List of usage examples for X509Certificate getNotAfter
public abstract Date getNotAfter();
From source
protected void genTokenCertificates(boolean onlyOnce) throws Exception { GlobalConfiguration gc = (GlobalConfiguration) globalConfigurationSession .getCachedConfiguration(GlobalConfiguration.GLOBAL_CONFIGURATION_ID); boolean originalProfileSetting = gc.getEnableEndEntityProfileLimitations(); gc.setEnableEndEntityProfileLimitations(false); globalConfigurationSession.saveConfiguration(intAdmin, gc); if (certificateProfileSession.getCertificateProfileId(WSTESTPROFILE) != 0) { certificateProfileSession.removeCertificateProfile(intAdmin, WSTESTPROFILE); }/*from www . j av a2s . com*/ { final CertificateProfile profile = new CertificateProfile( CertificateProfileConstants.CERTPROFILE_FIXED_ENDUSER); profile.setAllowValidityOverride(true); certificateProfileSession.addCertificateProfile(intAdmin, WSTESTPROFILE, profile); } // first a simple test UserDataVOWS tokenUser1 = new UserDataVOWS(); tokenUser1.setUsername("WSTESTTOKENUSER1"); tokenUser1.setPassword(PASSWORD); tokenUser1.setClearPwd(true); tokenUser1.setSubjectDN("CN=WSTESTTOKENUSER1"); tokenUser1.setCaName(getAdminCAName()); tokenUser1.setEmail(null); tokenUser1.setSubjectAltName(null); tokenUser1.setStatus(UserDataVOWS.STATUS_NEW); tokenUser1.setTokenType(UserDataVOWS.TOKEN_TYPE_USERGENERATED); tokenUser1.setEndEntityProfileName("EMPTY"); tokenUser1.setCertificateProfileName("ENDUSER"); KeyPair basickeys = KeyTools.genKeys("1024", AlgorithmConstants.KEYALGORITHM_RSA); PKCS10CertificationRequest basicpkcs10 = CertTools.genPKCS10CertificationRequest("SHA256WithRSA", CertTools.stringToBcX500Name("CN=NOUSED"), basickeys.getPublic(), new DERSet(), basickeys.getPrivate(), null); ArrayList<TokenCertificateRequestWS> requests = new ArrayList<TokenCertificateRequestWS>(); TokenCertificateRequestWS tokenCertReqWS = new TokenCertificateRequestWS(); tokenCertReqWS.setCAName(getAdminCAName()); tokenCertReqWS.setCertificateProfileName(WSTESTPROFILE); tokenCertReqWS.setValidityIdDays("1"); tokenCertReqWS.setPkcs10Data(basicpkcs10.getEncoded()); tokenCertReqWS.setType(HardTokenConstants.REQUESTTYPE_PKCS10_REQUEST); requests.add(tokenCertReqWS); tokenCertReqWS = new TokenCertificateRequestWS(); tokenCertReqWS.setCAName(getAdminCAName()); tokenCertReqWS.setCertificateProfileName("ENDUSER"); tokenCertReqWS.setKeyalg("RSA"); tokenCertReqWS.setKeyspec("1024"); tokenCertReqWS.setType(HardTokenConstants.REQUESTTYPE_KEYSTORE_REQUEST); requests.add(tokenCertReqWS); HardTokenDataWS hardTokenDataWS = setupHardTokenDataWS("12345678"); List<TokenCertificateResponseWS> responses = ejbcaraws.genTokenCertificates(tokenUser1, requests, hardTokenDataWS, true, false); assertTrue(responses.size() == 2); Iterator<TokenCertificateResponseWS> iter = responses.iterator(); TokenCertificateResponseWS next =; assertTrue(next.getType() == HardTokenConstants.RESPONSETYPE_CERTIFICATE_RESPONSE); Certificate cert = next.getCertificate(); X509Certificate realcert = (X509Certificate) CertificateHelper.getCertificate(cert.getCertificateData()); assertNotNull(realcert); assertTrue(realcert.getNotAfter().toString(), realcert.getNotAfter().before(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() + 2 * 24 * 3600 * 1000))); next =; assertTrue(next.getType() == HardTokenConstants.RESPONSETYPE_KEYSTORE_RESPONSE); KeyStore keyStore = next.getKeyStore(); realKeyStore = KeyStoreHelper.getKeyStore(keyStore.getKeystoreData(), HardTokenConstants.TOKENTYPE_PKCS12, PASSWORD); assertTrue(realKeyStore.containsAlias("WSTESTTOKENUSER1")); assertTrue(((X509Certificate) realKeyStore.getCertificate("WSTESTTOKENUSER1")).getNotAfter() .after(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() + 48 * 24 * 3600 * 1000))); if (!onlyOnce) { try { responses = ejbcaraws.genTokenCertificates(tokenUser1, requests, hardTokenDataWS, false, false); assertTrue(false); } catch (HardTokenExistsException_Exception e) { } } certificateProfileSession.removeCertificateProfile(intAdmin, WSTESTPROFILE); gc.setEnableEndEntityProfileLimitations(originalProfileSetting); globalConfigurationSession.saveConfiguration(intAdmin, gc); }
From source
private void setCertificateProperties(X509Certificate x509Certificate) { selectedCertificate = x509Certificate; jTextField1.setText(null);//from w w w. j a v a 2 s . c o m jTextField2.setText(null); jTextField3.setText(null); jTextField4.setText(null); jTextField5.setText(null); jTextField6.setText(null); jTextField7.setText(null); jTextField9.setText(null); jTextField10.setText(null); jTextField11.setText(null); jTextField12.setText(null); X500Name x500subject = null; X500Name x500issuer = null; try { x500subject = new JcaX509CertificateHolder(x509Certificate).getSubject(); x500issuer = new JcaX509CertificateHolder(x509Certificate).getIssuer(); } catch (CertificateEncodingException ex) { controller.Logger.getLogger().addEntry(ex); } RDN subjectCN = null; if (x500subject.getRDNs(BCStyle.CN).length > 0) { subjectCN = x500subject.getRDNs(BCStyle.CN)[0]; } RDN subjectOU1 = null; if (x500subject.getRDNs(BCStyle.OU).length >= 1) { subjectOU1 = x500subject.getRDNs(BCStyle.OU)[0]; jTextField2.setText(IETFUtils.valueToString(subjectOU1.getFirst().getValue())); jTextField2.setCaretPosition(0); } RDN subjectOU2 = null; if (x500subject.getRDNs(BCStyle.OU).length >= 2) { subjectOU2 = x500subject.getRDNs(BCStyle.OU)[1]; jTextField3.setText(IETFUtils.valueToString(subjectOU2.getFirst().getValue())); jTextField3.setCaretPosition(0); } RDN subjectO = null; if (x500subject.getRDNs(BCStyle.O).length > 0) { subjectO = x500subject.getRDNs(BCStyle.O)[0]; } RDN subjectC = null; if (x500subject.getRDNs(BCStyle.C).length > 0) { subjectC = x500subject.getRDNs(BCStyle.C)[0]; } if (!x500issuer.equals(x500subject)) { RDN issuerCN = x500issuer.getRDNs(BCStyle.CN)[0]; if (1 == x500issuer.getRDNs(BCStyle.OU).length) { RDN issuerOU1 = x500issuer.getRDNs(BCStyle.OU)[0]; jTextField7.setText(IETFUtils.valueToString(issuerOU1.getFirst().getValue())); jTextField7.setCaretPosition(0); } RDN issuerO = x500issuer.getRDNs(BCStyle.O)[0]; RDN issuerC = x500issuer.getRDNs(BCStyle.C)[0]; jTextField6.setText(IETFUtils.valueToString(issuerCN.getFirst().getValue())); jTextField6.setCaretPosition(0); jTextField9.setText(IETFUtils.valueToString(issuerO.getFirst().getValue())); jTextField9.setCaretPosition(0); jTextField10.setText(IETFUtils.valueToString(issuerC.getFirst().getValue())); jTextField10.setCaretPosition(0); } Date since = x509Certificate.getNotBefore(); Date until = x509Certificate.getNotAfter(); jTextField1.setText( WordUtils.capitalize(IETFUtils.valueToString(subjectCN.getFirst().getValue()).toLowerCase())); jTextField1.setCaretPosition(0); if (subjectO != null) { jTextField4.setText(IETFUtils.valueToString(subjectO.getFirst().getValue())); } jTextField4.setCaretPosition(0); if (subjectC != null) { jTextField5.setText(IETFUtils.valueToString(subjectC.getFirst().getValue())); } jTextField5.setCaretPosition(0); jTextField11.setText(since.toLocaleString()); jTextField11.setCaretPosition(0); jTextField12.setText(until.toLocaleString()); jTextField12.setCaretPosition(0); boolean usage[] = x509Certificate.getKeyUsage(); if (null != usage) { boolean digitalSignature = usage[0]; boolean nonRepudiation = usage[1]; boolean keyEncipherment = usage[2]; boolean dataEncipherment = usage[3]; boolean keyAgreement = usage[4]; boolean keyCertSign = usage[5]; boolean cRLSign = usage[6]; boolean encipherOnly = usage[7]; boolean decipherOnly = usage[8]; String uso = (digitalSignature ? Bundle.getBundle().getString("digitalSignature") + ", " : "") + (nonRepudiation ? Bundle.getBundle().getString("nonRepudiation") + ", " : "") + (keyEncipherment ? Bundle.getBundle().getString("keyEncipherment") + ", " : "") + (dataEncipherment ? Bundle.getBundle().getString("dataEncipherment") + ", " : "") + (keyAgreement ? Bundle.getBundle().getString("keyAgreement") + ", " : "") + (keyCertSign ? Bundle.getBundle().getString("keyCertSign") + ", " : "") + (cRLSign ? Bundle.getBundle().getString("cRLSign") + ", " : "") + (encipherOnly ? Bundle.getBundle().getString("encipherOnly") + ", " : "") + (decipherOnly ? Bundle.getBundle().getString("decipherOnly") + ", " : ""); if (uso.length() == 0) { lblUso.setText(Bundle.getBundle().getString("label.none")); } else if (uso.endsWith(", ")) { lblUso.setText(uso.substring(0, uso.length() - 2)); } } else { lblUso.setText(Bundle.getBundle().getString("unknown")); } }
From source
/** * Checks if a certificate is valid./*from ww w . ja va2s. c o m*/ * Does also print a WARN if the certificate is about to expire. * * @param signerCert the certificate to be tested * @return true if the certificate is valid */ public static boolean isCertificateValid(final X509Certificate signerCert) { try { signerCert.checkValidity(); } catch (CertificateExpiredException e) { log.error(intres.getLocalizedMessage("ocsp.errorcerthasexpired", signerCert.getSerialNumber(), signerCert.getIssuerDN())); return false; } catch (CertificateNotYetValidException e) { log.error(intres.getLocalizedMessage("ocsp.errornotyetvalid", signerCert.getSerialNumber(), signerCert.getIssuerDN())); return false; } final long warnBeforeExpirationTime = OcspConfiguration.getWarningBeforeExpirationTime(); if (warnBeforeExpirationTime < 1) { return true; } final Date warnDate = new Date(new Date().getTime() + warnBeforeExpirationTime); try { signerCert.checkValidity(warnDate); } catch (CertificateExpiredException e) { log.warn(intres.getLocalizedMessage("ocsp.warncertwillexpire", signerCert.getSerialNumber(), signerCert.getIssuerDN(), signerCert.getNotAfter())); } catch (CertificateNotYetValidException e) { throw new Error("This should never happen.", e); } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Time for \"certificate will soon expire\" not yet reached. You will be warned after: " + new Date(signerCert.getNotAfter().getTime() - warnBeforeExpirationTime)); } return true; }
From source
/** * Checks the signature on an OCSP request. Does not check for revocation of the signer certificate * //from w w w . j a va 2s . c o m * @param clientRemoteAddr The IP address or host name of the remote client that sent the request, can be null. * @param req The signed OCSPReq * @return X509Certificate which is the certificate that signed the OCSP request * @throws SignRequestSignatureException if signature verification fail, or if the signing certificate is not authorized * @throws SignRequestException if there is no signature on the OCSPReq * @throws OCSPException if the request can not be parsed to retrieve certificates * @throws NoSuchProviderException if the BC provider is not installed * @throws CertificateException if the certificate can not be parsed * @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException if the certificate contains an unsupported algorithm * @throws InvalidKeyException if the certificate, or CA key is invalid */ private X509Certificate checkRequestSignature(String clientRemoteAddr, OCSPReq req) throws SignRequestException, SignRequestSignatureException, CertificateException, NoSuchAlgorithmException { X509Certificate signercert = null; // Get all certificates embedded in the request (probably a certificate chain) try { final X509CertificateHolder[] certs = req.getCerts(); String signerSubjectDn = null; // We must find a certificate to verify the signature with... boolean verifyOK = false; for (int i = 0; i < certs.length; i++) { final X509Certificate certificate = certificateConverter.getCertificate(certs[i]); try { if (req.isSignatureValid( new JcaContentVerifierProviderBuilder().build(certificate.getPublicKey()))) { signercert = certificate; // if the request signature verifies by this certificate, this is the signer cert signerSubjectDn = CertTools.getSubjectDN(signercert);"ocsp.infosigner", signerSubjectDn)); verifyOK = true; // Check that the signer certificate can be verified by one of the CA-certificates that we answer for final X509Certificate signerca = CaCertificateCache.INSTANCE .findLatestBySubjectDN(HashID.getFromIssuerDN(signercert)); if (signerca != null) { try { signercert.verify(signerca.getPublicKey()); final Date now = new Date(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Checking validity. Now: " + now + ", signerNotAfter: " + signercert.getNotAfter()); } try { // Check validity of the request signing certificate CertTools.checkValidity(signercert, now); } catch (CertificateNotYetValidException e) {"ocsp.infosigner.certnotyetvalid", signerSubjectDn, CertTools.getIssuerDN(signercert), e.getMessage())); verifyOK = false; } catch (CertificateExpiredException e) {"ocsp.infosigner.certexpired", signerSubjectDn, CertTools.getIssuerDN(signercert), e.getMessage())); verifyOK = false; } try { // Check validity of the CA certificate CertTools.checkValidity(signerca, now); } catch (CertificateNotYetValidException e) {"ocsp.infosigner.certnotyetvalid", CertTools.getSubjectDN(signerca), CertTools.getIssuerDN(signerca), e.getMessage())); verifyOK = false; } catch (CertificateExpiredException e) {"ocsp.infosigner.certexpired", CertTools.getSubjectDN(signerca), CertTools.getIssuerDN(signerca), e.getMessage())); verifyOK = false; } } catch (SignatureException e) {"ocsp.infosigner.invalidcertsignature", signerSubjectDn, CertTools.getIssuerDN(signercert), e.getMessage())); verifyOK = false; } catch (InvalidKeyException e) {"ocsp.infosigner.invalidcertsignature", signerSubjectDn, CertTools.getIssuerDN(signercert), e.getMessage())); verifyOK = false; } } else {"ocsp.infosigner.nocacert", signerSubjectDn, CertTools.getIssuerDN(signercert))); verifyOK = false; } break; } } catch (OperatorCreationException e) { // Very fatal error throw new EJBException("Can not create Jca content signer: ", e); } } if (!verifyOK) { if (signerSubjectDn == null && certs.length > 0) { signerSubjectDn = CertTools.getSubjectDN(certificateConverter.getCertificate(certs[0])); } String errMsg = intres.getLocalizedMessage("ocsp.errorinvalidsignature", signerSubjectDn);; throw new SignRequestSignatureException(errMsg); } } catch (OCSPException e) { throw new CryptoProviderException("BouncyCastle was not initialized properly.", e); } catch (NoSuchProviderException e) { throw new CryptoProviderException("BouncyCastle was not found as a provider.", e); } return signercert; }
From source
private RevocationDetail getRevocationDetail(List<X509CRL> crls, X509Certificate targetCertificate, X509Certificate issuerCertificate, PublicKey issuerPublicKey, Date now) throws NoSuchProviderException { RevocationDetailImpl detail = new RevocationDetailImpl(RevocationStatus.UNKNOWN); boolean validCRLFound = false; int reasonMask = 0; for (X509CRL crl : crls) { BigInteger serialNumber = targetCertificate.getSerialNumber(); X509CRLEntry crlEntry = crl.getRevokedCertificate(serialNumber); Date revocationDate = null; if (crlEntry != null) { revocationDate = crlEntry.getRevocationDate(); if (revocationDate == null || !now.before(revocationDate)) { /*/*w w w.j a v a 2 s. com*/ * X.509 7.3 NOTE 4 When an implementation processing a certificate revocation list does not * recognize a critical extension in the crlEntryExtensions field, it shall assume that, * at a minimum, the identified certificate has been revoked and is no longer valid and * perform additional actions concerning that revoked certificate as dictated by local policy. * * We do not need to check for unsupported critical extension because if we do not support them * we should assume that the certificate is revoked. */ // TODO: add support for onHold/removeFromCRL Integer reasonCode = null; try { reasonCode = X509CRLEntryInspector.getReasonCode(crlEntry); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("Error retrieving reasonCode.", e); } detail = (reasonCode != null ? new RevocationDetailImpl(RevocationStatus.REVOKED, reasonCode) : new RevocationDetailImpl(RevocationStatus.REVOKED)); /* there is no need to continue because certificate is revoked */ break; } else { if (now.before(revocationDate)) {"Certificate is revoked in the future."); } } } if (hasUnsupportedCriticalExtensions(crl)) { logger.debug("The CRL has unsupported critical extensions."); detail = new RevocationDetailImpl(RevocationStatus.UNSUPPORTED_CRITICAL_EXTENSION); continue; } /* * check that the start time the CRL is valid is before the time the certificate is * no longer valid. In other words, that the expiration date of the certificate is * later than the date the CRL was issued. It is possible that the certificate was * at some point revoked but the CA removed it because the certificate is no longer * valid */ if (crl.getThisUpdate() != null && targetCertificate.getNotAfter().before(crl.getThisUpdate())) {"Certificate has expired before the CRL was valid."); continue; } try { if (X509CRLInspector.isDeltaCRL(crl)) { DeltaCRLStatus deltaStatus = getDeltaCRLStatus(targetCertificate, crl, issuerPublicKey, now); if (deltaStatus == DeltaCRLStatus.UNSUPPORTED_CRITICAL_EXTENSION) { detail = new RevocationDetailImpl(RevocationStatus.UNSUPPORTED_CRITICAL_EXTENSION); continue; } else if (deltaStatus == DeltaCRLStatus.UNKNOWN) { continue; } } else { if (!acceptCRL_6_3_3_b(targetCertificate, crl)) { logger.debug("CRL not valid according to acceptCRL_6_3_3_b."); continue; } } } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("Error inspecting CRL.", e); continue; } if (crl.getNextUpdate() != null && now.after(crl.getNextUpdate())) { /* * an CRL cannot really expire but, when we want at least to log that the * nextUpdate is overdue */ logger.debug("The CRL next update is overdue."); /* we need to set the nextUpdate if this is a newer CRL */ if (detail.getStatus() != RevocationStatus.EXPIRED || detail.getNextUpdate() == null) { detail = new RevocationDetailImpl(RevocationStatus.EXPIRED, crl.getNextUpdate()); } else { if (crl.getNextUpdate().after(detail.getNextUpdate())) { /* the nextUpdate of the current CRL is later so it's longer valid */ detail = new RevocationDetailImpl(RevocationStatus.EXPIRED, crl.getNextUpdate()); } } continue; } try { reasonMask = reasonMask | getInterimReasonsMask(targetCertificate, crl); /* a valid crl was found. Continue search. */ validCRLFound = true; } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("Error getting interim mask.", e); } } /* * if one the CRLs was good and the certificate was not revoked we will set the * status to NOT_REVOKED */ if (validCRLFound && detail.getStatus() != RevocationStatus.REVOKED) { /* check if all reasons are covered */ if (reasonMask == allReasons) { detail = new RevocationDetailImpl(RevocationStatus.NOT_REVOKED); } else { logger.debug("Not all reasons were covered."); detail = new RevocationDetailImpl(RevocationStatus.UNKNOWN); } } return detail; }
From source
/** * If there is a saved cert, checks the one given against it. If a signature was passed in * and no saved cert, then check that signature. Otherwise, presents the * given cert's signature to the user for approval. * // w ww . j a v a 2s.c o m * The saved data must always win over any passed-in URI data * * @param cert the given cert. */ private void validateX509Cert(final X509Certificate cert) { boolean certMismatch = false; int hashAlg = connection.getIdHashAlgorithm(); byte[] certData = null; boolean isSigEqual = false; try { certData = cert.getEncoded(); isSigEqual = SecureTunnel.isSignatureEqual(hashAlg, connection.getIdHash(), certData); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); showFatalMessageAndQuit(getContext().getString(R.string.error_x509_could_not_generate_signature)); return; } // If there is no saved cert, then if a signature was provided, // check the signature and save the cert if the signature matches. if (connection.getSshHostKey().equals("")) { if (!connection.getIdHash().equals("")) { if (isSigEqual) { Log.i(TAG, "Certificate validated from URI data."); saveAndAcceptCert(cert); return; } else { certMismatch = true; } } // If there is a saved cert, check against it. } else if (connection.getSshHostKey().equals(Base64.encodeToString(certData, Base64.DEFAULT))) { Log.i(TAG, "Certificate validated from saved key."); saveAndAcceptCert(cert); return; } else { certMismatch = true; } // Show a dialog with the key signature for approval. DialogInterface.OnClickListener signatureNo = new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { // We were told not to continue, so stop the activity Log.i(TAG, "Certificate rejected by user."); closeConnection(); ((Activity) getContext()).finish(); } }; DialogInterface.OnClickListener signatureYes = new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { Log.i(TAG, "Certificate accepted by user."); saveAndAcceptCert(cert); } }; // Display dialog to user with cert info and hash. try { // First build the message. If there was a mismatch, prepend a warning about it. String message = ""; if (certMismatch) { message = getContext().getString(R.string.warning_cert_does_not_match) + "\n\n"; } byte[] certBytes = cert.getEncoded(); String certIdHash = SecureTunnel.computeSignatureByAlgorithm(hashAlg, certBytes); String certInfo = String.format(Locale.US, getContext().getString(R.string.info_cert_tunnel), certIdHash, cert.getSubjectX500Principal().getName(), cert.getIssuerX500Principal().getName(), cert.getNotBefore(), cert.getNotAfter()); certInfo = message + certInfo.replace(",", "\n"); // Actually display the message Utils.showYesNoPrompt(getContext(), getContext().getString(R.string.info_continue_connecting) + connection.getAddress() + "?", certInfo, signatureYes, signatureNo); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e2) { e2.printStackTrace(); showFatalMessageAndQuit(getContext().getString(R.string.error_x509_could_not_generate_signature)); } catch (CertificateEncodingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); showFatalMessageAndQuit(getContext().getString(R.string.error_x509_could_not_generate_encoding)); } }
From source
/** * Retorna un certificado generico parseando los datos de un certificado X509 * @param certificadoX509 /*from w ww . j a v a 2 s . c o m*/ * @return */ public CertificadoGenerico generar(X509Certificate certificadoX509) { CertificadoGenerico certificado = new CertificadoGenerico(); // recuperamos el conjunto de oids Map<String, String> propiedadesOid = X509Handler.getCurrentInstance().readPropertiesOid(certificadoX509); String subject = certificadoX509.getSubjectDN().toString(); // parseo el subject //StringTokenizer tokenizer=new StringTokenizer(subject,",\""); //String [] tokens=subject.split(","); //for (int i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) { // String parIdValor = tokens[i].trim(); // String id= parIdValor.split("=")[0]; // String valor= parIdValor.split("=")[1]; // propiedadesOid.put(id,valor); //} loadPropiedadesOid(subject, propiedadesOid); // guardo todas las propiedades(pintables) Set<String> keys = propiedadesOid.keySet(); for (Iterator<String> iter = keys.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { String key =; String valor = propiedadesOid.get(key); // FIX: Problema con el encondig utf-8 en openid. String newValue = StringUtils.replaceChars(valor, "??", "aeiounuAEIOU"); if (!StringUtils.isAsciiPrintable(newValue)) { // omitimos el campo iter.remove(); } else { // remplazamos el valor propiedadesOid.put(key, newValue); } } certificado.setPropiedades(propiedadesOid); // identifico el nombre de la CA propietaria del certificado certificado.setCa(certificadoX509.getIssuerDN().getName()); certificado.setNombre(certificado.getPropiedades().get("")); certificado.setApellido1(certificado.getPropiedades().get("")); certificado.setApellido2(certificado.getPropiedades().get("")); certificado.setNumberUserId(certificado.getPropiedades().get("")); certificado.setCn(propiedadesOid.get("CN")); // si no hemos recuperado el nombre en la extensin lo intento recuperar del GIVENNAME. if (StringUtils.isEmpty(certificado.getNombre())) { certificado.setNombre(propiedadesOid.get("GIVENNAME")); } // si no hemos recuperado el nombre APELLIDO. if (StringUtils.isEmpty(certificado.getApellido1())) { certificado.setApellido1(propiedadesOid.get("SURNAME")); } // si no tenemos apelligos, los intentamos recuperar del CN ( cado del edni) // CN="Apelido1 apellido2, nombre (AUTENTICACIN)", if (StringUtils.isEmpty(certificado.getApellido1())) { // TODO, no se recupera correctamente el CN, pero el resultado es el correcto. // Debera de ser StringUtils.substringAfterLast(propiedadesOid.get("CN").replaceAll("\"", ""),",") // pero nos vale con propiedadesOid.get("CN") certificado.setApellido1(propiedadesOid.get("CN")); } // si no hemos recuperado el nombre NIF. if (StringUtils.isEmpty(certificado.getNumberUserId())) { certificado.setNumberUserId(propiedadesOid.get("SERIALNUMBER")); } // si no hemos recuperado el nombre email. if (StringUtils.isEmpty(certificado.getEmail())) { certificado.setEmail(certificado.getPropiedades().get(OID_EMAIL)); } // si sige siendo null lo recupero del oid if (StringUtils.isEmpty(certificado.getEmail())) { certificado.setEmail(propiedadesOid.get("EMAILADDRESS")); } // si no hemos recuperado el pais if (StringUtils.isEmpty(certificado.getPais())) { certificado.setPais(certificado.getPropiedades().get("C")); } // filtrado para que ningun campo sea null if (certificado.getApellido1() == null) { certificado.setApellido1(""); } if (certificado.getApellido2() == null) { certificado.setApellido2(""); } if (certificado.getCa() == null) { certificado.setCa(""); } if (certificado.getEmail() == null) { certificado.setEmail(""); } if (certificado.getNombre() == null) { certificado.setNombre(""); } if (certificado.getPais() == null) { certificado.setPais(""); } if (certificado.getNumberUserId() == null) { certificado.setNumberUserId(""); } // recupero el cargo. String cargo = propiedadesOid.get("T"); if (cargo != null) { certificado.setCargo(cargo); } // recupero el nombre de la organizacin. String organizacion = propiedadesOid.get("O"); if (organizacion != null) { certificado.setOrganizacion(organizacion); } // Detectamos si el certificado est caducado Date hoy = new Date(); if (certificadoX509.getNotAfter().before(hoy)) { // el certificado est caducado. certificado.setCaducado(true); } // recuperar el tpo de certificado loadTipoCertificado(certificado, propiedadesOid, certificado.getCa()); return certificado; }