List of usage examples for CookieHandler setDefault
public static synchronized void setDefault(CookieHandler cHandler)
From source
@Test public void controllerKioskMode() throws Exception { // setup/*from ww w.jav a 2s .com*/ Messages messages = new Messages(Locale.getDefault()); Runtime runtime = new TestRuntime(); View view = new TestView(); Controller controller = new Controller(view, runtime, messages); // make sure that the session cookies are passed during conversations CookieManager cookieManager = new CookieManager(); cookieManager.setCookiePolicy(CookiePolicy.ACCEPT_ALL); CookieHandler.setDefault(cookieManager); this.servletHolder.setInitParameter("Kiosk", "true"); // operate; // verify LOG.debug("verify..."); }
From source
@Test public void controllerAuthentication() throws Exception { // setup//from ww w . ja v a 2 s . co m Messages messages = new Messages(Locale.getDefault()); Runtime runtime = new TestRuntime(); View view = new TestView(); Controller controller = new Controller(view, runtime, messages); // make sure that the session cookies are passed during conversations CookieManager cookieManager = new CookieManager(); cookieManager.setCookiePolicy(CookiePolicy.ACCEPT_ALL); CookieHandler.setDefault(cookieManager); this.servletHolder.setInitParameter("AuthenticationServiceClass", TestAuthenticationService.class.getName()); this.servletHolder.setInitParameter("Logoff", "true"); // operate; // verify LOG.debug("verify..."); SessionHandler sessionHandler = this.servletTester.getContext().getSessionHandler(); SessionManager sessionManager = sessionHandler.getSessionManager(); LOG.debug("session manager type: " + sessionManager.getClass().getName()); HashSessionManager hashSessionManager = (HashSessionManager) sessionManager; LOG.debug("# sessions: " + hashSessionManager.getSessions()); assertEquals(1, hashSessionManager.getSessions()); Map<String, HttpSession> sessionMap = hashSessionManager.getSessionMap(); LOG.debug("session map: " + sessionMap); Entry<String, HttpSession> sessionEntry = sessionMap.entrySet().iterator().next(); HttpSession httpSession = sessionEntry.getValue(); assertNotNull(httpSession.getAttribute("eid")); assertNull(httpSession.getAttribute("eid.identity")); assertNull(httpSession.getAttribute("eid.address")); assertNull(httpSession.getAttribute("")); String identifier = (String) httpSession.getAttribute("eid.identifier"); assertNotNull(identifier); LOG.debug("identifier: " + identifier); assertTrue(TestAuthenticationService.called); }
From source
@Test public void testAuthnSessionIdChannelBinding() throws Exception { // setup/*from w w w . j av a 2 s . c o m*/ Messages messages = new Messages(Locale.getDefault()); Runtime runtime = new TestRuntime(); View view = new TestView(); Controller controller = new Controller(view, runtime, messages); // make sure that the session cookies are passed during conversations CookieManager cookieManager = new CookieManager(); cookieManager.setCookiePolicy(CookiePolicy.ACCEPT_ALL); CookieHandler.setDefault(cookieManager); this.servletHolder.setInitParameter("AuthenticationServiceClass", TestAuthenticationService.class.getName()); this.servletHolder.setInitParameter("Logoff", "true"); this.servletHolder.setInitParameter("SessionIdChannelBinding", "true"); // operate; // verify LOG.debug("verify..."); SessionHandler sessionHandler = this.servletTester.getContext().getSessionHandler(); SessionManager sessionManager = sessionHandler.getSessionManager(); LOG.debug("session manager type: " + sessionManager.getClass().getName()); HashSessionManager hashSessionManager = (HashSessionManager) sessionManager; LOG.debug("# sessions: " + hashSessionManager.getSessions()); assertEquals(1, hashSessionManager.getSessions()); Map<String, HttpSession> sessionMap = hashSessionManager.getSessionMap(); LOG.debug("session map: " + sessionMap); Entry<String, HttpSession> sessionEntry = sessionMap.entrySet().iterator().next(); HttpSession httpSession = sessionEntry.getValue(); assertNotNull(httpSession.getAttribute("eid")); assertNull(httpSession.getAttribute("eid.identity")); assertNull(httpSession.getAttribute("eid.address")); assertNull(httpSession.getAttribute("")); String identifier = (String) httpSession.getAttribute("eid.identifier"); assertNotNull(identifier); LOG.debug("identifier: " + identifier); assertTrue(TestAuthenticationService.called); }
From source
@Override public void onCreate() { super.onCreate(); PRNGFixes.apply();//w w w.j ava 2 s . com // ErrorReporter.getInstance().init(this); //blockchainServiceIntent = new Intent(this, BlockchainServiceImpl.class); websocketServiceIntent = new Intent(this, WebsocketService.class); System.setProperty("device_name", "android"); try { PackageInfo pInfo = getPackageManager().getPackageInfo(getPackageName(), 0); System.setProperty("device_version", pInfo.versionName); } catch (NameNotFoundException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } try { // Need to save session cookie for kaptcha CookieHandler.setDefault(new CookieManager()); Security.addProvider(new org.spongycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider()); } catch (Throwable e) { e.printStackTrace(); } //loadBitcoinJWallet(); connect(); }
From source
@Test public void testAuthnServerCertificateChannelBinding() throws Exception { // setup/* w w w .j a v a 2 s . co m*/ Messages messages = new Messages(Locale.getDefault()); Runtime runtime = new TestRuntime(); View view = new TestView(); Controller controller = new Controller(view, runtime, messages); // make sure that the session cookies are passed during conversations CookieManager cookieManager = new CookieManager(); cookieManager.setCookiePolicy(CookiePolicy.ACCEPT_ALL); CookieHandler.setDefault(cookieManager); this.servletHolder.setInitParameter("AuthenticationServiceClass", TestAuthenticationService.class.getName()); this.servletHolder.setInitParameter("Logoff", "true"); File tmpCertFile = File.createTempFile("ssl-server-cert-", ".crt"); FileUtils.writeByteArrayToFile(tmpCertFile, this.certificate.getEncoded()); this.servletHolder.setInitParameter("ChannelBindingServerCertificate", tmpCertFile.toString()); // operate; // verify LOG.debug("verify..."); SessionHandler sessionHandler = this.servletTester.getContext().getSessionHandler(); SessionManager sessionManager = sessionHandler.getSessionManager(); LOG.debug("session manager type: " + sessionManager.getClass().getName()); HashSessionManager hashSessionManager = (HashSessionManager) sessionManager; LOG.debug("# sessions: " + hashSessionManager.getSessions()); assertEquals(1, hashSessionManager.getSessions()); Map<String, HttpSession> sessionMap = hashSessionManager.getSessionMap(); LOG.debug("session map: " + sessionMap); Entry<String, HttpSession> sessionEntry = sessionMap.entrySet().iterator().next(); HttpSession httpSession = sessionEntry.getValue(); assertNotNull(httpSession.getAttribute("eid")); assertNull(httpSession.getAttribute("eid.identity")); assertNull(httpSession.getAttribute("eid.address")); assertNull(httpSession.getAttribute("")); String identifier = (String) httpSession.getAttribute("eid.identifier"); assertNotNull(identifier); LOG.debug("identifier: " + identifier); assertTrue(TestAuthenticationService.called); }
From source
public HttpRestProtocolWrapper(SyncExecutionContext sc) throws InvalidAuthTokenException { = sc; this.log = WebLogger.getLogger(sc.getAppName()); log.e(LOGTAG, "AggregateUri:" + sc.getAggregateUri()); this.baseUri = normalizeUri(sc.getAggregateUri(), "/"); log.e(LOGTAG, "baseUri:" + baseUri); // This is technically not correct, as we should really have a global // that we manage for this... If there are two or more service threads // running, we could forget other session cookies. But, by creating a // new cookie manager here, we ensure that we don't have any stale // session cookies at the start of each sync. cm = new CookieManager(); CookieHandler.setDefault(cm); // HttpClient for auth tokens localAuthContext = new BasicHttpContext(); SocketConfig socketAuthConfig = SocketConfig.copy(SocketConfig.DEFAULT).setSoTimeout(2 * CONNECTION_TIMEOUT) .build();//from w w w . j av a2 s . c o m RequestConfig requestAuthConfig = RequestConfig.copy(RequestConfig.DEFAULT) .setConnectTimeout(CONNECTION_TIMEOUT) // support authenticating .setAuthenticationEnabled(true) // support redirecting to handle http: => https: transition .setRedirectsEnabled(true) // max redirects is set to 4 .setMaxRedirects(4).setCircularRedirectsAllowed(true) //.setTargetPreferredAuthSchemes(targetPreferredAuthSchemes) .setCookieSpec(CookieSpecs.DEFAULT).build(); httpAuthClient = HttpClientBuilder.create().setDefaultSocketConfig(socketAuthConfig) .setDefaultRequestConfig(requestAuthConfig).build(); // Context // context holds authentication state machine, so it cannot be // shared across independent activities. localContext = new BasicHttpContext(); cookieStore = new BasicCookieStore(); credsProvider = new BasicCredentialsProvider(); String host = this.baseUri.getHost(); String authenticationType = sc.getAuthenticationType(); if (sc.getString(R.string.credential_type_google_account).equals(authenticationType)) { String accessToken = sc.getAccessToken(); checkAccessToken(accessToken); this.accessToken = accessToken; } else if (sc.getString(R.string.credential_type_username_password).equals(authenticationType)) { String username = sc.getUsername(); String password = sc.getPassword(); List<AuthScope> asList = new ArrayList<AuthScope>(); { AuthScope a; // allow digest auth on any port... a = new AuthScope(host, -1, null, AuthSchemes.DIGEST); asList.add(a); // and allow basic auth on the standard TLS/SSL ports... a = new AuthScope(host, 443, null, AuthSchemes.BASIC); asList.add(a); a = new AuthScope(host, 8443, null, AuthSchemes.BASIC); asList.add(a); } // add username if (username != null && username.trim().length() != 0) { log.i(LOGTAG, "adding credential for host: " + host + " username:" + username); Credentials c = new UsernamePasswordCredentials(username, password); for (AuthScope a : asList) { credsProvider.setCredentials(a, c); } } } localContext.setAttribute(HttpClientContext.COOKIE_STORE, cookieStore); localContext.setAttribute(HttpClientContext.CREDS_PROVIDER, credsProvider); SocketConfig socketConfig = SocketConfig.copy(SocketConfig.DEFAULT).setSoTimeout(2 * CONNECTION_TIMEOUT) .build(); // if possible, bias toward digest auth (may not be in 4.0 beta 2) List<String> targetPreferredAuthSchemes = new ArrayList<String>(); targetPreferredAuthSchemes.add(AuthSchemes.DIGEST); targetPreferredAuthSchemes.add(AuthSchemes.BASIC); RequestConfig requestConfig = RequestConfig.copy(RequestConfig.DEFAULT) .setConnectTimeout(CONNECTION_TIMEOUT) // support authenticating .setAuthenticationEnabled(true) // support redirecting to handle http: => https: transition .setRedirectsEnabled(true) // max redirects is set to 4 .setMaxRedirects(4).setCircularRedirectsAllowed(true) .setTargetPreferredAuthSchemes(targetPreferredAuthSchemes).setCookieSpec(CookieSpecs.DEFAULT) .build(); httpClient = HttpClientBuilder.create().setDefaultSocketConfig(socketConfig) .setDefaultRequestConfig(requestConfig).build(); }
From source
@Test public void testAuthnHybridChannelBinding() throws Exception { // setup// www . j a va 2 s .co m Messages messages = new Messages(Locale.getDefault()); Runtime runtime = new TestRuntime(); View view = new TestView(); Controller controller = new Controller(view, runtime, messages); // make sure that the session cookies are passed during conversations CookieManager cookieManager = new CookieManager(); cookieManager.setCookiePolicy(CookiePolicy.ACCEPT_ALL); CookieHandler.setDefault(cookieManager); this.servletHolder.setInitParameter("AuthenticationServiceClass", TestAuthenticationService.class.getName()); this.servletHolder.setInitParameter("Logoff", "true"); File tmpCertFile = File.createTempFile("ssl-server-cert-", ".crt"); FileUtils.writeByteArrayToFile(tmpCertFile, this.certificate.getEncoded()); this.servletHolder.setInitParameter("ChannelBindingServerCertificate", tmpCertFile.toString()); this.servletHolder.setInitParameter("SessionIdChannelBinding", "true"); // operate; // verify LOG.debug("verify..."); SessionHandler sessionHandler = this.servletTester.getContext().getSessionHandler(); SessionManager sessionManager = sessionHandler.getSessionManager(); LOG.debug("session manager type: " + sessionManager.getClass().getName()); HashSessionManager hashSessionManager = (HashSessionManager) sessionManager; LOG.debug("# sessions: " + hashSessionManager.getSessions()); assertEquals(1, hashSessionManager.getSessions()); Map<String, HttpSession> sessionMap = hashSessionManager.getSessionMap(); LOG.debug("session map: " + sessionMap); Entry<String, HttpSession> sessionEntry = sessionMap.entrySet().iterator().next(); HttpSession httpSession = sessionEntry.getValue(); assertNotNull(httpSession.getAttribute("eid")); assertNull(httpSession.getAttribute("eid.identity")); assertNull(httpSession.getAttribute("eid.address")); assertNull(httpSession.getAttribute("")); String identifier = (String) httpSession.getAttribute("eid.identifier"); assertNotNull(identifier); LOG.debug("identifier: " + identifier); assertTrue(TestAuthenticationService.called); }
From source
/** * Sets the credentials used to authenticate with the Exchange Web Services. * Setting the Credentials property automatically sets the * UseDefaultCredentials to false.//www . java2 s. c o m * * @param credentials Exchange credentials. */ public void setCredentials(ExchangeCredentials credentials) { this.credentials = credentials; this.useDefaultCredentials = false; CookieHandler.setDefault(new CookieManager()); }
From source
/** * Sets a value indicating whether the credentials of the user currently * logged into Windows should be used to authenticate with the Exchange Web * Services. Setting UseDefaultCredentials to true automatically sets the * Credentials property to null.//from w ww .jav a 2 s .co m * * @param value the new use default credentials */ public void setUseDefaultCredentials(boolean value) { this.useDefaultCredentials = value; if (value) { this.credentials = null; CookieHandler.setDefault(null); } }
From source
private void getImages() { // controls the web process from a removed method"Setting Up Pull"); String[] proxyarr = (proxies == null) ? null : proxies.split(","); // cleanup//from w w w . j a va 2 s.c o m if (cleanup) { cleanupDir(fpath); } // image grab CookieManager cm = new CookieManager(); cm.setCookiePolicy(CookiePolicy.ACCEPT_ALL); CookieHandler.setDefault(cm); int numimages = 0; InputStream is; byte[] bytes; int iter = 0; int found = 0; // set proxy if needed if (proxyuser != null) { proxy(proxyhost, proxyport, https, proxyuser, proxypass); } int i = 0; ArrayList<String> postImages = new ArrayList<String>(); ForkJoinPool fjp = new ForkJoinPool(Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors()); Set<Callable<String>> pulls = new HashSet<Callable<String>>(); Set<Callable<ArrayList<String>>> sqls = new HashSet<Callable<ArrayList<String>>>(); List<Future<String>> imageFutures; ArrayList<String> images; int chunksize = (int) Math.ceil(commitsize / numqueries);"Chunksize: " + chunksize); if (baseurl != null || baseurlcolumn != null) { do {"Offset: " + offset);"Getting Images"); images = new ArrayList<String>(commitsize);"Getting Columns"); for (int n = 0; n < numqueries; n++) { String tempsql = sql + " WHERE " + idString + " >= " + offset + " AND " + idString + " < " + (offset + chunksize); if (conditions != null) { tempsql += conditions; } sqls.add(new QueryDatabase( ((extracondition != null) ? tempsql + " " + extracondition : tempsql))); offset += chunksize; } List<Future<ArrayList<String>>> futures = fjp.invokeAll(sqls); int w = 0; while (fjp.isQuiescent() && fjp.getActiveThreadCount() > 0) { w++; } for (Future<ArrayList<String>> f : futures) { try { ArrayList<String> fjson; fjson = f.get(); if (fjson.size() > 0) { images.addAll(fjson); } if (f.isDone() == false) { f.cancel(true); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ExecutionException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } + " image links found. Pulling."); ArrayList<String> tempproxies = new ArrayList<String>(); if (proxyarr != null) { for (String proxy : proxyarr) { tempproxies.add(proxy.trim()); } } if (maxproxies > 0) { maxproxies -= 1;// 0 and 1 should be equivalent conditions // --num is not like most 0 based still due // to >= } // get images for (int num = 0; num < images.size(); num++) { String icols = images.get(num); int proxnum = (int) Math.random() * (tempproxies.size() - 1); String proxy = (tempproxies.size() == 0) ? null : tempproxies.get(proxnum); // add grab pulls.add(new ImageGrabber(icols, proxy)); if (proxy != null) { tempproxies.remove(proxy); } // check for execution if (num + 1 == images.size() || pulls.size() >= commitsize || tempproxies.size() == 0) { if (tempproxies.size() == 0 && proxies != null) { tempproxies = new ArrayList<String>(proxyarr.length); for (String p : proxyarr) { tempproxies.add(p.trim()); } } imageFutures = fjp.invokeAll(pulls); w = 0; while (fjp.isQuiescent() == false && fjp.getActiveThreadCount() > 0) { w++; } for (Future<String> f : imageFutures) { String add; try { add = f.get(); if (add != null) { postImages.add(add); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ExecutionException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } imageFutures = null;// garbage collect elligible pulls = new HashSet<Callable<String>>(commitsize); } if (postImages.size() >= commitsize && addtoDB == true) { if (addtoDB) {"Posting to Database");"Found " + postImages.size() + " images"); numimages += postImages.size(); int size = (int) Math.floor(postImages.size() / numqueries); for (int n = 0; n < numqueries; n++) { if (((n + 1) * size) < postImages.size() && (n + 1) < numqueries) { fjp.execute(new ImagePost(postImages.subList(n * size, (n + 1) * size))); } else { fjp.execute(new ImagePost(postImages.subList(n * size, postImages.size() - 1))); } } w = 0; while (fjp.isQuiescent() && fjp.getActiveThreadCount() > 0) { w++; } } found += postImages.size(); postImages.clear(); } } if (postImages.size() > 0 && addtoDB == true) {"Posting to Database"); numimages += postImages.size(); int size = (int) Math.floor(postImages.size() / numqueries); for (int n = 0; n < numqueries; n++) { if (((n + 1) * size) < postImages.size()) { fjp.execute(new ImagePost(postImages.subList(n * size, (n + 1) * size))); } else { fjp.execute(new ImagePost(postImages.subList(n * size, postImages.size()))); } } w = 0; while (fjp.isQuiescent() && fjp.getActiveThreadCount() > 0) { w++; } found += postImages.size(); postImages.clear(); } // handle iterations specs iter += 1;"Iteration: " + iter); if ((iter < iterations && found < images.size()) || tillfound == true) {"Not All Images Obtained Trying Iteration " + iter + " of " + iterations); offset -= commitsize; } else if ((iter < iterations && found >= images.size()) && tillfound == false) {"Images Obtained in " + iter + " iterations. Continuing."); iter = 0; } else { // precautionary"Images Obtained in " + iter + " iterations. Continuing"); iter = 0; } } while (images.size() > 0 && iter < iterations); if (fjp.isShutdown()) { fjp.shutdownNow(); } }"Complete. Check for Errors \n " + numimages + " Images Found"); }