List of usage examples for java.math BigInteger add
BigInteger add(long val)
From source
@Override public BigInteger rePrintChecksInsert(Motransaction motrans, BigInteger startId, BigInteger endId, BigInteger chekcNo, Integer yearID, Integer periodID, String username) throws BankingException { itsLogger.debug("moTransaction Update"); Session aSession = null;/*w ww . ja v a 2s . c om*/ /* * Description: MoAccountID is Added to check#. * Table:glLinkage * Reason: fetching Purpose */ BigInteger startId1 = new BigInteger(motrans.getMoAccountId() + "" + startId); BigInteger endId1 = new BigInteger(motrans.getMoAccountId() + "" + endId); GlTransaction aGlTransaction = null; GlTransaction bGlTransaction = null; GlTransaction theGlTransaction = null; String updateQuery = null; //int newCheckValue = chekcNo.intValue(); BigInteger referenceValue = chekcNo; int k = 0; try { Coledgersource aColedgersource = new Coledgersource(); Cofiscalperiod aCofiscalperiod = accountingCyclesService.getCurrentPeriod(periodID); Cofiscalyear aCofiscalyear = accountingCyclesService.getCurrentYear(yearID); aColedgersource = gltransactionService.getColedgersourceDetail("WC"); updateQuery = "SELECT distinct(glTransactionId),vebillID FROM glLinkage WHERE STATUS=0 AND coLedgerSourceId = " + aColedgersource.getCoLedgerSourceId() + " and vebillID BETWEEN " + startId1 + " AND " + endId1;"Query : " + updateQuery);"MoAccountID:---->" + motrans.getMoAccountId()); aSession = itsSessionFactory.openSession(); Query insQuery = aSession.createSQLQuery(updateQuery); Iterator<?> theIterator = insQuery.list().iterator(); Transaction aSearchInsert = aSession.beginTransaction(); ArrayList<GlTransaction> glTransactionList = new ArrayList<GlTransaction>(); while (theIterator.hasNext()) { k++; aGlTransaction = new GlTransaction(); theGlTransaction = new GlTransaction(); Object[] aObj = (Object[]); aGlTransaction = (GlTransaction) aSession.get(GlTransaction.class, ((Integer) aObj[0])); bGlTransaction = new GlTransaction(); bGlTransaction.setBankClosingBalance(aGlTransaction.getBankClosingBalance()); bGlTransaction.setBankOpeningBalance(aGlTransaction.getBankOpeningBalance()); bGlTransaction.setCoAccountDesc(aGlTransaction.getCoAccountDesc()); bGlTransaction.setCoAccountId(aGlTransaction.getCoAccountId()); bGlTransaction.setCoAccountNumber(aGlTransaction.getCoAccountNumber()); bGlTransaction.setCoFiscalPeriodId(aCofiscalperiod.getCoFiscalPeriodId()); bGlTransaction.setpStartDate(aCofiscalperiod.getStartDate()); bGlTransaction.setpEndDate(aCofiscalperiod.getEndDate()); bGlTransaction.setPeriod(aCofiscalperiod.getPeriod()); bGlTransaction.setCoFiscalYearId(aCofiscalyear.getCoFiscalYearId()); bGlTransaction.setyStartDate(aCofiscalyear.getStartDate()); bGlTransaction.setyStartDate(aCofiscalyear.getEndDate()); bGlTransaction.setFyear(aCofiscalyear.getFiscalYear()); bGlTransaction.setEntrydate(new Date()); bGlTransaction.setEnteredBy(username); bGlTransaction.setTransactionDate(motrans.getTransactionDate()); bGlTransaction.setHiddenstatus(aGlTransaction.getHiddenstatus()); bGlTransaction.setJournalDesc(aGlTransaction.getJournalDesc()); bGlTransaction.setJournalId(aGlTransaction.getJournalId()); bGlTransaction.setOldcoAccountId(aGlTransaction.getOldcoAccountId()); bGlTransaction.setOldcoAccountNumber(aGlTransaction.getOldcoAccountNumber()); bGlTransaction.setStatus(aGlTransaction.getStatus()); bGlTransaction.setTransactionDesc(aGlTransaction.getTransactionDesc()); bGlTransaction.setPoNumber(referenceValue + ""); bGlTransaction.setDebit(aGlTransaction.getDebit()); bGlTransaction.setCredit(aGlTransaction.getCredit()); glTransactionList.add(bGlTransaction); if (k % 2 == 0) { referenceValue = referenceValue.add(BigInteger.ONE); GlRollback glRollback = new GlRollback(); glRollback.setVeBillID((Integer) aObj[1]); glRollback.setCoLedgerSourceID(aColedgersource.getCoLedgerSourceId()); glRollback.setPeriodID(periodID); glRollback.setYearID(yearID); glRollback.setTransactionDate(motrans.getTransactionDate()); gltransactionService.rollBackGlTransaction(glRollback); }"Reference Val: " + referenceValue); } for (int a = 0; a < glTransactionList.size(); a++) { GlTransaction cGlTransaction = new GlTransaction(); cGlTransaction = glTransactionList.get(a); Integer glID = 0; glID = (Integer); glLinkageInsert(aColedgersource, glID, Integer.parseInt(cGlTransaction.getPoNumber()), motrans.getMoAccountId()); } aSearchInsert.commit(); } catch (Exception e) { itsLogger.error(e.getMessage(), e); BankingException aBankingException = new BankingException(e.getMessage(), e); throw aBankingException; } finally { aSession.flush(); aSession.close(); updateQuery = null; } String aCustomerQry = "SELECT * FROM moTransaction WHERE CAST(reference AS UNSIGNED) BETWEEN " + startId + " AND " + endId + " AND moAccountID=" + motrans.getMoAccountId();"Query : " + aCustomerQry); Motransaction aMotransaction = null; Motransaction aMotransactionUpdate = null; MoAccount aMoAccount = null; Query theQuery = null; BigInteger newCheckValue = chekcNo; try { aSession = itsSessionFactory.openSession(); Query aQuery = aSession.createSQLQuery(aCustomerQry); Iterator<?> aIterator = aQuery.list().iterator(); Transaction aSearchInsert = aSession.beginTransaction(); while (aIterator.hasNext()) { aMotransaction = new Motransaction(); Object[] aObj = (Object[]); aMotransaction.setMoTransactionId((Integer) aObj[0]); aMotransactionUpdate = (Motransaction) aSession.get(Motransaction.class, aMotransaction.getMoTransactionId()); theQuery = aSession.createQuery( "From VeBillPaymentHistory where checkNo='" + aMotransactionUpdate.getReference() + "'"); List aList = theQuery.list(); for (int n = 0; n < aList.size(); n++) { VeBillPaymentHistory objph = (VeBillPaymentHistory) aList.get(n); VeBillPaymentHistory objvbillph = (VeBillPaymentHistory) aSession .get(VeBillPaymentHistory.class, objph.getPaymentHistoryID()); objvbillph.setCheckNo(newCheckValue + "");; } aMotransactionUpdate.setReference(newCheckValue + ""); aSession.update(aMotransactionUpdate); newCheckValue = newCheckValue.add(BigInteger.ONE);"New Check Val: " + newCheckValue); aMoAccount = new MoAccount(); aMoAccount = (MoAccount) aSession.get(MoAccount.class, motrans.getMoAccountId()); aMoAccount.setNextCheckNumber(newCheckValue.intValue()); aSession.update(aMotransactionUpdate); } aSearchInsert.commit(); } catch (Exception e) { itsLogger.error(e.getMessage(), e); BankingException aBankingException = new BankingException(e.getMessage(), e); throw aBankingException; } /*Session bSession = null; String InsertQry = "INSERT INTO motransaction " + "(rxMasterID,rxAddressID,coAccountID,moAccountId,TransactionDate," + "moTransactionTypeID,CheckType,reference,Description,void,reconciled," + "temprec,printed,amount,directdeposit) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"; Motransaction aSearchList = new Motransaction(); try { bSession = itsSessionFactory.openSession(); Transaction aSearchInsert = bSession.beginTransaction(); Query aQuery = bSession.createSQLQuery(InsertQry); for (int i = 0; i < aQueryList.size(); i++) { aSearchList = (Motransaction) aQueryList.get(i); aQuery.setInteger(1, aSearchList.getRxMasterId()); aQuery.setInteger(2, aSearchList.getRxAddressId()); aQuery.setInteger(3, aSearchList.getCoAccountId()); aQuery.setInteger(4, aSearchList.getMoAccountId()); aQuery.setDate(5, aSearchList.getTransactionDate()); aQuery.setInteger(6, aSearchList.getMoTransactionTypeId()); aQuery.setInteger(7, aSearchList.getCheckType()); aQuery.setString(8, newCheckValue+""); aQuery.setString(9, aSearchList.getDescription()); aQuery.setInteger(10, aSearchList.getVoid_()); aQuery.setInteger(11, aSearchList.getReconciled()); aQuery.setInteger(12, aSearchList.getTempRec()); aQuery.setInteger(13, aSearchList.getPrinted()); aQuery.setBigDecimal(14, aSearchList.getAmount()); aQuery.setInteger(15, aSearchList.getDirectDeposit());; if (i % 100 == 0) { aSession.flush(); aSession.clear(); Session aTransdetailSession = itsSessionFactory.openSession(); Transaction aTransaction; try { aTransaction = aTransdetailSession.beginTransaction(); aTransaction.begin(); aTransdetailSession.delete(aSearchList); aTransaction.commit(); } catch (Exception excep) { itsLogger.error(excep.getMessage(), excep); BankingException aBankingException = new BankingException(excep.getMessage(), excep); throw aBankingException; } finally { aTransdetailSession.flush(); aTransdetailSession.close(); } } } aSearchInsert.commit(); } catch (Exception e) { itsLogger.error(e.getMessage(), e); BankingException aBankingException = new BankingException(e.getMessage(), e); throw aBankingException; }*/ finally { aSession.flush(); aSession.close(); aCustomerQry = null; } return newCheckValue; }
From source
/** * Calls {@link Wallet#commitTx} if tx is not already in the pending pool * * @return true if the tx was added to the wallet, or false if it was already in the pending pool *///from w w w . j ava 2 public boolean maybeCommitTx(Transaction tx) throws VerificationException { tx.verify(); lock.lock(); try {"!!!! commit START!!! " + tx.getHashAsString()); if (pending.containsKey(tx.getHash())) return false;"commitTx of {}", tx.getHashAsString()); BigInteger balance = getBalance(); tx.setUpdateTime(; // Mark the outputs we're spending as spent so we won't try and use them in future creations. This will also // move any transactions that are now fully spent to the spent map so we can skip them when creating future // spends. updateForSpends(tx, false); // Add to the pending pool. It'll be moved out once we receive this transaction on the best chain. // This also registers txConfidenceListener so wallet listeners get informed."->pending: {}", tx.getHashAsString()); tx.getConfidence().setConfidenceType(ConfidenceType.PENDING); confidenceChanged.put(tx, TransactionConfidence.Listener.ChangeReason.TYPE); addWalletTransaction(Pool.PENDING, tx); /* CSPK-mike START */ // Looking for assets in pending transaction"New tx " + tx.getHash().toString() + " in memory pool");"!!!! commit HIT!!! " + tx.getHashAsString()); CSTransactionAssets txAssets = new CSTransactionAssets(tx); txAssets.updateAssetBalances(this, 0, CS.getInputAssetBalances(tx)); CS.addToRecentSends(tx); /* CSPK-mike END */ try { BigInteger valueSentFromMe = tx.getValueSentFromMe(this); BigInteger valueSentToMe = tx.getValueSentToMe(this); BigInteger newBalance = balance.add(valueSentToMe).subtract(valueSentFromMe); if (valueSentToMe.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) > 0) { checkBalanceFuturesLocked(null); queueOnCoinsReceived(tx, balance, newBalance); } if (valueSentFromMe.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) > 0) queueOnCoinsSent(tx, balance, newBalance); maybeQueueOnWalletChanged(); } catch (ScriptException e) { // Cannot happen as we just created this transaction ourselves. throw new RuntimeException(e); } checkState(isConsistent()); informConfidenceListenersIfNotReorganizing(); //saveNow(); } finally { lock.unlock(); } return true; }
From source
private void jPageDirectoryTableMouseClicked(MouseEvent evt) { if (evt.getClickCount() == 2) { jStatusProgressBar.setValue(0);//from w ww .j a v a2 s. co m String pageTableAddress = jPageDirectoryTable.getValueAt(jPageDirectoryTable.getSelectedRow(), 1) .toString(); if (!CommonLib.isNumber(pageTableAddress)) { return; } // commandReceiver.setCommandNoOfLine(512); sendCommand("xp /4096bx " + pageTableAddress); float totalByte2 = 4096 - 1; totalByte2 = totalByte2 / 8; int totalByte3 = (int) Math.floor(totalByte2); String realEndAddressStr; String realStartAddressStr; String baseAddress = pageTableAddress; BigInteger realStartAddress = CommonLib.string2BigInteger(baseAddress); realStartAddressStr = String.format("%08x", realStartAddress); BigInteger realEndAddress = realStartAddress.add(BigInteger.valueOf(totalByte3 * 8)); realEndAddressStr = String.format("%08x", realEndAddress); String result = commandReceiver.getCommandResult(realStartAddressStr, realEndAddressStr, null); String[] lines = result.split("\n"); PageTableTableModel model = (PageTableTableModel) jPageTableTable.getModel(); while (model.getRowCount() > 0) { model.removeRow(0); } jStatusProgressBar.setMaximum(lines.length - 1); for (int y = 0; y < lines.length; y++) { jStatusProgressBar.setValue(y); String[] b = lines[y].replaceFirst("^.*:", "").trim().split("\t"); for (int z = 0; z < 2; z++) { try { int bytes[] = new int[4]; for (int x = 0; x < 4; x++) { bytes[x] = CommonLib.string2BigInteger(b[x + z * 4].substring(2).trim()).intValue(); } long value = CommonLib.getInt(bytes, 0); // "No.", "PT base", "AVL", "G", // "D", "A", "PCD", "PWT", // "U/S", "W/R", "P" String base = "0x" + Long.toHexString(CommonLib.getValue(value, 12, 31) << 12); String avl = String.valueOf((value >> 9) & 3); String g = String.valueOf((value >> 8) & 1); String pat = String.valueOf((value >> 7) & 1); String d = String.valueOf((value >> 6) & 1); String a = String.valueOf((value >> 5) & 1); String pcd = String.valueOf((value >> 4) & 1); String pwt = String.valueOf((value >> 3) & 1); String us = String.valueOf((value >> 2) & 1); String wr = String.valueOf((value >> 1) & 1); String p = String.valueOf((value >> 0) & 1); boolean tempB = model.isShowZeroAddress(); model.setShowZeroAddress(true); model.addRow(new String[] { String.valueOf(y * 2 + z), base, avl, g, pat, d, a, pcd, pwt, us, wr, p }); model.setShowZeroAddress(tempB); } catch (Exception ex) { } } jPageTableTable.setModel(model); } } }
From source
private void jRefreshAddressTranslateButtonActionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { AddressTranslateTableModel model = (AddressTranslateTableModel) this.jAddressTranslateTable2.getModel(); if (jSearchAddressRadioButton1.isSelected()) { if (!this.jAddressTextField.getText().contains(":") || this.jAddressTextField.getText().replaceAll("[^:]", "").length() != 1) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, "Error, please input <segment selector>:<offset>\n\ne.g. : 0x10:0x12345678", "Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); return; }/* w ww . ja v a 2 s . co m*/ BigInteger segSelector = CommonLib.string2BigInteger(this.jAddressTextField.getText().split(":")[0]); BigInteger address = CommonLib.string2BigInteger(this.jAddressTextField.getText().split(":")[1]); // for (int x = 0; x < model.getRowCount(); x++) { // if (model.searchType.get(x).equals(1) && // model.searchSegSelector.get(x).equals(segSelector) && // model.searchAddress.get(x).equals(address)) { // return; // } // } model.searchType.add(1); model.searchSegSelector.add(segSelector); model.searchAddress.add(address); model.virtualAddress.add(address); BigInteger segNo = segSelector.shiftRight(3); model.segNo.add(segNo); // read GDT descriptor int descriptor[] = PeterBochsCommonLib .getMemoryFromBochs(CommonLib.string2BigInteger(this.registerPanel.jGDTRTextField.getText()) .add(segNo.multiply(BigInteger.valueOf(8))), 8); BigInteger baseAddress = CommonLib.getBigInteger(descriptor[2], descriptor[3], descriptor[4], descriptor[7], 0, 0, 0, 0); BigInteger linearAddress = baseAddress.add(address); model.baseAddress.add(baseAddress); model.linearAddress.add(linearAddress); BigInteger pdNo = CommonLib.getBigInteger(linearAddress, 31, 22); model.pdNo.add(pdNo); int pdeBytes[] = PeterBochsCommonLib .getMemoryFromBochs(CommonLib.string2BigInteger(this.registerPanel.jCR3TextField.getText()) .add(pdNo.multiply(BigInteger.valueOf(4))), 4); BigInteger pde = CommonLib.getBigInteger(pdeBytes, 0); model.pde.add(pde); BigInteger ptNo = CommonLib.getBigInteger(linearAddress, 21, 12); model.ptNo.add(ptNo); BigInteger pageTableBaseAddress = pde.and(CommonLib.string2BigInteger("0xfffff000")); int pteBytes[] = PeterBochsCommonLib .getMemoryFromBochs(pageTableBaseAddress.add(ptNo.multiply(BigInteger.valueOf(4))), 4); BigInteger pte = CommonLib.getBigInteger(pteBytes, 0); BigInteger pagePhysicalAddress = pte.and(CommonLib.string2BigInteger("0xfffff000")); model.pte.add(pte); BigInteger physicalAddress = pagePhysicalAddress.add(CommonLib.getBigInteger(linearAddress, 11, 0)); model.physicalAddress.add(physicalAddress); int bytesAtPhysicalAddress[] = PeterBochsCommonLib.getMemoryFromBochs(physicalAddress, 8); model.bytes.add(PeterBochsCommonLib.convertToString(bytesAtPhysicalAddress)); model.fireTableDataChanged(); } else if (jSearchAddressRadioButton2.isSelected()) { // for (int x = 0; x < model.getRowCount(); x++) { // if (model.searchType.get(x).equals(2) && // model.searchAddress.get(x).equals(CommonLib.string2long(this.jAddressTextField.getText()))) // { // return; // } // } BigInteger address = CommonLib.string2BigInteger(this.jAddressTextField.getText()); model.searchType.add(2); model.searchAddress.add(address); BigInteger baseAddress = BigInteger.ZERO; BigInteger linearAddress = baseAddress.add(address); model.baseAddress.add(baseAddress); model.linearAddress.add(linearAddress); BigInteger pdNo = CommonLib.getBigInteger(linearAddress, 31, 22); model.pdNo.add(pdNo); int pdeBytes[] = PeterBochsCommonLib .getMemoryFromBochs(CommonLib.string2BigInteger(this.registerPanel.jCR3TextField.getText()) .add(pdNo.multiply(BigInteger.valueOf(4))), 4); BigInteger pde = CommonLib.getBigInteger(pdeBytes, 0); model.pde.add(pde); BigInteger ptNo = CommonLib.getBigInteger(linearAddress, 21, 12); model.ptNo.add(ptNo); BigInteger pageTableBaseAddress = pde.and(CommonLib.string2BigInteger("0xfffff000")); int pteBytes[] = PeterBochsCommonLib .getMemoryFromBochs(pageTableBaseAddress.add(ptNo.multiply(BigInteger.valueOf(4))), 4); BigInteger pte = CommonLib.getBigInteger(pteBytes, 0); BigInteger pagePhysicalAddress = pte.and(CommonLib.string2BigInteger("0xfffff000")); model.pte.add(pte); BigInteger physicalAddress = pagePhysicalAddress.add(CommonLib.getBigInteger(linearAddress, 11, 0)); model.physicalAddress.add(physicalAddress); int bytesAtPhysicalAddress[] = PeterBochsCommonLib.getMemoryFromBochs(physicalAddress, 8); model.bytes.add(PeterBochsCommonLib.convertToString(bytesAtPhysicalAddress)); model.fireTableDataChanged(); } else if (jSearchAddressRadioButton3.isSelected()) { for (int x = 0; x < model.getRowCount(); x++) { if (model.searchType.get(x).equals(3) && model.searchAddress.get(x) .equals(CommonLib.string2long(this.jAddressTextField.getText()))) { return; } } BigInteger addr = CommonLib.string2BigInteger(this.jAddressTextField.getText()); model.searchType.add(3); model.searchSegSelector.add(BigInteger.ZERO); model.searchAddress.add(addr); model.virtualAddress.add(BigInteger.ZERO); model.segNo.add(BigInteger.ZERO); model.linearAddress.add(BigInteger.ZERO); model.pdNo.add(BigInteger.ZERO); model.ptNo.add(BigInteger.ZERO); model.physicalAddress.add(BigInteger.ZERO); model.bytes.add(""); model.fireTableDataChanged(); } }
From source
private void updateInstructionUsingBochs(BigInteger address) { try {/*w w w. j a v a2s. c om*/ final int maximumLine = 400; String command; jStatusLabel.setText("Updating instruction"); if (address == null) { BigInteger cs = CommonLib.string2BigInteger(this.registerPanel.jCSTextField.getText()); BigInteger eip = CommonLib.string2BigInteger(this.registerPanel.eipTextField.getText()); eip = eip.and(CommonLib.string2BigInteger("0xffffffffffffffff")); command = "disasm cs:0x" + eip.toString(16) + " 0x" + cs.toString(16) + ":0x" + eip.add(BigInteger.valueOf(0x400)).toString(16); } else { command = "disasm " + address + " " + address.add(BigInteger.valueOf(0x400)); } commandReceiver.clearBuffer(); commandReceiver.shouldShow = false; sendCommand(command); commandReceiver.waitUntilHaveLine(30); String result = commandReceiver.getCommandResultUntilEnd(); String lines[] = result.split("\n"); if (lines.length > 0) { InstructionTableModel model = (InstructionTableModel) instructionTable.getModel(); jStatusProgressBar.setMaximum(lines.length - 1); for (int x = 0; x < lines.length && x < maximumLine; x++) { jStatusProgressBar.setValue(x); try { lines[x] = lines[x].replaceFirst("\\<.*\\>", ""); String strs[] = lines[x].split(":"); int secondColon = lines[x].indexOf(":", lines[x].indexOf(":") + 1); // load cCode String pcStr = strs[0].trim(); BigInteger pc = CommonLib.string2BigInteger("0x" + pcStr); if (pc == null) { continue; } String s[] = getCCode(pc, false); String lineNo[] = getCCode(pc, true); if (s != null && lineNo != null) { for (int index = 0; index < s.length; index++) { model.addRow(new String[] { "", "cCode : 0x" + pc.toString(16) + " : " + lineNo[index], s[index], "" }); } } // end load cCode model.addRow(new String[] { "", "0x" + pc.toString(16), lines[x].substring(secondColon + 1).trim().split(";")[0].trim(), lines[x].split(";")[1] }); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } model.removeNonOrderInstruction(); model.fireTableDataChanged(); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
From source
private void jRefreshAddressTranslateTableButtonActionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { AddressTranslateTableModel model = (AddressTranslateTableModel) this.jAddressTranslateTable2.getModel(); for (int x = 0; x < model.getRowCount(); x++) { if (model.searchType.get(x).equals(1)) { model.segNo.set(x, model.searchSegSelector.get(x).shiftRight(3)); model.virtualAddress.set(x, model.searchAddress.get(x)); BigInteger gdtBase = PeterBochsCommonLib.getPhysicalAddress( CommonLib.string2BigInteger(this.registerPanel.jCR3TextField.getText()), CommonLib.string2BigInteger(this.registerPanel.jGDTRTextField.getText())); commandReceiver.clearBuffer(); gdtBase = gdtBase.add(model.segNo.get(x).multiply(BigInteger.valueOf(8))); sendCommand("xp /8bx " + gdtBase); String result = commandReceiver.getCommandResult(String.format("%08x", gdtBase)); int bytes[] = new int[8]; String[] b = result.replaceFirst("^.*:", "").split("\t"); for (int y = 1; y <= 8; y++) { bytes[y - 1] = (int) CommonLib.string2long(b[y]); }//from w ww. j a va 2 s . co m Long gdtDescriptor = CommonLib.getLong(bytes, 0); System.out.println(Long.toHexString(gdtDescriptor)); BigInteger base = CommonLib.getBigInteger(bytes[2], bytes[3], bytes[4], bytes[7], 0, 0, 0, 0); System.out.println(base.toString(16)); model.linearAddress.set(x, base.add(model.searchAddress.get(x))); } } model.fireTableDataChanged(); }
From source
public void updatePageTable(BigInteger pageDirectoryBaseAddress) { Vector<IA32PageDirectory> ia32_pageDirectories = new Vector<IA32PageDirectory>(); try {// w w w.j a v a 2 s . c o m commandReceiver.clearBuffer(); commandReceiver.shouldShow = false; jStatusLabel.setText("Updating page table"); // commandReceiver.setCommandNoOfLine(512); sendCommand("xp /4096bx " + pageDirectoryBaseAddress); float totalByte2 = 4096 - 1; totalByte2 = totalByte2 / 8; int totalByte3 = (int) Math.floor(totalByte2); String realEndAddressStr; String realStartAddressStr; BigInteger realStartAddress = pageDirectoryBaseAddress; realStartAddressStr = realStartAddress.toString(16); BigInteger realEndAddress = realStartAddress.add(BigInteger.valueOf(totalByte3 * 8)); realEndAddressStr = String.format("%08x", realEndAddress); String result = commandReceiver.getCommandResult(realStartAddressStr, realEndAddressStr, null); if (result != null) { String[] lines = result.split("\n"); DefaultTableModel model = (DefaultTableModel) jPageDirectoryTable.getModel(); while (model.getRowCount() > 0) { model.removeRow(0); } jStatusProgressBar.setMaximum(lines.length - 1); for (int y = 0; y < lines.length; y++) { jStatusProgressBar.setValue(y); String[] b = lines[y].replaceFirst("^.*:", "").trim().split("\t"); for (int z = 0; z < 2; z++) { try { int bytes[] = new int[4]; for (int x = 0; x < 4; x++) { bytes[x] = CommonLib.string2BigInteger(b[x + z * 4].substring(2).trim()).intValue(); } long value = CommonLib.getInt(bytes, 0); // "No.", "PT base", "AVL", "G", // "D", "A", "PCD", "PWT", // "U/S", "W/R", "P" long baseL = value & 0xfffff000; // if (baseL != 0) { String base = "0x" + Long.toHexString(baseL); String avl = String.valueOf((value >> 9) & 3); String g = String.valueOf((value >> 8) & 1); String d = String.valueOf((value >> 6) & 1); String a = String.valueOf((value >> 5) & 1); String pcd = String.valueOf((value >> 4) & 1); String pwt = String.valueOf((value >> 3) & 1); String us = String.valueOf((value >> 2) & 1); String wr = String.valueOf((value >> 1) & 1); String p = String.valueOf((value >> 0) & 1); ia32_pageDirectories .add(new IA32PageDirectory(base, avl, g, d, a, pcd, pwt, us, wr, p)); model.addRow(new String[] { String.valueOf(y * 2 + z), base, avl, g, d, a, pcd, pwt, us, wr, p }); // } } catch (Exception ex) { } } jStatusLabel.setText("Updating page table " + (y + 1) + "/" + lines.length); } jPageDirectoryTable.setModel(model); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } /* * if (false && Global.debug && * jAutoRefreshPageTableGraphCheckBox.isSelected()) { * System.out.println("aa"); GraphModel model = new DefaultGraphModel(); * GraphLayoutCache view = new GraphLayoutCache(model, new * DefaultCellViewFactory() { public CellView createView(GraphModel * model, Object cell) { CellView view = null; if (model.isPort(cell)) { * view = new PortView(cell); } else if (model.isEdge(cell)) { view = * new EdgeView(cell); } else { if (cell instanceof IA32PageDirectory) { * view = new PageDirectoryView(cell); } else if (cell instanceof * IA32PageTable) { view = new JButtonView(cell, 1); } else { view = new * VertexView(cell); } } return view; } }); JGraph graph = new * JGraph(model, view); * * // add cells * * // DefaultGraphCell[] cells = new // * DefaultGraphCell[ia32_pageDirectories.size() + 1]; * Vector<DefaultGraphCell> cells = new Vector<DefaultGraphCell>(); * DefaultGraphCell root = new DefaultGraphCell("cr3 " + * jRegisterPanel1.jCR3TextField.getText()); * GraphConstants.setGradientColor(root.getAttributes(),; * GraphConstants.setOpaque(root.getAttributes(), true); * GraphConstants.setBounds(root.getAttributes(), new * Rectangle2D.Double(0, 0, 140, 20)); root.add(new DefaultPort()); * cells.add(root); * * Vector<IA32PageDirectory> pageDirectoryCells = new * Vector<IA32PageDirectory>(); for (int x = 0; x < * ia32_pageDirectories.size(); x++) { IA32PageDirectory cell = * ia32_pageDirectories.get(x); * GraphConstants.setGradientColor(cell.getAttributes(),; * GraphConstants.setOpaque(cell.getAttributes(), true); * GraphConstants.setBounds(cell.getAttributes(), new * Rectangle2D.Double(0, x * 20, 140, 20)); cell.add(new DefaultPort()); * pageDirectoryCells.add(cell); * * // page table String pageTableAddress = * ia32_pageDirectories.get(x).base; sendCommand("xp /4096bx " + * pageTableAddress); * * float totalByte2 = 4096 - 1; totalByte2 = totalByte2 / 8; int * totalByte3 = (int) Math.floor(totalByte2); String realEndAddressStr; * String realStartAddressStr; String baseAddress = pageTableAddress; * long realStartAddress = CommonLib.string2BigInteger(baseAddress); * * realStartAddressStr = String.format("%08x", realStartAddress); long * realEndAddress = realStartAddress + totalByte3 * 8; realEndAddressStr * = String.format("%08x", realEndAddress); * * String result = commandReceiver.getCommandResult(realStartAddressStr, * realEndAddressStr); String[] lines = result.split("\n"); * * Vector<DefaultGraphCell> pageTables = new Vector<DefaultGraphCell>(); * for (int y = 1; y < 4; y++) { String[] b = * lines[y].replaceFirst(" cell.add(new DefaultPort());^.*:", * "").trim().split("\t"); * * for (int z = 0; z < 2; z++) { try { int bytes[] = new int[4]; for * (int x2 = 0; x2 < 4; x2++) { bytes[x2] = * CommonLib.string2BigInteger(b[x2 + z * * 4].substring(2).trim()).intValue(); } long value = * CommonLib.getInt(bytes, 0); * * String base = Long.toHexString(value & 0xfffff000); String avl = * String.valueOf((value >> 9) & 3); String g = String.valueOf((value >> * 8) & 1); String d = String.valueOf((value >> 6) & 1); String a = * String.valueOf((value >> 5) & 1); String pcd = String.valueOf((value * >> 4) & 1); String pwt = String.valueOf((value >> 3) & 1); String us * = String.valueOf((value >> 2) & 1); String wr = String.valueOf((value * >> 1) & 1); String p = String.valueOf((value >> 0) & 1); * IA32PageTable pageTableCell = new IA32PageTable(base, avl, g, d, a, * pcd, pwt, us, wr, p); * GraphConstants.setGradientColor(pageTableCell.getAttributes(), *; * GraphConstants.setOpaque(pageTableCell.getAttributes(), true); * GraphConstants.setBounds(pageTableCell.getAttributes(), new * Rectangle2D.Double(0, (z + y) * 20, 140, 20)); pageTableCell.add(new * DefaultPort()); pageTables.add(pageTableCell); } catch (Exception ex) * { } } } * * // group it and link it DefaultGraphCell pt[] = * pageTables.toArray(new DefaultGraphCell[] {}); DefaultGraphCell * vertex1 = new DefaultGraphCell(new String("page table" + x), null, * pt); vertex1.add(new DefaultPort()); cells.add(vertex1); * * DefaultEdge edge = new DefaultEdge(); * edge.setSource(cell.getChildAt(0)); * edge.setTarget(vertex1.getLastChild()); * * GraphConstants.setLineStyle(edge.getAttributes(), * GraphConstants.STYLE_ORTHOGONAL); * GraphConstants.setRouting(edge.getAttributes(), * GraphConstants.ROUTING_DEFAULT); int arrow = * GraphConstants.ARROW_CLASSIC; * GraphConstants.setLineEnd(edge.getAttributes(), arrow); * GraphConstants.setEndFill(edge.getAttributes(), true); * * cells.add(edge); } * * if (pageDirectoryCells.toArray().length > 0) { IA32PageDirectory pt[] * = pageDirectoryCells.toArray(new IA32PageDirectory[] {}); * DefaultGraphCell vertex1 = new DefaultGraphCell(new * String("Vertex1"), null, pt); vertex1.add(new DefaultPort()); * cells.add(vertex1); * * DefaultEdge edge = new DefaultEdge(); * edge.setSource(root.getChildAt(0)); * edge.setTarget(vertex1.getLastChild()); int arrow = * GraphConstants.ARROW_CLASSIC; * GraphConstants.setLineEnd(edge.getAttributes(), arrow); * GraphConstants.setEndFill(edge.getAttributes(), true); * * // lastObj = cells[index]; cells.add(edge); } * * graph.getGraphLayoutCache().insert(cells.toArray()); * graph.setDisconnectable(false); * * JGraphFacade facade = new JGraphFacade(graph); JGraphLayout layout = * new JGraphTreeLayout(); ((JGraphTreeLayout) * layout).setOrientation(SwingConstants.WEST); // * ((JGraphHierarchicalLayout) layout).setNodeDistance(100); *; Map nested = facade.createNestedMap(true, true); * graph.getGraphLayoutCache().edit(nested); * * // JGraphFacade facade = new JGraphFacade(graph); // JGraphLayout * layout = new JGraphFastOrganicLayout(); //; // Map * nested = facade.createNestedMap(true, true); // * graph.getGraphLayoutCache().edit(nested); * * jPageTableGraphPanel.removeAll(); jPageTableGraphPanel.add(new * JScrollPane(graph), BorderLayout.CENTER); } */ }