List of usage examples for Inet4Address toString
public String toString()
From source
public Ip getIp(final Inet4Address inet4Address) { return getIp(inet4Address.toString().replaceFirst(".*/", "")); }
From source
@Transactional(readOnly = false) public Ip createIp(final Inet4Address inet4Address) throws UnknownHostException { final Ip transientIp = new Ip(); transientIp.setIpString(inet4Address.toString().replaceFirst(".*/", "")); ipDAO.persist(transientIp);//from w ww .j a v a 2 s . co m entityManager.flush(); entityManager.detach(transientIp); return transientIp; }
From source
public String processQueryFromClient(final String query, final Inet4Address address) { boolean should_remove_user_id_processing = false; try {//from w w w. ja v a2 s.c o m Ip ip = null; try { ip = generalServices.getIp(address); } catch (final NoResultException ex) { } if (ip != null && ip.isWatch())"TRACE: watch ip;process query;" + address.toString() + ";"); final String[] fields = query.split(""); final String uuid = fields[0]; final User user = generalServices.getUserByUuid(uuid); final String username = user.getUsername(); if (ip != null && ip.isWatch())"TRACE: watch ip;process query w/ valid username;" + username + ";" + address.toString() + ";"); if (user.isWatch())"TRACE: watch user;process query;" + username + ";" + address.toString() + ";"); if (fields[1].equals("GetMessage")) { if (user.getType() != User.Type.ANONYMOUS && user.getType() != User.Type.INITIALIZE && user.getMessage() != null && !user.getMessage().isEmpty()) {"TRACE: message for user;" + username + ";" + user.getMessage() + ";"); return "" + VpnCode.SRV2CLT_OK + "" + "message for user " + username + ": " + user.getMessage(); } if (ip != null && ip.getMessage() != null && !ip.getMessage().isEmpty()) {"TRACE: message for ip;" + ip.getIpString() + ";" + ip.getMessage() + ";"); return "" + VpnCode.SRV2CLT_OK + "" + "message for anonymous user from IP " + ip.getIpString() + ": " + ip.getMessage(); } return "" + VpnCode.SRV2CLT_OK + ""; } if (user.getType() == User.Type.BLOCKED) throw new GeneralException("query from blocked user (username=" + username + ")"); if ((user.getType() == User.Type.ANONYMOUS || user.getType() == User.Type.INITIALIZE) && ip != null && ip.getType() == Ip.Type.BLOCKED) throw new GeneralException("query from blocked ip (ip=" + ip.toString() + ")"); // userAndAccounts contient des entits dtaches (donc si pas d'exception en accdant userAndAccounts.user.getId() la premire fois, pas de risque en y accdant en sortant) final GeneralServices.UserAndAccounts userAndAccounts = generalServices.getUserAndAccountsByUuid(uuid); if (fields[1].equals("CheckMails")) {"TRACE: CheckMails;" + username + ";" + address.toString() + ";"); if (user.getType() != User.Type.NORMAL && user.getType() != User.Type.TRIAL) throw new GeneralException( "security exception: CheckMails authorized only for NORMAL/TRIAL users (username=" + username + ")"); // si cet utilisateur a par ex t supprim du serveur, il y aura une exception, prise en compte dans le catch final de cette mthode if (!validAccount(userAndAccounts.accounts)) log.warn("invalid number of accounts for " + username); else { // race condition possible ici : userIdsProcessing n'est mis jour que dans le thread donc si le GetNMails envoy par le client arrive avant la mise jour, le client pensera qu'il n'y a pas de nouveau mme alors que la vrification n'a pas commenc final Thread thread = new Thread(new ProcessMailsRunnable(username)); thread.start(); } return "" + VpnCode.SRV2CLT_START_CHECKING_MAILS + "Start checking mails"; } else if (fields[1].equals("SendMail")) {"TRACE: SendMail;" + username + ";" + address.toString() + ";"); if (user.getType() != User.Type.NORMAL && user.getType() != User.Type.TRIAL) throw new GeneralException( "security exception: SendMail authorized only for NORMAL/TRIAL users (username=" + username + ")"); if (!validAccount(userAndAccounts.accounts)) { log.error("invalid number of accounts"); return "" + VpnCode.SRV2CLT_NO_ACCOUNT; } else { final Account account = userAndAccounts.accounts.iterator().next(); final OutboxMail outboxMail = new OutboxMail(); outboxMail.setToAddr(fields[2]); outboxMail.setCcAddr(fields[3]); outboxMail.setSubject(fields[4]); outboxMail.setContent(fields[5]); generalServices.saveOutboxMail(account, outboxMail); } return "" + VpnCode.SRV2CLT_MAIL_SAVED; } else if (fields[1].equals("GetNMails")) {"TRACE: GetNMails;" + username + ";" + address.toString() + ";"); if (user.getType() != User.Type.NORMAL && user.getType() != User.Type.TRIAL) throw new GeneralException( "security exception: GetNMails authorized only for NORMAL/TRIAL users (username=" + username + ")"); // si cet utilisateur a par ex t supprim du serveur, il y aura une exception, prise en compte dans le catch final de cette mthode if (!validAccount(userAndAccounts.accounts)) { log.warn("invalid number of accounts for " + username); return "" + VpnCode.SRV2CLT_NO_ACCOUNT; } try { synchronized (userIdsProcessing) { if (userIdsProcessing.contains(userAndAccounts.user.getId())) { // log.warn("account is currently processed"); return "" + VpnCode.SRV2CLT_CURRENTLY_CHECKING_MAILS + "Currently checking mails"; } else { should_remove_user_id_processing = true; userIdsProcessing.add(userAndAccounts.user.getId()); final long nmails = generalServices .getUnreadMailsCount(userAndAccounts.accounts.iterator().next()); final String provider_error = generalServices .getLastProviderError(userAndAccounts.accounts.iterator().next()); return "" + VpnCode.SRV2CLT_NMAILS + "NMails" + "" + nmails + "" + provider_error; } } } finally { synchronized (userIdsProcessing) { if (should_remove_user_id_processing && userIdsProcessing.contains(userAndAccounts.user.getId())) userIdsProcessing.remove(userAndAccounts.user.getId()); } } } else if (fields[1].equals("GetNewMail")) {"TRACE: GetNewMail;" + username + ";" + address.toString() + ";"); if (user.getType() != User.Type.NORMAL && user.getType() != User.Type.TRIAL) throw new GeneralException( "security exception: GetNewMail authorized only for NORMAL users (username=" + username + ")"); // si cet utilisateur a par ex t supprim du serveur, il y aura une exception, prise en compte dans le catch final de cette mthode if (!validAccount(userAndAccounts.accounts)) { log.warn("invalid number of accounts for " + username); return "" + VpnCode.SRV2CLT_NO_UNREAD_MAIL + "OK: no unread mail"; } try { synchronized (userIdsProcessing) { if (userIdsProcessing.contains(userAndAccounts.user.getId())) { // log.warn("account is currently processed"); return "" + VpnCode.SRV2CLT_CURRENTLY_CHECKING_MAILS + "Currently checking mails"; } else { should_remove_user_id_processing = true; userIdsProcessing.add(userAndAccounts.user.getId()); final long nmails = generalServices .getUnreadMailsCount(userAndAccounts.accounts.iterator().next()); // pb potentiel corriger : getLatestUnreadMail passe le mail read dans la BDD, mais si on plante avant la rception par le client, il ne sera jamais rcupr // il faudrait attendre l'acquittement de ce Message pour passer le mail read dans la BDD final InboxMail mail = generalServices .getLatestUnreadMail(userAndAccounts.accounts.iterator().next()); if (mail == null) return "" + VpnCode.SRV2CLT_NO_UNREAD_MAIL + "OK: no unread mail"; else { final String field_from = GenericTools.escapeDelimiter(mail.getFromAddr()); final String field_to = GenericTools.escapeDelimiter(mail.getToAddr()); final String field_cc = GenericTools.escapeDelimiter(mail.getCcAddr()); final String field_message_id = GenericTools.escapeDelimiter(mail.getMessageId()); final String field_subject = GenericTools.escapeDelimiter(mail.getSubject()); final String field_sent_date = GenericTools .escapeDelimiter(mail.getSentDate().toString()); final String field_received_date = GenericTools .escapeDelimiter(mail.getReceivedDate().toString()); final String field_content = GenericTools.escapeDelimiter(mail.getContent()); return "" + VpnCode.SRV2CLT_NEW_MAIL + "New mail" + "" + field_from + "" + field_to + "" + field_cc + "" + field_message_id + "" + field_subject + "" + field_sent_date + "" + field_received_date + "" + field_content + "" + (nmails - 1); } } } } finally { synchronized (userIdsProcessing) { if (should_remove_user_id_processing && userIdsProcessing.contains(userAndAccounts.user.getId())) userIdsProcessing.remove(userAndAccounts.user.getId()); } } } else if (fields[1].equals("ConnectSocket")) {"TRACE: ConnectSocket;" + username + ";" + fields[2] + ";" + fields[3] + ";" + address.toString() + ";"); final int remote_port = new Integer(fields[2]); // convert IPv4 name to address is necessary fields[3] = Inet4Address.getByName(fields[3]).toString().replaceFirst(".*/", ""); if (fields[3].equals("")) { fields[3] = DOCKER_IP; switch (user.getType()) { case INITIALIZE: case ANONYMOUS: if (!DISABLE_SECURITY && remote_port != 443 && remote_port != 3130) throw new GeneralException("security exception: invalid remote port " + remote_port + " - (username=" + username + ")"); break; case NORMAL: case TRIAL: if (!DISABLE_SECURITY && remote_port != 80 && remote_port != 443 && remote_port != 3128 && remote_port != 3129 && remote_port != 3130) throw new GeneralException("security exception: invalid remote port " + remote_port + " - (username=" + username + ")"); break; case BLOCKED: default: throw new GeneralException("should not happen (username=" + username + ")"); } } else { // vrifier que c'est unicast et pas rfc1918 et { normal ou trial } if (!DISABLE_SECURITY && ((user.getType() == User.Type.ANONYMOUS && remote_port != 22) || (user.getType() != User.Type.ANONYMOUS && user.getType() != User.Type.NORMAL && user.getType() != User.Type.TRIAL))) throw new GeneralException("invalid account type for destination " + fields[3] + ":" + remote_port + " - (username=" + username + ")"); if (user.getType() == User.Type.ANONYMOUS) "TRACE: ConnectSocket anonymous ssh;" + fields[3] + ";" + address.toString() + ";"); final String[] bytes = fields[3].split("\\."); if (bytes.length != 4) throw new GeneralException( "invalid address: " + fields[3] + " - (username=" + username + ")"); for (final String _byte : bytes) { if (!_byte.matches("[0-9]+")) throw new GeneralException( "invalid address: " + fields[3] + " - (username=" + username + ")"); if (_byte.length() >= 2 && _byte.matches("0.*")) throw new GeneralException( "invalid address: " + fields[3] + " - (username=" + username + ")"); if (new Integer(_byte).intValue() < 0 || new Integer(_byte).intValue() > 255) throw new GeneralException("invalid non RFC-1918 unicast address: " + fields[3] + " - (username=" + username + ")"); } final int[] intvalues = { new Integer(bytes[0]), new Integer(bytes[1]), new Integer(bytes[2]), new Integer(bytes[3]) }; if (!DISABLE_SECURITY && (intvalues[0] >= 224 || (intvalues[0] == 192 && intvalues[1] == 168) || (intvalues[0] == 172 && intvalues[1] >= 16 && intvalues[1] < 32) || intvalues[0] == 10)) throw new GeneralException( "invalid address: " + fields[3] + " - (username=" + username + ")"); } final HttpProxy proxy = HttpProxyFactory.createHttpProxy(uuid, remote_port, fields[3]); final int port = proxy.getLocalPort();"TRACE: ConnectSocket id;" + username + ";" + fields[2] + ";" + fields[3] + ";" + port + ";" + address.toString() + ";"); return "" + VpnCode.SRV2CLT_SOCKET_ID + "" + port; } else if (fields[1].equals("ClosedSocket")) { final int id = new Integer(fields[2]);"TRACE: ClosedSocket;" + username + ";" + id + ";" + address.toString() + ";"); final boolean ret = HttpProxyFactory.removeHttpProxy(id); if (ret == false) { log.warn("no such id"); return VpnCode.SRV2CLT_ERROR + "Error: no such id"; } else return VpnCode.SRV2CLT_OK + "OK"; } else return "" + VpnCode.SRV2CLT_NO_SUCH_COMMAND + "Error: no such command"; } catch (final Exception ex) { log.error(ex); // pour voir qui gnre cela, suite une possible attaque log.error("address: " + address.toString() + " - query: [" + query + "]"); ex.printStackTrace(); return VpnCode.SRV2CLT_EXCEPTION + "Error: exception"; } }
From source
public BinaryMessageReply processBinaryQueryFromClient(final String query, final byte data[], final Inet4Address address) { final BinaryMessageReply reply = new BinaryMessageReply(); reply.reply_data = new byte[] {}; try {/*from ww w . j av a 2 s .c o m*/ Ip ip = null; try { ip = generalServices.getIp(address); } catch (final NoResultException ex) { } if (ip == null) { try { ip = generalServices.createIp(address); } catch (final UnknownHostException ex) { log.error(ex); } } if (ip != null && ip.isWatch())"TRACE: watch ip;process binary query;" + address.toString() + ";"); final String[] fields = query.split(""); final String uuid = fields[0]; final User user = generalServices.getUserByUuid(uuid); final String username = user.getUsername(); if (ip != null && ip.isWatch())"TRACE: watch ip;process binary query w/ valid username;" + username + ";" + address.toString() + ";"); if (user.isWatch())"TRACE: watch user;process binary query;" + username + ";" + address.toString() + ";"); if (user.getType() == User.Type.BLOCKED) throw new GeneralException("binary query from blocked user (username=" + username + ")"); if ((user.getType() == User.Type.ANONYMOUS || user.getType() == User.Type.INITIALIZE) && ip != null && ip.getType() == Ip.Type.BLOCKED) throw new GeneralException("binary query from blocked ip (ip=" + ip.getIpString() + ")"); if (fields[1].equals("SocketData")) { if (((user.getType() != User.Type.ANONYMOUS && user.getType() != User.Type.INITIALIZE) && user.isSlowDown()) || ((user.getType() == User.Type.ANONYMOUS || user.getType() == User.Type.INITIALIZE) && ip != null && ip.getType() == Ip.Type.SLOWDOWN)) Thread.sleep(2000); final int port = new Integer(fields[2]); final HttpProxy proxy = HttpProxyFactory.getHttpProxy(port); if (proxy == null) { log.warn("bad proxy for user: " + uuid + " - port: " + port); reply.reply_string = VpnCode.SRV2CLT_BAD_USER + "Error: bad proxy for this user"; return reply; } else if (!proxy.getUuid().equals(uuid)) { log.warn("bad user: uuid=" + uuid + " - proxy uuid=" + proxy.getUuid()); reply.reply_string = VpnCode.SRV2CLT_BAD_USER + "Error: bad user"; return reply; } else if (user.getType() == User.Type.ANONYMOUS && proxy.getRemotePort() == 22 && (System.currentTimeMillis() - proxy.getFirstUse() > 120000)) { reply.reply_string = "" + VpnCode.SRV2CLT_EXCEPTION + "Error: anonymous SSH session expired after 2 minutes"; return reply; } else { try { reply.reply_data = proxy.receiveData(); if (reply.reply_data == null) { if (user.isWatch() || (ip != null && ip.isWatch()))"TRACE: watch binary message;username=" + user.getUsername() + ";ip=" + address.toString() + ";port=" + port + ";msg=no reply data, closing connection"); reply.reply_data = new byte[] {}; HttpProxyFactory.removeHttpProxy(proxy.getLocalPort()); reply.reply_string = "" + VpnCode.SRV2CLT_EXCEPTION + "Error: EOF"; return reply; } else { generalServices.addUserIn(user, reply.reply_data.length); if (ip != null) { generalServices.addIpIn(ip, reply.reply_data.length); if (user.isWatch() || ip.isWatch()) {"TRACE: watch binary message;username=" + user.getUsername() + ";ip=" + address.toString() + ";port=" + port + ";msg=reply data length " + reply.reply_data.length); String content = ""; for (final byte b : reply.reply_data) content += Integer.toHexString(128 + b) + " ";"binary content:[ " + content + "]"); "ascii content:[" + java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.US_ASCII .decode(ByteBuffer.wrap(reply.reply_data)).toString() + "]"); } } } } catch (final IOException ex) { HttpProxyFactory.removeHttpProxy(proxy.getLocalPort()); reply.reply_string = "" + VpnCode.SRV2CLT_EXCEPTION + "Error: exception"; return reply; } try { if (data.length != 0) { proxy.sendData(data); generalServices.addUserOut(user, data.length); if (ip != null) { generalServices.addIpOut(ip, data.length); if (user.isWatch() || ip.isWatch()) {"TRACE: watch binary message;username=" + user.getUsername() + ";ip=" + address.toString() + ";port=" + port + ";msg=sending data length " + data.length); String content = ""; for (final byte b : data) content += Integer.toHexString(128 + b) + " ";"binary content:[ " + content + "]");"ascii content:[" + java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.US_ASCII .decode(ByteBuffer.wrap(data)).toString() + "]"); } } } } catch (final IOException ex) { reply.reply_string = "" + VpnCode.SRV2CLT_OK + "OK"; return reply; } reply.reply_string = "" + VpnCode.SRV2CLT_OK + "OK"; return reply; } } else { reply.reply_string = "" + VpnCode.SRV2CLT_NO_SUCH_COMMAND + "Error: no such command"; return reply; } } catch (final Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); log.error(ex); reply.reply_string = VpnCode.SRV2CLT_EXCEPTION + "Error: exception"; return reply; } finally { //"TRACE: SocketData binary message;msg=EXIT FUNCTION"); } }