List of usage examples for java.nio LongBuffer get
public abstract long get();
From source
private void queryIn(Long queryId, QueryCallback callback, byte edgeType, boolean ignoreType) { if (queryCache != null && callback.immediateReceive()) { long[] cached = (long[]) queryCache.get(incacheKey(queryId, edgeType)); if (cached != null && callback.immediateReceive()) { for (int j = 0; j < cached.length; j++) { long ptr = cached[j]; callback.receiveEdge(VertexIdTranslate.getVertexId(ptr), queryId, edgeType, PointerUtil.encodePointer(shardNum, (int) VertexIdTranslate.getAux(ptr))); }//from w w w . j a v a 2s .co m //; return; } else {; } } if (queryId < interval.getFirstVertex() || queryId > interval.getLastVertex()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Vertex " + queryId + " not part of interval:" + interval); } final LongBuffer tmpBuffer = adjBuffer.duplicate(); try { /* Step 1: collect adj file offsets for the in-edges */ final Timer.Context _timer1 = inEdgePhase1Timer.time(); ArrayList<Integer> offsets = new ArrayList<Integer>(); int END = (1 << 26) - 1; final IntBuffer startBufferTmp = inEdgeStartBuffer.duplicate(); // Binary search to find the start of the vertex int n = inEdgeStartBuffer.capacity() / 2; int low = 0; int high = n - 1; int off = -1; int queryRelative = (int) (queryId - interval.getFirstVertex()); while (low <= high) { int idx = ((high + low) / 2); int v = startBufferTmp.get(idx * 2); if (v == queryRelative) { off = startBufferTmp.get(idx * 2 + 1); break; } if (v < queryRelative) { low = idx + 1; } else { high = idx - 1; } } if (off == (-1)) { if (queryCache != null && queryCacheSize > queryCache.size()) { queryCache.put(incacheKey(queryId, edgeType), new long[0]); } return; } while (off != END) { tmpBuffer.position(off); long edge = tmpBuffer.get(); if (VertexIdTranslate.getVertexId(edge) != queryId) { System.out.println( "Mismatch in edge linkage: " + VertexIdTranslate.getVertexId(edge) + " !=" + queryId); throw new RuntimeException( "Mismatch in edge linkage: " + VertexIdTranslate.getVertexId(edge) + " !=" + queryId); } if (ignoreType || VertexIdTranslate.getType(edge) == edgeType) { offsets.add(off); } off = (int) VertexIdTranslate.getAux(edge); if (off > END) { throw new RuntimeException("Encoding error: " + edge + " --> " + VertexIdTranslate.getVertexId(edge) + " off : " + VertexIdTranslate.getAux(edge)); } if (off != END && (off < 0 || off > tmpBuffer.capacity())) { System.err.println("Illegal off when looking for inedges: " + off + ", capacity:" + tmpBuffer.capacity() + ", shardNum=" + shardNum); } } _timer1.stop(); /* Step 2: collect the vertex ids that contain the offsets by passing over the pointer data */ /* Find beginning */ ArrayList<Long> inNeighbors = (callback.immediateReceive() ? null : new ArrayList<Long>(offsets.size())); ArrayList<Long> inNeighborsPtrs = (callback.immediateReceive() ? null : new ArrayList<Long>(offsets.size())); ArrayList<Byte> edgeTypes = (callback.immediateReceive() ? null : new ArrayList<Byte>(offsets.size())); ArrayList<Long> cached = (queryCache == null || queryCache.size() >= queryCacheSize || freezeCache ? null : new ArrayList<Long>()); final LongBuffer tmpPointerIdxBuffer = (pinIndexToMemory ? null : pointerIdxBuffer.duplicate()); Iterator<Integer> offsetIterator = offsets.iterator(); if (!offsets.isEmpty()) { final Timer.Context _timer2 = inEdgePhase2Timer.time(); int firstOff = offsets.get(0); if (tmpPointerIdxBuffer != null) { final Timer.Context _timer3 = inEdgeIndexLookupTimer.time(); ShardIndex.IndexEntry startIndex = index.lookupByOffset(firstOff * 8); _timer3.stop(); tmpPointerIdxBuffer.position(startIndex.vertexSeq); } int lastOff = firstOff; while (offsetIterator.hasNext()) { off =; if (off - lastOff > 8196 && tmpPointerIdxBuffer != null) { // magic threshold when to consult the index ShardIndex.IndexEntry skipIdx = index.lookupByOffset(off * 8); if (skipIdx.fileOffset > lastOff) { tmpPointerIdxBuffer.position(skipIdx.vertexSeq); } } long vert = findVertexForOff(off, tmpPointerIdxBuffer); if (!callback.immediateReceive()) { inNeighbors.add(vert); inNeighborsPtrs.add(PointerUtil.encodePointer(shardNum, off)); edgeTypes.add(edgeType); // TODO with wild card } else { callback.receiveEdge(vert, queryId, edgeType, PointerUtil.encodePointer(shardNum, off)); } if (cached != null) { cached.add(VertexIdTranslate.encodeVertexPacket(edgeType, vert, off)); } lastOff = off; } _timer2.stop(); if (cached != null) { long[] cachedArr = new long[cached.size()]; for (int j = 0; j < cached.size(); j++) cachedArr[j] = cached.get(j); queryCache.put(incacheKey(queryId, edgeType), cachedArr); } } if (!callback.immediateReceive()) { callback.receiveInNeighbors(queryId, inNeighbors, edgeTypes, inNeighborsPtrs); } } catch (Exception err) { throw new RuntimeException(err); } }
From source
public void queryOut(List<Long> sortedIds, QueryCallback callback, byte edgeType, boolean ignoreType) { if (isEmpty()) return;//from w ww. java 2s . c om try { final Timer.Context _timer1 = outEdgePhase1Timer.time(); if (queryCacheSize > 0 && !queryCache.isEmpty()) { if (callback.immediateReceive()) { ArrayList<Long> misses = null; for (long qid : sortedIds) { Long cacheKey = outcachekey(qid, edgeType); long[] cached = (long[]) queryCache.get(cacheKey); if (cached != null) { for (int j = 0; j < cached.length; j++) { long vpacket = cached[j]; callback.receiveEdge(qid, VertexIdTranslate.getVertexId(vpacket), edgeType, PointerUtil.encodePointer(shardNum, (int) VertexIdTranslate.getAux(vpacket))); } } else { if (misses == null) misses = new ArrayList<Long>(); misses.add(qid); } } if (misses != null); if (misses != null) - misses.size()); else; sortedIds = misses; if (sortedIds == null) return; } else { System.err.println("Caching without immediatereceive not implemented yet"); } } ArrayList<ShardIndex.IndexEntry> indexEntries = new ArrayList<>(sortedIds.size()); if (!pinIndexToMemory) { for (Long a : sortedIds) { indexEntries.add(index.lookup(a)); } } _timer1.stop(); final Timer.Context _timer2 = outEdgePhase2Timer.time(); final LongBuffer tmpPointerIdxBuffer = (pointerIdxBuffer != null ? pointerIdxBuffer.duplicate() : null); final LongBuffer tmpAdjBuffer = adjBuffer.duplicate(); ShardIndex.IndexEntry entry = null; long[] workarr = new long[2]; for (int qIdx = 0; qIdx < sortedIds.size(); qIdx++) { entry = (pinIndexToMemory ? null : indexEntries.get(qIdx)); // ugly long vertexId = sortedIds.get(qIdx); if (qIdx > 0) { if (sortedIds.get(qIdx - 1) >= vertexId) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Query ids have to be sorted!"); } } PointerPair ptr = findIdxAndPos(vertexId, entry, tmpPointerIdxBuffer, workarr); long curPtr = ptr.cur; if (ptr.cur != (-1L)) { long nextPtr =; int n = (int) (nextPtr - curPtr); ArrayList<Long> res = (callback.immediateReceive() ? null : new ArrayList<Long>(n)); ArrayList<Long> resPointers = (callback.immediateReceive() ? null : new ArrayList<Long>(n)); ArrayList<Byte> resTypes = (callback.immediateReceive() ? null : new ArrayList<Byte>(n)); tmpAdjBuffer.position((int) curPtr); long[] cached = (queryCache == null || queryCache.size() >= queryCacheSize || freezeCache ? null : new long[n]); int cachek = 0; for (int i = 0; i < n && tmpAdjBuffer.position() < tmpAdjBuffer.capacity(); i++) { long e = tmpAdjBuffer.get(); byte etype = VertexIdTranslate.getType(e); if (ignoreType || etype == edgeType) { if (!callback.immediateReceive()) { res.add(VertexIdTranslate.getVertexId(e)); resPointers.add(PointerUtil.encodePointer(shardNum, (int) curPtr + i)); resTypes.add(etype); } else { callback.receiveEdge(vertexId, VertexIdTranslate.getVertexId(e), etype, PointerUtil.encodePointer(shardNum, (int) curPtr + i)); if (cached != null) { cached[cachek++] = VertexIdTranslate.encodeVertexPacket(edgeType, VertexIdTranslate.getVertexId(e), curPtr + 1); } } } } if (!callback.immediateReceive()) callback.receiveOutNeighbors(vertexId, res, resTypes, resPointers); if (cached != null) { if (cachek < n) { cached = Arrays.copyOf(cached, cachek); } queryCache.put(outcachekey(vertexId, edgeType), cached); } } else { if (!callback.immediateReceive()) callback.receiveOutNeighbors(vertexId, new ArrayList<Long>(0), new ArrayList<Byte>(0), new ArrayList<Long>(0)); if (queryCache != null && queryCacheSize > queryCache.size() && !freezeCache) { queryCache.put(outcachekey(vertexId, edgeType), new long[0]); } } } _timer2.stop(); } catch (FinishQueryException fqe) { // Used for cases when query was early fulfilled throw fqe; } catch (Exception err) { throw new RuntimeException(err); } }