List of usage examples for InetSocketAddress getHostName
public final String getHostName()
From source
@Test public void testGetBlob() throws Exception { // this test verifies that the non-zero-copy code path in the HttpBlobHandler works String digest = uploadSmallBlob(); String blobUri = blobUri(digest); // can't follow redirects because ssl isn't really enabled // -> figure out the node that really has the blob CloseableHttpClient client = HttpClients.custom().disableRedirectHandling().build(); List<String> redirectLocations = getRedirectLocations(client, blobUri, address); InetSocketAddress correctAddress; if (redirectLocations.isEmpty()) { correctAddress = address;/*from ww w .j a v a2s . c o m*/ } else { correctAddress = address2; } HttpGet httpGet = new HttpGet(String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, "http://%s:%s/_blobs/%s", correctAddress.getHostName(), correctAddress.getPort(), blobUri)); CloseableHttpResponse response = client.execute(httpGet); assertEquals(1500, response.getEntity().getContentLength()); }
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public void startConnection(final RequestType type) { switch (type) { case STATUS://from w w w . ja v a 2 s . c o m // TODO finish break; case LOGIN: this.networkManager.setPacketListener(new LoginListener(this.core, this.networkManager)); // TODO finish final InetSocketAddress address = (InetSocketAddress) this.networkManager.getSocketAddress(); this.networkManager.sendPacket( new PacketHandshakingServerboundSetProtocol(PacketHandshakeListener.CURRENT_PROTOCOL, RequestType.LOGIN, address.getPort(), address.getHostName())); this.networkManager.setProtocol(EnumProtocol.LOGIN); this.networkManager.sendPacket(new PacketLoginServerboundStart( new GameProfileImpl(DioriteUtils.getCrackedUuid("player"), "player"))); break; } }
From source
public void generate(Map<InetSocketAddress, ResultsPackage> agentResults, File reportsDir) { Chunker chunker = new Chunker(); Log.set(Log.LEVEL_DEBUG);/*from w ww.j a v a 2 s. c o m*/ Set<String> totalsTransactionNames = new HashSet<String>(); Set<String> perAgentTransactionNames = new HashSet<String>(); Set<String> perAgentPerThreadTransactionNames = new HashSet<String>(); Set<String> agentStrings = new HashSet<String>(); Set<InetSocketAddress> keySet = agentResults.keySet(); for (InetSocketAddress inetSocketAddress : keySet) { String agentString = inetSocketAddress.getHostName(); Log.debug("Process result from agent " + agentString); agentStrings.add(agentString); ResultsPackage resultsPerThread = agentResults.get(inetSocketAddress); Set<String> threadNames = resultsPerThread.getThreadResults().keySet(); for (String threadName : threadNames) { Log.debug("Processing result for thread name ", threadName); ThreadResults results = resultsPerThread.getThreadResults().get(threadName); Set<String> transactionIDs = results.keySet(); for (String transactionID : transactionIDs) { Log.debug("Processing transactionID '" + transactionID + "'"); String agentKey = agentString + "." + transactionID + ".elapsed"; String agentThreadKey = agentString + "." + threadName + "." + transactionID + ".elapsed"; String totalKey = "total." + transactionID + ".elapsed"; totalsTransactionNames.add(totalKey); perAgentTransactionNames.add(agentKey); perAgentPerThreadTransactionNames.add(agentThreadKey); AggregatedResultSeries aggregatedResultSeries = results.get(transactionID); List<AggregatedResult> aggregatedResults = aggregatedResultSeries.getResults(); for (AggregatedResult result : aggregatedResults) { Log.debug(result.toString()); chunker.onNewResult(agentKey, result.time, result.mean() * 1e-6f); chunker.onNewResult(totalKey, result.time, result.mean() * 1e-6f); } } } } // The first chart is the [all agents, all threads, all transactions] mean transaction time chart TimeSeriesCollection timeSeriesCollection = extractTimeSeries(chunker, totalsTransactionNames, Statistic.Mean); render("All transactions mean per second elapsed times", timeSeriesCollection, new File(reportsDir, "all.transactions.elapsed.png")); // The second chart is the [all agents, all threads, all transactions] transaction count chart timeSeriesCollection = extractTimeSeries(chunker, totalsTransactionNames, Statistic.Count); render("All transactions per second counts", timeSeriesCollection, new File(reportsDir, "all.transactions.count.png")); // Now lets do the same for each agent for (final String agent : agentStrings) { TimeSeriesCollection agentTimeSeriesCollection = new TimeSeriesCollection(); for (String perAgentPerThreadTransactionName : perAgentTransactionNames) { if (perAgentPerThreadTransactionName.startsWith(agent)) { List<Chunk> timeOrderedResults = chunker .getTimeOrderedResults(perAgentPerThreadTransactionName); TimeSeries extractTimeSeries = extractTimeSeries(timeOrderedResults, perAgentPerThreadTransactionName, Statistic.Mean); agentTimeSeriesCollection.addSeries(extractTimeSeries); } } render(agent + " transactions mean per second elapsed times", agentTimeSeriesCollection, new File(reportsDir, agent + ".transactions.elapsed.png")); } // Lets have a stab at writing out some csv stuff writePerSecondResults(reportsDir, chunker, totalsTransactionNames); }
From source
@Override public Socket createSocket() throws IOException { //FIXME won't work.. log.debug("Creating socket! with proxy: " + proxy.address()); InetSocketAddress addr = (InetSocketAddress) proxy.address(); ProxyClient proxyClient = new ProxyClient(); proxyClient.getHostConfiguration().setHost("", 993); proxyClient.getHostConfiguration().setProxy(addr.getHostName(), addr.getPort()); if (proxyCredentials != null) { proxyClient.getState().setProxyCredentials(AuthScope.ANY, new UsernamePasswordCredentials( proxyCredentials.getUsername(), new String(proxyCredentials.getPasword()))); }/*from ww w . ja v a2 s . co m*/ log.debug("Trying to connect to proxy"); ProxyClient.ConnectResponse resp = proxyClient.connect(); if (resp.getConnectMethod().getStatusCode() != HttpStatus.SC_OK) { log.error("Failed to connect. " + resp.getConnectMethod().getStatusLine()); throw new GmailException( "Failed connecting to IMAP through proxy: " + resp.getConnectMethod().getStatusLine()); } log.debug("Connected, returning socket"); return resp.getSocket(); }
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@Override public void launch(ILaunchConfiguration configuration, String mode, ILaunch launch, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException { String autMainType = verifyMainTypeName(configuration); String autArgs = getProgramArguments(configuration); String autId = AutLaunchUtils.getAutId(configuration); ILaunchConfigurationWorkingCopy workingCopy = configuration.getWorkingCopy(); workingCopy.setAttribute(IJavaLaunchConfigurationConstants.ATTR_MAIN_TYPE_NAME, CommandConstants.AUT_SERVER_LAUNCHER); InetSocketAddress agentAddr = AutLaunchUtils.verifyConnectedAgentAddress(); String[] args = { Integer.toString(agentAddr.getPort()), autMainType, StringUtils.join(new StartSwingAutServerCommand().getLaunchClasspath(), IStartAut.PATH_SEPARATOR), CommandConstants.AUT_SWING_SERVER, agentAddr.getHostName(), Integer.toString(agentAddr.getPort()), autId, CommandConstants.RC_COMMON_AGENT_INACTIVE, autArgs }; workingCopy.setAttribute(IJavaLaunchConfigurationConstants.ATTR_PROGRAM_ARGUMENTS, StringUtils.join(args, " ")); //$NON-NLS-1$ super.launch(workingCopy, ILaunchManager.DEBUG_MODE, launch, monitor); }
From source
public static URI getUri(InetSocketAddress namenode) { int port = namenode.getPort(); String portString = port == DEFAULT_PORT ? "" : (":" + port); return URI.create(FSConstants.HDFS_URI_SCHEME + "://" + namenode.getHostName() + portString); }
From source
void start() throws IOException { final InetSocketAddress bindAddr = getAddress(conf); // initialize the webserver for uploading/downloading files."Starting web server as: " + SecurityUtil.getServerPrincipal( conf.get(DFS_JOURNALNODE_INTERNAL_SPNEGO_USER_NAME_KEY), bindAddr.getHostName())); int tmpInfoPort = bindAddr.getPort(); httpServer = new HttpServer("journal", bindAddr.getHostName(), tmpInfoPort, tmpInfoPort == 0, conf, new AccessControlList(conf.get(DFS_ADMIN, " "))) { {//from w w w. j a v a2 s . c o m if (UserGroupInformation.isSecurityEnabled()) { initSpnego(conf, DFS_JOURNALNODE_INTERNAL_SPNEGO_USER_NAME_KEY, DFSUtil.getSpnegoKeytabKey(conf, DFS_JOURNALNODE_KEYTAB_FILE_KEY)); } } }; httpServer.setAttribute(JN_ATTRIBUTE_KEY, localJournalNode); httpServer.setAttribute(JspHelper.CURRENT_CONF, conf); httpServer.addInternalServlet("getJournal", "/getJournal", GetJournalEditServlet.class, true); httpServer.start(); // The web-server port can be ephemeral... ensure we have the correct info infoPort = httpServer.getPort();"Journal Web-server up at: " + bindAddr + ":" + infoPort); }
From source
/** * Start to run a BSP staff./*from w ww . ja v a2 s . c o m*/ */ @Override public void run() { try { String sep = System.getProperty("path.separator"); File workDir = new File(new File(staff.getJobFile()).getParent(), "work"); boolean isCreated = workDir.mkdirs(); if (!isCreated) { LOG.debug("StaffRunner.workDir : " + workDir); } StringBuffer classPath = new StringBuffer(); classPath.append(System.getProperty("java.class.path")); classPath.append(sep); if (Constants.USER_BC_BSP_JOB_TYPE_C.equals(this.conf.getJobType())) { String exe = conf.getJobExe(); if (exe != null) { classPath.append(sep); classPath.append(exe); classPath.append(sep); classPath.append(workDir); } } else { String jar = conf.getJar(); // if jar exists, it into workDir if (jar != null) { RunJar.unJar(new File(jar), workDir); File[] libs = new File(workDir, "lib").listFiles(); if (libs != null) { for (int i = 0; i < libs.length; i++) { // add libs from jar to classpath classPath.append(sep); classPath.append(libs[i]); } } classPath.append(sep); classPath.append(new File(workDir, "classes")); classPath.append(sep); classPath.append(workDir); } } // Build exec child jmv args. Vector<String> vargs = new Vector<String>(); File jvm = new File(new File(System.getProperty("java.home"), "bin"), "java"); vargs.add(jvm.toString()); // String javaOpts = conf.getConf().get("", "-Xmx200m"); javaOpts = javaOpts.replace("@taskid@", staff.getStaffID().toString()); String[] javaOptsSplit = javaOpts.split(" "); for (int i = 0; i < javaOptsSplit.length; i++) { vargs.add(javaOptsSplit[i]); } // Add classpath. vargs.add("-classpath"); vargs.add(classPath.toString()); // Setup the log4j prop long logSize = StaffLog.getStaffLogLength(((BSPConfiguration) conf.getConf())); vargs.add("-Dbcbsp.log.dir=" + new File(System.getProperty("bcbsp.log.dir")).getAbsolutePath()); vargs.add("-Dbcbsp.root.logger=INFO,TLA");"debug: staff ID is " + staff.getStaffID()); vargs.add("-Dbcbsp.tasklog.taskid=" + staff.getStaffID()); vargs.add("-Dbcbsp.tasklog.totalLogFileSize=" + logSize); // Add main class and its arguments vargs.add(WorkerManager.Child.class.getName()); InetSocketAddress addr = workerManager.getStaffTrackerReportAddress(); vargs.add(addr.getHostName()); vargs.add(Integer.toString(addr.getPort())); vargs.add(staff.getStaffID().toString()); vargs.add(Integer.toString(getFaultSSStep())); vargs.add(workerManager.getHostName()); vargs.add(this.conf.getJobType()); // Run java runChild(vargs.toArray(new String[0]), workDir); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("[run]", e); } }
From source
public void startUp(PrintStream out) throws Exception { registerShutDownHook();// w w w . j av a 2 s . c o m flowOperations.startAndWait(); List<String> commandList = Lists.newArrayList(); for (CLICommands cliCommand : CLICommands.values()) { commandList.add(cliCommand.toString().toLowerCase()); } consoleReader.setPrompt("tigon> "); String line; while ((line = consoleReader.readLine()) != null) { String[] args = line.split("\\s+"); String command = args[0].toUpperCase(); try { CLICommands cmd = null; try { cmd = CLICommands.valueOf(command); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { out.println("Available Commands : "); out.println(StringUtils.join(commandList, ", ")); continue; } if (args.length < cmd.getArgCount()) { throw new InvalidCLIArgumentException(cmd.printHelp()); } if (cmd.equals(CLICommands.START)) { Map<String, String> runtimeArgs = Maps.newHashMap(); if (args.length > cmd.getArgCount()) { try { runtimeArgs = DeployClient .fromPosixArray(Arrays.copyOfRange(args, cmd.getArgCount(), args.length)); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { LOG.error("Runtime Args are not in the correct format [ --key1=val1 --key2=val2 ]"); continue; } } flowOperations.startFlow(new File(args[1]), args[2], runtimeArgs); } else if (cmd.equals(CLICommands.LIST)) { out.println(StringUtils.join(flowOperations.listAllFlows(), ", ")); } else if (cmd.equals(CLICommands.STOP)) { flowOperations.stopFlow(args[1]); } else if (cmd.equals(CLICommands.DELETE)) { flowOperations.deleteFlow(args[1]); } else if (cmd.equals(CLICommands.SET)) { flowOperations.setInstances(args[1], args[2], Integer.valueOf(args[3])); } else if (cmd.equals(CLICommands.STATUS)) { Service.State state = flowOperations.getStatus(args[1]); String status = (state != null) ? state.toString() : "NOT FOUND"; out.println(status); } else if (cmd.equals(CLICommands.FLOWLETINFO)) { out.println(String.format("%-20s %s", "Flowlet Name", "Instance Count")); Map<String, Integer> flowletInfoMap = flowOperations.getFlowInfo(args[1]); for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> flowletInfo : flowletInfoMap.entrySet()) { out.println(String.format("%-20s %s", flowletInfo.getKey(), flowletInfo.getValue())); } } else if (cmd.equals(CLICommands.DISCOVER)) { for (InetSocketAddress socketAddress :[1], args[2])) { out.println(String.format("%s:%s", socketAddress.getHostName(), socketAddress.getPort())); } } else if (cmd.equals(CLICommands.SHOWLOGS)) { flowOperations.addLogHandler(args[1], System.out); } else if (cmd.equals(CLICommands.SERVICEINFO)) { out.println(StringUtils.join(flowOperations.getServices(args[1]), "\n")); } else if (cmd.equals(CLICommands.VERSION)) { out.println(ProjectInfo.getVersion().getBuildVersion()); } else if (cmd.equals(CLICommands.HELP)) { try { out.println(CLICommands.valueOf(args[1].toUpperCase()).printHelp()); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { out.println("Command Not Found"); } } else { //QUIT Command break; } } catch (InvalidCLIArgumentException e) { out.println(e.getMessage()); } } }
From source
private void addConnection(PongPeerMessage message, InetSocketAddress incommingAddress) { Node senderNode = new Node(message.getNodeId(), incommingAddress.getHostName(), incommingAddress.getPort()); if (!StringUtils.equals(senderNode.getHexId(), this.localNode.getHexId())) { OperationResult result = this.distanceTable.addNode(senderNode); if (result.isSuccess()) { ByteArrayWrapper senderId = new ByteArrayWrapper(senderNode.getId()); this.establishedConnections.put(senderId, senderNode); } else {/*from ww w .j ava2 s .c o m*/ this.challengeManager.startChallenge(result.getAffectedEntry().getNode(), senderNode, this); } } }