) {
            logger.error("Unable to create md5 message digest");

        // Store the hash
        String md5 = Checksum.convertToHex(dis.getMessageDigest().digest());
        File md5File = null;
        try {
            md5File = getMd5File(f);
            FileUtils.writeStringToFile(md5File, md5);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw e;
        } finally {

    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw e;
    } finally {
    return getURI(mediaPackageID, mediaPackageElementID, filename);

From source file:org.dspace.services.impl.storage.DSpaceStorageService.java

public Bitstream register(int assetstore, String path) throws StorageException {
    this.init();//from www .  ja va  2  s . c o  m

    // mark this bitstream as a registered bitstream
    String sInternalId = Bitstream.REGISTERED_FLAG + path;

    // Create a deleted bitstream row, using a separate DB connection
    Bitstream bitstream = new Bitstream();


    // get a reference to the file
    GeneralFile file = getFile(bitstream);

    // read through a DigestInputStream that will work out the MD5
    // DSpace refers to checksum, writes it in METS, and uses it as an
    // AIP filename (!), but never seems to validate with it. Furthermore,
    // DSpace appears to hardcode the algorithm to MD5 in some places--see
    // METSExport.java.
    // To remain compatible with DSpace we calculate an MD5 checksum on
    // LOCAL registered files. But for REMOTE (e.g. SRB) files we
    // calculate an MD5 on just the fileNAME. The reasoning is that in the
    // case of a remote file, calculating an MD5 on the file itself will
    // generate network traffic to read the file's bytes. In this case it
    // would be better have a proxy process calculate MD5 and store it as
    // an SRB metadata attribute so it can be retrieved simply from SRB.
    // TODO set this up as a proxy server process so no net activity

    // FIXME this is a first class HACK! for the reasons described above
    if (file instanceof LocalFile) {

        // get MD5 on the file for local file
        DigestInputStream dis = null;
        try {
            dis = new DigestInputStream(FileFactory.newFileInputStream(file), MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5"));
        } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
            log.warn("Caught NoSuchAlgorithmException", e);
            throw new StorageException("Invalid checksum algorithm", e);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            log.error("File: " + file.getAbsolutePath() + " to be registered cannot be opened - is it "
                    + "really there?");
            throw new StorageException(e);
        final int BUFFER_SIZE = 1024 * 4;
        final byte[] buffer = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE];
        try {
            while (true) {
                final int count = dis.read(buffer, 0, BUFFER_SIZE);
                if (count == -1) {
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new StorageException(e);
    } else if (file instanceof SRBFile) {
        if (!file.exists()) {
            log.error("File: " + file.getAbsolutePath() + " is not in SRB MCAT");
            throw new StorageException("File is not in SRB MCAT");

        // get MD5 on just the filename (!) for SRB file
        int iLastSlash = path.lastIndexOf('/');
        String sFilename = path.substring(iLastSlash + 1);
        MessageDigest md = null;
        try {
            md = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5");
        } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
            log.error("Caught NoSuchAlgorithmException", e);
            throw new StorageException("Invalid checksum algorithm", e);
    } else {
        throw new StorageException("Unrecognized file type - " + "not local, not SRB");



    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
        log.debug("Stored bitstream " + bitstream.getID() + " in file " + file.getAbsolutePath());
    return bitstream;

From source file:uk.ac.ebi.jmzml.xml.io.MzMLUnmarshaller.java

 * Calcultes the check sum./*from  www .j a v a  2s  . com*/
 * @return the check sum as hexidecimal
private String calculateChecksum() {
    // we have to create the checksum for the mzML file (from its beginning to the
    // end of the fileChecksum start tag).
    // Since this stop location is very near the end of the file, we skip everything
    // until we come within a certain limit of the end of the file
    long limit = mzMLFile.length() - 200L;
    logger.debug("Looking for fileChecksum tag between byte " + limit + " and byte " + mzMLFile.length()
            + " (the end) of the mzML file.");

    // initialize the hash algorithm
    MessageDigest hash;
    try {
        hash = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-1");
    } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("SHA-1 not recognized as Secure Hash Algorithm.", e);

    // create the input stream that will calculate the checksum
    FileInputStream fis;
    try {
        fis = new FileInputStream(mzMLFile);
    } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("File " + mzMLFile.getAbsoluteFile() + " could not be found!", e);
    BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(fis);
    DigestInputStream dis = new DigestInputStream(bis, hash);

    // prepare for input stream processing
    // we read through the file until we reach a specified limit before the end of the file
    // from there we populate a buffer with the read bytes (characters) and check if we have
    // already reached the position up to where we have to calculate the hash.
    CircularFifoBuffer bBuf = new CircularFifoBuffer(15);
    long cnt = 0; // counter to keep track of our position
    byte[] b = new byte[1]; // we only read one byte at a time
    try {
        while (dis.read(b) >= 0) {
            // check if we have already reached the last bit of the file, where we have
            // to find the right position to stop (after the 'fileChecksum' start tag)
            if (cnt > limit) {
                // we should have reached the start of the <fileChecksum> tag,
                // now we have to find the end
                String readBuffer = convert2String(bBuf);
                if (readBuffer.endsWith("<fileChecksum>")) {
                    // we have found the end of the fileChecksum start tag, we have to stop the hash
                    if (b[0] != '>') { // check that we are really at the last character of the tag
                        throw new IllegalStateException("We are not at the end of <fileChecksum> tag!");
            } // else if not yet near the end of the file, just keep on going
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new IllegalStateException(
                "Could not read from file '" + mzMLFile.getAbsolutePath() + "' while trying ot calculate hash.",
    logger.debug("Read over " + cnt + " bytes while calculating the file hash.");

    byte[] bytesDigest = dis.getMessageDigest().digest();

    return asHex(bytesDigest);

From source file:API.amazon.mws.feeds.service.MarketplaceWebServiceClient.java

 * Calculate content MD5 header values for feeds stored on disk.
 *///from  ww  w . j  a  v  a  2  s .co  m
private String computeContentMD5HeaderValue(FileInputStream fis) throws IOException, NoSuchAlgorithmException {

    DigestInputStream dis = new DigestInputStream(fis, MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5"));

    byte[] buffer = new byte[8192];
    while (dis.read(buffer) > 0)

    String md5Content = new String(

    // Effectively resets the stream to be beginning of the file via a FileChannel.

    return md5Content;