Example usage for java.nio LongBuffer get

List of usage examples for java.nio LongBuffer get


In this page you can find the example usage for java.nio LongBuffer get.


public abstract long get();

Source Link


Returns the long at the current position and increase the position by 1.


From source file:edu.cmu.graphchi.shards.QueryShard.java

private void queryIn(Long queryId, QueryCallback callback, byte edgeType, boolean ignoreType) {
    if (queryCache != null && callback.immediateReceive()) {
        long[] cached = (long[]) queryCache.get(incacheKey(queryId, edgeType));
        if (cached != null && callback.immediateReceive()) {
            for (int j = 0; j < cached.length; j++) {
                long ptr = cached[j];
                callback.receiveEdge(VertexIdTranslate.getVertexId(ptr), queryId, edgeType,
                        PointerUtil.encodePointer(shardNum, (int) VertexIdTranslate.getAux(ptr)));
            }//from   w  w w  . j a v  a  2s .co  m
            // cacheHitCounter.inc();
        } else {

    if (queryId < interval.getFirstVertex() || queryId > interval.getLastVertex()) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Vertex " + queryId + " not part of interval:" + interval);
    final LongBuffer tmpBuffer = adjBuffer.duplicate();

    try {
        /* Step 1: collect adj file offsets for the in-edges */
        final Timer.Context _timer1 = inEdgePhase1Timer.time();
        ArrayList<Integer> offsets = new ArrayList<Integer>();
        int END = (1 << 26) - 1;

        final IntBuffer startBufferTmp = inEdgeStartBuffer.duplicate();

        // Binary search to find the start of the vertex
        int n = inEdgeStartBuffer.capacity() / 2;
        int low = 0;
        int high = n - 1;
        int off = -1;
        int queryRelative = (int) (queryId - interval.getFirstVertex());
        while (low <= high) {
            int idx = ((high + low) / 2);
            int v = startBufferTmp.get(idx * 2);
            if (v == queryRelative) {
                off = startBufferTmp.get(idx * 2 + 1);
            if (v < queryRelative) {
                low = idx + 1;
            } else {
                high = idx - 1;

        if (off == (-1)) {
            if (queryCache != null && queryCacheSize > queryCache.size()) {
                queryCache.put(incacheKey(queryId, edgeType), new long[0]);

        while (off != END) {
            long edge = tmpBuffer.get();

            if (VertexIdTranslate.getVertexId(edge) != queryId) {
                        "Mismatch in edge linkage: " + VertexIdTranslate.getVertexId(edge) + " !=" + queryId);
                throw new RuntimeException(
                        "Mismatch in edge linkage: " + VertexIdTranslate.getVertexId(edge) + " !=" + queryId);
            if (ignoreType || VertexIdTranslate.getType(edge) == edgeType) {

            off = (int) VertexIdTranslate.getAux(edge);

            if (off > END) {
                throw new RuntimeException("Encoding error: " + edge + " --> "
                        + VertexIdTranslate.getVertexId(edge) + " off : " + VertexIdTranslate.getAux(edge));
            if (off != END && (off < 0 || off > tmpBuffer.capacity())) {
                System.err.println("Illegal off when looking for inedges: " + off + ", capacity:"
                        + tmpBuffer.capacity() + ", shardNum=" + shardNum);

        /* Step 2: collect the vertex ids that contain the offsets by passing over the pointer data */
        /* Find beginning */

        ArrayList<Long> inNeighbors = (callback.immediateReceive() ? null
                : new ArrayList<Long>(offsets.size()));
        ArrayList<Long> inNeighborsPtrs = (callback.immediateReceive() ? null
                : new ArrayList<Long>(offsets.size()));
        ArrayList<Byte> edgeTypes = (callback.immediateReceive() ? null : new ArrayList<Byte>(offsets.size()));

        ArrayList<Long> cached = (queryCache == null || queryCache.size() >= queryCacheSize || freezeCache
                ? null
                : new ArrayList<Long>());

        final LongBuffer tmpPointerIdxBuffer = (pinIndexToMemory ? null : pointerIdxBuffer.duplicate());

        Iterator<Integer> offsetIterator = offsets.iterator();
        if (!offsets.isEmpty()) {
            final Timer.Context _timer2 = inEdgePhase2Timer.time();

            int firstOff = offsets.get(0);
            if (tmpPointerIdxBuffer != null) {
                final Timer.Context _timer3 = inEdgeIndexLookupTimer.time();
                ShardIndex.IndexEntry startIndex = index.lookupByOffset(firstOff * 8);

            int lastOff = firstOff;

            while (offsetIterator.hasNext()) {
                off = offsetIterator.next();

                if (off - lastOff > 8196 && tmpPointerIdxBuffer != null) {
                    // magic threshold when to consult the index
                    ShardIndex.IndexEntry skipIdx = index.lookupByOffset(off * 8);
                    if (skipIdx.fileOffset > lastOff) {

                long vert = findVertexForOff(off, tmpPointerIdxBuffer);
                if (!callback.immediateReceive()) {
                    inNeighborsPtrs.add(PointerUtil.encodePointer(shardNum, off));
                    edgeTypes.add(edgeType); // TODO with wild card
                } else {
                    callback.receiveEdge(vert, queryId, edgeType, PointerUtil.encodePointer(shardNum, off));
                if (cached != null) {
                    cached.add(VertexIdTranslate.encodeVertexPacket(edgeType, vert, off));
                lastOff = off;

            if (cached != null) {
                long[] cachedArr = new long[cached.size()];
                for (int j = 0; j < cached.size(); j++)
                    cachedArr[j] = cached.get(j);
                queryCache.put(incacheKey(queryId, edgeType), cachedArr);
        if (!callback.immediateReceive()) {
            callback.receiveInNeighbors(queryId, inNeighbors, edgeTypes, inNeighborsPtrs);

    } catch (Exception err) {
        throw new RuntimeException(err);

From source file:edu.cmu.graphchi.shards.QueryShard.java

public void queryOut(List<Long> sortedIds, QueryCallback callback, byte edgeType, boolean ignoreType) {
    if (isEmpty())
        return;//from w  ww. java 2s  .  c  om
    try {
        final Timer.Context _timer1 = outEdgePhase1Timer.time();

        if (queryCacheSize > 0 && !queryCache.isEmpty()) {
            if (callback.immediateReceive()) {
                ArrayList<Long> misses = null;
                for (long qid : sortedIds) {
                    Long cacheKey = outcachekey(qid, edgeType);
                    long[] cached = (long[]) queryCache.get(cacheKey);
                    if (cached != null) {
                        for (int j = 0; j < cached.length; j++) {
                            long vpacket = cached[j];
                            callback.receiveEdge(qid, VertexIdTranslate.getVertexId(vpacket), edgeType,
                                            (int) VertexIdTranslate.getAux(vpacket)));
                    } else {
                        if (misses == null)
                            misses = new ArrayList<Long>();

                if (misses != null)
                if (misses != null)
                    cacheHitCounter.inc(sortedIds.size() - misses.size());
                sortedIds = misses;

                if (sortedIds == null)
            } else {
                System.err.println("Caching without immediatereceive not implemented yet");

        ArrayList<ShardIndex.IndexEntry> indexEntries = new ArrayList<>(sortedIds.size());
        if (!pinIndexToMemory) {
            for (Long a : sortedIds) {

        final Timer.Context _timer2 = outEdgePhase2Timer.time();

        final LongBuffer tmpPointerIdxBuffer = (pointerIdxBuffer != null ? pointerIdxBuffer.duplicate() : null);
        final LongBuffer tmpAdjBuffer = adjBuffer.duplicate();

        ShardIndex.IndexEntry entry = null;
        long[] workarr = new long[2];
        for (int qIdx = 0; qIdx < sortedIds.size(); qIdx++) {
            entry = (pinIndexToMemory ? null : indexEntries.get(qIdx)); // ugly
            long vertexId = sortedIds.get(qIdx);

            if (qIdx > 0) {
                if (sortedIds.get(qIdx - 1) >= vertexId) {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Query ids have to be sorted!");

            PointerPair ptr = findIdxAndPos(vertexId, entry, tmpPointerIdxBuffer, workarr);
            long curPtr = ptr.cur;

            if (ptr.cur != (-1L)) {
                long nextPtr = ptr.next;
                int n = (int) (nextPtr - curPtr);

                ArrayList<Long> res = (callback.immediateReceive() ? null : new ArrayList<Long>(n));
                ArrayList<Long> resPointers = (callback.immediateReceive() ? null : new ArrayList<Long>(n));
                ArrayList<Byte> resTypes = (callback.immediateReceive() ? null : new ArrayList<Byte>(n));

                tmpAdjBuffer.position((int) curPtr);

                long[] cached = (queryCache == null || queryCache.size() >= queryCacheSize || freezeCache ? null
                        : new long[n]);
                int cachek = 0;

                for (int i = 0; i < n && tmpAdjBuffer.position() < tmpAdjBuffer.capacity(); i++) {
                    long e = tmpAdjBuffer.get();
                    byte etype = VertexIdTranslate.getType(e);

                    if (ignoreType || etype == edgeType) {
                        if (!callback.immediateReceive()) {
                            resPointers.add(PointerUtil.encodePointer(shardNum, (int) curPtr + i));
                        } else {
                            callback.receiveEdge(vertexId, VertexIdTranslate.getVertexId(e), etype,
                                    PointerUtil.encodePointer(shardNum, (int) curPtr + i));
                            if (cached != null) {
                                cached[cachek++] = VertexIdTranslate.encodeVertexPacket(edgeType,
                                        VertexIdTranslate.getVertexId(e), curPtr + 1);
                if (!callback.immediateReceive())
                    callback.receiveOutNeighbors(vertexId, res, resTypes, resPointers);
                if (cached != null) {
                    if (cachek < n) {
                        cached = Arrays.copyOf(cached, cachek);
                    queryCache.put(outcachekey(vertexId, edgeType), cached);
            } else {
                if (!callback.immediateReceive())
                    callback.receiveOutNeighbors(vertexId, new ArrayList<Long>(0), new ArrayList<Byte>(0),
                            new ArrayList<Long>(0));
                if (queryCache != null && queryCacheSize > queryCache.size() && !freezeCache) {
                    queryCache.put(outcachekey(vertexId, edgeType), new long[0]);
    } catch (FinishQueryException fqe) {
        // Used for cases when query was early fulfilled
        throw fqe;
    } catch (Exception err) {
        throw new RuntimeException(err);