List of usage examples for java.nio.charset StandardCharsets US_ASCII
Charset US_ASCII
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@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void writePart(String name, HttpEntity<?> partEntity, OutputStream os) throws IOException { Object partBody = partEntity.getBody(); if (partBody == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Empty body for part '" + name + "': " + partEntity); }// w ww. j a v a 2 s . c o m Class<?> partType = partBody.getClass(); HttpHeaders partHeaders = partEntity.getHeaders(); MediaType partContentType = partHeaders.getContentType(); for (HttpMessageConverter<?> messageConverter : this.partConverters) { if (messageConverter.canWrite(partType, partContentType)) { Charset charset = isFilenameCharsetSet() ? StandardCharsets.US_ASCII : this.charset; HttpOutputMessage multipartMessage = new MultipartHttpOutputMessage(os, charset); multipartMessage.getHeaders().setContentDispositionFormData(name, getFilename(partBody)); if (!partHeaders.isEmpty()) { multipartMessage.getHeaders().putAll(partHeaders); } ((HttpMessageConverter<Object>) messageConverter).write(partBody, partContentType, multipartMessage); return; } } throw new HttpMessageNotWritableException("Could not write request: no suitable HttpMessageConverter " + "found for request type [" + partType.getName() + "]"); }
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@Test public void StringExtensions_FindNewLine_ASCII() { for (Triple<String, Integer, Integer> t : TestDataUTF8) { byte[] exactBuffer = t.getLeft().getBytes(StandardCharsets.US_ASCII); byte[] largerBuffer = new byte[exactBuffer.length + 100]; System.arraycopy(exactBuffer, 0, largerBuffer, 0, exactBuffer.length); int forwardInExactBuffer = StringExtensions.findNewline(exactBuffer, 0, exactBuffer.length, false, StandardCharsets.US_ASCII, null); Assert.assertEquals(t.getMiddle().intValue(), forwardInExactBuffer); int forwardInLargeBuffer = StringExtensions.findNewline(largerBuffer, 0, exactBuffer.length, false, StandardCharsets.US_ASCII, null); Assert.assertEquals(t.getMiddle().intValue(), forwardInLargeBuffer); int reverseInExactBuffer = StringExtensions.findNewline(exactBuffer, Math.max(0, exactBuffer.length - 1), exactBuffer.length, true, StandardCharsets.US_ASCII, null); Assert.assertEquals(t.getRight().intValue(), reverseInExactBuffer); int reverseInLargeBuffer = StringExtensions.findNewline(largerBuffer, Math.max(0, exactBuffer.length - 1), exactBuffer.length, true, StandardCharsets.US_ASCII, null); Assert.assertEquals(t.getRight().intValue(), reverseInLargeBuffer); }//w w w. j av a 2 s .c o m for (Triple<String, Integer, Integer> t : TestDataUTF8CustomDelim) { byte[] exactBuffer = t.getLeft().getBytes(StandardCharsets.US_ASCII); byte[] largerBuffer = new byte[exactBuffer.length + 100]; System.arraycopy(exactBuffer, 0, largerBuffer, 0, exactBuffer.length); int forwardInExactBuffer = StringExtensions.findNewline(exactBuffer, 0, exactBuffer.length, false, StandardCharsets.US_ASCII, customDelim); Assert.assertEquals(t.getMiddle().intValue(), forwardInExactBuffer); int forwardInLargeBuffer = StringExtensions.findNewline(largerBuffer, 0, exactBuffer.length, false, StandardCharsets.US_ASCII, customDelim); Assert.assertEquals(t.getMiddle().intValue(), forwardInLargeBuffer); int reverseInExactBuffer = StringExtensions.findNewline(exactBuffer, Math.max(0, exactBuffer.length - 1), exactBuffer.length, true, StandardCharsets.US_ASCII, customDelim); Assert.assertEquals(t.getRight().intValue(), reverseInExactBuffer); int reverseInLargeBuffer = StringExtensions.findNewline(largerBuffer, Math.max(0, exactBuffer.length - 1), exactBuffer.length, true, StandardCharsets.US_ASCII, customDelim); Assert.assertEquals(t.getRight().intValue(), reverseInLargeBuffer); } }
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/** * some html authors use wrong encoding names, either because they don't know exactly what they * are doing or they produce a type. Many times, the upper/downcase scheme of the name is fuzzy * This method patches wrong encoding names. The correct names are taken from * * @param encoding/*from w ww . j a va2 s. co m*/ * @return patched encoding name */ public static String patchCharsetEncoding(String encoding) { // do nothing with null if ((encoding == null) || (encoding.length() < 3)) return null; // trim encoding string encoding = encoding.trim(); // fix upper/lowercase encoding = encoding.toUpperCase(Locale.ROOT); if (encoding.startsWith("SHIFT")) return "Shift_JIS"; if (encoding.startsWith("BIG")) return "Big5"; // all other names but such with "windows" use uppercase if (encoding.startsWith("WINDOWS")) encoding = "windows" + encoding.substring(7); if (encoding.startsWith("MACINTOSH")) encoding = "MacRoman"; // fix wrong fill characters encoding = CommonPattern.UNDERSCORE.matcher(encoding).replaceAll("-"); if (encoding.matches("GB[_-]?2312([-_]80)?")) return "GB2312"; if (encoding.matches(".*UTF[-_]?8.*")) return; if (encoding.startsWith("US")) return; if (encoding.startsWith("KOI")) return "KOI8-R"; // patch missing '-' if (encoding.startsWith("windows") && encoding.length() > 7) { final char c = encoding.charAt(7); if ((c >= '0') && (c <= '9')) { encoding = "windows-" + encoding.substring(7); } } if (encoding.startsWith("ISO")) { // patch typos if (encoding.length() > 3) { final char c = encoding.charAt(3); if ((c >= '0') && (c <= '9')) { encoding = "ISO-" + encoding.substring(3); } } if (encoding.length() > 8) { final char c = encoding.charAt(8); if ((c >= '0') && (c <= '9')) { encoding = encoding.substring(0, 8) + "-" + encoding.substring(8); } } } // patch wrong name if (encoding.startsWith("ISO-8559")) { // popular typo encoding = "ISO-8859" + encoding.substring(8); } // converting cp\d{4} -> windows-\d{4} if (encoding.matches("CP([_-])?125[0-8]")) { final char c = encoding.charAt(2); if ((c >= '0') && (c <= '9')) { encoding = "windows-" + encoding.substring(2); } else { encoding = "windows" + encoding.substring(2); } } return encoding; }
From source
private synchronized RecordHistory write(long sessionId, int histType, long timeSentMillis, int timeElapsedMillis, String method, String uri, int statusCode, String reqHeader, byte[] reqBody, String resHeader, byte[] resBody, String tag, String note, boolean responseFromTargetHost) throws HttpMalformedHeaderException, SQLException, DatabaseException { //ZAP: Allow the request and response body sizes to be user-specifiable as far as possible if (reqBody.length > this.configuredrequestbodysize) { throw new SQLException("The actual Request Body length " + reqBody.length + " is greater than the configured request body length " + this.configuredrequestbodysize); }/* w w w . ja v a 2s . c o m*/ if (resBody.length > this.configuredresponsebodysize) { throw new SQLException("The actual Response Body length " + resBody.length + " is greater than the configured response body length " + this.configuredresponsebodysize); } psInsert.setLong(1, sessionId); psInsert.setInt(2, histType); psInsert.setLong(3, timeSentMillis); psInsert.setInt(4, timeElapsedMillis); psInsert.setString(5, method); psInsert.setString(6, uri); psInsert.setString(7, reqHeader); if (bodiesAsBytes) { psInsert.setBytes(8, reqBody); } else { psInsert.setString(8, new String(reqBody, StandardCharsets.US_ASCII)); } psInsert.setString(9, resHeader); if (bodiesAsBytes) { psInsert.setBytes(10, resBody); } else { psInsert.setString(10, new String(resBody, StandardCharsets.US_ASCII)); } psInsert.setString(11, tag); // ZAP: Added the statement. int currentIdx = 12; if (isExistStatusCode) { psInsert.setInt(currentIdx, statusCode); // ZAP: Added the statement. ++currentIdx; } // ZAP: Added the statement. psInsert.setString(currentIdx, note); ++currentIdx; psInsert.setBoolean(currentIdx, responseFromTargetHost); psInsert.executeUpdate(); /* String sql = "INSERT INTO HISTORY (" + REQHEADER + "," + REQBODY + "," + RESHEADER + "," + RESBODY + ") VALUES ('"+ reqHeader + "','" + reqBody + "','" + resHeader + "','" + resBody + "'); CALL IDENTITY();"; Statement stmt = mConn.createStatement(); stmt.executeQuery(sql); ResultSet rs = stmt.getResultSet(); */ try (ResultSet rs = psGetIdLastInsert.executeQuery()) {; int id = rs.getInt(1); lastInsertedIndex = id; return read(id); } }
From source
/** * Adds an OTF or TTF font to the file cache. To reduce memory, the parsed font is not cached. *//* w w w. ja v a2 s . c o m*/ private void addTrueTypeFontImpl(TrueTypeFont ttf, File file) throws IOException { try { // read PostScript name, if any if (ttf.getName() != null) { // ignore bitmap fonts if (ttf.getHeader() == null) { fontInfoList.add(new FSIgnored(file, FontFormat.TTF, ttf.getName())); return; } int macStyle = ttf.getHeader().getMacStyle(); int sFamilyClass = -1; int usWeightClass = -1; int ulCodePageRange1 = 0; int ulCodePageRange2 = 0; byte[] panose = null; // Apple's AAT fonts don't have an OS/2 table if (ttf.getOS2Windows() != null) { sFamilyClass = ttf.getOS2Windows().getFamilyClass(); usWeightClass = ttf.getOS2Windows().getWeightClass(); ulCodePageRange1 = (int) ttf.getOS2Windows().getCodePageRange1(); ulCodePageRange2 = (int) ttf.getOS2Windows().getCodePageRange2(); panose = ttf.getOS2Windows().getPanose(); } String format; if (ttf instanceof OpenTypeFont && ((OpenTypeFont) ttf).isPostScript()) { format = "OTF"; CFFFont cff = ((OpenTypeFont) ttf).getCFF().getFont(); CIDSystemInfo ros = null; if (cff instanceof CFFCIDFont) { CFFCIDFont cidFont = (CFFCIDFont) cff; String registry = cidFont.getRegistry(); String ordering = cidFont.getOrdering(); int supplement = cidFont.getSupplement(); ros = new CIDSystemInfo(registry, ordering, supplement); } fontInfoList.add(new FSFontInfo(file, FontFormat.OTF, ttf.getName(), ros, usWeightClass, sFamilyClass, ulCodePageRange1, ulCodePageRange2, macStyle, panose, this)); } else { CIDSystemInfo ros = null; if (ttf.getTableMap().containsKey("gcid")) { // Apple's AAT fonts have a "gcid" table with CID info byte[] bytes = ttf.getTableBytes(ttf.getTableMap().get("gcid")); String reg = new String(bytes, 10, 64, StandardCharsets.US_ASCII); String registryName = reg.substring(0, reg.indexOf('\0')); String ord = new String(bytes, 76, 64, StandardCharsets.US_ASCII); String orderName = ord.substring(0, ord.indexOf('\0')); int supplementVersion = bytes[140] << 8 & bytes[141]; ros = new CIDSystemInfo(registryName, orderName, supplementVersion); } format = "TTF"; fontInfoList.add(new FSFontInfo(file, FontFormat.TTF, ttf.getName(), ros, usWeightClass, sFamilyClass, ulCodePageRange1, ulCodePageRange2, macStyle, panose, this)); } if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { NamingTable name = ttf.getNaming(); if (name != null) { LOG.trace(format + ": '" + name.getPostScriptName() + "' / '" + name.getFontFamily() + "' / '" + name.getFontSubFamily() + "'"); } } } else { fontInfoList.add(new FSIgnored(file, FontFormat.TTF, "*skipnoname*")); LOG.warn("Missing 'name' entry for PostScript name in font " + file); } } catch (IOException e) { fontInfoList.add(new FSIgnored(file, FontFormat.TTF, "*skipexception*")); LOG.error("Could not load font file: " + file, e); } finally { if (ttf != null) { ttf.close(); } } }
From source
/** * Adds bases to current sequence from a {@code byte} array. * * @param basesBases String containing the bases to be added. * string will be interpreted using ascii and will throw if any character is >= 127. * @return this instance./*from ww w . ja v a2 s. co m*/ * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code bases} is {@code null} or * the input array contains invalid bases (as assessed by: {@link SequenceUtil#isIUPAC(byte)}). * @throws IllegalStateException if no sequence was started or the writer is already closed. * @throws IOException if such exception is throw when writing in any of the outputs. */ public FastaReferenceWriter appendBases(final String basesBases) throws IOException { return appendBases(basesBases.getBytes(StandardCharsets.US_ASCII)); }
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public void doAutoDetect(String userAgent, String method, final String body, String expectedContentType, String expectedKey, String expectedValue) throws Exception { String uri = "/solr/select"; String contentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; int contentLength = -1; // does this mean auto-detect? HttpServletRequest request = createMock(HttpServletRequest.class); expect(request.getHeader("User-Agent")).andReturn(userAgent).anyTimes(); expect(request.getHeader("Content-Length")).andReturn(null).anyTimes(); expect(request.getRequestURI()).andReturn(uri).anyTimes(); expect(request.getContentType()).andReturn(contentType).anyTimes(); expect(request.getContentLength()).andReturn(contentLength).anyTimes(); expect(request.getAttribute(SolrRequestParsers.REQUEST_TIMER_SERVLET_ATTRIBUTE)).andReturn(null).anyTimes(); expect(request.getMethod()).andReturn(method).anyTimes(); // we dont pass a content-length to let the security mechanism limit it: expect(request.getQueryString()).andReturn("foo=1&bar=2").anyTimes(); expect(request.getInputStream())//from www . j a v a 2 s. co m .andReturn(new ByteServletInputStream(body.getBytes(StandardCharsets.US_ASCII))); expect(request.getAttribute(EasyMock.anyObject(String.class))).andReturn(null).anyTimes(); replay(request); SolrRequestParsers parsers = new SolrRequestParsers(h.getCore().getSolrConfig()); SolrQueryRequest req = parsers.parse(h.getCore(), "/select", request); int num = 0; if (expectedContentType != null) { for (ContentStream cs : req.getContentStreams()) { num++; assertTrue(cs.getContentType().startsWith(expectedContentType)); String returnedBody = IOUtils.toString(cs.getReader()); assertEquals(body, returnedBody); } assertEquals(1, num); } assertEquals("1", req.getParams().get("foo")); assertEquals("2", req.getParams().get("bar")); if (expectedKey != null) { assertEquals(expectedValue, req.getParams().get(expectedKey)); } req.close(); }
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private String encodeBase64(final ByteBuffer buffer) { final int limit = buffer.limit(); final byte[] bytes = new byte[limit]; buffer.get(bytes);//from w ww .ja v a 2 s .c o m return new String(Base64.encodeBase64(bytes), StandardCharsets.US_ASCII); }
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private ByteBuffer decodeBase64(final String inputString) { final byte[] inputBytes = Base64.decodeBase64(inputString.getBytes(StandardCharsets.US_ASCII)); final ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(inputBytes); return buffer; }
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/** * Create a hash for a filename./*ww w . j av a2 s .com*/ * * @param filename The filename. * * @return The hash. */ public static long hashFilename(String filename) { long hash; if (isEmpty(filename)) { hash = 0; } else { ; byte[] data = cleanFilename(filename).getBytes(StandardCharsets.US_ASCII); hash = JenkinsHash.hashLittle2(data, data.length); } return hash; }