Example usage for java.nio CharBuffer wrap

List of usage examples for java.nio CharBuffer wrap


In this page you can find the example usage for java.nio CharBuffer wrap.


public static CharBuffer wrap(CharSequence chseq) 

Source Link


Creates a new char buffer by wrapping the given char sequence.


From source file:GetWebPageDemo.java

public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {
    String resource, host, file;/* w ww  .  ja va  2  s.  c o m*/
    int slashPos;

    resource = "www.java2s.com/index.htm";
    slashPos = resource.indexOf('/'); // find host/file separator
    if (slashPos < 0) {
        resource = resource + "/";
        slashPos = resource.indexOf('/');
    file = resource.substring(slashPos); // isolate host and file parts
    host = resource.substring(0, slashPos);
    System.out.println("Host to contact: '" + host + "'");
    System.out.println("File to fetch : '" + file + "'");

    SocketChannel channel = null;

    try {
        Charset charset = Charset.forName("ISO-8859-1");
        CharsetDecoder decoder = charset.newDecoder();
        CharsetEncoder encoder = charset.newEncoder();

        ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(1024);
        CharBuffer charBuffer = CharBuffer.allocate(1024);

        InetSocketAddress socketAddress = new InetSocketAddress(host, 80);
        channel = SocketChannel.open();

        String request = "GET " + file + " \r\n\r\n";

        while ((channel.read(buffer)) != -1) {
            decoder.decode(buffer, charBuffer, false);
    } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
    } catch (IOException e) {
    } finally {
        if (channel != null) {
            try {
            } catch (IOException ignored) {


From source file:PrintServiceWebInterface.java

public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
    // Get the character encoders and decoders we'll need
    Charset charset = Charset.forName("ISO-8859-1");
    CharsetEncoder encoder = charset.newEncoder();

    // The HTTP headers we send back to the client are fixed
    String headers = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n" + "Content-type: text/html\r\n" + "Connection: close\r\n" + "\r\n";

    // We'll use two buffers in our response. One holds the fixed
    // headers, and the other holds the variable body of the response.
    ByteBuffer[] buffers = new ByteBuffer[2];
    buffers[0] = encoder.encode(CharBuffer.wrap(headers));
    ByteBuffer body = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(16 * 1024);
    buffers[1] = body;//from  ww w .j  av a 2s  .com

    // Find all available PrintService objects to describe
    PrintService[] services = PrintServiceLookup.lookupPrintServices(null, null);

    // All of the channels we use in this code will be in non-blocking
    // mode. So we create a Selector object that will block while
    // monitoring all of the channels and will only stop blocking when
    // one or more of the channels is ready for I/O of some sort.
    Selector selector = Selector.open();

    // Create a new ServerSocketChannel, and bind it to port 8000.
    // Note that we have to do this using the underlying ServerSocket.
    ServerSocketChannel server = ServerSocketChannel.open();
    server.socket().bind(new java.net.InetSocketAddress(8000));

    // Put the ServerSocketChannel into non-blocking mode

    // Now register the channel with the Selector. The SelectionKey
    // represents the registration of this channel with this Selector.
    SelectionKey serverkey = server.register(selector, SelectionKey.OP_ACCEPT);

    for (;;) { // The main server loop. The server runs forever.
        // This call blocks until there is activity on one of the
        // registered channels. This is the key method in non-blocking I/O.

        // Get a java.util.Set containing the SelectionKey objects for
        // all channels that are ready for I/O.
        Set keys = selector.selectedKeys();

        // Use a java.util.Iterator to loop through the selected keys
        for (Iterator i = keys.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
            // Get the next SelectionKey in the set, and then remove it
            // from the set. It must be removed explicitly, or it will
            // be returned again by the next call to select().
            SelectionKey key = (SelectionKey) i.next();

            // Check whether this key is the SelectionKey we got when
            // we registered the ServerSocketChannel.
            if (key == serverkey) {
                // Activity on the ServerSocketChannel means a client
                // is trying to connect to the server.
                if (key.isAcceptable()) {
                    // Accept the client connection, and obtain a
                    // SocketChannel to communicate with the client.
                    SocketChannel client = server.accept();

                    // Make sure we actually got a connection
                    if (client == null)

                    // Put the client channel in non-blocking mode.

                    // Now register the client channel with the Selector,
                    // specifying that we'd like to know when there is
                    // data ready to read on the channel.
                    SelectionKey clientkey = client.register(selector, SelectionKey.OP_READ);
            } else {
                // If the key we got from the Set of keys is not the
                // ServerSocketChannel key, then it must be a key
                // representing one of the client connections.
                // Get the channel from the key.
                SocketChannel client = (SocketChannel) key.channel();

                // If we got here, it should mean that there is data to
                // be read from the channel, but we double-check here.
                if (!key.isReadable())

                // Now read bytes from the client. We assume that
                // we get all the client's bytes in one read operation

                // The data we read should be some kind of HTTP GET
                // request. We don't bother checking it however since
                // there is only one page of data we know how to return.

                // Build an HTML document as our reponse.
                // The body of the document contains PrintService details
                StringBuffer response = new StringBuffer();
                        "<html><head><title>Printer Status</title></head>" + "<body><h1>Printer Status</h1>");
                for (int s = 0; s < services.length; s++) {
                    PrintService service = services[s];
                    Attribute[] attrs = service.getAttributes().toArray();
                    for (int a = 0; a < attrs.length; a++) {
                        Attribute attr = attrs[a];

                // Encode the response into the body ByteBuffer
                encoder.encode(CharBuffer.wrap(response), body, true);

                body.flip(); // Prepare the body buffer to be drained
                // While there are bytes left to write
                while (body.hasRemaining()) {
                    // Write both header and body buffers
                buffers[0].flip(); // Prepare header buffer for next write
                body.clear(); // Prepare body buffer for next read

                // Once we've sent our response, we have no more interest
                // in the client channel or its SelectionKey
                client.close(); // Close the channel.
                key.cancel(); // Tell Selector to stop monitoring it.

From source file:SimpleDaytimeServer.java

public static void main(String args[]) throws java.io.IOException {
    // RFC867 specifies port 13 for this service. On Unix platforms,
    // you need to be running as root to use that port, so we allow
    // this service to use other ports for testing.
    int port = 13;
    if (args.length > 0)
        port = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);

    // Create a channel to listen for connections on.
    ServerSocketChannel server = ServerSocketChannel.open();

    // Bind the channel to a local port. Note that we do this by obtaining
    // the underlying java.net.ServerSocket and binding that socket.
    server.socket().bind(new InetSocketAddress(port));

    // Get an encoder for converting strings to bytes
    CharsetEncoder encoder = Charset.forName("US-ASCII").newEncoder();

    for (;;) { // Loop forever, processing client connections
        // Wait for a client to connect
        SocketChannel client = server.accept();

        // Build response string, wrap, and encode to bytes
        String date = new java.util.Date().toString() + "\r\n";
        ByteBuffer response = encoder.encode(CharBuffer.wrap(date));

        // Send the response to the client and disconnect.
        client.write(response);//  www. java  2 s.  c  o  m

From source file:MainClass.java

public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
    Charset charset = Charset.forName("ISO-8859-1");
    CharsetEncoder encoder = charset.newEncoder();
    CharsetDecoder decoder = charset.newDecoder();

    ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(512);

    Selector selector = Selector.open();

    ServerSocketChannel server = ServerSocketChannel.open();
    server.socket().bind(new java.net.InetSocketAddress(8000));
    server.configureBlocking(false);/*from  w ww . j  a v  a  2s .  c o  m*/
    SelectionKey serverkey = server.register(selector, SelectionKey.OP_ACCEPT);

    for (;;) {
        Set keys = selector.selectedKeys();

        for (Iterator i = keys.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
            SelectionKey key = (SelectionKey) i.next();

            if (key == serverkey) {
                if (key.isAcceptable()) {
                    SocketChannel client = server.accept();
                    SelectionKey clientkey = client.register(selector, SelectionKey.OP_READ);
                    clientkey.attach(new Integer(0));
            } else {
                SocketChannel client = (SocketChannel) key.channel();
                if (!key.isReadable())
                int bytesread = client.read(buffer);
                if (bytesread == -1) {
                String request = decoder.decode(buffer).toString();
                if (request.trim().equals("quit")) {
                } else {
                    int num = ((Integer) key.attachment()).intValue();
                    String response = num + ": " + request.toUpperCase();
                    key.attach(new Integer(num + 1));

From source file:GetWebPageApp.java

public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {
    String resource, host, file;//from  w  ww  .  jav  a2 s  .c  om
    int slashPos;

    resource = "www.java2s.com/index.htm"; // skip HTTP://
    slashPos = resource.indexOf('/'); // find host/file separator
    if (slashPos < 0) {
        resource = resource + "/";
        slashPos = resource.indexOf('/');
    file = resource.substring(slashPos); // isolate host and file parts
    host = resource.substring(0, slashPos);
    System.out.println("Host to contact: '" + host + "'");
    System.out.println("File to fetch : '" + file + "'");

    SocketChannel channel = null;

    try {
        Charset charset = Charset.forName("ISO-8859-1");
        CharsetDecoder decoder = charset.newDecoder();
        CharsetEncoder encoder = charset.newEncoder();

        ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(1024);
        CharBuffer charBuffer = CharBuffer.allocate(1024);

        InetSocketAddress socketAddress = new InetSocketAddress(host, 80);
        channel = SocketChannel.open();

        selector = Selector.open();

        channel.register(selector, SelectionKey.OP_CONNECT | SelectionKey.OP_READ);

        while (selector.select(500) > 0) {
            Set readyKeys = selector.selectedKeys();
            try {
                Iterator readyItor = readyKeys.iterator();

                while (readyItor.hasNext()) {

                    SelectionKey key = (SelectionKey) readyItor.next();
                    SocketChannel keyChannel = (SocketChannel) key.channel();

                    if (key.isConnectable()) {
                        if (keyChannel.isConnectionPending()) {
                        String request = "GET " + file + " \r\n\r\n";
                    } else if (key.isReadable()) {

                        decoder.decode(buffer, charBuffer, false);


                    } else {
                        System.err.println("Unknown key");
            } catch (ConcurrentModificationException e) {
    } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
    } catch (IOException e) {
    } finally {
        if (channel != null) {
            try {
            } catch (IOException ignored) {

From source file:HttpGet.java

public static void main(String[] args) {
    SocketChannel server = null; // Channel for reading from server
    FileOutputStream outputStream = null; // Stream to destination file
    WritableByteChannel destination; // Channel to write to it

    try { // Exception handling and channel closing code follows this block

        // Parse the URL. Note we use the new java.net.URI, not URL here.
        URI uri = new URI(args[0]);

        // Now query and verify the various parts of the URI
        String scheme = uri.getScheme();
        if (scheme == null || !scheme.equals("http"))
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Must use 'http:' protocol");

        String hostname = uri.getHost();

        int port = uri.getPort();
        if (port == -1)
            port = 80; // Use default port if none specified

        String path = uri.getRawPath();
        if (path == null || path.length() == 0)
            path = "/";

        String query = uri.getRawQuery();
        query = (query == null) ? "" : '?' + query;

        // Combine the hostname and port into a single address object.
        // java.net.SocketAddress and InetSocketAddress are new in Java 1.4
        SocketAddress serverAddress = new InetSocketAddress(hostname, port);

        // Open a SocketChannel to the server
        server = SocketChannel.open(serverAddress);

        // Put together the HTTP request we'll send to the server.
        String request = "GET " + path + query + " HTTP/1.1\r\n" + // The request
                "Host: " + hostname + "\r\n" + // Required in HTTP 1.1
                "Connection: close\r\n" + // Don't keep connection open
                "User-Agent: " + HttpGet.class.getName() + "\r\n" + "\r\n"; // Blank
                                                                            // line
                                                                            // indicates
                                                                            // end of
                                                                            // request
                                                                            // headers

        // Now wrap a CharBuffer around that request string
        CharBuffer requestChars = CharBuffer.wrap(request);

        // Get a Charset object to encode the char buffer into bytes
        Charset charset = Charset.forName("ISO-8859-1");

        // Use the charset to encode the request into a byte buffer
        ByteBuffer requestBytes = charset.encode(requestChars);

        // Finally, we can send this HTTP request to the server.
        server.write(requestBytes);/* ww w . j  a  va2s . c  om*/

        // Set up an output channel to send the output to.
        if (args.length > 1) { // Use a specified filename
            outputStream = new FileOutputStream(args[1]);
            destination = outputStream.getChannel();
        } else
            // Or wrap a channel around standard out
            destination = Channels.newChannel(System.out);

        // Allocate a 32 Kilobyte byte buffer for reading the response.
        // Hopefully we'll get a low-level "direct" buffer
        ByteBuffer data = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(32 * 1024);

        // Have we discarded the HTTP response headers yet?
        boolean skippedHeaders = false;
        // The code sent by the server
        int responseCode = -1;

        // Now loop, reading data from the server channel and writing it
        // to the destination channel until the server indicates that it
        // has no more data.
        while (server.read(data) != -1) { // Read data, and check for end
            data.flip(); // Prepare to extract data from buffer

            // All HTTP reponses begin with a set of HTTP headers, which
            // we need to discard. The headers end with the string
            // "\r\n\r\n", or the bytes 13,10,13,10. If we haven't already
            // skipped them then do so now.
            if (!skippedHeaders) {
                // First, though, read the HTTP response code.
                // Assume that we get the complete first line of the
                // response when the first read() call returns. Assume also
                // that the first 9 bytes are the ASCII characters
                // "HTTP/1.1 ", and that the response code is the ASCII
                // characters in the following three bytes.
                if (responseCode == -1) {
                    responseCode = 100 * (data.get(9) - '0') + 10 * (data.get(10) - '0')
                            + 1 * (data.get(11) - '0');

                    // If there was an error, report it and quit
                    // Note that we do not handle redirect responses.
                    if (responseCode < 200 || responseCode >= 300) {
                        System.err.println("HTTP Error: " + responseCode);

                // Now skip the rest of the headers.
                try {
                    for (;;) {
                        if ((data.get() == 13) && (data.get() == 10) && (data.get() == 13)
                                && (data.get() == 10)) {
                            skippedHeaders = true;
                } catch (BufferUnderflowException e) {
                    // If we arrive here, it means we reached the end of
                    // the buffer and didn't find the end of the headers.
                    // There is a chance that the last 1, 2, or 3 bytes in
                    // the buffer were the beginning of the \r\n\r\n
                    // sequence, so back up a bit.
                    data.position(data.position() - 3);
                    // Now discard the headers we have read
                    // And go read more data from the server.

            // Write the data out; drain the buffer fully.
            while (data.hasRemaining())

            // Now that the buffer is drained, put it into fill mode
            // in preparation for reading more data into it.
            data.clear(); // data.compact() also works here
    } catch (Exception e) { // Report any errors that arise
        System.err.println("Usage: java HttpGet <URL> [<filename>]");
    } finally { // Close the channels and output file stream, if needed
        try {
            if (server != null && server.isOpen())
            if (outputStream != null)
        } catch (IOException e) {

From source file:DaytimeServer.java

public static void main(String args[]) {
    try { // Handle startup exceptions at the end of this block
        // Get an encoder for converting strings to bytes
        CharsetEncoder encoder = Charset.forName("US-ASCII").newEncoder();

        // Allow an alternative port for testing with non-root accounts
        int port = 13; // RFC867 specifies this port.
        if (args.length > 0)
            port = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);

        // The port we'll listen on
        SocketAddress localport = new InetSocketAddress(port);

        // Create and bind a tcp channel to listen for connections on.
        ServerSocketChannel tcpserver = ServerSocketChannel.open();

        // Also create and bind a DatagramChannel to listen on.
        DatagramChannel udpserver = DatagramChannel.open();

        // Specify non-blocking mode for both channels, since our
        // Selector object will be doing the blocking for us.

        // The Selector object is what allows us to block while waiting
        // for activity on either of the two channels.
        Selector selector = Selector.open();

        // Register the channels with the selector, and specify what
        // conditions (a connection ready to accept, a datagram ready
        // to read) we'd like the Selector to wake up for.
        // These methods return SelectionKey objects, which we don't
        // need to retain in this example.
        tcpserver.register(selector, SelectionKey.OP_ACCEPT);
        udpserver.register(selector, SelectionKey.OP_READ);

        // This is an empty byte buffer to receive emtpy datagrams with.
        // If a datagram overflows the receive buffer size, the extra bytes
        // are automatically discarded, so we don't have to worry about
        // buffer overflow attacks here.
        ByteBuffer receiveBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(0);

        // Now loop forever, processing client connections
        for (;;) {
            try { // Handle per-connection problems below
                // Wait for a client to connect
                selector.select();//w  w w . j  a  v  a 2  s.co  m

                // If we get here, a client has probably connected, so
                // put our response into a ByteBuffer.
                String date = new java.util.Date().toString() + "\r\n";
                ByteBuffer response = encoder.encode(CharBuffer.wrap(date));

                // Get the SelectionKey objects for the channels that have
                // activity on them. These are the keys returned by the
                // register() methods above. They are returned in a
                // java.util.Set.
                Set keys = selector.selectedKeys();

                // Iterate through the Set of keys.
                for (Iterator i = keys.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
                    // Get a key from the set, and remove it from the set
                    SelectionKey key = (SelectionKey) i.next();

                    // Get the channel associated with the key
                    Channel c = (Channel) key.channel();

                    // Now test the key and the channel to find out
                    // whether something happend on the TCP or UDP channel
                    if (key.isAcceptable() && c == tcpserver) {
                        // A client has attempted to connect via TCP.
                        // Accept the connection now.
                        SocketChannel client = tcpserver.accept();
                        // If we accepted the connection successfully,
                        // the send our respone back to the client.
                        if (client != null) {
                            client.write(response); // send respone
                            client.close(); // close connection
                    } else if (key.isReadable() && c == udpserver) {
                        // A UDP datagram is waiting. Receive it now,
                        // noting the address it was sent from.
                        SocketAddress clientAddress = udpserver.receive(receiveBuffer);
                        // If we got the datagram successfully, send
                        // the date and time in a response packet.
                        if (clientAddress != null)
                            udpserver.send(response, clientAddress);
            } catch (java.io.IOException e) {
                // This is a (hopefully transient) problem with a single
                // connection: we log the error, but continue running.
                // We use our classname for the logger so that a sysadmin
                // can configure logging for this server independently
                // of other programs.
                Logger l = Logger.getLogger(DaytimeServer.class.getName());
                l.log(Level.WARNING, "IOException in DaytimeServer", e);
            } catch (Throwable t) {
                // If anything else goes wrong (out of memory, for example)
                // then log the problem and exit.
                Logger l = Logger.getLogger(DaytimeServer.class.getName());
                l.log(Level.SEVERE, "FATAL error in DaytimeServer", t);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        // This is a startup error: there is no need to log it;
        // just print a message and exit

From source file:vortex.demo.VortexSparkTwitterDemo.java

public static void main(String[] args) {

    // URL of the Spark cluster
    final String sparkURL = "local[4]"; // use four threads on the local machine

    // The directory that will be used for check pointing
    final String defaultCheckpointDir = System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir") + File.pathSeparator + "spark";
    final String checkPointDir = System.getProperty("vortex.spark.checkpointdir", defaultCheckpointDir);

    if (!configureTwitterCredentials()) {
        LOG.info("Unable to configure Twitter credentials exiting.");
        System.exit(1);//  ww w. j a v a2 s. c o  m

    // Configure Spark and setup the Spark streaming context
    final SparkConf conf = new SparkConf().setAppName("VortexSparkTwitterDemo").setMaster(sparkURL);
    final Duration batchDuration = new Duration(1000);
    final JavaStreamingContext streamingContext = new JavaStreamingContext(conf, batchDuration);

    // Create a new stream of
    // "iot", "Internet of Things", "M2M", "mqtt"
    final JavaDStream<Status> tweets = TwitterUtils.createStream(streamingContext, FILTER,

    final JavaDStream<String> statuses = tweets.map(new Function<Status, String>() {
        public String call(Status status) throws Exception {
            return status.getText();

    final JavaDStream<String> words = statuses.flatMap(new FlatMapFunction<String, String>() {
        public Iterable<String> call(String s) throws Exception {
            return Arrays.asList(s.split(" "));

    final JavaDStream<String> hashtags = words.filter(new Function<String, Boolean>() {
        public Boolean call(String word) throws Exception {
            return word.startsWith("#");

    final JavaPairDStream<String, Integer> tuples = hashtags
            .mapToPair(new PairFunction<String, String, Integer>() {
                public Tuple2<String, Integer> call(String s) throws Exception {
                    return new Tuple2<String, Integer>(s, 1);

    final JavaPairDStream<String, Integer> counts = tuples
            .reduceByKeyAndWindow(new Function2<Integer, Integer, Integer>() {
                public Integer call(Integer i1, Integer i2) throws Exception {
                    return i1 + i2;
            }, new Function2<Integer, Integer, Integer>() {
                public Integer call(Integer i1, Integer i2) throws Exception {
                    return i1 - i2;
            }, new Duration(60 * 5 * 1000), new Duration(1 * 1000));

    final JavaPairDStream<Integer, String> swappedCounts = counts
            .mapToPair(new PairFunction<Tuple2<String, Integer>, Integer, String>() {
                public Tuple2<Integer, String> call(Tuple2<String, Integer> in) throws Exception {
                    return in.swap();

    final JavaPairDStream<Integer, String> sortedCounts = swappedCounts
            .transformToPair(new Function<JavaPairRDD<Integer, String>, JavaPairRDD<Integer, String>>() {
                public JavaPairRDD<Integer, String> call(JavaPairRDD<Integer, String> in) throws Exception {
                    return in.sortByKey(false);

    sortedCounts.foreach(new Function<JavaPairRDD<Integer, String>, Void>() {
        public Void call(JavaPairRDD<Integer, String> rdd) throws Exception {
            int idx = 0;
            int[] count = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
            String[] hashtag = { "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" };
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("\nTop 10 hashtags:\n");

            for (Tuple2<Integer, String> next : rdd.take(10)) {
                count[idx] = next._1();
                try {
                    final ByteBuffer encoded = encoder.encode(CharBuffer.wrap(next._2()));
                    hashtag[idx] = new String(encoded.array(), "US-ASCII");
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                    hashtag[idx] = "Encoding error";

            final TopTenHashtagsType stats = new TopTenHashtagsType(KEY, count, hashtag);

            return null;


From source file:Main.java

private static byte[] encode(final Charset charset, final String string) {
    ByteBuffer encoded = charset.encode(CharBuffer.wrap(string));
    return encoded.array();

From source file:Main.java

 * Decode/unescape a portion of a URL, to use with the query part ensure {@code plusAsBlank} is true.
 * @param content     the portion to decode
 * @param charset     the charset to use
 * @param plusAsBlank if {@code true}, then convert '+' to space (e.g. for www-url-form-encoded content), otherwise leave as is.
 * @return encoded string/*from  w  ww.  j a v  a  2s . c o  m*/
private static String urldecode(final String content, final Charset charset, final boolean plusAsBlank) {
    if (content == null) {
        return null;
    ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocate(content.length());
    CharBuffer cb = CharBuffer.wrap(content);
    while (cb.hasRemaining()) {
        char c = cb.get();
        if (c == '%' && cb.remaining() >= 2) {
            char uc = cb.get();
            char lc = cb.get();
            int u = Character.digit(uc, 16);
            int l = Character.digit(lc, 16);
            if (u != -1 && l != -1) {
                bb.put((byte) ((u << 4) + l));
            } else {
                bb.put((byte) '%');
                bb.put((byte) uc);
                bb.put((byte) lc);
        } else if (plusAsBlank && c == '+') {
            bb.put((byte) ' ');
        } else {
            bb.put((byte) c);
    return charset.decode(bb).toString();