Example usage for java.net InetSocketAddress getPort

List of usage examples for java.net InetSocketAddress getPort


In this page you can find the example usage for java.net InetSocketAddress getPort.


public final int getPort() 

Source Link


Gets the port number.


From source file:com.xmlcalabash.library.HttpRequest.java

public void gorun() throws SaxonApiException {

    XdmNode requestDoc = source.read(stepContext);
    XdmNode start = S9apiUtils.getDocumentElement(requestDoc);

    if (!c_request.equals(start.getNodeName())) {
        throw XProcException.stepError(40);
    }/*w  w  w  .j  a v a  2s .co m*/

    // Check for valid attributes
    XdmSequenceIterator iter = start.axisIterator(Axis.ATTRIBUTE);
    boolean ok = true;
    while (iter.hasNext()) {
        XdmNode attr = (XdmNode) iter.next();
        QName name = attr.getNodeName();
        if (_method.equals(name) || _href.equals(name) || _detailed.equals(name) || _status_only.equals(name)
                || _username.equals(name) || _password.equals(name) || _auth_method.equals(name)
                || _send_authorization.equals(name) || _override_content_type.equals(name)) {
            // nop
        } else {
            if (XMLConstants.DEFAULT_NS_PREFIX.equals(name.getNamespaceURI())) {
                throw new XProcException(step.getNode(),
                        "Unsupported attribute on c:request for p:http-request: " + name);

    String send = step.getExtensionAttribute(cx_send_binary);
    encodeBinary = !"true".equals(send);

    method = start.getAttributeValue(_method);
    statusOnly = "true".equals(start.getAttributeValue(_status_only));
    detailed = "true".equals(start.getAttributeValue(_detailed));
    overrideContentType = start.getAttributeValue(_override_content_type);

    if (method == null) {
        throw XProcException.stepError(6);

    if (statusOnly && !detailed) {
        throw XProcException.stepError(4);

    if (start.getAttributeValue(_href) == null) {
        throw new XProcException(step.getNode(),
                "The 'href' attribute must be specified on c:request for p:http-request");

    requestURI = start.getBaseURI().resolve(start.getAttributeValue(_href));

    if ("file".equals(requestURI.getScheme())) {

    // What about cookies
    String saveCookieKey = step.getExtensionAttribute(cx_save_cookies);
    String useCookieKeys = step.getExtensionAttribute(cx_use_cookies);
    String cookieKey = step.getExtensionAttribute(cx_cookies);

    if (saveCookieKey == null) {
        saveCookieKey = cookieKey;

    if (useCookieKeys == null) {
        useCookieKeys = cookieKey;

    client = new HttpClient();
    client.getParams().setParameter("http.protocol.single-cookie-header", true);

    HttpState state = client.getState();

    if (useCookieKeys != null) {
        for (String key : useCookieKeys.split("\\s+")) {
            for (Cookie cookie : runtime.getCookies(key)) {

    String timeOutStr = step.getExtensionAttribute(cx_timeout);
    if (timeOutStr != null) {
        HttpMethodParams params = client.getParams();

    ProxySelector proxySelector = ProxySelector.getDefault();
    List<Proxy> plist = proxySelector.select(requestURI);
    // I have no idea what I'm expected to do if I get more than one...
    if (plist.size() > 0) {
        Proxy proxy = plist.get(0);
        switch (proxy.type()) {
        case DIRECT:
            // nop;
        case HTTP:
            // This can't cause a ClassCastException, right?
            InetSocketAddress addr = (InetSocketAddress) proxy.address();
            String host = addr.getHostName();
            int port = addr.getPort();
            client.getHostConfiguration().setProxy(host, port);
            // FIXME: send out a log message

    if (start.getAttributeValue(_username) != null) {
        String user = start.getAttributeValue(_username);
        String pass = start.getAttributeValue(_password);
        String meth = start.getAttributeValue(_auth_method);

        if (meth == null || !("basic".equals(meth.toLowerCase()) || "digest".equals(meth.toLowerCase()))) {
            throw XProcException.stepError(3, "Unsupported auth-method: " + meth);

        String host = requestURI.getHost();
        int port = requestURI.getPort();
        AuthScope scope = new AuthScope(host, port);

        UsernamePasswordCredentials cred = new UsernamePasswordCredentials(user, pass);

        client.getState().setCredentials(scope, cred);

        if ("basic".equals(meth.toLowerCase())) {

    iter = start.axisIterator(Axis.CHILD);
    XdmNode body = null;
    while (iter.hasNext()) {
        XdmNode event = (XdmNode) iter.next();
        // FIXME: What about non-whitespace text nodes?
        if (event.getNodeKind() == XdmNodeKind.ELEMENT) {
            if (body != null) {
                throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Elements follow c:multipart or c:body");

            if (XProcConstants.c_header.equals(event.getNodeName())) {
                String name = event.getAttributeValue(_name);
                if (name == null) {
                    continue; // this can't happen, right?
                if (name.toLowerCase().equals("content-type")) {
                    // We'll deal with the content-type header later
                    headerContentType = event.getAttributeValue(_value).toLowerCase();
                } else {
                    headers.add(new Header(event.getAttributeValue(_name), event.getAttributeValue(_value)));
            } else if (XProcConstants.c_multipart.equals(event.getNodeName())
                    || XProcConstants.c_body.equals(event.getNodeName())) {
                body = event;
            } else {
                throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unexpected request element: " + event.getNodeName());

    String lcMethod = method.toLowerCase();

    // You can only have a body on PUT or POST
    if (body != null && !("put".equals(lcMethod) || "post".equals(lcMethod))) {
        throw XProcException.stepError(5);

    HttpMethodBase httpResult;

    if ("get".equals(lcMethod)) {
        httpResult = doGet();
    } else if ("post".equals(lcMethod)) {
        httpResult = doPost(body);
    } else if ("put".equals(lcMethod)) {
        httpResult = doPut(body);
    } else if ("head".equals(lcMethod)) {
        httpResult = doHead();
    } else if ("delete".equals(lcMethod)) {
        httpResult = doDelete();
    } else {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unrecognized http method: " + method);

    TreeWriter tree = new TreeWriter(runtime);

    try {
        // Execute the method.
        int statusCode = client.executeMethod(httpResult);

        // Deal with cookies
        if (saveCookieKey != null) {

            state = client.getState();
            Cookie[] cookies = state.getCookies();
            for (Cookie cookie : cookies) {
                runtime.addCookie(saveCookieKey, cookie);

        String contentType = getContentType(httpResult);
        if (overrideContentType != null) {
            if ((xmlContentType(contentType) && overrideContentType.startsWith("image/"))
                    || (contentType.startsWith("text/") && overrideContentType.startsWith("image/"))
                    || (contentType.startsWith("image/") && xmlContentType(overrideContentType))
                    || (contentType.startsWith("image/") && overrideContentType.startsWith("text/"))
                    || (contentType.startsWith("multipart/") && !overrideContentType.startsWith("multipart/"))
                    || (!contentType.startsWith("multipart/")
                            && overrideContentType.startsWith("multipart/"))) {
                throw XProcException.stepError(30);

            //System.err.println(overrideContentType + " overrides " + contentType);
            contentType = overrideContentType;

        if (detailed) {
            tree.addAttribute(_status, "" + statusCode);

            for (Header header : httpResult.getResponseHeaders()) {
                // I don't understand why/how HeaderElement parsing works. I get very weird results.
                // So I'm just going to go the long way around...
                String h = header.toString();
                int cp = h.indexOf(":");
                String name = header.getName();
                String value = h.substring(cp + 1).trim();

                tree.addAttribute(_name, name);
                tree.addAttribute(_value, value);

            if (statusOnly) {
                // Skip reading the result
            } else {
                // Read the response body.
                InputStream bodyStream = httpResult.getResponseBodyAsStream();
                if (bodyStream != null) {
                    readBodyContent(tree, bodyStream, httpResult);

        } else {
            if (statusOnly) {
                // Skip reading the result
            } else {
                // Read the response body.
                InputStream bodyStream = httpResult.getResponseBodyAsStream();
                if (bodyStream != null) {
                    readBodyContent(tree, bodyStream, httpResult);
                } else {
                    throw XProcException.dynamicError(6);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new XProcException(e);
    } finally {
        // Release the connection.


    XdmNode resultNode = tree.getResult();

    result.write(stepContext, resultNode);

From source file:org.apache.hama.bsp.GroomServer.java

public synchronized void initialize() throws IOException {
    if (this.conf.get(Constants.PEER_HOST) != null) {
        this.localHostname = conf.get(Constants.PEER_HOST);
    }//w w w  .ja va 2 s.  c om

    if (localHostname == null) {
        this.localHostname = DNS.getDefaultHost(conf.get("bsp.dns.interface", "default"),
                conf.get("bsp.dns.nameserver", "default"));
    // check local disk

    // Clear out state tables
    this.runningJobs = new TreeMap<BSPJobID, RunningJob>();
    this.runningTasks = new ConcurrentHashMap<TaskAttemptID, TaskInProgress>();
    this.finishedTasks = new LinkedHashMap<TaskAttemptID, TaskInProgress>();
    this.conf.set(Constants.PEER_HOST, localHostname);
    this.conf.set(Constants.GROOM_RPC_HOST, localHostname);
    this.maxCurrentTasks = conf.getInt(Constants.MAX_TASKS_PER_GROOM, 3);
    this.assignedPeerNames = new HashMap<TaskAttemptID, Integer>(2 * this.maxCurrentTasks);

    int rpcPort = -1;
    String rpcAddr = null;
    if (false == this.initialized) {
        rpcAddr = conf.get(Constants.GROOM_RPC_HOST, Constants.DEFAULT_GROOM_RPC_HOST);
        rpcPort = conf.getInt(Constants.GROOM_RPC_PORT, Constants.DEFAULT_GROOM_RPC_PORT);
        if (-1 == rpcPort || null == rpcAddr)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Error rpc address " + rpcAddr + " port" + rpcPort);
        this.workerServer = RPC.getServer(this, rpcAddr, rpcPort, conf);
        this.rpcServer = rpcAddr + ":" + rpcPort;

    server = new HttpServer("groomserver", rpcAddr,
            conf.getInt("bsp.http.groomserver.port", Constants.DEFAULT_GROOM_INFO_SERVER), true, conf);

    FileSystem local = FileSystem.getLocal(conf);
    server.setAttribute("groom.server", this);
    server.setAttribute("local.file.system", local);
    server.setAttribute("conf", conf);
    server.setAttribute("log", LOG);
    server.addServlet("taskLog", "/tasklog", TaskLogServlet.class);

    LOG.info("starting webserver: " + rpcAddr);

    String address = BSPNetUtils.getServerAddress(conf, "bsp.groom.report.bindAddress", "bsp.groom.report.port",
    InetSocketAddress socAddr = BSPNetUtils.createSocketAddr(address);
    String bindAddress = socAddr.getHostName();
    int tmpPort = socAddr.getPort();

    // RPC initialization
    this.taskReportServer = RPC.getServer(this, bindAddress, tmpPort,
            conf.getInt("hama.groom.report.server.handler.threads.num", 5), false, this.conf);


    // get the assigned address
    this.taskReportAddress = taskReportServer.getListenerAddress();
            taskReportAddress.getHostName() + ":" + taskReportAddress.getPort());
    LOG.info("TaskReportServer up at: " + this.taskReportAddress);

    this.groomHostName = rpcAddr;
    this.groomServerName = "groomd_" + this.rpcServer.replace(':', '_');
    LOG.info("Starting groom: " + this.rpcServer);

    // establish the communication link to bsp master
    this.masterClient = (MasterProtocol) RPC.waitForProxy(MasterProtocol.class,
            HamaRPCProtocolVersion.versionID, bspMasterAddr, conf);

    this.instructor = new Instructor();
    this.instructor.bind(DispatchTasksDirective.class, new DispatchTasksHandler());

    if (this.taskMonitorService == null) {
        this.taskMonitorService = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(1);
        long monitorPeriod = this.conf.getLong(Constants.GROOM_PING_PERIOD,
        if (monitorPeriod > 0) {
            this.taskMonitorService.scheduleWithFixedDelay(new BSPTasksMonitor(), 1000, monitorPeriod,

    if (conf.getBoolean("bsp.monitor.enabled", false)) {
        new Monitor(conf, zk, this.groomServerName).start();

    if (conf.getBoolean("bsp.monitor.fd.enabled", false)) {
                conf.getClass("bsp.monitor.fd.sensor.class", UDPSensor.class, Sensor.class),
                (HamaConfiguration) conf));

    // enroll in bsp master once the GroomServer is ready to accept tasks
    if (-1 == rpcPort || null == rpcAddr)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Error rpc address " + rpcAddr + " port" + rpcPort);
    if (!this.masterClient.register(new GroomServerStatus(groomServerName, cloneAndResetRunningTaskStatuses(),
            failures, maxCurrentTasks, this.rpcServer, groomHostName))) {
        LOG.error("There is a problem in establishing communication" + " link with BSPMaster");
        throw new IOException("There is a problem in establishing" + " communication link with BSPMaster.");

    this.running = true;
    this.initialized = true;

From source file:org.apache.james.protocols.smtp.AbstractSMTPServerTest.java

public void testHeloEnforcementDisabled() throws Exception {
    TestMessageHook hook = new TestMessageHook();
    InetSocketAddress address = new InetSocketAddress("", TestUtils.getFreePort());

    ProtocolServer server = null;/*  w ww  .j  a  v a 2 s .c o m*/
    try {
        Protocol protocol = createProtocol(hook);
        ((SMTPConfigurationImpl) protocol.getConfiguration()).setHeloEhloEnforcement(false);
        server = createServer(protocol, address);

        SMTPClient client = createClient();
        client.connect(address.getAddress().getHostAddress(), address.getPort());
        assertTrue("Reply=" + client.getReplyString(), SMTPReply.isPositiveCompletion(client.getReplyCode()));

        assertTrue("Reply=" + client.getReplyString(), SMTPReply.isPositiveCompletion(client.getReplyCode()));

        assertTrue("Reply=" + client.getReplyString(), SMTPReply.isPositiveCompletion(client.getReplyCode()));

        Iterator<MailEnvelope> queued = hook.getQueued().iterator();

    } finally {
        if (server != null) {


From source file:net.spy.memcached.CouchbaseConnection.java

private List<CouchbaseNode> createConnections(List<InetSocketAddress> addrs) throws IOException {
    List<CouchbaseNode> nodeList = new LinkedList<CouchbaseNode>();

    for (InetSocketAddress a : addrs) {
        HttpParams params = new SyncBasicHttpParams();
        params.setIntParameter(CoreConnectionPNames.SO_TIMEOUT, 5000)
                .setIntParameter(CoreConnectionPNames.CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, 5000)
                .setIntParameter(CoreConnectionPNames.SOCKET_BUFFER_SIZE, 8 * 1024)
                .setBooleanParameter(CoreConnectionPNames.STALE_CONNECTION_CHECK, false)
                .setBooleanParameter(CoreConnectionPNames.TCP_NODELAY, true)
                .setParameter(CoreProtocolPNames.USER_AGENT, "Spymemcached Client/1.1");

        HttpProcessor httpproc = new ImmutableHttpProcessor(
                new HttpRequestInterceptor[] { new RequestContent(), new RequestTargetHost(),
                        new RequestConnControl(), new RequestUserAgent(), new RequestExpectContinue(), });

        AsyncNHttpClientHandler protocolHandler = new AsyncNHttpClientHandler(httpproc,
                new MyHttpRequestExecutionHandler(), new DefaultConnectionReuseStrategy(),
                new DirectByteBufferAllocator(), params);
        protocolHandler.setEventListener(new EventLogger());

        AsyncConnectionManager connMgr = new AsyncConnectionManager(new HttpHost(a.getHostName(), a.getPort()),
                NUM_CONNS, protocolHandler, params);
        getLogger().info("Added %s to connect queue", a);

        CouchbaseNode node = connFactory.createCouchDBNode(a, connMgr);
        node.init();/* w  w w .j  av a 2s  .  c o  m*/

    return nodeList;

From source file:org.dcache.srm.client.FlexibleCredentialSSLConnectionSocketFactory.java

public Socket connectSocket(final int connectTimeout, final Socket socket, final HttpHost host,
        final InetSocketAddress remoteAddress, final InetSocketAddress localAddress, final HttpContext context)
        throws IOException {
    Args.notNull(host, "HTTP host");
    Args.notNull(remoteAddress, "Remote address");
    final Socket sock = socket != null ? socket : createSocket(context);
    if (localAddress != null) {
        sock.bind(localAddress);/*from   w ww. ja v a 2s .co m*/
    try {
        if (connectTimeout > 0 && sock.getSoTimeout() == 0) {
        LOGGER.debug("Connecting socket to {} with timeout {}", remoteAddress, connectTimeout);
        sock.connect(remoteAddress, connectTimeout);
    } catch (final IOException ex) {
        try {
        } catch (final IOException ignore) {
        throw ex;
    // Setup SSL layering if necessary
    if (sock instanceof SSLSocket) {
        final SSLSocket sslsock = (SSLSocket) sock;
        LOGGER.debug("Starting handshake");
        verifyHostname(sslsock, host.getHostName());
        return sock;
    } else {
        return createLayeredSocket(sock, host.getHostName(), remoteAddress.getPort(), context);

From source file:org.apache.james.protocols.smtp.AbstractSMTPServerTest.java

public void testInvalidNoBracketsEnformance() throws Exception {
    TestMessageHook hook = new TestMessageHook();
    InetSocketAddress address = new InetSocketAddress("", TestUtils.getFreePort());

    ProtocolServer server = null;/*from  w ww  .j a  v  a  2 s .  co  m*/
    try {
        Protocol protocol = createProtocol(hook);
        ((SMTPConfigurationImpl) protocol.getConfiguration()).setUseAddressBracketsEnforcement(false);
        server = createServer(protocol, address);

        SMTPClient client = createClient();
        client.connect(address.getAddress().getHostAddress(), address.getPort());
        assertTrue("Reply=" + client.getReplyString(), SMTPReply.isPositiveCompletion(client.getReplyCode()));

        assertTrue("Reply=" + client.getReplyString(), SMTPReply.isPositiveCompletion(client.getReplyCode()));

        assertTrue("Reply=" + client.getReplyString(), SMTPReply.isPositiveCompletion(client.getReplyCode()));

        assertTrue("Reply=" + client.getReplyString(), SMTPReply.isPositiveCompletion(client.getReplyCode()));

        assertTrue("Reply=" + client.getReplyString(), SMTPReply.isPositiveCompletion(client.getReplyCode()));

        Iterator<MailEnvelope> queued = hook.getQueued().iterator();

    } finally {
        if (server != null) {


From source file:com.all.dht.DhtManager.java

private void processOversizedValueRequest(AllMessage<String> message) {
    String senderId = message.getProperty(MESSAGE_SENDER);
    if (senderId != null && !dht.getLocalNodeID().toHexString().equals(senderId)) {
        log.info("Processing OVERSIZED_DHT_VALUE_REQUEST_TYPE for key : " + message.getBody());
        Contact sender = dht.getRouteTable().get(KUID.createWithHexString(senderId));
        InetSocketAddress senderAddress = (InetSocketAddress) sender.getContactAddress();
        byte[] oversizedValue = dhtFileUtils.readFromFileSystem(message.getBody());
        if (oversizedValue != null) {
            AllMessage<String> response = new AllMessage<String>(OVERSIZED_DHT_VALUE_RESPONSE_TYPE,
                    new String(oversizedValue));
            response.putProperty(MESSAGE_SENDER, dht.getLocalNodeID().toHexString());
            response.putProperty(DHT_PRIMARY_KEY, message.getBody());
            networkingService.send(dht.getLocalNodeID().toHexString(), response,
                    senderAddress.getAddress().getHostAddress(), senderAddress.getPort() + 1);
        }//from   w w w  .j a  v a 2s  .  c  o  m

From source file:org.apache.synapse.transport.nhttp.HttpCoreNIOListener.java

 * Start specific end points given by InetSockeAddress list
 * @param endpointsClosed InetSocketAddresses of endpoints to be started
 * @throws AxisFault//from   ww w .  ja va 2s .  c  om
private void startSpecificEndpoints(List<InetSocketAddress> endpointsClosed) throws AxisFault {
    Queue<ListenerEndpoint> endpoints = new LinkedList<ListenerEndpoint>();

    // Ensure simple but stable order
    List<InetSocketAddress> addressList = endpointsClosed;
    Collections.sort(addressList, new Comparator<InetSocketAddress>() {

        public int compare(InetSocketAddress a1, InetSocketAddress a2) {
            String s1 = a1.toString();
            String s2 = a2.toString();
            return s1.compareTo(s2);


    for (InetSocketAddress address : addressList) {

    // Wait for the endpoint to become ready, i.e. for the listener to start accepting
    // requests.
    while (!endpoints.isEmpty()) {
        ListenerEndpoint endpoint = endpoints.remove();
        try {
            if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {
                InetSocketAddress address = (InetSocketAddress) endpoint.getAddress();
                if (!address.isUnresolved()) {
                    log.info(name + " started on " + address.getHostName() + ":" + address.getPort());
                } else {
                    log.info(name + " started on " + address);
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            log.warn("Listener startup was interrupted");

From source file:org.apache.synapse.transport.nhttp.HttpCoreNIOListener.java

private void startEndpoints() throws AxisFault {
    Queue<ListenerEndpoint> endpoints = new LinkedList<ListenerEndpoint>();

    Set<InetSocketAddress> addressSet = new HashSet<InetSocketAddress>();
    if (NHttpConfiguration.getInstance().getMaxActiveConnections() != -1) {
    }/*  w ww  .  j a v a  2s . c o m*/
    if (listenerContext.getBindAddress() != null) {
        addressSet.add(new InetSocketAddress(listenerContext.getBindAddress(), listenerContext.getPort()));
    if (addressSet.isEmpty()) {
        addressSet.add(new InetSocketAddress(listenerContext.getPort()));

    // Ensure simple but stable order
    List<InetSocketAddress> addressList = new ArrayList<InetSocketAddress>(addressSet);
    Collections.sort(addressList, new Comparator<InetSocketAddress>() {

        public int compare(InetSocketAddress a1, InetSocketAddress a2) {
            String s1 = a1.toString();
            String s2 = a2.toString();
            return s1.compareTo(s2);

    for (InetSocketAddress address : addressList) {

    // Wait for the endpoint to become ready, i.e. for the listener to start accepting
    // requests.
    while (!endpoints.isEmpty()) {
        ListenerEndpoint endpoint = endpoints.remove();
        try {
            if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {
                InetSocketAddress address = (InetSocketAddress) endpoint.getAddress();
                if (!address.isUnresolved()) {
                    log.info(name + " started on " + address.getHostName() + ":" + address.getPort());
                } else {
                    log.info(name + " started on " + address);
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            log.warn("Listener startup was interrupted");