Example usage for java.math BigDecimal subtract

List of usage examples for java.math BigDecimal subtract


In this page you can find the example usage for java.math BigDecimal subtract.


public BigDecimal subtract(BigDecimal subtrahend) 

Source Link


Returns a BigDecimal whose value is (this - subtrahend) , and whose scale is max(this.scale(), subtrahend.scale()) .


From source file:org.totschnig.myexpenses.task.CsvImportTask.java

protected Result doInBackground(Void... params) {
    int totalImported = 0, totalDiscarded = 0, totalFailed = 0;
    Account a;/* w w w . j  av  a  2s  . c  o  m*/
    if (accountId == 0) {
        a = new Account();
        a.currency = mCurrency;
        a.label = MyApplication.getInstance().getString(R.string.pref_import_title, "CSV");
        a.type = mAccountType;
        accountId = a.getId();
    } else {
        a = Account.getInstanceFromDb(accountId);
    int columnIndexAmount = findColumnIndex(R.string.amount);
    int columnIndexExpense = findColumnIndex(R.string.expense);
    int columnIndexIncome = findColumnIndex(R.string.income);
    int columnIndexDate = findColumnIndex(R.string.date);
    int columnIndexPayee = findColumnIndex(R.string.payer_or_payee);
    int columnIndexNotes = findColumnIndex(R.string.comment);
    int columnIndexCategory = findColumnIndex(R.string.category);
    int columnIndexSubcategory = findColumnIndex(R.string.subcategory);
    int columnIndexMethod = findColumnIndex(R.string.method);
    int columnIndexStatus = findColumnIndex(R.string.status);
    int columnIndexNumber = findColumnIndex(R.string.reference_number);
    int columnIndexSplit = findColumnIndex(R.string.split_transaction);

    boolean isSplitParent = false, isSplitPart = false;
    Transaction t;
    Long splitParent = null;
    for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) {
        long transferAccountId = -1;
        if (discardedRows.get(i, false)) {
        } else {
            CSVRecord record = data.get(i);
            BigDecimal amount;
            String categoryInfo = null;
            if (columnIndexSplit != -1) {
                if (isSplitParent) {
                    isSplitPart = saveGetFromRecord(record, columnIndexSplit)
                    isSplitParent = false;
                } else {
                    isSplitParent = saveGetFromRecord(record, columnIndexSplit)
            try {
                if (columnIndexAmount != -1) {
                    amount = QifUtils.parseMoney(saveGetFromRecord(record, columnIndexAmount), mCurrency);
                } else {
                    BigDecimal income = columnIndexIncome != -1
                            ? QifUtils.parseMoney(saveGetFromRecord(record, columnIndexIncome), mCurrency).abs()
                            : new BigDecimal(0);
                    BigDecimal expense = columnIndexExpense != -1
                            ? QifUtils.parseMoney(saveGetFromRecord(record, columnIndexExpense), mCurrency)
                            : new BigDecimal(0);
                    amount = income.subtract(expense);
            } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
                return new Result(false, "Amounts in data exceed storage limit");
            Money m = new Money(a.currency, amount);

            if (!isSplitParent && columnIndexCategory != -1) {
                String category = saveGetFromRecord(record, columnIndexCategory);
                if (!category.equals("")) {
                    String subCategory = columnIndexSubcategory != -1
                            ? saveGetFromRecord(record, columnIndexSubcategory)
                            : "";
                    if (category.equals(MyApplication.getInstance().getString(R.string.transfer))
                            && !subCategory.equals("") && QifUtils.isTransferCategory(subCategory)) {
                        transferAccountId = Account.findAny(subCategory.substring(1, subCategory.length() - 1));
                    } else if (QifUtils.isTransferCategory(category)) {
                        transferAccountId = Account.findAny(category.substring(1, category.length() - 1));
                    if (transferAccountId == -1) {
                        categoryInfo = category;
                        if (!subCategory.equals("")) {
                            categoryInfo += ":" + subCategory;

            if (isSplitPart) {
                if (transferAccountId != -1) {
                    t = SplitPartTransfer.getNewInstance(accountId, m.getAmountMinor(), splitParent);
                    t.transfer_account = transferAccountId;
                } else {
                    t = new SplitPartCategory(accountId, m.getAmountMinor(), splitParent);
            } else {
                if (isSplitParent) {
                    t = new SplitTransaction(accountId, m);
                } else {
                    if (transferAccountId != -1) {
                        t = new Transfer(accountId, m);
                        t.transfer_account = transferAccountId;
                    } else {
                        t = new Transaction(accountId, m);
            if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(categoryInfo)) {
                new CategoryInfo(categoryInfo).insert(categoryToId);
            if (columnIndexDate != -1) {
                t.setDate(QifUtils.parseDate(saveGetFromRecord(record, columnIndexDate), dateFormat));

            if (columnIndexPayee != -1) {
                String payee = saveGetFromRecord(record, columnIndexPayee);
                if (!payee.equals("")) {
                    long id = Payee.extractPayeeId(payee, payeeToId);
                    if (id != -1) {
                        payeeToId.put(payee, id);
                        t.payeeId = id;

            if (columnIndexNotes != -1) {
                t.comment = saveGetFromRecord(record, columnIndexNotes);

            if (columnIndexMethod != -1) {
                String method = saveGetFromRecord(record, columnIndexMethod);
                if (!method.equals("")) {
                    for (PaymentMethod.PreDefined preDefined : PaymentMethod.PreDefined.values()) {
                        if (preDefined.getLocalizedLabel().equals(method)) {
                            method = preDefined.name();
                    long methodId = PaymentMethod.find(method);
                    if (methodId != -1) {
                        t.methodId = methodId;

            if (columnIndexStatus != -1) {
                t.crStatus = Transaction.CrStatus.fromQifName(saveGetFromRecord(record, columnIndexStatus));

            if (columnIndexNumber != -1) {
                t.referenceNumber = saveGetFromRecord(record, columnIndexNumber);
            if (t.save() != null) {
                if (isSplitParent) {
                    splitParent = t.getId();
                if (!isSplitPart) {
            } else {
            if (totalImported % 10 == 0) {
    return new Result(true, 0, Integer.valueOf(totalImported), Integer.valueOf(totalFailed),
            Integer.valueOf(totalDiscarded), a.label);

From source file:org.libreplan.business.qualityforms.entities.QualityForm.java

private void updatePercentageByItems() {
    if (qualityFormItems.size() > 0) {
        BigDecimal percentageTotal = new BigDecimal(100).setScale(2);
        BigDecimal numItems = new BigDecimal(qualityFormItems.size()).setScale(2);
        BigDecimal percentageByItem = percentageTotal.divide(numItems, 2, BigDecimal.ROUND_DOWN);
        for (QualityFormItem item : qualityFormItems) {
        }//ww  w . j a v a 2  s . c o m

        // Calculate the division remainder
        BigDecimal sumByItems = (percentageByItem.multiply(numItems)).setScale(2);
        BigDecimal remainder = (percentageTotal.subtract(sumByItems)).setScale(2);
        QualityFormItem lastItem = qualityFormItems.get(qualityFormItems.size() - 1);
        BigDecimal lastPercentage = (lastItem.getPercentage().add(remainder)).setScale(2);

From source file:nl.strohalm.cyclos.services.transactions.LoanServiceImpl.java

private Transfer doRepay(final RepayLoanDTO params) {
    BigDecimal amount = params.getAmount();

    // Check if the amount is valid
    if (amount.compareTo(paymentService.getMinimumPayment()) < 0) {
        throw new ValidationException("amount", "loan.amount", new InvalidError());
    }//  ww w  .  j av a  2 s . c  o  m

    // Get the loan payment to repay
    Calendar date = params.getDate();
    if (date == null) {
        date = Calendar.getInstance();
    final LoanRepaymentAmountsDTO amountsDTO = getLoanPaymentAmount(params);
    final LoanPayment payment = amountsDTO.getLoanPayment();
    if (payment == null) {
        throw new UnexpectedEntityException();

    // Validate the amount
    final BigDecimal remainingAmount = amountsDTO.getRemainingAmountAtDate();
    final BigDecimal diff = remainingAmount.subtract(amount);
    final MutableBoolean totallyRepaid = new MutableBoolean();
    // If the amount is on an acceptable delta, set the transfer value = parcel value
    if (diff.abs().floatValue() < PRECISION_DELTA) {
        amount = remainingAmount;
    } else if (diff.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) < 0
            || !params.getLoan().getTransfer().getType().getLoan().getType().allowsPartialRepayments()) {
        throw new ValidationException("amount", "loan.amount", new InvalidError());
    final LocalSettings localSettings = settingsService.getLocalSettings();
    Loan loan = fetchService.fetch(params.getLoan(), Loan.Relationships.PAYMENTS, RelationshipHelper
            .nested(Loan.Relationships.TRANSFER, Payment.Relationships.TO, MemberAccount.Relationships.MEMBER),

    // Build the transfers for repayment
    final List<TransferDTO> transfers = handlersByType.get(loan.getParameters().getType())
            .buildTransfersForRepayment(params, amountsDTO);
    Transfer root = null;
    BigDecimal totalAmount = BigDecimal.ZERO;
    for (final TransferDTO dto : transfers) {
        if (dto.getAmount().floatValue() < PRECISION_DELTA) {
            // If the root amount is zero, it means that the parent transfer should be the last transfer for this loan payment
            final TransferQuery tq = new TransferQuery();
            final List<Transfer> paymentTransfers = paymentService.search(tq);
            if (paymentTransfers.isEmpty()) {
                throw new IllegalStateException(
                        "The root transfer has amount 0 and there is no other transfers for this payment");
            root = paymentTransfers.iterator().next();
        } else {
            totalAmount = totalAmount.add(dto.getAmount());
            final Transfer transfer = (Transfer) paymentService.insertWithoutNotification(dto);
            if (root == null) {
                // The first will be the root. All others are it's children
                root = transfer;

    // Update the loan payment
    final BigDecimal totalRepaid = localSettings.round(payment.getRepaidAmount().add(totalAmount));
    if (totallyRepaid.booleanValue()) {
        // Mark the payment as repaid, if is the case
    payment.setTransfers(null); // Avoid 2 representations of the transfers collection. It's inverse="true", no problem setting null

    // Return the generated root transfer
    return root;

From source file:org.efaps.esjp.accounting.transaction.FieldUpdate_Base.java

 * Method is executed on update trigger for the amount field in the debit
 * and credit table inside the transaction form.
 * @param _parameter Parameter as passed from the eFaps API
 * @return list for update trigger// w  w w  .  j a va  2 s .com
 * @throws EFapsException on error
public Return update4Amount(final Parameter _parameter) throws EFapsException {
    final Return retVal = new Return();
    try {
        final String postfix = getProperty(_parameter, "TypePostfix");
        final String[] amounts = _parameter.getParameterValues("amount_" + postfix);
        final String[] rates = _parameter.getParameterValues("rate_" + postfix);
        final String[] ratesInv = _parameter.getParameterValues("rate_" + postfix + RateUI.INVERTEDSUFFIX);

        final int pos = getSelectedRow(_parameter);
        final DecimalFormat rateFormater = NumberFormatter.get().getFormatter(0, 8);
        final DecimalFormat formater = NumberFormatter.get().getTwoDigitsFormatter();
        final BigDecimal amount = amounts[pos].isEmpty() ? BigDecimal.ZERO
                : (BigDecimal) rateFormater.parse(amounts[pos]);
        BigDecimal rate = rates[pos].isEmpty() ? BigDecimal.ZERO : (BigDecimal) rateFormater.parse(rates[pos]);
        final boolean rateInv = "true".equalsIgnoreCase(ratesInv[pos]);
        if (rateInv && rate.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) != 0) {
            rate = BigDecimal.ONE.divide(rate, 12, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP);
        final List<Map<String, String>> list = new ArrayList<>();
        final Instance periodInstance = new Period().evaluateCurrentPeriod(_parameter);

        final BigDecimal sum = getSum4UI(_parameter, postfix, null, null);
        final String postfix2 = "Debit".equals(postfix) ? "Credit" : "Debit";
        final BigDecimal sum2 = getSum4UI(_parameter, postfix2, null, null);
        final String sumStr = formater.format(sum) + " " + new Period().getCurrency(periodInstance).getSymbol();
        final String sumStr2 = formater.format(sum.subtract(sum2).abs()) + " "
                + new Period().getCurrency(periodInstance).getSymbol();

        final Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>();
        map.put("sum" + postfix, sumStr);
        map.put("amountRate_" + postfix,
                formater.format(amount.setScale(8).divide(rate, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP)));
        map.put("sumTotal", sumStr2);
        retVal.put(ReturnValues.VALUES, list);
    } catch (final ParseException e) {
        throw new EFapsException(Transaction_Base.class, "update4Amount.ParseException", e);
    return retVal;

From source file:org.efaps.esjp.accounting.transaction.FieldUpdate_Base.java

 * Method is executed on update trigger for the rate field in the debit
 * and credit table inside the transaction form.
 * @param _parameter Parameter as passed from the eFaps API
 * @return list for update trigger//from   w ww  .  j av  a  2 s  .c  om
 * @throws EFapsException on error
public Return update4Rate(final Parameter _parameter) throws EFapsException {
    final Return retVal = new Return();

    try {
        final String postfix = getProperty(_parameter, "TypePostfix");

        final String[] amounts = _parameter.getParameterValues("amount_" + postfix);
        final String[] rates = _parameter.getParameterValues("rate_" + postfix);
        final String[] ratesInv = _parameter.getParameterValues("rate_" + postfix + RateUI.INVERTEDSUFFIX);

        final int pos = getSelectedRow(_parameter);
        final DecimalFormat rateFormater = NumberFormatter.get().getFormatter(0, 8);
        final DecimalFormat formater = NumberFormatter.get().getTwoDigitsFormatter();
        final BigDecimal amount = amounts[pos].isEmpty() ? BigDecimal.ZERO
                : (BigDecimal) rateFormater.parse(amounts[pos]);
        BigDecimal rate = rates[pos].isEmpty() ? BigDecimal.ONE : (BigDecimal) rateFormater.parse(rates[pos]);
        final boolean rateInv = "true".equalsIgnoreCase(ratesInv[pos]);
        if (rateInv && rate.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) != 0) {
            rate = BigDecimal.ONE.divide(rate, 12, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP);
        final List<Map<String, String>> list = new ArrayList<>();
        final Instance periodInstance = new Period().evaluateCurrentPeriod(_parameter);

        final BigDecimal sum = getSum4UI(_parameter, postfix, null, null);
        final String postfix2 = "Debit".equals(postfix) ? "Credit" : "Debit";
        final BigDecimal sum2 = getSum4UI(_parameter, postfix2, null, null);
        final String sumStr = formater.format(sum) + " " + new Period().getCurrency(periodInstance).getSymbol();
        final String sumStr2 = formater.format(sum.subtract(sum2).abs()) + " "
                + new Period().getCurrency(periodInstance).getSymbol();

        final Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>();
        map.put("sum" + postfix, sumStr);
        map.put("amountRate_" + postfix,
                formater.format(amount.setScale(8).divide(rate, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP)));
        map.put("sumTotal", sumStr2);

        retVal.put(ReturnValues.VALUES, list);
    } catch (final ParseException e) {
        throw new EFapsException(Transaction_Base.class, "update4Rate.ParseException", e);
    return retVal;

From source file:org.efaps.esjp.accounting.transaction.FieldUpdate_Base.java

 * Executed on update event of the currency field.
 * @param _parameter    parameter as passed from the eFaps API
 * @return  list of maps as needed by the update event
 * @throws EFapsException on error// ww w  . j a va2 s.c  om
public Return update4Currency(final Parameter _parameter) throws EFapsException {
    final Return ret = new Return();
    try {
        final String postfix = getProperty(_parameter, "TypePostfix");

        final String[] currIds = _parameter.getParameterValues("rateCurrencyLink_" + postfix);
        final String[] amounts = _parameter.getParameterValues("amount_" + postfix);

        final int pos = getSelectedRow(_parameter);

        final ExchangeConfig exConf = getExchangeConfig(_parameter, null);
        final DateTime date;
        switch (exConf) {
        case DOCDATESALE:
            final Instance docInst = Instance.get(_parameter.getParameterValues("docLink_" + postfix)[pos]);
            if (InstanceUtils.isValid(docInst)) {
                final PrintQuery print = CachedPrintQuery.get4Request(docInst);
                date = print.getAttribute(CIERP.DocumentAbstract.Date);
            } else {
                final String dateStr = _parameter.getParameterValue("date_eFapsDate");
                date = DateUtil.getDateFromParameter(dateStr);
        case TRANSDATESALE:
            final String dateStr = _parameter.getParameterValue("date_eFapsDate");
            date = DateUtil.getDateFromParameter(dateStr);

        final boolean sale = ExchangeConfig.TRANSDATESALE.equals(exConf)
                || ExchangeConfig.DOCDATESALE.equals(exConf);

        final Instance periodInstance = new Period().evaluateCurrentPeriod(_parameter);
        final RateInfo rate = evaluateRate(_parameter, periodInstance, date,
                Instance.get(CIERP.Currency.getType(), currIds[pos]));
        final DecimalFormat rateFormater = sale ? rate.getFormatter().getFrmt4SaleRateUI()
                : rate.getFormatter().getFrmt4RateUI();
        final DecimalFormat formater = NumberFormatter.get().getTwoDigitsFormatter();
        final BigDecimal amountRate = amounts[pos].isEmpty() ? BigDecimal.ZERO
                : (BigDecimal) rateFormater.parse(amounts[pos]);

        final BigDecimal sum = getSum4UI(_parameter, postfix, pos, rate);
        final String postfix2 = "Debit".equals(postfix) ? "Credit" : "Debit";
        final BigDecimal sum2 = getSum4UI(_parameter, postfix2, null, null);
        final String sumStr = formater.format(sum) + " " + new Period().getCurrency(periodInstance).getSymbol();
        final String sumStr2 = formater.format(sum.subtract(sum2).abs()) + " "
                + new Period().getCurrency(periodInstance).getSymbol();

        final List<Map<String, String>> list = new ArrayList<>();
        final Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>();
        map.put("rate_" + postfix, sale ? rate.getSaleRateUIFrmt() : rate.getRateUIFrmt());
        map.put("rate_" + postfix + RateUI.INVERTEDSUFFIX, "" + rate.isInvert());
        map.put("sum" + postfix, sumStr);
        map.put("amountRate_" + postfix, formater.format(amountRate.setScale(12)
                .divide(sale ? rate.getSaleRate() : rate.getRate(), BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP)));
        map.put("sumTotal", sumStr2);
        ret.put(ReturnValues.VALUES, list);
    } catch (final ParseException e) {
        throw new EFapsException(Transaction_Base.class, "update4Currency.ParseException", e);
    return ret;

From source file:org.egov.works.contractorbill.service.ContractorBillRegisterService.java

public void validateRefundAmount(final ContractorBillRegister contractorBillRegister,
        final BindingResult resultBinder) {
    int index = 0;
    for (final EgBilldetails egBillDetail : contractorBillRegister.getRefundBillDetails()) {
        if (egBillDetail.getGlcodeid() != null && egBillDetail.getDebitamount() == null)
            resultBinder.rejectValue("refundBillDetails[" + index + "].debitamount",
        if (egBillDetail.getDebitamount() != null && egBillDetail.getGlcodeid() == null)
            resultBinder.rejectValue("refundBillDetails[" + index + "].glcodeid",
        if (egBillDetail.getGlcodeid() != null && egBillDetail.getDebitamount() != null) {
            final CChartOfAccounts coa = chartOfAccountsHibernateDAO
                    .findById(egBillDetail.getGlcodeid().longValue(), false);
            final String amounts = getTotalDebitAndCreditAmountByAccountCode(
                    contractorBillRegister.getWorkOrderEstimate().getId(), new BigDecimal(coa.getId()),
                    contractorBillRegister.getId() != null ? contractorBillRegister.getId() : -1);
            if (!org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.isBlank(amounts)) {
                final String[] creditDebitAmounts = amounts.split(",");
                BigDecimal withheldAmount = BigDecimal.ZERO;
                BigDecimal refundedAmount = BigDecimal.ZERO;
                if (!creditDebitAmounts[0].equals("0"))
                    withheldAmount = new BigDecimal(creditDebitAmounts[0]);
                if (!creditDebitAmounts[1].equals("0"))
                    refundedAmount = new BigDecimal(creditDebitAmounts[1]);

                if (withheldAmount.equals("0"))
                            new String[] { coa.getGlcode() }, null);
                else {

                    final BigDecimal validRefundAmount = egBillDetail.getDebitamount().add(refundedAmount);
                    final BigDecimal diffAmount = validRefundAmount.subtract(withheldAmount);
                    if (validRefundAmount.compareTo(new BigDecimal(creditDebitAmounts[0])) == 1
                            && !contractorBillRegister.getWorkOrderEstimate().getEstimate()
                                new String[] { coa.getGlcode(), diffAmount.toString() }, null);
                }/*from w w w .  j  a va2  s.c  o m*/


From source file:org.ofbiz.accounting.thirdparty.paypal.PayPalServices.java

public static Map<String, Object> doExpressCheckout(DispatchContext dctx, Map<String, Object> context) {
    LocalDispatcher dispatcher = dctx.getDispatcher();
    Delegator delegator = dctx.getDelegator();
    GenericValue userLogin = (GenericValue) context.get("userLogin");
    GenericValue paymentPref = (GenericValue) context.get("orderPaymentPreference");
    OrderReadHelper orh = new OrderReadHelper(delegator, paymentPref.getString("orderId"));

    GenericValue payPalPaymentSetting = getPaymentMethodGatewayPayPal(dctx, context, null);
    GenericValue payPalPaymentMethod = null;
    try {/* www . j a va 2  s . c  om*/
        payPalPaymentMethod = paymentPref.getRelatedOne("PaymentMethod");
        payPalPaymentMethod = payPalPaymentMethod.getRelatedOne("PayPalPaymentMethod");
    } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
        Debug.logError(e, module);
        return ServiceUtil.returnError(e.getMessage());
    BigDecimal processAmount = paymentPref.getBigDecimal("maxAmount");

    NVPEncoder encoder = new NVPEncoder();
    encoder.add("METHOD", "DoExpressCheckoutPayment");
    encoder.add("TOKEN", payPalPaymentMethod.getString("expressCheckoutToken"));
    encoder.add("PAYMENTACTION", "Order");
    encoder.add("PAYERID", payPalPaymentMethod.getString("payerId"));
    // set the amount
    encoder.add("AMT", processAmount.setScale(2).toPlainString());
    encoder.add("CURRENCYCODE", orh.getCurrency());
    BigDecimal grandTotal = orh.getOrderGrandTotal();
    BigDecimal shippingTotal = orh.getShippingTotal().setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP);
    BigDecimal taxTotal = orh.getTaxTotal().setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP);
    BigDecimal subTotal = processAmount.subtract(shippingTotal).subtract(taxTotal).setScale(2,
    encoder.add("ITEMAMT", subTotal.setScale(2).toPlainString());
    encoder.add("SHIPPINGAMT", shippingTotal.toPlainString());
    encoder.add("TAXAMT", taxTotal.toPlainString());

    NVPDecoder decoder = null;
    try {
        decoder = sendNVPRequest(payPalPaymentSetting, encoder);
    } catch (PayPalException e) {
        Debug.logError(e, module);
        return ServiceUtil.returnError(e.getMessage());
    if (decoder == null) {
        return ServiceUtil.returnError("An error occurred while communicating with PayPal");

    Map<String, String> errorMessages = getErrorMessageMap(decoder);
    if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(errorMessages)) {
        if (errorMessages.containsKey("10417")) {
            // "The transaction cannot complete successfully,  Instruct the customer to use an alternative payment method"
            // I've only encountered this once and there's no indication of the cause so the temporary solution is to try again
            boolean retry = context.get("_RETRY_") == null || (Boolean) context.get("_RETRY_");
            if (retry) {
                context.put("_RETRY_", false);
                return PayPalServices.doExpressCheckout(dctx, context);
        return ServiceUtil.returnError(UtilMisc.toList(errorMessages.values()));

    Map<String, Object> inMap = FastMap.newInstance();
    inMap.put("userLogin", userLogin);
    inMap.put("paymentMethodId", payPalPaymentMethod.get("paymentMethodId"));
    inMap.put("transactionId", decoder.get("TRANSACTIONID"));

    Map<String, Object> outMap = null;
    try {
        outMap = dispatcher.runSync("updatePayPalPaymentMethod", inMap);
    } catch (GenericServiceException e) {
        Debug.logError(e, module);
        return ServiceUtil.returnError(e.getMessage());
    if (ServiceUtil.isError(outMap)) {
        Debug.logError(ServiceUtil.getErrorMessage(outMap), module);
        return outMap;
    return ServiceUtil.returnSuccess();

From source file:org.fede.calculator.service.InvestmentServiceImpl.java

private DetailedInvestmentReportDTO investmentReport(String currency, Predicate<Investment> filter,
        boolean includeTotal) {

    if (!MAP.containsKey(currency)) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Currency " + currency + " does not have a known inflation index.");
    }/*from w w w  .ja  v  a2s.  c om*/

    final List<Investment> investments = this.investmentSeries.stream()
            .flatMap(fileName -> SeriesReader.read(fileName, TYPE_REFERENCE).stream())

    final Inflation inflation = MAP.get(currency);
    final YearMonth until = inflation.getTo();
    final Date untilDate = until.asToDate();

    MoneyAmount initialAmount = new MoneyAmount(ZERO, currency);
    MoneyAmount currentAmount = new MoneyAmount(ZERO, currency);

    final List<InvestmentReportDTO> report = new ArrayList<>();

    //        final String header = "item.getType().name()\t"
    //                + "item.getInitialDate()\t"
    //                + "itemUntilDate\t"
    //                + "currency\t"
    //                + "initialAmount(item, currency).getAmount()\t"
    //                + "finalAmount\t"
    //                + "realAmountInvested";
    //        System.out.println(header);

    for (Investment item : investments) {
        if (filter.test(item)) {

            final Date itemUntilDate = item.getOut() == null ? untilDate : item.getOut().getDate();
            final YearMonth itemUntilYearMonth = new YearMonth(itemUntilDate);

            if (includeTotal) {
                YearMonth start = new YearMonth(item.getInitialDate());
                initialAmount = initialAmount
                        .add(inflation.adjust(initialAmount(item, currency), start.getYear(), start.getMonth(),
                                itemUntilYearMonth.getYear(), itemUntilYearMonth.getMonth()));
                currentAmount = currentAmount.add(finalAmount(item, currency, itemUntilDate));

            BigDecimal finalAmount = finalAmount(item, currency, itemUntilDate).getAmount();

            MoneyAmount investedAmount = initialAmount(item, currency);

            BigDecimal realAmount = realAmount(investedAmount, currency, item.getInitialDate(), itemUntilDate);

            report.add(new InvestmentReportDTO(item.getType().name(), item.getInitialDate(), itemUntilDate,
                    currency, initialAmount(item, currency).getAmount(), finalAmount,
                    inflation(currency, item.getInitialDate(), itemUntilDate),
                    finalAmount.subtract(realAmount).setScale(2, ROUNDING_MODE), realAmount));

            //String msg = "{0}\t{1}\t{2}\t{3}\t{4}\t{5}\t{6}";
            //System.out.println(MessageFormat.format(msg, item.getType().name(),
            //                        item.getInitialDate(),
            //                        itemUntilDate,
            //                        currency,
            //                        initialAmount(item, currency).getAmount(),
            //                        finalAmount, realAmount));

            (InvestmentReportDTO o1, InvestmentReportDTO o2) -> o1.getFrom().compareTo(o2.getFrom()));

    return new DetailedInvestmentReportDTO(includeTotal
            ? new InvestmentDTO(currency, initialAmount.getAmount(), currentAmount.getAmount(), untilDate)
            : null, report);

From source file:org.efaps.esjp.accounting.transaction.Recalculate_Base.java

 * Method for recalculate and return string.
 * @param _parameter Parameter as passed from the eFaps API.
 * @param _docInst Instance of the document selected.
 * @return String./*from   ww  w  .j  av  a 2 s .co  m*/
 * @throws EFapsException on error.
protected String getRecalculateInfo(final Parameter _parameter, final Instance _docInst) throws EFapsException {
    final StringBuilder html = new StringBuilder();
    final PrintQuery print = new PrintQuery(_docInst);
    print.addAttribute(CISales.DocumentSumAbstract.RateCrossTotal, CISales.DocumentSumAbstract.CrossTotal,
            CISales.DocumentSumAbstract.RateCurrencyId, CISales.DocumentSumAbstract.CurrencyId,
            CISales.DocumentSumAbstract.Date, CISales.DocumentSumAbstract.Name);

    final BigDecimal rateCross = print.<BigDecimal>getAttribute(CISales.DocumentSumAbstract.RateCrossTotal);
    final BigDecimal crossTotal = print.<BigDecimal>getAttribute(CISales.DocumentSumAbstract.CrossTotal);
    final String nameDoc = print.<String>getAttribute(CISales.DocumentSumAbstract.Name);
    final Instance targetCurrInst = Instance.get(CIERP.Currency.getType(),
    final Instance currentInst = Instance.get(CIERP.Currency.getType(),
    final CurrencyInst tarCurr = new CurrencyInst(targetCurrInst);
    final CurrencyInst curr = new CurrencyInst(currentInst);

    final PriceUtil priceUtil = new PriceUtil();
    final BigDecimal[] rates = priceUtil.getRates(_parameter, targetCurrInst, currentInst);
    final BigDecimal rate = rates[2];

    final BigDecimal newCrossTotal = rateCross.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) == 0 ? BigDecimal.ZERO
            : rateCross.divide(rate, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP);
    final BigDecimal gainloss = newCrossTotal.subtract(crossTotal);

    final Map<String, String[]> map = validateInfo(_parameter, gainloss);
    final String[] accs = map.get("accs");
    final String[] check = map.get("check");

            .append("</td>").append("<td colspan=\"2\">").append(nameDoc).append("</td>").append("</tr>")
            .append("</td>").append("<td>").append(rateCross).append(" ").append(tarCurr.getSymbol())
            .append("</td>").append("<td>").append(crossTotal).append(" ").append(curr.getSymbol())
            .append("</td>").append("<td colspan=\"2\" align=\"right\">").append(newCrossTotal).append(" ")
    if (gainloss.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) == -1) {
    } else {
    html.append("</td>").append("<td colspan=\"2\" align=\"right\">").append(gainloss.abs()).append(" ")
            .append("<td colspan=\"2\" align=\"right\">");
    if (checkAccounts(accs, 0, check).length() > 0) {
        html.append(checkAccounts(accs, 0, check));
    } else {
            .append("<td colspan=\"2\" align=\"right\">");
    if (checkAccounts(accs, 1, check).length() > 0) {
        html.append(checkAccounts(accs, 1, check));
    } else {
    return html.toString();