List of usage examples for DatagramSocket close
public void close()
From source
/** * Test the availability of the DataPublisher by * trying to connect to it (credentials are not checked) * * @return : whether the test was successful or not *//*from w w w. ja v a 2 s .c om*/ public boolean testDataPublisherAvailability(String connectionType, String url, int port) { //check for tcp and ssl port availability if (connectionType.equalsIgnoreCase("tcp://") || connectionType.equalsIgnoreCase("ssl://")) { DatagramSocket ds = null; try { ds = new DatagramSocket(port); ds.setReuseAddress(true); return true; } catch (IOException e) { log.error(e); } finally { if (ds != null) { ds.close(); } } } //check for http and https port availability if (connectionType.equalsIgnoreCase("http://") || connectionType.equalsIgnoreCase("https://")) { Socket socket = null; try { socket = new Socket(); socket.setReuseAddress(true); SocketAddress sa = new InetSocketAddress(url, port); socket.connect(sa); return true; } catch (IOException e) { log.error(e); } finally { if (socket != null) { try { socket.close(); } catch (IOException e) { //do nothing } } } } return false; }
From source
/** * Disconnects the socket. Doing this will also kill any threads that are * running that are using this socket. In UDP sockets close is tightly bound * to a disconnect and thus the socket is also closed as well. *//*from www.ja v a 2s . c o m*/ public void disconnect(UDPCommunication dconnudpComm) { DatagramSocket dgs = dconnudpComm.getDatagramSocket(); boolean outputTest = dconnudpComm.isOutputOnly(); if (outputTest) { /* If it is output only then the disconnect works fine */ dgs.disconnect(); } else { /* TODO Need to resolve bug in UDPCommunication where * the disconnect hangs when there is both an incoming * and outgoing message handler */ logger.warn("UDPCommunication was closed but not disconnected" + " due to UDPIncoming Handler Bug - results may vary"); } /* close the datagram socket */ dgs.close(); }
From source
private void sendMessage(final JSONObject json) { boolean encrypt = prefs.getBoolean("SendAES", false); boolean compress = prefs.getBoolean("SendGZIP", false); String exchangeHost = prefs.getString("ExchangeHost", null); int exchangePort = Integer.valueOf(prefs.getString("ExchangePort", "-1")); if (encrypt) { if (skeySpec == null) { try { skeySpec = new SecretKeySpec(MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-256") .digest(prefs.getString("ExchangeKey", null).getBytes("US-ASCII")), "AES"); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(tag, e.toString()); e.printStackTrace();//from www.j a va 2 s . com } } if (cipher == null) { try { cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/CFB8/NoPadding"); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(tag, e.toString()); e.printStackTrace(); } } if (skeySpec == null || cipher == null) { Log.e(tag, "Encryption requested but not available"); throw new AssertionError(); } } if (exchangeHost == null || exchangePort <= 0 || exchangePort >= 65536) { Log.e(tag, "Invalid server name or port"); throw new AssertionError(); } try { ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); CipherOutputStream cos = null; GZIPOutputStream zos = null; // TODO: send protocol header to signal compression & encryption if (encrypt) { cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, skeySpec); cos = new CipherOutputStream(baos, cipher); // write iv block baos.write(cipher.getIV()); } final byte[] message = new JSONArray().put(json).toString().getBytes(); if (compress) { zos = new GZIPOutputStream((encrypt) ? (cos) : (baos)); zos.write(message); zos.finish(); zos.close(); if (encrypt) { cos.close(); } } else if (encrypt) { cos.write(message); cos.close(); } else { baos.write(message); } baos.flush(); final byte[] output = baos.toByteArray(); baos.close(); // path MTU is the actual limit here, not only local MTU // TODO: make packet fragmentable (clear DF flag) if (output.length > 1500) { Log.w(tag, "Message probably too long: " + output.length + " bytes"); } DatagramSocket socket = new DatagramSocket(); // socket.setTrafficClass(0x04 | 0x02); // IPTOS_RELIABILITY | IPTOS_LOWCOST socket.send( new DatagramPacket(output, output.length, InetAddress.getByName(exchangeHost), exchangePort)); socket.close(); Log.d(tag, "message sent: " + output.length + " bytes (raw: " + message.length + " bytes)"); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(tag, e.toString()); e.printStackTrace(); } }
From source
public void doTestSyslogReceiver() throws Exception { final int eventCount = 100; List<Integer> foos = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (int i = 0; i < eventCount; i++) { int eventNum = Double.valueOf(Math.random() * 10000).intValue(); foos.add(eventNum);//from ww w . j a v a2 s . co m } m_eventCounter.setAnticipated(eventCount); String testPduFormat = "2010-08-19 localhost foo%d: load test %d on tty1"; SyslogClient sc = new SyslogClient(null, 10, SyslogClient.LOG_USER, addr("")); // Test by sending over a socket final DatagramSocket socket = new DatagramSocket(); System.err.println("Starting to send packets"); final long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (int i = 0; i < eventCount; i++) { int foo = foos.get(i); DatagramPacket pkt = sc.getPacket(SyslogClient.LOG_DEBUG, String.format(testPduFormat, foo, foo)); socket.send(pkt); } socket.close(); /* // Test by sending over an NIO channel SocketAddress address = new InetSocketAddress(InetAddressUtils.getLocalHostAddress(), SyslogClient.PORT); final DatagramChannel channel =; final ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(SyslogReceiverNioThreadPoolImpl.MAX_PACKET_SIZE); buffer.clear(); System.err.println("Starting to send packets"); final long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (int i = 0; i < eventCount; i++) { int foo = foos.get(i); buffer.put(SyslogClient.getPacketPayload(SyslogClient.LOG_USER, null, SyslogClient.LOG_DEBUG, String.format(testPduFormat, foo, foo))); buffer.flip(); channel.send(buffer, address); buffer.clear(); } channel.close(); */ long mid = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.err.println(String.format("Sent %d packets in %d milliseconds", eventCount, mid - start)); m_eventCounter.waitForFinish(30000); long end = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.err.println( String.format("Events expected: %d, events received: %d", eventCount, m_eventCounter.getCount())); final long total = (end - start); final double eventsPerSecond = (eventCount * 1000.0 / total); System.err.println(String.format("total time: %d, wait time: %d, events per second: %8.4f", total, (end - mid), eventsPerSecond)); assertEquals(eventCount, m_eventCounter.getCount()); }
From source
@Override public void run() { final DatagramSocket socket = openSocket(); active = true;/* ww w .j a v a 2 s . co m*/ synchronized (this) { notifyAll(); } final byte[] buffer = new byte[8192]; try { final DatagramPacket packet = new DatagramPacket(buffer, buffer.length); while (active) { try { socket.receive(packet); final AntEventSummary summary = deserialize(packet.getData()); fireEvent(summary); } catch (SocketTimeoutException e) { continue; } catch (Exception e) { handleException(e); } } } finally { socket.close(); } }
From source
public DatagramResponse execute(DatagramParameter parameter) throws IOException { DatagramSocket socket = new DatagramSocket(null); socket.setReuseAddress(true);//w ww . ja v a 2 s. c o m socket.setBroadcast(parameter.getBroadcast()); if (parameter.getTimeout() > 0) socket.setSoTimeout(parameter.getTimeout()); String data = IOUtils.toString(parameter.getInputStream()); DatagramPacket packet = new DatagramPacket(data.getBytes(), data.length()); packet.setAddress(InetAddress.getByName(parameter.getHost())); packet.setPort(parameter.getPort()); socket.send(packet); DatagramResponse response = new DatagramResponse(parameter.getResponseLength()); DatagramPacket responsePacket = new DatagramPacket(response.getContent(), response.getContent().length); socket.receive(responsePacket); response.setAddress(responsePacket.getAddress().getHostAddress()); response.setPacketLength(responsePacket.getLength()); socket.close(); return response; }
From source
private void sendUdpMsg(InetAddress ipAddress, int port, String msg) throws IOException { DatagramSocket soc = null; try {/*from w w w . ja v a2 s. c o m*/ // ?????? soc = new DatagramSocket(); // ?? DatagramPacket sendPacket = null; // sendPacket = new DatagramPacket(msg.getBytes(), msg.getBytes().length, ipAddress, port); soc.send(sendPacket); } finally { if (soc != null) { soc.close(); } } }
From source
private String connectAndGetCardIP() { DatagramSocket clientSocket = null, serverSocket = null; try {/* ww w. j a v a 2s . com*/ String broadcastIP = getBroadcastIP(); setState(broadcastIP == null ? State.NO_WIFI : State.SEARCHING_CARD); notifyMessage("BroadcastIP: " + broadcastIP); // send out broadcast clientSocket = new DatagramSocket(58255); InetAddress IPAddress = InetAddress.getByName(broadcastIP); byte[] sendData = "".getBytes(); DatagramPacket sendPacket = new DatagramPacket(sendData, sendData.length, IPAddress, 55777); clientSocket.send(sendPacket); clientSocket.close(); serverSocket = new DatagramSocket(58255); byte[] receiveData = new byte[256]; DatagramPacket receivePacket = new DatagramPacket(receiveData, receiveData.length); serverSocket.setSoTimeout(3000); serverSocket.receive(receivePacket); serverSocket.close(); notifyMessage("Packet received: " + new String(receiveData)); if (new String(receivePacket.getData()).indexOf("Transcend WiFiSD") >= 0) return receivePacket.getAddress().getHostAddress(); } catch (Exception ex) { notifyMessage("Card handshake unsuccessful. "); notifyException(ex); } finally { if (clientSocket != null) clientSocket.close(); if (serverSocket != null) serverSocket.close(); } return null; }
From source
private int dtnResourcesRequest(Node node) throws WSIAdapterException, IOException { int requestMsgId = UNDEFINED_COAP_MESSAGE_ID; // TODO: ??? we will use the packetID as a message ID to return. String proxyAddress = getProxyAddress(node); if (proxyAddress != null) { int packetID = UNDEFINED_COAP_MESSAGE_ID; do { //while loop to avoid a packetID that exists in the array that is to be ignored! packetID = random.nextInt(65535) + 1; } while (timedOut_DTN_CoapMessageIDsList.contains(Integer.valueOf(packetID)) || packetID == UNDEFINED_COAP_MESSAGE_ID); String msgString = Integer.toString(packetID) + "#" + node.getId() + "#" + RESOURCE_REQ + "#wkc"; byte[] msgBytes = new byte[Constants.DTN_MESSAGE_SIZE]; msgBytes = msgString.getBytes(); DatagramPacket sendPacket = new DatagramPacket(msgBytes, msgBytes.length, InetAddress.getByName(proxyAddress), Constants.PROXY_UDPFORWARDER_PORT); DatagramSocket clientSocket = new DatagramSocket(); clientSocket.send(sendPacket);/*from ww w . ja va 2s.c om*/ clientSocket.close(); requestMsgId = packetID;"Sent Request: " + msgString); } else { logger.warn("No available proxy for Node " + node.getId() + " is found"); throw new WSIAdapterException("No available proxy for Node " + node.getId() + " is found"); } return requestMsgId; }
From source
private int dtnObservationRequest(Node node, Resource resource) throws VitroGatewayException, IOException { int requestMsgId = UNDEFINED_COAP_MESSAGE_ID; // TODO: ??? we will use the packetID as a message ID to return. String proxyAddress = getProxyAddress(node); if (proxyAddress != null) { String moteUriResource = ""; if (MoteResource.containsValue(resource)) { //moteUriResource += MoteResource.getMoteUriResource(resource); String theResourceName = MoteResource.getMoteUriResource(resource); if (theResourceName == null) { logger.error("unsupported resource"); return UNDEFINED_COAP_MESSAGE_ID; }/*w ww .ja v a2 s .co m*/ // FOR TCS adapter, we prefer the TEMPERATURE_TCS // FOR WLAB and HAI we prefer the TEMPERATURE_ALT // we do this check because the getMoteUriResource is making a reverse lookup in the hashmap (where two keys point to the same resource) if (theResourceName.compareToIgnoreCase(MoteResource.TEMPERATURE_TCS) == 0) { theResourceName = MoteResource.TEMPERATURE_ALT; } moteUriResource += theResourceName; int packetID = UNDEFINED_COAP_MESSAGE_ID; do { //while loop to avoid a packetID that exists in the array that is to be ignored! packetID = random.nextInt(65535) + 1; } while (timedOut_DTN_CoapMessageIDsList.contains(Integer.valueOf(packetID)) || packetID == UNDEFINED_COAP_MESSAGE_ID); String msgString = packetID + "#" + node.getId() + "#" + RESOURCE_REQ + "#" + moteUriResource; byte[] msgBytes = new byte[Constants.DTN_MESSAGE_SIZE]; msgBytes = msgString.getBytes(); DatagramPacket sendPacket = new DatagramPacket(msgBytes, msgBytes.length, InetAddress.getByName(proxyAddress), Constants.PROXY_UDPFORWARDER_PORT); DatagramSocket clientSocket = new DatagramSocket(); clientSocket.send(sendPacket); clientSocket.close(); requestMsgId = packetID;"Sent Request: " + msgString); } else { logger.warn("No resource mapping for Node " + node.getId() + " and Resource " + resource.getName()); throw new WSIAdapterException( "No resource mapping for Node " + node.getId() + " and Resource " + resource.getName()); } } else { logger.warn("No available proxy for Node " + node.getId() + " is found"); throw new WSIAdapterException("No available proxy for Node " + node.getId() + " is found"); } return requestMsgId; }