List of usage examples for java.nio ByteBuffer array
public final byte[] array()
From source
private Record createRecordFromJSON(String lastSourceOffset, Document document) throws StageException { Record record;/*from w w w . j a va 2 s . c om*/ DataParser parser; try { if (jsonDataTypes.get(MAPR_ID) == Value.Type.BINARY) { String str; ByteBuffer bb = document.getIdBinary(); switch (bb.array().length) { case 8: Long l = Bytes.toLong(bb.array()); str = l.toString(); break; case 4: Integer i = Bytes.toInt(bb.array()); str = i.toString(); break; case 2: Short s = Bytes.toShort(bb.array()); str = s.toString(); break; default: str = Bytes.toString(bb.array()); break; } document.set(MAPR_ID, str); } if ((parser = parserFactory.getParser(lastSourceOffset, document.asJsonString())) == null) { LOG.error(Errors.MAPR_JSON_ORIGIN_05.getMessage()); throw new OnRecordErrorException(Errors.MAPR_JSON_ORIGIN_05); } } catch (DataParserException ex) { LOG.error(Errors.MAPR_JSON_ORIGIN_05.getMessage(), ex); throw new OnRecordErrorException(Errors.MAPR_JSON_ORIGIN_05, ex); } try { record = parser.parse(); } catch (IOException | DataParserException ex) { LOG.error(Errors.MAPR_JSON_ORIGIN_04.getMessage(), ex); throw new OnRecordErrorException(Errors.MAPR_JSON_ORIGIN_04, ex); } return record; }
From source
private byte[] contentPack(long creationTime, byte[] random, byte[] serverSecret, byte[] payload) { ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer .allocate(8 + 1 + random.length + 1 + serverSecret.length + 1 + payload.length); buffer.putLong(creationTime);//from ww w . j a v a 2 s. c om store(buffer, random); store(buffer, serverSecret); store(buffer, payload); return buffer.array(); }
From source
/** * Build Avro file containing serialized TDigest bytes. * * @param schema Schema of data (one fixed and one variable column) * @param _fixedExpected Serialized bytes of fixed length column are populated here * @param _varExpected Serialized bytes of variable length column are populated here * @throws IOException/* w w w .ja va2 s . c o m*/ */ private void buildAvro(Schema schema, List<byte[]> _fixedExpected, List<byte[]> _varExpected) throws IOException { org.apache.avro.Schema avroSchema = AvroUtils.getAvroSchemaFromPinotSchema(schema); try (DataFileWriter<GenericData.Record> recordWriter = new DataFileWriter<>( new GenericDatumWriter<>(avroSchema))) { if (!new File(AVRO_DIR_NAME).mkdir()) { throw new RuntimeException("Unable to create test directory: " + AVRO_DIR_NAME); } recordWriter.create(avroSchema, new File(AVRO_DIR_NAME, AVRO_NAME)); for (int i = 0; i < NUM_ROWS; i++) { GenericData.Record record = new GenericData.Record(avroSchema); TDigest tDigest = new TDigest(PercentileTDigestAggregationFunction.DEFAULT_TDIGEST_COMPRESSION); tDigest.add(_random.nextDouble()); ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(tDigest.byteSize()); tDigest.asBytes(buffer); _fixedExpected.add(buffer.array()); buffer.flip(); record.put(FIXED_BYTES_UNSORTED_COLUMN, buffer); if (i % 2 == 0) { tDigest.add(_random.nextDouble()); } buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(tDigest.byteSize()); tDigest.asBytes(buffer); _varExpected.add(buffer.array()); buffer.flip(); record.put(VARIABLE_BYTES_COLUMN, buffer); recordWriter.append(record); } } }
From source
/** * Writes a ByteBuffer field.//w w w. j a va 2 s.c o m */ @Override public void writeBytes(int fieldNumber, ByteBuffer value, boolean repeated) throws IOException { writeByteRange(false, fieldNumber, value.array(), value.arrayOffset() + value.position(), value.remaining(), repeated); }
From source
public void writeFileHeader(OutputStream os, File indexFile, IndexDirectory indexDirectory) throws IOException { indexDirectoryIdx = indexDirectory.createNewLogIdxFile(indexFile); ByteBuffer lbb = ByteBuffer.wrap(new byte[Long.BYTES]); ByteBuffer ibb = ByteBuffer.wrap(new byte[Integer.BYTES]); os.write(INDEX_FILE_TYPE);// w w w.j a v a 2s. co m os.write(INDEX_FILE_VERSION); lbb.putLong(0, System.currentTimeMillis()); os.write(lbb.array()); ibb.putInt(0, indexDirectoryIdx); os.write(ibb.array()); ByteArrayOutputStream bout = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); for (Pair<String, Integer> headerp : headerOrder) { String hn = StringUtils.rightPad(headerp.getFirst(), HEADER_NAME_LENGTH); bout.write(hn.getBytes()); ibb.putInt(0, headerp.getSecond()); bout.write(ibb.array()); } byte[] headerar = bout.toByteArray(); int idxOffset = FILE_TYPE_LENGTH + FILE_VERSION_LENGTH + Long.BYTES /* timestamp */ + Integer.BYTES /** indexDirectory */ + Integer.BYTES /* indexOfset */ + headerar.length; ibb.putInt(0, idxOffset); os.write(ibb.array()); os.write(headerar); os.flush(); }
From source
private void handleReceivedData(ByteBuffer data) throws IOException { if (!BufferUtils.isEmpty(data)) { mBytesTotal += data.position();/*from w ww.j av a 2s. co m*/ if (mOutputStream != null) { mOutputStream.write(data.array(), 0, data.position()); } Chunk chunk = new Chunk(); chunk.bytesTotal = mBytesTotal; chunk.buffer = data; if (mHandler != null) mHandler.sendMessage(mHandler.obtainMessage(MESSAGE_DATA_RECEIVED, (int) mTrackId, 0, chunk)); } }
From source
public void writeSmallDataSmallBuffer(String str) throws Exception { byte[] data = new String(str).getBytes(UTF_8); int bufferSize = 32; ByteBuffer buffer; base64OutputByteBuffer = new Base64OutputByteBuffer(Base64OutputByteBuffer.DEFAULT_ALPHABET, Base64OutputByteBuffer.DEFAULT_PADDING, bufferSize); base64OutputByteBuffer.write(data);//from ww w.ja v a 2s. co m base64OutputByteBuffer.flush(); buffer = base64OutputByteBuffer.getByteBuffer(); assertEquals(new Base64().encodeAsString(data), new String(buffer.array()).trim()); base64OutputByteBuffer = new Base64OutputByteBuffer(Base64OutputByteBuffer.DEFAULT_ALPHABET, Base64OutputByteBuffer.DEFAULT_PADDING, bufferSize); for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { base64OutputByteBuffer.write(data[i]); } base64OutputByteBuffer.flush(); buffer = base64OutputByteBuffer.getByteBuffer(); assertEquals(new Base64().encodeAsString(data), new String(buffer.array()).trim()); if (data.length % 2 == 0) { base64OutputByteBuffer = new Base64OutputByteBuffer(Base64OutputByteBuffer.DEFAULT_ALPHABET, Base64OutputByteBuffer.DEFAULT_PADDING, bufferSize); for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i += 2) { base64OutputByteBuffer.write(new byte[] { data[i], data[i + 1] }); } base64OutputByteBuffer.flush(); buffer = base64OutputByteBuffer.getByteBuffer(); assertEquals(new Base64().encodeAsString(data), new String(buffer.array()).trim()); } }
From source
@Override public void write(DataOutput out) throws IOException { mbr.write(out);//from ww w . j av a 2 s . c om out.writeInt(zSplits.length); ByteBuffer bbuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(zSplits.length * 8); for (long zSplit : zSplits) bbuffer.putLong(zSplit); if (bbuffer.hasRemaining()) throw new RuntimeException("Did not calculate buffer size correctly"); out.write(bbuffer.array(), bbuffer.arrayOffset(), bbuffer.position()); }
From source
private boolean write(IoSession session, NetworkingMessage networkingMessage) throws InterruptedException { String json = JsonConverter.toJson(networkingMessage); String encodedMessage = null; try {//from w w w . j a v a 2 s. co m ByteBuffer byteBuffer = UTF_ENCODER.encode(CharBuffer.wrap(json)); encodedMessage = new String(Base64.encode(byteBuffer.array())); } catch (CharacterCodingException e) { LOG.warn("Could not encode message with UTF-8."); encodedMessage = new String(Base64.encode(json.getBytes())); } WriteFuture future = session.write(encodedMessage); future.await(); if (!future.isWritten()) { LOG.error("Could not send message through the network.", future.getException()); } return future.isWritten(); }
From source
private byte[] encode(final BigInteger modulus, final BigInteger exponent) { final byte[] modulusEnc = modulus.toByteArray(); final byte[] exponentEnc = exponent.toByteArray(); final ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(2 * 4 + modulusEnc.length + exponentEnc.length); buffer.putInt(modulusEnc.length);//ww w .ja v a2 s . c om buffer.put(modulusEnc); buffer.putInt(exponentEnc.length); buffer.put(exponentEnc); return buffer.array(); }