Example usage for java.nio.file Path getName

List of usage examples for java.nio.file Path getName


In this page you can find the example usage for java.nio.file Path getName.


Path getName(int index);

Source Link


Returns a name element of this path as a Path object.


From source file:Main.java

public static void main(String[] args) {

    Path path = Paths.get("C:", "tutorial/Java/JavaFX", "Topic.txt");

    for (int i = 0; i < path.getNameCount(); i++) {
        System.out.println("Name element " + i + " is: " + path.getName(i));
    }//w  ww .ja va2s  . com

From source file:Test.java

public static void main(String[] args) {
    Path path = FileSystems.getDefault().getPath("/home/docs/status.txt");
    System.out.printf("getNameCount: %d\n", path.getNameCount());
    for (int index = 0; index < path.getNameCount(); index++) {
        System.out.printf("getName(%d): %s\n", index, path.getName(index));
    }//  w  w w . j a  va 2s  .  c om

From source file:edu.jhu.hlt.concrete.ingesters.annotatednyt.AnnotatedNYTIngesterRunner.java

 * @param args/*  ww w . ja va2 s .  c  o  m*/
public static void main(String... args) {
    Thread.setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler(new LoggedUncaughtExceptionHandler());
    AnnotatedNYTIngesterRunner run = new AnnotatedNYTIngesterRunner();
    JCommander jc = new JCommander(run, args);
    if (run.delegate.help) {

    try {
        Path outpath = Paths.get(run.delegate.outputPath);

        NYTCorpusDocumentParser parser = new NYTCorpusDocumentParser();
        for (String pstr : run.delegate.paths) {
            LOGGER.debug("Running on file: {}", pstr);
            Path p = Paths.get(pstr);
            new ExistingNonDirectoryFile(p);
            int nPaths = p.getNameCount();
            Path year = p.getName(nPaths - 2);
            Path outWithExt = outpath.resolve(year.toString() + p.getFileName());

            if (Files.exists(outWithExt)) {
                if (!run.delegate.overwrite) {
                    LOGGER.info("File: {} exists and overwrite disabled. Not running.", outWithExt.toString());
                } else {

            try (InputStream is = Files.newInputStream(p);
                    BufferedInputStream bin = new BufferedInputStream(is);
                    TarGzArchiveEntryByteIterator iter = new TarGzArchiveEntryByteIterator(bin);

                    OutputStream os = Files.newOutputStream(outWithExt);
                    GzipCompressorOutputStream gout = new GzipCompressorOutputStream(os);
                    TarArchiver arch = new TarArchiver(gout)) {
                Iterable<byte[]> able = () -> iter;
                StreamSupport.stream(able.spliterator(), false).map(ba -> parser.fromByteArray(ba, false))
                        .map(doc -> new AnnotatedNYTDocument(doc))
                        .map(and -> new CommunicationizableAnnotatedNYTDocument(and).toCommunication())
                        .forEach(comm -> {
                            try {
                                arch.addEntry(new ArchivableCommunication(comm));
                            } catch (IOException e) {
                                LOGGER.error("Caught exception processing file: " + pstr, e);
    } catch (NotFileException | IOException e) {
        LOGGER.error("Caught exception processing.", e);

From source file:edu.jhu.hlt.concrete.gigaword.expt.ConvertGigawordDocuments.java

 * @param args// w  w  w  .  j a va2 s .c  o m
public static void main(String... args) {
    Thread.setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler(new UncaughtExceptionHandler() {

        public void uncaughtException(Thread t, Throwable e) {
            logger.error("Thread {} caught unhandled exception.", t.getName());
            logger.error("Unhandled exception.", e);

    if (args.length != 2) {
        logger.info("Usage: {} {} {}", GigawordConcreteConverter.class.getName(), "path/to/expt/file",

    String exptPathStr = args[0];
    String outPathStr = args[1];

    // Verify path points to something.
    Path exptPath = Paths.get(exptPathStr);
    if (!Files.exists(exptPath)) {
        logger.error("File: {} does not exist. Re-run with the correct path to "
                + " the experiment 2 column file. See README.md.");

    logger.info("Experiment map located at: {}", exptPathStr);

    // Create output dir if not yet created.
    Path outPath = Paths.get(outPathStr);
    if (!Files.exists(outPath)) {
        logger.info("Creating directory: {}", outPath.toString());
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {
            logger.error("Caught an IOException when creating output dir.", e);

    logger.info("Output directory located at: {}", outPathStr);

    // Read in expt map. See README.md.
    Map<String, Set<String>> exptMap = null;
    try (Reader r = ExperimentUtils.createReader(exptPath); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(r)) {
        exptMap = ExperimentUtils.createFilenameToIdMap(br);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        logger.error("Caught an IOException when creating expt map.", e);

    // Start a timer.
    logger.info("Gigaword -> Concrete beginning.");
    StopWatch sw = new StopWatch();
    // Iterate over expt map.
            // .parallelStream()
            .forEach(p -> {
                final String pathStr = p.getKey();
                final Set<String> ids = p.getValue();
                final Path lp = Paths.get(pathStr);
                logger.info("Converting path: {}", pathStr);

                // Get the file name and immediate folder it is under.
                int nElements = lp.getNameCount();
                Path fileName = lp.getName(nElements - 1);
                Path subFolder = lp.getName(nElements - 2);
                String newFnStr = fileName.toString().split("\\.")[0] + ".tar";

                // Mirror folders in output dir.
                Path localOutFolder = outPath.resolve(subFolder);
                Path localOutPath = localOutFolder.resolve(newFnStr);

                // Create output subfolders.
                if (!Files.exists(localOutFolder) && !Files.isDirectory(localOutFolder)) {
                    logger.info("Creating out file: {}", localOutFolder.toString());
                    try {
                    } catch (IOException e) {
                        throw new RuntimeException("Caught an IOException when creating output dir.", e);

                // Iterate over communications.
                Iterator<Communication> citer;
                try (OutputStream os = Files.newOutputStream(localOutPath);
                        BufferedOutputStream bos = new BufferedOutputStream(os);
                        Archiver archiver = new TarArchiver(bos);) {
                    citer = new ConcreteGigawordDocumentFactory().iterator(lp);
                    while (citer.hasNext()) {
                        Communication c = citer.next();
                        String cId = c.getId();

                        // Document ID must be in the set. Remove.
                        boolean wasInSet = ids.remove(cId);
                        if (!wasInSet) {
                            // Some IDs are duplicated in Gigaword.
                            // See ERRATA.
                                    "ID: {} was parsed from path: {}, but was not in the experiment map. Attempting to remove dupe.",
                                    cId, pathStr);

                            // Attempt to create a duplicate id (append .duplicate to the id).
                            // Then, try to remove again.
                            String newId = RepairDuplicateIDs.repairDuplicate(cId);
                            boolean dupeRemoved = ids.remove(newId);
                            // There are not nested duplicates, so this should never fire.
                            if (!dupeRemoved) {
                                logger.info("Failed to remove dupe.");
                            } else
                                // Modify the communication ID to the unique version.

                        archiver.addEntry(new ArchivableCommunication(c));

                    logger.info("Finished path: {}", pathStr);
                } catch (ConcreteException ex) {
                    logger.error("Caught ConcreteException during Concrete mapping.", ex);
                    logger.error("Path: {}", pathStr);
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    logger.error("Error archiving communications.", e);
                    logger.error("Path: {}", localOutPath.toString());

    Minutes m = new Duration(sw.getTime()).toStandardMinutes();
    logger.info("Runtime: Approximately {} minutes.", m.getMinutes());

From source file:onl.area51.httpd.util.ContentTypeResolver.java

public static ContentType resolve(Path p) {
    return resolve(p == null ? null : p.getName(p.getNameCount() - 1).toString());

From source file:Main.java

public static void printDetails(Path p) {
    System.out.println("Details for path: " + p);

    int count = p.getNameCount();
    System.out.println("Name count: " + count);

    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        Path name = p.getName(i);
        System.out.println("Name at  index   " + i + "  is " + name);
    }/*from w  w  w .j  av a2  s . co  m*/

    Path parent = p.getParent();
    Path root = p.getRoot();
    Path fileName = p.getFileName();
    System.out.println("Parent: " + parent + ", Root:   " + root + ", File Name: " + fileName);
    System.out.println("Absolute Path: " + p.isAbsolute());

From source file:se.kth.climate.fast.netcdfparquet.Main.java

private static File[] findFiles(String[] fileNames) {
    ArrayList<File> files = new ArrayList<>();
    for (String fileName : fileNames) {
        if (fileName.contains("*")) {
            String[] parts = fileName.split("\\*");
            if (parts.length > 2) {
                LOG.error("Only a single file wildcard ist supported! (in {} -> {})", fileName,
                System.exit(1);//from   w  w w  .ja v a 2s. co  m
            Path filePath = FileSystems.getDefault().getPath(parts[0]);
            String filePrefix = filePath.getName(filePath.getNameCount() - 1).toString();
            Path directoryPath = filePath.getParent();
            if (directoryPath == null) {
                directoryPath = FileSystems.getDefault().getPath(".");
            directoryPath = directoryPath.normalize();
            File dir = directoryPath.toFile();
            if (dir.exists() && dir.isDirectory() && dir.canRead()) {

                FileFilter fileFilter;
                if (parts.length == 1) {
                    fileFilter = new WildcardFileFilter(filePrefix + "*");
                } else {
                    fileFilter = new WildcardFileFilter(filePrefix + "*" + parts[1]);
                File[] matches = dir.listFiles(fileFilter);
                for (File f : matches) {
            } else {
                LOG.error("Can't access {} properly!", dir);
        } else {
            files.add(new File(fileName));
    return files.toArray(new File[0]);

From source file:org.apromore.tools.cpfimporter.Import.java

private static int getFolderId(final File file) {
    final String user = "ad1f7b60-1143-4399-b331-b887585a0f30";

    List<FolderType> tree = manager.getWorkspaceFolderTree(user);
    Path path = file.toPath();

    FolderType folder;/* ww  w.  jav  a2  s  .  c o  m*/
    int id = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < path.getNameCount(); i++) {
        folder = findFolderByName(path.getName(i).toString(), tree);
        if (folder == null) {
            return -1;
        tree = folder.getFolders();
        id = folder.getId();
    return id;

From source file:org.darkware.wpman.config.ReloadableWordpressConfig.java

 * Parse the filename of the given path to extract a slug. The slug is defined as all text leading up to
 * the filename extension.//w  w  w . j  a v  a 2 s . c o  m
 * @param file The path to extract a slug from.
 * @return The slug, as a {@code String}
 * @throws IllegalSlugException If the extracted portion of the filename is illegal for a slug.
private static String slugForFile(final Path file) {
    String filename = file.getName(file.getNameCount() - 1).toString();
    int extStart = filename.lastIndexOf('.');

    String slug;
    if (extStart == -1)
        slug = filename;
        slug = filename.substring(0, extStart);

    // Do some verification
    if (slug.length() < 1)
        throw new IllegalSlugException(slug);
    if (slug.contains(".") || slug.contains(" "))
        throw new IllegalSlugException(slug);

    return slug;

From source file:org.mitre.mpf.wfm.service.component.StartupComponentRegistrationServiceImpl.java

private static String getPackageTld(Path componentPackage) {
    try (TarArchiveInputStream inputStream = new TarArchiveInputStream(
            new GZIPInputStream(Files.newInputStream(componentPackage)))) {
        TarArchiveEntry tarEntry;// www. ja  v  a 2s .  c o  m
        while ((tarEntry = inputStream.getNextTarEntry()) != null) {
            Path entryPath = Paths.get(tarEntry.getName());
            if (entryPath.getNameCount() > 0) {
                return entryPath.getName(0).toString();
        return null;
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new UncheckedIOException(e);