List of usage examples for java.nio ByteBuffer capacity
public final int capacity()
From source
private void scanByIp() { StaticField.RANDOM_STRING = Utils.getPcapTmpFileName(); PcapDumper dumper;//from www . j a v a 2 s. co m dumper = Jxnet.PcapDumpOpen(StaticField.PCAP, StaticField.RANDOM_STRING); if (dumper == null) { if (StaticField.LOGGER != null) { StaticField.LOGGER.log(LoggerStatus.COMMON, "[ " + WARNING + " ] :: " + Jxnet.PcapGetErr(StaticField.PCAP)); } } PcapPktHdr pktHdr = new PcapPktHdr(); ByteBuffer buffer = null; byte[] bytes = null; int no = 1; arp.setTargetProtocolAddress(scanIP); ethernet.setPacket(arp); buffer = FormatUtils.toDirectBuffer(ethernet.toBytes()); if (Jxnet.PcapSendPacket(StaticField.PCAP, buffer, buffer.capacity()) != 0) { if (StaticField.LOGGER != null) { StaticField.LOGGER.log(LoggerStatus.COMMON, "[ " + WARNING + " ] :: " + FAILED_TO_SEND_PACKET); } return; } else { Map<Class, Packet> packets =, pktHdr); if (packets != null) { if (stop) { StaticField.LOGGER.log(LoggerStatus.PROGRESS, Integer.toString(100)); if (!dumper.isClosed()) { Jxnet.PcapDumpClose(dumper); StaticField.LOGGER.log(LoggerStatus.COMMON, "[ " + INFORMATION + " ] :: " + SCAN_FINISHED); } return; } ARP capArp = (ARP) packets.get(ARP.class); if (capArp != null) { if (capArp.getOperationCode() == ARPOperationCode.ARP_REPLY) { Jxnet.PcapDump(dumper, pktHdr, FormatUtils.toDirectBuffer(capArp.toBytes())); handler.nextPacket(no, pktHdr, packets); no++; } } } } if (StaticField.LOGGER != null) { StaticField.LOGGER.log(LoggerStatus.PROGRESS, Integer.toString(100)); if (!dumper.isClosed()) { Jxnet.PcapDumpClose(dumper); StaticField.LOGGER.log(LoggerStatus.COMMON, "[ " + INFORMATION + " ] :: " + SCAN_FINISHED); } } }
From source
@Override public ChannelBuffer encode(ChannelBuffer buffer) { int l = 28; // 7 ints * 4 bytes ByteBuffer fullCollectionNameBytes = getCString(fullCollectionName); l += fullCollectionNameBytes.capacity(); ByteBuffer queryBytes = encodeDocument(query); l += queryBytes.capacity();//from w w w . j av a 2 s . c o m ByteBuffer returnFieldSelectorBytes = encodeDocument(returnFieldSelector); l += returnFieldSelectorBytes.capacity(); messageLength = l; buffer = super.encode(buffer); buffer.writeInt(flags); buffer.writeBytes(fullCollectionNameBytes); buffer.writeInt(numberToSkip); buffer.writeInt(numberToReturn); buffer.writeBytes(queryBytes); buffer.writeBytes(returnFieldSelectorBytes); return buffer; }
From source
private Object deserializeList(Object datum, Schema fileSchema, Schema recordSchema, ListTypeInfo columnType) throws AvroSerdeException { // Need to check the original schema to see if this is actually a Fixed. if (recordSchema.getType().equals(Schema.Type.FIXED)) { // We're faking out Hive to work through a type system impedence mismatch. // Pull out the backing array and convert to a list. GenericData.Fixed fixed = (GenericData.Fixed) datum; List<Byte> asList = new ArrayList<Byte>(fixed.bytes().length); for (int j = 0; j < fixed.bytes().length; j++) { asList.add(fixed.bytes()[j]); }//ww w.j av a2s .c o m return asList; } else if (recordSchema.getType().equals(Schema.Type.BYTES)) { // This is going to be slow... hold on. ByteBuffer bb = (ByteBuffer) datum; List<Byte> asList = new ArrayList<Byte>(bb.capacity()); byte[] array = bb.array(); for (int j = 0; j < array.length; j++) { asList.add(array[j]); } return asList; } else { // An actual list, deser its values List listData = (List) datum; Schema listSchema = recordSchema.getElementType(); List<Object> listContents = new ArrayList<Object>(listData.size()); for (Object obj : listData) { listContents.add(worker(obj, fileSchema == null ? null : fileSchema.getElementType(), listSchema, columnType.getListElementTypeInfo())); } return listContents; } }
From source
public int getDecompressed(ByteBuffer out) throws DataFormatException, IOException { // If the file is encrypted, each sector (after compression/implosion, if applicable) is encrypted with the file's key. // Each sector is encrypted using the key + the 0-based index of the sector in the file. // NOTE compression type byte (if existing) is encrypted as well! ByteBuffer dataDecrypted; if (this.encryptionSeed != null) dataDecrypted = MPQEncryptionUtils.decrypt(dataRaw, encryptionSeed); else//from ww w. ja v a 2 s . c om dataDecrypted = dataRaw; dataDecrypted.rewind(); switch (compression) { case Uncompressed: { out.put(dataDecrypted); return dataDecrypted.capacity(); } case Imploded: { byte[] buf = new byte[sizeUncompressed]; int numDecompressed = Exploder.pkexplode(dataDecrypted.array(), buf); if (numDecompressed != this.sizeUncompressed) throw new IllegalStateException(); out.put(buf, 0, sizeUncompressed); return sizeUncompressed; } case ZLib: { int numDecompressed = 0; byte[] buf = new byte[1024]; Inflater inflater = new Inflater(); inflater.setInput(dataDecrypted.array()); while (!inflater.finished()) { int decompressedBytes = inflater.inflate(buf); numDecompressed += decompressedBytes; out.put(buf, 0, decompressedBytes); } inflater.end(); if (numDecompressed != this.sizeUncompressed) throw new IllegalStateException(); return numDecompressed; } case BZip2: { int numDecompressed = 0; byte[] buf = new byte[1024]; InputStream inputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(dataDecrypted.array()); BZip2CompressorInputStream uncompressStream = new BZip2CompressorInputStream(inputStream); while (true) { int decompressedBytes =; if (decompressedBytes < 0) break; numDecompressed += decompressedBytes; out.put(buf, 0, decompressedBytes); } uncompressStream.close(); inputStream.close(); if (numDecompressed != sizeUncompressed) throw new IllegalStateException(); return numDecompressed; } default: throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown Compression"); } }
From source
public String asHexToken(Key key) { try {//from w w w.j av a 2s . co m Cipher encodingCipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES"); encodingCipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, key); ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(16 + 1 + 8 + 8 + getBufferSize()); buffer.position(16); buffer.put(getId()); buffer.putLong(getExpires().getTimeInMillis()); buffer.putLong(getUoid()); getBytes(buffer); if (buffer.position() != buffer.capacity()) { throw new RuntimeException( "Buffer's position should be at the end " + buffer.position() + "/" + buffer.capacity()); } MessageDigest messageDigest = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5"); buffer.position(16); messageDigest.update(buffer); buffer.position(0); buffer.put(messageDigest.digest()); byte[] encodedBytes = encodingCipher.doFinal(buffer.array()); String encodedHexString = new String(Hex.encodeHex(encodedBytes)); return encodedHexString; } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("", e); } return null; }
From source
@Test public void testReOrganizeBuffer() throws Exception { int count = 10; testDelete();/*from w ww . j av a2 s . c om*/ appender.reOrganizeBuffer(); ByteBuffer bufferRead = makeAFrame(cap, count, 0); DeletableFrameTupleAppender accessor = new DeletableFrameTupleAppender(recordDescriptor); accessor.reset(bufferRead); for (int i = 0; i < accessor.getTupleCount(); i++) { appender.append(accessor, i); } for (int i = 0; i < bufferRead.capacity(); i++) { assertEquals(bufferRead.get(i), appender.getBuffer().get(i)); } }
From source
private byte[] array(ByteBuffer target) { target.clear();/*from w w w. j ava 2 s .c om*/ byte[] array = new byte[target.capacity()]; while (target.position() < target.capacity()) { array[target.position()] = target.get(); } return array; }
From source
private void scanAll() { StaticField.RANDOM_STRING = Utils.getPcapTmpFileName(); PcapDumper dumper;/*from w w w .ja va 2 s.c o m*/ dumper = Jxnet.PcapDumpOpen(StaticField.PCAP, StaticField.RANDOM_STRING); if (dumper == null) { if (StaticField.LOGGER != null) { StaticField.LOGGER.log(LoggerStatus.COMMON, "[ " + WARNING + " ] :: " + Jxnet.PcapGetErr(StaticField.PCAP)); } } PcapPktHdr pktHdr = new PcapPktHdr(); ByteBuffer buffer = null; int ipsSize = ips.size(); for (int i = 0; i < ipsSize; i++) { arp.setTargetProtocolAddress(ips.get(i)); ethernet.setPacket(arp); buffer = FormatUtils.toDirectBuffer(ethernet.toBytes()); if (PcapSendPacket(StaticField.PCAP, buffer, buffer.capacity()) != 0) { if (StaticField.LOGGER != null) { StaticField.LOGGER.log(LoggerStatus.COMMON, "[ " + WARNING + " ] :: " + FAILED_TO_SEND_PACKET); } break; } else { Map<Class, Packet> packets =, pktHdr); if (packets != null) { ARP capArp = (ARP) packets.get(ARP.class); if (capArp.getOperationCode() == ARPOperationCode.ARP_REPLY) { Jxnet.PcapDump(dumper, pktHdr, FormatUtils.toDirectBuffer(packets.get(Ethernet.class).toBytes())); this.handler.nextPacket(null, pktHdr, packets); } } } if (stop) { StaticField.LOGGER.log(LoggerStatus.PROGRESS, Integer.toString(100)); if (!dumper.isClosed()) { Jxnet.PcapDumpClose(dumper); StaticField.LOGGER.log(LoggerStatus.COMMON, "[ " + INFORMATION + " ] :: " + SCAN_FINISHED); } return; } if (StaticField.LOGGER != null) StaticField.LOGGER.log(LoggerStatus.PROGRESS, Integer.toString((i * 100) / ipsSize)); } if (StaticField.LOGGER != null) { StaticField.LOGGER.log(LoggerStatus.PROGRESS, Integer.toString(100)); } if (!dumper.isClosed()) { Jxnet.PcapDumpClose(dumper); StaticField.LOGGER.log(LoggerStatus.COMMON, "[ " + INFORMATION + " ] :: " + SCAN_FINISHED); } }
From source
public synchronized BlobDescriptor writeBlob(byte[] key, ByteBuffer blob) throws IOException { //int offset = (int) writer.getFilePointer(); // TODO: This is WRONG, don't know why int offset = pointer; int length = blob.capacity(); Blob.Header header = Blob.Header.create(key, length, FatFileIndex.Entry.FLAG_LIVE);;//www . ja v a 2 s . c o m writer.write(header); writer.write(blob.array()); // payload int bodyOffset = offset + Blob.Header.SIZE; pointer = bodyOffset + length; FatFileIndex.Entry indexEntry = FatFileIndex.create(header, offset, FatFileIndex.Entry.FLAG_LIVE); index.add(indexEntry); tracker.count(header); return new BlobDescriptor(, offset, bodyOffset); }
From source
public JSONObject toJson() throws MalformedPacketException { JSONObject output = new JSONObject(); output.put("time", time); output.put("tmst", tmst); output.put("freq", freq); output.put("chan", chan); output.put("rfch", rfch); output.put("stat", stat); output.put("modu",; if (modu.equals(Modulation.LORA)) { output.put("codr", codr); output.put("lsnr", lsnr); }// w w w . j av a2 s. c o m output.put("datr", datr); output.put("rssi", rssi); output.put("size", size); ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocate(384); data.toRaw(bb); output.put("data", Base64.getEncoder() .encodeToString(Arrays.copyOfRange(bb.array(), 0, bb.capacity() - bb.remaining()))); return output; }