Example usage for java.nio ByteBuffer get

List of usage examples for java.nio ByteBuffer get


In this page you can find the example usage for java.nio ByteBuffer get.


public abstract byte get();

Source Link


Returns the byte at the current position and increases the position by 1.


From source file:edu.harvard.iq.dvn.ingest.statdataio.impl.plugins.por.PORFileReader.java

private File decodeHeader(BufferedInputStream stream) throws IOException {
    File tempPORfile = null;//from   w w w  . j  a  v  a  2  s  . c o m

    if (stream == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("file == null!");

    byte[] headerByes = new byte[POR_HEADER_SIZE];

    if (stream.markSupported()) {
    int nbytes = stream.read(headerByes, 0, POR_HEADER_SIZE);

    //printHexDump(headerByes, "hex dump of the byte-array");

    if (nbytes == 0) {
        throw new IOException("decodeHeader: reading failure");
    } else if (nbytes < 491) {
        // Size test: by defnition, it must have at least
        // 491-byte header, i.e., the file size less than this threshold
        // is not a POR file
        dbgLog.fine("this file is NOT spss-por type");
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("file is not spss-por type");
    // rewind the current reading position back to the beginning
    if (stream.markSupported()) {

    // line-terminating characters are usually one or two by defnition
    // however, a POR file saved by a genuine SPSS for Windows
    // had a three-character line terminator, i.e., failed to remove the
    // original file's one-character terminator when it was opened, and
    // saved it with the default two-character terminator without
    // removing original terminators. So we have to expect such a rare
    // case
    // terminator
    // windows [0D0A]=>   [1310] = [CR/LF]
    // unix    [0A]  =>   [10]
    // mac     [0D]  =>   [13]
    // 3char  [0D0D0A]=> [131310] spss for windows rel 15
    // terminating characters should be found at the following
    //                             column positions[counting from 0]:
    // unix    case: [0A]   : [80], [161], [242], [323], [404], [485]
    // windows case: [0D0A] : [81], [163], [245], [327], [409], [491]
    //           : [0D0D0A] : [82], [165], [248], [331], [414], [495]

    // convert b into a ByteBuffer

    ByteBuffer buff = ByteBuffer.wrap(headerByes);
    byte[] nlch = new byte[36];
    int pos1;
    int pos2;
    int pos3;
    int ucase = 0;
    int wcase = 0;
    int mcase = 0;
    int three = 0;
    int nolines = 6;
    int nocols = 80;
    for (int i = 0; i < nolines; ++i) {
        int baseBias = nocols * (i + 1);
        // 1-char case
        pos1 = baseBias + i;
        dbgLog.finer("\tposition(1)=" + buff.position());
        int j = 6 * i;
        nlch[j] = buff.get();

        if (nlch[j] == 10) {
        } else if (nlch[j] == 13) {

        // 2-char case
        pos2 = baseBias + 2 * i;
        dbgLog.finer("\tposition(2)=" + buff.position());

        nlch[j + 1] = buff.get();
        nlch[j + 2] = buff.get();

        // 3-char case
        pos3 = baseBias + 3 * i;
        dbgLog.finer("\tposition(3)=" + buff.position());

        nlch[j + 3] = buff.get();
        nlch[j + 4] = buff.get();
        nlch[j + 5] = buff.get();

        dbgLog.finer(i + "-th iteration position =" + nlch[j] + "\t" + nlch[j + 1] + "\t" + nlch[j + 2]);
        dbgLog.finer(i + "-th iteration position =" + nlch[j + 3] + "\t" + nlch[j + 4] + "\t" + nlch[j + 5]);

        if ((nlch[j + 3] == 13) && (nlch[j + 4] == 13) && (nlch[j + 5] == 10)) {
        } else if ((nlch[j + 1] == 13) && (nlch[j + 2] == 10)) {


    boolean windowsNewLine = true;
    if (three == nolines) {
        windowsNewLine = false; // lineTerminator = "0D0D0A"
    } else if ((ucase == nolines) && (wcase < nolines)) {
        windowsNewLine = false; // lineTerminator = "0A"
    } else if ((ucase < nolines) && (wcase == nolines)) {
        windowsNewLine = true; //lineTerminator = "0D0A"
    } else if ((mcase == nolines) && (wcase < nolines)) {
        windowsNewLine = false; //lineTerminator = "0D"

    int PORmarkPosition = POR_MARK_POSITION_DEFAULT;
    if (windowsNewLine) {
        PORmarkPosition = PORmarkPosition + 5;
    } else if (three == nolines) {
        PORmarkPosition = PORmarkPosition + 10;

    byte[] pormark = new byte[8];
    buff.get(pormark, 0, 8);
    String pormarks = new String(pormark);

    //dbgLog.fine("pormark =>" + pormarks + "<-");
            "pormark[hex: 53 50 53 53 50 4F 52 54 == SPSSPORT] =>" + new String(Hex.encodeHex(pormark)) + "<-");

    if (pormarks.equals(POR_MARK)) {
        dbgLog.fine("POR ID toke test: Passed");

        smd.getFileInformation().put("mimeType", MIME_TYPE);
        smd.getFileInformation().put("fileFormat", MIME_TYPE);

    } else {
        dbgLog.fine("this file is NOT spss-por type");
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("decodeHeader: POR ID token was not found");

    // save the POR file without new line characters

    FileOutputStream fileOutPOR = null;
    Writer fileWriter = null;

    // Scanner class can handle three-character line-terminator
    Scanner porScanner = null;

    try {
        tempPORfile = File.createTempFile("tempPORfile.", ".por");
        fileOutPOR = new FileOutputStream(tempPORfile);
        fileWriter = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(fileOutPOR, "utf8"));
        porScanner = new Scanner(stream);

        // Because 64-bit and 32-bit machines decode POR's first 40-byte
        // sequence differently, the first 5 leader lines are skipped from
        // the new-line-stripped file

        int lineCounter = 0;
        while (porScanner.hasNextLine()) {
            if (lineCounter <= 5) {
                String line = porScanner.nextLine().toString();
                dbgLog.fine("line=" + lineCounter + ":" + line.length() + ":" + line);
            } else {
    } finally {
        try {
            if (fileWriter != null) {
        } catch (IOException ex) {

        if (porScanner != null) {

    return tempPORfile;

From source file:edu.harvard.iq.dataverse.ingest.tabulardata.impl.plugins.por.PORFileReader.java

private File decodeHeader(BufferedInputStream stream) throws IOException {
    dbgLog.fine("decodeHeader(): start");
    File tempPORfile = null;// w w w  .  ja v  a2s. c  om

    if (stream == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("file == null!");

    byte[] headerByes = new byte[POR_HEADER_SIZE];

    if (stream.markSupported()) {
    int nbytes = stream.read(headerByes, 0, POR_HEADER_SIZE);

    //printHexDump(headerByes, "hex dump of the byte-array");

    if (nbytes == 0) {
        throw new IOException("decodeHeader: reading failure");
    } else if (nbytes < 491) {
        // Size test: by defnition, it must have at least
        // 491-byte header, i.e., the file size less than this threshold
        // is not a POR file
        dbgLog.fine("this file is NOT spss-por type");
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("file is not spss-por type");
    // rewind the current reading position back to the beginning
    if (stream.markSupported()) {

    // line-terminating characters are usually one or two by defnition
    // however, a POR file saved by a genuine SPSS for Windows
    // had a three-character line terminator, i.e., failed to remove the
    // original file's one-character terminator when it was opened, and
    // saved it with the default two-character terminator without
    // removing original terminators. So we have to expect such a rare
    // case
    // terminator
    // windows [0D0A]=>   [1310] = [CR/LF]
    // unix    [0A]  =>   [10]
    // mac     [0D]  =>   [13]
    // 3char  [0D0D0A]=> [131310] spss for windows rel 15
    // terminating characters should be found at the following
    //                             column positions[counting from 0]:
    // unix    case: [0A]   : [80], [161], [242], [323], [404], [485]
    // windows case: [0D0A] : [81], [163], [245], [327], [409], [491]
    //           : [0D0D0A] : [82], [165], [248], [331], [414], [495]

    // convert b into a ByteBuffer

    ByteBuffer buff = ByteBuffer.wrap(headerByes);
    byte[] nlch = new byte[36];
    int pos1;
    int pos2;
    int pos3;
    int ucase = 0;
    int wcase = 0;
    int mcase = 0;
    int three = 0;
    int nolines = 6;
    int nocols = 80;
    for (int i = 0; i < nolines; ++i) {
        int baseBias = nocols * (i + 1);
        // 1-char case
        pos1 = baseBias + i;
        dbgLog.finer("\tposition(1)=" + buff.position());
        int j = 6 * i;
        nlch[j] = buff.get();

        if (nlch[j] == 10) {
        } else if (nlch[j] == 13) {

        // 2-char case
        pos2 = baseBias + 2 * i;
        dbgLog.finer("\tposition(2)=" + buff.position());

        nlch[j + 1] = buff.get();
        nlch[j + 2] = buff.get();

        // 3-char case
        pos3 = baseBias + 3 * i;
        dbgLog.finer("\tposition(3)=" + buff.position());

        nlch[j + 3] = buff.get();
        nlch[j + 4] = buff.get();
        nlch[j + 5] = buff.get();

        dbgLog.finer(i + "-th iteration position =" + nlch[j] + "\t" + nlch[j + 1] + "\t" + nlch[j + 2]);
        dbgLog.finer(i + "-th iteration position =" + nlch[j + 3] + "\t" + nlch[j + 4] + "\t" + nlch[j + 5]);

        if ((nlch[j + 3] == 13) && (nlch[j + 4] == 13) && (nlch[j + 5] == 10)) {
        } else if ((nlch[j + 1] == 13) && (nlch[j + 2] == 10)) {


    boolean windowsNewLine = true;
    if (three == nolines) {
        windowsNewLine = false; // lineTerminator = "0D0D0A"
    } else if ((ucase == nolines) && (wcase < nolines)) {
        windowsNewLine = false; // lineTerminator = "0A"
    } else if ((ucase < nolines) && (wcase == nolines)) {
        windowsNewLine = true; //lineTerminator = "0D0A"
    } else if ((mcase == nolines) && (wcase < nolines)) {
        windowsNewLine = false; //lineTerminator = "0D"

    int PORmarkPosition = POR_MARK_POSITION_DEFAULT;
    if (windowsNewLine) {
        PORmarkPosition = PORmarkPosition + 5;
    } else if (three == nolines) {
        PORmarkPosition = PORmarkPosition + 10;

    byte[] pormark = new byte[8];
    buff.get(pormark, 0, 8);
    String pormarks = new String(pormark);

    //dbgLog.fine("pormark =>" + pormarks + "<-");
            "pormark[hex: 53 50 53 53 50 4F 52 54 == SPSSPORT] =>" + new String(Hex.encodeHex(pormark)) + "<-");

    if (pormarks.equals(POR_MARK)) {
        dbgLog.fine("POR ID toke test: Passed");


    } else {
        dbgLog.fine("this file is NOT spss-por type");
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("decodeHeader: POR ID token was not found");

    // save the POR file without new line characters

    FileOutputStream fileOutPOR = null;
    Writer fileWriter = null;

    // Scanner class can handle three-character line-terminator
    Scanner porScanner = null;

    try {
        tempPORfile = File.createTempFile("tempPORfile.", ".por");
        fileOutPOR = new FileOutputStream(tempPORfile);
        fileWriter = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(fileOutPOR, "utf8"));
        porScanner = new Scanner(stream);

        // Because 64-bit and 32-bit machines decode POR's first 40-byte
        // sequence differently, the first 5 leader lines are skipped from
        // the new-line-stripped file

        int lineCounter = 0;
        while (porScanner.hasNextLine()) {
            if (lineCounter <= 5) {
                String line = porScanner.nextLine();
                dbgLog.fine("line=" + lineCounter + ":" + line.length() + ":" + line);
            } else {
    } finally {
        try {
            if (fileWriter != null) {
        } catch (IOException ex) {

        if (porScanner != null) {

    return tempPORfile;

From source file:com.healthmarketscience.jackcess.IndexData.java

 * Read the rest of the index info from a tableBuffer
 * @param tableBuffer table definition buffer to read from initial info
 * @param availableColumns Columns that this index may use
 */// ww w.j  av a  2 s . c  o m
public void read(ByteBuffer tableBuffer, List<Column> availableColumns) throws IOException {
    ByteUtil.forward(tableBuffer, getFormat().SKIP_BEFORE_INDEX); //Forward past Unknown

    for (int i = 0; i < MAX_COLUMNS; i++) {
        short columnNumber = tableBuffer.getShort();
        byte colFlags = tableBuffer.get();
        if (columnNumber != COLUMN_UNUSED) {
            // find the desired column by column number (which is not necessarily
            // the same as the column index)
            Column idxCol = null;
            for (Column col : availableColumns) {
                if (col.getColumnNumber() == columnNumber) {
                    idxCol = col;
            if (idxCol == null) {
                throw new IOException("Could not find column with number " + columnNumber + " for index");
            _columns.add(newColumnDescriptor(idxCol, colFlags));

    int umapRowNum = tableBuffer.get();
    int umapPageNum = ByteUtil.get3ByteInt(tableBuffer);
    _ownedPages = UsageMap.read(getTable().getDatabase(), umapPageNum, umapRowNum, false);

    _rootPageNumber = tableBuffer.getInt();

    ByteUtil.forward(tableBuffer, getFormat().SKIP_BEFORE_INDEX_FLAGS); //Forward past Unknown
    _indexFlags = tableBuffer.get();
    ByteUtil.forward(tableBuffer, getFormat().SKIP_AFTER_INDEX_FLAGS); //Forward past other stuff

From source file:com.healthmarketscience.jackcess.Column.java

 * Deserialize a raw byte value for this column into an Object
 * @param data The raw byte value/*from   ww w  .  j  av  a  2 s. co  m*/
 * @param order Byte order in which the raw value is stored
 * @return The deserialized Object
 * @usage _advanced_method_
public Object read(byte[] data, ByteOrder order) throws IOException {
    ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(data);
    if (_type == DataType.BOOLEAN) {
        throw new IOException("Tried to read a boolean from data instead of null mask.");
    } else if (_type == DataType.BYTE) {
        return Byte.valueOf(buffer.get());
    } else if (_type == DataType.INT) {
        return Short.valueOf(buffer.getShort());
    } else if (_type == DataType.LONG) {
        return Integer.valueOf(buffer.getInt());
    } else if (_type == DataType.DOUBLE) {
        return Double.valueOf(buffer.getDouble());
    } else if (_type == DataType.FLOAT) {
        return Float.valueOf(buffer.getFloat());
    } else if (_type == DataType.SHORT_DATE_TIME) {
        return readDateValue(buffer);
    } else if (_type == DataType.BINARY) {
        return data;
    } else if (_type == DataType.TEXT) {
        return decodeTextValue(data);
    } else if (_type == DataType.MONEY) {
        return readCurrencyValue(buffer);
    } else if (_type == DataType.OLE) {
        if (data.length > 0) {
            return readLongValue(data);
        return null;
    } else if (_type == DataType.MEMO) {
        if (data.length > 0) {
            return readLongStringValue(data);
        return null;
    } else if (_type == DataType.NUMERIC) {
        return readNumericValue(buffer);
    } else if (_type == DataType.GUID) {
        return readGUIDValue(buffer, order);
    } else if ((_type == DataType.UNKNOWN_0D) || (_type == DataType.UNKNOWN_11)) {
        // treat like "binary" data
        return data;
    } else if (_type == DataType.COMPLEX_TYPE) {
        return new ComplexValueForeignKey(this, buffer.getInt());
    } else if (_type.isUnsupported()) {
        return rawDataWrapper(data);
    } else {
        throw new IOException("Unrecognized data type: " + _type);

From source file:au.org.ala.layers.intersect.Grid.java

public void getClassInfo(Map<Float, float[]> info) {

    long length = ((long) nrows) * ((long) ncols);

    RandomAccessFile afile = null;
    File f2 = new File(filename + ".GRI");

    try { //read of random access file can throw an exception
        if (!f2.exists()) {
            afile = new RandomAccessFile(filename + ".gri", "r");
        } else {//w w  w  .ja v a  2 s  .c o m
            afile = new RandomAccessFile(filename + ".GRI", "r");

        byte[] b = new byte[65536];

        long i = 0;
        long max = 0;
        long len;
        float v;
        float ndv = (float) nodatavalue;

        while ((len = afile.read(b)) > 0) {
            ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(b);

            if (byteorderLSB) {

            if (datatype.equalsIgnoreCase("UBYTE")) {
                max += len;
                max = Math.min(max, length);
                for (; i < max; i++) {
                    v = bb.get();
                    if (v < 0)
                        v += 256;
                    if (v != ndv)
                        updatesStats(info, i, v * rescale);
            } else if (datatype.equalsIgnoreCase("BYTE")) {
                max += len;
                max = Math.min(max, length);
                for (; i < max; i++) {
                    v = bb.get();
                    if (v != ndv)
                        updatesStats(info, i, v * rescale);
            } else if (datatype.equalsIgnoreCase("SHORT")) {
                max += len / 2;
                max = Math.min(max, length);
                for (; i < max; i++) {
                    v = bb.getShort();
                    if (v != ndv)
                        updatesStats(info, i, v * rescale);
            } else if (datatype.equalsIgnoreCase("INT")) {
                max += len / 4;
                max = Math.min(max, length);
                for (; i < max; i++) {
                    v = bb.getInt();
                    if (v != ndv)
                        updatesStats(info, i, v * rescale);
            } else if (datatype.equalsIgnoreCase("LONG")) {
                max += len / 8;
                max = Math.min(max, length);
                for (; i < max; i++) {
                    v = bb.getLong();
                    if (v != ndv)
                        updatesStats(info, i, v * rescale);
            } else if (datatype.equalsIgnoreCase("FLOAT")) {
                max += len / 4;
                max = Math.min(max, length);
                for (; i < max; i++) {
                    v = bb.getFloat();
                    if (v != ndv)
                        updatesStats(info, i, v * rescale);
            } else if (datatype.equalsIgnoreCase("DOUBLE")) {
                max += len / 8;
                max = Math.min(max, length);
                for (; i < max; i++) {
                    v = (float) bb.getDouble();
                    if (v != ndv)
                        updatesStats(info, i, v * rescale);
            } else {
                max += len / 4;
                for (; i < max; i++) {
                    // should not happen; catch anyway...
    } catch (Exception e) {
        logger.error("An error has occurred getting grid class stats", e);
    } finally {
        if (afile != null) {
            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);


From source file:edu.hawaii.soest.kilonalu.ctd.SBE37Source.java

 * A method that executes the streaming of data from the source to the RBNB
 * server after all configuration of settings, connections to hosts, and
 * thread initiatizing occurs.  This method contains the detailed code for 
 * streaming the data and interpreting the stream.
 *///www .j  av  a2 s .  c  o m
protected boolean execute() {
    logger.debug("SBE37Source.execute() called.");
    // do not execute the stream if there is no connection
    if (!isConnected())
        return false;

    boolean failed = false;

    // while data are being sent, read them into the buffer
    try {

        this.socketChannel = getSocketConnection();

        // create four byte placeholders used to evaluate up to a four-byte 
        // window.  The FIFO layout looks like:
        //           -------------------------
        //   in ---> | One | Two |Three|Four |  ---> out
        //           -------------------------
        byte byteOne = 0x00, // set initial placeholder values
                byteTwo = 0x00, byteThree = 0x00, byteFour = 0x00;

        // Create a buffer that will store the sample bytes as they are read
        ByteBuffer sampleBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(getBufferSize());

        // create a byte buffer to store bytes from the TCP stream
        ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(getBufferSize());

        // create a character string to store characters from the TCP stream
        StringBuilder responseString = new StringBuilder();

        // add a channel of data that will be pushed to the server.  
        // Each sample will be sent to the Data Turbine as an rbnb frame.
        ChannelMap rbnbChannelMap = new ChannelMap();
        int channelIndex = rbnbChannelMap.Add(getRBNBChannelName());

        // wake the instrument with an initial take sample command
        this.command = this.commandPrefix + getInstrumentID() + "TS" + this.commandSuffix;
        this.sentCommand = queryInstrument(this.command);

        // verify the instrument ID is correct
        while (getInstrumentID() == null) {
            // allow time for the instrument response
            // send the command and update the sentCommand status
            this.sentCommand = queryInstrument(this.command);

            // read the response into the buffer. Note that the streamed bytes
            // are 8-bit, not 16-bit Unicode characters.  Use the US-ASCII
            // encoding instead.
            while (this.socketChannel.read(buffer) != -1 || buffer.position() > 0) {

                while (buffer.hasRemaining()) {
                    String nextCharacter = new String(new byte[] { buffer.get() }, "US-ASCII");
                // look for the command line ending
                if (responseString.toString().indexOf("S>") > 0) {

                    // parse the ID from the idCommand response
                    int idStartIndex = responseString.indexOf("=") + 2;
                    int idStopIndex = responseString.indexOf("=") + 4;
                    String idString = responseString.substring(idStartIndex, idStopIndex);
                    // test that the ID is a valid number and set the instrument ID
                    if ((new Integer(idString)).intValue() > 0) {
                        logger.debug("Instrument ID is " + getInstrumentID() + ".");

                    } else {
                        logger.debug("Instrument ID \"" + idString + "\" was not set.");

                } else {

                if (getInstrumentID() != null) {

        // instrumentID is set

        // allow time for the instrument response
        this.command = this.commandPrefix + getInstrumentID() + this.takeSampleCommand + this.commandSuffix;
        this.sentCommand = queryInstrument(command);

        // while there are bytes to read from the socket ...
        while (this.socketChannel.read(buffer) != -1 || buffer.position() > 0) {
            // prepare the buffer for reading

            // while there are unread bytes in the ByteBuffer
            while (buffer.hasRemaining()) {
                byteOne = buffer.get();
                //logger.debug("b1: " + new String(Hex.encodeHex((new byte[]{byteOne})))   + "\t" + 
                //             "b2: " + new String(Hex.encodeHex((new byte[]{byteTwo})))   + "\t" + 
                //             "b3: " + new String(Hex.encodeHex((new byte[]{byteThree}))) + "\t" + 
                //             "b4: " + new String(Hex.encodeHex((new byte[]{byteFour})))  + "\t" +
                //             "sample pos: "   + sampleBuffer.position()                  + "\t" +
                //             "sample rem: "   + sampleBuffer.remaining()                 + "\t" +
                //             "sample cnt: "   + sampleByteCount                          + "\t" +
                //             "buffer pos: "   + buffer.position()                        + "\t" +
                //             "buffer rem: "   + buffer.remaining()                       + "\t" +
                //             "state: "        + state

                // Use a State Machine to process the byte stream.
                // Start building an rbnb frame for the entire sample, first by 
                // inserting a timestamp into the channelMap.  This time is merely
                // the time of insert into the data turbine, not the time of
                // observations of the measurements.  That time should be parsed out
                // of the sample in the Sink client code

                switch (state) {

                case 0:

                    // sample line is begun by S>
                    // note bytes are in reverse order in the FIFO window
                    if (byteOne == 0x3E && byteTwo == 0x53) {
                        // we've found the beginning of a sample, move on
                        state = 1;

                    } else {

                case 1: // read the rest of the bytes to the next EOL characters

                    // sample line is terminated by S>
                    // note bytes are in reverse order in the FIFO window
                    if (byteOne == 0x3E && byteTwo == 0x53) {

                        sampleByteCount++; // add the last byte found to the count

                        // add the last byte found to the sample buffer
                        if (sampleBuffer.remaining() > 0) {

                        } else {


                        // extract just the length of the sample bytes (less 2 bytes
                        // to exclude the 'S>' prompt characters) out of the
                        // sample buffer, and place it in the channel map as a 
                        // byte array.  Then, send it to the data turbine.
                        byte[] sampleArray = new byte[sampleByteCount - 2];

                        // send the sample to the data turbine
                        String sampleString = new String(sampleArray, "US-ASCII");
                        rbnbChannelMap.PutMime(channelIndex, "text/plain");
                        rbnbChannelMap.PutDataAsString(channelIndex, sampleString);
                        logger.info("Sample: " + sampleString);
                        logger.info("flushed data to the DataTurbine. ");

                        byteOne = 0x00;
                        byteTwo = 0x00;
                        byteThree = 0x00;
                        byteFour = 0x00;
                        sampleByteCount = 0;
                        //logger.debug("Cleared b1,b2,b3,b4. Cleared sampleBuffer. Cleared rbnbChannelMap.");
                        //state = 0;

                        // Once the sample is flushed, take a new sample
                        if (getInstrumentID() != null) {
                            // allow time for the instrument response
                            this.command = this.commandPrefix + getInstrumentID() + this.takeSampleCommand
                                    + this.commandSuffix;
                            this.sentCommand = queryInstrument(command);

                    } else { // not 0x0A0D

                        // still in the middle of the sample, keep adding bytes
                        sampleByteCount++; // add each byte found

                        if (sampleBuffer.remaining() > 0) {
                        } else {
                            logger.debug("Compacting sampleBuffer ...");


                    } // end if for 0x0A0D EOL

                } // end switch statement

                // shift the bytes in the FIFO window
                byteFour = byteThree;
                byteThree = byteTwo;
                byteTwo = byteOne;

            } //end while (more unread bytes)

            // prepare the buffer to read in more bytes from the stream

        } // end while (more socket bytes to read)

    } catch (IOException e) {
        // handle exceptions
        // In the event of an i/o exception, log the exception, and allow execute()
        // to return false, which will prompt a retry.
        failed = true;
        return !failed;
    } catch (SAPIException sapie) {
        // In the event of an RBNB communication  exception, log the exception, 
        // and allow execute() to return false, which will prompt a retry.
        failed = true;
        return !failed;
    } catch (java.lang.InterruptedException ie) {

    return !failed;

From source file:au.org.ala.layers.intersect.Grid.java

public float[] getGrid() {
    int maxArrayLength = Integer.MAX_VALUE - 10;

    if (grid_data != null) {
        return grid_data;
    }/*from   w  ww.  java2  s.c  o m*/

    Grid loadedAlready = getLoadedGrid(filename);
    if (loadedAlready != null && loadedAlready.grid_data != null) {
        return loadedAlready.grid_data;

    int length = nrows * ncols;

    float[] ret = new float[length];

    RandomAccessFile afile = null;
    File f2 = new File(filename + ".GRI");

    try { //read of random access file can throw an exception
        if (!f2.exists()) {
            afile = new RandomAccessFile(filename + ".gri", "r");
        } else {
            afile = new RandomAccessFile(filename + ".GRI", "r");

        byte[] b = new byte[(int) Math.min(afile.length(), maxArrayLength)];

        int i = 0;
        int max = 0;
        int len;
        while ((len = afile.read(b)) > 0) {
            ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(b);

            if (byteorderLSB) {

            if (datatype.equalsIgnoreCase("UBYTE")) {
                max += len;
                max = Math.min(max, ret.length);
                for (; i < max; i++) {
                    ret[i] = bb.get();
                    if (ret[i] < 0) {
                        ret[i] += 256;
            } else if (datatype.equalsIgnoreCase("BYTE")) {
                max += len;
                max = Math.min(max, ret.length);
                for (; i < max; i++) {
                    ret[i] = bb.get();
            } else if (datatype.equalsIgnoreCase("SHORT")) {
                max += len / 2;
                max = Math.min(max, ret.length);
                for (; i < max; i++) {
                    ret[i] = bb.getShort();
            } else if (datatype.equalsIgnoreCase("INT")) {
                max += len / 4;
                max = Math.min(max, ret.length);
                for (; i < max; i++) {
                    ret[i] = bb.getInt();
            } else if (datatype.equalsIgnoreCase("LONG")) {
                max += len / 8;
                max = Math.min(max, ret.length);
                for (; i < max; i++) {
                    ret[i] = bb.getLong();
            } else if (datatype.equalsIgnoreCase("FLOAT")) {
                max += len / 4;
                max = Math.min(max, ret.length);
                for (; i < max; i++) {
                    ret[i] = bb.getFloat();
            } else if (datatype.equalsIgnoreCase("DOUBLE")) {
                max += len / 8;
                max = Math.min(max, ret.length);
                for (; i < max; i++) {
                    ret[i] = (float) bb.getDouble();
            } else {
                // / should not happen; catch anyway...
                max += len / 4;
                for (; i < max; i++) {
                    ret[i] = Float.NaN;

        //replace not a number
        for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
            if ((float) ret[i] == (float) nodatavalue) {
                ret[i] = Float.NaN;
            } else {
                ret[i] *= rescale;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        logger.error("An error has occurred - probably a file error", e);
    } finally {
        if (afile != null) {
            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);
    grid_data = ret;
    return ret;

From source file:au.org.ala.layers.intersect.Grid.java

float[] getGrid(double xmin, double ymin, double xmax, double ymax) {
    //expects largest y at the top
    //expects input ranges inside of grid ranges

    int width = (int) ((xmax - xmin) / xres);
    int height = (int) ((ymax - ymin) / yres);
    int startx = (int) ((xmin - this.xmin) / xres);
    int endx = startx + width;
    int starty = (int) ((ymin - this.ymin) / yres);
    //int endy = starty + height;

    int length = width * height;

    float[] ret = new float[length];
    int pos = 0;//w  ww  . j ava2 s .c  om

    int i;
    RandomAccessFile afile = null;
    File f2 = new File(filename + ".GRI");

    int size = 4;
    if (datatype.equals("BYTE") || datatype.equals("UBYTE")) {
        size = 1;
    } else if (datatype.equals("SHORT")) {
        size = 2;
    } else if (datatype.equals("INT")) {
        size = 4;
    } else if (datatype.equals("LONG")) {
        size = 8;
    } else if (datatype.equals("FLOAT")) {
        size = 4;
    } else if (datatype.equals("DOUBLE")) {
        size = 8;

    try { //read of random access file can throw an exception
        if (!f2.exists()) {
            afile = new RandomAccessFile(filename + ".gri", "r");
        } else {
            afile = new RandomAccessFile(filename + ".GRI", "r");

        //seek to first raster
        afile.seek(((long) this.ncols) * starty * size);

        //read relevant rasters
        int readSize = this.ncols * height * size;
        int readLen = this.ncols * height;
        byte[] b = new byte[readSize];
        ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(b);

        if (byteorderLSB) {

        if (datatype.equalsIgnoreCase("BYTE")) {
            for (i = 0; i < readLen; i++) {
                int x = i % this.ncols;
                if (x < startx || x >= endx) {
                } else {
                    ret[pos++] = bb.get();
        } else if (datatype.equalsIgnoreCase("UBYTE")) {
            for (i = 0; i < readLen; i++) {
                int x = i % this.ncols;
                if (x < startx || x >= endx) {
                } else {
                    ret[pos] = bb.get();
                    if (ret[pos] < 0) {
                        ret[pos] += 256;
        } else if (datatype.equalsIgnoreCase("SHORT")) {
            for (i = 0; i < readLen; i++) {
                int x = i % this.ncols;
                if (x < startx || x >= endx) {
                } else {
                    ret[pos++] = bb.getShort();
        } else if (datatype.equalsIgnoreCase("INT")) {
            for (i = 0; i < readLen; i++) {
                int x = i % this.ncols;
                if (x < startx || x >= endx) {
                } else {
                    ret[pos++] = bb.getInt();
        } else if (datatype.equalsIgnoreCase("LONG")) {
            for (i = 0; i < readLen; i++) {
                int x = i % this.ncols;
                if (x < startx || x >= endx) {
                } else {
                    ret[pos++] = bb.getLong();
        } else if (datatype.equalsIgnoreCase("FLOAT")) {
            for (i = 0; i < readLen; i++) {
                int x = i % this.ncols;
                if (x < startx || x >= endx) {
                } else {
                    ret[pos++] = bb.getFloat();
        } else if (datatype.equalsIgnoreCase("DOUBLE")) {
            for (i = 0; i < readLen; i++) {
                int x = i % this.ncols;
                if (x < startx || x >= endx) {
                } else {
                    ret[pos++] = (float) bb.getDouble();
        } else {
            // / should not happen; catch anyway...
            for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
                ret[i] = Float.NaN;
        //replace not a number
        for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
            if ((float) ret[i] == (float) nodatavalue) {
                ret[i] = Float.NaN;
            } else {
                ret[i] *= rescale;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        logger.error("GRID: " + e.toString(), e);
    } finally {
        if (afile != null) {
            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);
    grid_data = ret;
    return ret;

From source file:au.org.ala.layers.intersect.Grid.java

 * Increase sampleEveryNthPoint to return a smaller grid.
 * Grid max and min values may be skipped.
 * This does not used previously cached data.
 * @param sampleEveryNthPoint//from ww w  . j  av a 2 s  . com
 * @return
public float[] getGrid(int sampleEveryNthPoint) {
    int maxArrayLength = Integer.MAX_VALUE - 10;

    if (subgrids != null) {
        //sample points
        int size = 1000;
        double[][] points = new double[size * size][2];
        int pos = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < 1000; j++) {
                points[pos][0] = xmin + (xmax - xmin) * j / (double) size;
                points[pos][1] = ymax - (ymax - ymin) * i / (double) size;

        return getValues3(points, 64);

    int length = (nrows / sampleEveryNthPoint) * (ncols);

    float[] ret = new float[length];

    RandomAccessFile afile = null;
    File f2 = new File(filename + ".GRI");

    try { //read of random access file can throw an exception
        if (!f2.exists()) {
            afile = new RandomAccessFile(filename + ".gri", "r");
        } else {
            afile = new RandomAccessFile(filename + ".GRI", "r");

        int sz = (int) Math.min(afile.length() / sampleEveryNthPoint / sampleEveryNthPoint, maxArrayLength);
        sz += 8 - sz % 8;
        byte[] b = new byte[sz];

        long i = 0;
        long max = 0;
        int len;
        while ((len = afile.read(b)) > 0) {
            ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(b);

            if (byteorderLSB) {

            if (datatype.equalsIgnoreCase("UBYTE")) {
                max += len;
                max = Math.min(max, ret.length * (long) sampleEveryNthPoint);
                for (; i < max; i++) {
                    ret[(int) (i / sampleEveryNthPoint)] = bb.get();
                    if (ret[(int) (i / sampleEveryNthPoint)] < 0) {
                        ret[(int) (i / sampleEveryNthPoint)] += 256;
            } else if (datatype.equalsIgnoreCase("BYTE")) {
                max += len;
                max = Math.min(max, ret.length * (long) sampleEveryNthPoint);
                for (; i < max; i++) {
                    ret[(int) (i / sampleEveryNthPoint)] = bb.get();
            } else if (datatype.equalsIgnoreCase("SHORT")) {
                max += len / 2;
                max = Math.min(max, ret.length * (long) sampleEveryNthPoint);
                for (; i < max; i++) {
                    ret[(int) (i / sampleEveryNthPoint)] = bb.getShort();
            } else if (datatype.equalsIgnoreCase("INT")) {
                max += len / 4;
                max = Math.min(max, ret.length * (long) sampleEveryNthPoint);
                for (; i < max; i++) {
                    ret[(int) (i / sampleEveryNthPoint)] = bb.getInt();
            } else if (datatype.equalsIgnoreCase("LONG")) {
                max += len / 8;
                max = Math.min(max, ret.length * (long) sampleEveryNthPoint);
                for (; i < max; i++) {
                    ret[(int) (i / sampleEveryNthPoint)] = bb.getLong();
            } else if (datatype.equalsIgnoreCase("FLOAT")) {
                max += len / 4;
                max = Math.min(max, ret.length * (long) sampleEveryNthPoint);
                for (; i < max; i++) {
                    ret[(int) (i / sampleEveryNthPoint)] = bb.getFloat();
            } else if (datatype.equalsIgnoreCase("DOUBLE")) {
                max += len / 8;
                max = Math.min(max, ret.length * (long) sampleEveryNthPoint);
                for (; i < max; i++) {
                    ret[(int) (i / (long) sampleEveryNthPoint)] = (float) bb.getDouble();
            } else {
                // / should not happen; catch anyway...
                max += len / 4;
                for (; i < max; i++) {
                    ret[(int) (i / (long) sampleEveryNthPoint)] = Float.NaN;

        //replace not a number
        for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
            if ((float) ret[(int) i] == (float) nodatavalue) {
                ret[(int) i] = Float.NaN;
            } else {
                ret[(int) i] *= rescale;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        logger.error("An error has occurred - probably a file error", e);
    } finally {
        if (afile != null) {
            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);
    grid_data = ret;
    return ret;

From source file:com.healthmarketscience.jackcess.impl.IndexData.java

 * Read the rest of the index info from a tableBuffer
 * @param tableBuffer table definition buffer to read from initial info
 * @param availableColumns Columns that this index may use
 *///ww  w.j a  v a 2 s . c o m
public void read(ByteBuffer tableBuffer, List<ColumnImpl> availableColumns) throws IOException {
    ByteUtil.forward(tableBuffer, getFormat().SKIP_BEFORE_INDEX); //Forward past Unknown

    for (int i = 0; i < MAX_COLUMNS; i++) {
        short columnNumber = tableBuffer.getShort();
        byte colFlags = tableBuffer.get();
        if (columnNumber != COLUMN_UNUSED) {
            // find the desired column by column number (which is not necessarily
            // the same as the column index)
            ColumnImpl idxCol = null;
            for (ColumnImpl col : availableColumns) {
                if (col.getColumnNumber() == columnNumber) {
                    idxCol = col;
            if (idxCol == null) {
                throw new IOException("Could not find column with number " + columnNumber + " for index");
            _columns.add(newColumnDescriptor(idxCol, colFlags));

    _ownedPages = UsageMap.read(getTable().getDatabase(), tableBuffer, false);

    _rootPageNumber = tableBuffer.getInt();

    ByteUtil.forward(tableBuffer, getFormat().SKIP_BEFORE_INDEX_FLAGS); //Forward past Unknown
    _indexFlags = tableBuffer.get();
    ByteUtil.forward(tableBuffer, getFormat().SKIP_AFTER_INDEX_FLAGS); //Forward past other stuff