List of usage examples for java.nio ByteBuffer limit
public final Buffer limit(int newLimit)
From source
private int rotateGrepBuffer(ByteBuffer buf, BufferedInputStream stream, int totalBytesRead, File file, int fileLength) throws IOException { byte[] bufArray = buf.array(); // Copy the 2nd half of the buffer to the first half. System.arraycopy(bufArray, GREP_MAX_SEARCH_SIZE, bufArray, 0, GREP_MAX_SEARCH_SIZE); // Zero-out the 2nd half to prevent accidental matches. Arrays.fill(bufArray, GREP_MAX_SEARCH_SIZE, bufArray.length, (byte) 0); // Fill the 2nd half with new bytes from the stream. int bytesRead =, GREP_MAX_SEARCH_SIZE, Math.min((int) fileLength, GREP_MAX_SEARCH_SIZE)); buf.limit(GREP_MAX_SEARCH_SIZE + bytesRead); return totalBytesRead + bytesRead; }
From source
/** * Constructor. This method populates the Fixed Leader fields from * the given ByteBuffer of data passed in as an argument, based on metadata * found in the EnsembleHeader.//from ww w.jav a 2 s . c om * * @param ensembleBuffer the ByteBuffer that contains the binary ensemble data * @param ensemble the parent ensemble for this fixed leader */ public EnsembleFixedLeader(ByteBuffer ensembleBuffer, Ensemble ensemble) { // prepare the ensemble buffer for reading ensembleBuffer.flip(); ensembleBuffer.limit(ensembleBuffer.capacity()); // position the cursor at the correct offset given the sequential location // of the fixed leader in the data stream. int typeNumber = ensemble.getDataTypeNumber(EnsembleDataType.FIXED_LEADER); int offset = ensemble.getDataTypeOffset(typeNumber); ensembleBuffer.position(offset); // define the temporary arrays for passing bytes byte[] oneByte = new byte[1]; byte[] twoBytes = new byte[2]; // set all of the FixedLeader fields in the order that they are read from // the byte stream ensembleBuffer.get(twoBytes); setFixedLeaderID(twoBytes); ensemble.addToByteSum(twoBytes); ensembleBuffer.get(oneByte); setCpuFirmwareVersion(oneByte); ensemble.addToByteSum(oneByte); ensembleBuffer.get(oneByte); setCpuFirmwareRevision(oneByte); ensemble.addToByteSum(oneByte); ensembleBuffer.get(twoBytes); setSystemConfiguration(twoBytes); ensemble.addToByteSum(twoBytes); ensembleBuffer.get(oneByte); setPdRealOrSimulatedFlag(oneByte); ensemble.addToByteSum(oneByte); ensembleBuffer.get(oneByte); setLagLength(oneByte); ensemble.addToByteSum(oneByte); ensembleBuffer.get(oneByte); setNumberOfBeams(oneByte); ensemble.addToByteSum(oneByte); ensembleBuffer.get(oneByte); setNumberOfCells(oneByte); ensemble.addToByteSum(oneByte); ensembleBuffer.get(twoBytes); setPingsPerEnsemble(twoBytes); ensemble.addToByteSum(twoBytes); ensembleBuffer.get(twoBytes); setDepthCellLength(twoBytes); ensemble.addToByteSum(twoBytes); ensembleBuffer.get(twoBytes); setBlankAfterTransmit(twoBytes); ensemble.addToByteSum(twoBytes); ensembleBuffer.get(oneByte); setProfilingMode(oneByte); ensemble.addToByteSum(oneByte); ensembleBuffer.get(oneByte); setLowCorrelationThreshold(oneByte); ensemble.addToByteSum(oneByte); ensembleBuffer.get(oneByte); setNumberOfCodeRepetitions(oneByte); ensemble.addToByteSum(oneByte); ensembleBuffer.get(oneByte); setPercentGoodMinimum(oneByte); ensemble.addToByteSum(oneByte); ensembleBuffer.get(twoBytes); setErrorVelocityThreshold(twoBytes); ensemble.addToByteSum(twoBytes); ensembleBuffer.get(oneByte); setPingMinutes(oneByte); ensemble.addToByteSum(oneByte); ensembleBuffer.get(oneByte); setPingSeconds(oneByte); ensemble.addToByteSum(oneByte); ensembleBuffer.get(oneByte); setPingHundredths(oneByte); ensemble.addToByteSum(oneByte); ensembleBuffer.get(oneByte); setCoordinateTransformParams(oneByte); ensemble.addToByteSum(oneByte); ensembleBuffer.get(twoBytes); setHeadingAlignment(twoBytes); ensemble.addToByteSum(twoBytes); ensembleBuffer.get(twoBytes); setHeadingBias(twoBytes); ensemble.addToByteSum(twoBytes); ensembleBuffer.get(oneByte); setSensorSource(oneByte); ensemble.addToByteSum(oneByte); ensembleBuffer.get(oneByte); setSensorAvailability(oneByte); ensemble.addToByteSum(oneByte); ensembleBuffer.get(twoBytes); setBinOneDistance(twoBytes); ensemble.addToByteSum(twoBytes); ensembleBuffer.get(twoBytes); setTransmitPulseLength(twoBytes); ensemble.addToByteSum(twoBytes); ensembleBuffer.get(oneByte); setReferenceLayerStart(oneByte); ensemble.addToByteSum(oneByte); ensembleBuffer.get(oneByte); setReferenceLayerEnd(oneByte); ensemble.addToByteSum(oneByte); ensembleBuffer.get(oneByte); setFalseTargetThreshold(oneByte); ensemble.addToByteSum(oneByte); ensembleBuffer.get(oneByte); setFixedLeaderSpare(oneByte); ensemble.addToByteSum(oneByte); ensembleBuffer.get(twoBytes); setTransmitLagDistance(twoBytes); ensemble.addToByteSum(twoBytes); byte[] boardSerialNumber = new byte[8]; ensembleBuffer.get(boardSerialNumber); // read 8 bytes setCpuBoardSerialNumber(boardSerialNumber); ensemble.addToByteSum(boardSerialNumber); ensembleBuffer.get(twoBytes); setSystemBandwidth(twoBytes); ensemble.addToByteSum(twoBytes); ensembleBuffer.get(oneByte); setSystemPower(oneByte); ensemble.addToByteSum(oneByte); // the following don't get called for Workhorse ADCPs // TODO: test for model and add fields if necessary //ensembleBuffer.get(oneByte); //setBaseFrequencyIndex(oneByte); //ensemble.addToByteSum(oneByte); //byte[] instrumentSerialNumber = new byte[4]; //ensembleBuffer.get(instrumentSerialNumber); // read 4 bytes //setSerialNumber(instrumentSerialNumber); //ensemble.addToByteSum(instrumentSerialNumber); //ensembleBuffer.get(oneByte); //setBeamAngle(oneByte); //ensemble.addToByteSum(oneByte); }
From source
private static String hashFiles(List<File> files) throws InterruptedException, IOException { int threads = getHashingThreadsCount(); ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(threads); ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(PIECE_LENGTH); List<Future<String>> results = new LinkedList<Future<String>>(); StringBuilder hashes = new StringBuilder(); long length = 0L; int pieces = 0; long start = System.nanoTime(); for (File file : files) {"Hashing data from {} with {} threads ({} pieces)...", new Object[] { file.getName(), threads, (int) (Math.ceil((double) file.length() / PIECE_LENGTH)) }); length += file.length();//from w w w. java2 s.c o m FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(file); FileChannel channel = fis.getChannel(); int step = 10; try { while ( > 0) { if (buffer.remaining() == 0) { buffer.clear(); results.add(executor.submit(new CallableChunkHasher(buffer))); } if (results.size() >= threads) { pieces += accumulateHashes(hashes, results); } if (channel.position() / (double) channel.size() * 100f > step) {" ... {}% complete", step); step += 10; } } } finally { channel.close(); fis.close(); } } // Hash the last bit, if any if (buffer.position() > 0) { buffer.limit(buffer.position()); buffer.position(0); results.add(executor.submit(new CallableChunkHasher(buffer))); } pieces += accumulateHashes(hashes, results); // Request orderly executor shutdown and wait for hashing tasks to // complete. executor.shutdown(); while (!executor.isTerminated()) { Thread.sleep(10); } long elapsed = System.nanoTime() - start; int expectedPieces = (int) (Math.ceil((double) length / PIECE_LENGTH));"Hashed {} file(s) ({} bytes) in {} pieces ({} expected) in {}ms.", new Object[] { files.size(), length, pieces, expectedPieces, String.format("%.1f", elapsed / 1e6), }); return hashes.toString(); }
From source
private synchronized ByteBuffer tryReadZeroCopy(int maxLength) throws IOException { // Java ByteBuffers can't be longer than 2 GB, because they use // 4-byte signed integers to represent capacity, etc. // So we can't mmap the parts of the block higher than the 2 GB offset. // FIXME: we could work around this with multiple memory maps. // See HDFS-5101. long blockEnd32 = Math.min(Integer.MAX_VALUE, blockEnd); long curPos = pos; long blockLeft = blockEnd32 - curPos + 1; if (blockLeft <= 0) { if (DFSClient.LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { DFSClient.LOG.debug("unable to perform a zero-copy read from offset " + curPos + " of " + src + "; blockLeft = " + blockLeft + "; blockEnd32 = " + blockEnd32 + ", blockEnd = " + blockEnd + "; maxLength = " + maxLength); }/*from w w w. ja v a 2 s . com*/ return null; } int length = Math.min((int) blockLeft, maxLength); long blockStartInFile = currentLocatedBlock.getStartOffset(); long blockPos = curPos - blockStartInFile; long limit = blockPos + length; ClientMmap clientMmap = blockReader.getClientMmap(currentLocatedBlock, dfsClient.getMmapManager()); if (clientMmap == null) { if (DFSClient.LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { DFSClient.LOG.debug("unable to perform a zero-copy read from offset " + curPos + " of " + src + "; BlockReader#getClientMmap returned " + "null."); } return null; } seek(pos + length); ByteBuffer buffer = clientMmap.getMappedByteBuffer().asReadOnlyBuffer(); buffer.position((int) blockPos); buffer.limit((int) limit); clientMmap.ref(); extendedReadBuffers.put(buffer, clientMmap); readStatistics.addZeroCopyBytes(length); if (DFSClient.LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { DFSClient.LOG.debug("readZeroCopy read " + maxLength + " bytes from " + "offset " + curPos + " via the zero-copy read path. " + "blockEnd = " + blockEnd); } return buffer; }
From source
/** * Stores multiple objects in one transaction * Format of a buffer:/*from w w w. j av a2s .c o m*/ * 0..3 - total size of a batch * 4.. - batch of blocks * * @param buf the buf * @return the list */ public List<StorageHandle> storeDataBatch(ByteBuffer buf) { List<StorageHandle> handles = storeDataNoReleaseLock(buf); if (handles == null) { handles = new ArrayList<StorageHandle>(); int size = buf.getInt(0); buf.position(4); while (buf.position() < size + 4) { buf.limit(buf.capacity()); StorageHandle fsh = storeData(buf); handles.add(fsh); } } return handles; }
From source
/** * Read external with codec./*from www. ja va 2 s . co m*/ * * @param blockName the block name * @return the cacheable * @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred. */ private Cacheable readExternalWithCodec(String blockName) throws IOException { if (overflowExtEnabled == false) return null; // Check if we have already this block in external storage cache try { // We use 16 - byte hash for external storage cache byte[] hashed = Utils.hash128(blockName); StorageHandle handle = (StorageHandle) extStorageCache.get(hashed); if (handle == null) return null; ByteBuffer buffer = extStorageCache.getLocalBufferWithAddress().getBuffer(); SerDe serde = extStorageCache.getSerDe(); @SuppressWarnings("unused") Codec codec = extStorageCache.getCompressionCodec(); buffer.clear(); StorageHandle newHandle = storage.getData(handle, buffer); if (buffer.position() > 0) buffer.flip(); int size = buffer.getInt(); if (size == 0) return null; // Skip key int keySize = buffer.getInt(); buffer.position(8 + keySize); boolean inMemory = buffer.get() == (byte) 1; //buffer.position(5); buffer.limit(size + 4); Cacheable obj = (Cacheable) serde.readCompressed(buffer/*, codec*/); if (inMemory) { permGenCache.put(blockName, obj); } else { tenGenCache.put(blockName, obj); } if (newHandle.equals(handle) == false) { extStorageCache.put(hashed, newHandle); } return obj; } catch (NativeMemoryException e) { throw new IOException(e); } }
From source
private static FileMetaInfo extractMetaInfoFromFooter(FileSystem fs, Path path, long maxFileLength) throws IOException { FSDataInputStream file =; // figure out the size of the file using the option or filesystem long size;/*from ww w . jav a2s. c om*/ if (maxFileLength == Long.MAX_VALUE) { size = fs.getFileStatus(path).getLen(); } else { size = maxFileLength; } //read last bytes into buffer to get PostScript int readSize = (int) Math.min(size, DIRECTORY_SIZE_GUESS); - readSize); ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(readSize); file.readFully(buffer.array(), buffer.arrayOffset() + buffer.position(), buffer.remaining()); //read the PostScript //get length of PostScript int psLen = buffer.get(readSize - 1) & 0xff; ensureOrcFooter(file, path, psLen, buffer); int psOffset = readSize - 1 - psLen; CodedInputStream in = CodedInputStream.newInstance(buffer.array(), buffer.arrayOffset() + psOffset, psLen); OrcProto.PostScript ps = OrcProto.PostScript.parseFrom(in); checkOrcVersion(LOG, path, ps.getVersionList()); int footerSize = (int) ps.getFooterLength(); int metadataSize = (int) ps.getMetadataLength(); OrcFile.WriterVersion writerVersion; if (ps.hasWriterVersion()) { writerVersion = getWriterVersion(ps.getWriterVersion()); } else { writerVersion = OrcFile.WriterVersion.ORIGINAL; } //check compression codec switch (ps.getCompression()) { case NONE: break; case ZLIB: break; case SNAPPY: break; case LZO: break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown compression"); } //check if extra bytes need to be read int extra = Math.max(0, psLen + 1 + footerSize + metadataSize - readSize); if (extra > 0) { //more bytes need to be read, seek back to the right place and read extra bytes - readSize - extra); ByteBuffer extraBuf = ByteBuffer.allocate(extra + readSize); file.readFully(extraBuf.array(), extraBuf.arrayOffset() + extraBuf.position(), extra); extraBuf.position(extra); //append with already read bytes extraBuf.put(buffer); buffer = extraBuf; buffer.position(0); buffer.limit(footerSize + metadataSize); } else { //footer is already in the bytes in buffer, just adjust position, length buffer.position(psOffset - footerSize - metadataSize); buffer.limit(psOffset); } // remember position for later buffer.mark(); file.close(); return new FileMetaInfo(ps.getCompression().toString(), (int) ps.getCompressionBlockSize(), (int) ps.getMetadataLength(), buffer, ps.getVersionList(), writerVersion); }
From source
public Object[] subsetObjectVector(File tabfile, int column, int varcount, int casecount, int columntype, boolean compatmode) throws IOException { Object[] retVector = null;//w w w. j a v a 2s .c o m boolean isString = false; boolean isDouble = false; boolean isLong = false; boolean isFloat = false; //Locale loc = new Locale("en", "US"); if (columntype == COLUMN_TYPE_STRING) { isString = true; retVector = new String[casecount]; } else if (columntype == COLUMN_TYPE_DOUBLE) { isDouble = true; retVector = new Double[casecount]; } else if (columntype == COLUMN_TYPE_LONG) { isLong = true; retVector = new Long[casecount]; } else if (columntype == COLUMN_TYPE_FLOAT) { isFloat = true; retVector = new Float[casecount]; } else { throw new IOException("Unsupported column type: " + columntype); } File rotatedImageFile = getRotatedImage(tabfile, varcount, casecount); long[] columnEndOffsets = extractColumnOffsets(rotatedImageFile, varcount, casecount); long columnOffset = 0; long columnLength = 0; if (column > 0) { columnOffset = columnEndOffsets[column - 1]; columnLength = columnEndOffsets[column] - columnEndOffsets[column - 1]; } else { columnOffset = varcount * 8; columnLength = columnEndOffsets[0] - varcount * 8; } FileChannel fc = (, StandardOpenOption.READ)); fc.position(columnOffset); int MAX_COLUMN_BUFFER = 8192; ByteBuffer in = ByteBuffer.allocate(MAX_COLUMN_BUFFER); if (columnLength < MAX_COLUMN_BUFFER) { in.limit((int) (columnLength)); } long bytesRead = 0; long bytesReadTotal = 0; int caseindex = 0; int byteoffset = 0; byte[] leftover = null; while (bytesReadTotal < columnLength) { bytesRead =; byte[] columnBytes = in.array(); int bytecount = 0; while (bytecount < bytesRead) { if (columnBytes[bytecount] == '\n') { /* String token = new String(columnBytes, byteoffset, bytecount-byteoffset, "UTF8"); if (leftover != null) { String leftoverString = new String (leftover, "UTF8"); token = leftoverString + token; leftover = null; } */ /* * Note that the way I was doing it at first - above - * was not quite the correct way - because I was creating UTF8 * strings from the leftover bytes, and the bytes in the * current buffer *separately*; which means, if a multi-byte * UTF8 character got split in the middle between one buffer * and the next, both chunks of it would become junk * characters, on each side! * The correct way of doing it, of course, is to create a * merged byte buffer, and then turn it into a UTF8 string. * -- L.A. 4.0 */ String token = null; if (leftover == null) { token = new String(columnBytes, byteoffset, bytecount - byteoffset, "UTF8"); } else { byte[] merged = new byte[leftover.length + bytecount - byteoffset]; System.arraycopy(leftover, 0, merged, 0, leftover.length); System.arraycopy(columnBytes, byteoffset, merged, leftover.length, bytecount - byteoffset); token = new String(merged, "UTF8"); leftover = null; merged = null; } if (isString) { if ("".equals(token)) { // An empty string is a string missing value! // An empty string in quotes is an empty string! retVector[caseindex] = null; } else { // Strip the outer quotes: token = token.replaceFirst("^\\\"", ""); token = token.replaceFirst("\\\"$", ""); // We need to restore the special characters that // are stored in tab files escaped - quotes, new lines // and tabs. Before we do that however, we need to // take care of any escaped backslashes stored in // the tab file. I.e., "foo\t" should be transformed // to "foo<TAB>"; but "foo\\t" should be transformed // to "foo\t". This way new lines and tabs that were // already escaped in the original data are not // going to be transformed to unescaped tab and // new line characters! String[] splitTokens = token.split(Matcher.quoteReplacement("\\\\"), -2); // (note that it's important to use the 2-argument version // of String.split(), and set the limit argument to a // negative value; otherwise any trailing backslashes // are lost.) for (int i = 0; i < splitTokens.length; i++) { splitTokens[i] = splitTokens[i].replaceAll(Matcher.quoteReplacement("\\\""), "\""); splitTokens[i] = splitTokens[i].replaceAll(Matcher.quoteReplacement("\\t"), "\t"); splitTokens[i] = splitTokens[i].replaceAll(Matcher.quoteReplacement("\\n"), "\n"); splitTokens[i] = splitTokens[i].replaceAll(Matcher.quoteReplacement("\\r"), "\r"); } // TODO: // Make (some of?) the above optional; for ex., we // do need to restore the newlines when calculating UNFs; // But if we are subsetting these vectors in order to // create a new tab-delimited file, they will // actually break things! -- L.A. Jul. 28 2014 token = StringUtils.join(splitTokens, '\\'); // "compatibility mode" - a hack, to be able to produce // unfs identical to those produced by the "early" // unf5 jar; will be removed in production 4.0. // -- L.A. (TODO: ...) if (compatmode && !"".equals(token)) { if (token.length() > 128) { if ("".equals(token.trim())) { // don't ask... token = token.substring(0, 129); } else { token = token.substring(0, 128); //token = String.format(loc, "%.128s", token); token = token.trim(); //"formatted and trimmed: "+token); } } else { if ("".equals(token.trim())) { // again, don't ask; // - this replicates some bugginness // that happens inside unf5; token = "null"; } else { token = token.trim(); } } } retVector[caseindex] = token; } } else if (isDouble) { try { // TODO: verify that NaN and +-Inf are // handled correctly here! -- L.A. // Verified: new Double("nan") works correctly, // resulting in Double.NaN; // Double("[+-]Inf") doesn't work however; // (the constructor appears to be expecting it // to be spelled as "Infinity", "-Infinity", etc. if ("inf".equalsIgnoreCase(token) || "+inf".equalsIgnoreCase(token)) { retVector[caseindex] = java.lang.Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; } else if ("-inf".equalsIgnoreCase(token)) { retVector[caseindex] = java.lang.Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; } else if (token == null || token.equals("")) { // missing value: retVector[caseindex] = null; } else { retVector[caseindex] = new Double(token); } } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { dbgLog.warning("NumberFormatException thrown for " + token + " as Double"); retVector[caseindex] = null; // missing value // TODO: ? } } else if (isLong) { try { retVector[caseindex] = new Long(token); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { retVector[caseindex] = null; // assume missing value } } else if (isFloat) { try { if ("inf".equalsIgnoreCase(token) || "+inf".equalsIgnoreCase(token)) { retVector[caseindex] = java.lang.Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY; } else if ("-inf".equalsIgnoreCase(token)) { retVector[caseindex] = java.lang.Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; } else if (token == null || token.equals("")) { // missing value: retVector[caseindex] = null; } else { retVector[caseindex] = new Float(token); } } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { dbgLog.warning("NumberFormatException thrown for " + token + " as Float"); retVector[caseindex] = null; // assume missing value (TODO: ?) } } caseindex++; if (bytecount == bytesRead - 1) { byteoffset = 0; } else { byteoffset = bytecount + 1; } } else { if (bytecount == bytesRead - 1) { // We've reached the end of the buffer; // This means we'll save whatever unused bytes left in // it - i.e., the bytes between the last new line // encountered and the end - in the leftover buffer. // *EXCEPT*, there may be a case of a very long String // that is actually longer than MAX_COLUMN_BUFFER, in // which case it is possible that we've read through // an entire buffer of bytes without finding any // new lines... in this case we may need to add this // entire byte buffer to an already existing leftover // buffer! if (leftover == null) { leftover = new byte[(int) bytesRead - byteoffset]; System.arraycopy(columnBytes, byteoffset, leftover, 0, (int) bytesRead - byteoffset); } else { if (byteoffset != 0) { throw new IOException( "Reached the end of the byte buffer, with some leftover left from the last read; yet the offset is not zero!"); } byte[] merged = new byte[leftover.length + (int) bytesRead]; System.arraycopy(leftover, 0, merged, 0, leftover.length); System.arraycopy(columnBytes, byteoffset, merged, leftover.length, (int) bytesRead); //leftover = null; leftover = merged; merged = null; } byteoffset = 0; } } bytecount++; } bytesReadTotal += bytesRead; in.clear(); if (columnLength - bytesReadTotal < MAX_COLUMN_BUFFER) { in.limit((int) (columnLength - bytesReadTotal)); } } fc.close(); if (caseindex != casecount) { throw new IOException("Faile to read " + casecount + " tokens for column " + column); //System.out.println("read "+caseindex+" tokens instead of expected "+casecount+"."); } return retVector; }
From source
/** * Read Inode data/*w w w .j av a 2s . c o m*/ * @param size size of the data to be read * @param offset start address in data area * @return buffer of size size containing data. * @throws FileTooLarge * @throws IoError */ public ByteBuffer readData(int size, long fileOffset) throws JExt2Exception, FileTooLarge { /* Returning null may break things somewhere.. * Zero length buffer breaks something in jlowfuse's c code */ if (getSize() == 0) return ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(1); /* * size may be larger than the inode.size, it doesn't make sense to return * 4k of zeros */ if (size > getSize()) size = (int) getSize(); ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(size); int blocksize = superblock.getBlocksize(); long i = 0; long firstBlock = fileOffset / blocksize; long offset = fileOffset % blocksize; /* * just as size may be larger than the inode's data, the number of blocks * may also be. */ long approxBlocks = (size / blocksize) + 1; long maxBlocks = this.getBlocks() / (superblock.getBlocksize() / 512); if (approxBlocks > maxBlocks) approxBlocks = maxBlocks; while (i < approxBlocks) { long start = firstBlock + i; long stop = firstBlock + approxBlocks; LinkedList<Long> b = accessData().getBlocks(start, stop); int blocksRead; /* * Note on the sparse file support: * getBlocks will return null if there is no data block for this * logical address. So just move the position count blocks forward. */ if (b == null) { /* hole */ blocksRead = 1; int unboundedLimit = buf.position() + blocksize; int limit = Math.min(unboundedLimit, buf.capacity()); assert limit <= buf.capacity() : "New position, limit " + limit + " is beyond buffer's capacity, " + buf; buf.limit(limit); buf.position(limit); assert buf.limit() == buf.position(); } else { /* blocks */ blocksRead = b.size(); long pos = b.getFirst() * blocksize + offset; int unboundedLimit = buf.position() + blocksRead * blocksize; int limit = Math.min(unboundedLimit, buf.capacity()); assert limit <= buf.capacity() : "New limit " + limit + " is beyond buffer's capacity, " + buf; buf.limit(limit); blockAccess.readToBufferUnsynchronized(pos, buf); } i += blocksRead; offset = 0; /* This should be removed soon. IllegalMonitorStateException happen * occasionally for unknown reasons. */ try { accessData().getHierarchyLock().readLock().unlock(); } catch (IllegalMonitorStateException e) { Logger log = Filesystem.getLogger(); log.warning("IllegalMonitorStateException encountered in readData, inode=" + this); log.warning(String.format( "context for exception: blocks=%s i=%d approxBlocks=%d off=%d buf=%s readlock=%s lock.readlock.holds=%s", b, i, approxBlocks, fileOffset, buf, accessData().getHierarchyLock(), accessData().getHierarchyLock().getReadHoldCount())); } if (buf.capacity() == buf.limit()) break; } assert buf.position() == buf.limit() : "Buffer wasn't filled completely"; assert buf.limit() == size : "Read buffer size does not match request size"; if (buf.limit() > getSize()) buf.limit((int) getSize()); buf.rewind(); return buf; }
From source
private Map<String, Object> substringSearch(File file, String searchString, boolean isDaemon, Integer numMatches, Integer startByteOffset) throws InvalidRequestException { try {/*from w w w . ja v a2 s . co m*/ if (StringUtils.isEmpty(searchString)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Precondition fails: search string should not be empty."); } if (searchString.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8).length > GREP_MAX_SEARCH_SIZE) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Precondition fails: the length of search string should be less than " + GREP_MAX_SEARCH_SIZE); } boolean isZipFile = file.getName().endsWith(".gz"); try (InputStream fis = Files.newInputStream(file.toPath()); InputStream gzippedInputStream = isZipFile ? new GZIPInputStream(fis) : fis; BufferedInputStream stream = new BufferedInputStream(gzippedInputStream)) { int fileLength; if (isZipFile) { fileLength = (int) ServerUtils.zipFileSize(file); } else { fileLength = (int) file.length(); } ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(GREP_BUF_SIZE); final byte[] bufArray = buf.array(); final byte[] searchBytes = searchString.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8); numMatches = numMatches != null ? numMatches : 10; startByteOffset = startByteOffset != null ? startByteOffset : 0; // Start at the part of the log file we are interested in. // Allow searching when start-byte-offset == file-len so it doesn't blow up on 0-length files if (startByteOffset > fileLength) { throw new InvalidRequestException("Cannot search past the end of the file"); } if (startByteOffset > 0) { StreamUtil.skipBytes(stream, startByteOffset); } Arrays.fill(bufArray, (byte) 0); int totalBytesRead = 0; int bytesRead =, 0, Math.min((int) fileLength, GREP_BUF_SIZE)); buf.limit(bytesRead); totalBytesRead += bytesRead; List<Map<String, Object>> initialMatches = new ArrayList<>(); int initBufOffset = 0; int byteOffset = startByteOffset; byte[] beforeBytes = null; Map<String, Object> ret = new HashMap<>(); while (true) { SubstringSearchResult searchRet = bufferSubstringSearch(isDaemon, file, fileLength, byteOffset, initBufOffset, stream, startByteOffset, totalBytesRead, buf, searchBytes, initialMatches, numMatches, beforeBytes); List<Map<String, Object>> matches = searchRet.getMatches(); Integer newByteOffset = searchRet.getNewByteOffset(); byte[] newBeforeBytes = searchRet.getNewBeforeBytes(); if (matches.size() < numMatches && totalBytesRead + startByteOffset < fileLength) { // The start index is positioned to find any possible // occurrence search string that did not quite fit in the // buffer on the previous read. final int newBufOffset = Math.min(buf.limit(), GREP_MAX_SEARCH_SIZE) - searchBytes.length; totalBytesRead = rotateGrepBuffer(buf, stream, totalBytesRead, file, fileLength); if (totalBytesRead < 0) { throw new InvalidRequestException("Cannot search past the end of the file"); } initialMatches = matches; initBufOffset = newBufOffset; byteOffset = newByteOffset; beforeBytes = newBeforeBytes; } else { ret.put("isDaemon", isDaemon ? "yes" : "no"); Integer nextByteOffset = null; if (matches.size() >= numMatches || totalBytesRead < fileLength) { nextByteOffset = (Integer) last(matches).get("byteOffset") + searchBytes.length; if (fileLength <= nextByteOffset) { nextByteOffset = null; } } ret.putAll(mkGrepResponse(searchBytes, startByteOffset, matches, nextByteOffset)); break; } } return ret; } } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } }