List of usage examples for java.math BigInteger ZERO
BigInteger ZERO
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/** * convert a byte array to a human readable base58 string. Base58 is a Bitcoin specific encoding similar to widely used base64 but avoids using characters * of similar shape, such as 1 and l or O an 0 * * @param b/* w w w .java 2s. c om*/ * @return */ public static String toBase58(byte[] b) { if (b.length == 0) { return ""; } int lz = 0; while (lz < b.length && b[lz] == 0) { ++lz; } StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(); BigInteger n = new BigInteger(1, b); while (n.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) > 0) { BigInteger[] r = n.divideAndRemainder(BigInteger.valueOf(58)); n = r[0]; char digit = b58[r[1].intValue()]; s.append(digit); } while (lz > 0) { --lz; s.append("1"); } return s.reverse().toString(); }
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public ServicioAdicional() { costo = new BigDecimal(BigInteger.ZERO); }
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public static BigInteger bitwiseGcd(BigInteger u, BigInteger v) { if (u.equals(BigInteger.ZERO)) return v; if (v.equals(BigInteger.ZERO)) return u; // System.out.format("u=%s=%s\nu.getLowestSetBit()=%s\n%s>>%s=%s = %s\n", u, u.toString(2), u.getLowestSetBit(), u, u.getLowestSetBit(), u.shiftRight(u.getLowestSetBit()), u.shiftRight(u.getLowestSetBit()).toString(2)); int uBit = u.getLowestSetBit(); int vBit = v.getLowestSetBit(); int k = (uBit <= vBit ? uBit : vBit); while (u.signum() > 0) { // first ensure that both are odd u = u.shiftRight(u.getLowestSetBit()); v = v.shiftRight(v.getLowestSetBit()); if (u.subtract(v).signum() >= 0) { u = (u.subtract(v)).shiftRight(1); } else {//from w w w . ja v a 2s . c om v = (v.subtract(u)).shiftRight(1); } } return v.shiftLeft(k); }
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public static Rational createRational(BigFraction fraction) { //FUTURE investigate performance if (fraction.getNumerator().equals(BigInteger.ZERO)) return Rational.ZERO; if (BigFraction.ONE.equals(fraction)) return Rational.ONE; return new Rational(fraction); }
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@Test public void testGetPartition() throws Exception { final int maxNodes = 5; final List<String> tokenRanges = new ArrayList<String>(); BigInteger start = BigInteger.ZERO; BigInteger step = RandomPartitioner.MAXIMUM.divide(BigInteger.valueOf(maxNodes)); for (int i = 0; i < maxNodes - 1; i++) { BigInteger end = start.add(step); tokenRanges.add(String.format("%d:%d", start, end)); start = end.add(BigInteger.ONE); }/* w w w .j av a2 s. c o m*/ tokenRanges.add(String.format("%d:0", start)); final JobConf conf = new JobConf(); conf.set(ClusterInfo.SPOTIFY_CASSANDRA_TOKENS_PARAM, StringUtils.join(tokenRanges, ",")); conf.set(ClusterInfo.SPOTIFY_CASSANDRA_PARTITIONER_PARAM, "org.apache.cassandra.dht.RandomPartitioner"); CassandraPartitioner instance = new CassandraPartitioner(); instance.configure(conf); Text key = new Text("foobar"); assertEquals(2, instance.getPartition(key, null, 5)); key = new Text("someotherkey"); assertEquals(1, instance.getPartition(key, null, 5)); key = new Text("1ce5cf4b861941f4aa799ae39ac9daa4"); assertEquals(4, instance.getPartition(key, null, 5)); }
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@Test public void getDataAsSupportsOneBackendSuperCastTypeTest() { Object o;//from w ww . j av a2s .c om data.setData(Collections.singleton(o = BigInteger.ZERO)); assertEquals(o, extr(data.getDataAs(Object.class))); }
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@Override public void ticket(List<DetalleFactura> detalles) { try (PrintWriter ticket = new PrintWriter("command/ticket.200")) { DecimalFormat decimalFormat = new DecimalFormat(); decimalFormat.setMaximumFractionDigits(1); ticket.println("@" + (char) 28 + "T" + (char) 28 + "T"); BigDecimal descuento = new BigDecimal(BigInteger.ZERO); for (DetalleFactura detalle : detalles) { if (detalle.getDescuentoDetalle() != null) { descuento = descuento.add(detalle.getDescuentoDetalle()); }/* w ww. j a v a2 s. c o m*/ String price = null; BigDecimal sinIVA = detalle.getProducto().getPrecioVenta().subtract(detalle.getProducto() .getPrecioVenta().multiply(new BigDecimal(17.35)).divide(new BigDecimal(100))); price = sinIVA.setScale(4, RoundingMode.HALF_UP).toString(); ticket.println("B" + (char) 28 /*Abrimos linea*/ + detalle.getProducto().getDescripcion() + (char) 28 /*Nombre producto*/ + detalle.getCantidadDetalle() + ".0" + (char) 28 /*Cantidad*/ + price.replace(",", ".") + (char) 28 /*Precio unitario*/ + "21.0" + (char) 28 /*Impuestos IVA*/ + "M" + (char) 28 /*Suma monto*/ + "0.0" + (char) 28 /*Impuestos internos*/ + "0" + (char) 28 /*Parametro display*/ + "b"); /*Cierra de linea*/ } if (!descuento.equals(new BigDecimal(BigInteger.ZERO))) { ticket.println("T" + (char) 28 /*Abrimos linea descuento*/ + "Descuento: " + (char) 28 /*Texto a mostrar*/ + descuento + (char) 28 /*Monto descuento*/ + "m" + (char) 28 /*m: descuento, M: aumento*/ + "0" + (char) 28 /*parametro display*/ + "T"); /*cierre linea descuento*/ } ticket.println("E"); } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { Logger.getLogger(FiscalDAOImpl.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } }
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public static BigInteger randomBitFlip(BigInteger n) { if (n.equals(BigInteger.ONE)) return BigInteger.ONE; if (n.equals(BigInteger.ZERO)) return BigInteger.ZERO; BigInteger toRet = BigInteger.ONE; while (toRet.equals(BigInteger.ONE) || toRet.equals(BigInteger.ZERO)) { byte[] bytes = n.toByteArray(); getInstance().random.nextBytes(bytes); // could allow up to maxExclusive by converting and checking value // but this is faster, even if it doesn't give us full range bytes[0] = 0;//from ww w . j a v a 2s. c om toRet = new BigInteger(bytes); } return toRet; }
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public void calculateBitmap() { LOGGER.debug("Number of active Data Element [{}]", dataElementContent.size()); BigInteger bitmap = BigInteger.ZERO.setBit(128); for (Integer de : dataElementContent.keySet()) { LOGGER.debug("Set active flag for Data Element [{}]", de); if (de > 64) { bitmap = bitmap.setBit(128 - 1); }/*w ww . j a v a2s.c om*/ bitmap = bitmap.setBit(128 - de); } LOGGER.debug("Final bitmap bin : [{}]", bitmap.toString(2).substring(1)); LOGGER.debug("Final bitmap hex : [{}]", bitmap.toString(16).substring(1)); setPrimaryBitmapStream(StringUtils.rightPad(bitmap.toString(16).substring(1, 16), 16, "0")); if (bitmap.testBit(128 - 1)) { setSecondaryBitmapStream(StringUtils.rightPad(bitmap.toString(16).substring(17), 16, "0")); } }
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@Override public Void call() throws Exception { BigInteger rows = BigInteger.ZERO; Long bytes = 0L;/* www. j a v a 2 s . c o m*/ try { // block and wait for each job to complete then save results to a file QueryStats stats =, term.getFilename()); rows = stats.getTotalRows(); bytes = stats.getTotalProcessedBytes(); } catch (IOException ioe) { // transient backend errors log.warn("failed to save query results to file, jobId: " + term.getJobId(), ioe); }"Query found " + rows + ", rows"); term.setRows(rows).setBytes(bytes); return null; }