List of usage examples for CertificateException getMessage
public String getMessage()
From source
private void handleCertificateException(CertificateException ce, X509Certificate[] chain) throws CertificateException { if (trustAll) { return;// ww w . jav a2 s . c om } System.err.println(ce.getMessage()); System.err.println("Certificate Information: \n"); Calendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(); cal.setTimeInMillis(chain[0].getNotBefore().getTime()); System.err.println("Creation Date: " + MONTHS[cal.get(Calendar.MONTH)] + " " + cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) + ", " + cal.get(Calendar.YEAR)); //System.err.println("Entry type: " + chain[0].getType()); System.err.println("Certificate chain length: " + chain.length); // print some information about the certificate(s) that failed int i = 1; for (X509Certificate cert : chain) { System.err.println("Certificate[" + i++ + "]:"); System.err.println("Owner: " + cert.getSubjectX500Principal().toString()); System.err.println("Issuer: " + cert.getIssuerX500Principal().toString()); String serialNum = new String(Hex.encodeHex(cert.getSerialNumber().toByteArray())); System.err.println("Serial Number: " + serialNum); System.err.println( "Valid from: " + cert.getNotBefore().toString() + " until: " + cert.getNotAfter().toString()); System.err.println("Certificate fingerprints: "); try { byte[] sig = cert.getEncoded(); System.err.println("\tMD5: " + getHash(sig, "MD5")); System.err.println("\tSHA1: " + getHash(sig, "SHA1")); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { } System.err.println("\tSignature Algorithm Name: " + cert.getSigAlgName()); System.err.println("\tVersion: " + cert.getVersion()); System.err.println("-----------------------------------------------------"); } System.err.println("Would you like to accept this certificate? (o)nce, (a)lways, (n)o"); BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; String line = ""; try { line = in.readLine(); } catch (IOException e) { CommandLineInterface.DEFAULT_CONSOLE.printException(e, showTrace); System.exit(1); } if (Character.toLowerCase(line.charAt(0)) == 'o') { return; } else if (Character.toLowerCase(line.charAt(0)) == 'a') { try { String truststoreType = System.getProperty("", "JCEKS"); String truststorePassword = System.getProperty("", DEFAULT_PWORD); String truststorePath = System.getProperty(""); if (truststorePath == null) { // there is no trust store location in the user's settings.trig file String userHome = System.getProperty("user.home"); if (userHome == null) throw new AnzoException(ExceptionConstants.CLIENT.FAILED_INITIALIZE_TRUST_MANAGER, "User's home directory is not specified"); File truststoreFile = new File(new File(userHome, ANZO_DIR), DEFAULT_CLIENT_TRUST); truststorePath = truststoreFile.getCanonicalPath(); if (!truststoreFile.exists()) openTruststore(truststoreType, truststorePath, truststorePassword); } else { truststorePath = CommandContext.preprocessString(truststorePath); File truststoreFile = new File(truststorePath); if (!truststoreFile.exists()) { System.err.println("Could not find the specified trust store file at:"); System.err.println(truststoreFile.getCanonicalPath()); System.err.println( "The trust store file is used for permanently trusting server certificates that"); System.err.println("are not trusted by default."); System.err.println( "Would you like to create a new trust store file at the specified location?"); System.err.println("(y)es, (n)o"); try { line = in.readLine(); } catch (IOException e) { CommandLineInterface.DEFAULT_CONSOLE.printException(e, showTrace); System.exit(1); } if (Character.toLowerCase(line.charAt(0)) == 'y') openTruststore(truststoreType, truststorePath, truststorePassword); else System.exit(1); } } KeystoreUtils.addTrustedCert(truststorePath, truststoreType, truststorePassword, "imported_" + System.currentTimeMillis(), chain[0]); } catch (AnzoException ae) { System.err.println("Error importing certificate into truststore: "); CommandLineInterface.DEFAULT_CONSOLE.printException(ae, showTrace); System.exit(1); } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("Error importing certificate into truststore: "); CommandLineInterface.DEFAULT_CONSOLE.printException(e, showTrace); System.exit(1); } } else { System.exit(1); // if the user does not want to trust the certificate then exit } }
From source
@Override @End//w ww. j a v a 2 s. c o m public String saveApplet() { this.log.debug("save applet config"); // Applet config if (null != this.certificateBytes) { try { this.appletConfig.setServerCertificate(getCertificate(this.certificateBytes)); } catch (CertificateException e) { this.log.error("Certificate exception: " + e.getMessage(), e); this.facesMessages.addToControl("upload", "Invalid certificate"); return null; } this.configuration.setAppletConfig(this.appletConfig); } this.configuration.setValue(ConfigProperty.REMOVE_CARD, this.removeCard); this.configuration.setValue(ConfigProperty.TRANSACTION_MESSAGE_SIGNING, this.transactionMessageSigning); this.configuration.setValue(ConfigProperty.OMIT_SECURE_CHANNEL_BINDING, this.omitSecureChannelBinding); this.selectedTab =; return "success"; }
From source
/** * Performs on map sources online update * //from w ww.j a va 2s . c om * @return <ul> * <li>0: no change in online md5 sum file (based on ETag)</li> * <li>-1: Online md5 file is empty indicationg that this MOBAc versiosn is no longer supported</li> * <li>x>0: Number of updated map packs</li> * </ul> * @throws IOException */ public int updateMapPacks() throws UpdateFailedException, UnrecoverableDownloadException, IOException { String updateBaseUrl = System.getProperty("mobac.updatebaseurl"); if (updateBaseUrl == null) throw new RuntimeException("Update base url not present"); cleanMapPackDir(); String md5sumList = downloadMD5SumList(); if (md5sumList == null) return 0; // no new md5 file available if (md5sumList.length() == 0) return -1; // empty file means - outdated version int updateCount = 0; String[] outdatedMapPacks = searchForOutdatedMapPacks(md5sumList); for (String mapPack : outdatedMapPacks) { log.debug("Updaing map pack: " + mapPack); try { File newMapPackFile = downloadMapPack(updateBaseUrl, mapPack); try { testMapPack(newMapPackFile); } catch (CertificateException e) { // Certificate validation failed log.error(e.getMessage(), e); Utilities.deleteFile(newMapPackFile); continue; } log.debug("Verification of map pack \"" + mapPack + "\" passed successfully"); // Check if the downloaded version is newer int newRev = getMapPackRevision(newMapPackFile); File oldMapPack = new File(mapPackDir, mapPack); int oldRev = -1; if (oldMapPack.isFile()) oldRev = getMapPackRevision(oldMapPack); if (newRev < oldRev) { log.warn("Downloaded map pack was older than existing map pack - ignoring update"); Utilities.deleteFile(newMapPackFile); } else { String name = newMapPackFile.getName(); name = name.replace(".unverified", ".new"); File f = new File(newMapPackFile.getParentFile(), name); // Change file extension Utilities.renameFile(newMapPackFile, f); updateCount++; } } catch (IOException e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); } } return updateCount; }
From source
/** * Performs on map sources online update * // w w w. j a v a 2 s . c o m * @return <ul> * <li>0: no change in online md5 sum file (based on ETag)</li> * <li>-1: Online md5 file is empty indicationg that this OSMCB version is no longer supported</li> * <li>x>0: Number of updated map packs</li> * </ul> * @throws IOException */ public int updateMapPacks() throws UpdateFailedException, UnrecoverableDownloadException, IOException { String updateBaseUrl = System.getProperty("osmcd.updatebaseurl"); if (updateBaseUrl == null) throw new RuntimeException("Update base url not present"); cleanMapPackDir(); String md5sumList = downloadMD5SumList(); if (md5sumList == null) return 0; // no new md5 file available if (md5sumList.length() == 0) return -1; // empty file means - outdated version int updateCount = 0; String[] outdatedMapPacks = searchForOutdatedMapPacks(md5sumList); for (String mapPack : outdatedMapPacks) { log.debug("Updaing map pack: " + mapPack); try { File newMapPackFile = downloadMapPack(updateBaseUrl, mapPack); try { testMapPack(newMapPackFile); } catch (CertificateException e) { // Certificate validation failed log.error(e.getMessage(), e); Utilities.deleteFile(newMapPackFile); continue; } log.debug("Verification of map pack \"" + mapPack + "\" passed successfully"); // Check if the downloaded version is newer int newRev = getMapPackRevision(newMapPackFile); File oldMapPack = new File(mapPackDir, mapPack); int oldRev = -1; if (oldMapPack.isFile()) oldRev = getMapPackRevision(oldMapPack); if (newRev < oldRev) { log.warn("Downloaded map pack was older than existing map pack - ignoring update"); Utilities.deleteFile(newMapPackFile); } else { String name = newMapPackFile.getName(); name = name.replace(".unverified", ".new"); File f = new File(newMapPackFile.getParentFile(), name); // Change file extension Utilities.renameFile(newMapPackFile, f); updateCount++; } } catch (IOException e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); } } return updateCount; }
From source
private synchronized SSLSocketFactory getSSLFactory(final HttpLocation loc) throws IOException { // "Finding SSLSocketFactory for repo: {}", repo.getKey() ); SSLSocketFactory factory = null; // repoFactories.get( repo ); if (factory == null) { KeyStore ks = null;//from w ww.j av a 2s . c o m KeyStore ts = null; final String kcPem = loc.getKeyCertPem(); final String kcPass = passwordManager.getPassword(new PasswordEntry(loc, PasswordEntry.KEY_PASSWORD)); if (kcPem != null) { if (kcPass == null || kcPass.length() < 1) { logger.error("Invalid configuration. Location: {} cannot have an empty key password!", loc.getUri()); throw new IOException("Location: " + loc.getUri() + " is misconfigured!"); } try { ks = SSLUtils.readKeyAndCert(kcPem, kcPass); // final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); // sb.append( "Keystore contains the following certificates:" ); // // for ( final Enumeration<String> aliases = ks.aliases(); aliases.hasMoreElements(); ) // { // final String alias = aliases.nextElement(); // final X509Certificate cert = (X509Certificate) ks.getCertificate( alias ); // // if ( cert != null ) // { // sb.append( "\n" ) // .append( cert.getSubjectDN() ); // } // } // sb.append( "\n" ); // sb.toString() ); } catch (final CertificateException e) { logger.error(String.format( "Invalid configuration. Location: %s has an invalid client certificate! Error: %s", loc.getUri(), e.getMessage()), e); throw new IOException("Failed to initialize SSL connection for repository: " + loc.getUri()); } catch (final KeyStoreException e) { logger.error(String.format( "Invalid configuration. Cannot initialize keystore for repository: %s. Error: %s", loc.getUri(), e.getMessage()), e); throw new IOException("Failed to initialize SSL connection for repository: " + loc.getUri()); } catch (final NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { logger.error(String.format( "Invalid configuration. Cannot initialize keystore for repository: %s. Error: %s", loc.getUri(), e.getMessage()), e); throw new IOException("Failed to initialize SSL connection for repository: " + loc.getUri()); } catch (final InvalidKeySpecException e) { logger.error( String.format("Invalid configuration. Invalid client key for repository: %s. Error: %s", loc.getUri(), e.getMessage()), e); throw new IOException("Failed to initialize SSL connection for repository: " + loc.getUri()); } } final String sPem = loc.getServerCertPem(); // "Server certificate PEM:\n{}", sPem ); if (sPem != null) { try { ts = SSLUtils.readCerts(sPem, loc.getHost()); // final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); // sb.append( "Trust store contains the following certificates:" ); // // for ( final Enumeration<String> aliases = ts.aliases(); aliases.hasMoreElements(); ) // { // final String alias = aliases.nextElement(); // final X509Certificate cert = (X509Certificate) ts.getCertificate( alias ); // if ( cert != null ) // { // sb.append( "\n" ) // .append( cert.getSubjectDN() ); // } // } // sb.append( "\n" ); // sb.toString() ); } catch (final CertificateException e) { logger.error(String.format( "Invalid configuration. Location: %s has an invalid server certificate! Error: %s", loc.getUri(), e.getMessage()), e); throw new IOException("Failed to initialize SSL connection for repository: " + loc.getUri()); } catch (final KeyStoreException e) { logger.error(String.format( "Invalid configuration. Cannot initialize keystore for repository: %s. Error: %s", loc.getUri(), e.getMessage()), e); throw new IOException("Failed to initialize SSL connection for repository: " + loc.getUri()); } catch (final NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { logger.error(String.format( "Invalid configuration. Cannot initialize keystore for repository: %s. Error: %s", loc.getUri(), e.getMessage()), e); throw new IOException("Failed to initialize SSL connection for repository: " + loc.getUri()); } } if (ks != null || ts != null) { try { factory = new SSLSocketFactory(SSLSocketFactory.TLS, ks, kcPass, ts, null, null, SSLSocketFactory.BROWSER_COMPATIBLE_HOSTNAME_VERIFIER); // repoFactories.put( repo, factory ); } catch (final KeyManagementException e) { logger.error( "Invalid configuration. Cannot initialize SSL socket factory for repository: {}. Error: {}", e, loc.getUri(), e.getMessage()); throw new IOException("Failed to initialize SSL connection for repository: " + loc.getUri()); } catch (final UnrecoverableKeyException e) { logger.error( "Invalid configuration. Cannot initialize SSL socket factory for repository: {}. Error: {}", e, loc.getUri(), e.getMessage()); throw new IOException("Failed to initialize SSL connection for repository: " + loc.getUri()); } catch (final NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { logger.error( "Invalid configuration. Cannot initialize SSL socket factory for repository: {}. Error: {}", e, loc.getUri(), e.getMessage()); throw new IOException("Failed to initialize SSL connection for repository: " + loc.getUri()); } catch (final KeyStoreException e) { logger.error( "Invalid configuration. Cannot initialize SSL socket factory for repository: {}. Error: {}", e, loc.getUri(), e.getMessage()); throw new IOException("Failed to initialize SSL connection for repository: " + loc.getUri()); } } } return factory; }
From source
/** * * @param tokenSaml the object whose signature has to be checked * @param keyInfo the keyinfo retrieved from saml metadata * @throws SAMLEngineException//from w ww .j av a 2 s .c o m */ private void checkMetadataTrust(final SignableSAMLObject tokenSaml, KeyInfo keyInfo) throws SAMLEngineException { try { final List<Credential> metadataCred = new ArrayList<Credential>(); metadataCred.add(getKeyInfoCredential(keyInfo)); final X509Certificate currentSignatureCert = getSignatureCertificate(tokenSaml.getSignature()); final BasicX509Credential currentSignatureX509Cred = new BasicX509Credential(); currentSignatureX509Cred.setEntityCertificate(currentSignatureCert); checkTrust(currentSignatureX509Cred, metadataCred); checkSignatureCertificate(tokenSaml.getSignature(), metadataCred, true); } catch (CertificateException ce) { LOG.warn("ERROR : error creating certificate instance", ce.getMessage()); LOG.debug("ERROR : error creating certificate instance", ce); throw new SAMLEngineException(ce); } }
From source
private SSLConnectionSocketFactory createSSLSocketFactory(final SiteConfig location) throws JHttpCException { SSLConnectionSocketFactory fac = (SSLConnectionSocketFactory) location.getAttribute(SSL_FACTORY_ATTRIB); if (fac != null) { return fac; }// w w w.ja v a2 s . c o m KeyStore ks = null; KeyStore ts = null; final String kcPem = location.getKeyCertPem(); final String kcPass = passwords.lookup(new PasswordKey(location, PasswordType.KEY)); if (kcPem != null) { logger.debug("Adding client key/certificate from: {}", location); if (kcPass == null || kcPass.length() < 1) { logger.error("Invalid configuration. Location: {} cannot have an empty key password!", location.getUri()); throw new JHttpCException( "Location: " + location.getUri() + " is misconfigured! Key password cannot be empty."); } try { logger.trace("Reading Client SSL key from:\n\n{}\n\n", kcPem); ks = SSLUtils.readKeyAndCert(kcPem, kcPass); logger.trace("Keystore contains the following certificates: {}", new CertEnumerator(ks, kcPass)); } catch (final CertificateException e) { logger.error(String.format( "Invalid configuration. Location: %s has an invalid client certificate! Error: %s", location.getUri(), e.getMessage()), e); throw new JHttpCException( "Failed to initialize SSL connection for repository: " + location.getUri()); } catch (final KeyStoreException e) { logger.error(String.format( "Invalid configuration. Cannot initialize keystore for repository: %s. Error: %s", location.getUri(), e.getMessage()), e); throw new JHttpCException( "Failed to initialize SSL connection for repository: " + location.getUri()); } catch (final NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { logger.error(String.format( "Invalid configuration. Cannot initialize keystore for repository: %s. Error: %s", location.getUri(), e.getMessage()), e); throw new JHttpCException( "Failed to initialize SSL connection for repository: " + location.getUri()); } catch (final InvalidKeySpecException e) { logger.error( String.format("Invalid configuration. Invalid client key for repository: %s. Error: %s", location.getUri(), e.getMessage()), e); throw new JHttpCException( "Failed to initialize SSL connection for repository: " + location.getUri()); } catch (IOException e) { throw new JHttpCException("Failed to read client SSL key/certificate from: %s. Reason: %s", e, location, e.getMessage()); } catch (JHttpCException e) { throw new JHttpCException("Failed to read client SSL key/certificate from: %s. Reason: %s", e, location, e.getMessage()); } } else { logger.debug("No client key/certificate found"); } final String sPem = location.getServerCertPem(); // logger.debug( "Server certificate PEM:\n{}", sPem ); if (sPem != null) { logger.debug("Loading TrustStore (server SSL) information from: {}", location); try { logger.trace("Reading Server SSL cert from:\n\n{}\n\n", sPem); ts = SSLUtils.decodePEMTrustStore(sPem, location.getHost()); logger.trace("Trust store contains the following certificates:\n{}", new CertEnumerator(ts, null)); } catch (final CertificateException e) { logger.error(String.format( "Invalid configuration. Location: %s has an invalid server certificate! Error: %s", location.getUri(), e.getMessage()), e); throw new JHttpCException( "Failed to initialize SSL connection for repository: " + location.getUri()); } catch (final KeyStoreException e) { logger.error(String.format( "Invalid configuration. Cannot initialize keystore for repository: %s. Error: %s", location.getUri(), e.getMessage()), e); throw new JHttpCException( "Failed to initialize SSL connection for repository: " + location.getUri()); } catch (final NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { logger.error(String.format( "Invalid configuration. Cannot initialize keystore for repository: %s. Error: %s", location.getUri(), e.getMessage()), e); throw new JHttpCException( "Failed to initialize SSL connection for repository: " + location.getUri()); } catch (IOException e) { throw new JHttpCException( "Failed to read server SSL certificate(s) (or couldn't parse server hostname) from: %s. Reason: %s", e, location, e.getMessage()); } } else { logger.debug("No server certificates found"); } if (ks != null || ts != null) { logger.debug("Setting up SSL context."); try { SSLContextBuilder sslBuilder = SSLContexts.custom().useProtocol(SSLConnectionSocketFactory.TLS); if (ks != null) { logger.trace("Loading key material for SSL context..."); PrivateKeyStrategy pkStrategy = new MonolithicKeyStrategy(); sslBuilder.loadKeyMaterial(ks, kcPass.toCharArray(), pkStrategy); } if (ts != null) { logger.trace("Loading trust material for SSL context..."); SiteTrustType trustType = location.getTrustType(); if (trustType == null) { trustType = SiteTrustType.DEFAULT; } sslBuilder.loadTrustMaterial(ts, trustType.getTrustStrategy()); } SSLContext ctx =; fac = new SSLConnectionSocketFactory(ctx, new DefaultHostnameVerifier()); location.setAttribute(SSL_FACTORY_ATTRIB, fac); return fac; } catch (final KeyManagementException e) { logger.error( "Invalid configuration. Cannot initialize SSL socket factory for repository: {}. Error: {}", e, location.getUri(), e.getMessage()); throw new JHttpCException( "Failed to initialize SSL connection for repository: " + location.getUri()); } catch (final UnrecoverableKeyException e) { logger.error( "Invalid configuration. Cannot initialize SSL socket factory for repository: {}. Error: {}", e, location.getUri(), e.getMessage()); throw new JHttpCException( "Failed to initialize SSL connection for repository: " + location.getUri()); } catch (final NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { logger.error( "Invalid configuration. Cannot initialize SSL socket factory for repository: {}. Error: {}", e, location.getUri(), e.getMessage()); throw new JHttpCException( "Failed to initialize SSL connection for repository: " + location.getUri()); } catch (final KeyStoreException e) { logger.error( "Invalid configuration. Cannot initialize SSL socket factory for repository: {}. Error: {}", e, location.getUri(), e.getMessage()); throw new JHttpCException( "Failed to initialize SSL connection for repository: " + location.getUri()); } } else { logger.debug("No SSL configuration present; no SSL context created."); } return null; }
From source
/** * @see, File, File, String) */// w w w. j a va 2s . c o m public synchronized boolean applyCertificateRequest(final String commonName, final File certificateFile, final File keystoreFile, final String storePassword) throws CertificateManagementException { final String methodName = ICertificateManager.CNAME + "#applyCertificateRequest(final String commonName, final File certificateFile, final File keystoreFile, final String storePassword) throws CertificateManagementException"; if (DEBUG) { DEBUGGER.debug(methodName); DEBUGGER.debug("Value: {}", commonName); DEBUGGER.debug("Value: {}", certificateFile); DEBUGGER.debug("Value: {}", keystoreFile); } final File rootDirectory = certConfig.getRootDirectory(); final File certificateDirectory = FileUtils .getFile(certConfig.getCertificateDirectory() + "/" + commonName); final File storeDirectory = FileUtils.getFile(certConfig.getStoreDirectory() + "/" + commonName); if (DEBUG) { DEBUGGER.debug("rootDirectory: {}", rootDirectory); DEBUGGER.debug("certificateDirectory: {}", certificateDirectory); DEBUGGER.debug("storeDirectory: {}", storeDirectory); DEBUGGER.debug("certificateFile: {}", certificateFile); DEBUGGER.debug("keystoreFile: {}", keystoreFile); } boolean isComplete = false; FileInputStream certStream = null; FileOutputStream storeStream = null; FileInputStream keystoreInput = null; FileInputStream rootCertStream = null; FileInputStream intermediateCertStream = null; try { if (!(rootDirectory.exists())) { throw new CertificateManagementException( "Root certificate directory either does not exist or cannot be written to. Cannot continue."); } if (!(rootDirectory.canWrite())) { throw new CertificateManagementException( "Root certificate directory either does not exist or cannot be written to. Cannot continue."); } if (!(certConfig.getRootCertificateFile().exists())) { throw new CertificateManagementException("Root certificate file does not exist. Cannot continue."); } if (!(certConfig.getIntermediateCertificateFile().exists())) { throw new CertificateManagementException( "Intermediate certificate file does not exist. Cannot continue."); } if (!(storeDirectory.canWrite())) { throw new CertificateManagementException( "Keystore directory either does not exist or cannot be written to. Cannot continue."); } if (!(keystoreFile.canWrite())) { throw new CertificateManagementException( "Unable to write to applicable keystore. Cannot continue."); } keystoreInput = FileUtils.openInputStream(keystoreFile); certStream = FileUtils.openInputStream(certificateFile); if (DEBUG) { DEBUGGER.debug("keystoreInput: {}", keystoreInput); DEBUGGER.debug("certStream: {}", certStream); } KeyStore keyStore = KeyStore.getInstance(KeyStore.getDefaultType()); keyStore.load(keystoreInput, storePassword.toCharArray()); if (DEBUG) { DEBUGGER.debug("KeyStore: {}", keyStore); } Key privateKey = keyStore.getKey(commonName, storePassword.toCharArray()); CertificateFactory certFactory = CertificateFactory.getInstance(certConfig.getCertificateType()); if (DEBUG) { DEBUGGER.debug("CertificateFactory: {}", certFactory); } rootCertStream = FileUtils.openInputStream(FileUtils.getFile(certConfig.getRootCertificateFile())); intermediateCertStream = FileUtils .openInputStream(FileUtils.getFile(certConfig.getIntermediateCertificateFile())); if (DEBUG) { DEBUGGER.debug("rootCertStream: {}", rootCertStream); DEBUGGER.debug("intermediateCertStream: {}", intermediateCertStream); } X509Certificate[] responseCert = new X509Certificate[] { (X509Certificate) certFactory.generateCertificate(rootCertStream), (X509Certificate) certFactory.generateCertificate(intermediateCertStream), (X509Certificate) certFactory.generateCertificate(certStream) }; if (DEBUG) { DEBUGGER.debug("X509Certificate[]", (Object) responseCert); } storeStream = FileUtils.openOutputStream(keystoreFile); keyStore.setKeyEntry(commonName, privateKey, storePassword.toCharArray(), responseCert);, storePassword.toCharArray()); isComplete = true; } catch (FileNotFoundException fnfx) { throw new CertificateManagementException(fnfx.getMessage(), fnfx); } catch (IOException iox) { throw new CertificateManagementException(iox.getMessage(), iox); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException nsax) { throw new CertificateManagementException(nsax.getMessage(), nsax); } catch (IllegalStateException isx) { throw new CertificateManagementException(isx.getMessage(), isx); } catch (KeyStoreException ksx) { throw new CertificateManagementException(ksx.getMessage(), ksx); } catch (CertificateException cx) { throw new CertificateManagementException(cx.getMessage(), cx); } catch (UnrecoverableKeyException ukx) { throw new CertificateManagementException(ukx.getMessage(), ukx); } finally { if (storeStream != null) { IOUtils.closeQuietly(storeStream); } if (intermediateCertStream != null) { IOUtils.closeQuietly(intermediateCertStream); } if (rootCertStream != null) { IOUtils.closeQuietly(rootCertStream); } if (certStream != null) { IOUtils.closeQuietly(certStream); } if (keystoreInput != null) { IOUtils.closeQuietly(keystoreInput); } } return isComplete; }
From source
public X509Certificate getServiceDigitalIdentity(DigitalIdentityListType digitalIdentityList) { try {/*from www.j ava 2 s . c o m*/ final CertificateFactory certificateFactory = CertificateFactory.getInstance("X.509"); for (final DigitalIdentityType digitalIdentity : digitalIdentityList.getDigitalId()) { byte[] x509CertificateData = digitalIdentity.getX509Certificate(); if (x509CertificateData != null) { try { X509Certificate certificate = (X509Certificate) certificateFactory .generateCertificate(new ByteArrayInputStream(x509CertificateData)); return certificate; } catch (CertificateException e) { throw new RuntimeException("X509 error: " + e.getMessage(), e); } } } throw new RuntimeException("No X509Certificate identity specified"); } catch (CertificateException e) { throw new RuntimeException("X509 error: " + e.getMessage(), e); } }