Example usage for java.math RoundingMode HALF_EVEN

List of usage examples for java.math RoundingMode HALF_EVEN


In this page you can find the example usage for java.math RoundingMode HALF_EVEN.


RoundingMode HALF_EVEN

To view the source code for java.math RoundingMode HALF_EVEN.

Click Source Link


Rounding mode to round towards the "nearest neighbor" unless both neighbors are equidistant, in which case, round towards the even neighbor.


From source file:edu.harvard.iq.dataverse.dataaccess.TabularSubsetGenerator.java

 * main() method, for testing//  w w  w.  j a  va 2 s .  co m
 * usage: java edu.harvard.iq.dataverse.dataaccess.TabularSubsetGenerator testfile.tab varcount casecount column type
 * make sure the CLASSPATH contains ...

public static void main(String[] args) {

    String tabFileName = args[0];
    int varcount = new Integer(args[1]).intValue();
    int casecount = new Integer(args[2]).intValue();
    int column = new Integer(args[3]).intValue();
    String type = args[4];

    File tabFile = new File(tabFileName);
    File rotatedImageFile = null;

    TabularSubsetGenerator subsetGenerator = new TabularSubsetGenerator();

    try {
    rotatedImageFile = subsetGenerator.getRotatedImage(tabFile, varcount, casecount);
    } catch (IOException ex) {

    //System.out.println("\nFinished generating \"rotated\" column image file."); 


    MathContext doubleMathContext = new MathContext(15, RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN);
    String FORMAT_IEEE754 = "%+#.15e";

    try {
        //subsetGenerator.reverseRotatedImage(rotatedImageFile, varcount, casecount);
        //String[] columns = subsetGenerator.subsetStringVector(tabFile, column, varcount, casecount);
        if ("string".equals(type)) {
            String[] columns = subsetGenerator.subsetStringVector(tabFile, column, varcount, casecount);
            for (int i = 0; i < casecount; i++) {
        } else {

            Double[] columns = subsetGenerator.subsetDoubleVector(tabFile, column, varcount, casecount);
            for (int i = 0; i < casecount; i++) {
                if (columns[i] != null) {
                    BigDecimal outBigDecimal = new BigDecimal(columns[i], doubleMathContext);
                    System.out.println(String.format(FORMAT_IEEE754, outBigDecimal));
                } else {
    } catch (IOException ex) {

From source file:org.openhab.binding.sapp.internal.SappBinding.java

 * updates item repository for Dimmer items
 *///from ww  w . jav  a  2  s  .  c o m
private void updateDimmerItem(SappBindingProvider provider, SappAddressDimmer statusAddress, String itemName,
        Item item) {

    switch (statusAddress.getAddressType()) {
    case VIRTUAL:
        try {
            int result = statusAddress
                                    getVirtualValue(provider, statusAddress.getPnmasId(),
                                            statusAddress.getAddress(), statusAddress.getSubAddress(), true)),
                    .round(new MathContext(0, RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN)).intValue();
            if (result <= PercentType.ZERO.intValue()) {
                eventPublisher.postUpdate(itemName, PercentType.ZERO);
            } else if (result >= PercentType.HUNDRED.intValue()) {
                eventPublisher.postUpdate(itemName, PercentType.HUNDRED);
            } else {
                eventPublisher.postUpdate(itemName, PercentType.valueOf(String.valueOf(result)));
        } catch (SappException e) {
            logger.error("could not run sappcommand", e);

    case INPUT:
        logger.error("item type not yet implemented {} for address type {}", item.getClass().getSimpleName(),

    case OUTPUT:
        logger.error("item type not yet implemented {} for address type {}", item.getClass().getSimpleName(),

        logger.error("item type not yet implemented {} for address type {}", item.getClass().getSimpleName(),

From source file:net.pms.util.Rational.java

 * Converts this {@link Rational} to a {@link BigDecimal}. This may involve
 * rounding. The conversion is limited to 100 decimals and uses
 * {@link RoundingMode#HALF_EVEN}.//from w  w  w.ja v a  2  s .co  m
 * <p>
 * For explicit control over the conversion, use one of the overloaded
 * methods.
 * @return This {@link Rational} converted to a {@link BigDecimal}.
 * @throws ArithmeticException If this is {@code NaN} or infinite.
 * @see #bigDecimalValue(MathContext)
 * @see #bigDecimalValue(RoundingMode)
 * @see #bigDecimalValue(int, RoundingMode)
public BigDecimal bigDecimalValue() {
    if (isNaN()) {
        throw new ArithmeticException("Impossible to express NaN as BigDecimal");
    if (isInfinite()) {
        throw new ArithmeticException("Impossible to express infinity as BigDecimal");

    if (BigInteger.ONE.equals(reducedDenominator)) {
        return new BigDecimal(reducedNumerator);
    return new BigDecimal(reducedNumerator).divide(new BigDecimal(reducedDenominator), 100,

From source file:net.pms.util.Rational.java

 * Compares this {@link Rational} by value with any class implementing
 * {@link Number}.//from w ww  .  ja v  a 2  s  .c o  m
 * <p>
 * This method is provided in preference to individual methods for each of
 * the six boolean comparison operators ({@literal <}, ==, {@literal >},
 * {@literal >=}, !=, {@literal <=}). The suggested idiom for performing
 * these comparisons is: {@code (x.compareTo(y)} &lt;<i>op</i>&gt;
 * {@code 0)}, where &lt;<i>op</i>&gt; is one of the six comparison
 * operators.
 * <p>
 * <b>Note:</b> {@code NaN} can't be compared by value and is considered
 * greater than anything but itself as defined for {@link Double}.
 * @param number the {@link Number} to which this {@link Rational}'s value
 *            is to be compared.
 * @return A negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as this
 *         {@link Rational} is numerically less than, equal to, or greater
 *         than {@code number}.
public int compareTo(@Nonnull Number number) {
    // Establish special cases
    boolean numberIsNaN;
    boolean numberIsInfinite;
    int numberSignum;
    if (number instanceof Rational) {
        numberIsNaN = Rational.isNaN((Rational) number);
        numberIsInfinite = Rational.isInfinite((Rational) number);
        numberSignum = ((Rational) number).numerator.signum();
    } else if (number instanceof Float) {
        numberIsNaN = Float.isNaN(number.floatValue());
        numberIsInfinite = Float.isInfinite(number.floatValue());
        numberSignum = (int) Math.signum(number.floatValue());
    } else if (number instanceof Double) {
        numberIsNaN = Double.isNaN(number.doubleValue());
        numberIsInfinite = Double.isInfinite(number.doubleValue());
        numberSignum = (int) Math.signum(number.doubleValue());
    } else {
        numberIsNaN = false;
        numberIsInfinite = false;
        long l = number.longValue();
        numberSignum = l == 0 ? 0 : l > 0 ? 1 : -1;

    // NaN comparison is done according to the rules for Double.
    if (isNaN()) {
        return numberIsNaN ? 0 : 1;
    if (numberIsNaN) {
        return -1;

    if (isInfinite()) {
        if (numberIsInfinite) {
            return signum() - numberSignum;
        return this.signum();
    if (numberIsInfinite) {
        return -numberSignum;

    // List known integer types for faster and more accurate comparison
    if (number instanceof BigInteger) {
        if (isInteger()) {
            return bigIntegerValue().compareTo((BigInteger) number);
        return bigDecimalValue(2, RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN).compareTo(new BigDecimal((BigInteger) number));
    if (number instanceof AtomicInteger || number instanceof AtomicLong || number instanceof Byte
            || number instanceof Integer || number instanceof Long || number instanceof Short) {
        if (isInteger()) {
            return bigIntegerValue().compareTo(BigInteger.valueOf(number.longValue()));
        return bigDecimalValue(2, RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN).compareTo(new BigDecimal(number.longValue()));
    if (number instanceof BigDecimal) {
        Rational other = valueOf((BigDecimal) number);
        return compareTo(other);
    return bigDecimalValue().compareTo(new BigDecimal(number.doubleValue()));

From source file:com.ugam.collage.plus.service.people_count.impl.PeopleAccountingServiceImpl.java

 * @param empcntClientProjectDataList/*from  w  w w.  jav  a 2  s. c  o m*/
 * @param empClientProjectTeamStructList
 * @param employee
 * @param month
 * @param year
 * @param costCentre
 * @param countType
 * @param allignedTimeZero
 * @param assistedTimeZero
 * @param apportionedTimeZero
 * @param allignedTimeOne
 * @param totalTimeOne
private void getSingleProjectDetail(List<EmpcntClientProjectData> empOpenCntClientProjectDataList,
        List<EmpcntClientProjectData> empCloseCntClientProjectDataList,
        List<EmpClientProjectTeamStruct> empClientProjectTeamStructList, EmployeeMaster employee,
        TabMonth month, TabYear year, CostCentre costCentre, CountClassification countType,
        BigDecimal allignedTimeZero, BigDecimal assistedTimeZero, BigDecimal apportionedTimeZero,
        BigDecimal allignedTimeOne, BigDecimal totalTimeOne, Integer countTypeId,
        Map<String, EmployeePcTagsTeamStruct> employeePcTagsTeamStructMap) {

     * Also assign to assisted if project detail present in both assigned
     * and unassigned list
     * Note : Only in unassigned project . do the remaining count as per
     * revenue to apportion
     * If not present in revenue table then go to zero project details
    logger.debug("<====getSingleProjectDetail START====>");
    Integer employeeId = employee.getEmployeeId();
    Integer yearId = year.getYearId();
    Integer monthId = month.getMonthId();
    String costCentreId = costCentre.getCostCentreId();
    BigDecimal deviderHour = new BigDecimal(Constants.TOTAL_WORKING_HOURS);
    logger.debug("getSingleProjectDetail parameter===>" + employeeId + "::" + yearId + "::" + monthId + "::"
            + costCentreId + "::" + deviderHour);

    // Get project details
    Map<Integer, EmpClientProjectTeamStruct> employeeProjectIds = new HashMap<Integer, EmpClientProjectTeamStruct>();

    Map<Integer, EmpClientProjectTeamStruct> validEmployeeProjectIds = new HashMap<Integer, EmpClientProjectTeamStruct>();

    for (EmpClientProjectTeamStruct empClientProjectTeamStructThree : empClientProjectTeamStructList) {

    // logger.debug("validEmployeeProjectIds 1:size===>" +
    // validEmployeeProjectIds.size());

    // check in revenue table
    for (Integer key : employeeProjectIds.keySet()) {
        EmpClientProjectTeamStruct mapValues = employeeProjectIds.get(key);
        List<CollageProjectRevenue> listValues = collageProjectRevenueDao
                        mapValues.getTabMonth().getMonthId(), mapValues.getProjectMaster().getProjectId(),
        if (listValues.isEmpty()) {
    // logger.debug("validEmployeeProjectIds 2:size===>" +
    // validEmployeeProjectIds.size());
    if (validEmployeeProjectIds.isEmpty()) {
        getZeroProjectsDetail(yearId, monthId, costCentreId, empOpenCntClientProjectDataList,
                empCloseCntClientProjectDataList, employee, month, year, costCentre, countType,
                allignedTimeZero, assistedTimeZero, totalTimeOne, totalTimeOne, countTypeId,
    // Get list of project from execution data for that employee
    List<Integer> projectIdList = executionDataDao.findByPersonYearMonthCostCentre(employeeId, yearId, monthId,
    // logger.debug("execution data projects===>" + projectIdList.size());

    if (projectIdList.isEmpty()) {
        // logger.debug("Contain InValid projects :(Assign count one)===>");

        for (Integer projectId : validEmployeeProjectIds.keySet()) {
            EmpClientProjectTeamStruct mapValues = validEmployeeProjectIds.get(projectId);
            // logger.debug("978: Contain InValid projects :(Assign count one)===>"+1);
            EmpcntClientProjectData empcntClientProjectData = new EmpcntClientProjectData(employee,
                    mapValues.getCompanyMaster(), countType, month, mapValues.getProjectMaster(), year,
                    costCentre, allignedTimeOne, assistedTimeZero, apportionedTimeZero, allignedTimeOne);
            if (countTypeId == 1) {
            } else if (countTypeId == 2) {
    } else {
        // logger.debug("Else Contain Valid projects===>");
        Integer validEmployeeProjectCount = validEmployeeProjectIds.size();
        // Get valid projects list=>project is both revenue data and
        // execution data
        Set<Integer> validAllProjects = new HashSet<Integer>();
        for (Integer projectId : projectIdList) {
            List<CollageProjectRevenue> listValues = collageProjectRevenueDao
                    .findByYearIdMonthIdProjectIdCostCentreId(yearId, monthId, projectId, costCentreId);
            if (!listValues.isEmpty()) {

        Integer validAllProjectCount = validAllProjects.size();
        // logger.debug("validAllProjects :size===>" +
        // validAllProjects.size());
        // Total hour worked by an Employee
        List<BigDecimal> toatalHours = executionDataDao.findByPersonIdYearIdMonthIdCostCentreId(employeeId,
                yearId, monthId, costCentreId);
        BigDecimal toatlTime = toatalHours.get(0);
        // logger.debug("ToatalHours===>" + toatlTime);

        // Separate assigned projects from execution data projects
        Map<Integer, BigDecimal> assignedProjects = new HashMap<Integer, BigDecimal>();
        Map<Integer, BigDecimal> unAssignedProjects = new HashMap<Integer, BigDecimal>();
        List<Object[]> allProjectTimeList = executionDataDao
                .findByEmployeeIdYearIdMonthIdCostCentreId(employeeId, yearId, monthId, costCentreId);
        for (Object[] result : allProjectTimeList) {
            Integer projectId = (Integer) result[0];
            BigDecimal hour = (BigDecimal) result[1];
            Integer companyId = (Integer) result[2];
            if (validEmployeeProjectIds.containsKey(projectId) && validAllProjects.contains(projectId)) {
                // logger.debug("UnAssignedProjects===>" +
                // projectId+"::"+hour+"::"+companyId);
                assignedProjects.put(projectId, hour);
            if (!validEmployeeProjectIds.containsKey(projectId) && validAllProjects.contains(projectId)) {
                // logger.debug("assignedProjects===>" +
                // projectId+"::"+hour+"::"+companyId);
                unAssignedProjects.put(projectId, hour);
        if (validEmployeeProjectCount == 1 && validAllProjectCount == 1
                && validAllProjects.containsAll(validEmployeeProjectIds.keySet())
                && unAssignedProjects.isEmpty()) {

            // logger.debug("validEmployeeProjectCount==validAllProjectCount :(Only in assigned projects)");
            for (Integer key : assignedProjects.keySet()) {
                // Get time spent on each project by employee id
                Integer projectId = key;
                EmpClientProjectTeamStruct mapValues = validEmployeeProjectIds.get(projectId);
                // logger.debug("1034 :validEmployeeProjectCount==validAllProjectCount :(Only in assigned projects)===>1");
                EmpcntClientProjectData empcntClientProjectData = new EmpcntClientProjectData(employee,
                        mapValues.getCompanyMaster(), countType, month, mapValues.getProjectMaster(), year,
                        costCentre, allignedTimeOne, assistedTimeZero, apportionedTimeZero, allignedTimeOne);
                if (countTypeId == 1) {
                if (countTypeId == 2) {

        } else if (!assignedProjects.isEmpty() && !unAssignedProjects.isEmpty()) {
            // logger.debug("1047 : Both in assigned and unassigned projects===>");
            if (toatlTime.compareTo(new BigDecimal(Constants.TOTAL_WORKING_HOURS)) >= 0) {
                // logger.debug("Worked hours===> >=168");
                for (Integer key : assignedProjects.keySet()) {
                    // Get time spent on each project by employee id
                    Integer projectId = key;
                    BigDecimal timeByProject = assignedProjects.get(key);
                    EmpClientProjectTeamStruct mapValues = validEmployeeProjectIds.get(projectId);
                    BigDecimal workedHours = timeByProject.divide(toatlTime, 2, RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN);
                    workedHours = workedHours.setScale(2, RoundingMode.CEILING);
                    // logger.debug("1056 :assigned:(Both in assigned and unassigned projects===>"+workedHours);
                    EmpcntClientProjectData empcntClientProjectData = new EmpcntClientProjectData(employee,
                            mapValues.getCompanyMaster(), countType, month, mapValues.getProjectMaster(), year,
                            costCentre, workedHours, assistedTimeZero, apportionedTimeZero, workedHours);
                    if (countTypeId == 1) {
                    if (countTypeId == 2) {
                for (Integer key : unAssignedProjects.keySet()) {
                    // Get time spent on each project by employee id
                    Integer projectId = key;
                    BigDecimal timeByProject = unAssignedProjects.get(key);
                    EmpClientProjectTeamStruct mapValues = validEmployeeProjectIds.get(projectId);
                    BigDecimal workedHours = timeByProject.divide(toatlTime, 2, RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN);
                    workedHours = workedHours.setScale(2, RoundingMode.CEILING);
                    // logger.debug("1073 :unassigned :(Both in assigned and unassigned projects===>"+workedHours);
                    EmpcntClientProjectData empcntClientProjectData = new EmpcntClientProjectData(employee,
                            mapValues.getCompanyMaster(), countType, month, mapValues.getProjectMaster(), year,
                            costCentre, apportionedTimeZero, workedHours, apportionedTimeZero, workedHours);
                    if (countTypeId == 1) {
                    if (countTypeId == 2) {
            } else {
                // logger.debug("Worked hours===> <168");
                BigDecimal totalUnAssingnedHours = BigDecimal.ZERO;
                BigDecimal assingnedHours = BigDecimal.ZERO;
                for (Integer key : unAssignedProjects.keySet()) {
                    // Get time spent on each project by employee id
                    BigDecimal timeByProject = unAssignedProjects.get(key);
                    BigDecimal workedHours = timeByProject.divide(deviderHour, 2, RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN);
                    totalUnAssingnedHours = totalUnAssingnedHours.add(workedHours);
                    workedHours = workedHours.setScale(2, RoundingMode.CEILING);
                    // Assign to assisted count for unAssignedProjects
                    Integer projectId = key;
                    List<ProjectMaster> projectList = projectMasterDao.findByProjectId(projectId);
                    ProjectMaster projectMaster = projectList.get(0);
                    CompanyMaster companyMaster = projectMaster.getCompanyMaster();
                    // logger.debug("769: Assisted hours (Both in assigned and unassigned projects) 2===>"+workedHours);
                    EmpcntClientProjectData empcntClientProjectData = new EmpcntClientProjectData(employee,
                            companyMaster, countType, month, projectMaster, year, costCentre,
                            apportionedTimeZero, workedHours, apportionedTimeZero, workedHours);
                    if (countTypeId == 1) {
                    if (countTypeId == 2) {
                totalUnAssingnedHours = BigDecimal.ONE.subtract(totalUnAssingnedHours);
                // logger.debug("totalUnAssingnedHours===> "+totalUnAssingnedHours);
                for (Map.Entry<Integer, BigDecimal> entry : assignedProjects.entrySet()) {
                    assingnedHours = assingnedHours.add(entry.getValue());

                // logger.debug("assingnedHours===> "+assingnedHours);
                for (Integer key : assignedProjects.keySet()) {
                    Integer projectId = key;
                    BigDecimal timeByProject = assignedProjects.get(key);
                    // logger.debug("1119 :projectId : timeByProject===> "+projectId+" : "+timeByProject);
                    EmpClientProjectTeamStruct mapValues = validEmployeeProjectIds.get(projectId);
                    BigDecimal averageWorkedHours = timeByProject.divide(assingnedHours, 2,
                    // logger.debug("1121 :assingnedHours : totalUnAssingnedHours===> "+assingnedHours+" : "+totalUnAssingnedHours);
                    BigDecimal actualWorkedHours = averageWorkedHours.multiply(totalUnAssingnedHours);
                    actualWorkedHours = actualWorkedHours.setScale(2, RoundingMode.CEILING);
                    // logger.debug("1124 :averageWorkedHours : actualWorkedHours===> "+averageWorkedHours+" : "+actualWorkedHours);
                    EmpcntClientProjectData empcntClientProjectData = new EmpcntClientProjectData(employee,
                            mapValues.getCompanyMaster(), countType, month, mapValues.getProjectMaster(), year,
                            costCentre, actualWorkedHours, assistedTimeZero, apportionedTimeZero,
                    if (countTypeId == 1) {
                    if (countTypeId == 2) {

        else if (assignedProjects.isEmpty() && !unAssignedProjects.isEmpty()) {
            // logger.debug("In  unassigned projects only===>");
            if (toatlTime.compareTo(new BigDecimal(Constants.TOTAL_WORKING_HOURS)) >= 0) {
                // logger.debug("Worked hours===> >=168");
                for (Integer key : unAssignedProjects.keySet()) {
                    // Get time spent on each project by employee id
                    Integer projectId = key;
                    BigDecimal timeByProject = unAssignedProjects.get(key);
                    EmpClientProjectTeamStruct mapValues = validEmployeeProjectIds.get(projectId);
                    BigDecimal workedHours = timeByProject.divide(toatlTime, 2, RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN);
                    workedHours = workedHours.setScale(2, RoundingMode.CEILING);
                    // logger.debug("1148 :In unassigned projects only===>"+workedHours);
                    EmpcntClientProjectData empcntClientProjectData = new EmpcntClientProjectData(employee,
                            mapValues.getCompanyMaster(), countType, month, mapValues.getProjectMaster(), year,
                            costCentre, apportionedTimeZero, workedHours, apportionedTimeZero, workedHours);
                    if (countTypeId == 1) {
                    if (countTypeId == 2) {
            } else {
                // logger.debug("Worked hours===> <168");
                BigDecimal totalUnAssingnedHours = BigDecimal.ZERO;
                BigDecimal assingnedHours = BigDecimal.ZERO;
                for (Integer key : unAssignedProjects.keySet()) {
                    // Get time spent on each project by employee id
                    BigDecimal timeByProject = unAssignedProjects.get(key);
                    BigDecimal workedHours = timeByProject.divide(deviderHour, 2, RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN);
                    workedHours = workedHours.setScale(2, RoundingMode.CEILING);
                    totalUnAssingnedHours = totalUnAssingnedHours.add(workedHours);

                    // Assign to assisted count for unAssignedProjects
                    Integer projectId = key;
                    List<ProjectMaster> projectList = projectMasterDao.findByProjectId(projectId);
                    ProjectMaster projectMaster = projectList.get(0);
                    CompanyMaster companyMaster = projectMaster.getCompanyMaster();
                    // logger.debug("1173: Assisted hours (In unassigned projects) 2===>"+workedHours);
                    EmpcntClientProjectData empcntClientProjectData = new EmpcntClientProjectData(employee,
                            companyMaster, countType, month, projectMaster, year, costCentre,
                            apportionedTimeZero, workedHours, apportionedTimeZero, workedHours);
                    if (countTypeId == 1) {
                    if (countTypeId == 2) {
                logger.debug("1209 totalUnAssingnedHours===> " + totalUnAssingnedHours);

                BigDecimal remainProportion = BigDecimal.ONE.subtract(totalUnAssingnedHours);
                logger.debug("remainProportion===> " + remainProportion);
                getRevenueCountProportion(empOpenCntClientProjectDataList, empCloseCntClientProjectDataList,
                        employee, month, year, costCentre, countType, remainProportion, unAssignedProjects,
                        countTypeId, employeePcTagsTeamStructMap);


    // logger.debug("<====getSingleProjectDetail END====>");

From source file:net.pms.util.Rational.java

 * Used internally to generate a decimal string representation from two
 * {@link BigInteger}s. The decimal representation is limited to 20
 * decimals.//from  w ww .  j  a v a2  s  . c o  m
 * @param numerator the numerator.
 * @param denominator the denominator.
 * @param decimalFormat the {@link DecimalFormat} instance to use for
 *            formatting.
 * @return The string representation.
protected static String generateDecimalString(@Nonnull BigInteger numerator, @Nonnull BigInteger denominator,
        @Nonnull DecimalFormat decimalFormat) {
    if (denominator.signum() == 0) {
        if (numerator.signum() == 0) {
            return "NaN";
        return numerator.signum() > 0 ? "\u221e" : "-\u221e";
    if (BigInteger.ONE.equals(denominator)) {
        return numerator.toString();
    BigDecimal decimalValue = new BigDecimal(numerator).divide(new BigDecimal(denominator), 20,
    return decimalFormat.format(decimalValue);

From source file:org.mifosplatform.portfolio.loanaccount.domain.Loan.java

private void regenerateRepaymentSchedule(final LoanScheduleGeneratorFactory loanScheduleFactory,
        final ApplicationCurrency applicationCurrency, final LocalDate calculatedRepaymentsStartingFromDate,
        final boolean isHolidayEnabled, final List<Holiday> holidays, final WorkingDays workingDays) {

    final InterestMethod interestMethod = this.loanRepaymentScheduleDetail.getInterestMethod();
    final LoanScheduleGenerator loanScheduleGenerator = loanScheduleFactory.create(interestMethod);

    final RoundingMode roundingMode = RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN;
    final MathContext mc = new MathContext(8, roundingMode);

    final Integer loanTermFrequency = this.termFrequency;
    final PeriodFrequencyType loanTermPeriodFrequencyType = PeriodFrequencyType
    final LoanApplicationTerms loanApplicationTerms = LoanApplicationTerms.assembleFrom(applicationCurrency,
            loanTermFrequency, loanTermPeriodFrequencyType, getDisbursementDate(),
            getExpectedFirstRepaymentOnDate(), calculatedRepaymentsStartingFromDate, getInArrearsTolerance(),

    final LoanScheduleModel loanSchedule = loanScheduleGenerator.generate(mc, applicationCurrency,
            loanApplicationTerms, this.charges, isHolidayEnabled, holidays, workingDays);

    updateLoanSchedule(loanSchedule);//from  www .  ja  v  a2 s. c o  m

From source file:com.ugam.collage.plus.service.people_count.impl.PeopleAccountingServiceImpl.java

 * @param yearId//from   w w w . j  ava  2  s  .c  o m
 * @param monthId
 * @param costCentreId
 * @param empcntClientProjectDataList
 * @param employee
 * @param month
 * @param year
 * @param costCentre
 * @param countType
 * @param allignedTimeOne
 * @param assistedTimeOne
 * @param apportionedTimeOne
 * @param totalTimeOne
private void getZeroProjectsDetail(Integer yearId, Integer monthId, String costCentreId,
        List<EmpcntClientProjectData> empOpenCntClientProjectDataList,
        List<EmpcntClientProjectData> empCloseCntClientProjectDataList, EmployeeMaster employee, TabMonth month,
        TabYear year, CostCentre costCentre, CountClassification countType, BigDecimal allignedTimeZero,
        BigDecimal assistedTimeZero, BigDecimal apportionedTimeOne, BigDecimal totalTimeOne,
        Integer countTypeId, Map<String, EmployeePcTagsTeamStruct> employeePcTagsTeamStructMap) {

    logger.debug("<====getZeroProjectsDetail START====>");
    Integer employeeId = employee.getEmployeeId();
    BigDecimal deviderHour = new BigDecimal(Constants.TOTAL_WORKING_HOURS);
    logger.debug("getZeroProjectsDetail parameter===>" + employeeId + "::" + yearId + "::" + monthId + "::"
            + costCentreId + "::" + deviderHour);

    // Get list of project from execution data for that employee
    List<Integer> projectIdList = executionDataDao.findByPersonYearMonthCostCentre(employeeId, yearId, monthId,
    // logger.debug("execution data projects===>" + projectIdList.size());
    if (projectIdList.isEmpty()) {
        BigDecimal remainProportion = BigDecimal.ONE;
        Map<Integer, BigDecimal> assignedProjectsHour = new HashMap<Integer, BigDecimal>();
        getRevenueCountProportion(empOpenCntClientProjectDataList, empCloseCntClientProjectDataList, employee,
                month, year, costCentre, countType, remainProportion, assignedProjectsHour, countTypeId,
    } else {
        // logger.debug("Else Project details present in execution data ===>");
        // Get valid projects list=>project is both revenue data and
        // execution data
        Set<Integer> validAllProjects = new HashSet<Integer>();
        for (Integer projectId : projectIdList) {
            List<CollageProjectRevenue> listValues = collageProjectRevenueDao
                    .findByYearIdMonthIdProjectIdCostCentreId(yearId, monthId, projectId, costCentreId);
            if (!listValues.isEmpty()) {

        // logger.debug("validAllProjects :size===>" +
        // validAllProjects.size());
        // Total hour worked by an Employee
        List<BigDecimal> toatalHours = executionDataDao.findByPersonIdYearIdMonthIdCostCentreId(employeeId,
                yearId, monthId, costCentreId);
        BigDecimal toatlTime = toatalHours.get(0);
        // logger.debug("ToatalHours===>" + toatlTime);

        // Separate assigned projects from execution data projects

        Map<Integer, BigDecimal> assignedProjectsHour = new HashMap<Integer, BigDecimal>();
        Map<Integer, Integer> assignedProjectsCompany = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
        List<Object[]> allProjectTimeList = executionDataDao
                .findByEmployeeIdYearIdMonthIdCostCentreId(employeeId, yearId, monthId, costCentreId);
        for (Object[] result : allProjectTimeList) {
            Integer projectId = (Integer) result[0];
            BigDecimal hour = (BigDecimal) result[1];
            Integer companyId = (Integer) result[2];
            if (validAllProjects.contains(projectId)) {
                // logger.debug("UnAssignedProjects===>" +
                // projectId+"::"+hour+"::"+companyId);
                assignedProjectsHour.put(projectId, hour);
                assignedProjectsCompany.put(projectId, companyId);

         * Do the calculation as per time spent on projects and put it to
         * assisted count
        // logger.debug("validEmployeeProjectCount!=validAllProjectCount :(Both in assigned and unassigned projects)");
        if (toatlTime.compareTo(new BigDecimal(Constants.TOTAL_WORKING_HOURS)) >= 0) {
            // logger.debug("Worked hours===> >=168");
            for (Integer key : assignedProjectsCompany.keySet()) {
                // Get time spent on each project by employee id
                Integer projectId = key;
                Integer companyIdByProject = assignedProjectsCompany.get(key);
                ProjectMaster projectMaster = new ProjectMaster();
                CompanyMaster companyMaster = new CompanyMaster();
                // logger.debug("1254 :Both in assigned and unassigned projects======>"+totalTimeOne);
                EmpcntClientProjectData empcntClientProjectData = new EmpcntClientProjectData(employee,
                        companyMaster, countType, month, projectMaster, year, costCentre, allignedTimeZero,
                        assistedTimeZero, apportionedTimeOne, totalTimeOne);
                if (countTypeId == 1) {
                if (countTypeId == 2) {
        } else {
            // logger.debug("Worked hours===> <168");
            BigDecimal revenueProportion = BigDecimal.ZERO;

            for (Integer key : assignedProjectsHour.keySet()) {
                Integer projectId = key;
                // logger.debug("projectId===> "+projectId);
                BigDecimal timeByProject = assignedProjectsHour.get(key);
                Integer companyIdByProject = assignedProjectsCompany.get(key);
                ProjectMaster projectMaster = new ProjectMaster();
                CompanyMaster companyMaster = new CompanyMaster();
                // logger.debug("timeByProject===> "+timeByProject);
                BigDecimal assistedHours = timeByProject.divide(deviderHour, 2, RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN);
                assistedHours = assistedHours.setScale(2, RoundingMode.CEILING);
                // logger.debug("assignedProjectsHour===> "+assingnedHours);
                revenueProportion = revenueProportion.add(assistedHours);
                logger.debug("1338 :======>" + revenueProportion);
                EmpcntClientProjectData empcntClientProjectData = new EmpcntClientProjectData(employee,
                        companyMaster, countType, month, projectMaster, year, costCentre, allignedTimeZero,
                        assistedHours, allignedTimeZero, assistedHours);
                if (countTypeId == 1) {
                if (countTypeId == 2) {
             * Revenue count put it to apportioned count
            // logger.debug("revenueProportion===> "+revenueProportion);
            if (revenueProportion.compareTo(BigDecimal.ONE) == -1) {
                BigDecimal remainProportion = BigDecimal.ONE.subtract(revenueProportion);
                logger.debug("remainProportion===> " + remainProportion);
                getRevenueCountProportion(empOpenCntClientProjectDataList, empCloseCntClientProjectDataList,
                        employee, month, year, costCentre, countType, remainProportion, assignedProjectsHour,
                        countTypeId, employeePcTagsTeamStructMap);
    // logger.debug("<====getZeroProjectDetail END====>");

From source file:com.ugam.collage.plus.service.people_count.impl.PeopleAccountingServiceImpl.java

 *///w  ww .  j  a v  a2 s .c  o  m
private void getRevenueCountProportion(List<EmpcntClientProjectData> empOpenCntClientProjectDataList,
        List<EmpcntClientProjectData> empCloseCntClientProjectDataList, EmployeeMaster employee, TabMonth month,
        TabYear year, CostCentre costCentre, CountClassification countType, BigDecimal remainProportion,
        Map<Integer, BigDecimal> unAssignedProjects, Integer countTypeId,
        Map<String, EmployeePcTagsTeamStruct> employeePcTagsTeamStructMap) {

    logger.debug("<====getRevenueCountProportion Start====>");
    logger.debug("unAssignedProjects:" + unAssignedProjects.size());
    // get the EmpCntPcApportionApproach for the employee
    Integer employeeId = employee.getEmployeeId();
    Integer yearId = year.getYearId();
    Integer monthId = month.getMonthId();
    String costCentreId = costCentre.getCostCentreId();
    BigDecimal deviderHour = new BigDecimal(Constants.TOTAL_WORKING_HOURS);
    Integer apportionApproach = 0;
    BigDecimal allignedTimeZero = BigDecimal.ZERO;
    BigDecimal asistededTimeZero = BigDecimal.ZERO;
    List<EmpCntPcApportionApproach> empCntPcApportionApproachList = empCntPcApportionApproachDao
            .findByYearIdMonthIdEmployeeId(yearId, monthId, employeeId);
    if (!empCntPcApportionApproachList.isEmpty()) {
        apportionApproach = empCntPcApportionApproachList.get(0).getApportionApproach();
    } else {

    // logger.debug("1363 : apportionApproach===> "+apportionApproach);
    // get the EmployeePcTagsTeamStruct for the employee
    List<EmployeePcTagsTeamStruct> employeePcTagsTeamStructList = employeePcTagsTeamStructDao
            .findByYearIdMonthIdEmployeeId(yearId, monthId, employeeId);

    if (apportionApproach == 1) {
        for (EmployeePcTagsTeamStruct employeePcTagsTeamStruct : employeePcTagsTeamStructList) {
            BigDecimal count = BigDecimal.ZERO;
            Map<Integer, CollageProjectRevenue> revenueMap = new HashMap<Integer, CollageProjectRevenue>();
            Map<Integer, ProjectMaster> projectMap = new HashMap<Integer, ProjectMaster>();

            BigDecimal proportion = employeePcTagsTeamStruct.getProportion();
            String profitcentreId = employeePcTagsTeamStruct.getProfitCentre().getProfitCentreId();

            // Calculate for each profit centre
            BigDecimal pcProportion = proportion.multiply(remainProportion);

            // asissted projects on count
            List<CollageProjectRevenue> collageProjectRevenueList = collageProjectRevenueDao
                    .findByYearIdMonthIdProfitCentreIdCostCentreId(yearId, monthId, profitcentreId,
            if (!collageProjectRevenueList.isEmpty()) {
                // Select valid project id
                for (CollageProjectRevenue proRevenue : collageProjectRevenueList) {
                    Integer projectId = proRevenue.getProjectMaster().getProjectId();
                    if (unAssignedProjects.isEmpty()) {
                        revenueMap.put(projectId, proRevenue);
                        List<ProjectMaster> projectList = projectMasterDao.findByProjectId(projectId);
                        projectMap.put(projectId, projectList.get(0));
                    } else {
                        if (unAssignedProjects.containsKey(projectId) == false) {
                            revenueMap.put(projectId, proRevenue);
                            List<ProjectMaster> projectList = projectMasterDao.findByProjectId(projectId);
                            projectMap.put(projectId, projectList.get(0));


                Integer projectCount = revenueMap.size();
                count = new BigDecimal(projectCount);
                if (projectCount > 0) {
                    for (Integer key : revenueMap.keySet()) {
                        BigDecimal projectValue = BigDecimal.ONE.divide(count, 2, RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN);
                        projectValue = projectValue.multiply(pcProportion);
                        ProjectMaster projectMaster = projectMap.get(key);
                        CompanyMaster companyMaster = projectMaster.getCompanyMaster();
                        projectValue = projectValue.setScale(2, RoundingMode.CEILING);
                        // logger.debug("1406 projectValue:======>"+projectValue);
                        EmpcntClientProjectData empcntClientProjectData = new EmpcntClientProjectData(employee,
                                companyMaster, countType, month, projectMaster, year, costCentre,
                                allignedTimeZero, asistededTimeZero, projectValue, projectValue);
                        if (countTypeId == 1) {
                        if (countTypeId == 2) {
                        // copy proprotion
                        String mapId = yearId + "-" + monthId + "-" + employeeId + "-" + profitcentreId;
                        EmployeePcTagsTeamStruct employeePcTagsTeamStructCopy = employeePcTagsTeamStruct;
                        employeePcTagsTeamStructMap.put(mapId, employeePcTagsTeamStructCopy);
    } else if (apportionApproach == 2) {
        for (EmployeePcTagsTeamStruct employeePcTagsTeamStruct : employeePcTagsTeamStructList) {
            BigDecimal count = BigDecimal.ZERO;
            Map<Integer, BigDecimal> hoursMap = new HashMap<Integer, BigDecimal>();
            Map<Integer, Integer> companyMap = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();

            BigDecimal proportion = employeePcTagsTeamStruct.getProportion();
            String profitcentreId = employeePcTagsTeamStruct.getProfitCentre().getProfitCentreId();
            // Calculate for each profit centre
            BigDecimal pcProportion = proportion.multiply(remainProportion);
            BigDecimal hoursSum = BigDecimal.ZERO;

            List<Object[]> objectList = executionDataDao.findByYearIdMonthIdCostCentreIdProfitCentreId(yearId,
                    monthId, costCentreId, profitcentreId);

            if (!objectList.isEmpty()) {

                for (Object[] result : objectList) {
                    Integer projectId = (Integer) result[0];
                    BigDecimal hour = (BigDecimal) result[1];
                    Integer companyId = (Integer) result[2];
                    if (unAssignedProjects.isEmpty()) {
                        hoursMap.put(projectId, hour);
                        companyMap.put(projectId, companyId);
                    } else {
                        if (unAssignedProjects.containsKey(projectId) == false) {
                            hoursMap.put(projectId, hour);
                            companyMap.put(projectId, companyId);
                for (Integer projectId : hoursMap.keySet()) {
                    BigDecimal hour = hoursMap.get(projectId);
                    ProjectMaster projectMaster = new ProjectMaster();
                    Integer companyId = companyMap.get(projectId);
                    CompanyMaster companyMaster = new CompanyMaster();
                    BigDecimal resultHour = hour.divide(hoursSum, 2, RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN);
                    resultHour = resultHour.multiply(pcProportion);
                    resultHour = resultHour.setScale(2, RoundingMode.CEILING);
                    // logger.debug("1462 :resultHour=====>"+resultHour);
                    EmpcntClientProjectData empcntClientProjectData = new EmpcntClientProjectData(employee,
                            companyMaster, countType, month, projectMaster, year, costCentre, asistededTimeZero,
                            allignedTimeZero, resultHour, resultHour);
                    if (countTypeId == 1) {
                    if (countTypeId == 2) {
                    // copy proprotion
                    String mapId = yearId + "-" + monthId + "-" + employeeId + "-" + profitcentreId;
                    EmployeePcTagsTeamStruct employeePcTagsTeamStructCopy = employeePcTagsTeamStruct;
                    employeePcTagsTeamStructMap.put(mapId, employeePcTagsTeamStructCopy);

    } else if (apportionApproach == 3) {
        for (EmployeePcTagsTeamStruct employeePcTagsTeamStruct : employeePcTagsTeamStructList) {
            Map<Integer, CollageProjectRevenue> revenueMap = new HashMap<Integer, CollageProjectRevenue>();
            Map<Integer, ProjectMaster> projectMap = new HashMap<Integer, ProjectMaster>();

            BigDecimal proportion = employeePcTagsTeamStruct.getProportion();
            BigDecimal devider = new BigDecimal(100);
            proportion = proportion.divide(devider);
            logger.debug("===========================================>" + proportion);
            String profitcentreId = employeePcTagsTeamStruct.getProfitCentre().getProfitCentreId();
            // Calculate for each profit centre
            BigDecimal pcProportion = proportion.multiply(remainProportion);
            BigDecimal revenueSum = BigDecimal.ZERO;
            List<CollageProjectRevenue> collageProjectRevenueList = collageProjectRevenueDao
                    .findByYearIdMonthIdProfitCentreIdCostCentreId(yearId, monthId, profitcentreId,
            if (!collageProjectRevenueList.isEmpty()) {

                for (CollageProjectRevenue revenue : collageProjectRevenueList) {
                    if (unAssignedProjects.isEmpty()) {
                        Integer projectId = revenue.getProjectMaster().getProjectId();
                        logger.debug("1497 =projectId====>" + projectId);
                        revenueMap.put(projectId, revenue);
                        List<ProjectMaster> projectList = projectMasterDao.findByProjectId(projectId);
                        projectMap.put(projectId, projectList.get(0));
                        BigDecimal revenueVal = revenue.getRevenueValue();
                        // logger.debug("1503 =RevenueValue====>"+revenueVal);
                        revenueSum = revenueSum.add(revenueVal);
                    } else {
                        Integer projectId = revenue.getProjectMaster().getProjectId();
                        if (unAssignedProjects.containsKey(projectId) == false) {
                            // logger.debug("1507 =projectId====>"+projectId);
                            revenueMap.put(projectId, revenue);
                            List<ProjectMaster> projectList = projectMasterDao.findByProjectId(projectId);
                            projectMap.put(projectId, projectList.get(0));
                            BigDecimal revenueVal = revenue.getRevenueValue();
                            // logger.debug("1514 =RevenueValue====>"+revenue.getRevenueValue()
                            // +" : "+revenueVal);
                            revenueSum = revenueSum.add(revenueVal);

                logger.debug("1543 =revenueSum====>" + revenueSum);
                for (Integer projectId : revenueMap.keySet()) {
                    CollageProjectRevenue collageProjectRevenue = revenueMap.get(projectId);
                    ProjectMaster projectMaster = projectMap.get(projectId);
                    CompanyMaster companyMaster = projectMaster.getCompanyMaster();
                    BigDecimal revenueValue = collageProjectRevenue.getRevenueValue();

                    logger.debug("1516 =revenueSum : revenueValue====>" + revenueSum + " : " + revenueValue);
                    revenueValue = revenueValue.divide(revenueSum, 2, RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN);
                    revenueValue = revenueValue.multiply(pcProportion);
                    revenueValue = revenueValue.setScale(2, RoundingMode.CEILING);
                    logger.debug("1515 :Aportioned Count======>" + revenueValue);

                    EmpcntClientProjectData empcntClientProjectData = new EmpcntClientProjectData(employee,
                            companyMaster, countType, month, projectMaster, year, costCentre, allignedTimeZero,
                            asistededTimeZero, revenueValue, revenueValue);
                    if (countTypeId == 1) {
                    if (countTypeId == 2) {
                    // copy proprotion
                    String mapId = yearId + "-" + monthId + "-" + employeeId + "-" + profitcentreId;
                    EmployeePcTagsTeamStruct employeePcTagsTeamStructCopy = employeePcTagsTeamStruct;
                    employeePcTagsTeamStructMap.put(mapId, employeePcTagsTeamStructCopy);


    // logger.debug("<====getRevenueCountProportion End====>");

From source file:com.willwinder.universalgcodesender.MainWindow.java

private double getStepSize() {
    try {/* w ww.  j  a  va 2 s  .  c  o  m*/
    } catch (ParseException e) {
    BigDecimal bd = new BigDecimal(this.stepSizeSpinner.getValue().toString()).setScale(3,
    return bd.doubleValue();
    //return Double.parseDouble( this.stepSizeSpinner.getValue().toString() );