List of usage examples for URLConnection setDoOutput
public void setDoOutput(boolean dooutput)
From source
protected long proxyPlainTextRequest(URL url, String pathInContext, String pathParams, HttpRequest request, HttpResponse response) throws IOException { CaptureNetworkTrafficCommand.Entry entry = new CaptureNetworkTrafficCommand.Entry(request.getMethod(), url.toString());//from w w w .j ava 2 s. c o m entry.addRequestHeaders(request); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("PROXY URL=" + url); URLConnection connection = url.openConnection(); connection.setAllowUserInteraction(false); if (proxyInjectionMode) { adjustRequestForProxyInjection(request, connection); } // Set method HttpURLConnection http = null; if (connection instanceof HttpURLConnection) { http = (HttpURLConnection) connection; http.setRequestMethod(request.getMethod()); http.setInstanceFollowRedirects(false); if (trustAllSSLCertificates && connection instanceof HttpsURLConnection) { TrustEverythingSSLTrustManager.trustAllSSLCertificates((HttpsURLConnection) connection); } } // check connection header String connectionHdr = request.getField(HttpFields.__Connection); if (connectionHdr != null && (connectionHdr.equalsIgnoreCase(HttpFields.__KeepAlive) || connectionHdr.equalsIgnoreCase(HttpFields.__Close))) connectionHdr = null; // copy headers boolean xForwardedFor = false; boolean isGet = "GET".equals(request.getMethod()); boolean hasContent = false; Enumeration enm = request.getFieldNames(); while (enm.hasMoreElements()) { // TODO could be better than this! String hdr = (String) enm.nextElement(); if (_DontProxyHeaders.containsKey(hdr) || !_chained && _ProxyAuthHeaders.containsKey(hdr)) continue; if (connectionHdr != null && connectionHdr.indexOf(hdr) >= 0) continue; if (!isGet && HttpFields.__ContentType.equals(hdr)) hasContent = true; Enumeration vals = request.getFieldValues(hdr); while (vals.hasMoreElements()) { String val = (String) vals.nextElement(); if (val != null) { // don't proxy Referer headers if the referer is Selenium! if ("Referer".equals(hdr) && (-1 != val.indexOf("/selenium-server/"))) { continue; } if (!isGet && HttpFields.__ContentLength.equals(hdr) && Integer.parseInt(val) > 0) { hasContent = true; } connection.addRequestProperty(hdr, val); xForwardedFor |= HttpFields.__XForwardedFor.equalsIgnoreCase(hdr); } } } // add any custom request headers that the user asked for Map<String, String> customRequestHeaders = AddCustomRequestHeaderCommand.getHeaders(); for (Map.Entry<String, String> e : customRequestHeaders.entrySet()) { connection.addRequestProperty(e.getKey(), e.getValue()); entry.addRequestHeader(e.getKey(), e.getValue()); } // Proxy headers if (!_anonymous) connection.setRequestProperty("Via", "1.1 (jetty)"); if (!xForwardedFor) connection.addRequestProperty(HttpFields.__XForwardedFor, request.getRemoteAddr()); // a little bit of cache control String cache_control = request.getField(HttpFields.__CacheControl); if (cache_control != null && (cache_control.indexOf("no-cache") >= 0 || cache_control.indexOf("no-store") >= 0)) connection.setUseCaches(false); // customize Connection customizeConnection(pathInContext, pathParams, request, connection); try { connection.setDoInput(true); // do input thang! InputStream in = request.getInputStream(); if (hasContent) { connection.setDoOutput(true); IO.copy(in, connection.getOutputStream()); } // Connect connection.connect(); } catch (Exception e) { LogSupport.ignore(log, e); } InputStream proxy_in = null; // handler status codes etc. int code = -1; if (http != null) { proxy_in = http.getErrorStream(); try { code = http.getResponseCode(); } catch (SSLHandshakeException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Couldn't establish SSL handshake. Try using trustAllSSLCertificates.\n" + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e); } response.setStatus(code); response.setReason(http.getResponseMessage()); String contentType = http.getContentType(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Content-Type is: " + contentType); } } if (proxy_in == null) { try { proxy_in = connection.getInputStream(); } catch (Exception e) { LogSupport.ignore(log, e); proxy_in = http.getErrorStream(); } } // clear response defaults. response.removeField(HttpFields.__Date); response.removeField(HttpFields.__Server); // set response headers int h = 0; String hdr = connection.getHeaderFieldKey(h); String val = connection.getHeaderField(h); while (hdr != null || val != null) { if (hdr != null && val != null && !_DontProxyHeaders.containsKey(hdr) && (_chained || !_ProxyAuthHeaders.containsKey(hdr))) response.addField(hdr, val); h++; hdr = connection.getHeaderFieldKey(h); val = connection.getHeaderField(h); } if (!_anonymous) response.setField("Via", "1.1 (jetty)"); response.removeField(HttpFields.__ETag); // possible cksum? Stop caching... response.removeField(HttpFields.__LastModified); // Stop caching... // Handled long bytesCopied = -1; request.setHandled(true); if (proxy_in != null) { boolean injectableResponse = http.getResponseCode() == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK || (http.getResponseCode() >= 400 && http.getResponseCode() < 600); if (proxyInjectionMode && injectableResponse) { // check if we should proxy this path based on the dontProxyRegex that can be user-specified if (shouldInject(request.getPath())) { bytesCopied = InjectionHelper.injectJavaScript(request, response, proxy_in, response.getOutputStream(), debugURL); } else { bytesCopied = ModifiedIO.copy(proxy_in, response.getOutputStream()); } } else { bytesCopied = ModifiedIO.copy(proxy_in, response.getOutputStream()); } } entry.finish(code, bytesCopied); entry.addResponseHeader(response); CaptureNetworkTrafficCommand.capture(entry); return bytesCopied; }
From source
public final static String post(final String url, final String content) throws IOException { final URLConnection ucon = new URL(url).openConnection(); ucon.setDoInput(true);/* w ww .ja v a 2 s .c o m*/ if (content != null) { ucon.setDoOutput(true); ucon.getOutputStream().write(content.getBytes()); } return readStream(getRawStream(ucon)); }
From source
public Object connect(String url, boolean read, boolean write, int timeout) throws IOException { URL u = new URL(url); CookieHandler.setDefault(null); URLConnection con = u.openConnection(); if (con instanceof HttpURLConnection) { HttpURLConnection c = (HttpURLConnection) con; c.setUseCaches(false);//from w w w. j ava 2s . c o m c.setDefaultUseCaches(false); c.setInstanceFollowRedirects(false); if (timeout > -1) { c.setConnectTimeout(timeout); } if (read) { if (timeout > -1) { c.setReadTimeout(timeout); } else { c.setReadTimeout(10000); } } if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT > 13) { c.setRequestProperty("Connection", "close"); } } con.setDoInput(read); con.setDoOutput(write); return con; }