List of usage examples for HttpURLConnection setConnectTimeout
public void setConnectTimeout(int timeout)
From source
public void sendChangesToCozy() { List<Sms> unSyncedSms = Sms.getAllUnsynced(); int i = 0;// w w w . j a va2s . c o m for (Sms sms : unSyncedSms) { URL urlO = null; try { JSONObject jsonObject = sms.toJsonObject(); mBuilder.setProgress(unSyncedSms.size(), i, false); mBuilder.setContentText("Syncing " + jsonObject.getString("docType") + ":"); mNotifyManager.notify(notification_id,; EventBus.getDefault() .post(new SmsSyncEvent(SYNC_MESSAGE, getString(R.string.lbl_sms_status_read_phone))); String remoteId = jsonObject.getString("remoteId"); String requestMethod = ""; if (remoteId.isEmpty()) { urlO = new URL(syncUrl); requestMethod = "POST"; } else { urlO = new URL(syncUrl + remoteId + "/"); requestMethod = "PUT"; } HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection) urlO.openConnection(); conn.setConnectTimeout(5000); conn.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=UTF-8"); conn.setRequestProperty("Authorization", authHeader); conn.setDoOutput(true); conn.setDoInput(true); conn.setRequestMethod(requestMethod); // set request body jsonObject.remove("remoteId"); long objectId = jsonObject.getLong("id"); jsonObject.remove("id"); OutputStream os = conn.getOutputStream(); os.write(jsonObject.toString().getBytes("UTF-8")); os.flush(); // read the response InputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(conn.getInputStream()); StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); IOUtils.copy(in, writer, "UTF-8"); String result = writer.toString(); JSONObject jsonObjectResult = new JSONObject(result); if (jsonObjectResult != null && jsonObjectResult.has("_id")) { result = jsonObjectResult.getString("_id"); sms.setRemoteId(result);; } in.close(); conn.disconnect(); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { EventBus.getDefault().post(new SmsSyncEvent(SERVICE_ERROR, e.getLocalizedMessage())); e.printStackTrace(); stopSelf(); } catch (ProtocolException e) { EventBus.getDefault().post(new SmsSyncEvent(SERVICE_ERROR, e.getLocalizedMessage())); e.printStackTrace(); stopSelf(); } catch (IOException e) { EventBus.getDefault().post(new SmsSyncEvent(SERVICE_ERROR, e.getLocalizedMessage())); e.printStackTrace(); stopSelf(); } catch (JSONException e) { EventBus.getDefault().post(new SmsSyncEvent(SERVICE_ERROR, e.getLocalizedMessage())); e.printStackTrace(); stopSelf(); } i++; } }
From source
private String downloadUrl(String myurl) throws IOException { InputStream is = null;/*from www. j a v a 2s .com*/ // Only display the first 500 characters of the retrieved // web page content. int len = 500; try { URL url = new URL(myurl); HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); conn.setReadTimeout(50000 /* milliseconds */); conn.setConnectTimeout(85000 /* milliseconds */); conn.setRequestMethod("POST"); conn.setDoInput(true); // Starts the query conn.connect(); int response = conn.getResponseCode(); Log.d(DEBUG_TAG, "The response is: " + response); is = conn.getInputStream(); // Convert the InputStream into a string String contentAsString = readIt(is, len); return contentAsString; // Makes sure that the InputStream is closed after the app is // finished using it. } finally { if (is != null) { is.close(); } } }
From source
@Override public FObject put_(X x, FObject obj) { final FObject result = super.put_(x, obj); ((FixedThreadPool) x.get("threadPool")).submit(x, new ContextAgent() { @Override/* w w w . j a v a 2s. c o m*/ public void execute(X x) { // don't geocode if no address property Address address = (Address) prop_.get(result); if (address == null) { return; } // check if address updated if (address.getLatitude() != 0 && address.getLongitude() != 0) { FObject stored = getDelegate().find(result.getProperty("id")); if (stored != null && prop_.get(result) != null) { Address storedAddress = (Address) prop_.get(result); // compare fields that are used to populate Google maps query if (, storedAddress.getAddress()) == 0 &&, storedAddress.getCity()) == 0 &&, storedAddress.getRegionId()) == 0 &&, storedAddress.getPostalCode()) == 0 &&, storedAddress.getCountryId()) == 0) { return; } } } StringBuilder builder = sb.get().append(API_HOST); // append address if (!SafetyUtil.isEmpty(address.getAddress())) { builder.append(address.getAddress()).append(","); } // append city if (!SafetyUtil.isEmpty(address.getCity())) { builder.append(address.getCity()).append(","); } // append province if (!SafetyUtil.isEmpty((String) address.getRegionId())) { builder.append((String) address.getRegionId()).append(","); } // append postal code if (!SafetyUtil.isEmpty(address.getPostalCode())) { builder.append(address.getPostalCode()).append(","); } // append country id if (!SafetyUtil.isEmpty((String) address.getCountryId())) { builder.append((String) address.getCountryId()); } // append api key builder.append("&key=").append(apiKey_); String line = null; HttpURLConnection conn = null; BufferedReader reader = null; try { URL url = new URL(builder.toString().replace(" ", "+")); conn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); conn.setConnectTimeout(5 * 1000); conn.setRequestMethod("GET"); conn.connect(); builder.setLength(0); reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(conn.getInputStream())); while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { builder.append(line); } GoogleMapsGeocodeResponse response = (GoogleMapsGeocodeResponse) getX().create(JSONParser.class) .parseString(builder.toString(), GoogleMapsGeocodeResponse.class); if (response == null) { throw new Exception("Invalid response"); } if (!"OK".equals(response.getStatus())) { throw new Exception( !SafetyUtil.isEmpty(response.getError_message()) ? response.getError_message() : "Invalid response"); } GoogleMapsGeocodeResult[] results = response.getResults(); if (results == null || results.length == 0) { throw new Exception("Results not found"); } GoogleMapsGeometry geometry = results[0].getGeometry(); if (geometry == null) { throw new Exception("Unable to determine latitude and longitude"); } GoogleMapsCoordinates coords = geometry.getLocation(); if (coords == null) { throw new Exception("Unable to determine latitude and longitude"); } // set latitude and longitude address.setLatitude(coords.getLat()); address.setLongitude(coords.getLng()); prop_.set(result, address); GoogleMapsGeocodingDAO.super.put_(x, result); } catch (Throwable ignored) { } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(reader); IOUtils.close(conn); } } }); return result; }
From source
/** * Read home.json from Server/*from ww w . j ava 2s . co m*/ * * @param URL * @return * @throws IOException * , MalformedURLException, JSONException */ public void getHomeStatus() throws IOException, MalformedURLException, JSONException { // Set URL // Connect to Intel Galileo get Device Status HttpURLConnection httpCon = (HttpURLConnection) homeJSONUrl.openConnection(); httpCon.setReadTimeout(10000); httpCon.setConnectTimeout(15000); httpCon.setRequestMethod("GET"); httpCon.setDoInput(true); httpCon.connect(); // Read JSON File as InputStream InputStream readStream = httpCon.getInputStream(); Scanner scan = new Scanner(readStream).useDelimiter("\\A"); // Set stream to String String jsonFile = scan.hasNext() ? : ""; // Initialize serveFile as read string homeInfo = new JSONObject(jsonFile); httpCon.disconnect(); }
From source
private List<Sms> getRemoteMessages() { allSms.clear();//from ww w .j a va 2s . c o m URL urlO = null; try { urlO = new URL(designUrl); HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection) urlO.openConnection(); conn.setConnectTimeout(5000); conn.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=UTF-8"); conn.setRequestProperty("Authorization", authHeader); conn.setDoInput(true); conn.setRequestMethod("POST"); // read the response int status = conn.getResponseCode(); InputStream in = null; if (status >= HttpURLConnection.HTTP_BAD_REQUEST) { in = conn.getErrorStream(); } else { in = conn.getInputStream(); } StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); IOUtils.copy(in, writer, "UTF-8"); String result = writer.toString(); JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray(result); if (jsonArray != null) { if (jsonArray.length() == 0) { EventBus.getDefault() .post(new SmsSyncEvent(SYNC_MESSAGE, "Your Cozy has no Text messages stored.")); Sms.setAllUnsynced(); } else { for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.length(); i++) { mBuilder.setProgress(jsonArray.length(), i, false); mNotifyManager.notify(notification_id,; EventBus.getDefault() .post(new SmsSyncEvent(SYNC_MESSAGE, getString(R.string.lbl_sms_status_read_cozy))); JSONObject smsJson = jsonArray.getJSONObject(i).getJSONObject("value"); Sms sms = Sms.getBySystemIdAddressAndBody(smsJson.get("systemId").toString(), smsJson.getString("address"), smsJson.getString("body")); if (sms == null) { sms = new Sms(smsJson); } else { sms.setRemoteId(smsJson.getString("_id")); sms.setSystemId(smsJson.getString("systemId")); sms.setAddress(smsJson.getString("address")); sms.setBody(smsJson.getString("body")); if (smsJson.has("readState")) { sms.setReadState(smsJson.getBoolean("readState")); } sms.setDateAndTime(smsJson.getString("dateAndTime")); sms.setType(smsJson.getInt("type")); }; allSms.add(sms); } } } else { errorMessage = "Failed to parse API response"; EventBus.getDefault().post(new SmsSyncEvent(SERVICE_ERROR, "Failed to parse API response")); } in.close(); conn.disconnect(); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); errorMessage = e.getLocalizedMessage(); } catch (ProtocolException e) { errorMessage = e.getLocalizedMessage(); e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { errorMessage = e.getLocalizedMessage(); e.printStackTrace(); } catch (JSONException e) { errorMessage = e.getLocalizedMessage(); e.printStackTrace(); } return allSms; }
From source
private String getSegmentsToLoad(String dataSource, Interval interval, String overlordUrl) { String urlStr = "http://" + overlordUrl + "/druid/indexer/v1/action";"Sending request to overlord at " + urlStr); String requestJson = getSegmentListUsedActionJson(dataSource, interval.toString());"request json is " + requestJson); int numTries = 3; for (int trial = 0; trial < numTries; trial++) { try {/*from w ww. j ava 2 s . c om*/"attempt number {} to get list of segments from overlord", trial); URL url = new URL(urlStr); HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); conn.setRequestMethod("POST"); conn.setRequestProperty("content-type", "application/json"); conn.setRequestProperty("Accept", "*/*"); conn.setUseCaches(false); conn.setDoOutput(true); conn.setConnectTimeout(60000); OutputStream out = conn.getOutputStream(); out.write(requestJson.getBytes()); out.close(); int responseCode = conn.getResponseCode(); if (responseCode == 200) { return IOUtils.toString(conn.getInputStream()); } else { logger.warn( "Attempt Failed to get list of segments from overlord. response code [%s] , response [%s]", responseCode, IOUtils.toString(conn.getInputStream())); } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.warn("Exception in getting list of segments from overlord", ex); } try { Thread.sleep(5000); //wait before next trial } catch (InterruptedException ex) { Throwables.propagate(ex); } } throw new RuntimeException( String.format("failed to find list of segments, dataSource[%s], interval[%s], overlord[%s]", dataSource, interval, overlordUrl)); }
From source
private String downloadContent(String myurl) throws IOException { InputStream is = null;// ww w.j a v a2s . c o m int length = 500; //SPECIAL CASE IN THIS ACTIIVTY String SITA_HOST = ""; // END OF SPECIAL PART try { URL url = new URL(myurl); HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); conn.setReadTimeout(10000 /* milliseconds */); conn.setConnectTimeout(15000 /* milliseconds */); conn.setRequestMethod("GET"); conn.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json"); conn.setRequestProperty("X-apiKey", SITA_KEY); conn.setRequestProperty("Host", SITA_HOST); conn.setDoInput(true); conn.connect(); int response = conn.getResponseCode(); Log.d(TAG, "The response is: " + response); is = conn.getInputStream(); // Convert the InputStream into a string String contentAsString = convertInputStreamToString(is, length); return contentAsString; } finally { if (is != null) { is.close(); } } }
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@Override protected INetworkResponse doInBackground(INetworkRequest... params) { INetworkRequest request = params[0]; if (request == null || isCancelled()) { return null; }//ww w . j av a2 s . c o m InputStream input = null; BufferedOutputStream output = null; HttpURLConnection connection = null; INetworkResponse response = null; try { response = (INetworkResponse) request.getResponse().newInstance(); URL url = new URL(request.getUri().toString()); connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); connection.setReadTimeout(SOCKET_TIME_OUT); connection.setConnectTimeout(CONNECTION_TIME_OUT); connection.setRequestMethod(request.getMethod().toString()); connection.setDoInput(true); if (NetworkUtils.Method.POST.equals(request.getMethod())) { String data = request.getPostBody(); if (data != null) { connection.setDoOutput(true); connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", request.getContentType()); output = new BufferedOutputStream(connection.getOutputStream()); output.write(data.getBytes()); output.flush(); IOUtils.closeQuietly(output); } } int code = connection.getResponseCode(); input = (code != HttpStatus.SC_OK) ? connection.getErrorStream() : connection.getInputStream(); response.onNetworkResponse(new JSONObject(IOUtils.toString(input))); IOUtils.closeQuietly(input); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(Constants.LOG_TAG, e.toString()); } finally { if (connection != null) { connection.disconnect(); } IOUtils.closeQuietly(input); IOUtils.closeQuietly(output); } return response; }
From source
private void applyTimeouts(HttpURLConnection conn) { if (connectTimeout > 0) { conn.setConnectTimeout(connectTimeout); }// www. ja v a2s .c om if (readTimeout > 0) { conn.setReadTimeout(readTimeout); } }