Example usage for java.math BigInteger valueOf

List of usage examples for java.math BigInteger valueOf


In this page you can find the example usage for java.math BigInteger valueOf.


private static BigInteger valueOf(int val[]) 

Source Link


Returns a BigInteger with the given two's complement representation.


From source file:strat.mining.stratum.proxy.Launcher.java

 * Check that a valid SSl certificate already exists. If not, create a new
 * one.//from   www. j  a  va 2s. co m
 * @throws Exception
private static void checkCertificate() throws Exception {
    File storeFile = new File(ConfigurationManager.getInstance().getDatabaseDirectory(), KEYSTORE_FILE_NAME);
    KeyStore keyStore = KeyStore.getInstance("JKS");
    if (!storeFile.exists()) {
        LOGGER.info("KeyStore does not exist. Create {}", storeFile.getAbsolutePath());
        keyStore.load(null, null);

        LOGGER.info("Generating new SSL certificate.");
        AlgorithmIdentifier sigAlgId = new DefaultSignatureAlgorithmIdentifierFinder().find("SHA256withRSA");
        AlgorithmIdentifier digAlgId = new DefaultDigestAlgorithmIdentifierFinder().find(sigAlgId);

        RSAKeyPairGenerator keyGenerator = new RSAKeyPairGenerator();
                .init(new RSAKeyGenerationParameters(BigInteger.valueOf(101), new SecureRandom(), 2048, 14));
        AsymmetricCipherKeyPair keysPair = keyGenerator.generateKeyPair();

        RSAKeyParameters rsaPrivateKey = (RSAKeyParameters) keysPair.getPrivate();
        RSAPrivateKeySpec rsaPrivSpec = new RSAPrivateKeySpec(rsaPrivateKey.getModulus(),
        RSAKeyParameters rsaPublicKey = (RSAKeyParameters) keysPair.getPublic();
        RSAPublicKeySpec rsaPublicSpec = new RSAPublicKeySpec(rsaPublicKey.getModulus(),
        KeyFactory kf = KeyFactory.getInstance("RSA");
        PrivateKey rsaPriv = kf.generatePrivate(rsaPrivSpec);
        PublicKey rsaPub = kf.generatePublic(rsaPublicSpec);

        X500Name issuerDN = new X500Name("CN=localhost, OU=None, O=None, L=None, C=None");
        Integer randomNumber = new SecureRandom().nextInt();
        BigInteger serialNumber = BigInteger.valueOf(randomNumber >= 0 ? randomNumber : randomNumber * -1);
        Date notBefore = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() - 1000L * 60 * 60 * 24 * 30);
        Date notAfter = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() + (1000L * 60 * 60 * 24 * 365 * 10));
        X500Name subjectDN = new X500Name("CN=localhost, OU=None, O=None, L=None, C=None");
        byte[] publickeyb = rsaPub.getEncoded();
        ASN1Sequence sequence = (ASN1Sequence) ASN1Primitive.fromByteArray(publickeyb);
        SubjectPublicKeyInfo subPubKeyInfo = new SubjectPublicKeyInfo(sequence);
        X509v3CertificateBuilder v3CertGen = new X509v3CertificateBuilder(issuerDN, serialNumber, notBefore,
                notAfter, subjectDN, subPubKeyInfo);

        ContentSigner contentSigner = new BcRSAContentSignerBuilder(sigAlgId, digAlgId)
        X509CertificateHolder certificateHolder = v3CertGen.build(contentSigner);

        Certificate certificate = new CertificateFactory()
                .engineGenerateCertificate(new ByteBufferBackedInputStream(

        LOGGER.info("Certificate generated.");

        keyStore.setKeyEntry(KEYSTORE_KEY_ENTRY_ALIAS, rsaPriv, KEYSTORE_PASSWORD.toCharArray(),
                new java.security.cert.Certificate[] { certificate });

        keyStore.store(new FileOutputStream(storeFile), KEYSTORE_PASSWORD.toCharArray());

From source file:info.estebanluengo.alfrescoAPI.AlfrescoAPI.java

 * Creates a new Document in the folder with the name, content, and mimeType, docType and properties given in the method call
 * //w ww.j  a  v a 2  s  .c o m
 * @param session a Session object that is connected with the server
 * @param folder a Folder object where the new document will be created
 * @param fileName a String that contain the file name
 * @param content a byte array that contain the document
 * @param mimeType a String that represent the mime type of the document
 * @param docType a String that represent the document type. If it is null then CUSTOM_DOCUMENT_TYPE will be used
 * @param docProps a Map with the properties to are associated to the document. It may be null
 * @return a Document object that represent the document that has just been created
 * @throws CmisContentAlreadyExistsException if the document to be created exists in the same folder
public static Document createDocument(Session session, Folder folder, String fileName, byte[] content,
        String mimeType, String docType, Map<String, Object> docProps)
        throws CmisContentAlreadyExistsException {
    logger.debug("createDocument called for document name:" + fileName);
    if (docProps == null) {
        docProps = new HashMap<>();
    docProps.put(PropertyIds.NAME, fileName);
    docProps.put(PropertyIds.OBJECT_TYPE_ID, docType == null ? CUSTOM_DOCUMENT_TYPE : docType);
    ByteArrayInputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(content);
    ContentStream contentStream = new ContentStreamImpl(fileName, BigInteger.valueOf(content.length), mimeType,
    ObjectId documentId = session.createDocument(docProps,
            session.createObjectId((String) folder.getPropertyValue(PropertyIds.OBJECT_ID)), contentStream,
    logger.debug("Document created with id:" + documentId.getId());
    Document document = (Document) session.getObject(documentId);
    return document;

From source file:mitm.common.security.crl.PKIXRevocationChecker.java

private DeltaCRLStatus getDeltaCRLStatus(X509Certificate targetCertificate, X509CRL deltaCRL,
        PublicKey issuerPublicKey, Date now) throws NoSuchProviderException {
    DeltaCRLStatus status = DeltaCRLStatus.UNKNOWN;

    BigInteger baseCRLNumber;/*ww w  .j  av  a  2 s.  c o m*/

    try {
        baseCRLNumber = X509CRLInspector.getDeltaIndicator(deltaCRL);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        logger.error("Error getting base CRL number", e);

        return DeltaCRLStatus.UNKNOWN;

    X509CRLSelector crlSelector = new X509CRLSelector();

    /* We need to find a valid base CRL with the same issuer as the delta CRL */

     * we need to find a baseCRL with at least a CRL number specified by the DeltaCRLIndicator in 
     * the delta CRL

    BigInteger deltaCRLNumber = null;

    try {
        deltaCRLNumber = X509CRLInspector.getCRLNumber(deltaCRL);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        logger.error("Error getting CRLNumber extension from the delta CRL.", e);

    if (deltaCRLNumber != null) {
         * the base CRL we need to find should have a  CRL number less than the delta CRL
         * otherwise it cannot be a base for this delta CRL

        List<X509CRL> crls = findCRLs(targetCertificate, crlSelector, issuerPublicKey, now);

        for (X509CRL baseCRL : crls) {
            try {
                if (checkDeltaCRL_6_3_3_b(targetCertificate, deltaCRL, baseCRL)) {
                    status = DeltaCRLStatus.OK;
            } catch (IOException e) {
                logger.error("Error executing checkDeltaCRL_6_3_3_b.", e);

            if (hasUnsupportedCriticalExtensions(baseCRL)) {
                logger.warn("The base CRL has unsupported critical extensions.");

                status = DeltaCRLStatus.UNSUPPORTED_CRITICAL_EXTENSION;


    return status;

From source file:org.tsm.concharto.service.EventSearchServiceHib.java

private SQLQuery createQuery(String prefix, Geometry boundingBox, SearchParams params) {
    StringBuffer select = new StringBuffer(prefix).append(SQL_SELECT_STUB);
    select.append(SQL_TIME_JOIN); //always join on time, so we can order by time
    StringBuffer clause = new StringBuffer();
    boolean hasConjuncted = false;
    if (params.getVisibility() == Visibility.NORMAL) {
        hasConjuncted = addClause(hasConjuncted, clause, SQL_VISIBLE_CLAUSE);
    } else if (params.getVisibility() == Visibility.HIDDEN) {
        hasConjuncted = addClause(hasConjuncted, clause, SQL_HIDDEN_CLAUSE);
    } else if (params.getVisibility() == Visibility.FLAGGED) {
        hasConjuncted = addClause(hasConjuncted, clause, SQL_FLAGGED_CLAUSE);
    }/*from  ww w .  jav a2s.  c o m*/
    if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(params.getTextFilter())) {
        hasConjuncted = addClause(hasConjuncted, clause, SQL_MATCH_CLAUSE);
    if (boundingBox != null) {
        hasConjuncted = addClause(hasConjuncted, clause, SQL_MBRWITHIN_CLAUSE);
    if (params.getTimeRange() != null) {
        if (params.isIncludeTimeRangeOverlaps()) {
            addClause(hasConjuncted, clause, SQL_TIMERANGE_CLAUSE);
        } else {
            addClause(hasConjuncted, clause, SQL_TIMERANGE_EXCLUDE_OVERLAPS_CLAUSE);
    if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(params.getUserTag())) {
        //special case for empty tags
        if (!UNTAGGED.equals(params.getUserTag())) {
            hasConjuncted = addClause(hasConjuncted, clause, SQL_TAG_CLAUSE);
        } else {
            hasConjuncted = addClause(hasConjuncted, clause, SQL_TAG_EMPTY_CLAUSE);
    if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(params.getCatalog())) {
        hasConjuncted = addClause(hasConjuncted, clause, SQL_CATALOG_CLAUSE);

    // Note: Hibernate always uses prepared statements
    SQLQuery sqlQuery = this.sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().createSQLQuery(select.toString());

    if (boundingBox != null) {
        sqlQuery.setString(PARAM_GEOM_TEXT, boundingBox.toText());
    if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(params.getTextFilter())) {
        sqlQuery.setString(PARAM_SEARCH_TEXT, params.getTextFilter());
    if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(params.getUserTag())) {
        //special case for empty tags
        if (!UNTAGGED.equals(params.getUserTag())) {
            sqlQuery.setString(PARAM_TAG, StringUtils.trim(params.getUserTag()));
    if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(params.getCatalog())) {
        sqlQuery.setString(PARAM_CATALOG, StringUtils.trim(params.getCatalog()));
    if (params.getTimeRange() != null) {
    return sqlQuery;

From source file:com.google.jenkins.plugins.storage.AbstractUpload.java

 * This is the workhorse API for performing the actual uploads.  It is
 * performed at the workspace, so that all of the {@link FilePath}s should
 * be local./*from  www .  j  av a  2 s .c o  m*/
private void performUploads(Map<String, String> metadata, String bucketName, String objectPrefix,
        GoogleRobotCredentials credentials, UploadSpec uploads, TaskListener listener) throws UploadException {
    try {
        Storage service = module.getStorageService(credentials);
        Executor executor = module.newExecutor();

        // Ensure the bucket exists, fetching it regardless so that we can
        // attach its default ACLs to the objects we upload.
        Bucket bucket = getOrCreateBucket(service, credentials, executor, bucketName);

        for (FilePath include : uploads.inclusions) {
            String relativePath = getRelative(include, uploads.workspace);
            String uploadedFileName = getStrippedFilename(relativePath);
            String finalName = FilenameUtils
                    .separatorsToUnix(FilenameUtils.concat(objectPrefix, uploadedFileName));

            StorageObject object = new StorageObject().setName(finalName).setMetadata(metadata)

            if (isSharedPublicly()) {
                object.setAcl(addPublicReadAccess(getDefaultObjectAcl(bucket, listener)));

            // Give clients an opportunity to decorate the storage
            // object before we store it.
            annotateObject(object, listener);

            // Log that we are uploading the file and begin executing the upload.
            performUploadWithRetry(executor, service, bucket, object, include);
    } catch (ForbiddenException e) {
        // If the user doesn't own a bucket then they will end up here.
        throw new UploadException(Messages.AbstractUpload_ForbiddenFileUpload(), e);
    } catch (ExecutorException e) {
        throw new UploadException(Messages.AbstractUpload_ExceptionFileUpload(), e);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new UploadException(Messages.AbstractUpload_ExceptionFileUpload(), e);
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        throw new UploadException(Messages.AbstractUpload_ExceptionFileUpload(), e);

From source file:com.github.jrrdev.mantisbtsync.core.jobs.enums.EnumsReadersTest.java

 * Generate items for the tests.//from   w w  w.ja v a2 s  .co  m
 * @param operation
 *          Operation name
 * @return items
private ObjectRef[] generateItems(final String operation) {
    final ObjectRef[] items = new ObjectRef[] { new ObjectRef(BigInteger.valueOf(1), operation + "_1"),
            new ObjectRef(BigInteger.valueOf(2), operation + "_2") };
    return items;

From source file:jp.aegif.nemaki.cmis.aspect.impl.CompileServiceImpl.java

public <T extends Content> ObjectList compileObjectDataList(CallContext callContext, String repositoryId,
        List<T> contents, String filter, Boolean includeAllowableActions,
        IncludeRelationships includeRelationships, String renditionFilter, Boolean includeAcl,
        BigInteger maxItems, BigInteger skipCount, boolean folderOnly, String orderBy) {
    if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(contents)) {
        //Empty list
        ObjectListImpl list = new ObjectListImpl();
        list.setObjects(new ArrayList<ObjectData>());
        list.setHasMoreItems(false);/*from  ww  w  .ja  va 2 s  .c o  m*/
        return list;
    } else {
        List<ObjectData> ods = new ArrayList<ObjectData>();
        for (T c : contents) {
            //Filter by folderOnly
            if (folderOnly && !c.isFolder()) {

            //Get each ObjectData
            ObjectData _od;
            ObjectData v = nemakiCachePool.get(repositoryId).getObjectDataCache().get(c.getId());
            if (v == null) {
                _od = compileObjectDataWithFullAttributes(callContext, repositoryId, c);
            } else {
                _od = (ObjectDataImpl) v;

            ObjectData od = filterObjectDataInList(callContext, repositoryId, _od, filter,
                    includeAllowableActions, includeRelationships, renditionFilter, includeAcl);
            if (od != null) {

        sortUtil.sort(repositoryId, ods, orderBy);

        //Set metadata
        ObjectListImpl list = new ObjectListImpl();
        Integer _skipCount = skipCount.intValue();
        Integer _maxItems = maxItems.intValue();

        if (_skipCount >= ods.size()) {
            list.setObjects(new ArrayList<ObjectData>());
        } else {
            Boolean hasMoreItems = _skipCount + _maxItems < ods.size();
            //paged list
            Integer toIndex = Math.min(_skipCount + _maxItems, ods.size());
            list.setObjects(new ArrayList<>(ods.subList(_skipCount, toIndex)));

        return list;

From source file:org.pgptool.gui.encryption.implpgp.EncryptionServicePgpImpl.java

public void decrypt(String sourceFile, String targetFile, PasswordDeterminedForKey keyAndPassword,
        ProgressHandler optionalProgressHandler, OutputStreamSupervisor optionalOutputStreamSupervisor)
        throws InvalidPasswordException, UserRequestedCancellationException {

    OutputStreamSupervisor outputStreamSupervisor = optionalOutputStreamSupervisor != null
            ? optionalOutputStreamSupervisor
            : new OutputStreamSupervisorImpl();

    log.debug("Decrypting " + sourceFile);

    Updater progress = null;//w  ww . j a  va  2s .  co m
    BigInteger sourceSize = BigInteger.valueOf(new File(sourceFile).length());
    if (optionalProgressHandler != null) {
        progress = Progress.create("action.decrypt", optionalProgressHandler);
        progress.updateStepInfo("progress.preparingKeys", FilenameUtils.getName(sourceFile));

    Key decryptionKey = keyAndPassword.getMatchedKey();
    String passphrase = keyAndPassword.getPassword();

    Preconditions.checkArgument(StringUtils.hasText(sourceFile) && new File(sourceFile).exists(),
            "Source file name must be correct");
    Preconditions.checkArgument(StringUtils.hasText(targetFile), "Target file name must be provided");
    Preconditions.checkArgument(decryptionKey != null, "decryption key must be provided");
    Preconditions.checkArgument(StringUtils.hasText(passphrase), "Passphrase must be provided");

    InputStream in = null;
    try {
        PGPSecretKey secretKey = KeyDataPgp.get(decryptionKey)
        PGPPrivateKey privateKey = getPrivateKey(passphrase, secretKey);

        CountingInputStream countingStream = new CountingInputStream(new FileInputStream(sourceFile));
        in = new BufferedInputStream(countingStream);
        PGPPublicKeyEncryptedData publicKeyEncryptedData = getPublicKeyEncryptedDataByKeyId(in, secretKey);
        OutputStream outputStream = outputStreamSupervisor.get(targetFile);
        decryptStream(publicKeyEncryptedData, privateKey, outputStream, progress, countingStream);

        if (optionalProgressHandler != null) {
            // NOTE: The problem with decryption is that BC doesn't provide API to get
            // compressed+encrypted file size so it's hard to report progress precisely. We
            // do our best, but still it's very approximate. So that's why we need to
            // explicitly set 100% after operation was completed
    } catch (Throwable t) {
        File fileToDelete = new File(targetFile);
        if (fileToDelete.exists() && !fileToDelete.delete()) {
            log.warn("Failed to delete file after failed decryption: " + targetFile);

        Throwables.throwIfInstanceOf(t, InvalidPasswordException.class);
        Throwables.throwIfInstanceOf(t, UserRequestedCancellationException.class);
        log.error("Decryption failed", t);
        throw new RuntimeException("Decryption failed", t);
    } finally {

From source file:com.qut.middleware.crypto.impl.CryptoProcessorImpl.java

private X509Certificate generateV3Certificate(KeyPair pair, String certSubjectDN, Calendar before,
        Calendar expiry) throws CryptoException {
    X509V3CertificateGenerator cert = new X509V3CertificateGenerator();

    /* Set the certificate serial number to a random number */
    Random rand = new Random();

    /* Generates a number between 0 and 2^32 as the serial */
    BigInteger serial = BigInteger.valueOf(rand.nextInt(Integer.MAX_VALUE));
    logger.info("Setting X509 Cert Serial to: " + serial);

    cert.setSerialNumber(serial);/*from w  w  w .  jav a 2s  .c o m*/

    /* Set the certificate issuer */
    cert.setIssuerDN(new X500Principal(this.certIssuerDN));

    /* Set the start of valid period. */

    /* Set the certificate expiry date. */

    /* Set the subject */
    cert.setSubjectDN(new X500Principal(certSubjectDN));


    /* Signature algorithm, this may need to be changed if not all hosts have SHA256 and RSA implementations */

    cert.addExtension(X509Extensions.BasicConstraints, true, new BasicConstraints(false));

    /* Only for signing */
    cert.addExtension(X509Extensions.KeyUsage, true,
            new KeyUsage(KeyUsage.digitalSignature | KeyUsage.keyCertSign));
    cert.addExtension(X509Extensions.ExtendedKeyUsage, true,
            new ExtendedKeyUsage(KeyPurposeId.id_kp_serverAuth));

    /* Set a contact email address for the issuer */
    cert.addExtension(X509Extensions.SubjectAlternativeName, false,
            new GeneralNames(new GeneralName(GeneralName.rfc822Name, this.certIssuerEmail)));

    logger.debug("Generating X509Certificate for key pair: " + pair);

    try {
        /* Use the BouncyCastle provider to actually generate the X509Certificate now */
        return cert.generateX509Certificate(pair.getPrivate(), "BC");
    } catch (InvalidKeyException e) {
        this.logger.error("InvalidKeyException thrown, " + e.getLocalizedMessage());
        throw new CryptoException(e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);
    } catch (NoSuchProviderException e) {
        this.logger.error("NoSuchProviderException thrown, " + e.getLocalizedMessage());
        throw new CryptoException(e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);
    } catch (SecurityException e) {
        this.logger.error("SecurityException thrown, " + e.getLocalizedMessage());
        throw new CryptoException(e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);
    } catch (SignatureException e) {
        this.logger.error("SignatureException thrown, " + e.getLocalizedMessage());
        throw new CryptoException(e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);


From source file:net.pms.util.Rational.java

 * Returns an instance with the given {@code numerator} and
 * {@code denominator}./*from  www . j  a v  a 2  s .  c  o  m*/
 * @param numerator the numerator.
 * @param denominator the denominator.
 * @return An instance that represents the value of {@code numerator}/
 *         {@code denominator}.
public static Rational valueOf(long numerator, long denominator) {
    if (numerator == 0 && denominator == 0) {
        return NaN;
    if (denominator == 0) {
        return numerator > 0 ? POSITIVE_INFINITY : NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
    if (numerator == 0) {
        return ZERO;
    if (numerator == denominator) {
        return ONE;
    BigInteger biNumerator;
    BigInteger biDenominator;
    if (denominator < 0) {
        biNumerator = BigInteger.valueOf(-numerator);
        biDenominator = BigInteger.valueOf(-denominator);
    } else {
        biNumerator = BigInteger.valueOf(numerator);
        biDenominator = BigInteger.valueOf(denominator);
    long gcd = calculateGreatestCommonDivisor(numerator, denominator);
    BigInteger greatestCommonDivisor = BigInteger.valueOf(gcd);
    BigInteger reducedNumerator;
    BigInteger reducedDenominator;
    if (gcd == 1) {
        reducedNumerator = biNumerator;
        reducedDenominator = biDenominator;
    } else {
        reducedNumerator = biNumerator.divide(greatestCommonDivisor);
        reducedDenominator = biDenominator.divide(greatestCommonDivisor);
    return new Rational(biNumerator, biDenominator, greatestCommonDivisor, reducedNumerator,