List of usage examples for java.nio.file StandardOpenOption CREATE
StandardOpenOption CREATE
To view the source code for java.nio.file StandardOpenOption CREATE.
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private void trackExecution(String message) throws IllegalStateException { if (debug) {//from ww w .j a v a2 s .c o m try { File tempDir = FileUtils.getTempDirectory(); Files.write(Paths.get(tempDir.getAbsolutePath(), "transform-classes.log"), (new Date().toString() + ": " + message + "\n").getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8), StandardOpenOption.CREATE, StandardOpenOption.APPEND); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalStateException("error", e); } } }
From source
private void storeSettings() { Path filePath = null;//ww w. j a v a 2s . com if (newFile.isSelected()) { if (!newNameTf.getText().isEmpty()) { filePath = Paths.get(newNameTf.getText()); } } else { filePath = Paths.get(personalFile.getText()); } if (filePath != null) { try (OutputStream stream = Files.newOutputStream(filePath, StandardOpenOption.CREATE); OutputStreamWriter writer = new OutputStreamWriter(stream, Globals.prefs.getDefaultEncoding())) { for (JournalEntry entry : tableModel.getJournals()) { writer.write(entry.getName()); writer.write(" = "); writer.write(entry.getAbbreviation()); writer.write(Globals.NEWLINE); } } catch (IOException e) { LOGGER.warn("Problem writing abbreviation file", e); } String filename = filePath.toString(); if ("".equals(filename)) { filename = null; } Globals.prefs.put(JabRefPreferences.PERSONAL_JOURNAL_LIST, filename); } // Store the list of external files set up: List<String> extFiles = new ArrayList<>(); for (ExternalFileEntry efe : externals) { if (!"".equals(efe.getValue())) { extFiles.add(efe.getValue()); } } Globals.prefs.putStringList(JabRefPreferences.EXTERNAL_JOURNAL_LISTS, extFiles); // Update journal abbreviation loader Globals.journalAbbreviationLoader.update(JournalAbbreviationPreferences.fromPreferences(Globals.prefs)); }
From source
@Override public long exportTo(final ContentClaim claim, final Path destination, final boolean append, final long offset, final long length) throws IOException { if (claim == null) { if (append) { return 0L; }/*from w w w . j av a2s. c o m*/ Files.createFile(destination); return 0L; } final StandardOpenOption openOption = append ? StandardOpenOption.APPEND : StandardOpenOption.CREATE; try (final InputStream in = read(claim); final OutputStream destinationStream = Files.newOutputStream(destination, openOption)) { if (offset > 0) { StreamUtils.skip(in, offset); } StreamUtils.copy(in, destinationStream, length); return length; } }
From source
@Override public void saveFile(String backendPath, String content) throws C5CException { Path file = buildRealPath(backendPath); OutputStream out = null;//from w w w . jav a2 s.c om try { out = Files.newOutputStream(file, StandardOpenOption.CREATE, StandardOpenOption.WRITE); IOUtils.write(content, out, PropertiesLoader.getDefaultEncoding()); } catch (IOException e) { logger.warn("Error while saving content of {}", backendPath); throw new C5CException(FilemanagerAction.SAVEFILE, e.getMessage()); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(out); } }
From source
private Path addVariationIdToTranscriptVariationFile(Map<Integer, Integer> variationFeatureToVariationId) throws IOException { Path transcriptVariationTempFile = variationDirectoryPath.resolve(TRANSCRIPT_VARIATION_FILENAME + ".tmp");"Adding variation Id to transcript variations and saving them into " + transcriptVariationTempFile + " ..."); Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.createStarted(); Path unpreprocessedTranscriptVariationFile = variationDirectoryPath.resolve(TRANSCRIPT_VARIATION_FILENAME); BufferedReader br = getBufferedReader(unpreprocessedTranscriptVariationFile); BufferedWriter bw = Files.newBufferedWriter(transcriptVariationTempFile, Charset.defaultCharset(), StandardOpenOption.CREATE, StandardOpenOption.WRITE); String line;//from w ww . j av a 2s . c om while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { // TODO: add limit parameter would do that run faster? // TODO: use a precompiled pattern would improve efficiency Integer variationFeatureId = Integer.valueOf(line.split("\t")[1]); Integer variationId = variationFeatureToVariationId.get(variationFeatureId); bw.write(line + "\t" + variationId + "\n"); } br.close(); bw.close();"Added"); this.logger.debug("Elapsed time adding variation Id to transcript variation file: " + stopwatch); return transcriptVariationTempFile; }
From source
/** * @deprecated support for this is not going to stick around, seriously. *///w ww . ja v a 2 s . co m @Deprecated public void testAlreadyInstalledNotIsolated() throws Exception { String pluginName = "fake-plugin"; Path pluginDir = createTempDir().resolve(pluginName); Files.createDirectories(pluginDir); // create a jar file in the plugin Path pluginJar = pluginDir.resolve("fake-plugin.jar"); try (ZipOutputStream out = new JarOutputStream( Files.newOutputStream(pluginJar, StandardOpenOption.CREATE))) { out.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry("foo.class")); out.closeEntry(); } String pluginUrl = createPlugin(pluginDir, "description", "fake desc", "name", pluginName, "version", "1.0", "elasticsearch.version", Version.CURRENT.toString(), "java.version", System.getProperty("java.specification.version"), "isolated", "false", "jvm", "true", "classname", "FakePlugin"); // install ExitStatus status = new PluginManagerCliParser(terminal).execute(args("install " + pluginUrl)); assertEquals("unexpected exit status: output: " + terminal.getTerminalOutput(), ExitStatus.OK, status); // install again status = new PluginManagerCliParser(terminal).execute(args("install " + pluginUrl)); List<String> output = terminal.getTerminalOutput(); assertEquals("unexpected exit status: output: " + output, ExitStatus.IO_ERROR, status); boolean foundExpectedMessage = false; for (String line : output) { foundExpectedMessage |= line.contains("already exists"); } assertTrue(foundExpectedMessage); }
From source
/** * Override content in file.//from w w w .j a v a 2 s . c o m * * @param filePath path of file to override * @param content content to be written * @throws IOException */ private void writeToFile(Path filePath, String content) throws IOException { Files.write(filePath, content.getBytes(), StandardOpenOption.CREATE, StandardOpenOption.TRUNCATE_EXISTING); }
From source
private void lockBasePersistDirectory() { if (basePersistDirLock == null) { try {/*from w w w.j a v a 2 s .co m*/ basePersistDirLockChannel =, StandardOpenOption.CREATE, StandardOpenOption.WRITE); basePersistDirLock = basePersistDirLockChannel.tryLock(); if (basePersistDirLock == null) { throw new ISE("Cannot acquire lock on basePersistDir: %s", computeLockFile()); } } catch (IOException e) { throw Throwables.propagate(e); } } }
From source
private void lockRepo() throws IOException { this.syncLockChannel =, StandardOpenOption.WRITE, StandardOpenOption.CREATE); FileLock lock = this.syncLockChannel.lock(); // gets an exclusive lock assert lock.isValid(); this.syncLockChannel.write(ByteBuffer.wrap(ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean().getName().getBytes())); }
From source
private void updateZip(NetworkEpgClient clnt) throws IOException, JSONException, JsonParseException { Set<String> completedListings = new HashSet<String>(); LOG.debug(String.format("Using %d worker threads", globalOpts.getMaxThreads())); pool = createThreadPoolExecutor();/*from ww w . jav a 2 s . c om*/ start = System.currentTimeMillis(); File dest = grabOpts.getTarget(); cachedSeriesIds = new HashSet<String>(); boolean rmDest = false; if (dest.exists()) { ZipEpgClient zipClnt = null; try { zipClnt = new ZipEpgClient(dest); if (!zipClnt.getUserStatus().getLastServerRefresh() .before(clnt.getUserStatus().getLastServerRefresh())) { "Current cache file contains latest data from Schedules Direct server; use --force-download to force a new download from server."); boolean force = grabOpts.isForce(); if (!force) return; else LOG.warn("Forcing an update of data with the server due to user request!"); } } catch (Exception e) { if (grabOpts.isKeep()) { LOG.error("Existing cache is invalid, keeping by user request!", e); return; } else { LOG.warn("Existing cache is invalid, deleting it; use --keep-bad-cache to keep existing cache!", e); rmDest = true; } } finally { if (zipClnt != null) try { zipClnt.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } if (rmDest && !dest.delete()) throw new IOException("Unable to delete " + dest); } } freshZip = !dest.exists(); try (FileSystem vfs = FileSystems.newFileSystem(new URI(String.format("jar:%s", dest.toURI())), Collections.singletonMap("create", "true"))) { if (freshZip) { Path target = vfs.getPath(ZipEpgClient.ZIP_VER_FILE); Files.write(target, Integer.toString(ZipEpgClient.ZIP_VER).getBytes(ZipEpgClient.ZIP_CHARSET)); } ProgramCache progCache = ProgramCache.get(vfs); Path lineups = vfs.getPath("lineups.txt"); Files.deleteIfExists(lineups); Path scheds = vfs.getPath("/schedules/"); if (!Files.isDirectory(scheds)) Files.createDirectory(scheds); Path maps = vfs.getPath("/maps/"); PathUtils.removeDirectory(maps); Files.createDirectory(maps); Path progs = vfs.getPath("/programs/"); if (!Files.isDirectory(progs)) Files.createDirectory(progs); Path logos = vfs.getPath("/logos/"); if (!Files.isDirectory(logos)) Files.createDirectory(logos); Path md5s = vfs.getPath("/md5s/"); if (!Files.isDirectory(md5s)) Files.createDirectory(md5s); Path cache = vfs.getPath(LOGO_CACHE); if (Files.exists(cache)) { String cacheData = new String(Files.readAllBytes(cache), ZipEpgClient.ZIP_CHARSET); logoCache = Config.get().getObjectMapper().readValue(cacheData, JSONObject.class); } else logoCache = new JSONObject(); Path seriesInfo = vfs.getPath("/seriesInfo/"); if (!Files.isDirectory(seriesInfo)) Files.createDirectories(seriesInfo); loadSeriesInfoIds(seriesInfo); missingSeriesIds = Collections.synchronizedSet(new HashSet<String>()); loadRetryIds(vfs.getPath(SERIES_INFO_DATA)); JSONObject resp = Config.get().getObjectMapper().readValue( factory.get(DefaultJsonRequest.Action.GET, RestNouns.LINEUPS, clnt.getHash(), clnt.getUserAgent(), globalOpts.getUrl().toString()).submitForJson(null), JSONObject.class); if (!JsonResponseUtils.isErrorResponse(resp)) Files.write(lineups, resp.toString(3).getBytes(ZipEpgClient.ZIP_CHARSET)); else LOG.error("Received error response when requesting lineup data!"); for (Lineup l : clnt.getLineups()) { buildStationList(); JSONObject o = Config.get().getObjectMapper() .readValue( factory.get(DefaultJsonRequest.Action.GET, l.getUri(), clnt.getHash(), clnt.getUserAgent(), globalOpts.getUrl().toString()).submitForJson(null), JSONObject.class); Files.write(vfs.getPath("/maps", ZipEpgClient.scrubFileName(String.format("%s.txt", l.getId()))), o.toString(3).getBytes(ZipEpgClient.ZIP_CHARSET)); JSONArray stations = o.getJSONArray("stations"); JSONArray ids = new JSONArray(); for (int i = 0; i < stations.length(); ++i) { JSONObject obj = stations.getJSONObject(i); String sid = obj.getString("stationID"); if (stationList != null && !stationList.contains(sid)) LOG.debug(String.format("Skipped %s; not listed in station file", sid)); else if (completedListings.add(sid)) { ids.put(sid); if (!grabOpts.isNoLogos()) { if (logoCacheInvalid(obj)) pool.execute(new LogoTask(obj, vfs, logoCache)); else if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug(String.format("Skipped logo for %s; already cached!", obj.optString("callsign", null))); } else if (!logosWarned) { logosWarned = true; LOG.warn("Logo downloads disabled by user request!"); } } else LOG.debug(String.format("Skipped %s; already downloaded.", sid)); //pool.setMaximumPoolSize(5); // Processing these new schedules takes all kinds of memory! if (ids.length() == grabOpts.getMaxSchedChunk()) { pool.execute(new ScheduleTask(ids, vfs, clnt, progCache, factory)); ids = new JSONArray(); } } if (ids.length() > 0) pool.execute(new ScheduleTask(ids, vfs, clnt, progCache, factory)); } pool.shutdown(); try { LOG.debug("Waiting for SchedLogoExecutor to terminate..."); if (pool.awaitTermination(15, TimeUnit.MINUTES)) LOG.debug("SchedLogoExecutor: Terminated successfully."); else { failedTask = true; LOG.warn( "SchedLogoExecutor: Termination timed out; some tasks probably didn't finish properly!"); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { failedTask = true; LOG.warn( "SchedLogoExecutor: Termination interrupted); some tasks probably didn't finish properly!"); } Files.write(cache, logoCache.toString(3).getBytes(ZipEpgClient.ZIP_CHARSET), StandardOpenOption.TRUNCATE_EXISTING, StandardOpenOption.WRITE, StandardOpenOption.CREATE); ScheduleTask.commit(vfs); pool = createThreadPoolExecutor(); //pool.setMaximumPoolSize(5); // Again, we've got memory problems String[] dirtyPrograms = progCache.getDirtyIds(); progCache.markAllClean(); progCache = null;"Identified %d program ids requiring an update!", dirtyPrograms.length)); Collection<String> progIds = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String progId : dirtyPrograms) { progIds.add(progId); if (progIds.size() == grabOpts.getMaxProgChunk()) { pool.execute(new ProgramTask(progIds, vfs, clnt, factory, missingSeriesIds, "programs", null, false)); progIds.clear(); } } if (progIds.size() > 0) pool.execute( new ProgramTask(progIds, vfs, clnt, factory, missingSeriesIds, "programs", null, false)); pool.shutdown(); try { LOG.debug("Waiting for ProgramExecutor to terminate..."); if (pool.awaitTermination(15, TimeUnit.MINUTES)) { LOG.debug("ProgramExecutor: Terminated successfully."); Iterator<String> itr = missingSeriesIds.iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { String id =; if (cachedSeriesIds.contains(id)) itr.remove(); } if (missingSeriesIds.size() > 0) {"Grabbing %d series info programs!", missingSeriesIds.size())); Set<String> retrySet = new HashSet<>(); try { new ProgramTask(missingSeriesIds, vfs, clnt, factory, missingSeriesIds, "seriesInfo", retrySet, true).run(); } catch (RuntimeException e) { LOG.error("SeriesInfo task failed!", e); Grabber.failedTask = true; } Path seriesInfoData = vfs.getPath(SERIES_INFO_DATA); if (retrySet.size() > 0) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (String id : retrySet) sb.append(id + "\n"); Files.write(seriesInfoData, sb.toString().getBytes(ZipEpgClient.ZIP_CHARSET), StandardOpenOption.WRITE, StandardOpenOption.TRUNCATE_EXISTING, StandardOpenOption.CREATE); } else if (Files.exists(seriesInfoData)) Files.delete(seriesInfoData); } } else { failedTask = true; LOG.warn("ProgramExecutor: Termination timed out; some tasks probably didn't finish properly!"); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { failedTask = true; LOG.warn("ProgramExecutor: Termination interrupted); some tasks probably didn't finish properly!"); } String userData = clnt.getUserStatus().toJson(); if (failedTask) { LOG.error("One or more tasks failed! Resetting last data refresh timestamp to zero."); SimpleDateFormat fmt = Config.get().getDateTimeFormat(); String exp = fmt.format(new Date(0L)); JSONObject o = Config.get().getObjectMapper().readValue(userData, JSONObject.class); o.put("lastDataUpdate", exp); userData = o.toString(2); } Path p = vfs.getPath(USER_DATA); Files.write(p, userData.getBytes(ZipEpgClient.ZIP_CHARSET), StandardOpenOption.WRITE, StandardOpenOption.TRUNCATE_EXISTING, StandardOpenOption.CREATE); removeIgnoredStations(vfs); } catch (URISyntaxException e1) { throw new RuntimeException(e1); } finally { Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime();"MemStats:%n\tFREE: %s%n\tUSED: %s%n\t MAX: %s", FileUtils.byteCountToDisplaySize(rt.freeMemory()), FileUtils.byteCountToDisplaySize(rt.totalMemory()), FileUtils.byteCountToDisplaySize(rt.maxMemory()))); } }