List of usage examples for java.nio.channels ServerSocketChannel accept
public abstract SocketChannel accept() throws IOException;
From source
private static void handleAccept(final ServerSocketChannel serverChannel, final Selector selector) throws IOException { final SocketChannel channel = serverChannel.accept(); if (channel == null) { return;/*from w ww .j a va 2s . c om*/ } channel.configureBlocking(false); channel.register(selector, SelectionKey.OP_READ, new GridMessageBuffer()); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Accepted a new client connection: " + channel.socket().getRemoteSocketAddress()); } }
From source
/** * /*from w ww . j a v a2 s . c o m*/ */ @Override void doAccept(SelectionKey selectionKey) throws IOException { ServerSocketChannel serverChannel = (ServerSocketChannel); SocketChannel channel = serverChannel.accept(); if (this.expectedClientContainersMonitor.getCount() == 0) { logger.warn("Refusing connection from " + channel.getRemoteAddress() + ", since " + this.expectedClientContainers + " ApplicationContainerClients " + "identified by 'expectedClientContainers' already connected."); this.closeChannel(channel); } else { channel.configureBlocking(false); SelectionKey clientSelectionKey = channel.register(this.selector, SelectionKey.OP_READ); if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {"Accepted conection request from: " + channel.socket().getRemoteSocketAddress()); } if (this.masterSelectionKey != null) { this.containerDelegates.put(clientSelectionKey, new ContainerDelegateImpl(clientSelectionKey, this)); } else { this.masterSelectionKey = clientSelectionKey; this.masterSelectionKey.attach(true); } this.expectedClientContainersMonitor.countDown(); } }
From source
@Override public void run() { ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(BUFFER_SIZE); // I believe the inner try-catches does not cause overhead. // long sendCount = 0; SocketChannel currentChannel; SelectionKey key = null;//from w ww . j a va 2 s. c o m while (true) { try {; // selector.selectNow(); } catch (ClosedSelectorException e) { logger.fatal("BUG: The selector is closed."); return; } catch (IOException e) { logger.fatal("An IOException occured while calling select()."); // Fatal Error. Notify the error to the users and leave the matter to them. for (ChannelState state : channels) { state.callBack.fatalError(); } return; } if (!requests.isEmpty()) { handleRequest(); continue; } if (stopRequested) { return; } Set<SelectionKey> keys = selector.selectedKeys(); Iterator<SelectionKey> iter = keys.iterator(); iter_loop: while (iter.hasNext()) { key =; iter.remove(); // Required. Don't remove. if (key.isReadable()) { currentChannel = (SocketChannel); final ChannelState state = (ChannelState) key.attachment(); int valid; try { valid =; } catch (IOException e) { logger.warn("An IOException happened while reading from a channel."); state.callBack.exceptionOccured(state.channelId, state.attachment); key.cancel(); continue; } if (valid == -1) { // Normal socket close? state.callBack.exceptionOccured(state.channelId, state.attachment); // cleanUpChannel(state.channelId); key.cancel(); continue; } buffer.rewind(); if (state.callBack.receive(state.channelId, buffer, valid, state.attachment) == false) { state.key.interestOps(state.key.interestOps() & ~SelectionKey.OP_READ); } buffer.clear(); } else if (key.isWritable()) { currentChannel = (SocketChannel); final ChannelState state = (ChannelState) key.attachment(); while (state.sendBuffer.readableSize() < WRITE_SIZE) { ByteBuffer newBuffer = state.callBack.send(state.channelId, state.attachment); if (newBuffer != null) { state.sendBuffer.write(newBuffer); if (++sendCount % 50000 == 0) {"Send Count: " + sendCount); } } else if (state.sendBuffer.readableSize() == 0) { key.interestOps(key.interestOps() & ~SelectionKey.OP_WRITE); continue iter_loop; } else { break; } } final int available = state.sendBuffer.readableSize(); if (available >= WRITE_SIZE || ++state.noopCount >= HEURISTIC_WAIT) { int done; try { done = currentChannel.write(state.sendBuffer.getByteBuffer()); } catch (IOException e) { logger.warn("An IOException occured while writing to a channel."); state.callBack.exceptionOccured(state.channelId, state.attachment); key.cancel(); continue; } if (done < available) { state.sendBuffer.rollback(available - done); } state.sendBuffer.compact(); state.noopCount = 0; } } else if (key.isAcceptable()) { ServerSocketChannel channel = (ServerSocketChannel); ChannelState state = (ChannelState) key.attachment(); SocketChannel socketChannel; try { socketChannel = channel.accept(); socketChannel.configureBlocking(false); } catch (IOException e) { continue; // Do nothing. } state.callBack.newConnection(state.channelId, socketChannel, state.attachment); } } } }
From source
/** * Accept an icoming connection//from w w w .jav a2 s .co m * * @throws IOException */ private void processAccept(SelectionKey sk) throws IOException { if (!sk.isValid()) return; ServerSocketChannel ssc = (ServerSocketChannel); SocketChannel channel = ssc.accept(); if (channel == null) return; if (channel.isOpen() && accept(channel.socket().getInetAddress())) { channel.configureBlocking(false); DaapConnection connection = new DaapConnectionNIO(this, channel); SelectionKey key = channel.register(selector, SelectionKey.OP_READ, connection); } else { try { channel.close(); } catch (IOException err) { LOG.error("SocketChannel.close()", err); } } }
From source
@Override public void run() { try {/* w ww .ja va 2 s .c om*/ Log.get().log(Level.INFO, "Server listening on port {0}", port); // Create a Selector that handles the SocketChannel multiplexing final Selector readSelector =; final Selector writeSelector =; // Start working threads final int workerThreads = Math.max(4, 2 * Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors()); ConnectionWorker[] cworkers = new ConnectionWorker[workerThreads]; for (int n = 0; n < workerThreads; n++) { cworkers[n] = new ConnectionWorker(); cworkers[n].start(); } Log.get().log(Level.INFO, "{0} worker threads started.", workerThreads); ChannelWriter.getInstance().setSelector(writeSelector); ChannelReader.getInstance().setSelector(readSelector); ChannelWriter.getInstance().start(); ChannelReader.getInstance().start(); final ServerSocketChannel serverSocketChannel =; serverSocketChannel.configureBlocking(true); // Set to blocking mode // Configure ServerSocket; bind to socket... serverSocket = serverSocketChannel.socket(); serverSocket.bind(new InetSocketAddress(this.port)); while (isRunning()) { SocketChannel socketChannel; try { // As we set the server socket channel to blocking mode the // accept() // method will block. socketChannel = serverSocketChannel.accept(); socketChannel.configureBlocking(false); assert socketChannel.isConnected(); assert socketChannel.finishConnect(); } catch (IOException ex) { // Under heavy load an IOException "Too many open files may // be thrown. It most cases we should slow down the // connection accepting, to give the worker threads some // time to process work. Log.get().log(Level.SEVERE, "IOException while accepting connection: {0}", ex.getMessage()); Log.get().info("Connection accepting sleeping for seconds..."); Thread.sleep(5000); // 5 seconds continue; } //FIXME conn should be NNTPConnection final SynchronousNNTPConnection conn = (SynchronousNNTPConnection) context .getBean("syncNNTPConnection", NNTPConnection.class); conn.setChannelWrapper(new SocketChannelWrapperFactory(socketChannel).create()); Connections.getInstance().add(conn); try { SelectionKey selKeyWrite = registerSelector(writeSelector, socketChannel, SelectionKey.OP_WRITE); registerSelector(readSelector, socketChannel, SelectionKey.OP_READ); Log.get().log(Level.INFO, "Connected: {0}", socketChannel.socket().getRemoteSocketAddress()); // Set write selection key and send hello to client conn.setWriteSelectionKey(selKeyWrite); conn.println("200 " + Config.inst().get(Config.HOSTNAME, "localhost") + " <unknown version>" // + Application.VERSION + " news server ready - (posting ok)."); } catch (CancelledKeyException cke) { Log.get().log(Level.WARNING, "CancelledKeyException {0} was thrown: {1}", new Object[] { cke.getMessage(), socketChannel.socket() }); } catch (ClosedChannelException cce) { Log.get().log(Level.WARNING, "ClosedChannelException {0} was thrown: {1}", new Object[] { cce.getMessage(), socketChannel.socket() }); } } } catch (BindException ex) { // Could not bind to socket; this is a fatal, so perform a shutdown Log.get().log(Level.SEVERE, ex.getLocalizedMessage() + " -> shutdown sonews", ex); setRunning(false); } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } }
From source
public void run() { // create a selector that will by used for multiplexing. The selector // registers the socketserverchannel as // well as all socketchannels that are created String CLIENTCHANNELNAME = "clientChannel"; String SERVERCHANNELNAME = "serverChannel"; String channelType = "channelType"; ConcurrentHashMap<SelectionKey, Object> resultMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<SelectionKey, Object>(); ClassLoader classLoader = null; ByteArrayOutputStream bstr;/*from w ww .j a v a2 s . co m*/ ByteBuffer buffer = null; ByteBuffer lengthBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(4); int bytesRead; InputStream bais; ObjectInputStream ois; Object object; ExecutorServiceInfo executorServiceInfo = null; Random random = new Random(System.currentTimeMillis()); // register the serversocketchannel with the selector. The OP_ACCEPT // option marks // a selection key as ready when the channel accepts a new connection. // When the // socket server accepts a connection this key is added to the list of // selected keys of the selector. // when asked for the selected keys, this key is returned and hence we // know that a new connection has been accepted. try { Selector selector =; SelectionKey socketServerSelectionKey = serverSocketChannel.register(selector, SelectionKey.OP_ACCEPT); // SelectionKey socketServerSelectionKey1 = // channel.register(selector1, // SelectionKey.OP_ACCEPT); // set property in the key that identifies the channel Map<String, String> properties = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, String>(); properties.put(channelType, SERVERCHANNELNAME); socketServerSelectionKey.attach(properties); // wait for the selected keys SelectionKey key = null; Set<SelectionKey> selectedKeys; //"Instance Number"+instanceNumber); Iterator<SelectionKey> iterator = null; SocketChannel clientChannel = null; while (true) { try { // the select method is a blocking method which returns when // atleast // one of the registered // channel is selected. In this example, when the socket // accepts // a // new connection, this method // will return. Once a socketclient is added to the list of // registered channels, then this method // would also return when one of the clients has data to be // read // or // written. It is also possible to perform a nonblocking // select // using the selectNow() function. // We can also specify the maximum time for which a select // function // can be blocked using the select(long timeout) function. if ( >= 0) { selectedKeys = selector.selectedKeys(); iterator = selectedKeys.iterator(); } while (iterator.hasNext()) { try { key =; // the selection key could either by the // socketserver // informing // that a new connection has been made, or // a socket client that is ready for read/write // we use the properties object attached to the // channel // to // find // out the type of channel. if (((Map) key.attachment()).get(channelType).equals(SERVERCHANNELNAME)) { // a new connection has been obtained. This // channel // is // therefore a socket server. ServerSocketChannel serverSocketChannel = (ServerSocketChannel); // accept the new connection on the server // socket. // Since // the // server socket channel is marked as non // blocking // this channel will return null if no client is // connected. SocketChannel clientSocketChannel = serverSocketChannel.accept(); if (clientSocketChannel != null) { // set the client connection to be non // blocking clientSocketChannel.configureBlocking(false); SelectionKey clientKey = clientSocketChannel.register(selector, SelectionKey.OP_READ, SelectionKey.OP_WRITE); Map<String, String> clientproperties = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, String>(); clientproperties.put(channelType, CLIENTCHANNELNAME); clientKey.attach(clientproperties); clientKey.interestOps(SelectionKey.OP_READ); // clientSocketChannel.close(); // write something to the new created client /* * CharBuffer buffer = * CharBuffer.wrap("Hello client"); while * (buffer.hasRemaining()) { * clientSocketChannel.write * (Charset.defaultCharset() * .encode(buffer)); } * clientSocketChannel.close(); * buffer.clear(); */ } } else { // data is available for read // buffer for reading clientChannel = (SocketChannel); if (key.isReadable()) { // the channel is non blocking so keep it // open // till // the // count is >=0 clientChannel = (SocketChannel); if (resultMap.get(key) == null) { //; bstr = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); object = null;; int length = lengthBuffer.getInt(0); lengthBuffer.clear(); //; buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(length); if ((bytesRead = > 0) { // buffer.flip(); // System.out // .println(bytesRead); bstr.write(buffer.array(), 0, bytesRead); buffer.clear(); } buffer.clear(); //"Message1"+new String(bstr // .toByteArray())); bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(bstr.toByteArray()); ois = new ObjectInputStream(bais); // Offending // line. // Produces // the // StreamCorruptedException. //"In read obect"); object = ois.readObject(); //"Class Cast"); //"Class Cast1"); ois.close(); byte[] params = bstr.toByteArray(); bstr.close(); //"readObject"); //"After readObject"); if (object instanceof CloseSocket) { resultMap.remove(key); clientChannel.close(); key.cancel(); } // clientChannel.close(); String serviceurl = (String) object; String[] serviceRegistry = serviceurl.split("/"); //"classLoaderMap" // + urlClassLoaderMap); // // + "/" + serviceRegistry[0]); int servicenameIndex; // // + "/" + serviceRegistry[0] // + "/" + serviceRegistry[1]); if (serviceRegistry[0].endsWith(".ear")) { classLoader = (VFSClassLoader) urlClassLoaderMap.get(deployDirectory + "/" + serviceRegistry[0] + "/" + serviceRegistry[1]); servicenameIndex = 2; } else if (serviceRegistry[0].endsWith(".jar")) { classLoader = (WebClassLoader) urlClassLoaderMap .get(deployDirectory + "/" + serviceRegistry[0]); servicenameIndex = 1; } else { classLoader = (WebClassLoader) urlClassLoaderMap .get(deployDirectory + "/" + serviceRegistry[0]); servicenameIndex = 1; } String serviceName = serviceRegistry[servicenameIndex]; //"servicename:"+serviceName);; synchronized (executorServiceMap) { executorServiceInfo = (ExecutorServiceInfo) executorServiceMap .get(serviceName.trim()); } ExecutorServiceInfoClassLoader classLoaderExecutorServiceInfo = new ExecutorServiceInfoClassLoader(); classLoaderExecutorServiceInfo.setClassLoader(classLoader); classLoaderExecutorServiceInfo.setExecutorServiceInfo(executorServiceInfo); resultMap.put(key, classLoaderExecutorServiceInfo); // key.interestOps(SelectionKey.OP_READ); //"Key interested Ops"); // continue; } //Thread.sleep(100); /* * if (classLoader == null) throw new * Exception( * "Could able to obtain deployed class loader" * ); */ /* * * "current context classloader" + * classLoader); */ //"In rad object"); bstr = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); lengthBuffer.clear(); int numberofDataRead =; //"numberofDataRead" // + numberofDataRead); int length = lengthBuffer.getInt(0); if (length <= 0) { iterator.remove(); continue; } lengthBuffer.clear(); //; buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(length); buffer.clear(); if ((bytesRead = > 0) { // buffer.flip(); // System.out // .println(bytesRead); bstr.write(buffer.array(), 0, bytesRead); buffer.clear(); } if (bytesRead <= 0 || bytesRead < length) { //"bytesRead<length"); iterator.remove(); continue; } // String(bstr // .toByteArray())); bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(bstr.toByteArray()); ExecutorServiceInfoClassLoader classLoaderExecutorServiceInfo = (ExecutorServiceInfoClassLoader) resultMap .get(key); ois = new ClassLoaderObjectInputStream( (ClassLoader) classLoaderExecutorServiceInfo.getClassLoader(), bais); // Offending // line. // Produces // the // StreamCorruptedException. object = ois.readObject(); ois.close(); bstr.close(); executorServiceInfo = classLoaderExecutorServiceInfo.getExecutorServiceInfo(); //System.out // .println("inputStream Read Object"); //"Object=" // + object.getClass()); // Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(currentContextLoader); if (object instanceof ExecutorParams) { ExecutorParams exeParams = (ExecutorParams) object; Object returnValue = null; //"test socket1"); String ataKey; ATAConfig ataConfig; ConcurrentHashMap ataServicesMap; Enumeration<NodeResourceInfo> noderesourceInfos = addressmap.elements(); NodeResourceInfo noderesourceinfo = null; String ip = ""; int port = 1000; long memavailable = 0; long memcurr = 0; if (noderesourceInfos.hasMoreElements()) { noderesourceinfo = noderesourceInfos.nextElement(); if (noderesourceinfo.getMax() != null) { ip = noderesourceinfo.getHost(); port = Integer.parseInt(noderesourceinfo.getPort()); memavailable = Long.parseLong(noderesourceinfo.getMax()) - Long.parseLong(noderesourceinfo.getUsed()); ; } } while (noderesourceInfos.hasMoreElements()) { noderesourceinfo = noderesourceInfos.nextElement(); if (noderesourceinfo.getMax() != null) { memcurr = Long.parseLong(noderesourceinfo.getMax()) - Long.parseLong(noderesourceinfo.getUsed()); if (memavailable <= memcurr) { ip = noderesourceinfo.getHost(); port = Integer.parseInt(noderesourceinfo.getPort()); memavailable = memcurr; } } } ATAExecutorServiceInfo servicesAvailable; Socket sock1 = new Socket(ip, port); OutputStream outputStr = sock1.getOutputStream(); ObjectOutputStream objOutputStream = new ObjectOutputStream(outputStr); NodeInfo nodeInfo = new NodeInfo(); nodeInfo.setClassNameWithPackage( executorServiceInfo.getExecutorServicesClass().getName()); nodeInfo.setMethodName(executorServiceInfo.getMethod().getName()); nodeInfo.setWebclassLoaderURLS(((WebClassLoader) classLoader).geturlS()); NodeInfoMethodParam nodeInfoMethodParam = new NodeInfoMethodParam(); nodeInfoMethodParam.setMethodParams(exeParams.getParams()); nodeInfoMethodParam .setMethodParamTypes(executorServiceInfo.getMethodParams()); //"Serializable socket="+sock); //nodeInfo.setSock(sock); //nodeInfo.setOstream(sock.getOutputStream()); objOutputStream.writeObject(nodeInfo); objOutputStream = new ObjectOutputStream(outputStr); objOutputStream.writeObject(nodeInfoMethodParam); ObjectInputStream objInputStream1 = new ObjectInputStream( sock1.getInputStream()); returnValue = objInputStream1.readObject(); objOutputStream.close(); objInputStream1.close(); sock1.close(); /*returnValue = executorServiceInfo .getMethod() .invoke(executorServiceInfo .getExecutorServicesClass() .newInstance(), exeParams.getParams());*/ // Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(oldCL); //"Written Value=" // + returnValue.toString()); resultMap.put(key, returnValue); } key.interestOps(SelectionKey.OP_WRITE); //"Key interested Ops1"); } else if (key.isWritable()) { // the channel is non blocking so keep it // open // till the // count is >=0 //"In write"); ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); // make // a // BAOS // stream ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(baos); // wrap and OOS around the // stream Object result = resultMap.get(key); oos.writeObject(result); // write an object // to // the stream oos.flush(); oos.close(); byte[] objData = baos.toByteArray(); // get // the // byte // array baos.close(); buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(objData); // wrap // around // the // data buffer.rewind(); // buffer.flip(); //prep for writing // String(objData)); //while (buffer.hasRemaining()) clientChannel.write(buffer); // write resultMap.remove(key); buffer.clear(); key.cancel(); clientChannel.close(); //"In write1"); numberOfServicesRequests++; //"Key interested Ops2"); } } iterator.remove(); } catch (Exception ex) { log.error("Error in executing the executor services thread", ex); //ex.printStackTrace(); key.cancel(); clientChannel.close(); resultMap.remove(key); //ex.printStackTrace(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { log.error("Error in executing the executor services thread", ex); //ex.printStackTrace(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { log.error("Error in executing the executor services thread", ex); } }
From source
/** We handle only non-SSL connections */ void loop(Selector selector) { Set ready_keys;/* ww w . j a v a 2s . co m*/ SelectionKey key; ServerSocketChannel srv_sock; SocketChannel in_sock, out_sock; InetSocketAddress src, dest; while (true) { if (verbose) log("[Proxy] ready to accept connection"); // 4. Call try {; // get set of ready objects ready_keys = selector.selectedKeys(); for (Iterator it = ready_keys.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { key = (SelectionKey); it.remove(); if (key.isAcceptable()) { srv_sock = (ServerSocketChannel); // get server socket and attachment src = (InetSocketAddress) key.attachment(); in_sock = srv_sock.accept(); // accept request if (verbose) log("Proxy.loop()", "accepted connection from " + toString(in_sock)); dest = (InetSocketAddress) mappings.get(src); // find corresponding dest if (dest == null) { in_sock.close(); log("Proxy.loop()", "did not find a destination host for " + src); continue; } else { if (verbose) log("Proxy.loop()", "relaying traffic from " + toString(src) + " to " + toString(dest)); } // establish connection to destination host try { out_sock =; // uses thread pool (Executor) to handle request, closes socks at end handleConnection(in_sock, out_sock); } catch (Exception ex) { in_sock.close(); throw ex; } } } } catch (Exception ex) { log("Proxy.loop()", "exception: " + ex); } } }
From source
public void run() { // create a selector that will by used for multiplexing. The selector // registers the socketserverchannel as // well as all socketchannels that are created String CLIENTCHANNELNAME = "clientChannel"; String SERVERCHANNELNAME = "serverChannel"; String channelType = "channelType"; ConcurrentHashMap<SelectionKey, Object> resultMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<SelectionKey, Object>(); ClassLoader classLoader = null; ByteArrayOutputStream bstr;/*from w w w . j av a 2 s . co m*/ ByteBuffer buffer = null; ByteBuffer lengthBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(4); int bytesRead; InputStream bais; ObjectInputStream ois; Object object; ExecutorServiceInfo executorServiceInfo = null; Random random = new Random(System.currentTimeMillis()); // register the serversocketchannel with the selector. The OP_ACCEPT // option marks // a selection key as ready when the channel accepts a new connection. // When the // socket server accepts a connection this key is added to the list of // selected keys of the selector. // when asked for the selected keys, this key is returned and hence we // know that a new connection has been accepted. try { Selector selector =; SelectionKey socketServerSelectionKey = serverSocketChannel.register(selector, SelectionKey.OP_ACCEPT); // SelectionKey socketServerSelectionKey1 = // channel.register(selector1, // SelectionKey.OP_ACCEPT); // set property in the key that identifies the channel Map<String, String> properties = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, String>(); properties.put(channelType, SERVERCHANNELNAME); socketServerSelectionKey.attach(properties); // wait for the selected keys SelectionKey key = null; Set<SelectionKey> selectedKeys; //"Instance Number"+instanceNumber); Iterator<SelectionKey> iterator = null; SocketChannel clientChannel = null; while (true) { try { // the select method is a blocking method which returns when // atleast // one of the registered // channel is selected. In this example, when the socket // accepts // a // new connection, this method // will return. Once a socketclient is added to the list of // registered channels, then this method // would also return when one of the clients has data to be // read // or // written. It is also possible to perform a nonblocking // select // using the selectNow() function. // We can also specify the maximum time for which a select // function // can be blocked using the select(long timeout) function. if ( >= 0) { selectedKeys = selector.selectedKeys(); iterator = selectedKeys.iterator(); } while (iterator.hasNext()) { try { key =; // the selection key could either by the // socketserver // informing // that a new connection has been made, or // a socket client that is ready for read/write // we use the properties object attached to the // channel // to // find // out the type of channel. if (((Map) key.attachment()).get(channelType).equals(SERVERCHANNELNAME)) { // a new connection has been obtained. This // channel // is // therefore a socket server. ServerSocketChannel serverSocketChannel = (ServerSocketChannel); // accept the new connection on the server // socket. // Since // the // server socket channel is marked as non // blocking // this channel will return null if no client is // connected. SocketChannel clientSocketChannel = serverSocketChannel.accept(); if (clientSocketChannel != null) { // set the client connection to be non // blocking clientSocketChannel.configureBlocking(false); SelectionKey clientKey = clientSocketChannel.register(selector, SelectionKey.OP_READ, SelectionKey.OP_WRITE); Map<String, String> clientproperties = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, String>(); clientproperties.put(channelType, CLIENTCHANNELNAME); clientKey.attach(clientproperties); clientKey.interestOps(SelectionKey.OP_READ); // clientSocketChannel.close(); // write something to the new created client /* * CharBuffer buffer = * CharBuffer.wrap("Hello client"); while * (buffer.hasRemaining()) { * clientSocketChannel.write * (Charset.defaultCharset() * .encode(buffer)); } * clientSocketChannel.close(); * buffer.clear(); */ } } else { // data is available for read // buffer for reading clientChannel = (SocketChannel); if (key.isReadable()) { // the channel is non blocking so keep it // open // till // the // count is >=0 clientChannel = (SocketChannel); if (resultMap.get(key) == null) { //System.out.println(key); bstr = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); object = null;; int length = lengthBuffer.getInt(0); lengthBuffer.clear(); //System.out.println(length); buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(length); if ((bytesRead = > 0) { // buffer.flip(); // System.out // .println(bytesRead); bstr.write(buffer.array(), 0, bytesRead); buffer.clear(); } buffer.clear(); //System.out.println("Message1"+new String(bstr // .toByteArray())); bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(bstr.toByteArray()); ois = new ObjectInputStream(bais); // Offending // line. // Produces // the // StreamCorruptedException. //System.out.println("In read obect"); object = ois.readObject(); //System.out.println("Class Cast"); //System.out.println("Class Cast1"); ois.close(); byte[] params = bstr.toByteArray(); bstr.close(); //System.out.println("readObject"); //System.out.println("After readObject"); if (object instanceof CloseSocket) { resultMap.remove(key); clientChannel.close(); key.cancel(); } // clientChannel.close(); String serviceurl = (String) object; String[] serviceRegistry = serviceurl.split("/"); //System.out.println("classLoaderMap" // + urlClassLoaderMap); //System.out.println(deployDirectory // + "/" + serviceRegistry[0]); int servicenameIndex; //System.out.println(earServicesDirectory // + "/" + serviceRegistry[0] // + "/" + serviceRegistry[1]); if (serviceRegistry[0].endsWith(".ear")) { classLoader = (VFSClassLoader) urlClassLoaderMap .get(earServicesDirectory + "/" + serviceRegistry[0] + "/" + serviceRegistry[1]); servicenameIndex = 2; } else if (serviceRegistry[0].endsWith(".jar")) { classLoader = (WebClassLoader) urlClassLoaderMap .get(jarservicesDirectory + "/" + serviceRegistry[0]); servicenameIndex = 1; } else { classLoader = (WebClassLoader) urlClassLoaderMap .get(deployDirectory + "/" + serviceRegistry[0]); servicenameIndex = 1; } String serviceName = serviceRegistry[servicenameIndex]; // System.out.println("servicename:"+serviceName);; synchronized (executorServiceMap) { executorServiceInfo = (ExecutorServiceInfo) executorServiceMap .get(serviceName.trim()); } ExecutorServiceInfoClassLoader classLoaderExecutorServiceInfo = new ExecutorServiceInfoClassLoader(); classLoaderExecutorServiceInfo.setClassLoader(classLoader); classLoaderExecutorServiceInfo.setExecutorServiceInfo(executorServiceInfo); resultMap.put(key, classLoaderExecutorServiceInfo); // key.interestOps(SelectionKey.OP_READ); // System.out.println("Key interested Ops"); // continue; } //Thread.sleep(100); /* * if (classLoader == null) throw new * Exception( * "Could able to obtain deployed class loader" * ); */ /* * System.out.println( * "current context classloader" + * classLoader); */ //System.out.println("In rad object"); bstr = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); lengthBuffer.clear(); int numberofDataRead =; //System.out.println("numberofDataRead" // + numberofDataRead); int length = lengthBuffer.getInt(0); if (length <= 0) { iterator.remove(); continue; } lengthBuffer.clear(); //System.out.println(length); buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(length); buffer.clear(); if ((bytesRead = > 0) { // buffer.flip(); // System.out // .println(bytesRead); bstr.write(buffer.array(), 0, bytesRead); buffer.clear(); } if (bytesRead <= 0 || bytesRead < length) { //System.out.println("bytesRead<length"); iterator.remove(); continue; } //System.out.println(new String(bstr // .toByteArray())); bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(bstr.toByteArray()); ExecutorServiceInfoClassLoader classLoaderExecutorServiceInfo = (ExecutorServiceInfoClassLoader) resultMap .get(key); ois = new ClassLoaderObjectInputStream( (ClassLoader) classLoaderExecutorServiceInfo.getClassLoader(), bais); // Offending // line. // Produces // the // StreamCorruptedException. object = ois.readObject(); ois.close(); bstr.close(); executorServiceInfo = classLoaderExecutorServiceInfo.getExecutorServiceInfo(); //System.out // .println("inputStream Read Object"); //System.out.println("Object=" // + object.getClass()); // Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(currentContextLoader); if (object instanceof ExecutorParams) { ExecutorParams exeParams = (ExecutorParams) object; Object returnValue = null; //System.out.println("test socket1"); String ataKey; ATAConfig ataConfig; ConcurrentHashMap ataServicesMap; ATAExecutorServiceInfo servicesAvailable; Socket sock1 = new Socket("", Integer.parseInt(nodesport[random.nextInt(nodesport.length)])); OutputStream outputStr = sock1.getOutputStream(); ObjectOutputStream objOutputStream = new ObjectOutputStream(outputStr); NodeInfo nodeInfo = new NodeInfo(); nodeInfo.setClassNameWithPackage( executorServiceInfo.getExecutorServicesClass().getName()); nodeInfo.setMethodName(executorServiceInfo.getMethod().getName()); nodeInfo.setWebclassLoaderURLS(((WebClassLoader) classLoader).geturlS()); NodeInfoMethodParam nodeInfoMethodParam = new NodeInfoMethodParam(); nodeInfoMethodParam.setMethodParams(exeParams.getParams()); nodeInfoMethodParam .setMethodParamTypes(executorServiceInfo.getMethodParams()); //System.out.println("Serializable socket="+sock); //nodeInfo.setSock(sock); //nodeInfo.setOstream(sock.getOutputStream()); objOutputStream.writeObject(nodeInfo); objOutputStream = new ObjectOutputStream(outputStr); objOutputStream.writeObject(nodeInfoMethodParam); ObjectInputStream objInputStream1 = new ObjectInputStream( sock1.getInputStream()); returnValue = objInputStream1.readObject(); objOutputStream.close(); objInputStream1.close(); sock1.close(); /*returnValue = executorServiceInfo .getMethod() .invoke(executorServiceInfo .getExecutorServicesClass() .newInstance(), exeParams.getParams());*/ // Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(oldCL); // System.out.println("Written Value=" // + returnValue.toString()); resultMap.put(key, returnValue); } key.interestOps(SelectionKey.OP_WRITE); //System.out.println("Key interested Ops1"); } else if (key.isWritable()) { // the channel is non blocking so keep it // open // till the // count is >=0 //System.out.println("In write"); ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); // make // a // BAOS // stream ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(baos); // wrap and OOS around the // stream Object result = resultMap.get(key); oos.writeObject(result); // write an object // to // the stream oos.flush(); oos.close(); byte[] objData = baos.toByteArray(); // get // the // byte // array baos.close(); buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(objData); // wrap // around // the // data buffer.rewind(); // buffer.flip(); //prep for writing //System.out.println(new String(objData)); //while (buffer.hasRemaining()) clientChannel.write(buffer); // write resultMap.remove(key); buffer.clear(); key.cancel(); clientChannel.close(); //System.out.println("In write1"); numberOfServicesRequests++; //System.out.println("Key interested Ops2"); } } iterator.remove(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); key.cancel(); clientChannel.close(); resultMap.remove(key); //ex.printStackTrace(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { //ex.printStackTrace(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { //ex.printStackTrace(); } }
From source
public void listen() throws Exception { doListen = true;/*w ww. j a v a2 s .c o m*/ // allocate an unbound server socket channel ServerSocketChannel serverChannel =; // Get the associated ServerSocket to bind it with ServerSocket serverSocket = serverChannel.socket(); // create a new Selector for use below Selector selector =; // set the port the server channel will listen to serverSocket.bind(new InetSocketAddress(bind, port)); // set non-blocking mode for the listening socket serverChannel.configureBlocking(false); // register the ServerSocketChannel with the Selector serverChannel.register(selector, SelectionKey.OP_ACCEPT); while (doListen) { // this may block for a long time, upon return the // selected set contains keys of the ready channels try { //System.out.println("Selecting with timeout="+timeout); int n =; //System.out.println("select returned="+n); if (n == 0) { continue; // nothing to do } // get an iterator over the set of selected keys Iterator it = selector.selectedKeys().iterator(); // look at each key in the selected set while (it.hasNext()) { SelectionKey key = (SelectionKey); // Is a new connection coming in? if (key.isAcceptable()) { ServerSocketChannel server = (ServerSocketChannel); SocketChannel channel = server.accept(); registerChannel(selector, channel, SelectionKey.OP_READ, new ObjectReader(channel, selector, callback)); } // is there data to read on this channel? //System.out.println("key readable="+key.isReadable()); if (key.isReadable()) { readDataFromSocket(key); } else { //System.out.println("This shouldn't get called"); key.interestOps(key.interestOps() & (~key.OP_WRITE)); } // remove key from selected set, it's been handled it.remove(); } //System.out.println("Done with loop"); } catch (java.nio.channels.CancelledKeyException nx) { log.warn("Replication client disconnected, error when polling key. Ignoring client."); } catch (Exception x) { log.error("Unable to process request in ReplicationListener", x); } } //while serverChannel.close(); selector.close(); }
From source
@Override public void run() { while (!stopped) { try {/* w w w .java 2s . c o m*/ int selected =; // if stopped the selector could already be closed which would result in a ClosedSelectorException if (selected > 0 && !stopped) { Iterator<SelectionKey> selectorKeys = selector.selectedKeys().iterator(); // if stopped we don't want to modify the keys because close() may still be in progress while (selectorKeys.hasNext() && !stopped) { SelectionKey key =; selectorKeys.remove(); if (!key.isValid()) { continue; } if (key.isAcceptable()) { // Handle new connections coming in final ServerSocketChannel channel = (ServerSocketChannel); final SocketChannel socketChannel = channel.accept(); // Check for available connections if (currentConnections.incrementAndGet() > maxConnections) { currentConnections.decrementAndGet(); logger.warn("Rejecting connection from {} because max connections has been met", new Object[] { socketChannel.getRemoteAddress().toString() }); IOUtils.closeQuietly(socketChannel); continue; } logger.debug("Accepted incoming connection from {}", new Object[] { socketChannel.getRemoteAddress().toString() }); // Set socket to non-blocking, and register with selector socketChannel.configureBlocking(false); SelectionKey readKey = socketChannel.register(selector, SelectionKey.OP_READ); // Prepare the byte buffer for the reads, clear it out ByteBuffer buffer = bufferPool.poll(); buffer.clear(); buffer.mark(); // If we have an SSLContext then create an SSLEngine for the channel SSLSocketChannel sslSocketChannel = null; if (sslContext != null) { final SSLEngine sslEngine = sslContext.createSSLEngine(); sslEngine.setUseClientMode(false); switch (clientAuth) { case REQUIRED: sslEngine.setNeedClientAuth(true); break; case WANT: sslEngine.setWantClientAuth(true); break; case NONE: sslEngine.setNeedClientAuth(false); sslEngine.setWantClientAuth(false); break; } sslSocketChannel = new SSLSocketChannel(sslEngine, socketChannel); } // Attach the buffer and SSLSocketChannel to the key SocketChannelAttachment attachment = new SocketChannelAttachment(buffer, sslSocketChannel); readKey.attach(attachment); } else if (key.isReadable()) { // Clear out the operations the select is interested in until done reading key.interestOps(0); // Create a handler based on the protocol and whether an SSLEngine was provided or not final Runnable handler; if (sslContext != null) { handler = handlerFactory.createSSLHandler(key, this, charset, eventFactory, events, logger); } else { handler = handlerFactory.createHandler(key, this, charset, eventFactory, events, logger); } // run the handler executor.execute(handler); } } } // Add back all idle sockets to the select SelectionKey key; while ((key = keyQueue.poll()) != null) { key.interestOps(SelectionKey.OP_READ); } } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("Error accepting connection from SocketChannel", e); } } }