Example usage for java.net HttpURLConnection HTTP_NOT_FOUND

List of usage examples for java.net HttpURLConnection HTTP_NOT_FOUND


In this page you can find the example usage for java.net HttpURLConnection HTTP_NOT_FOUND.



To view the source code for java.net HttpURLConnection HTTP_NOT_FOUND.

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HTTP Status-Code 404: Not Found.


From source file:net.myrrix.client.ClientRecommender.java

 * <p>Lists the items that were most influential in recommending a given item to a given user. Exactly how this
 * is determined is left to the implementation, but, generally this will return items that the user prefers
 * and that are similar to the given item.</p>
 * <p>These values by which the results are ordered are opaque values and have no interpretation
 * other than that larger means stronger.</p>
 * @param userID ID of user who was recommended the item
 * @param itemID ID of item that was recommended
 * @param howMany maximum number of items to return
 * @return {@link List} of {@link RecommendedItem}, ordered from most influential in recommended the given
 *  item to least/*from  ww  w  .j  ava  2 s .  c  om*/
 * @throws NoSuchUserException if the user is not known in the model
 * @throws NoSuchItemException if the item is not known in the model
 * @throws NotReadyException if the recommender has no model available yet
 * @throws TasteException if another error occurs
public List<RecommendedItem> recommendedBecause(long userID, long itemID, int howMany) throws TasteException {
    String urlPath = "/because/" + userID + '/' + itemID + "?howMany=" + howMany;

    TasteException savedException = null;
    for (HostAndPort replica : choosePartitionAndReplicas(userID)) {
        HttpURLConnection connection = null;
        try {
            connection = buildConnectionToReplica(replica, urlPath, "GET");
            switch (connection.getResponseCode()) {
            case HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK:
                return consumeItems(connection);
            case HttpURLConnection.HTTP_NOT_FOUND:
                String connectionMessage = connection.getResponseMessage();
                if (connectionMessage != null
                        && connectionMessage.contains(NoSuchUserException.class.getSimpleName())) {
                    throw new NoSuchUserException(userID);
                } else {
                    throw new NoSuchItemException(itemID);
            case HttpURLConnection.HTTP_UNAVAILABLE:
                throw new NotReadyException();
                throw new TasteException(connection.getResponseCode() + " " + connection.getResponseMessage());
        } catch (TasteException te) {
            log.info("Can't access {} at {}: ({})", urlPath, replica, te.toString());
            savedException = te;
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            log.info("Can't access {} at {}: ({})", urlPath, replica, ioe.toString());
            savedException = new TasteException(ioe);
        } finally {
            if (connection != null) {
    throw savedException;

From source file:org.eclipse.rdf4j.http.client.SPARQLProtocolSession.java

protected HttpResponse execute(HttpUriRequest method) throws IOException, RDF4JException {
    boolean consume = true;
    if (params != null) {
        method.setParams(params);/*www  .jav a2s.co m*/
    HttpResponse response = httpClient.execute(method, httpContext);

    try {
        int httpCode = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode();
        if (httpCode >= 200 && httpCode < 300 || httpCode == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_NOT_FOUND) {
            consume = false;
            return response; // everything OK, control flow can continue
        } else {
            switch (httpCode) {
            case HttpURLConnection.HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED: // 401
                throw new UnauthorizedException();
            case HttpURLConnection.HTTP_UNAVAILABLE: // 503
                throw new QueryInterruptedException();
                ErrorInfo errInfo = getErrorInfo(response);
                // Throw appropriate exception
                if (errInfo.getErrorType() == ErrorType.MALFORMED_DATA) {
                    throw new RDFParseException(errInfo.getErrorMessage());
                } else if (errInfo.getErrorType() == ErrorType.UNSUPPORTED_FILE_FORMAT) {
                    throw new UnsupportedRDFormatException(errInfo.getErrorMessage());
                } else if (errInfo.getErrorType() == ErrorType.MALFORMED_QUERY) {
                    throw new MalformedQueryException(errInfo.getErrorMessage());
                } else if (errInfo.getErrorType() == ErrorType.UNSUPPORTED_QUERY_LANGUAGE) {
                    throw new UnsupportedQueryLanguageException(errInfo.getErrorMessage());
                } else if (errInfo.toString().length() > 0) {
                    throw new RepositoryException(errInfo.toString());
                } else {
                    throw new RepositoryException(response.getStatusLine().getReasonPhrase());
    } finally {
        if (consume) {

From source file:com.mobicage.rogerthat.Api.java

private Object wireRequest(final JSONObject request, final int attempt) throws RogerthatAPIException {
    final URL url;
    try {//from w  w w .  j  a  v a  2 s .  c om
        url = new URL(apiLocation);
    } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
        // Will never come here
        throw new RogerthatAPIException(e);
    HttpURLConnection connection;
    try {
        if (proxyHost != null && proxyPort != 0) {
            // Adapt proxy settings
            Proxy proxy = new Proxy(Proxy.Type.HTTP, new InetSocketAddress(proxyHost, proxyPort));
            connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(proxy);
        } else {
            connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new RogerthatAPIException(e);
    try {
        try {
        } catch (ProtocolException e) {
            // Will never come here
            throw new RogerthatAPIException(e);
        connection.setRequestProperty("X-Nuntiuz-API-Key", apiKey);
        connection.setRequestProperty("Content-type", "application/json-rpc; charset=utf-8");
        Writer writer;
        try {
            writer = new OutputStreamWriter(connection.getOutputStream(), "UTF-8");
            try {
                String jsonString = request.toJSONString();
                if (logging)
                    log.info("Sending request to Rogerthat:\n" + jsonString);
            } finally {
            switch (connection.getResponseCode()) {
            case HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK:
                InputStream is = connection.getInputStream();
                try {
                    JSONObject result = (JSONObject) JSONValue
                            .parse(new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is, "UTF-8")));
                    if (logging)
                        log.info("Result received from Rogerthat:\n" + result.toJSONString());
                    JSONObject error = (JSONObject) result.get("error");
                    if (error != null)
                        throw new RogerthatAPIException(Integer.parseInt(error.get("code").toString()),
                                (String) error.get("message"), error);
                        return result.get("result");
                } finally {
            case HttpURLConnection.HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED:
                throw new RogerthatAPIException(1000,
                        "Could not authenticate against Rogerth.at Messenger API! Check your api key.", null);
            case HttpURLConnection.HTTP_NOT_FOUND:
                throw new RogerthatAPIException(1000, "Rogerth.at Messenger API method not found!", null);
                if (attempt < 5)
                    return wireRequest(request, attempt + 1);
                    throw new RogerthatAPIException(1000, "Could not send call to Rogerth.at Messenger!", null);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            // Will never come here
            throw new RogerthatAPIException(e);
    } finally {

From source file:org.betaconceptframework.astroboa.resourceapi.resource.ContentObjectResource.java

private Response saveContentObjectString(String contentSource, String httpMethod, boolean entityIsNew,
        boolean updateLastModificationTime) {

    try {/*from w  ww .j  av a 2s .  c om*/

        //Must determine whether a single or a collection of objects is saved
        if (contentSource == null) {
            throw new WebApplicationException(HttpURLConnection.HTTP_BAD_REQUEST);

        if (contentSource.contains(CmsConstants.RESOURCE_RESPONSE_PREFIXED_NAME)
                || contentSource.contains(CmsConstants.RESOURCE_COLLECTION)) {

            List<ContentObject> contentObjects = astroboaClient.getContentService()
                    .saveContentObjectResourceCollection(contentSource, false, updateLastModificationTime,

            //TODO : Improve response details.

            ResponseBuilder responseBuilder = Response.status(Status.OK);

            responseBuilder.header("Content-Disposition", "inline");
            responseBuilder.type(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN + "; charset=utf-8");

            return responseBuilder.build();

        } else {

            ContentObject contentObject = astroboaClient.getContentService().save(contentSource, false,
                    updateLastModificationTime, null);

            return ContentApiUtils.createResponseForPutOrPostOfACmsEntity(contentObject, httpMethod,
                    contentSource, entityIsNew);

    } catch (CmsUnauthorizedAccessException e) {
        throw new WebApplicationException(HttpURLConnection.HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        logger.error("", e);
        throw new WebApplicationException(HttpURLConnection.HTTP_NOT_FOUND);

From source file:org.opendaylight.vtn.manager.it.northbound.VtnNorthboundIT.java

 * Test case for VTN APIs.//from w  ww  .  ja v  a2  s .  co m
 * <p>
 *   This calls {@link #testVBridgeAPI(String, String)}.
 * </p>
 * @throws Exception  An error occurred.
public void testVTNAPI() throws Exception {
    LOG.info("Starting VTN JAX-RS client.");
    String baseURL = VTN_BASE_URL;

    String tname1 = "testVtn1";
    String tname2 = "testVtn_2";
    String tname3 = "testVtn3";
    String tname4 = "4";
    String tname5 = "testVtnf";
    String tname6 = "testVtn6";
    String tname7 = "testVtn007testVtn007testVtn0007";
    String tname8 = "testVtn8";

    String tname = "testVtn";
    String tname32 = "testVtn032testVtn032testVtn032te";

    String desc1 = "testDescription1";
    String desc2 = "2";
    String desc3 = String.format("%01000d", 1);

    String itimeout1 = "100";
    String itimeout2 = "250";
    String htimeout1 = "200";
    String htimeout2 = "400";

    String timeout0 = "0";
    String timeoutNegative = "-10";
    String timeoutMax = "65535";
    String timeoutOver = "65540";

    // Test GET vtn in default container, expecting no results
    String result = getJsonResult(baseURL + "default/vtns");
    JSONTokener jt = new JSONTokener(result);
    JSONObject json = new JSONObject(jt);
    JSONArray vtnArray = json.getJSONArray("vtn");
    Assert.assertEquals(0, vtnArray.length());

    // Test POST vtn1
    String requestBody = "{}";
    String requestUri = baseURL + "default/vtns/" + tname1;
    result = getJsonResult(requestUri, HTTP_POST, requestBody);
    Assert.assertEquals(requestUri, httpLocation);

    // Test POST vtn1, expecting 409
    requestUri = baseURL + "default/vtns/" + tname1;
    result = getJsonResult(requestUri, HTTP_POST, requestBody);

    // Test GET vtn in default container, expecting one result
    result = getJsonResult(baseURL + "default/vtns");
    jt = new JSONTokener(result);
    json = new JSONObject(jt);
    vtnArray = json.getJSONArray("vtn");
    Assert.assertEquals(1, vtnArray.length());

    // Test POST vtn2, setting "_" to vBridgeName
    requestBody = "{\"description\":\"" + desc1 + "\", \"idleTimeout\":\"" + itimeout1
            + "\", \"hardTimeout\":\"" + htimeout1 + "\"}";
    requestUri = baseURL + "default/vtns/" + tname2;
    result = getJsonResult(requestUri, HTTP_POST, requestBody);
    Assert.assertEquals(requestUri, httpLocation);

    // Test GET all vtns in default container
    result = getJsonResult(baseURL + "default/vtns");
    jt = new JSONTokener(result);
    json = new JSONObject(jt);
    vtnArray = json.getJSONArray("vtn");
    JSONObject vtn;

    Assert.assertEquals(2, vtnArray.length());

    for (int i = 0; i < vtnArray.length(); i++) {
        vtn = vtnArray.getJSONObject(i);
        if (vtn.getString("name").equals(tname1)) {
            Assert.assertEquals("300", vtn.getString("idleTimeout"));
            Assert.assertEquals("0", vtn.getString("hardTimeout"));
        } else if (vtn.getString("name").equals(tname2)) {
            Assert.assertEquals(desc1, vtn.getString("description"));
            Assert.assertEquals(itimeout1, vtn.getString("idleTimeout"));
            Assert.assertEquals(htimeout1, vtn.getString("hardTimeout"));
        } else {
            // Unexpected vtn name

    // Test POST vtn3. testing long description
    requestBody = "{\"idleTimeout\":\"" + itimeout1 + "\", \"hardTimeout\":\"" + htimeout1 + "\"}";
    requestUri = baseURL + "default/vtns/" + tname3;
    result = getJsonResult(requestUri, HTTP_POST, requestBody);
    Assert.assertEquals(requestUri, httpLocation);

    // Test POST vtn4, setting idle timeout of negative value and one character numeric of vtn name
    requestBody = "{\"description\":\"" + desc3 + "\", \"idleTimeout\":\"" + timeoutNegative + "\"}";
    requestUri = baseURL + "default/vtns/" + tname4;
    result = getJsonResult(requestUri, HTTP_POST, requestBody);
    Assert.assertEquals(requestUri, httpLocation);

    // Test GET vtn
    result = getJsonResult(baseURL + "default/vtns/" + tname4);
    jt = new JSONTokener(result);
    json = new JSONObject(jt);

    Assert.assertEquals("300", json.getString("idleTimeout"));
    Assert.assertEquals(timeout0, json.getString("hardTimeout"));

    // Test POST vtn5, testing hard timeout of negative value
    requestBody = "{\"description\":\"" + desc1 + "\",  \"hardTimeout\":\"" + timeoutNegative + "\"}";
    requestUri = baseURL + "default/vtns/" + tname5;
    result = getJsonResult(requestUri, HTTP_POST, requestBody);
    Assert.assertEquals(requestUri, httpLocation);

    // Test GET vtn
    result = getJsonResult(baseURL + "default/vtns/" + tname5);
    jt = new JSONTokener(result);
    json = new JSONObject(jt);

    Assert.assertEquals("300", json.getString("idleTimeout"));
    Assert.assertEquals(timeout0, json.getString("hardTimeout"));

    // Test POST vtn6, setting idle timeout of 0 and hard timeout of 65535
    requestBody = "{\"description\":\"" + desc1 + "\", \"idleTimeout\":\"" + timeoutMax
            + "\", \"hardTimeout\":\"" + timeout0 + "\"}";
    requestUri = baseURL + "default/vtns/" + tname6;
    result = getJsonResult(requestUri, HTTP_POST, requestBody);
    Assert.assertEquals(requestUri, httpLocation);

    // Test POST vtn7, setting idle timeout of 65535, hard timeout of 0
    // and vtn name of 31 characters
    requestBody = "{\"description\":\"" + desc2 + "\", \"idleTimeout\":\"" + timeout0 + "\", \"hardTimeout\":\""
            + timeoutMax + "\"}";
    requestUri = baseURL + "default/vtns/" + tname7;
    result = getJsonResult(requestUri, HTTP_POST, requestBody);
    Assert.assertEquals(requestUri, httpLocation);

    // Test POST vtn8, setting invalid value after description to
    // requestBody
    requestBody = "{\"description\":\"" + desc1 + "\", \"Timeout\":\"" + timeout0 + "\", \"hard\":\"" + timeout0
            + "\"}";
    requestUri = baseURL + "default/vtns/" + tname8;

    // Ensure that query parameters are eliminated from Location.
    result = getJsonResult(requestUri + "?param1=1&param2=2", HTTP_POST, requestBody);
    Assert.assertEquals(requestUri, httpLocation);

    // Test GET vtn
    result = getJsonResult(baseURL + "default/vtns/" + tname8);
    jt = new JSONTokener(result);
    json = new JSONObject(jt);

    Assert.assertEquals(desc1, json.getString("description"));
    Assert.assertEquals("300", json.getString("idleTimeout"));
    Assert.assertEquals(timeout0, json.getString("hardTimeout"));

    // Test POST vtn, expecting 400
    requestBody = "{\"enabled\":\"true\"" + "\"description\":\"" + desc1 + "\"}";
    result = getJsonResult(baseURL + "default/vtns/" + tname, HTTP_POST, requestBody);

    // Test POST vtn, expecting 400, setting invalid value to idle timeout
    requestBody = "{\"description\":\"" + desc1 + "\", \"idleTimeout\":\"idletimeout\", \"hardTimeout\":\""
            + htimeout1 + "\"}";
    result = getJsonResult(baseURL + "default/vtns/" + tname, HTTP_POST, requestBody);

    // Test POST vtn, expecting 400, setting invalid value to hard timeout
    requestBody = "{\"description\":\"" + desc1 + "\", \"idleTimeout\":\"" + itimeout1
            + "\", \"hardTimeout\":\"hardtimeout\"}";
    result = getJsonResult(baseURL + "default/vtns/" + tname, HTTP_POST, requestBody);

    // Test POST vtn, expecting 400, setting invalid value to requestBody
    requestBody = "{\"description\":\"" + desc3 + "\", \"didleTimeout\":\"rdTimeout\":\"}";
    result = getJsonResult(baseURL + "default/vtns/" + tname, HTTP_POST, requestBody);

    // Test POST vtn expecting 105, test when vtn name is ""
    requestBody = "{}";
    result = getJsonResult(baseURL + "default/vtns/" + "", HTTP_POST, requestBody);

    // Test POST vtn expecting 400, specifying invalid tenant name.
    requestUri = baseURL + "default/vtns/" + desc3;
    result = getJsonResult(requestUri, HTTP_POST, requestBody);

    // Test POST vtn expecting 400, specifying invalid tenant name
    // which starts with "_".
    requestUri = baseURL + "default/vtns/" + "_testVtn";
    result = getJsonResult(requestUri, HTTP_POST, requestBody);

    // Test POST vtn expecting 400, specifying invalid tenant name
    // including symbol "@".
    requestUri = baseURL + "default/vtns/" + "test@Vtn";
    result = getJsonResult(requestUri, HTTP_POST, requestBody);

    // Test POST vtn expecting 400, specifying 65536 as idle timeout.
    requestBody = "{\"description\":\"" + desc1 + "\", \"idleTimeout\":\"65536\", \"hardTimeout\":\""
            + htimeout1 + "\"}";
    requestUri = baseURL + "default/vtns/" + tname;
    result = getJsonResult(requestUri, HTTP_POST, requestBody);

    // Test POST vtn expecting 400, specifying 65536 as hard timeout.
    requestBody = "{\"description\":\"" + desc1 + "\", \"idleTimeout\":\"" + itimeout1
            + "\", \"hardTimeout\":\"65536\"}";
    requestUri = baseURL + "default/vtns/" + tname;
    result = getJsonResult(requestUri, HTTP_POST, requestBody);

    // Test POST vtn expecting 400, specifying idle timeout value greater
    // than hard timeout.
    requestBody = "{\"description\":\"" + desc1 + "\", \"idleTimeout\":\"" + itimeout2
            + "\", \"hardTimeout\":\"" + htimeout1 + "\"}";
    requestUri = baseURL + "default/vtns/" + tname;
    result = getJsonResult(requestUri, HTTP_POST, requestBody);

    // Test POST vtn expecting 400, specifying too long tenant name.
    requestBody = "{}";
    requestUri = baseURL + "default/vtns/" + tname32;
    result = getJsonResult(requestUri, HTTP_POST, requestBody);

    testVBridgeAPI(tname1, tname2);

    // Test GET vtn expecting 404, setting the vtn that don't exist
    result = getJsonResult(baseURL + "default/vtns/" + tname);

    // Test GET vtn
    result = getJsonResult(baseURL + "default/vtns/" + tname2);
    jt = new JSONTokener(result);
    json = new JSONObject(jt);

    Assert.assertEquals(tname2, json.getString("name"));
    Assert.assertEquals(desc1, json.getString("description"));
    Assert.assertEquals(itimeout1, json.getString("idleTimeout"));
    Assert.assertEquals(htimeout1, json.getString("hardTimeout"));

    // Test PUT vtn1, expecting all elements change
    requestBody = "{\"description\":\"" + desc3 + "\", \"idleTimeout\":\"" + timeout0 + "\", \"hardTimeout\":\""
            + timeout0 + "\"}";
    String queryParameter = new QueryParameter("all", "true").getString();

    result = getJsonResult(baseURL + "default/vtns/" + tname1 + queryParameter, HTTP_PUT, requestBody);

    // Test GET vtn
    result = getJsonResult(baseURL + "default/vtns/" + tname1);
    jt = new JSONTokener(result);
    json = new JSONObject(jt);

    Assert.assertEquals(desc3, json.getString("description"));
    Assert.assertEquals(timeout0, json.getString("idleTimeout"));
    Assert.assertEquals(timeout0, json.getString("hardTimeout"));

    // Test PUT vtn1,  abbreviate idle timeout and hard timeout
    requestBody = "{\"description\":\"" + desc2 + "\"}";
    result = getJsonResult(baseURL + "default/vtns/" + tname1 + queryParameter, HTTP_PUT, requestBody);

    // Test GET vtn
    result = getJsonResult(baseURL + "default/vtns/" + tname1);
    jt = new JSONTokener(result);
    json = new JSONObject(jt);

    Assert.assertEquals(desc2, json.getString("description"));
    Assert.assertEquals("300", json.getString("idleTimeout"));
    Assert.assertEquals("0", json.getString("hardTimeout"));

    // Test PUT vtn1, abbreviate description, testing idle timeout of
    // 65535 and hard timeout of 0
    requestBody = "{\"idleTimeout\":\"" + timeoutMax + "\", \"hardTimeout\":\"" + timeout0 + "\"}";
    result = getJsonResult(baseURL + "default/vtns/" + tname1 + queryParameter, HTTP_PUT, requestBody);

    // Test GET vtn
    result = getJsonResult(baseURL + "default/vtns/" + tname1);
    jt = new JSONTokener(result);
    json = new JSONObject(jt);
    try {
        Assert.assertEquals("", json.getString("description"));
    } catch (JSONException expected) {
        assertThat(expected.getMessage(), is("JSONObject[\"description\"] not found."));
    Assert.assertEquals(timeoutMax, json.getString("idleTimeout"));
    Assert.assertEquals(timeout0, json.getString("hardTimeout"));

    // Test PUT vtn1, abbreviate description and idle timeout, testing
    // hard timeout of 65535
    requestBody = "{\"hardTimeout\":\"" + timeoutMax + "\"}";
    result = getJsonResult(baseURL + "default/vtns/" + tname1 + queryParameter, HTTP_PUT, requestBody);

    // Test GET vtn
    result = getJsonResult(baseURL + "default/vtns/" + tname1);
    jt = new JSONTokener(result);
    json = new JSONObject(jt);
    Assert.assertEquals("300", json.getString("idleTimeout"));
    Assert.assertEquals(timeoutMax, json.getString("hardTimeout"));

    // Test PUT vtn1, abbreviate all elements
    requestBody = "{}";
    result = getJsonResult(baseURL + "default/vtns/" + tname1 + queryParameter, HTTP_PUT, requestBody);

    // Test GET vtn
    result = getJsonResult(baseURL + "default/vtns/" + tname1);
    jt = new JSONTokener(result);
    json = new JSONObject(jt);
    Assert.assertEquals("300", json.getString("idleTimeout"));
    Assert.assertEquals("0", json.getString("hardTimeout"));

    // Test PUT vtn2, expecting all elements not change
    queryParameter = new QueryParameter("all", "false").getString();
    result = getJsonResult(baseURL + "default/vtns/" + tname2 + queryParameter, HTTP_PUT, requestBody);

    // Test GET vtn
    result = getJsonResult(baseURL + "default/vtns/" + tname2);
    jt = new JSONTokener(result);
    json = new JSONObject(jt);

    Assert.assertEquals(desc1, json.getString("description"));
    Assert.assertEquals(itimeout1, json.getString("idleTimeout"));
    Assert.assertEquals(htimeout1, json.getString("hardTimeout"));

    // Test PUT vtn2, setting 0 to idle timoeut and hard timeout
    requestBody = "{\"idleTimeout\":\"" + timeout0 + "\", \"hardTimeout\":\"" + timeout0 + "\"}";
    result = getJsonResult(baseURL + "default/vtns/" + tname2 + queryParameter, HTTP_PUT, requestBody);

    // Test GET vtn
    result = getJsonResult(baseURL + "default/vtns/" + tname2);
    jt = new JSONTokener(result);
    json = new JSONObject(jt);

    Assert.assertEquals(desc1, json.getString("description"));
    Assert.assertEquals(timeout0, json.getString("idleTimeout"));
    Assert.assertEquals(timeout0, json.getString("hardTimeout"));

    // Test PUT vtn2, expecting all elements change
    requestBody = "{\"description\":\"" + desc2 + "\", \"idleTimeout\":\"" + itimeout1
            + "\", \"hardTimeout\":\"" + htimeout1 + "\"}";
    result = getJsonResult(baseURL + "default/vtns/" + tname2 + queryParameter, HTTP_PUT, requestBody);

    // Test GET vtn
    result = getJsonResult(baseURL + "default/vtns/" + tname2);
    jt = new JSONTokener(result);
    json = new JSONObject(jt);
    Assert.assertEquals(desc2, json.getString("description"));
    Assert.assertEquals(itimeout1, json.getString("idleTimeout"));
    Assert.assertEquals(htimeout1, json.getString("hardTimeout"));

    // Test PUT vtn2, expecting all elements not change
    requestBody = "{\"idleTimeout\":\"" + timeoutNegative + "\", \"hardTimeout\":\"" + timeoutNegative + "\"}";
    result = getJsonResult(baseURL + "default/vtns/" + tname2 + queryParameter, HTTP_PUT, requestBody);

    // Test GET vtn
    result = getJsonResult(baseURL + "default/vtns/" + tname2);
    jt = new JSONTokener(result);
    json = new JSONObject(jt);

    Assert.assertEquals(desc2, json.getString("description"));
    Assert.assertEquals(itimeout1, json.getString("idleTimeout"));
    Assert.assertEquals(htimeout1, json.getString("hardTimeout"));

    // Test PUT vtn8, setting invalid value after description to requestBody
    requestBody = "{\"description\":\"" + desc2 + "\", \"Timeout\":\"" + itimeout1 + "\", \"hard\":\""
            + htimeout2 + "\"}";
    result = getJsonResult(baseURL + "default/vtns/" + tname8 + queryParameter, HTTP_PUT, requestBody);

    // Test GET vtn
    result = getJsonResult(baseURL + "default/vtns/" + tname8);
    jt = new JSONTokener(result);
    json = new JSONObject(jt);

    Assert.assertEquals(desc2, json.getString("description"));
    Assert.assertEquals("300", json.getString("idleTimeout"));
    Assert.assertEquals(timeout0, json.getString("hardTimeout"));

    // Test PUT vtn2, description not change
    queryParameter = new QueryParameter("all", "true").getString();
    requestBody = "{\"idleTimeout\":\"" + timeoutNegative + "\", \"hardTimeout\":\"" + timeoutNegative + "\"}";
    result = getJsonResult(baseURL + "default/vtns/" + tname2 + queryParameter, HTTP_PUT, requestBody);

    // Test GET vtn
    result = getJsonResult(baseURL + "default/vtns/" + tname2);
    jt = new JSONTokener(result);
    json = new JSONObject(jt);

    Assert.assertEquals("300", json.getString("idleTimeout"));
    Assert.assertEquals(timeout0, json.getString("hardTimeout"));

    // Test PUT vtn, expecting 400, setting the invalid value to idle timeout
    requestBody = "{\"idleTimeout\":\"" + desc1 + "\", \"hardTimeout\":\"" + htimeout1 + "\"}";
    result = getJsonResult(baseURL + "default/vtns/" + tname1 + queryParameter, HTTP_PUT, requestBody);

    // Test PUT vtn, expecting 400, setting the invalid value to hard timeout
    requestBody = "{\"idleTimeout\":\"" + itimeout1 + "\", \"hardTimeout\":\"" + desc1 + "\"}";
    result = getJsonResult(baseURL + "default/vtns/" + tname1 + queryParameter, HTTP_PUT, requestBody);

    // Test PUT vtn, expecting 400, setting invalid value to requestBody
    requestBody = "{\"description\":\"" + desc3 + "\", \"didleTimeout\":\"rdTimeout\":\"}";
    result = getJsonResult(baseURL + "default/vtns/" + tname1 + queryParameter, HTTP_PUT, requestBody);

    // Test PUT vtn expecting 404, setting the vtn that don't exist
    requestBody = "{\"description\":\"" + desc2 + "\", \"idleTimeout\":\"" + itimeout1
            + "\", \"hardTimeout\":\"" + htimeout1 + "\"}";
    result = getJsonResult(baseURL + "default/vtns/" + tname + queryParameter, HTTP_PUT, requestBody);

    // Test PUT vtn expecting 400, setting invalid value to requestBody
    requestBody = "{\"Test\"}";
    result = getJsonResult(baseURL + "default/vtns/" + tname1 + queryParameter, HTTP_PUT, requestBody);

    // Test PUT vtn expecting 400, specifying 65540 as idle timeout.
    requestBody = "{\"description\":\"" + desc2 + "\", \"idleTimeout\":\"" + timeoutOver
            + "\", \"hardTimeout\":\"" + htimeout2 + "\"}";
    result = getJsonResult(baseURL + "default/vtns/" + tname1 + queryParameter, HTTP_PUT, requestBody);

    // Test PUT vtn expecting 400, specifying 65540 as hard timeout.
    requestBody = "{\"description\":\"" + desc2 + "\", \"idleTimeout\":\"" + itimeout1
            + "\", \"hardTimeout\":\"" + timeoutOver + "\"}";
    result = getJsonResult(baseURL + "default/vtns/" + tname1 + queryParameter, HTTP_PUT, requestBody);

    // Test PUT vtn expecting 400, specifying idle timeout value greater
    // than hard timeout.
    requestBody = "{\"description\":\"" + desc1 + "\", \"idleTimeout\":\"" + itimeout2
            + "\", \"hardTimeout\":\"" + htimeout1 + "\"}";
    result = getJsonResult(baseURL + "default/vtns/" + tname1 + queryParameter, HTTP_PUT, requestBody);

    // Test PUT vtn
    requestBody = "{\"description\":\"" + desc2 + "\", \"idleTimeout\":\"" + itimeout2
            + "\", \"hardTimeout\":\"" + timeoutNegative + "\"}";
    result = getJsonResult(baseURL + "default/vtns/" + tname1 + queryParameter, HTTP_PUT, requestBody);

    // Test GET all vtns in default container
    result = getJsonResult(baseURL + "default/vtns");
    jt = new JSONTokener(result);
    json = new JSONObject(jt);
    vtnArray = json.getJSONArray("vtn");

    Assert.assertEquals(8, vtnArray.length());

    // Test DELETE vtn expecting 404
    result = getJsonResult(baseURL + "default/vtns/" + tname, HTTP_DELETE);

    // set not supported "Content-type". expect to return 415.
    requestBody = "{}";
    result = getJsonResult(baseURL + "default/vtns/" + tname, HTTP_POST, requestBody, "text/plain");

    requestBody = "{\"description\":\"desc\"}";
    result = getJsonResult(baseURL + "default/vtns/" + tname1 + queryParameter, HTTP_PUT, requestBody,

    // Authentication failure.
    checkVTNError(GlobalConstants.DEFAULT.toString(), tname1, false, HttpURLConnection.HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED);

    // Invalid container name.
    String[] invalid = { "bad_container", "version" };
    for (String inv : invalid) {
        checkVTNError(inv, tname1, true, HttpURLConnection.HTTP_NOT_FOUND);
        checkVTNError(inv, tname1, false, HttpURLConnection.HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED);

    // Test DELETE vtn
    result = getJsonResult(baseURL + "default/vtns/" + tname1, HTTP_DELETE);

    // Test DELETE vtn2
    result = getJsonResult(baseURL + "default/vtns/" + tname2, HTTP_DELETE);

    // Test DELETE vtn3
    result = getJsonResult(baseURL + "default/vtns/" + tname3, HTTP_DELETE);

    // Test DELETE vtn4
    result = getJsonResult(baseURL + "default/vtns/" + tname4, HTTP_DELETE);

    // Test DELETE vtn5
    result = getJsonResult(baseURL + "default/vtns/" + tname5, HTTP_DELETE);

    // Test DELETE vtn6
    result = getJsonResult(baseURL + "default/vtns/" + tname6, HTTP_DELETE);

    // Test DELETE vtn7
    result = getJsonResult(baseURL + "default/vtns/" + tname7, HTTP_DELETE);

    // Test DELETE vtn8
    result = getJsonResult(baseURL + "default/vtns/" + tname8, HTTP_DELETE);

    // Test DELETE vtn expecting 404
    result = getJsonResult(baseURL + "default/vtns/" + tname1, HTTP_DELETE);

    // Test GET vtn in default container, expecting no results
    result = getJsonResult(baseURL + "default/vtns");
    jt = new JSONTokener(result);
    json = new JSONObject(jt);
    vtnArray = json.getJSONArray("vtn");
    Assert.assertEquals(0, vtnArray.length());


From source file:org.openecomp.sdnc.sli.aai.AAIService.java

private boolean deleteAAIEntity(URL url, String caller) throws AAIServiceException {

    if (url == null) {
        throw new NullPointerException();
    }/*  ww w .  j a  va 2  s  .co  m*/

    boolean response = false;
    InputStream inputStream = null;

    try {
        URL http_req_url = url;

        HttpURLConnection con = getConfiguredConnection(http_req_url, HttpMethod.DELETE);

        //            SSLSocketFactory sockFact = CTX.getSocketFactory();
        //            con.setSSLSocketFactory( sockFact );

        LOGwriteFirstTrace("DELETE", http_req_url.toString());

        // Check for errors
        int responseCode = con.getResponseCode();
        if (responseCode == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK || responseCode == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_NO_CONTENT) {
            inputStream = con.getInputStream();
        } else {
            inputStream = con.getErrorStream();

        // Process the response
        LOG.debug("HttpURLConnection result:" + responseCode);
        if (inputStream == null)
            inputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream("".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
        BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inputStream));
        String line = null;

        ObjectMapper mapper = getObjectMapper();

        if (responseCode == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK || responseCode == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_NO_CONTENT) {
            StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();

            while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
            LOGwriteEndingTrace(responseCode, "SUCCESS", stringBuilder.toString());
            response = true;
        } else if (responseCode == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_NOT_FOUND) {
            LOGwriteEndingTrace(responseCode, "HTTP_NOT_FOUND", "Entry does not exist.");
            response = false;
        } else {
            ErrorResponse errorresponse = mapper.readValue(reader, ErrorResponse.class);
            LOGwriteEndingTrace(responseCode, "FAILURE", mapper.writeValueAsString(errorresponse));
            throw new AAIServiceException(responseCode, errorresponse);

    } catch (AAIServiceException aaiexc) {
        throw aaiexc;
    } catch (Exception exc) {
        LOG.warn(caller, exc);
        throw new AAIServiceException(exc);
    } finally {
        if (inputStream != null) {
            try {
            } catch (Exception exc) {

    return response;

From source file:org.openecomp.sdnc.sli.aai.AAIService.java

public VnfImage requestVnfImageDataByVendorModelVersion(String vendor, String model, String version)
        throws AAIServiceException {
    List<VnfImage> responseList = new ArrayList<VnfImage>();
    VnfImage response = null;/*from  w  ww  .  j a v a2 s.c  o  m*/
    InputStream inputStream = null;

    try {
        String request_url = target_uri + vnf_image_query_path
                + (version == null ? "" : "&application-version={application_version}");
        request_url = request_url.replace("{application_vendor}", encodeQuery(vendor));
        request_url = request_url.replace("{application_model}", encodeQuery(model));
        if (version != null) {
            request_url = request_url.replace("{application_version}", encodeQuery(version));
        URL http_req_url = new URL(request_url);

        HttpURLConnection con = getConfiguredConnection(http_req_url, HttpMethod.GET);

        LOGwriteFirstTrace(HttpMethod.GET, http_req_url.toString());
        LOGwriteDateTrace("application_vendor", vendor);
        LOGwriteDateTrace("application_model", model);
        if (version != null) {
            LOGwriteDateTrace("application_version", version);

        // Check for errors
        int responseCode = con.getResponseCode();
        if (responseCode == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) {
            inputStream = con.getInputStream();
        } else {
            inputStream = con.getErrorStream();

        // Process the response
        LOG.debug("HttpURLConnection result:" + responseCode);
        if (inputStream == null)
            inputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream("".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
        BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inputStream));

        ObjectMapper mapper = getObjectMapper();

        if (responseCode == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) {
            //            StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder("\n");
            //            String line = null;
            //            while( ( line = reader.readLine() ) != null ) {
            //               stringBuilder.append("\n").append( line );
            //            }
            //            LOG.info(stringBuilder.toString());
            response = mapper.readValue(reader, VnfImage.class);
            String original_buffer = mapper.writeValueAsString(response);
            LOGwriteEndingTrace(HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK, "SUCCESS", original_buffer);
            if (response
                    .getApplicationVendor() == null /*&& response.getAdditionalProperties() != null && !response.getAdditionalProperties().isEmpty()*/) {
                LOG.warn("A List of multiple VNF-IMAGE entries has been returned");
                VnfImages listOfObjects = mapper.readValue(original_buffer, VnfImages.class);
                if (!listOfObjects.getVnfImage().isEmpty()) {
                    response = listOfObjects.getVnfImage().get(0);
        } else if (responseCode == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_NOT_FOUND) {
            LOGwriteEndingTrace(responseCode, "HTTP_NOT_FOUND", "Entry does not exist.");
            return response;
        } else {
            ErrorResponse errorresponse = mapper.readValue(reader, ErrorResponse.class);
            LOGwriteEndingTrace(responseCode, "FAILURE", mapper.writeValueAsString(errorresponse));
            throw new AAIServiceException(responseCode, errorresponse);

    } catch (AAIServiceException aaiexc) {
        throw aaiexc;
    } catch (Exception exc) {
        LOG.warn("requestVnfImageData", exc);
        throw new AAIServiceException(exc);
    } finally {
        if (inputStream != null) {
            try {
            } catch (Exception exc) {

    return response;

From source file:org.opendaylight.vtn.manager.it.northbound.VtnNorthboundIT.java

 * test case for VBridge APIs.//  w w  w  . j  av a2s.c  om
 * This method is called by {@link #testVTNAPI()}.
 * This calls {@link #testVLANMappingAPI(String, String)},
 * {@link #testVBridgeInterfaceAPI(String, String, String)},
 * {@link #testVBridgeInterfaceDeleteAPI(String, String)},
 * {@link #testVLANMappingDeleteAPI(String, String)},
 * {@link #testMacMappingAPI(String, String, String)},
 * {@link #testMacAddressAPI(String, String)}.
 * @param tname1    A tenant name.
 *                  Specified tenant is necessary to be configured
 *                  before method is called.
 * @param tname2    A tenant name.
 *                  This tenant is also necessary to be configured
 *                  before method is called.
 * @throws Exception  An error occurred.
private void testVBridgeAPI(String tname1, String tname2) throws Exception {
    LOG.info("Starting vBridge JAX-RS client.");

    // A list of host entries for MAC mapping are unordered.
    jsonComparator.addUnordered("allow", "machost").addUnordered("deny", "machost")
            .addUnordered("mapped", "machost").addUnordered("machost");

    String url = VTN_BASE_URL;
    StringBuilder baseURL = new StringBuilder();

    String tnameDummy = "tenant_dummy";
    String desc1 = "testDescription1";
    String desc2 = "d";
    String desc3 = String.format("%01000d", 1);

    String bname1 = "n";
    String bname2 = "vbridge_Name2";
    String bname3 = "33333";
    String bname4 = "vbridge_name4vbridge_name4vbrid";
    String ebname = "vbridge_for_error";
    String bname32 = "vbridge_namevbridge_namevbridge_";

    String ageinter0 = "0";
    String ageinter1 = "10";
    String ageinter2 = "100";
    String ageinter3 = "-100";
    String ageinter4 = "1000000";
    String ageinterOver = "1000001";
    String fault = "";

    // Test GET vBridges in default container expecting 404, setting dummy tenant
    String result = getJsonResult(baseURL + tnameDummy + "/vbridges");

    // Test GET vBridges in default container, expecting no results
    result = getJsonResult(baseURL + tname1 + "/vbridges");
    JSONTokener jt = new JSONTokener(result);
    JSONObject json = new JSONObject(jt);
    JSONArray vBridgeArray = json.getJSONArray("vbridge");
    Assert.assertEquals(0, vBridgeArray.length());

    // Test POST vBridge1 expecting 404, setting dummy tenant
    String requestBody = "{}";
    result = getJsonResult(baseURL + tnameDummy + "/vbridges/" + bname1, HTTP_POST, requestBody);

    // Test POST vBridge1 expecting 400, specifying too small ageInterval.
    requestBody = "{\"description\":\"" + desc1 + "\", \"ageInterval\":\"" + ageinter0 + "\"}";
    result = getJsonResult(baseURL + tname1 + "/vbridges/" + bname1, HTTP_POST, requestBody);

    // Test POST vBridge1
    requestBody = "{}";
    String requestUri = baseURL + tname1 + "/vbridges/" + bname1;
    result = getJsonResult(requestUri, HTTP_POST, requestBody);
    Assert.assertEquals(requestUri, httpLocation);

    // Test GET vBridges in default container, expecting one result
    result = getJsonResult(baseURL + tname1 + "/vbridges");
    jt = new JSONTokener(result);
    json = new JSONObject(jt);
    vBridgeArray = json.getJSONArray("vbridge");
    Assert.assertEquals(1, vBridgeArray.length());

    // Test POST vBridge1 expecting 409
    requestBody = "{}";
    result = getJsonResult(baseURL + tname1 + "/vbridges/" + bname1, HTTP_POST, requestBody);

    // Test POST vBridge2
    requestBody = "{\"description\":\"" + desc2 + "\", \"ageInterval\":\"" + ageinter1 + "\"}";
    requestUri = baseURL + tname1 + "/vbridges/" + bname2;
    result = getJsonResult(requestUri, HTTP_POST, requestBody);
    Assert.assertEquals(requestUri, httpLocation);

    // Test POST vBridge2 for other tenant
    requestBody = "{\"ageInterval\":\"" + ageinter2 + "\"}";
    requestUri = baseURL + tname2 + "/vbridges/" + bname2;
    result = getJsonResult(requestUri, HTTP_POST, requestBody);
    Assert.assertEquals(requestUri, httpLocation);

    // Test GET all vBridges in default container
    result = getJsonResult(baseURL + tname1 + "/vbridges");
    jt = new JSONTokener(result);
    json = new JSONObject(jt);
    vBridgeArray = json.getJSONArray("vbridge");
    JSONObject vBridge;

    Assert.assertEquals(2, vBridgeArray.length());

    for (int i = 0; i < vBridgeArray.length(); i++) {
        vBridge = vBridgeArray.getJSONObject(i);
        if (vBridge.getString("name").equals(bname1)) {

            try {
                Assert.assertEquals("600", json.getString("ageInterval"));
            } catch (JSONException expected) {
                assertThat(expected.getMessage(), is("JSONObject[\"ageInterval\"] not found."));

        } else if (vBridge.getString("name").equals(bname2)) {
            Assert.assertEquals(desc2, vBridge.getString("description"));
            Assert.assertEquals(ageinter1, vBridge.getString("ageInterval"));
            fault = vBridge.getString("faults");
        } else {
            // Unexpected vBridge name

    testVLANMappingAPI(tname1, bname1);
    testMacMappingAPI(tname1, bname1, bname2);
    testVBridgeInterfaceAPI(tname1, bname1, bname2);

    // Test POST vBridge3
    requestBody = "{\"description\":\"" + desc3 + "\", \"ageInterval\":\"" + ageinter3 + "\"}";
    requestUri = baseURL + tname1 + "/vbridges/" + bname3;
    result = getJsonResult(requestUri, HTTP_POST, requestBody);
    Assert.assertEquals(requestUri, httpLocation);

    // Test GET vBridge3
    result = getJsonResult(baseURL + tname1 + "/vbridges/" + bname3);
    jt = new JSONTokener(result);
    json = new JSONObject(jt);

    Assert.assertEquals(desc3, json.getString("description"));
    Assert.assertEquals("600", json.getString("ageInterval"));

    // Test POST vBridge4
    requestBody = "{\"description\":\"" + desc1 + "\", \"ageInterval\":\"" + ageinter4 + "\"}";
    requestUri = baseURL + tname1 + "/vbridges/" + bname4;

    // Ensure that query parameters are eliminated from Location.
    result = getJsonResult(requestUri + "?param1=1&param2=2", HTTP_POST, requestBody);
    Assert.assertEquals(requestUri, httpLocation);

    // Test POST vBridge expecting 400
    requestBody = "{\"description\":\"" + desc1 + "\", \"ageInterval\":\"" + "ageInterval" + "\"}";
    requestUri = baseURL + tname1 + "/vbridges/" + ebname;
    result = getJsonResult(requestUri, HTTP_POST, requestBody);

    // Test POST vBridge expecting 400, specifying too long vBridge name.
    requestBody = "{}";
    requestUri = baseURL + tname1 + "/vbridges/" + bname32;
    result = getJsonResult(requestUri, HTTP_POST, requestBody);

    // Test POST vBridge expecting 405, setting "" to vBridge name
    result = getJsonResult(baseURL + tname1 + "/vbridges/", HTTP_POST, requestBody);

    // Test POST vBridge expecting 400, specifying invalid vBridge name
    // which starts with "_".
    result = getJsonResult(baseURL + tname1 + "/vbridges/" + "_vbridgename", HTTP_POST, requestBody);

    // Test POST vBridge expecting 400, specifying invalid vBridge name
    // including symbol "@".
    result = getJsonResult(baseURL + tname1 + "/vbridges/" + "vbridge@name", HTTP_POST, requestBody);

    // Test POST vBridge expecting 400, specifying too large ageInterval.
    requestBody = "{\"ageInterval\":\"" + ageinterOver + "\"}";
    result = getJsonResult(baseURL + tname1 + "/vbridges/" + ebname, HTTP_POST, requestBody);

    // Test GET vBridges in default container, expecting 4 results
    result = getJsonResult(baseURL + tname1 + "/vbridges");
    jt = new JSONTokener(result);
    json = new JSONObject(jt);
    vBridgeArray = json.getJSONArray("vbridge");
    Assert.assertEquals(4, vBridgeArray.length());

    // Test GET vBridges in default container, expecting 1 result
    result = getJsonResult(baseURL + tname2 + "/vbridges");
    jt = new JSONTokener(result);
    json = new JSONObject(jt);
    vBridgeArray = json.getJSONArray("vbridge");
    Assert.assertEquals(1, vBridgeArray.length());

    // Test GET vBridge expecting 404 setting dummy vtn
    result = getJsonResult(baseURL + tnameDummy + "/vbridges/" + bname1);

    // Test GET vBridge expecting 404 setting dummy vBridge
    result = getJsonResult(baseURL + tname1 + "/vbridges/" + ebname);

    // Test GET vBridge
    result = getJsonResult(baseURL + tname1 + "/vbridges/" + bname2);
    jt = new JSONTokener(result);
    json = new JSONObject(jt);

    Assert.assertEquals(bname2, json.getString("name"));
    Assert.assertEquals(desc2, json.getString("description"));
    Assert.assertEquals(ageinter1, json.getString("ageInterval"));
    Assert.assertEquals(fault, json.getString("faults"));
    Assert.assertEquals("1", json.getString("state"));

    // Test GET vBridge, get from other tenant
    result = getJsonResult(baseURL + tname2 + "/vbridges/" + bname2);

    // Test PUT vBridge1, setting only description (queryparameter is true)
    String queryParameter = new QueryParameter("all", "true").getString();
    requestBody = "{\"description\":\"" + desc1 + "\"}";
    result = getJsonResult(baseURL + tname1 + "/vbridges/" + bname1 + queryParameter, HTTP_PUT, requestBody);

    // Test GET vBridge1
    result = getJsonResult(baseURL + tname1 + "/vbridges/" + bname1);
    jt = new JSONTokener(result);
    json = new JSONObject(jt);

    Assert.assertEquals(desc1, json.getString("description"));
    Assert.assertEquals("600", json.getString("ageInterval"));

    // Test PUT vBridge1, setting only ageInter (queryparameter is true)
    requestBody = "{\"ageInterval\":\"" + ageinter1 + "\"}";
    result = getJsonResult(baseURL + tname1 + "/vbridges/" + bname1 + queryParameter, HTTP_PUT, requestBody);

    // Test GET vBridge1
    result = getJsonResult(baseURL + tname1 + "/vbridges/" + bname1);
    jt = new JSONTokener(result);
    json = new JSONObject(jt);

    Assert.assertEquals(ageinter1, json.getString("ageInterval"));

    // Test PUT vBridge1, setting description and ageInter (queryparameter is true)
    requestBody = "{\"description\":\"" + desc2 + "\", \"ageInterval\":\"" + ageinter4 + "\"}";
    result = getJsonResult(baseURL + tname1 + "/vbridges/" + bname1 + queryParameter, HTTP_PUT, requestBody);

    // Test GET vBridge1
    result = getJsonResult(baseURL + tname1 + "/vbridges/" + bname1);
    jt = new JSONTokener(result);
    json = new JSONObject(jt);

    Assert.assertEquals(desc2, json.getString("description"));
    Assert.assertEquals(ageinter4, json.getString("ageInterval"));

    // Test PUT vBridge1, setting {} (queryparameter is true)
    requestBody = "{}";
    result = getJsonResult(baseURL + tname1 + "/vbridges/" + bname1 + queryParameter, HTTP_PUT, requestBody);

    // Test GET vBridge1
    result = getJsonResult(baseURL + tname1 + "/vbridges/" + bname1);
    jt = new JSONTokener(result);
    json = new JSONObject(jt);

    Assert.assertEquals("600", json.getString("ageInterval"));

    // Test PUT vBridge2 expecting not change (query parameter is false and requestBody is {})
    queryParameter = new QueryParameter("all", "false").getString();
    result = getJsonResult(baseURL + tname1 + "/vbridges/" + bname2 + queryParameter, HTTP_PUT, requestBody);

    // Test GET vBridge2
    result = getJsonResult(baseURL + tname1 + "/vbridges/" + bname2);
    jt = new JSONTokener(result);
    json = new JSONObject(jt);

    Assert.assertEquals(desc2, json.getString("description"));
    Assert.assertEquals(ageinter1, json.getString("ageInterval"));

    // Test PUT vBridge2, setting description (query parameter is false)
    requestBody = "{\"description\":\"" + desc1 + "\"}";
    result = getJsonResult(baseURL + tname1 + "/vbridges/" + bname2 + queryParameter, HTTP_PUT, requestBody);

    // Test GET vBridge2
    result = getJsonResult(baseURL + tname1 + "/vbridges/" + bname2);
    jt = new JSONTokener(result);
    json = new JSONObject(jt);

    Assert.assertEquals(desc1, json.getString("description"));
    Assert.assertEquals(ageinter1, json.getString("ageInterval"));

    // Test PUT vBridge2, setting ageInter (query parameter is false)
    requestBody = "{\"ageInterval\":\"" + ageinter2 + "\"}";
    result = getJsonResult(baseURL + tname1 + "/vbridges/" + bname2 + queryParameter, HTTP_PUT, requestBody);

    // Test GET vBridge2
    result = getJsonResult(baseURL + tname1 + "/vbridges/" + bname2);
    jt = new JSONTokener(result);
    json = new JSONObject(jt);

    Assert.assertEquals(desc1, json.getString("description"));
    Assert.assertEquals(ageinter2, json.getString("ageInterval"));

    // Test PUT vBridge2, setting description and ageInter (query parameter is false)
    requestBody = "{\"description\":\"" + desc3 + "\", \"ageInterval\":\"" + ageinter3 + "\"}";
    result = getJsonResult(baseURL + tname1 + "/vbridges/" + bname2 + queryParameter, HTTP_PUT, requestBody);

    // Test GET vBridge2
    result = getJsonResult(baseURL + tname1 + "/vbridges/" + bname2);
    jt = new JSONTokener(result);
    json = new JSONObject(jt);

    Assert.assertEquals(desc3, json.getString("description"));
    Assert.assertEquals("100", json.getString("ageInterval"));

    // Test PUT vBridge2, setting description and ageInter (query parameter is true)
    queryParameter = new QueryParameter("all", "true").getString();
    requestBody = "{\"description\":\"" + desc3 + "\", \"ageInterval\":\"" + ageinter3 + "\"}";
    result = getJsonResult(baseURL + tname1 + "/vbridges/" + bname2 + queryParameter, HTTP_PUT, requestBody);

    // Test GET vBridge2
    result = getJsonResult(baseURL + tname1 + "/vbridges/" + bname2);
    jt = new JSONTokener(result);
    json = new JSONObject(jt);

    Assert.assertEquals(desc3, json.getString("description"));
    Assert.assertEquals("600", json.getString("ageInterval"));

    // Test PUT vBridge1 expecting 400
    requestBody = "{\"ageInterval\":\"" + "ageinter" + "\"}";
    result = getJsonResult(baseURL + tname1 + "/vbridges/" + bname1 + queryParameter, HTTP_PUT, requestBody);

    // Test PUT vBridge1 expecting 404, setting dummy vtn
    requestBody = "{}";
    result = getJsonResult(baseURL + tnameDummy + "/vbridges/" + bname1 + queryParameter, HTTP_PUT,

    // Test PUT vBridge1 expecting 404, setting dummy vbridge
    result = getJsonResult(baseURL + tname2 + "/vbridges/" + bname1 + queryParameter, HTTP_PUT, requestBody);

    // Test PUT vBridge1 expecting 400, specifying too small ageInterval.
    queryParameter = new QueryParameter("all", "false").getString();
    requestBody = "{\"description\":\"" + desc2 + "\", \"ageInterval\":\"" + ageinter0 + "\"}";
    result = getJsonResult(baseURL + tname1 + "/vbridges/" + bname1 + queryParameter, HTTP_PUT, requestBody);

    // Test PUT vBridge1 expecting 400, specifying too small ageInterval
    // ("all=true" is specified as query paramter).
    queryParameter = new QueryParameter("all", "true").getString();
    requestBody = "{\"description\":\"" + desc2 + "\", \"ageInterval\":\"" + ageinter0 + "\"}";
    result = getJsonResult(baseURL + tname1 + "/vbridges/" + bname1 + queryParameter, HTTP_PUT, requestBody);

    // Test PUT vBridge1 expecting 400, specifying too large ageInterval
    // ("all=true" is specified as query paramter).
    requestBody = "{\"description\":\"" + desc1 + "\", \"ageInterval\":\"" + ageinterOver + "\"}";
    result = getJsonResult(baseURL + tname1 + "/vbridges/" + bname1 + queryParameter, HTTP_PUT, requestBody);

    testVLANMappingDeleteAPI(tname1, bname1);
    testMacAddressAPI(tname1, bname1);
    testVBridgeInterfaceDeleteAPI(tname1, bname1);

    // Test DELETE vBridge expecting 404, setting dummy tenant
    result = getJsonResult(baseURL + tnameDummy + "/vbridges/" + bname1, HTTP_DELETE);

    // Test DELETE vBridge1
    result = getJsonResult(baseURL + tname1 + "/vbridges/" + bname1, HTTP_DELETE);

    // specify not supported Content-Type
    requestBody = "{}";
    result = getJsonResult(baseURL + tname1 + "/vbridges/" + bname1, HTTP_POST, requestBody, "text/plain");

    requestBody = "{\"description\":\"test\"}";
    result = getJsonResult(baseURL + tname1 + "/vbridges/" + bname2 + queryParameter, HTTP_PUT, requestBody,

    // Authentication failure.
    checkVBridgeError(GlobalConstants.DEFAULT.toString(), tname1, tname2, bname1, bname2, false,

    // Invalid container name.
    String[] invalid = { "bad_container", "version" };
    for (String inv : invalid) {
        checkVBridgeError(inv, tname1, tname2, bname1, bname2, true, HttpURLConnection.HTTP_NOT_FOUND);
        checkVBridgeError(inv, tname1, tname2, bname1, bname2, false, HttpURLConnection.HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED);

    // Test DELETE vBridge2
    result = getJsonResult(baseURL + tname1 + "/vbridges/" + bname2, HTTP_DELETE);

    // Test DELETE vBridge3
    result = getJsonResult(baseURL + tname1 + "/vbridges/" + bname3, HTTP_DELETE);

    // Test DELETE vBridge4
    result = getJsonResult(baseURL + tname1 + "/vbridges/" + bname4, HTTP_DELETE);

    // Test DELETE vBridge2 on other tenant
    result = getJsonResult(baseURL + tname2 + "/vbridges/" + bname2, HTTP_DELETE);

    // Test DELETE vBridge expecting 404
    result = getJsonResult(baseURL + tname1 + "/vbridges/" + bname1, HTTP_DELETE);

    // Test DELETE vBridge expecting 404, setting dummy tenant
    result = getJsonResult(baseURL + tname1 + "/vbridges/" + ebname, HTTP_DELETE);

    // Test GET vBridges in default container, expecting no results (tname1)
    result = getJsonResult(baseURL + tname1 + "/vbridges");
    jt = new JSONTokener(result);
    json = new JSONObject(jt);
    vBridgeArray = json.getJSONArray("vbridge");
    Assert.assertEquals(0, vBridgeArray.length());

    // Test GET vBridges in default container, expecting no results (tname2)
    result = getJsonResult(baseURL + tname2 + "/vbridges");
    jt = new JSONTokener(result);
    json = new JSONObject(jt);
    vBridgeArray = json.getJSONArray("vbridge");
    Assert.assertEquals(0, vBridgeArray.length());

From source file:org.openecomp.sdnc.sli.aai.AAIService.java

public SearchResults requestNodeQuery(String node_type, String entityIdentifier, String entityName)
        throws AAIServiceException {
    SearchResults response = null;//from w  w w. j  a  v  a2s .c  o m
    InputStream inputStream = null;

    try {
        String request_url = target_uri + query_nodes_path;
        request_url = request_url.replace("{node-type}", encodeQuery(node_type));
        request_url = request_url.replace("{entity-identifier}", entityIdentifier);
        request_url = request_url.replace("{entity-name}", encodeQuery(entityName));
        URL http_req_url = new URL(request_url);

        HttpURLConnection con = getConfiguredConnection(http_req_url, HttpMethod.GET);

        LOGwriteFirstTrace(HttpMethod.GET, http_req_url.toString());
        LOGwriteDateTrace("node_type", node_type);
        LOGwriteDateTrace("vnf_name", entityName);

        // Check for errors
        int responseCode = con.getResponseCode();
        if (responseCode == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) {
            inputStream = con.getInputStream();
        } else {
            inputStream = con.getErrorStream();

        // Process the response
        LOG.debug("HttpURLConnection result:" + responseCode);
        if (inputStream == null)
            inputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream("".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
        BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inputStream));

        ObjectMapper mapper = getObjectMapper();

        if (responseCode == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) {
            response = mapper.readValue(reader, SearchResults.class);
            LOGwriteEndingTrace(HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK, "SUCCESS", mapper.writeValueAsString(response));
        } else if (responseCode == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_NOT_FOUND) {
            LOGwriteEndingTrace(responseCode, "HTTP_NOT_FOUND", "Entry does not exist.");
            return response;
        } else {
            ErrorResponse errorresponse = mapper.readValue(reader, ErrorResponse.class);
            LOGwriteEndingTrace(responseCode, "FAILURE", mapper.writeValueAsString(errorresponse));
            throw new AAIServiceException(responseCode, errorresponse);

    } catch (AAIServiceException aaiexc) {
        throw aaiexc;
    } catch (Exception exc) {
        LOG.warn("requestNodeQuery", exc);
        throw new AAIServiceException(exc);
    } finally {
        if (inputStream != null) {
            try {
            } catch (Exception exc) {

    return response;


From source file:org.openecomp.sdnc.sli.aai.AAIService.java

public String requestDataByURL(URL url) throws AAIServiceException {

    if (url == null) {
        throw new NullPointerException();
    }//  ww  w .  j  a  v a 2  s .co m

    String response = null;
    InputStream inputStream = null;

    try {
        URL http_req_url = url;

        HttpURLConnection con = getConfiguredConnection(http_req_url, HttpMethod.GET);

        LOGwriteFirstTrace(HttpMethod.GET, http_req_url.toString());

        // Check for errors
        int responseCode = con.getResponseCode();
        if (responseCode == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) {
            inputStream = con.getInputStream();
        } else {
            inputStream = con.getErrorStream();

        // Process the response
        LOG.debug("HttpURLConnection result:" + responseCode);
        if (inputStream == null)
            inputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream("".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
        BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inputStream));

        ObjectMapper mapper = getObjectMapper();

        if (responseCode == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) {
            StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder("\n");
            String line = null;
            while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
            //               response = mapper.readValue(reader, String.class);
            response = stringBuilder.toString();
            LOGwriteEndingTrace(HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK, "SUCCESS", mapper.writeValueAsString(response));
        } else if (responseCode == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_NOT_FOUND) {
            LOGwriteEndingTrace(responseCode, "HTTP_NOT_FOUND", "Entry does not exist.");
            response = null;
        } else {
            ErrorResponse errorresponse = mapper.readValue(reader, ErrorResponse.class);
            LOGwriteEndingTrace(responseCode, "FAILURE", mapper.writeValueAsString(errorresponse));
            throw new AAIServiceException(responseCode, errorresponse);

    } catch (AAIServiceException aaiexc) {
        throw aaiexc;
    } catch (Exception exc) {
        LOG.warn("requestNetworkVceData", exc);
        throw new AAIServiceException(exc);
    } finally {
        if (inputStream != null) {
            try {
            } catch (Exception exc) {

    return response;