Example usage for java.nio.file Path equals

List of usage examples for java.nio.file Path equals


In this page you can find the example usage for java.nio.file Path equals.


boolean equals(Object other);

Source Link


Tests this path for equality with the given object.


From source file:playRepository.GitRepository.java

 * Clones a local repository.//ww w .j  a va  2s.c o m
 * This doesn't copy Git objects but hardlink them to save disk space.
 * @param originalProject
 * @param forkProject
 * @throws IOException
protected static void cloneHardLinkedRepository(Project originalProject, Project forkProject)
        throws IOException {
    Repository origin = GitRepository.buildGitRepository(originalProject);
    Repository forked = GitRepository.buildGitRepository(forkProject);

    final Path originObjectsPath = Paths.get(new File(origin.getDirectory(), "objects").getAbsolutePath());
    final Path forkedObjectsPath = Paths.get(new File(forked.getDirectory(), "objects").getAbsolutePath());

    // Hardlink files .git/objects/ directory to save disk space,
    // but copy .git/info/alternates because the file can be modified.
    SimpleFileVisitor<Path> visitor = new SimpleFileVisitor<Path>() {
        public FileVisitResult visitFile(Path file, BasicFileAttributes attr) throws IOException {
            Path newPath = forkedObjectsPath.resolve(originObjectsPath.relativize(file.toAbsolutePath()));
            if (file.equals(forkedObjectsPath.resolve("/info/alternates"))) {
                Files.copy(file, newPath);
            } else {
                FileUtils.mkdirs(newPath.getParent().toFile(), true);
                Files.createLink(newPath, file);
            return java.nio.file.FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;
    Files.walkFileTree(originObjectsPath, visitor);

    // Import refs.
    for (Map.Entry<String, Ref> entry : origin.getAllRefs().entrySet()) {
        RefUpdate updateRef = forked.updateRef(entry.getKey());
        Ref ref = entry.getValue();
        if (ref.isSymbolic()) {
        } else {

From source file:org.apache.taverna.databundle.TestDataBundles.java

public void getListItemChecksExtension() throws Exception {
    Path inputs = DataBundles.getInputs(dataBundle);
    Path portIn1 = DataBundles.getPort(inputs, "in1");
    Path list = DataBundles.newListItem(portIn1);

    Path item = DataBundles.newListItem(list);

    Path ref = DataBundles.setReference(item, URI.create("http://example.com/"));
    Path itemAgain = DataBundles.getListItem(list, 0);
    assertEquals(ref, itemAgain);//  w  w w.  j  a va 2 s .c  om

From source file:org.apache.taverna.databundle.TestDataBundles.java

public void getPortChecksExtension() throws Exception {
    Path inputs = DataBundles.getInputs(dataBundle);
    Path portIn1 = DataBundles.getPort(inputs, "in1");
    Path ref = DataBundles.setReference(portIn1, URI.create("http://example.com/"));
    Path portIn1Again = DataBundles.getPort(inputs, "in1");
    assertEquals(ref, portIn1Again);/* w  ww  .j  av a 2  s  .com*/

From source file:codes.thischwa.c5c.DispatcherPUT.java

private void imageProcessingAndSizeCheck(Path tempPath, String sanitizedName, long fileSize,
        FilemanagerConfig conf) throws C5CException, IOException {
    Integer maxSize = (conf.getUpload().isFileSizeLimitAuto()) ? PropertiesLoader.getMaxUploadSize()
            : conf.getUpload().getFileSizeLimit();
    if (fileSize > maxSize.longValue() * 1024 * 1024)
        throw new FilemanagerException(FilemanagerAction.UPLOAD,
                FilemanagerException.Key.UploadFilesSmallerThan, String.valueOf(maxSize));
    String extension = FilenameUtils.getExtension(sanitizedName);

    // check image only
    boolean isImageExt = checkImageExtension(sanitizedName, conf.getUpload().isImagesOnly(),
    if (!isImageExt)
        return;//from   w w w. j a  v a 2s  . co m

    // remove exif data
    Path woExifPath = UserObjectProxy.removeExif(tempPath);
    if (!tempPath.equals(woExifPath)) {
        Files.move(woExifPath, tempPath, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING);

    // check if the file is really an image
    InputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(Files.newInputStream(tempPath, StandardOpenOption.READ));
    Dimension dim = getDimension(in);
    if (isImageExt && dim == null)
        throw new FilemanagerException(FilemanagerAction.UPLOAD, FilemanagerException.Key.UploadImagesOnly);

    // check if resize is enabled and fix it, if necessary 
    Resize resize = conf.getImages().getResize();
    if (resize.isEnabled()
            && (dim.getHeight() > resize.getMaxHeight() || dim.getWidth() > resize.getMaxWidth())) {
        logger.debug("process resize");
        StreamContent sc = connector.resize(new BufferedInputStream(Files.newInputStream(tempPath)), extension,
                new Dimension(resize.getMaxWidth(), resize.getMaxHeight()));
        Files.copy(sc.getInputStream(), tempPath, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING);

From source file:net.pms.configuration.ConfigurableProgramPaths.java

 * Sets the {@link ProgramExecutableType#CUSTOM} path for the given
 * {@link ExternalProgramInfo}./* w  ww  .ja  va 2 s. c om*/
 * @param customPath the custom executable {@link Path}.
 * @param programInfo the {@link ExternalProgramInfo} for which to set the
 *            {@link ProgramExecutableType#CUSTOM} {@link Path}.
 * @param configurationKey the {@link Configuration} key under which to
 *            store the {@code path}. Cannot be {@code null} if
 *            {@code setConfiguration} is {@code true}.
 * @param setConfiguration whether or not {@code customPath} should also be
 *            stored in the current {@link Configuration}.
protected void setCustomProgramPath(@Nullable Path customPath, @Nullable ExternalProgramInfo programInfo,
        @Nullable String configurationKey, boolean setConfiguration) {
    if (programInfo == null || configuration == null) {

    if (setConfiguration && isBlank(configurationKey)) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("configurationKey can't be blank if setConfiguration is true");

    if (setConfiguration) {
        setCustomProgramPathConfiguration(customPath, configurationKey);

    customPath = resolveCustomProgramPath(customPath);
    ReentrantReadWriteLock lock = programInfo.getLock();
    try {
        if (customPath == null) {
            if (programInfo.getExecutableInfo(ProgramExecutableType.CUSTOM) != null) {
                programInfo.setExecutableInfo(ProgramExecutableType.CUSTOM, null);
                LOGGER.debug("Cleared custom {} path", programInfo.getName());
        } else {
            ExecutableInfo executableInfo = programInfo.getExecutableInfo(ProgramExecutableType.CUSTOM);
            if (executableInfo == null || !customPath.equals(executableInfo.getPath())) {
                programInfo.setPath(ProgramExecutableType.CUSTOM, customPath);
                LOGGER.debug("Set custom {} path \"{}\"", programInfo.getName(), customPath);
    } finally {

From source file:com.liferay.sync.engine.file.system.SyncWatchEventProcessor.java

protected void addFolder(SyncWatchEvent syncWatchEvent) throws Exception {
    Path targetFilePath = Paths.get(syncWatchEvent.getFilePathName());

    if (sanitizeFileName(targetFilePath) || isInErrorState(targetFilePath)) {

        return;//  w  ww .  j  a v a  2  s . c o  m

    Path parentTargetFilePath = targetFilePath.getParent();

    SyncFile parentSyncFile = SyncFileService.fetchSyncFile(parentTargetFilePath.toString());

    if ((parentSyncFile == null) || (!parentSyncFile.isSystem() && (parentSyncFile.getTypePK() == 0))) {

        queueSyncWatchEvent(parentTargetFilePath.toString(), syncWatchEvent);


    SyncFile syncFile = SyncFileService.fetchSyncFile(targetFilePath.toString());

    if (syncFile == null) {
        syncFile = SyncFileService.fetchSyncFile(FileKeyUtil.getFileKey(targetFilePath));

        if (!verifySite(syncFile, parentSyncFile)) {
            syncFile = null;

    if (syncFile == null) {
        SyncFileService.addFolderSyncFile(targetFilePath, parentSyncFile.getTypePK(),
                parentSyncFile.getRepositoryId(), _syncAccountId);


    Path sourceFilePath = Paths.get(syncFile.getFilePathName());

    if (targetFilePath.equals(sourceFilePath)) {
        if (isPendingTypePK(syncFile)) {
            queueSyncWatchEvent(syncFile.getFilePathName(), syncWatchEvent);


        FileKeyUtil.writeFileKey(targetFilePath, String.valueOf(syncFile.getSyncFileId()), true);
    } else if (FileUtil.exists(sourceFilePath)) {
        SyncFileService.addFolderSyncFile(targetFilePath, parentSyncFile.getTypePK(),
                parentSyncFile.getRepositoryId(), _syncAccountId);

    } else if (parentTargetFilePath.equals(sourceFilePath.getParent())) {
        if (isPendingTypePK(syncFile)) {
            queueSyncWatchEvent(syncFile.getFilePathName(), syncWatchEvent);


        SyncFileService.updateFolderSyncFile(targetFilePath, _syncAccountId, syncFile);
    } else {
        if (isPendingTypePK(syncFile)) {
            queueSyncWatchEvent(syncFile.getFilePathName(), syncWatchEvent);


        SyncFileService.moveFolderSyncFile(targetFilePath, parentSyncFile.getTypePK(), _syncAccountId,

        Path sourceFileNameFilePath = sourceFilePath.getFileName();

        if (!sourceFileNameFilePath.equals(targetFilePath.getFileName())) {
            SyncFileService.updateFolderSyncFile(targetFilePath, _syncAccountId, syncFile);

    SyncAccount syncAccount = SyncAccountService.fetchSyncAccount(_syncAccountId);

    if (syncAccount.getState() == SyncAccount.STATE_CONNECTED) {
        SyncWatchEvent relatedSyncWatchEvent = SyncWatchEventService.fetchSyncWatchEvent(
                SyncWatchEvent.EVENT_TYPE_DELETE, syncWatchEvent.getFilePathName(),

        if (relatedSyncWatchEvent != null) {

From source file:org.apache.nifi.controller.repository.FileSystemRepository.java

protected boolean archive(final Path curPath) throws IOException {
    // check if already archived
    final boolean alreadyArchived = ARCHIVE_DIR_NAME.equals(curPath.getParent().toFile().getName());
    if (alreadyArchived) {
        return false;
    }/*from  ww  w  . j av  a 2  s .com*/

    final Path archivePath = getArchivePath(curPath);
    if (curPath.equals(archivePath)) {
        LOG.warn("Cannot archive {} because it is already archived", curPath);
        return false;

    try {
        Files.move(curPath, archivePath);
        return true;
    } catch (final NoSuchFileException nsfee) {
        // If the current path exists, try to create archive path and do the move again.
        // Otherwise, either the content was removed or has already been archived. Either way,
        // there's nothing that can be done.
        if (Files.exists(curPath)) {
            // The archive directory doesn't exist. Create now and try operation again.
            // We do it this way, rather than ensuring that the directory exists ahead of time because
            // it will be rare for the directory not to exist and we would prefer to have the overhead
            // of the Exception being thrown in these cases, rather than have the overhead of checking
            // for the existence of the directory continually.
            Files.move(curPath, archivePath);
            return true;

        return false;

From source file:org.roda.core.model.ModelService.java

public synchronized void findOldLogsAndMoveThemToStorage(Path logDirectory, Path currentLogFile)
        throws RequestNotValidException, AuthorizationDeniedException, NotFoundException {
    try (DirectoryStream<Path> directoryStream = Files.newDirectoryStream(logDirectory)) {

        for (Path path : directoryStream) {
            if (!path.equals(currentLogFile)) {
                try {
                    StoragePath logPath = ModelUtils.getLogStoragePath(path.getFileName().toString());
                    storage.createBinary(logPath, new FSPathContentPayload(path), false);
                } catch (IOException | GenericException | AlreadyExistsException e) {
                    LOGGER.error("Error archiving log file", e);
                }/*  ww  w. java2 s.c  o  m*/
    } catch (IOException e) {
        LOGGER.error("Error listing directory for log files", e);

From source file:com.liferay.sync.engine.file.system.SyncWatchEventProcessor.java

protected void addFile(SyncWatchEvent syncWatchEvent) throws Exception {
    final Path targetFilePath = Paths.get(syncWatchEvent.getFilePathName());

    if (FileUtil.notExists(targetFilePath) || sanitizeFileName(targetFilePath)
            || isInErrorState(targetFilePath)) {

        return;/*from  w ww.  jav  a 2s .  com*/

    Path parentTargetFilePath = targetFilePath.getParent();

    final SyncFile parentSyncFile = SyncFileService.fetchSyncFile(parentTargetFilePath.toString());

    if ((parentSyncFile == null) || (!parentSyncFile.isSystem() && (parentSyncFile.getTypePK() == 0))) {

        queueSyncWatchEvent(parentTargetFilePath.toString(), syncWatchEvent);


    SyncFile syncFile = SyncFileService.fetchSyncFile(targetFilePath.toString());

    if (syncFile == null) {
        syncFile = SyncFileService.fetchSyncFile(FileKeyUtil.getFileKey(targetFilePath));

        if (!verifySite(syncFile, parentSyncFile)) {
            syncFile = null;

    if (syncFile == null) {
        Runnable runnable = new Runnable() {

            public void run() {
                try {
                    SyncSite syncSite = SyncSiteService.fetchSyncSite(parentSyncFile.getRepositoryId(),

                    if ((syncSite == null) || !syncSite.isActive() || !FileUtil.checkFilePath(targetFilePath)) {


                    SyncFileService.addFileSyncFile(targetFilePath, parentSyncFile.getTypePK(),
                            parentSyncFile.getRepositoryId(), _syncAccountId);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    if (SyncFileService.fetchSyncFile(targetFilePath.toString()) == null) {

                        _logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);




    Path sourceFilePath = Paths.get(syncFile.getFilePathName());

    if (targetFilePath.equals(sourceFilePath)) {
        if (isPendingTypePK(syncFile) || (syncFile.getState() == SyncFile.STATE_IN_PROGRESS)) {

            queueSyncWatchEvent(syncFile.getFilePathName(), syncWatchEvent);


        if (FileUtil.isModified(syncFile)) {
            SyncFileService.updateFileSyncFile(targetFilePath, _syncAccountId, syncFile);
    } else if (FileUtil.exists(sourceFilePath)) {
        try {
            if ((Files.size(targetFilePath) == 0) || FileUtil.isModified(syncFile, targetFilePath)
                    || isInErrorState(sourceFilePath)) {

                SyncFileService.addFileSyncFile(targetFilePath, parentSyncFile.getTypePK(),
                        parentSyncFile.getRepositoryId(), _syncAccountId);
            } else {
                SyncFileService.copySyncFile(syncFile, targetFilePath, parentSyncFile.getTypePK(),
                        parentSyncFile.getRepositoryId(), _syncAccountId);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            if (SyncFileService.fetchSyncFile(targetFilePath.toString()) == null) {

                _logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);

    } else if (parentTargetFilePath.equals(sourceFilePath.getParent())) {
        if (isPendingTypePK(syncFile) || (syncFile.getState() == SyncFile.STATE_IN_PROGRESS)) {

            queueSyncWatchEvent(syncFile.getFilePathName(), syncWatchEvent);


        SyncFileService.updateFileSyncFile(targetFilePath, _syncAccountId, syncFile);
    } else {
        if (isPendingTypePK(syncFile) || (syncFile.getState() == SyncFile.STATE_IN_PROGRESS)) {

            queueSyncWatchEvent(syncFile.getFilePathName(), syncWatchEvent);


        SyncFileService.moveFileSyncFile(targetFilePath, parentSyncFile.getTypePK(), _syncAccountId, syncFile);

        Path sourceFileNameFilePath = sourceFilePath.getFileName();

        if (!sourceFileNameFilePath.equals(targetFilePath.getFileName())) {
            SyncFileService.updateFileSyncFile(targetFilePath, _syncAccountId, syncFile);

    SyncAccount syncAccount = SyncAccountService.fetchSyncAccount(_syncAccountId);

    if (syncAccount.getState() == SyncAccount.STATE_CONNECTED) {
        SyncWatchEvent relatedSyncWatchEvent = SyncWatchEventService.fetchSyncWatchEvent(
                SyncWatchEvent.EVENT_TYPE_DELETE, syncWatchEvent.getFilePathName(),

        if (relatedSyncWatchEvent != null) {

From source file:org.tinymediamanager.core.movie.tasks.MovieUpdateDatasourceTask2.java

private void parseMovieDirectory(Path movieDir, Path dataSource) {
    List<Path> movieDirList = listFilesAndDirs(movieDir);
    ArrayList<Path> files = new ArrayList<>();
    ArrayList<Path> dirs = new ArrayList<>(); // FIXME: what for....?
    HashSet<String> normalizedVideoFiles = new HashSet<>(); // just for
                                                            // identifying MMD

    boolean isDiscFolder = false;
    boolean isMultiMovieDir = false;
    boolean videoFileFound = false;
    Path movieRoot = movieDir; // root set to current dir - might be adjusted by
                               // disc folders

    for (Path path : movieDirList) {
        if (Utils.isRegularFile(path)) {

            // do not construct a fully MF yet
            // just minimal to get the type out of filename
            MediaFile mf = new MediaFile();
            mf.setType(mf.parseType());/*from  w w w .j  av a  2  s. c om*/

            // System.out.println("************ " + mf);
            if (mf.getType() == MediaFileType.VIDEO) {
                videoFileFound = true;
                if (mf.isDiscFile()) {
                    isDiscFolder = true;
                    break; // step out - this is all we need to know
                } else {
                    // detect unique basename, without stacking etc
                    String[] ty = ParserUtils.detectCleanMovienameAndYear(
                    normalizedVideoFiles.add(ty[0] + ty[1]);
        } else if (Files.isDirectory(path)) {

    if (!videoFileFound) {
        // hmm... we never found a video file (but maybe others, trailers) so NO
        // need to parse THIS folder

    if (isDiscFolder) {
        // if inside own DiscFolder, walk backwards till movieRoot folder
        Path relative = dataSource.relativize(movieDir);
        while (relative.toString().toUpperCase(Locale.ROOT).contains("VIDEO_TS")
                || relative.toString().toUpperCase(Locale.ROOT).contains("BDMV")) {
            movieDir = movieDir.getParent();
            relative = dataSource.relativize(movieDir);
        movieRoot = movieDir;
    } else {
        // no VIDEO files in this dir - skip this folder
        if (normalizedVideoFiles.size() == 0) {
        // more than one (unstacked) movie file in directory (or DS root) -> must
        // parsed as multiMovieDir
        if (normalizedVideoFiles.size() > 1 || movieDir.equals(dataSource)) {
            isMultiMovieDir = true;

    if (cancel) {
    // ok, we're ready to parse :)
    if (isMultiMovieDir) {
        createMultiMovieFromDir(dataSource, movieRoot, files);
    } else {
        createSingleMovieFromDir(dataSource, movieRoot, isDiscFolder);
