Example usage for java.net Authenticator setDefault

List of usage examples for java.net Authenticator setDefault


In this page you can find the example usage for java.net Authenticator setDefault.


public static synchronized void setDefault(Authenticator a) 

Source Link


Sets the authenticator that will be used by the networking code when a proxy or an HTTP server asks for authentication.


From source file:com.ericsson.eiffel.remrem.semantics.clone.PrepareLocalEiffelSchemas.java

 * This method is used get the proxy instance by using user provided proxy details
 * /*from   www.j a va 2  s  . com*/
 * @param httpProxyUrl proxy url configured in property file
 * @param httpProxyPort proxy port configured in property file
 * @param httpProxyUsername proxy username to authenticate
 * @param httpProxyPassword proxy password to authenticate
 * @return proxy instance
private Proxy getProxy(final String httpProxyUrl, final String httpProxyPort, final String httpProxyUsername,
        final String httpProxyPassword) {
    if (!httpProxyUrl.isEmpty() && !httpProxyPort.isEmpty()) {
        final InetSocketAddress socket = InetSocketAddress.createUnresolved(httpProxyUrl,
        if (!httpProxyUsername.isEmpty() && !httpProxyPassword.isEmpty()) {
            Authenticator authenticator = new Authenticator() {
                public PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication() {
                    LOGGER.info("proxy authentication called");
                    return (new PasswordAuthentication(httpProxyUsername, httpProxyPassword.toCharArray()));
        return new Proxy(Proxy.Type.HTTP, socket);
    return null;

From source file:org.droidparts.http.worker.HttpURLConnectionWorker.java

private void setupBasicAuth() {
    if (passAuth != null) {
        Authenticator.setDefault(new FixedAuthenticator(passAuth));
        if (!AuthScope.ANY.equals(authScope)) {
            InetAddress host = null;
            if (authScope.getHost() != null) {
                try {
                    host = InetAddress.getByName(authScope.getHost());
                } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
                    L.e("Failed to setup basic auth.");
                    L.d(e);/*from  w ww . j  ava 2s  .  c om*/
            int port = (authScope.getPort() == AuthScope.ANY_PORT) ? 0 : authScope.getPort();
            Authenticator.requestPasswordAuthentication(host, port, null, authScope.getRealm(),

From source file:org.nuxeo.ecm.blob.jclouds.JCloudsBinaryManager.java

public void initialize(String blobProviderId, Map<String, String> properties) throws IOException {
    super.initialize(blobProviderId, properties);

    // Get settings from the configuration
    storeProvider = getConfigurationProperty(BLOBSTORE_PROVIDER_KEY, properties);
    if (isBlank(storeProvider)) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Missing conf: " + BLOBSTORE_PROVIDER_KEY);
    }/* ww  w .j a v a2 s. c o  m*/

    container = getConfigurationProperty(BLOBSTORE_MAP_NAME_KEY, properties);
    if (isBlank(container)) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Missing conf: " + BLOBSTORE_MAP_NAME_KEY);

    endpoint = getConfigurationProperty(BLOBSTORE_ENDPOINT_KEY, properties);

    String storeLocation = getConfigurationProperty(BLOBSTORE_LOCATION_KEY, properties);
    if (isBlank(storeLocation)) {
        storeLocation = null;

    String storeIdentity = getConfigurationProperty(BLOBSTORE_IDENTITY_KEY, properties);
    if (isBlank(storeIdentity)) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Missing conf: " + BLOBSTORE_IDENTITY_KEY);

    String storeSecret = getConfigurationProperty(BLOBSTORE_SECRET_KEY, properties);
    if (isBlank(storeSecret)) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Missing conf: " + BLOBSTORE_SECRET_KEY);

    String cacheSizeStr = getConfigurationProperty(CACHE_SIZE_KEY, properties);
    if (isBlank(cacheSizeStr)) {
        cacheSizeStr = DEFAULT_CACHE_SIZE;

    String proxyHost = Framework.getProperty(Environment.NUXEO_HTTP_PROXY_HOST);
    String proxyPort = Framework.getProperty(Environment.NUXEO_HTTP_PROXY_PORT);
    final String proxyLogin = Framework.getProperty(Environment.NUXEO_HTTP_PROXY_LOGIN);
    final String proxyPassword = Framework.getProperty(Environment.NUXEO_HTTP_PROXY_PASSWORD);

    // Set up proxy
    if (isNotBlank(proxyHost)) {
        System.setProperty("https.proxyHost", proxyHost);
    if (isNotBlank(proxyPort)) {
        System.setProperty("https.proxyPort", proxyPort);
    if (isNotBlank(proxyLogin)) {
        System.setProperty("https.proxyUser", proxyLogin);
        System.setProperty("https.proxyPassword", proxyPassword);
        Authenticator.setDefault(new Authenticator() {
            public PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication() {
                return new PasswordAuthentication(proxyLogin, proxyPassword.toCharArray());

    ContextBuilder builder = ContextBuilder.newBuilder(storeProvider).credentials(storeIdentity, storeSecret);

    if (isNotBlank(endpoint)) {

    BlobStoreContext context = builder.buildView(BlobStoreContext.class);

    // Try to create container if it doesn't exist
    blobStore = context.getBlobStore();
    boolean created = false;
    if (storeLocation == null) {
        created = blobStore.createContainerInLocation(null, container);
    } else {
        Location location = new LocationBuilder().scope(LocationScope.REGION).id(storeLocation)
        created = blobStore.createContainerInLocation(location, container);
    if (created) {
        log.debug("Created container " + container);

    // Create file cache
    initializeCache(cacheSizeStr, new JCloudsFileStorage());

From source file:cc.arduino.net.CustomProxySelector.java

private void clearPreviousAuthenticator() {

From source file:org.panlab.tgw.restclient.RepoAdapter.java

public static String createConfiglet(String value, String paramID) {
    Client c = Client.create();//w  w w. ja v a  2 s  .com
    Authenticator.setDefault(new PwdAuthenticator());
    WebResource r = c.resource("http://repos.pii.tssg.org:8080/repository/rest/configlet/");
    ConfigletInstanceDocument riDoc = ConfigletInstanceDocument.Factory.newInstance();

    ConfigParamAtomic cfa = getAtomic(paramID);



    String request = riDoc.toString();
    request = request.replace(" xmlns=\"http://xml.netbeans.org/schema/repo.xsd\"", "");
    request = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n" + request;

    String resp = r.type(MediaType.TEXT_XML).post(String.class, request);

    resp = addSchemaDefinition(resp);
    try {
        ConfigletDocument pcDoc = ConfigletDocument.Factory.parse(resp);
        return pcDoc.getConfiglet().getId();
    } catch (XmlException ex) {
        return null;


From source file:org.drools.guvnor.server.files.PackageDeploymentServletChangeSetIntegrationTest.java

@RunAsClient//  w  w  w. j  av a2s  . com
public void scanForChangeInRepository(@ArquillianResource URL baseURL) throws Exception {
    URL url = new URL(baseURL,
    Resource res = ResourceFactory.newUrlResource(url);
    Authenticator.setDefault(new Authenticator() {
        protected PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication() {
            return new PasswordAuthentication("admin", "admin".toCharArray());

    // system event listener
    SystemEventListenerFactory.setSystemEventListener(new PrintStreamSystemEventListener(System.out));

    KnowledgeBase kbase = KnowledgeBaseFactory.newKnowledgeBase();
    KnowledgeAgentConfiguration conf = KnowledgeAgentFactory.newKnowledgeAgentConfiguration();
    // needs to be newInstance=true, bugzilla 733008 works fine with newInstance=false
    conf.setProperty("drools.agent.newInstance", "true");
    KnowledgeAgent kagent = KnowledgeAgentFactory.newKnowledgeAgent("agent", kbase, conf);

    try {

        ResourceChangeScannerConfiguration sconf = ResourceFactory.getResourceChangeScannerService()
        sconf.setProperty("drools.resource.scanner.interval", "5");

        kbase = kagent.getKnowledgeBase();
        assertEquals(2, kbase.getKnowledgePackages().iterator().next().getRules().size());
        System.out.println("BUGZILLA 733008 total rules: "
                + kbase.getKnowledgePackages().iterator().next().getRules().size());
        for (Rule r : kbase.getKnowledgePackages().iterator().next().getRules()) {

        // Change Guvnor's repo with REST api by deleting asset rule2
        Abdera abdera = new Abdera();
        AbderaClient client = new AbderaClient(abdera);
        client.addCredentials(baseURL.toExternalForm(), null, null,
                new org.apache.commons.httpclient.UsernamePasswordCredentials("admin", "admin"));
        ClientResponse deleteResponse = client.delete(
                new URL(baseURL, "rest/packages/scanForChangeInRepository/assets/ruleB2").toExternalForm());
        assertEquals(204, deleteResponse.getStatus());
        ClientResponse binaryResponse = client
                .get(new URL(baseURL, "rest/packages/scanForChangeInRepository/binary").toExternalForm());
        assertEquals(200, binaryResponse.getStatus());

        // detect the change
        kbase = kagent.getKnowledgeBase();
        assertEquals(1, kbase.getKnowledgePackages().iterator().next().getRules().size());

    } finally {

From source file:com.maestrodev.plugins.collabnet.FrsCopyWorker.java

private String copyArtifact(FrsSession frsSession, String releaseId)
        throws MalformedURLException, RemoteException {
    Artifact artifact = new DefaultArtifact(artifactGroupId, artifactId,
            VersionRange.createFromVersion(artifactVersion), null, artifactType, artifactClassifier,
            new DefaultArtifactHandler(artifactType));
    String path = new DefaultRepositoryLayout().pathOf(artifact);
    String url = repositoryUrl + "/" + path;

    String filename = this.filename;
    if (StringUtils.isBlank(filename)) {
        filename = path.substring(path.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
    }/*from  w w w  . j  a  va 2 s .c  o m*/

    String msg = "Uploading '" + url + "' to release '" + releaseId + "' as '" + filename + "'";
    writeOutput(msg + "\n");

    Authenticator.setDefault(new Authenticator() {
        protected PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication() {
            return new PasswordAuthentication(repositoryUsername, repositoryPassword.toCharArray());

    return frsSession.uploadFileFromUrl(releaseId, new URL(url), filename, overwrite);

From source file:com.epam.catgenome.manager.externaldb.HttpDataManager.java

private void resetProxy() {
    if (proxyUser != null && proxyPassword != null) {

From source file:com.cisco.dvbu.ps.deploytool.dao.jdbcapi.RegressionPubTestJdbcDAOImpl.java

 * This implementation differs from the original Pubtest utility in that
 * here we don't create a new JDBC connection for every query or procedure 
 * or WS. Instead, we create one connection per published data source and keep
 * these connections open for the duration of the test. When, for example, 
 * a query is found in the input file, its datasource name is looked up in
 * the list of connections and corresponding connection is used. That way
 * we still execute on a connection to a specific published data source, 
 * but we don't open and close a lot of connections all the time during the test.  
 * // w  w  w .  j a  v a  2s .c  o m
 * also @see com.cisco.dvbu.ps.deploytool.dao.RegressionPubTestDAO#executeAll()
//   @Override
public void executeAll(CompositeServer cisServerConfig, RegressionTestType regressionConfig)
        throws CompositeException {
    // 0. Check the input parameter values:
    if (cisServerConfig == null || regressionConfig == null) {
        throw new CompositeException(
                "XML Configuration objects are not initialized " + "when trying to run Regression test.");
    if (this.cisServerConfig == null) {
        this.cisServerConfig = cisServerConfig;
    if (this.regressionConfig == null) {
        this.regressionConfig = regressionConfig;

    // To do: take a look at the authenticator from the original pubtest
    Authenticator.setDefault(new BasicAuthenticator(cisServerConfig));

    // Initialize start time and format
    Date startDate = new Date();
    Format formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS");

    // 1. Initialize configuration items: 
    String prefix = "executeAll";
    // Get items from config file:
    // Get input file path
    String inputFilePath = CommonUtils.extractVariable(prefix, regressionConfig.getInputFilePath(),
            propertyFile, true);
    // Test for zero length before testing for null
    if (inputFilePath != null && inputFilePath.length() == 0)
        inputFilePath = null;
    // Now test for null
    if (inputFilePath == null)
        throw new CompositeException("Input file path is not defined in the regression XML file.");

    // Get the base directory where the files should be stored
    String baseDir = null;
    if (regressionConfig.getTestRunParams().getBaseDir() != null) {
        baseDir = CommonUtils.extractVariable(prefix, regressionConfig.getTestRunParams().getBaseDir().trim(),
                propertyFile, true);
        if (baseDir != null && baseDir.length() > 0) {
            baseDir = baseDir.replaceAll(Matcher.quoteReplacement("\\\\"), Matcher.quoteReplacement("/"));
            baseDir = baseDir.replaceAll(Matcher.quoteReplacement("\\"), Matcher.quoteReplacement("/"));
            // Make the sub-directory for the base directory which is where the result files go for each execution
            boolean res = CommonUtils.mkdirs(baseDir);
        } else {
            baseDir = null;

    // Get log file delimiter
    if (regressionConfig.getTestRunParams().getLogDelimiter() != null) {
        logDelim = RegressionManagerUtils.getDelimiter(CommonUtils.extractVariable(prefix,
                regressionConfig.getTestRunParams().getLogDelimiter().toString(), propertyFile, false));

    // Get output file delimiter
    String outputDelimiter = "|";
    if (regressionConfig.getTestRunParams().getDelimiter() != null) {
        outputDelimiter = RegressionManagerUtils.getDelimiter(CommonUtils.extractVariable(prefix,
                regressionConfig.getTestRunParams().getDelimiter().toString(), propertyFile, false));

    // Get the printOutput variable
    String printOutputType = "verbose";
    if (regressionConfig.getTestRunParams().getPrintOutput() != null)
        printOutputType = CommonUtils.extractVariable(prefix,
                regressionConfig.getTestRunParams().getPrintOutput(), propertyFile, false);

    // Get the regression log location
    String logFilePath = CommonUtils.extractVariable(prefix,
            regressionConfig.getTestRunParams().getLogFilePath(), propertyFile, true);
    if (logFilePath == null || logFilePath.length() == 0) {
        throw new CompositeException(
                "The log file path testRunParams.logFilePath may not be null or empty in the regression XML file.");
    String logAppend = CommonUtils.extractVariable(prefix, regressionConfig.getTestRunParams().getLogAppend(),
            propertyFile, false);
    if (logAppend == null || logAppend.length() == 0) {
        throw new CompositeException(
                "The log file append testRunParams.logAppend may not be null or empty in the regression XML file.");

    String testType = CommonUtils.extractVariable(prefix, regressionConfig.getTestRunParams().getTestType(),
            propertyFile, false);
    if (FUNCTIONAL.equalsIgnoreCase(testType)) {
        if (regressionConfig.getNewFileParams() != null) {
            if (regressionConfig.getNewFileParams().getPublishedViewQry() != null
                    && regressionConfig.getNewFileParams().getPublishedViewQry().length() > 0) {
                publishedViewQry = CommonUtils.extractVariable(prefix,
                        regressionConfig.getNewFileParams().getPublishedViewQry(), propertyFile, false);
            if (regressionConfig.getNewFileParams().getPublishedProcQry() != null
                    && regressionConfig.getNewFileParams().getPublishedProcQry().length() > 0) {
                publishedProcQry = CommonUtils.extractVariable(prefix,
                        regressionConfig.getNewFileParams().getPublishedProcQry(), propertyFile, false);


    /* Construct the log header content
     * Result  |ExecutionStartTime        |Duration            |Rows                |Database                      |Query                                                                 |Type       |OutputFile                                        |Message
     * SKIPPED |2012-06-08 10:28:28.0630  |000 00:00:00.0000   |0                   |MYTEST                        |SELECT * FROM CAT1.SCH2.ViewSales WHERE ProductName like 'Mega%'      |QUERY      |C:/tmp/cis51/MYTEST/CAT1.SCH2.ViewSales.txt       |
     * SUCCESS |2012-06-08 10:28:28.0692  |000 00:00:00.0016   |1                   |MYTEST                        |SELECT * FROM getProductName(1)                                       |PROCEDURE  |C:/tmp/cis51/MYTEST/getProductName.txt            |
     * ERROR   |2012-05-09 01:00:00.000   |000 00:00:01.000    |0                   |MYDB                          |select count(*) from cat1.sch1.P1                                     |PROCEDURE  |C:/tmp/51/cat1.sch1.P1                            |<failure message if exists>
    String padChar = " "; // pad characters
    String content = CommonUtils.rpad("Result", 8, padChar) + logDelim
            + CommonUtils.rpad("ExecutionStartTime", 26, padChar) + logDelim
            + CommonUtils.rpad("Duration", 20, padChar) + logDelim + CommonUtils.rpad("Rows", 20, padChar)
            + logDelim + CommonUtils.rpad("Database", 30, padChar) + logDelim
            + CommonUtils.rpad("Query", 70, padChar) + logDelim + CommonUtils.rpad("Type", 11, padChar)
            + logDelim + CommonUtils.rpad("OutputFile", 50, padChar) + logDelim + "Message" + "\r\n";

    // Write out the header log entry -- if it does not exist the sub-directories will automatically be created.
    if (RegressionManagerUtils.checkBooleanConfigParam(logAppend)) {
        CommonUtils.appendContentToFile(logFilePath, content);
    } else {
        // create a new file
        CommonUtils.createFileWithContent(logFilePath, content);

    // Check to see what should be executed
    boolean runQueries = RegressionManagerUtils.checkBooleanConfigParam(CommonUtils.extractVariable(prefix,
            regressionConfig.getTestRunParams().getRunQueries(), propertyFile, false));
    boolean runProcs = RegressionManagerUtils.checkBooleanConfigParam(CommonUtils.extractVariable(prefix,
            regressionConfig.getTestRunParams().getRunProcedures(), propertyFile, false));
    boolean runWs = RegressionManagerUtils.checkBooleanConfigParam(CommonUtils.extractVariable(prefix,
            regressionConfig.getTestRunParams().getRunWS(), propertyFile, false));
    boolean useAllDatasources = RegressionManagerUtils.checkBooleanConfigParam(CommonUtils.extractVariable(
            prefix, regressionConfig.getTestRunParams().getUseAllDatasources(), propertyFile, false));

    // Get the list of items from the input file
    RegressionItem[] items = RegressionManagerUtils.parseItems(inputFilePath);

    // Initialize counters
    //   Initialize Success Counters
    int totalSuccessTests = 0;
    int totalSuccessQueries = 0;
    int totalSuccessProcs = 0;
    int totalSuccessWS = 0;
    //   Initialize Skipped Counters
    int totalSkippedTests = 0;
    int totalSkippedQueries = 0;
    int totalSkippedProcs = 0;
    int totalSkippedWS = 0;
    //   Initialize Error Counters
    int totalFailedTests = 0;
    int totalFailedQueries = 0;
    int totalFailedProcs = 0;
    int totalFailedWS = 0;

    // 2. Execute items: 
    // Execute each item from the input file
    for (int i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
        // Initialize the item object
        item = items[i];

        String outputFile = null;
        String result = "SKIPPED"; // [SKIPPED,SUCCESS,ERROR]
        String duration = "";
        String database = item.database;
        String outputFilename = item.outputFilename;
        int rows = 0;
        String query = "";
        String resourceType = "";
        String resourceURL = "";
        String uniqueReourceURL = "";

        // Execute Queries
        if (item.type == RegressionManagerUtils.TYPE_QUERY) {
            resourceType = "QUERY";

            query = item.input.replaceAll("\n", " ");

            // Retrieve only the FROM clause table URL with no where clause and no SELECT * FROM projections
            resourceURL = RegressionManagerUtils.getTableUrl(query);

            // mtinius 2015-10-13: Fixed execute smoke test issue by adding checksum to a separate "uniqueResourceURL" variable instead of the original "resourceURL".
            uniqueReourceURL = RegressionManagerUtils.appendUrlChecksum(item.input, resourceURL);

            if (outputFilename == null || outputFilename.length() == 0)
                outputFilename = uniqueReourceURL + ".txt";

            // Only use the this for functional testing.  It forces PDTool to use the standard SELECT COUNT(*) + FROM clause and ignores the query in the input file.
            if (FUNCTIONAL.equalsIgnoreCase(testType)) {
                query = publishedViewQry + " " + resourceURL;
            item.input = query;

            // Derive the base directory for the output file (remove any double quotes from the file name).
            if (baseDir != null)
                outputFile = (baseDir + "/" + database.replaceAll("\"", "") + "/" + outputFilename)
                        .replaceAll("//", "/");
        // Execute Procedures
        if (item.type == RegressionManagerUtils.TYPE_PROCEDURE) {
            resourceType = "PROCEDURE";

            query = item.input.replaceAll("\n", " ");

            // Retrieve only the FROM clause procedure URL with no where clause and no SELECT * FROM projections and no parameters.
            resourceURL = RegressionManagerUtils.getTableUrl(query);

            // mtinius 2015-10-13: Fixed execute smoke test issue by adding checksum to a separate "uniqueResourceURL" variable instead of the original "resourceURL".
            uniqueReourceURL = RegressionManagerUtils.appendUrlChecksum(item.input, resourceURL);

            if (outputFilename == null || outputFilename.length() == 0)
                outputFilename = uniqueReourceURL + ".txt";

            // Only use the this for functional testing.  It forces PDTool to use the standard SELECT COUNT(*) + FROM clause and ignores the query in the input file.
            if (FUNCTIONAL.equalsIgnoreCase(testType)) {
                query = publishedProcQry + " " + RegressionManagerUtils.getProcedure(query);

            item.input = query;

            // Derive the base directory for the output file (remove any double quotes from the file name).
            if (baseDir != null)
                outputFile = (baseDir + "/" + database.replaceAll("\"", "") + "/" + outputFilename)
                        .replaceAll("//", "/");
        // Execute Web Services
        if (item.type == RegressionManagerUtils.TYPE_WS) {
            resourceType = "WS";
            query = (item.path + "/" + item.action).replaceAll("//", "/");
            resourceURL = (item.path + "/" + item.action).replaceAll("//", "/").replaceAll("/", "."); // construct ws path from the path and action combined.
            if (resourceURL.indexOf(".") == 0)
                resourceURL = resourceURL.substring(1);

            // mtinius 2015-10-13: Fixed execute smoke test issue by adding checksum to a separate "uniqueResourceURL" variable instead of the original "resourceURL".
            uniqueReourceURL = RegressionManagerUtils.appendUrlChecksum(item.input, resourceURL);

            if (outputFilename == null || outputFilename.length() == 0)
                outputFilename = uniqueReourceURL + ".txt";

            // Derive the base directory for the output file (remove any double quotes from the file name).
            if (baseDir != null)
                outputFile = (baseDir + "/" + database.replaceAll("\"", "") + "/" + outputFilename)
                        .replaceAll("//", "/");

        String message = "";
        Date beginDate = new Date();
        String executionStartTime = formatter.format(beginDate);

         *  If testRunParams.useAllDatasources is set to true in then use all datasource queries in the input file 
         *  otherwise determine if the database in the input file is in the testRunParams.datasource list in the XML file
         *  and process it if it is.
         *  See if database exists in this list then process if it is.
         *          <datasources>
        *            <dsName>MYTEST</dsName>
        *            <dsName>testWebService00</dsName>
        *         </datasources>   
        boolean databaseMatch = true;
        if (!useAllDatasources)
            databaseMatch = RegressionManagerUtils.findDatabaseMatch(database,
                    regressionConfig.getTestRunParams().getDatasources(), propertyFile);

        /* Determine if the specific resource should be compared by checking the XML resource list.
         * If the resourceURL pattern matches what is in this list then process it.
         *       <resources>
         *         <resource>TEST1.*</resource>
         *         <resource>TEST1.SCH.*</resource>
         *         <resource>TEST1.SCH.VIEW1</resource>
         *      </resources>
        boolean resourceMatch = RegressionManagerUtils.findResourceMatch(resourceURL,
                regressionConfig.getTestRunParams().getResources(), propertyFile);

        try {
            RegressionManagerUtils.printOutputStr(printOutputType, "summary",
                    "------------------------ Test " + (i + 1) + " -----------------------------",
                    "Test " + (i + 1) + " ... ");
            if (item.type == RegressionManagerUtils.TYPE_QUERY && runQueries && databaseMatch
                    && resourceMatch) {
                // Initialize the file
                if (outputFile != null)
                    CommonUtils.createFileWithContent(outputFile, "");

                // Establish a JDBC connection for this database
                cisConnections = RegressionManagerUtils.establishJdbcConnection(item.database, cisConnections,
                        cisServerConfig, regressionConfig, propertyFile); // don't need to check for null here.

                // Print out the line to the command line
                RegressionManagerUtils.printOutputStr(printOutputType, "summary",
                        "Execute Query:  " + item.input + "\n", "");

                String r = RegressionManagerUtils.executeQuery(item, cisConnections, outputFile,
                        outputDelimiter, printOutputType);
                String results[] = r.split(":");
                if (results.length > 1) {
                    rows = Integer.valueOf(results[0]);

                result = "SUCCESS";
            } else if (item.type == RegressionManagerUtils.TYPE_PROCEDURE && runProcs && databaseMatch
                    && resourceMatch) {
                // Initialize the file
                if (outputFile != null)
                    CommonUtils.createFileWithContent(outputFile, "");

                // Establish a JDBC connection for this database
                cisConnections = RegressionManagerUtils.establishJdbcConnection(item.database, cisConnections,
                        cisServerConfig, regressionConfig, propertyFile); // don't need to check for null here.

                // Print out the line to the command line
                RegressionManagerUtils.printOutputStr(printOutputType, "summary",
                        "Execute Procedure:  " + item.input + "\n", "");

                // Execute the procedure
                String r = RegressionManagerUtils.executeProcedure(item, cisConnections, outputFile,
                        outputDelimiter, printOutputType);
                String results[] = r.split(":");
                if (results.length > 1) {
                    rows = Integer.valueOf(results[0]);

                result = "SUCCESS";
            } else if (item.type == RegressionManagerUtils.TYPE_WS && runWs && databaseMatch && resourceMatch) {
                // Initialize the file
                if (outputFile != null)
                    CommonUtils.createFileWithContent(outputFile, "");

                // Print out the line to the command line
                RegressionManagerUtils.printOutputStr(printOutputType, "summary",
                        "Execute Web Service:  " + item.path, "");
                RegressionManagerUtils.printOutputStr(printOutputType, "summary", item.input, "");

                // Execute the web service
                rows = RegressionManagerUtils.executeWs(item, outputFile, cisServerConfig, regressionConfig,
                        outputDelimiter, printOutputType);

                result = "SUCCESS";
            } else {
                // Skip this test
                if (item.type == RegressionManagerUtils.TYPE_WS) {
                    message = "  ::Reason: type=" + resourceType + "  runWs=" + runWs + "  databaseMatch="
                            + databaseMatch + "  resourceMatch=" + resourceMatch;
                    RegressionManagerUtils.printOutputStr(printOutputType, "summary",
                            "Test Skipped: " + resourceURL + message + "\n", "");
                } else if (item.type == RegressionManagerUtils.TYPE_QUERY) {
                    message = "  ::Reason: type=" + resourceType + "  runQueries=" + runQueries
                            + "  databaseMatch=" + databaseMatch + "  resourceMatch=" + resourceMatch;
                    RegressionManagerUtils.printOutputStr(printOutputType, "summary",
                            "Test Skipped: " + query + message + "\n", "");
                } else {
                    message = "  ::Reason: type=" + resourceType + "  runProcedures=" + runProcs
                            + "  databaseMatch=" + databaseMatch + "  resourceMatch=" + resourceMatch;
                    RegressionManagerUtils.printOutputStr(printOutputType, "summary",
                            "Test Skipped: " + query + message + "\n", "");
        } catch (Exception e) {
            result = "ERROR";
            if (item.type == RegressionManagerUtils.TYPE_WS) {
            } else if (item.type == RegressionManagerUtils.TYPE_QUERY) {
            } else {
            message = e.getMessage().replace("\n", " ").replaceAll("\r", " ");
            logger.error("Item Input Details: " + item.toString());

        // Setup content line to be output to the log file
        if (outputFile == null)
            outputFile = "";
        duration = CommonUtils.getElapsedTime(beginDate);

        // Output the log entry
        content = CommonUtils.rpad(result, 8, padChar) + logDelim
                + CommonUtils.rpad(executionStartTime, 26, padChar) + logDelim
                + CommonUtils.rpad(duration.trim(), 20, padChar) + logDelim
                + CommonUtils.rpad("" + rows, 20, padChar) + logDelim + CommonUtils.rpad(database, 30, padChar)
                + logDelim + CommonUtils.rpad(query, 70, padChar) + logDelim
                + CommonUtils.rpad(resourceType, 11, padChar) + logDelim
                + CommonUtils.rpad(outputFile, 50, padChar) + logDelim + message;

        CommonUtils.appendContentToFile(logFilePath, content);

    } // end of process input file items loop

    // Print out timings
    String duration = CommonUtils.getElapsedTime(startDate);

    String testTypeMessage = "";
    if (FUNCTIONAL.equalsIgnoreCase(testType))
        testTypeMessage = "Execute a default query: SELECT COUNT(1) FROM...";
    if (FUNCTIONAL_AS_IS.equalsIgnoreCase(testType))
        testTypeMessage = "Execute a full query from the query list.";
    if (REGRESSION.equalsIgnoreCase(testType))
        testTypeMessage = "Execute a full query from the query list.";
    if (MIGRATION.equalsIgnoreCase(testType))
        testTypeMessage = "Execute a full query from the query list.";

    int len = 56;
    logger.info("---------- Regression Published Test Summary -----------");
    logger.info(CommonUtils.rpad("Test Type: " + testType, len, " "));
    logger.info(CommonUtils.rpad("  " + testTypeMessage, len, " "));
    logger.info("                                                        ");
    logger.info(CommonUtils.rpad("Total Successful        Queries: " + totalSuccessQueries, len, " "));
    logger.info(CommonUtils.rpad("Total Successful     Procedures: " + totalSuccessProcs, len, " "));
    logger.info(CommonUtils.rpad("Total Successful   Web Services: " + totalSuccessWS, len, " "));
    logger.info("                                 ---------              ");
    logger.info(CommonUtils.rpad("Total Successful -------> Tests: " + totalSuccessTests, len, " "));
    logger.info("                                                        ");
    logger.info(CommonUtils.rpad("Total Skipped           Queries: " + totalSkippedQueries, len, " "));
    logger.info(CommonUtils.rpad("Total Skipped        Procedures: " + totalSkippedProcs, len, " "));
    logger.info(CommonUtils.rpad("Total Skipped      Web Services: " + totalSkippedWS, len, " "));
    logger.info("                                 ---------              ");
    logger.info(CommonUtils.rpad("Total Skipped ----------> Tests: " + totalSkippedTests, len, " "));
    logger.info("                                                        ");
    logger.info(CommonUtils.rpad("Total Failed            Queries: " + totalFailedQueries, len, " "));
    logger.info(CommonUtils.rpad("Total Failed         Procedures: " + totalFailedProcs, len, " "));
    logger.info(CommonUtils.rpad("Total Failed       Web Services: " + totalFailedWS, len, " "));
    logger.info("                                 ---------              ");
    logger.info(CommonUtils.rpad("Total Failed -----------> Tests: " + totalFailedTests, len, " "));
    logger.info("                                                        ");
            "Total Combined ---------> Tests: " + (totalSuccessTests + totalSkippedTests + totalFailedTests),
            len, " "));
    logger.info("                                                        ");
    logger.info(CommonUtils.rpad("        Published Test duration: " + duration, len, " "));
    logger.info("                                                        ");
    logger.info("Review \"pubtest\" Summary: " + logFilePath);

    String moduleActionMessage = "MODULE_INFO: Regression Summary: Successful=" + totalSuccessTests
            + " Skipped=" + totalSkippedTests + " Failed=" + totalFailedTests;
    System.setProperty("MODULE_ACTION_MESSAGE", moduleActionMessage);

    // 3. Close all connections: 
    JdbcConnector connector = new JdbcConnector();
    if (this.cisConnections != null) {
        for (Connection nextConnection : this.cisConnections.values()) // getting all non-null values
        this.cisConnections = null;
    RegressionManagerUtils.printOutputStr(printOutputType, "summary", "\nCompleted ExecuteAll()", "");

From source file:com.cisco.dvbu.ps.deploytool.dao.jdbcapi.RegressionSecurityTestDAOImpl.java

 * /*from  ww w. jav a  2s .co m*/
 * also @see com.cisco.dvbu.ps.deploytool.dao.RegressionSecurityTestDAO#executeSecurityTest()
//   @Override
public void executeSecurityTest(CompositeServer cisServerConfig, RegressionTestType regressionConfig,
        RegressionSecurityType regressionSecurity, String pathToRegressionXML) throws CompositeException {
    // 0. Check the input parameter values:
    if (cisServerConfig == null || regressionConfig == null) {
        throw new CompositeException(
                "XML Configuration objects are not initialized " + "when trying to run Regression test.");
    if (this.cisServerConfig == null) {
        this.cisServerConfig = cisServerConfig;
    if (this.regressionConfig == null) {
        this.regressionConfig = regressionConfig;

    // To do: take a look at the authenticator from the original pubtest
    Authenticator.setDefault(new BasicAuthenticator(cisServerConfig));

    // Initialize start time and format
    Date startDate = new Date();
    Format formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS");

    // 1. Initialize configuration items: 
    String prefix = "executeSecurityTest";

    // Get the base directory where the files should be stored
    String baseDir = null;
    if (regressionConfig.getTestRunParams().getBaseDir() != null) {
        baseDir = CommonUtils.extractVariable(prefix, regressionConfig.getTestRunParams().getBaseDir().trim(),
                propertyFile, true);
        if (baseDir != null && baseDir.length() > 0) {
            baseDir = baseDir.replaceAll(Matcher.quoteReplacement("\\\\"), Matcher.quoteReplacement("/"));
            baseDir = baseDir.replaceAll(Matcher.quoteReplacement("\\"), Matcher.quoteReplacement("/"));
            // Make the sub-directory for the base directory which is where the result files go for each execution
            boolean res = CommonUtils.mkdirs(baseDir);
        } else {
            baseDir = null;

    // Get log file delimiter
    if (regressionConfig.getTestRunParams().getLogDelimiter() != null) {
        logDelim = RegressionManagerUtils.getDelimiter(CommonUtils.extractVariable(prefix,
                regressionConfig.getTestRunParams().getLogDelimiter().toString(), propertyFile, false));

    // Get output file delimiter
    String outputDelimiter = "|";
    if (regressionConfig.getTestRunParams().getDelimiter() != null) {
        outputDelimiter = RegressionManagerUtils.getDelimiter(CommonUtils.extractVariable(prefix,
                regressionConfig.getTestRunParams().getDelimiter().toString(), propertyFile, false));

    // Get the printOutput variable
    String printOutputType = "verbose";
    if (regressionConfig.getTestRunParams().getPrintOutput() != null)
        printOutputType = CommonUtils.extractVariable(prefix,
                regressionConfig.getTestRunParams().getPrintOutput(), propertyFile, false);

    // Get the regression log location
    String logFilePath = CommonUtils.extractVariable(prefix,
            regressionConfig.getTestRunParams().getLogFilePath(), propertyFile, true);
    if (logFilePath == null || logFilePath.length() == 0) {
        throw new CompositeException(
                "The log file path testRunParams.logFilePath may not be null or empty in the regression XML file.");
    String logAppend = CommonUtils.extractVariable(prefix, regressionConfig.getTestRunParams().getLogAppend(),
            propertyFile, false);
    if (logAppend == null || logAppend.length() == 0) {
        throw new CompositeException(
                "The log file append testRunParams.logAppend may not be null or empty in the regression XML file.");
    boolean logAppendBool = RegressionManagerUtils.checkBooleanConfigParam(logAppend);

    String testType = CommonUtils.extractVariable(prefix, regressionConfig.getTestRunParams().getTestType(),
            propertyFile, false);

    // Check to see what should be executed
    boolean runQueries = RegressionManagerUtils.checkBooleanConfigParam(CommonUtils.extractVariable(prefix,
            regressionConfig.getTestRunParams().getRunQueries(), propertyFile, false));
    boolean runProcs = RegressionManagerUtils.checkBooleanConfigParam(CommonUtils.extractVariable(prefix,
            regressionConfig.getTestRunParams().getRunProcedures(), propertyFile, false));
    boolean runWs = RegressionManagerUtils.checkBooleanConfigParam(CommonUtils.extractVariable(prefix,
            regressionConfig.getTestRunParams().getRunWS(), propertyFile, false));
    boolean useAllDatasources = RegressionManagerUtils.checkBooleanConfigParam(CommonUtils.extractVariable(
            prefix, regressionConfig.getTestRunParams().getUseAllDatasources(), propertyFile, false));

    // Initialize variables
    String securityPlanIds = null;
    boolean securityOverallRatingException = false;
    boolean securityExecutionErrorException = false;

    // Get the optional securityExecution XML
    if (regressionConfig.getTestRunParams().getSecurityExecution() != null) {
        // Get the comma separated list of securityPlanIds
        if (regressionConfig.getTestRunParams().getSecurityExecution().getSecurityPlanIds() != null
                && regressionConfig.getTestRunParams().getSecurityExecution().getSecurityPlanIds()
                        .length() > 0) {
            securityPlanIds = CommonUtils.extractVariable(prefix,
                    propertyFile, false);
        } else {
            throw new CompositeException(
                    "The Regression Seucurity Plan Ids are missing or blank for the regression config id="
                            + regressionConfig.getId()
                            + ".  Please update the RegressionModule.xml with a list of <testRunParams><securityPlanIds> located at "
                            + pathToRegressionXML);

        // Get the attribute that determines whether to throw an exception when the overall security rating=FAIL
        if (regressionConfig.getTestRunParams().getSecurityExecution()
                .getSecurityOverallRatingException() != null
                && regressionConfig.getTestRunParams().getSecurityExecution()
                        .getSecurityOverallRatingException().length() > 0) {
            securityOverallRatingException = RegressionManagerUtils.checkBooleanConfigParam(
                    CommonUtils.extractVariable(prefix, regressionConfig.getTestRunParams()
                            .getSecurityExecution().getSecurityOverallRatingException(), propertyFile, false));
        // Get the attribute that determines whether to throw an exception there are execution errors
        if (regressionConfig.getTestRunParams().getSecurityExecution()
                .getSecurityExecutionErrorException() != null
                && regressionConfig.getTestRunParams().getSecurityExecution()
                        .getSecurityExecutionErrorException().length() > 0) {
            securityExecutionErrorException = RegressionManagerUtils.checkBooleanConfigParam(
                    CommonUtils.extractVariable(prefix, regressionConfig.getTestRunParams()
                            .getSecurityExecution().getSecurityExecutionErrorException(), propertyFile, false));

    if (SECURITY.equalsIgnoreCase(testType) && securityPlanIds != null) {
        List<RegressionSecurityPlanType> regressionSecurityPlanList = null;
        if (regressionSecurity.getRegressionSecurityPlans() != null) {
            RegressionSecurityPlansType regressionSecurityPlans = regressionSecurity

            if (regressionSecurityPlans.getRegressionSecurityPlan() != null
                    && !regressionSecurityPlans.getRegressionSecurityPlan().isEmpty()) {
                regressionSecurityPlanList = regressionSecurityPlans.getRegressionSecurityPlan();

        if (regressionSecurityPlanList != null && regressionSecurityPlanList.size() > 0) {

            // Loop over the list of regression compare ids and perform the comparison between files based on the target data source resources
            for (RegressionSecurityPlanType regressionSecurityPlan : regressionSecurityPlanList) {

                // Initialize the overall security rating [PASS|FAIL]
                String overallSecurityRating = null;
                String securityPlanId = null;
                if (regressionSecurityPlan.getId() != null && regressionSecurityPlan.getId().length() > 0) {
                    securityPlanId = CommonUtils.extractVariable(prefix, regressionSecurityPlan.getId(),
                            propertyFile, false);
                } else {
                    throw new CompositeException(
                            "The Regression Seucurity Plan Id is missing or blank.  Please update the RegressionModule.xml with a list of <regressionSecurityPlan><id> located at "
                                    + pathToRegressionXML);

                // Initialize counters
                int i = 0;
                //   Initialize Success Counters
                int totalSuccessTests = 0;
                int totalSuccessQueries = 0;
                int totalSuccessProcs = 0;
                int totalSuccessWS = 0;
                //   Initialize Skipped Counters
                int totalSkippedTests = 0;
                int totalSkippedQueries = 0;
                int totalSkippedProcs = 0;
                int totalSkippedWS = 0;
                //   Initialize Failed Counters
                int totalFailedTests = 0;
                int totalFailedQueries = 0;
                int totalFailedProcs = 0;
                int totalFailedWS = 0;
                //   Initialize Error Counters
                int totalErrorTests = 0;
                int totalErrorQueries = 0;
                int totalErrorProcs = 0;
                int totalErrorWS = 0;

                 * Possible values for regression 
                 * 1. csv string like test1,test2 (we process only resource names which are passed in)
                 * 2. '*' or what ever is configured to indicate all resources (we process all resources in this case)
                 * 3. csv string with '-' or what ever is configured to indicate exclude resources as prefix 
                 *      like -test1,test2 (we ignore passed in resources and process rest of the in the input xml
                if (DeployUtil.canProcessResource(securityPlanIds, securityPlanId)) {

                    if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
                        logger.info("Processing action \"executeSecurityTest\" for security plan id: "
                                + securityPlanId);

                    /* Construct the log header content
                     * Result  |ExecutionStartTime        |Duration            |Rows                |Database                      |Query                                                                 |Type       |OutputFile                                        |Message
                     * SKIPPED |2012-06-08 10:28:28.0630  |000 00:00:00.0000   |0                   |MYTEST                        |SELECT * FROM CAT1.SCH2.ViewSales WHERE ProductName like 'Mega%'      |QUERY      |C:/tmp/cis51/MYTEST/CAT1.SCH2.ViewSales.txt       |
                     * PASS    |2012-06-08 10:28:28.0692  |000 00:00:00.0016   |1                   |MYTEST                        |SELECT * FROM getProductName(1)                                       |PROCEDURE  |C:/tmp/cis51/MYTEST/getProductName.txt            |
                     * ERROR   |2012-05-09 01:00:00.000   |000 00:00:01.000    |0                   |MYDB                          |select count(*) from cat1.sch1.P1                                     |PROCEDURE  |C:/tmp/51/cat1.sch1.P1                            |<failure message if exists>
                    String padChar = " "; // pad characters
                    String content = "# Processing action \"executeSecurityTest\" for security plan id: "
                            + securityPlanId + "\r\n";
                    content = content + CommonUtils.rpad("Result", 8, padChar) + logDelim
                            + CommonUtils.rpad("Actual", 12, padChar) + logDelim
                            + CommonUtils.rpad("Expected", 8, padChar) + logDelim
                            + CommonUtils.rpad("Username", 30, padChar) + logDelim
                            + CommonUtils.rpad("ExecutionStartTime", 26, padChar) + logDelim
                            + CommonUtils.rpad("Duration", 20, padChar) + logDelim
                            + CommonUtils.rpad("Rows", 20, padChar) + logDelim
                            + CommonUtils.rpad("Database", 30, padChar) + logDelim
                            + CommonUtils.rpad("Query", 70, padChar) + logDelim
                            + CommonUtils.rpad("Type", 11, padChar) + logDelim
                            + CommonUtils.rpad("OutputFile", 50, padChar) + logDelim + "Message";

                    // Write out the header log entry -- if it does not exist the sub-directories will automatically be created.
                    if (logAppendBool) {
                        CommonUtils.appendContentToFile(logFilePath, content);
                    } else {
                        // create a new file
                        CommonUtils.createFileWithContent(logFilePath, content + "\r\n");

                    // Get the list of security users
                    RegressionSecurityUsersType regressionSecurityUsers = null;
                    if (regressionSecurity.getRegressionSecurityUsers() != null) {
                        regressionSecurityUsers = regressionSecurity.getRegressionSecurityUsers();
                    List<RegressionSecurityUserType> regressionSecurityUserList = null;
                    if (regressionSecurityUsers != null
                            && regressionSecurityUsers.getRegressionSecurityUser() != null
                            && regressionSecurityUsers.getRegressionSecurityUser().size() > 0) {
                        regressionSecurityUserList = regressionSecurityUsers.getRegressionSecurityUser();
                    } else {
                        throw new CompositeException(
                                "There must be Regression Seucurity Users defined in order to execute a security test for security plan id="
                                        + regressionSecurityPlan.getId()
                                        + "  Please update the RegressionModule.xml with a list of <regressionSecurityUsers> located at "
                                        + pathToRegressionXML);

                    // Get the list of security queries
                    RegressionSecurityQueriesType regressionSecurityQueries = null;
                    if (regressionSecurity.getRegressionSecurityQueries() != null) {
                        regressionSecurityQueries = regressionSecurity.getRegressionSecurityQueries();
                    List<RegressionSecurityQueryType> regressionSecurityQueryList = null;
                    if (regressionSecurityQueries != null
                            && regressionSecurityQueries.getRegressionSecurityQuery() != null
                            && regressionSecurityQueries.getRegressionSecurityQuery().size() > 0) {
                        regressionSecurityQueryList = regressionSecurityQueries.getRegressionSecurityQuery();
                    } else {
                        throw new CompositeException(
                                "There must be Regression Seucurity Queries defined in order to execute a security test.  Please update the RegressionModule.xml with a list of <regressionSecurityQueries> located at "
                                        + pathToRegressionXML);

                    // Get the list of security plan tests
                    List<RegressionSecurityPlanTestType> regressionSecurityPlanTestList = null;
                    if (regressionSecurityPlan.getRegressionSecurityPlanTest() != null
                            && regressionSecurityPlan.getRegressionSecurityPlanTest().size() > 0) {
                        regressionSecurityPlanTestList = regressionSecurityPlan.getRegressionSecurityPlanTest();
                    } else {
                        throw new CompositeException(
                                "There must be Regression Seucurity Test Plan defined in order to execute a security test.  Please update the RegressionModule.xml with a list of <regressionSecurityTests> located at "
                                        + pathToRegressionXML);

                    // Loop over the list of regression security tests
                    for (RegressionSecurityPlanTestType regressionSecurityPlanTest : regressionSecurityPlanTestList) {
                        String sptid = null;
                        if (regressionSecurityPlanTest.getId() != null) {
                            sptid = CommonUtils.extractVariable(prefix, regressionSecurityPlanTest.getId(),
                                    propertyFile, false);
                        String userId = null;
                        if (regressionSecurityPlanTest.getUserId() != null) {
                            userId = CommonUtils.extractVariable(prefix, regressionSecurityPlanTest.getUserId(),
                                    propertyFile, false);
                        } else {
                            throw new CompositeException(
                                    "There must be Regression Seucurity Test Plan \"userId\" defined in order to execute a security test for security plan id="
                                            + sptid
                                            + "  Please update the RegressionModule.xml with a list of <regressionSecurityTest><userId> located at "
                                            + pathToRegressionXML);
                        String queryId = null;
                        if (regressionSecurityPlanTest.getQueryId() != null) {
                            queryId = CommonUtils.extractVariable(prefix,
                                    regressionSecurityPlanTest.getQueryId(), propertyFile, false);
                        } else {
                            throw new CompositeException(
                                    "There must be Regression Seucurity Test Plan \"queryId\" defined in order to execute a security test for security plan id="
                                            + sptid
                                            + "  Please update the RegressionModule.xml with a list of <regressionSecurityTest><queryId> located at "
                                            + pathToRegressionXML);
                        String expectedOutcome = null;
                        if (regressionSecurityPlanTest.getExpectedOutcome() != null) {
                            expectedOutcome = CommonUtils.extractVariable(prefix,
                                    regressionSecurityPlanTest.getExpectedOutcome(), propertyFile, false);
                        } else {
                            throw new CompositeException(
                                    "There must be Regression Seucurity Test Plan \"expcectedOutcome\" defined in order to execute a security test for security plan id="
                                            + sptid
                                            + "  Please update the RegressionModule.xml with a list of <regressionSecurityTest><expectedOutcome> located at "
                                            + pathToRegressionXML);

                        // Get the user profile for the passed in userId
                        RegressionSecurityUserType regressionSecurityUser = getSecurityUser(userId,
                        if (regressionSecurityUser != null) {
                            // Establish the new credentials for the current security user profile
                            if (regressionSecurityUser.getUserName() != null
                                    && regressionSecurityUser.getUserName().length() > 0) {
                                        regressionSecurityUser.getUserName(), propertyFile, false));
                            } else {
                                throw new CompositeException(
                                        "The Security User, User Name is missing or blank for security plan id="
                                                + sptid + " and userId=" + userId
                                                + ".  Please update the RegressionModule.xml with a list of <regressionSecurityUser><userName> located at "
                                                + pathToRegressionXML);
                            if (regressionSecurityUser.getEncryptedPassword() != null
                                    && regressionSecurityUser.getEncryptedPassword().length() > 0) {
                                        regressionSecurityUser.getEncryptedPassword(), propertyFile, false));
                            } else {
                                throw new CompositeException(
                                        "The Security User, Encrypted Password is missing or blank for security plan id="
                                                + sptid + " and userId=" + userId
                                                + ".  Please update the RegressionModule.xml with a list of <regressionSecurityUser><encryptedPassword> located at "
                                                + pathToRegressionXML);
                            if (regressionSecurityUser.getDomain() != null
                                    && regressionSecurityUser.getDomain().length() > 0) {
                                        regressionSecurityUser.getDomain(), propertyFile, false));
                            } else {
                                throw new CompositeException(
                                        "The Security User, domain is missing or blank for security plan id="
                                                + sptid + " and userId=" + userId
                                                + ".  Please update the RegressionModule.xml with a list of <regressionSecurityUser><domain> located at "
                                                + pathToRegressionXML);
                        } else {
                            throw new CompositeException(
                                    "The Security User profile is missing or blank for security plan id="
                                            + sptid + " and userId=" + userId
                                            + ".  Please update the RegressionModule.xml with a list of <regressionSecurityUser><id> located at "
                                            + pathToRegressionXML);
                        String userName = cisServerConfig.getUser();

                        RegressionSecurityQueryType regressionSecurityQuery = getSecurityQuery(queryId,
                        if (regressionSecurityQuery == null) {
                            throw new CompositeException(
                                    "The Security Query could not be found for security plan id=" + sptid
                                            + " and queryId=" + queryId
                                            + ".  Please update the RegressionModule.xml with a list of <regressionSecurityQueries><id> located at "
                                            + pathToRegressionXML);

                        // 2. Execute items: 
                        // Initialize
                        item = new RegressionItem();

                        // Get common items for queries, procedures and web services (mandatory)
                        if (regressionSecurityQuery.getDatasource() != null
                                && regressionSecurityQuery.getDatasource().length() > 0) {
                            item.database = CommonUtils.extractVariable(prefix,
                                    regressionSecurityQuery.getDatasource(), propertyFile, false);
                        } else {
                            throw new CompositeException(
                                    "The Security Query Datasource is missing or blank for query list queryId="
                                            + queryId
                                            + ".  Please update the RegressionModule.xml with a list of <regressionSecurityQuery><datasource> located at "
                                            + pathToRegressionXML);
                        item.type = 0;
                        String queryType = null;
                        if (regressionSecurityQuery.getQueryType() != null
                                && regressionSecurityQuery.getQueryType().length() > 0) {
                            queryType = CommonUtils.extractVariable(prefix,
                                    regressionSecurityQuery.getQueryType(), propertyFile, false);
                            if (queryType.equalsIgnoreCase("QUERY"))
                                item.type = RegressionManagerUtils.TYPE_QUERY;
                            if (queryType.equalsIgnoreCase("PROCEDURE"))
                                item.type = RegressionManagerUtils.TYPE_PROCEDURE;
                            if (queryType.equalsIgnoreCase("WEB_SERVICE"))
                                item.type = RegressionManagerUtils.TYPE_WS;
                        } else {
                            throw new CompositeException(
                                    "The Security Query Type is missing or blank for query list queryId="
                                            + queryId
                                            + ".  Please update the RegressionModule.xml with a list of <regressionSecurityQuery><queryType> located at "
                                            + pathToRegressionXML);
                        if (regressionSecurityQuery.getQuery() != null
                                && regressionSecurityQuery.getQuery().length() > 0) {
                            item.input = CommonUtils.extractVariable(prefix, regressionSecurityQuery.getQuery(),
                                    propertyFile, false);
                        } else {
                            throw new CompositeException(
                                    "The Security Query is missing or blank for query list queryId=" + queryId
                                            + ".  Please update the RegressionModule.xml with a list of <regressionSecurityQuery><query> located at "
                                            + pathToRegressionXML);

                        // Get procedure items (optional)
                        if (regressionSecurityQuery.getProcOutTypes() != null
                                && regressionSecurityQuery.getProcOutTypes().length() > 0) {
                            item.outTypes = CommonUtils.extractVariable(prefix,
                                    regressionSecurityQuery.getProcOutTypes(), propertyFile, false).split(",");

                        // Get web service items (optional)
                        if (queryType.equalsIgnoreCase("WEB_SERVICE")) {
                            if (regressionSecurityQuery.getWsPath() != null
                                    && regressionSecurityQuery.getWsPath().length() > 0) {
                                item.path = CommonUtils.extractVariable(prefix,
                                        regressionSecurityQuery.getWsPath(), propertyFile, false);
                            } else {
                                throw new CompositeException(
                                        "The Security Query Web Service Path is missing or blank for query list queryId="
                                                + queryId
                                                + ".  Please update the RegressionModule.xml with a list of <regressionSecurityQuery><wsPath> located at "
                                                + pathToRegressionXML);
                            // Initialize the item object
                            if (regressionSecurityQuery.getWsAction() != null
                                    && regressionSecurityQuery.getWsAction().length() > 0) {
                                item.action = CommonUtils.extractVariable(prefix,
                                        regressionSecurityQuery.getWsAction(), propertyFile, false);
                            } else {
                                throw new CompositeException(
                                        "The Security Query Web Service Action is missing or blank for query list queryId="
                                                + queryId
                                                + ".  Please update the RegressionModule.xml with a list of <regressionSecurityQuery><wsAction> located at "
                                                + pathToRegressionXML);
                            if (regressionSecurityQuery.getWsEncrypt() != null) {
                                item.encrypt = Boolean.valueOf(CommonUtils.extractVariable(prefix,
                                        regressionSecurityQuery.getWsEncrypt(), propertyFile, false));
                            if (regressionSecurityQuery.getWsContentType() != null) {
                                item.contentType = CommonUtils.extractVariable(prefix,
                                        regressionSecurityQuery.getWsContentType(), propertyFile, false);

                        // Get resourcePath and resourceType
                        if (regressionSecurityQuery.getResourcePath() != null) {
                            item.resourcePath = CommonUtils.extractVariable(prefix,
                                    regressionSecurityQuery.getResourcePath(), propertyFile, false);
                        if (regressionSecurityQuery.getResourceType() != null) {
                            item.resourceType = CommonUtils.extractVariable(prefix,
                                    regressionSecurityQuery.getResourceType(), propertyFile, false);

                        // Initialize variables
                        boolean enablePlanTest = RegressionManagerUtils
                                        regressionSecurityPlanTest.getEnabled(), propertyFile, false));
                        String outputFile = null;
                        String result = "SKIPPED"; // [SKIPPED,PASS,FAIL,ERROR]
                        String actual = ""; // [NOT ENABLED, NO MATCH, PASS, FAIL, ERROR]
                        String duration = "";
                        String database = item.database;
                        int rows = 0;
                        String query = "";
                        String resourceType = "";
                        String resourceURL = "";
                        // Execute Queries
                        if (item.type == RegressionManagerUtils.TYPE_QUERY) {
                            resourceType = "QUERY";

                            query = item.input.replaceAll("\n", " ");

                            // Retrieve only the FROM clause table URL with no where clause and no SELECT * FROM projections
                            resourceURL = RegressionManagerUtils.getTableUrl(query);

                            // Assign the query
                            item.input = query;

                            // Derive the base directory for the output file (remove any double quotes from the file name).
                            if (baseDir != null)
                                outputFile = (baseDir + "/" + database.replaceAll("\"", "") + "/"
                                        + resourceURL.replaceAll("\"", "") + ".txt").replaceAll("//", "/");
                        // Execute Procedures
                        if (item.type == RegressionManagerUtils.TYPE_PROCEDURE) {
                            resourceType = "PROCEDURE";

                            query = item.input.replaceAll("\n", " ");

                            // Retrieve only the FROM clause procedure URL with no where clause and no SELECT * FROM projections and no parameters.
                            resourceURL = RegressionManagerUtils.getTableUrl(query);

                            // Assign the query
                            item.input = query;

                            // Derive the base directory for the output file (remove any double quotes from the file name).
                            if (baseDir != null)
                                outputFile = (baseDir + "/" + database.replaceAll("\"", "") + "/"
                                        + resourceURL.replaceAll("\"", "") + ".txt").replaceAll("//", "/");
                        // Execute Web Services
                        if (item.type == RegressionManagerUtils.TYPE_WS) {
                            resourceType = "WS";
                            query = (item.path + "/" + item.action).replaceAll("//", "/");
                            resourceURL = (item.path + "/" + item.action).replaceAll("//", "/").replaceAll("/",
                                    "."); // construct ws path from the path and action combined.
                            if (resourceURL.indexOf(".") == 0)
                                resourceURL = resourceURL.substring(1);
                            // Derive the base directory for the output file (remove any double quotes from the file name).
                            if (baseDir != null)
                                outputFile = (baseDir + "/" + database.replaceAll("\"", "") + "/"
                                        + resourceURL.replaceAll("\"", "") + ".txt").replaceAll("//", "/");

                        String message = "";
                        Date beginDate = new Date();
                        String executionStartTime = formatter.format(beginDate);

                         *  If testRunParams.useAllDatasources is set to true in then use all datasource queries in the input file 
                         *  otherwise determine if the database in the input file is in the testRunParams.datasource list in the XML file
                         *  and process it if it is.
                         *  See if database exists in this list then process if it is.
                         *          <datasources>
                        *            <dsName>MYTEST</dsName>
                        *            <dsName>testWebService00</dsName>
                        *         </datasources>   
                        boolean databaseMatch = true;
                        if (!useAllDatasources)
                            databaseMatch = RegressionManagerUtils.findDatabaseMatch(database,
                                    regressionConfig.getTestRunParams().getDatasources(), propertyFile);

                        /* Determine if the specific resource should be compared by checking the XML resource list.
                         * If the resourceURL pattern matches what is in this list then process it.
                         *       <resources>
                         *         <resource>TEST1.*</resource>
                         *         <resource>TEST1.SCH.*</resource>
                         *         <resource>TEST1.SCH.VIEW1</resource>
                         *      </resources>
                        boolean resourceMatch = RegressionManagerUtils.findResourceMatch(resourceURL,
                                regressionConfig.getTestRunParams().getResources(), propertyFile);

                        try {
                                    .printOutputStr(printOutputType, "summary",
                                            "------------------------ Test " + (i + 1)
                                                    + " -----------------------------",
                                            "Test " + (i + 1) + " ... ");
                            if (enablePlanTest && item.type == RegressionManagerUtils.TYPE_QUERY && runQueries
                                    && databaseMatch && resourceMatch) {
                                // Initialize the file
                                if (outputFile != null)
                                    CommonUtils.createFileWithContent(outputFile, "");

                                // Establish a JDBC connection for this database
                                cisConnections = RegressionManagerUtils.establishJdbcConnection(item.database,
                                        cisConnections, cisServerConfig, regressionConfig, propertyFile); // don't need to check for null here.

                                // Print out the line to the command line
                                RegressionManagerUtils.printOutputStr(printOutputType, "summary",
                                        "Execute Query:  " + item.input + "\n", "");

                                String r = RegressionManagerUtils.executeQuery(item, cisConnections, outputFile,
                                        outputDelimiter, printOutputType);
                                String results[] = r.split(":");
                                if (results.length > 1) {
                                    rows = Integer.valueOf(results[0]);

                                // Determine the outcome based on the actual result and expected outcome
                                if (expectedOutcome.equalsIgnoreCase("PASS")) {
                                    actual = "PASS";
                                    result = "PASS";
                                } else { // Expected to FAIL but the query PASSED
                                    actual = "PASS";
                                    result = "FAIL";
                            } else if (enablePlanTest && item.type == RegressionManagerUtils.TYPE_PROCEDURE
                                    && runProcs && databaseMatch && resourceMatch) {
                                // Initialize the file
                                if (outputFile != null)
                                    CommonUtils.createFileWithContent(outputFile, "");

                                // Establish a JDBC connection for this database
                                cisConnections = RegressionManagerUtils.establishJdbcConnection(item.database,
                                        cisConnections, cisServerConfig, regressionConfig, propertyFile); // don't need to check for null here.

                                // Print out the line to the command line
                                RegressionManagerUtils.printOutputStr(printOutputType, "summary",
                                        "Execute Procedure:  " + item.input + "\n", "");

                                // Execute the procedure
                                String r = RegressionManagerUtils.executeProcedure(item, cisConnections,
                                        outputFile, outputDelimiter, printOutputType);
                                String results[] = r.split(":");
                                if (results.length > 1) {
                                    rows = Integer.valueOf(results[0]);

                                // Determine the outcome based on the actual result and expected outcome
                                if (expectedOutcome.equalsIgnoreCase("PASS")) {
                                    actual = "PASS";
                                    result = "PASS";
                                } else { // Expected to FAIL but the query PASSED
                                    actual = "PASS";
                                    result = "FAIL";
                            } else if (enablePlanTest && item.type == RegressionManagerUtils.TYPE_WS && runWs
                                    && databaseMatch && resourceMatch) {
                                // Initialize the file
                                if (outputFile != null)
                                    CommonUtils.createFileWithContent(outputFile, "");

                                // Print out the line to the command line
                                RegressionManagerUtils.printOutputStr(printOutputType, "summary",
                                        "Execute Web Service:  " + item.path, "");
                                RegressionManagerUtils.printOutputStr(printOutputType, "summary", item.input,

                                // Execute the web service
                                rows = RegressionManagerUtils.executeWs(item, outputFile, cisServerConfig,
                                        regressionConfig, outputDelimiter, printOutputType);

                                // Determine the outcome based on the actual result and expected outcome
                                if (expectedOutcome.equalsIgnoreCase("PASS")) {
                                    actual = "PASS";
                                    result = "PASS";
                                } else { // Expected to FAIL but the query PASSED
                                    actual = "PASS";
                                    result = "FAIL";
                            } else {
                                // Skip this test
                                if (item.type == RegressionManagerUtils.TYPE_WS) {
                                    if (!enablePlanTest) {
                                        actual = "NOT ENABLED";
                                        message = "  ::Reason: NOT ENABLED: type=" + resourceType + "  runWs="
                                                + runWs + "  databaseMatch=" + databaseMatch
                                                + "  resourceMatch=" + resourceMatch;
                                    } else {
                                        actual = "NO MATCH";
                                        message = "  ::Reason:    NO MATCH: type=" + resourceType + "  runWs="
                                                + runWs + "  databaseMatch=" + databaseMatch
                                                + "  resourceMatch=" + resourceMatch;
                                    RegressionManagerUtils.printOutputStr(printOutputType, "summary",
                                            "Test Skipped: " + resourceURL + message + "\n", "");
                                } else if (item.type == RegressionManagerUtils.TYPE_QUERY) {
                                    if (!enablePlanTest) {
                                        actual = "NOT ENABLED";
                                        message = "  ::Reason: NOT ENABLED: type=" + resourceType
                                                + "  runQueries=" + runQueries + "  databaseMatch="
                                                + databaseMatch + "  resourceMatch=" + resourceMatch;
                                    } else {
                                        actual = "NO MATCH";
                                        message = "  ::Reason:    NO MATCH: type=" + resourceType
                                                + "  runQueries=" + runQueries + "  databaseMatch="
                                                + databaseMatch + "  resourceMatch=" + resourceMatch;
                                    RegressionManagerUtils.printOutputStr(printOutputType, "summary",
                                            "Test Skipped: " + query + message + "\n", "");
                                } else {
                                    if (!enablePlanTest) {
                                        actual = "NOT ENABLED";
                                        message = "  ::Reason: NOT ENABLED: type=" + resourceType
                                                + "  runProcedures=" + runProcs + "  databaseMatch="
                                                + databaseMatch + "  resourceMatch=" + resourceMatch;
                                    } else {
                                        actual = "NO MATCH";
                                        message = "  ::Reason:    NO MATCH: type=" + resourceType
                                                + "  runProcedures=" + runProcs + "  databaseMatch="
                                                + databaseMatch + "  resourceMatch=" + resourceMatch;
                                    RegressionManagerUtils.printOutputStr(printOutputType, "summary",
                                            "Test Skipped: " + query + message + "\n", "");
                        } catch (Exception e) {
                            if (e.getMessage().toLowerCase().contains("insufficient privileges")
                                    || e.getMessage().toLowerCase().contains("permission denied")) {
                                actual = "FAIL";
                                // Determine the outcome based on the actual result and expected outcome
                                if (expectedOutcome.equalsIgnoreCase("PASS")) {
                                    result = "FAIL";
                                    if (item.type == RegressionManagerUtils.TYPE_WS) {
                                    } else if (item.type == RegressionManagerUtils.TYPE_QUERY) {
                                    } else {
                                } else {
                                    result = "PASS";
                                    if (item.type == RegressionManagerUtils.TYPE_WS) {
                                    } else if (item.type == RegressionManagerUtils.TYPE_QUERY) {
                                    } else {
                            } else {
                                actual = "ERROR";
                                result = "ERROR";
                                if (item.type == RegressionManagerUtils.TYPE_WS) {
                                } else if (item.type == RegressionManagerUtils.TYPE_QUERY) {
                                } else {

                            message = e.getMessage().replace("\n", " ").replaceAll("\r", " ");
                            logger.error("Item Input Details: " + item.toString());

                        // Setup content line to be output to the log file
                        if (outputFile == null)
                            outputFile = "";
                        duration = CommonUtils.getElapsedTime(beginDate);

                        // Output the log entry
                        content = CommonUtils.rpad(result, 8, padChar) + logDelim
                                + CommonUtils.rpad(actual, 12, padChar) + logDelim
                                + CommonUtils.rpad(expectedOutcome, 8, padChar) + logDelim
                                + CommonUtils.rpad(userName, 30, padChar) + logDelim
                                + CommonUtils.rpad(executionStartTime, 26, padChar) + logDelim
                                + CommonUtils.rpad(duration.trim(), 20, padChar) + logDelim
                                + CommonUtils.rpad("" + rows, 20, padChar) + logDelim
                                + CommonUtils.rpad(database, 30, padChar) + logDelim
                                + CommonUtils.rpad(query, 70, padChar) + logDelim
                                + CommonUtils.rpad(resourceType, 11, padChar) + logDelim
                                + CommonUtils.rpad(outputFile, 50, padChar) + logDelim + message;

                        CommonUtils.appendContentToFile(logFilePath, content);

                    } // end of process input file items loop: for (RegressionSecurityPlanTestType regressionSecurityPlanTest : regressionSecurityPlanTestList) 

                    // Determine overall security rating [PASS|FAIL]
                    overallSecurityRating = "PASS";
                    if (totalFailedTests > 0)
                        overallSecurityRating = "FAIL";

                    // Output the overall security rating
                    CommonUtils.appendContentToFile(logFilePath, "# ");
                    content = "# Overall Security Rating=" + overallSecurityRating + "   Security Plan Id="
                            + securityPlanId;

                    // Check for overall rating exception=FAIL
                    if (overallSecurityRating.equalsIgnoreCase("FAIL")) {
                        if (securityOverallRatingException)
                                    content + " - securityOverallRatingException="
                                            + securityOverallRatingException + ":  EXCEPTION THROWN.");
                                    content + " - securityOverallRatingException="
                                            + securityOverallRatingException + ":  EXCEPTION NOT THROWN.");
                    } else {
                        CommonUtils.appendContentToFile(logFilePath, content);

                    // Check for execution errors
                    if (totalErrorTests > 0) {
                        if (securityExecutionErrorException)
                                    "# Total Error Tests=" + totalErrorTests
                                            + " - securityExecutionErrorException="
                                            + securityExecutionErrorException + ":  EXCEPTION THROWN.");
                                    "# Total Error Tests=" + totalErrorTests
                                            + " - securityExecutionErrorException="
                                            + securityExecutionErrorException + ":  EXCEPTION NOT THROWN.");
                    } else {
                        CommonUtils.appendContentToFile(logFilePath, "# Total Error Tests=" + totalErrorTests);
                            "# Summary: Total Success=" + totalSuccessTests + "   Total Skipped="
                                    + totalSkippedTests + "   Total Failed=" + totalFailedTests
                                    + "   Total Error=" + totalErrorTests);
                    CommonUtils.appendContentToFile(logFilePath, "# ");

                    // Print out timings
                    String duration = CommonUtils.getElapsedTime(startDate);

                    String testTypeMessage = "";
                    if (SECURITY.equalsIgnoreCase(testType))
                        testTypeMessage = "Execute a full query from the query list.";

                    int len = 56;
                    logger.info("---------- Regression Security Test Summary ------------");
                            .rpad("Test Type: " + testType + "  Security Plan Id=" + securityPlanId, len, " "));
                    logger.info(CommonUtils.rpad("  " + testTypeMessage, len, " "));
                    logger.info("                                                        ");
                    logger.info(CommonUtils.rpad("Total Successful        Queries: " + totalSuccessQueries, len,
                            " "));
                    logger.info(CommonUtils.rpad("Total Successful     Procedures: " + totalSuccessProcs, len,
                            " "));
                            CommonUtils.rpad("Total Successful   Web Services: " + totalSuccessWS, len, " "));
                    logger.info("                                 ---------              ");
                    logger.info(CommonUtils.rpad("Total Successful -------> Tests: " + totalSuccessTests, len,
                            " "));
                    logger.info("                                                        ");
                    logger.info("                                                        ");
                    logger.info(CommonUtils.rpad("Total Failed            Queries: " + totalFailedQueries, len,
                            " "));
                            CommonUtils.rpad("Total Failed         Procedures: " + totalFailedProcs, len, " "));
                            CommonUtils.rpad("Total Failed       Web Services: " + totalFailedWS, len, " "));
                    logger.info("                                 ---------              ");
                            CommonUtils.rpad("Total Failed -----------> Tests: " + totalFailedTests, len, " "));
                    logger.info("                                                        ");
                    logger.info("                                                        ");
                    logger.info(CommonUtils.rpad("Total Skipped           Queries: " + totalSkippedQueries, len,
                            " "));
                    logger.info(CommonUtils.rpad("Total Skipped        Procedures: " + totalSkippedProcs, len,
                            " "));
                            CommonUtils.rpad("Total Skipped      Web Services: " + totalSkippedWS, len, " "));
                    logger.info("                                 ---------              ");
                    logger.info(CommonUtils.rpad("Total Skipped ----------> Tests: " + totalSkippedTests, len,
                            " "));
                    logger.info("                                                        ");
                    logger.info("                                                        ");
                    logger.info(CommonUtils.rpad("Total Error             Queries: " + totalErrorQueries, len,
                            " "));
                            CommonUtils.rpad("Total Error          Procedures: " + totalErrorProcs, len, " "));
                    logger.info(CommonUtils.rpad("Total Error        Web Services: " + totalErrorWS, len, " "));
                    logger.info("                                 ---------              ");
                            CommonUtils.rpad("Total Error ------------> Tests: " + totalErrorTests, len, " "));
                    logger.info("                                                        ");
                    logger.info(CommonUtils.rpad("Total Combined ---------> Tests: "
                            + (totalSuccessTests + totalSkippedTests + totalFailedTests + totalErrorTests), len,
                            " "));
                    logger.info("                                                        ");
                    logger.info(CommonUtils.rpad("         Security Test duration: " + duration, len, " "));
                    logger.info("                                                        ");
                    logger.info("Review \"Security Test\" Summary: " + logFilePath);
                    logger.info("-                                                      -");
                    logger.info("- Overall Security Test Rating: " + overallSecurityRating
                            + "                   -");
                    logger.info("-                                                      -");

                    String moduleActionMessage = "MODULE_INFO: Security Summary: Successful="
                            + totalSuccessTests + " Skipped=" + totalSkippedTests + " Failed="
                            + totalFailedTests;
                    System.setProperty("MODULE_ACTION_MESSAGE", moduleActionMessage);

                    // 3. Close all connections: 
                    JdbcConnector connector = new JdbcConnector();
                    if (this.cisConnections != null) {
                        for (Connection nextConnection : this.cisConnections.values()) // getting all non-null values
                        this.cisConnections = null;
                    RegressionManagerUtils.printOutputStr(printOutputType, "summary",
                            "\nCompleted ExecuteAll()", "");

                    // Reset the logging so that it does not overwrite the log file when there are multiple security plan ids to process.
                    logAppendBool = true;

                // Check for overall rating exception=FAIL
                if (securityOverallRatingException && overallSecurityRating.equalsIgnoreCase("FAIL")) {
                    throw new CompositeException(
                            "The Overall Security Rating=\"FAIL\" for security planId=" + securityPlanId + ".");
                // Check for execution errors
                if (securityExecutionErrorException && totalErrorTests > 0) {
                    throw new CompositeException("Their were a total of [" + totalErrorTests
                            + "] execution errors. for security planId=" + securityPlanId + ".");