List of usage examples for java.nio.channels DatagramChannel isConnected
public abstract boolean isConnected();
From source
/** * {@inheritDoc}/*from www . ja va 2 s.c o m*/ */ protected void internalReceiveCommand(String itemName, Command command) { P provider = findFirstMatchingBindingProvider(itemName); if (provider == null) { logger.warn("cannot find matching binding provider [itemName={}, command={}]", itemName, command); return; } if (command != null) { List<Command> commands = provider.getQualifiedCommands(itemName, command); for (Command someCommand : commands) { Channel theChannel = null; if (useAddressMask && (((P) provider).getHost(itemName, someCommand).equals("*") || ((P) provider).getPortAsString(itemName, someCommand).equals("*"))) { theChannel = channels.get(itemName, someCommand, ((P) provider).getDirection(itemName, someCommand), ((P) provider).getHost(itemName, someCommand), ((P) provider).getPortAsString(itemName, someCommand)); } else { theChannel = channels.get(itemName, someCommand, ((P) provider).getDirection(itemName, someCommand), new InetSocketAddress(provider.getHost(itemName, someCommand), provider.getPort(itemName, someCommand))); } DatagramChannel theDatagramChannel = null; if (theChannel != null) { theDatagramChannel =; } if (theDatagramChannel != null) { boolean result = internalReceiveChanneledCommand(itemName, someCommand, theChannel, command.toString()); if (!theDatagramChannel.isConnected() && theDatagramChannel != listenerChannel) { logger.warn( "The channel for {} has a connection problem. Data will queued to the new channel when it is successfully set up.", theChannel.remote); Scheduler scheduler = null; try { scheduler = StdSchedulerFactory.getDefaultScheduler(); } catch (SchedulerException e1) { logger.error("An exception occurred while getting the Quartz scheduler: {}", e1.getMessage()); } JobDataMap map = new JobDataMap(); map.put("Channel", theChannel); map.put("Binding", this); JobDetail job = newJob(ReconnectJob.class) .withIdentity(Integer.toHexString(hashCode()) + "-Reconnect-" + Long.toString(System.currentTimeMillis()), this.toString()) .usingJobData(map).build(); Trigger trigger = newTrigger() .withIdentity(Integer.toHexString(hashCode()) + "-Reconnect-" + Long.toString(System.currentTimeMillis()), this.toString()) .startNow().build(); try { if (job != null && trigger != null) { if (!theChannel.isReconnecting) { theChannel.isReconnecting = true; scheduler.scheduleJob(job, trigger); } } } catch (SchedulerException e) { logger.error( "An exception occurred while scheduling a job with the Quartz Scheduler {}", e.getMessage()); } } if (result) { List<Class<? extends State>> stateTypeList = provider.getAcceptedDataTypes(itemName, someCommand); State newState = createStateFromString(stateTypeList, command.toString()); if (newState != null) { eventPublisher.postUpdate(itemName, newState); } } } else { logger.error("there is no channel that services [itemName={}, command={}]", itemName, command); } } } }