List of usage examples for java.math BigDecimal ROUND_HALF_UP
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From source
public Map<String, BigDecimal> getCollectionAndDemandCountResults( CollectionDetailsRequest collectionDetailsRequest, Date fromDate, Date toDate, String indexName, String fieldName, String aggregationField) { BoolQueryBuilder boolQuery = prepareWhereClause(collectionDetailsRequest, indexName); if (indexName.equals(COLLECTION_INDEX_NAME)) boolQuery = boolQuery/* w w w . ja va 2 s. com*/ .filter(QueryBuilders.rangeQuery(RECEIPT_DATE).gte(DATEFORMATTER_YYYY_MM_DD.format(fromDate)) .lte(DATEFORMATTER_YYYY_MM_DD.format(toDate)).includeUpper(false)) .mustNot(QueryBuilders.matchQuery(STATUS, CANCELLED)); else if (indexName.equals(PROPERTY_TAX_INDEX_NAME)) boolQuery = boolQuery.filter(QueryBuilders.matchQuery(IS_ACTIVE, true)) .filter(QueryBuilders.matchQuery(IS_EXEMPTED, false)); AggregationBuilder aggregation = AggregationBuilders.terms(BY_CITY).field(aggregationField).size(120) .subAggregation(AggregationBuilders.count("total_count").field(fieldName)); SearchQuery searchQueryColl = new NativeSearchQueryBuilder().withIndices(indexName).withQuery(boolQuery) .addAggregation(aggregation).build(); Aggregations collAggr = elasticsearchTemplate.query(searchQueryColl, new ResultsExtractor<Aggregations>() { @Override public Aggregations extract(SearchResponse response) { return response.getAggregations(); } }); StringTerms cityAggr = collAggr.get(BY_CITY); Map<String, BigDecimal> cytdCollMap = new HashMap<>(); for (Terms.Bucket entry : cityAggr.getBuckets()) { ValueCount aggr = entry.getAggregations().get("total_count"); cytdCollMap.put(String.valueOf(entry.getKey()), BigDecimal.valueOf(aggr.getValue()).setScale(0, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP)); } return cytdCollMap; }
From source
public void printTbBusinessBalanceTemplate(OutputStream os, String tpl, Long id, String companyName) { // ??/*from w w w . ja va 2s . com*/ TbBusinessBalance tbBusinessBalance = this.findById(id); // ? TbFixEntrust tbFixEntrust = tbFixEntrustService.findById(tbBusinessBalance.getTbFixEntrust().getId()); // ? TbCustomer tbCustomer = tbCustomerService.findById(tbFixEntrust.getTbCustomer().getId()); // ? TbCarInfo tbCarInfo = tbCarInfoService.findById(tbFixEntrust.getTbCarInfo().getId()); // ?? TmCompany tmCompany = tmCompanyService.acquireUniqueTmCompany(); // ? List<TbFixEntrustContent> tbFixEntrustContentList = tbFixEntrustContentService .findTbFixEnTrustContentListByTbFixEntrustId(tbFixEntrust.getId()); List<TbFixEntrustContent> tbFixEntrustContentListPage = new ArrayList<TbFixEntrustContent>(); List<TbFixEntrustContent> tbFixEntrustContentListTemp = new ArrayList<TbFixEntrustContent>(); List<TbFixEntrustContent> tbFixEntrustContentListAdd = new ArrayList<TbFixEntrustContent>(); if (null != tbFixEntrustContentList && tbFixEntrustContentList.size() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < tbFixEntrustContentList.size(); i++) { boolean flag = false; if (tbFixEntrustContentListTemp.size() == 0) { tbFixEntrustContentListTemp.add(tbFixEntrustContentList.get(i)); } else { if (tbFixEntrustContentListTemp.size() > 1) { for (TbFixEntrustContent _tbFixEntrustContent : tbFixEntrustContentListTemp) { if (_tbFixEntrustContent.getStationName() .equals(tbFixEntrustContentList.get(i).getStationName()) && _tbFixEntrustContent.getTbWorkingInfo().getId() .equals(tbFixEntrustContentList.get(i).getTbWorkingInfo().getId()) && _tbFixEntrustContent.getFreesymbol() .equals(tbFixEntrustContentList.get(i).getFreesymbol()) ) { flag = true; break; } } } } if (flag) { continue; } else { tbFixEntrustContentListTemp.add(tbFixEntrustContentList.get(i)); } TbFixEntrustContent temp = tbFixEntrustContentList.get(i); BigDecimal d = new BigDecimal(temp.getFixHourAll()); BigDecimal d2 = new BigDecimal(temp.getFixHour()); for (int j = i + 1; j < tbFixEntrustContentList.size(); j++) { if (temp.getStationName().equals(tbFixEntrustContentList.get(j).getStationName()) && temp.getTbWorkingInfo().getId() .equals(tbFixEntrustContentList.get(j).getTbWorkingInfo().getId()) && temp.getFreesymbol().equals(tbFixEntrustContentList.get(j).getFreesymbol())) { d = d.add(new BigDecimal(tbFixEntrustContentList.get(j).getFixHourAll())); d2 = d2.add(new BigDecimal(tbFixEntrustContentList.get(j).getFixHour())); } } temp.setFixHourAll(d.doubleValue()); temp.setFixHour(d2.doubleValue()); if (!temp.getFreesymbol().equals(1d) || !temp.getFixHourAll().equals(0d)) { tbFixEntrustContentListAdd.add(temp); } } } // ?? List<TbMaintianVo> maintianvos = tbMaintainPartContentService .getTbMaintianDetailVosByEntrustId(tbFixEntrust.getId(), Constants.BALANCE_ALL); // ? List<TmStockOutDetVo> tmStockOutDetVos = tmStockOutService .getSellDetailByEntrustCode(tbFixEntrust.getEntrustCode(), Constants.BALANCE_ALL); // List<TbBusinessBalanceItem> tbBusinessBalanceItemList = tbBusinessBalanceItemService .findGroupTbBusinessBalanceItemListByTbBusinessBalanceId(tbBusinessBalance.getId()); // ??? if (null == maintianvos) { maintianvos = new ArrayList<TbMaintianVo>(); } if (null != tmStockOutDetVos && tmStockOutDetVos.size() > 0) { for (TmStockOutDetVo tmStockOutDetVo : tmStockOutDetVos) { TbMaintianVo tbMaintianVo = new TbMaintianVo(); tbMaintianVo.setPartId(tmStockOutDetVo.getPartinfoId()); tbMaintianVo.setHouseName(tmStockOutDetVo.getHouseName()); tbMaintianVo.setPartCode(tmStockOutDetVo.getPartCode()); tbMaintianVo.setPartName(tmStockOutDetVo.getPartName()); tbMaintianVo.setUnitName(tmStockOutDetVo.getUnitName()); tbMaintianVo.setPrice(tmStockOutDetVo.getPrice()); tbMaintianVo.setPartQuantity(tmStockOutDetVo.getQuantity()); tbMaintianVo.setTotal(tmStockOutDetVo.getTotal()); tbMaintianVo.setIsFree(tmStockOutDetVo.getIsFree()); tbMaintianVo.setProjectType(tmStockOutDetVo.getProjectType()); tbMaintianVo.setZl(tmStockOutDetVo.getZl()); tbMaintianVo.setXmlx(tmStockOutDetVo.getXmlx()); maintianvos.add(tbMaintianVo); } } /** * add by ccr 2010-12-18 */ List<TbMaintianVo> maintianvosTemp = new ArrayList<TbMaintianVo>(); List<TbMaintianVo> maintianvosAdd = new ArrayList<TbMaintianVo>(); if (maintianvos.size() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < maintianvos.size(); i++) { boolean flag = false; if (maintianvosTemp.size() == 0) { maintianvosTemp.add(maintianvos.get(i)); } else { if (maintianvosTemp.size() > 1) { int l = 0; for (TbMaintianVo _tbMaintianVo : maintianvosTemp) { if (_tbMaintianVo.getPartId().equals(maintianvos.get(i).getPartId()) && _tbMaintianVo.getIsFree().equals(maintianvos.get(i).getIsFree()) && _tbMaintianVo.getPrice().equals(maintianvos.get(i).getPrice())) { // maintianvosTemp.set(l, maintianvos.get(i)); flag = true; break; } l++; } } } if (flag) { continue; } else { maintianvosTemp.add(maintianvos.get(i)); } TbMaintianVo temp = maintianvos.get(i); BigDecimal d1 = new BigDecimal(temp.getPartQuantity()); BigDecimal d2 = new BigDecimal(temp.getTotal()); for (int j = i + 1; j < maintianvos.size(); j++) { if (temp.getPartId().equals(maintianvos.get(j).getPartId()) && temp.getIsFree().equals(maintianvos.get(j).getIsFree()) && temp.getPrice().equals(maintianvos.get(j).getPrice())) { temp.setPrice(maintianvos.get(j).getPrice()); d1 = d1.add(new BigDecimal(maintianvos.get(j).getPartQuantity())); d2 = d2.add(new BigDecimal(maintianvos.get(j).getTotal())); } } temp.setPartQuantity(d1.doubleValue()); temp.setTotal(d2.doubleValue()); if (!temp.getIsFree().equals(1L) || !temp.getPartQuantity().equals(0d)) { /* * temp.setPrice(new BigDecimal(temp.getTotal()).divide(new * BigDecimal(temp.getPartQuantity()),2, * BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).setScale(2, * BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).doubleValue()); */ maintianvosAdd.add(temp); } } } int fixSize = (tbFixEntrustContentListAdd == null ? 0 : tbFixEntrustContentListAdd.size()); int partSize = (maintianvosAdd == null ? 0 : maintianvosAdd.size()); try { HSSFWorkbook workbook = new HSSFWorkbook(this.getClass().getResourceAsStream(tpl)); HSSFSheet sheet = workbook.getSheetAt(0); HSSFCellStyle style = workbook.createCellStyle(); style.setWrapText(true); style.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_LEFT); style.setVerticalAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER); HSSFFont font = workbook.createFont(); font.setFontName(""); font.setFontHeightInPoints((short) 9); style.setFont(font); HSSFCellStyle styleRight = workbook.createCellStyle(); styleRight.setWrapText(true); styleRight.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_RIGHT); styleRight.setVerticalAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER); styleRight.setFont(font); HSSFCellStyle styleBorderThinAll = workbook.createCellStyle(); styleBorderThinAll.setBorderLeft(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); styleBorderThinAll.setBorderRight(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); styleBorderThinAll.setBorderTop(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); styleBorderThinAll.setBorderBottom(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); styleBorderThinAll.setWrapText(true); styleBorderThinAll.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_LEFT); styleBorderThinAll.setVerticalAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER); styleBorderThinAll.setFont(font); HSSFCellStyle styleBorderThickLeft = workbook.createCellStyle(); styleBorderThickLeft.setBorderLeft(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THICK); styleBorderThickLeft.setBorderRight(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); styleBorderThickLeft.setBorderTop(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); styleBorderThickLeft.setBorderBottom(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); styleBorderThickLeft.setWrapText(true); styleBorderThickLeft.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_LEFT); styleBorderThickLeft.setVerticalAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER); styleBorderThickLeft.setFont(font); HSSFCellStyle styleBorderThickRight = workbook.createCellStyle(); styleBorderThickRight.setBorderRight(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THICK); styleBorderThickRight.setBorderLeft(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); styleBorderThickRight.setBorderTop(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); styleBorderThickRight.setBorderBottom(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); styleBorderThickRight.setWrapText(true); styleBorderThickRight.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_LEFT); styleBorderThickRight.setVerticalAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER); styleBorderThickRight.setFont(font); HSSFCellStyle styleBorderThinAllCenter = workbook.createCellStyle(); styleBorderThinAllCenter.setBorderLeft(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); styleBorderThinAllCenter.setBorderRight(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); styleBorderThinAllCenter.setBorderTop(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); styleBorderThinAllCenter.setBorderBottom(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); styleBorderThinAllCenter.setWrapText(true); styleBorderThinAllCenter.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER); styleBorderThinAllCenter.setVerticalAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER); styleBorderThinAllCenter.setFont(font); HSSFCellStyle styleBorderThickLeftCenter = workbook.createCellStyle(); styleBorderThickLeftCenter.setBorderLeft(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THICK); styleBorderThickLeftCenter.setBorderRight(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); styleBorderThickLeftCenter.setBorderTop(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); styleBorderThickLeftCenter.setBorderBottom(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); styleBorderThickLeftCenter.setWrapText(true); styleBorderThickLeftCenter.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER); styleBorderThickLeftCenter.setVerticalAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER); styleBorderThickLeftCenter.setFont(font); HSSFCellStyle styleBorderThickRightCenter = workbook.createCellStyle(); styleBorderThickRightCenter.setBorderRight(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THICK); styleBorderThickRightCenter.setBorderLeft(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); styleBorderThickRightCenter.setBorderTop(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); styleBorderThickRightCenter.setBorderBottom(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); styleBorderThickRightCenter.setWrapText(true); styleBorderThickRightCenter.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER); styleBorderThickRightCenter.setVerticalAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER); styleBorderThickRightCenter.setFont(font); HSSFCellStyle styleCenter = workbook.createCellStyle(); styleCenter.setWrapText(true); styleCenter.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER); styleCenter.setVerticalAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER); styleCenter.setFont(font); HSSFRow row = null; HSSFCell cell = null; row = sheet.getRow(2); cell = row.getCell(4); // cell.setCellStyle(style); if ("dfbz".equals(companyName)) { cell.setCellValue(Constants.getCompanyMap().get("dfbzCode")); } else if ("xtl".equals(companyName)) { cell.setCellValue(Constants.getCompanyMap().get("xtlCode")); } row = sheet.getRow(2); cell = row.getCell(17); if ("xtl".equals(companyName)) { cell.setCellValue(/* tmCompany.getCompanyName() */"?"); } else { cell.setCellValue(tmCompany.getCompanyName()); } row = sheet.getRow(2); cell = row.getCell(33); cell.setCellValue(tmCompany.getCompanyPhone() == null ? "" : tmCompany.getCompanyPhone()); row = sheet.getRow(4); cell = row.getCell(4); if ("xtl".equals(companyName)) { cell.setCellValue(""); } else { cell.setCellValue(tmCompany.getCompanyZipCode() == null ? "" : tmCompany.getCompanyZipCode()); } row = sheet.getRow(4); cell = row.getCell(17); cell.setCellValue(tmCompany.getCompanyAddress() == null ? "" : tmCompany.getCompanyAddress()); row = sheet.getRow(4); cell = row.getCell(33); cell.setCellValue(tmCompany.getCompanyFax() == null ? "" : tmCompany.getCompanyFax()); row = sheet.getRow(10); cell = row.getCell(2); // cell.setCellStyle(style); String entrustCode = tbFixEntrust.getEntrustCode(); String[] es = entrustCode.split("-"); String newCode = "RO" + es[0].substring(2, 6) + es[1]; cell.setCellValue(newCode); row = sheet.getRow(10); cell = row.getCell(24); // cell.setCellStyle(style); cell.setCellValue((tbFixEntrust.getTmUser().getUserRealName() == null || "".equals(tbFixEntrust.getTmUser().getUserRealName())) ? tbFixEntrust.getTmUser().getUserName() : tbFixEntrust.getTmUser().getUserRealName()); row = sheet.getRow(10); cell = row.getCell(40); // cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); cell.setCellValue( CommonMethod.parseDateToString(tbBusinessBalance.getBananceDate(), "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm")); row = sheet.getRow(8); cell = row.getCell(40); // cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); cell.setCellValue(CommonMethod.parseDateToString(tbFixEntrust.getFixDate(), "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm")); row = sheet.getRow(12); cell = row.getCell(4); cell.setCellValue(tbCustomer.getCustomerName()); row = sheet.getRow(12); cell = row.getCell(24); cell.setCellValue(tbCarInfo.getLicenseCode()); row = sheet.getRow(12); cell = row.getCell(41); cell.setCellValue(tbCarInfo.getTmCarModelType().getModelName()); row = sheet.getRow(14); cell = row.getCell(4); cell.setCellValue(tbCustomer.getTelephone() == null ? "" : tbCustomer.getTelephone()); row = sheet.getRow(18); cell = row.getCell(12); cell.setCellValue(tbCustomer.getTelephone() == null ? "" : tbCustomer.getTelephone()); row = sheet.getRow(14); cell = row.getCell(24); cell.setCellValue(tbCarInfo.getChassisCode()); row = sheet.getRow(16); cell = row.getCell(4); cell.setCellValue(tbCustomer.getAddress() == null ? "" : tbCustomer.getAddress()); row = sheet.getRow(16); cell = row.getCell(24); cell.setCellValue(CommonMethod.parseDateToString(tbCarInfo.getPurchaseDate(), "yyyy-MM-dd")); row = sheet.getRow(16); cell = row.getCell(41); if ("xtl".equals(companyName)) { cell.setCellValue( tbFixEntrust.getEnterStationKilo() == null ? "" : new BigDecimal(tbFixEntrust.getEnterStationKilo()) .divide(new BigDecimal("1.00"), 0, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).toString() + " Km"); } else { cell.setCellValue( tbFixEntrust.getEnterStationKilo() == null ? "" : new BigDecimal(tbFixEntrust.getEnterStationKilo()) .divide(new BigDecimal("1.00"), 0, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).toString() + " Km"); } row = sheet.getRow(18); cell = row.getCell(4); cell.setCellValue(tbCustomer.getContractPerson() == null ? "" : tbCustomer.getContractPerson()); row = sheet.getRow(18); cell = row.getCell(24); cell.setCellValue(tbCarInfo.getEngineCode() == null ? "" : tbCarInfo.getEngineCode()); row = sheet.getRow(18); cell = row.getCell(41); cell.setCellValue(tbCarInfo.getColor() == null ? "" : tbCarInfo.getColor()); /* * if (null != tbBusinessBalanceItemList && * tbBusinessBalanceItemList.size() > 0) { * * for (TbBusinessBalanceItem tbBusinessBalanceItem : * tbBusinessBalanceItemList) { * * if ("XLCLF".equals(tbBusinessBalanceItem .getBalanceItemCode())) * { * * row = sheet.getRow(77); * * cell = row.getCell(24); * * cell.setCellValue(new BigDecimal(tbBusinessBalanceItem * .getBalanceItemTotal()).divide( new BigDecimal("1.00"), 2, * BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).toString()); * * continue; } * * if ("XLGSF".equals(tbBusinessBalanceItem .getBalanceItemCode())) * { * * row = sheet.getRow(75); * * cell = row.getCell(24); * * cell.setCellValue(new BigDecimal(tbBusinessBalanceItem * .getBalanceItemTotal()).divide( new BigDecimal("1.00"), 2, * BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).toString()); * * continue; } * * if ("ZJE" .equals(tbBusinessBalanceItem.getBalanceItemCode())) { * * row = sheet.getRow(81); * * cell = row.getCell(24); * * cell.setCellValue(new BigDecimal(tbBusinessBalanceItem * .getBalanceItemTotal()).divide( new BigDecimal("1.00"), 2, * BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).toString()); * * continue; } * * } * * row = sheet.getRow(79); * * cell = row.getCell(24); * * cell.setCellValue("0.00"); * * } */ BigDecimal d_f_w = new BigDecimal("0.00"); BigDecimal d_f_p = new BigDecimal("0.00"); BigDecimal d_f_i = new BigDecimal("0.00"); BigDecimal d_f_c = new BigDecimal("0.00"); if (fixSize > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < fixSize; i++) { TbFixEntrustContent t = tbFixEntrustContentListAdd.get(i); if ("W".equals(t.getZl())) { d_f_w = d_f_w.add(new BigDecimal(t.getFixHourAll())); } else if ("P".equals(t.getZl())) { d_f_p = d_f_p.add(new BigDecimal(t.getFixHourAll())); } else if ("I".equals(t.getZl())) { d_f_i = d_f_i.add(new BigDecimal(t.getFixHourAll())); } else if ("C".equals(t.getZl())) { d_f_c = d_f_c.add(new BigDecimal(t.getFixHourAll())); } } } BigDecimal d_p_w = new BigDecimal("0.00"); BigDecimal d_p_p = new BigDecimal("0.00"); BigDecimal d_p_i = new BigDecimal("0.00"); BigDecimal d_p_c = new BigDecimal("0.00"); if (partSize > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < partSize; i++) { TbMaintianVo t = maintianvosAdd.get(i); if ("W".equals(t.getZl())) { d_p_w = d_p_w.add(new BigDecimal(t.getTotal())); } else if ("P".equals(t.getZl())) { d_p_p = d_p_p.add(new BigDecimal(t.getTotal())); } else if ("I".equals(t.getZl())) { d_p_i = d_p_i.add(new BigDecimal(t.getTotal())); } else if ("C".equals(t.getZl())) { d_p_c = d_p_c.add(new BigDecimal(t.getTotal())); } } } row = sheet.getRow(75); cell = row.getCell(6); cell.setCellValue(d_f_w.divide(new BigDecimal("1.00"), 2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).toString()); row = sheet.getRow(77); cell = row.getCell(6); cell.setCellValue(d_p_w.divide(new BigDecimal("1.00"), 2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).toString()); row = sheet.getRow(79); cell = row.getCell(6); cell.setCellValue("0.00"); row = sheet.getRow(81); cell = row.getCell(6); cell.setCellValue( d_f_w.add(d_p_w).divide(new BigDecimal("1.00"), 2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).toString()); row = sheet.getRow(75); cell = row.getCell(12); cell.setCellValue(d_f_p.divide(new BigDecimal("1.00"), 2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).toString()); row = sheet.getRow(77); cell = row.getCell(12); cell.setCellValue(d_p_p.divide(new BigDecimal("1.00"), 2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).toString()); row = sheet.getRow(79); cell = row.getCell(12); cell.setCellValue("0.00"); row = sheet.getRow(81); cell = row.getCell(12); cell.setCellValue( d_f_p.add(d_p_p).divide(new BigDecimal("1.00"), 2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).toString()); row = sheet.getRow(75); cell = row.getCell(18); cell.setCellValue(d_f_i.divide(new BigDecimal("1.00"), 2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).toString()); row = sheet.getRow(77); cell = row.getCell(18); cell.setCellValue(d_p_i.divide(new BigDecimal("1.00"), 2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).toString()); row = sheet.getRow(79); cell = row.getCell(18); cell.setCellValue("0.00"); row = sheet.getRow(81); cell = row.getCell(18); cell.setCellValue( d_f_i.add(d_p_i).divide(new BigDecimal("1.00"), 2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).toString()); row = sheet.getRow(75); cell = row.getCell(24); cell.setCellValue(d_f_c.divide(new BigDecimal("1.00"), 2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).toString()); row = sheet.getRow(77); cell = row.getCell(24); cell.setCellValue(d_p_c.divide(new BigDecimal("1.00"), 2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).toString()); row = sheet.getRow(79); cell = row.getCell(24); cell.setCellValue("0.00"); row = sheet.getRow(81); cell = row.getCell(24); cell.setCellValue( d_f_c.add(d_p_c).divide(new BigDecimal("1.00"), 2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).toString()); Double wt = tbBusinessBalance.getWorkingHourTotalAll() == null ? 0d : tbBusinessBalance.getWorkingHourTotalAll(); Double wf = tbBusinessBalance.getWorkingHourFavourRate() == null ? 0d : tbBusinessBalance.getWorkingHourFavourRate(); Double pt = tbBusinessBalance.getFixPartTotalAll() == null ? 0d : tbBusinessBalance.getFixPartTotalAll(); Double pf = tbBusinessBalance.getFixPartFavourRate() == null ? 0d : tbBusinessBalance.getFixPartFavourRate(); Double st = tbBusinessBalance.getSolePartTotalAll() == null ? 0d : tbBusinessBalance.getSolePartTotalAll(); Double sf = tbBusinessBalance.getSolePartFavourRate() == null ? 0d : tbBusinessBalance.getSolePartFavourRate(); BigDecimal fixF = new BigDecimal(wt).divide(new BigDecimal(1 - wf), 2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP) .multiply(new BigDecimal(wf)); BigDecimal partF = new BigDecimal(pt).divide(new BigDecimal(1 - pf), 2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP) .multiply(new BigDecimal(pf)); BigDecimal soleF = new BigDecimal(st).divide(new BigDecimal(1 - sf), 2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP) .multiply(new BigDecimal(sf)); row = sheet.getRow(83); cell = row.getCell(4); // cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); cell.setCellValue(fixF.add(partF).add(soleF).divide(new BigDecimal("1.00"), 2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP) .toString()); row = sheet.getRow(83); cell = row.getCell(14); // cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); cell.setCellValue(new BigDecimal(tbBusinessBalance.getPayedAmount()) .divide(new BigDecimal("1.00"), 2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).toString()); row = sheet.getRow(68); cell = row.getCell(40); // cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); cell.setCellValue(CommonMethod .parseDateToString(tbBusinessBalance.getTbFixEntrust().getRemindMaintainDate(), "yyyy-MM-dd")); row = sheet.getRow(70); cell = row.getCell(40); // cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); cell.setCellValue(tbBusinessBalance.getTbFixEntrust().getRemindMaintainKilo() == null ? "" : new BigDecimal(tbBusinessBalance.getTbFixEntrust().getRemindMaintainKilo()) .divide(new BigDecimal("1.00"), 0, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP) + ""); row = sheet.getRow(77); cell = row.getCell(30); // cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); cell.setCellValue(tbBusinessBalance.getTbFixEntrust().getRemark()); ByteArrayOutputStream byteArrayOutImgLion = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); String pic = ""; if ("dfbz".equals(companyName)) { pic = "/lion_jsd.png"; } else if ("xtl".equals(companyName)) { pic = "/xtl_jsd.png"; } BufferedImage bufferImgLion =; ImageIO.write(bufferImgLion, "png", byteArrayOutImgLion); HSSFPatriarch patriarch = sheet.createDrawingPatriarch(); HSSFClientAnchor anchorLion = new HSSFClientAnchor(0, 0, 1023, 200, (short) 41, 0, (short) 46, 7); patriarch.createPicture(anchorLion, workbook.addPicture(byteArrayOutImgLion.toByteArray(), HSSFWorkbook.PICTURE_TYPE_PNG)); /* * int maxSize = 19; * * int maxFixSize = (fixSize > 19 ? 19 : fixSize); * * int maxPartSize = maxSize - maxFixSize > partSize ? partSize : * maxSize - maxFixSize; * * int partStartRow = (fixSize == 0 ? 21 : 21 + maxFixSize * 2 + 4); * * int partStartRowClone = ((fixSize - maxFixSize) == 0 ? 21 : 21 + * (fixSize - maxFixSize) * 2 + 4); * * int minBlank = 9; * * if ((fixSize + partSize) > 17) { * * HSSFSheet sheetClone = workbook.cloneSheet(0); * * HSSFRow rowClone = sheetClone.getRow(87); * * HSSFCell cellClone = rowClone.getCell(34); * * cellClone.setCellValue("2 2 "); * * HSSFPatriarch patriarchClone = sheetClone * .createDrawingPatriarch(); * * HSSFClientAnchor anchorLionClone = new HSSFClientAnchor(0, 0, * 1023, 200, (short) 41, 0, (short) 47, 8); * * patriarchClone.createPicture(anchorLionClone, workbook * .addPicture(byteArrayOutImgLion.toByteArray(), * HSSFWorkbook.PICTURE_TYPE_PNG)); * * if ((fixSize - maxFixSize) > 0) { * * * sheetClone.addMergedRegion(new Region(21, (short) 0, 21, (short) * 49)); * * sheetClone.addMergedRegion(new Region(21, (short) 0, 21, (short) * 0)); * * * sheetClone.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(21, 21, 0, 49)); * * rowClone = sheetClone.getRow(21); * * cellClone = rowClone.getCell(0); * * // cellClone.setCellStyle(style); * * cellClone.setCellValue(""); * * cellClone.setCellStyle(styleBorderThickLeft); * * rowClone = sheetClone.getRow(21); * * cellClone = rowClone.getCell(0); * * cellClone.setCellStyle(styleBorderThickLeft); * * rowClone = sheetClone.getRow(24); * * cellClone = rowClone.getCell(0); * * cellClone.setCellStyle(styleBorderThickLeftCenter); * * rowClone = sheetClone.getRow(23); * * cellClone = rowClone.getCell(0); * * // cellClone.setCellStyle(styleCenter); * * cellClone.setCellStyle(styleBorderThickLeftCenter); * * cellClone.setCellValue("??"); * * cellClone = rowClone.getCell(2); * * cellClone.setCellStyle(styleCenter); * * cellClone.setCellValue("?"); * * cellClone = rowClone.getCell(10); * * cellClone.setCellStyle(styleCenter); * * cellClone.setCellValue(""); * * cellClone = rowClone.getCell(21); * * cellClone.setCellStyle(styleCenter); * * cellClone.setCellValue("?"); * * cellClone = rowClone.getCell(24); * * cellClone.setCellStyle(styleCenter); * * cellClone.setCellValue(""); * * cellClone = rowClone.getCell(30); * * cellClone.setCellStyle(styleCenter); * * cellClone.setCellValue(""); * * cellClone = rowClone.getCell(34); * * cellClone.setCellStyle(styleCenter); * * cellClone.setCellValue("?"); * * cellClone = rowClone.getCell(40); * * cellClone.setCellStyle(styleCenter); * * cellClone.setCellValue(""); * * cellClone = rowClone.getCell(44); * * cellClone.setCellStyle(styleCenter); * * cellClone.setCellValue(""); * * for (int i = 0; i < (fixSize - maxFixSize); i++) { * * TbFixEntrustContent tbFixEntrustContent = * tbFixEntrustContentListAdd .get(i + maxFixSize); * * rowClone = sheetClone.getRow(25 + i * 2); * * cellClone = rowClone.getCell(0); * * // cellClone.setCellStyle(styleCenter); * * cellClone.setCellValue(i + 1); * * cellClone = rowClone.getCell(2); * * // cellClone.setCellStyle(styleCenter); * * cellClone.setCellValue(tbFixEntrustContent .getStationCode()); * * cellClone = rowClone.getCell(10); * * // cellClone.setCellStyle(styleCenter); * * cellClone.setCellValue(tbFixEntrustContent .getStationName()); * * cellClone = rowClone.getCell(21); * * // cellClone.setCellStyle(styleCenter); * * cellClone.setCellValue(tbFixEntrustContent.getZl()); * * cellClone = rowClone.getCell(24); * * // cellClone.setCellStyle(styleCenter); * * cellClone.setCellValue(tbFixEntrustContent .getProjectType()); * * cellClone = rowClone.getCell(30); * * // cellClone.setCellStyle(styleCenter); * * cellClone.setCellValue(new BigDecimal( * tbFixEntrustContent.getFixHour()).divide( new BigDecimal("1.00"), * 2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).toString()); * * cellClone = rowClone.getCell(34); * * // cellClone.setCellStyle(styleCenter); * * cellClone.setCellValue(new BigDecimal( * tbFixEntrustContent.getWorkingHourPrice()) .divide(new * BigDecimal("1.00"), 2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).toString()); * * cellClone = rowClone.getCell(40); * * // cellClone.setCellStyle(styleCenter); * * cellClone.setCellValue(new BigDecimal(tbBusinessBalance * .getWorkingHourFavourRate()).divide( new BigDecimal("1.00"), 2, * BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).toString()); * * cellClone = rowClone.getCell(44); * * // cellClone.setCellStyle(styleCenter); * * cellClone.setCellValue(new BigDecimal( * tbFixEntrustContent.getFixHourAll()).divide( new * BigDecimal("1.00"), 2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).toString()); } * * } * * if ((partSize - maxPartSize) > 0) { * * * sheetClone.addMergedRegion(new Region(partStartRowClone, (short) * 0, partStartRowClone, (short) 49)); * * sheetClone.addMergedRegion(new Region(partStartRowClone, (short) * 0, partStartRowClone, (short) 49)); * * * sheetClone.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress( * partStartRowClone, partStartRowClone, 0, 49)); * * rowClone = sheetClone.getRow(partStartRowClone); * * cellClone = rowClone.getCell(0); * * // cellClone.setCellStyle(style); * * cellClone.setCellStyle(styleBorderThickLeft); * * cellClone.setCellValue(""); * * rowClone = sheetClone.getRow(partStartRowClone + 1); * * cellClone = rowClone.getCell(0); * * cellClone.setCellStyle(styleBorderThickLeft); * * rowClone = sheetClone.getRow(partStartRowClone + 2 + 1); * * cellClone = rowClone.getCell(0); * * cellClone.setCellStyle(styleBorderThickLeftCenter); * * rowClone = sheetClone.getRow(partStartRowClone + 2); * * cellClone = rowClone.getCell(0); * * // cellClone.setCellStyle(styleCenter); * cellClone.setCellStyle(styleBorderThickLeftCenter); * * cellClone.setCellValue("??"); * * cellClone = rowClone.getCell(2); * * cellClone.setCellStyle(styleCenter); * * cellClone.setCellValue("?"); * * cellClone = rowClone.getCell(10); * * cellClone.setCellStyle(styleCenter); * * cellClone.setCellValue("??"); * * cellClone = rowClone.getCell(21); * * cellClone.setCellStyle(styleCenter); * * cellClone.setCellValue("?"); * * cellClone = rowClone.getCell(24); * * cellClone.setCellStyle(styleCenter); * * cellClone.setCellValue(""); * * cellClone = rowClone.getCell(30); * * cellClone.setCellStyle(styleCenter); * * cellClone.setCellValue("?"); * * cellClone = rowClone.getCell(34); * * cellClone.setCellStyle(styleCenter); * * cellClone.setCellValue("?"); * * cellClone = rowClone.getCell(40); * * cellClone.setCellStyle(styleCenter); * * cellClone.setCellValue(""); * * cellClone = rowClone.getCell(44); * * cellClone.setCellStyle(styleCenter); * * cellClone.setCellValue(""); * * for (int i = 0; i < (partSize - maxPartSize); i++) { * * TbMaintianVo tbMaintianVo = maintianvosAdd.get(i + maxPartSize); * * rowClone = sheetClone.getRow(partStartRowClone + 4 + i 2); * * if(null == rowClone) break; * * cellClone = rowClone.getCell(0); * * // cellClone.setCellStyle(styleCenter); * * cellClone.setCellValue(i + 1); * * cellClone = rowClone.getCell(2); * * // cellClone.setCellStyle(styleCenter); * * cellClone.setCellValue(tbMaintianVo.getPartCode()); * * cellClone = rowClone.getCell(10); * * // cellClone.setCellStyle(styleCenter); * * cellClone.setCellValue(tbMaintianVo.getPartName()); * * cellClone = rowClone.getCell(21); * * // cellClone.setCellStyle(styleCenter); * * cellClone.setCellValue(tbMaintianVo.getZl()); * * cellClone = rowClone.getCell(24); * * // cellClone.setCellStyle(styleCenter); * * cellClone.setCellValue(tbMaintianVo.getProjectType()); * * cellClone = rowClone.getCell(30); * * cellClone.setCellStyle(styleRight); * * cellClone.setCellValue(new BigDecimal(tbMaintianVo * .getPartQuantity()).divide( new BigDecimal("1.00"), 2, * BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).toString()); * * cellClone = rowClone.getCell(34); * * // cellClone.setCellStyle(styleCenter); * * cellClone.setCellValue(new BigDecimal(tbMaintianVo * .getPrice()).divide(new BigDecimal("1.00"), 2, * BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).toString()); * * cellClone = rowClone.getCell(40); * * // .setCellStyle(styleCenter); * * cellClone.setCellValue(new BigDecimal(tbBusinessBalance * .getFixPartFavourRate()).divide( new BigDecimal("1.00"), 2, * BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).toString()); * * cellClone = rowClone.getCell(44); * * // cellClone.setCellStyle(styleCenter); * * cellClone .setCellValue(new BigDecimal(tbMaintianVo * .getPartQuantity()) .multiply( new BigDecimal(tbMaintianVo * .getPrice())) .divide(new BigDecimal("1.00"), 2, * BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP) .toString()); } * * } * * int attachStartRowClone = 21; * * if ((fixSize - maxFixSize + partSize - maxPartSize) <= 17) { * * if ((fixSize - maxFixSize) != 0 && (partSize - maxPartSize) == 0 * && (fixSize - maxFixSize) < 18) { * * attachStartRowClone = 21 + 2 + 2 + (fixSize - maxFixSize) * 2; * * } * * if ((partSize - maxPartSize) != 0 && (fixSize - maxFixSize) == 0 * && (partSize - maxPartSize) < 18) { * * attachStartRowClone = 21 + 2 + 2 + 2 + (partSize - maxPartSize) * * 2; } * * if ((fixSize - maxFixSize) != 0 && (partSize - maxPartSize) != 0 * && (fixSize - maxFixSize + partSize - maxPartSize < 18)) { * * attachStartRowClone = 21 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + (fixSize - maxFixSize) * * 2 + (partSize - maxPartSize) * 2; * * } * * * sheetClone.addMergedRegion(new Region(attachStartRowClone, * (short) 0, attachStartRowClone, (short) 49)); * * sheetClone.addMergedRegion(new Region(attachStartRowClone, * (short) 0, attachStartRowClone, (short) 49)); * * * sheetClone.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress( * attachStartRowClone, attachStartRowClone, 0, 49)); * * rowClone = sheetClone.getRow(attachStartRowClone); * * cellClone = rowClone.getCell(0); * * // cellClone.setCellStyle(style); * * cellClone.setCellStyle(styleBorderThickLeft); * * cellClone.setCellValue(""); * * rowClone = sheetClone.getRow(attachStartRowClone + 1); * * cellClone = rowClone.getCell(0); * * cellClone.setCellStyle(styleBorderThickLeft); * * rowClone = sheetClone.getRow(attachStartRowClone + 2 + 1); * * cellClone = rowClone.getCell(0); * * cellClone.setCellStyle(styleBorderThickLeftCenter); * * rowClone = sheetClone.getRow(attachStartRowClone + 2); * * cellClone = rowClone.getCell(0); * * cellClone.setCellStyle(styleBorderThickLeftCenter); * * cellClone.setCellValue("??"); * * if ("dfbz".equals(companyName)) { * * cellClone = rowClone.getCell(10); * * cellClone.setCellStyle(styleCenter); * * cellClone.setCellValue("??"); * * cellClone = rowClone.getCell(21); * * cellClone.setCellStyle(styleCenter); * * cellClone.setCellValue("?"); * * cellClone = rowClone.getCell(24); * * cellClone.setCellStyle(styleCenter); * * cellClone.setCellValue(""); * * cellClone = rowClone.getCell(30); * * cellClone.setCellStyle(styleCenter); * * cellClone.setCellValue("?"); * * cellClone = rowClone.getCell(34); * * cellClone.setCellStyle(styleCenter); * * cellClone.setCellValue("?"); * * cellClone = rowClone.getCell(40); * * cellClone.setCellStyle(styleCenter); * * } else if ("xtl".equals(companyName)) { * * * sheetClone.addMergedRegion(new Region(attachStartRowClone + 2, * (short) 2, attachStartRowClone + 2, (short) 39)); * * sheetClone.addMergedRegion(new Region(attachStartRowClone + 2, * (short) 2, attachStartRowClone + 2, (short) 39)); * * * sheetClone.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress( * attachStartRowClone + 2, attachStartRowClone + 2, 2, 39)); * * cellClone = rowClone.getCell(2); * * cellClone.setCellStyle(styleCenter); * * cellClone.setCellValue(""); * * } * * cellClone = rowClone.getCell(40); * * cellClone.setCellStyle(styleCenter); * * cellClone.setCellValue(""); * * cellClone = rowClone.getCell(44); * * cellClone.setCellStyle(styleCenter); * * cellClone.setCellValue(""); * * rowClone = sheetClone.getRow(attachStartRowClone + 4); * * cellClone = rowClone.getCell(0); * * // cellClone.setCellStyle(styleCenter); * * cellClone.setCellStyle(styleBorderThickLeftCenter); * * cellClone.setCellValue("1"); * * rowClone = sheetClone.getRow(attachStartRowClone + 4 + 1); * * cellClone = rowClone.getCell(0); * * cellClone.setCellStyle(styleBorderThickLeftCenter); * * * sheetClone.addMergedRegion(new Region(attachStartRowClone + 6, * (short) 0, 66, (short) 49)); * * sheetClone.addMergedRegion(new Region(attachStartRowClone + 6, * (short) 0, 66, (short) 49)); * * * sheetClone.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress( * attachStartRowClone + 6, 66, 0, 49)); * * } * * } else { * * row = sheet.getRow(87); * * cell = row.getCell(34); * * cell.setCellValue(" 1 1 "); * * } * * if (fixSize > 0) { * * * sheet.addMergedRegion(new Region(21, (short) 0, 21, (short) 49)); * * sheet.addMergedRegion(new Region(21, (short) 0, 21, (short) 49)); * * * sheet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(21, 21, 0, 49)); * * row = sheet.getRow(21); * * cell = row.getCell(0); * * // cell.setCellStyle(style); * * cell.setCellValue(""); * * cell.setCellStyle(styleBorderThickLeft); * * row = sheet.getRow(22); * * cell = row.getCell(0); * * cell.setCellStyle(styleBorderThickLeft); * * row = sheet.getRow(24); * * cell = row.getCell(0); * * cell.setCellStyle(styleBorderThickLeft); * * row = sheet.getRow(23); * * cell = row.getCell(0); * * // cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); * * cell.setCellValue("??"); * * cell.setCellStyle(styleBorderThickLeftCenter); * * cell = row.getCell(2); * * cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); * * cell.setCellValue("?"); * * cell = row.getCell(10); * * cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); * * cell.setCellValue(""); * * cell = row.getCell(21); * * cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); * * cell.setCellValue("?"); * * cell = row.getCell(24); * * cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); * * cell.setCellValue(""); * * cell = row.getCell(30); * * cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); * * cell.setCellValue(""); * * cell = row.getCell(34); * * cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); * * cell.setCellValue("?"); * * cell = row.getCell(40); * * cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); * * cell.setCellValue(""); * * cell = row.getCell(44); * * cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); * * cell.setCellValue(""); * * for (int i = 0; i < maxFixSize; i++) { * * TbFixEntrustContent tbFixEntrustContent = * tbFixEntrustContentListAdd .get(i); * * row = sheet.getRow(25 + i * 2); * * cell = row.getCell(0); * * // cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); * * cell.setCellValue(i + 1); * * cell = row.getCell(2); * * // cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); * * cell.setCellValue(tbFixEntrustContent.getStationCode()); * * cell = row.getCell(10); * * // cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); * * cell.setCellValue(tbFixEntrustContent.getStationName()); * * cell = row.getCell(21); * * // cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); * * cell.setCellValue(tbFixEntrustContent.getZl()); * * cell = row.getCell(24); * * // cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); * * cell.setCellValue(tbFixEntrustContent.getProjectType()); * * cell = row.getCell(30); * * // cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); * * cell.setCellValue(new BigDecimal(tbFixEntrustContent * .getFixHour()).divide(new BigDecimal("1.00"), 2, * BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).toString()); * * cell = row.getCell(34); * * // cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); * * cell.setCellValue(new BigDecimal(tbFixEntrustContent * .getWorkingHourPrice()) .divide(new BigDecimal("1.00"), 2, * BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).toString()); * * cell = row.getCell(40); * * // cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); * * cell.setCellValue(new BigDecimal((1 - tbBusinessBalance * .getWorkingHourFavourRate()) * 100) .divide(new * BigDecimal("1.00"), 2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).toString()); * * cell = row.getCell(44); * * // cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); * * cell.setCellValue(new BigDecimal(tbFixEntrustContent * .getFixHourAll()).divide(new BigDecimal("1.00"), 2, * BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).toString()); } * * } * * if ((fixSize <= maxSize - 1) && partSize > 0) { * * * sheet.addMergedRegion(new Region(partStartRow, (short) 0, * partStartRow, (short) 49)); * * sheet.addMergedRegion(new Region(partStartRow, (short) 0, * partStartRow, (short) 49)); * * * sheet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(partStartRow, * partStartRow, 0, 49)); * * row = sheet.getRow(partStartRow); * * cell = row.getCell(0); * * // cell.setCellStyle(style); * * cell.setCellValue(""); * * cell.setCellStyle(styleBorderThickLeft); * * row = sheet.getRow(partStartRow + 1); * * cell = row.getCell(0); * * cell.setCellStyle(styleBorderThickLeft); * * row = sheet.getRow(partStartRow + 2 + 1); * * cell = row.getCell(0); * * cell.setCellStyle(styleBorderThickLeftCenter); * * row = sheet.getRow(partStartRow + 2); * * cell = row.getCell(0); * * cell.setCellStyle(styleBorderThickLeftCenter); * * cell.setCellValue("??"); * * cell = row.getCell(2); * * cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); * * cell.setCellValue("?"); * * cell = row.getCell(10); * * cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); * * cell.setCellValue("??"); * * cell = row.getCell(21); * * cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); * * cell.setCellValue("?"); * * cell = row.getCell(24); * * cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); * * cell.setCellValue(""); * * cell = row.getCell(30); * * cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); * * cell.setCellValue("?"); * * cell = row.getCell(34); * * cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); * * cell.setCellValue("?"); * * cell = row.getCell(40); * * cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); * * cell.setCellValue(""); * * cell = row.getCell(44); * * cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); * * cell.setCellValue(""); * * if (partSize > 0) { * * for (int i = 0; i < maxPartSize; i++) { * * TbMaintianVo tbMaintianVo = maintianvosAdd.get(i); * * row = sheet.getRow(partStartRow + 4 + i * 2); * * cell = row.getCell(0); * * // cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); * * cell.setCellValue(i + 1); * * cell = row.getCell(2); * * // cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); * * cell.setCellValue(tbMaintianVo.getPartCode()); * * cell = row.getCell(10); * * // cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); * * cell.setCellValue(tbMaintianVo.getPartName()); * * cell = row.getCell(21); * * // cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); * * cell.setCellValue(tbMaintianVo.getZl()); * * cell = row.getCell(24); * * // cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); * * cell.setCellValue(tbMaintianVo.getProjectType()); * * cell = row.getCell(30); * * cell.setCellStyle(styleRight); * * cell.setCellValue(new BigDecimal(tbMaintianVo * .getPartQuantity()).divide( new BigDecimal("1.00"), 2, * BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).toString()); * * cell = row.getCell(34); * * // cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); * * cell.setCellValue(new BigDecimal(tbMaintianVo * .getPrice()).divide(new BigDecimal("1.00"), 2, * BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).toString()); * * cell = row.getCell(40); * * // cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); * * cell.setCellValue(new BigDecimal((1 - tbBusinessBalance * .getFixPartFavourRate()) * 100).divide( new BigDecimal("1.00"), * 2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).toString()); * * cell = row.getCell(44); * * // cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); * * cell.setCellValue(new BigDecimal(tbMaintianVo .getPartQuantity()) * .multiply( new BigDecimal(tbMaintianVo.getPrice())) .divide(new * BigDecimal("1.00"), 2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).toString()); } * * } * * } * * int attachStartRow = 21; * * if ((fixSize + partSize) <= 17) { * * if (fixSize != 0 && partSize == 0 && fixSize < 18) { * * attachStartRow = 19 + 2 + 2 + 2 + fixSize * 2; * * } * * if (partSize != 0 && fixSize == 0 && partSize < 18) { * * attachStartRow = 19 + 2 + 2 + 2 + partSize * 2; } * * if (fixSize != 0 && partSize != 0 && (fixSize + partSize < 18)) { * * attachStartRow = 19 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + fixSize * 2 + partSize * * 2; * * } * * * sheet.addMergedRegion(new Region(attachStartRow, (short) 0, * attachStartRow, (short) 49)); * * sheet.addMergedRegion(new Region(attachStartRow, (short) 0, * attachStartRow, (short) 49)); * * * sheet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(attachStartRow, * attachStartRow, 0, 49)); * * row = sheet.getRow(attachStartRow); * * cell = row.getCell(0); * * // cell.setCellStyle(style); * * cell.setCellStyle(styleBorderThickLeft); * * cell.setCellValue(""); * * row = sheet.getRow(attachStartRow + 1); * * cell = row.getCell(0); * * cell.setCellStyle(styleBorderThickLeft); * * row = sheet.getRow(attachStartRow + 2 + 1); * * cell = row.getCell(0); * * cell.setCellStyle(styleBorderThickLeftCenter); * * row = sheet.getRow(attachStartRow + 2); * * cell = row.getCell(0); * * // cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); * cell.setCellStyle(styleBorderThickLeftCenter); * * cell.setCellValue("??"); * * if ("dfbz".equals(companyName)) { * * cell = row.getCell(10); * * cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); * * cell.setCellValue("??"); * * cell = row.getCell(21); * * cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); * * cell.setCellValue("?"); * * cell = row.getCell(24); * * cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); * * cell.setCellValue(""); * * cell = row.getCell(30); * * cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); * * cell.setCellValue("?"); * * cell = row.getCell(34); * * cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); * * cell.setCellValue("?"); * * cell = row.getCell(40); * * cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); * * } else if ("xtl".equals(companyName)) { * * * sheet.addMergedRegion(new Region(attachStartRow + 2, (short) 2, * attachStartRow + 2, (short) 39)); * * sheet.addMergedRegion(new Region(attachStartRow + 2, (short) 2, * attachStartRow + 2, (short) 39)); * * * sheet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress( attachStartRow + 2, * attachStartRow + 2, 2, 39)); * * cell = row.getCell(2); * * cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); * * cell.setCellValue(""); * * } * * * sheet.addMergedRegion(new Region(attachStartRow + 2, (short) 2, * attachStartRow + 2, (short) 39)); * * sheet.addMergedRegion(new Region(attachStartRow + 2, (short) 2, * attachStartRow + 2, (short) 39)); * * cell = row.getCell(2); * * cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); * * cell.setCellValue(""); * * * cell = row.getCell(40); * * cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); * * cell.setCellValue(""); * * cell = row.getCell(44); * * cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); * * cell.setCellValue(""); * * row = sheet.getRow(attachStartRow + 4); * * cell = row.getCell(0); * * // cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); * cell.setCellStyle(styleBorderThickLeftCenter); * * cell.setCellValue("1"); * * row = sheet.getRow(attachStartRow + 4 + 1); * * cell = row.getCell(0); * * cell.setCellStyle(styleBorderThickLeftCenter); * * if ("xtl".equals(companyName)) { * * * sheet.addMergedRegion(new Region(attachStartRow + 6, (short) 0, * 66, (short) 49)); * * sheet.addMergedRegion(new Region(attachStartRow + 6, (short) 0, * 66, (short) 49)); * * if (attachStartRow + 6 < 66) { * * sheet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress( attachStartRow + 6, * 66, 0, 49)); } * * } } */ int pageSize = 0; if ((fixSize > 0 && partSize == 0) || (partSize > 0 && fixSize == 0)) { if ((fixSize + partSize) <= 18) { pageSize = 1; } else { pageSize = (fixSize + partSize - 19) / 21 + 2; } for (int p = pageSize - 1; p >= 0; p--) { int maxSize = (p == pageSize - 1) ? (fixSize + partSize - p * 21) : 21; int startRow = 21; if (p == 0) { sheet = workbook.getSheetAt(0); for (int k = 1; k <= pageSize / 2; k++) { workbook.setSheetOrder(workbook.getSheetName(k), pageSize - k); } for (int k = 1; k < pageSize; k++) { workbook.setSheetName(k, "" + (k + 1) + ""); } workbook.setSheetName(0, "" + 1 + ""); } else { sheet = workbook.cloneSheet(0); //this.clearSheet(sheet, 21, 0, 66, 49); } if (fixSize > 0) { sheet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(21, 21, 0, 49)); row = sheet.getRow(21); cell = row.getCell(0); cell.setCellValue(""); cell.setCellStyle(styleBorderThickLeft); row = sheet.getRow(22); cell = row.getCell(0); cell.setCellStyle(styleBorderThickLeft); row = sheet.getRow(24); cell = row.getCell(0); cell.setCellStyle(styleBorderThickLeft); row = sheet.getRow(23); cell = row.getCell(0); cell.setCellValue("??"); cell.setCellStyle(styleBorderThickLeftCenter); cell = row.getCell(2); cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); cell.setCellValue("?"); cell = row.getCell(10); cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); cell.setCellValue(""); cell = row.getCell(21); cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); cell.setCellValue("?"); cell = row.getCell(24); cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); cell.setCellValue(""); cell = row.getCell(30); cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); cell.setCellValue(""); cell = row.getCell(34); cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); cell.setCellValue("?"); cell = row.getCell(40); cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); cell.setCellValue(""); cell = row.getCell(44); cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); cell.setCellValue(""); for (int i = 0; i < maxSize; i++) { TbFixEntrustContent tbFixEntrustContent = tbFixEntrustContentListAdd.get(p * 21 + i); row = sheet.getRow(25 + i * 2); cell = row.getCell(0); // cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); cell.setCellValue(p * 21 + i + 1); cell = row.getCell(2); // cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); cell.setCellValue(tbFixEntrustContent.getStationCode()); cell = row.getCell(10); // cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); cell.setCellValue(tbFixEntrustContent.getStationName()); cell = row.getCell(21); // cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); cell.setCellValue(tbFixEntrustContent.getZl()); cell = row.getCell(24); // cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); cell.setCellValue(tbFixEntrustContent.getProjectType()); cell = row.getCell(30); // cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); cell.setCellValue(new BigDecimal(tbFixEntrustContent.getFixHour()) .divide(new BigDecimal("1.00"), 2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).toString()); cell = row.getCell(34); // cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); cell.setCellValue(new BigDecimal(tbFixEntrustContent.getWorkingHourPrice()) .divide(new BigDecimal("1.00"), 2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).toString()); cell = row.getCell(40); // cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); cell.setCellValue( new BigDecimal((1 - tbBusinessBalance.getWorkingHourFavourRate()) * 100) .divide(new BigDecimal("1.00"), 2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP) .toString()); cell = row.getCell(44); // cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); cell.setCellValue(new BigDecimal(tbFixEntrustContent.getFixHourAll()) .divide(new BigDecimal("1.00"), 2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).toString()); } } else if (partSize > 0) { sheet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(startRow, startRow, 0, 49)); row = sheet.getRow(startRow); cell = row.getCell(0); // cell.setCellStyle(style); cell.setCellValue(""); cell.setCellStyle(styleBorderThickLeft); row = sheet.getRow(startRow + 1); cell = row.getCell(0); cell.setCellStyle(styleBorderThickLeft); row = sheet.getRow(startRow + 2 + 1); cell = row.getCell(0); cell.setCellStyle(styleBorderThickLeftCenter); row = sheet.getRow(startRow + 2); cell = row.getCell(0); cell.setCellStyle(styleBorderThickLeftCenter); cell.setCellValue("??"); cell = row.getCell(2); cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); cell.setCellValue("?"); cell = row.getCell(10); cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); cell.setCellValue("??"); cell = row.getCell(21); cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); cell.setCellValue("?"); cell = row.getCell(24); cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); cell.setCellValue(""); cell = row.getCell(30); cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); cell.setCellValue("?"); cell = row.getCell(34); cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); cell.setCellValue("?"); cell = row.getCell(40); cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); cell.setCellValue(""); cell = row.getCell(44); cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); cell.setCellValue(""); for (int i = 0; i < maxSize; i++) { TbMaintianVo tbMaintianVo = maintianvosAdd.get(p * 21 + i); row = sheet.getRow(startRow + 4 + i * 2); cell = row.getCell(0); // cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); cell.setCellValue(p * 21 + i + 1); cell = row.getCell(2); // cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); cell.setCellValue(tbMaintianVo.getPartCode()); cell = row.getCell(10); // cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); cell.setCellValue(tbMaintianVo.getPartName()); cell = row.getCell(21); // cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); cell.setCellValue(tbMaintianVo.getZl()); cell = row.getCell(24); // cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); cell.setCellValue(tbMaintianVo.getProjectType()); cell = row.getCell(30); cell.setCellStyle(styleRight); cell.setCellValue(new BigDecimal(tbMaintianVo.getPartQuantity()) .divide(new BigDecimal("1.00"), 2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).toString()); cell = row.getCell(34); // cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); cell.setCellValue(new BigDecimal(tbMaintianVo.getPrice()) .divide(new BigDecimal("1.00"), 2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).toString()); cell = row.getCell(40); // cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); cell.setCellValue(new BigDecimal((1 - tbBusinessBalance.getFixPartFavourRate()) * 100) .divide(new BigDecimal("1.00"), 2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).toString()); cell = row.getCell(44); // cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); cell.setCellValue(new BigDecimal(tbMaintianVo.getPartQuantity()) .multiply(new BigDecimal(tbMaintianVo.getPrice())) .divide(new BigDecimal("1.00"), 2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).toString()); } } row = sheet.getRow(87); cell = row.getCell(34); cell.setCellValue(" " + (p + 1) + " " + pageSize + " "); if (p == pageSize - 1) { int attachStartRow = 21 + 2 + 2 + (fixSize + partSize - (pageSize - 1) * 21) * 2; sheet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(attachStartRow, attachStartRow, 0, 49)); row = sheet.getRow(attachStartRow); cell = row.getCell(0); cell.setCellStyle(styleBorderThickLeft); cell.setCellValue(""); row = sheet.getRow(attachStartRow + 1); cell = row.getCell(0); cell.setCellStyle(styleBorderThickLeft); row = sheet.getRow(attachStartRow + 2 + 1); cell = row.getCell(0); cell.setCellStyle(styleBorderThickLeftCenter); row = sheet.getRow(attachStartRow + 2); cell = row.getCell(0); // cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); cell.setCellStyle(styleBorderThickLeftCenter); cell.setCellValue("??"); if ("dfbz".equals(companyName)) { cell = row.getCell(10); cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); cell.setCellValue("??"); cell = row.getCell(21); cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); cell.setCellValue("?"); cell = row.getCell(24); cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); cell.setCellValue(""); cell = row.getCell(30); cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); cell.setCellValue("?"); cell = row.getCell(34); cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); cell.setCellValue("?"); cell = row.getCell(40); cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); } else if ("xtl".equals(companyName)) { cell = row.getCell(2); cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); cell.setCellValue(""); } cell = row.getCell(40); cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); cell.setCellValue(""); cell = row.getCell(44); cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); cell.setCellValue(""); row = sheet.getRow(attachStartRow + 4); cell = row.getCell(0); // cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); cell.setCellStyle(styleBorderThickLeftCenter); cell.setCellValue("1"); row = sheet.getRow(attachStartRow + 4 + 1); cell = row.getCell(0); cell.setCellStyle(styleBorderThickLeftCenter); if ("xtl".equals(companyName)) { if (attachStartRow + 6 < 66) { sheet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(attachStartRow + 6, 66, 0, 49)); } } } } } if (fixSize > 0 && partSize > 0) { if ((fixSize + partSize) <= 16) { pageSize = 1; } else { pageSize = (fixSize + partSize - 17) / 19 + 2; } int fixPageSize = fixSize / pageSize; int partPageSize = partSize / pageSize; int fixLastPageSize = fixSize - (pageSize - 1) * fixPageSize; int partLastPageSize = partSize - (pageSize - 1) * partPageSize; if ((fixPageSize + partPageSize) < 19 && fixPageSize != 0) { //if(fixLastPageSize >= partSize){ if (fixPageSize >= partPageSize) { fixPageSize = (19 - partPageSize) > fixSize ? fixSize : (19 - partPageSize); } else { partPageSize = (19 - fixPageSize) > partSize ? partSize : (19 - fixPageSize); } } fixLastPageSize = fixSize - (pageSize - 1) * fixPageSize; partLastPageSize = (partSize - (pageSize - 1) * partPageSize) < 0 ? 0 : (partSize - (pageSize - 1) * partPageSize); for (int p = pageSize - 1; p >= 0; p--) { int partStartRow = 21 + 2 + 2 + ((p == pageSize - 1) ? fixLastPageSize : fixPageSize) * 2; if (p == 0) { sheet = workbook.getSheetAt(0); if (pageSize > 1) { for (int k = 1; k <= pageSize / 2; k++) { workbook.setSheetOrder(workbook.getSheetName(k), pageSize - k); } for (int k = 1; k < pageSize; k++) { workbook.setSheetName(k, "" + (k + 1) + ""); } } workbook.setSheetName(0, "" + 1 + ""); } else { sheet = workbook.cloneSheet(0); } if (fixSize > 0) { sheet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(21, 21, 0, 49)); row = sheet.getRow(21); cell = row.getCell(0); cell.setCellValue(""); cell.setCellStyle(styleBorderThickLeft); row = sheet.getRow(22); cell = row.getCell(0); cell.setCellStyle(styleBorderThickLeft); row = sheet.getRow(24); cell = row.getCell(0); cell.setCellStyle(styleBorderThickLeft); row = sheet.getRow(23); cell = row.getCell(0); cell.setCellValue("??"); cell.setCellStyle(styleBorderThickLeftCenter); cell = row.getCell(2); cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); cell.setCellValue("?"); cell = row.getCell(10); cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); cell.setCellValue(""); cell = row.getCell(21); cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); cell.setCellValue("?"); cell = row.getCell(24); cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); cell.setCellValue(""); cell = row.getCell(30); cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); cell.setCellValue(""); cell = row.getCell(34); cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); cell.setCellValue("?"); cell = row.getCell(40); cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); cell.setCellValue(""); cell = row.getCell(44); cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); cell.setCellValue(""); for (int i = 0; i < ((p == pageSize - 1) ? fixLastPageSize : fixPageSize); i++) { TbFixEntrustContent tbFixEntrustContent = tbFixEntrustContentListAdd .get(p * fixPageSize + i); row = sheet.getRow(25 + i * 2); cell = row.getCell(0); // cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); cell.setCellValue(p * fixPageSize + i + 1); cell = row.getCell(2); // cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); cell.setCellValue(tbFixEntrustContent.getStationCode()); cell = row.getCell(10); // cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); cell.setCellValue(tbFixEntrustContent.getStationName()); cell = row.getCell(21); // cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); cell.setCellValue(tbFixEntrustContent.getZl()); cell = row.getCell(24); // cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); cell.setCellValue(tbFixEntrustContent.getProjectType()); cell = row.getCell(30); // cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); cell.setCellValue(new BigDecimal(tbFixEntrustContent.getFixHour()) .divide(new BigDecimal("1.00"), 2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).toString()); cell = row.getCell(34); // cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); cell.setCellValue(new BigDecimal(tbFixEntrustContent.getWorkingHourPrice()) .divide(new BigDecimal("1.00"), 2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).toString()); cell = row.getCell(40); // cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); cell.setCellValue( new BigDecimal((1 - tbBusinessBalance.getWorkingHourFavourRate()) * 100) .divide(new BigDecimal("1.00"), 2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP) .toString()); cell = row.getCell(44); // cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); cell.setCellValue(new BigDecimal(tbFixEntrustContent.getFixHourAll()) .divide(new BigDecimal("1.00"), 2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).toString()); } } if (partSize > 0) { sheet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(partStartRow, partStartRow, 0, 49)); row = sheet.getRow(partStartRow); cell = row.getCell(0); // cell.setCellStyle(style); cell.setCellValue(""); cell.setCellStyle(styleBorderThickLeft); row = sheet.getRow(partStartRow + 1); cell = row.getCell(0); cell.setCellStyle(styleBorderThickLeft); row = sheet.getRow(partStartRow + 2 + 1); cell = row.getCell(0); cell.setCellStyle(styleBorderThickLeftCenter); row = sheet.getRow(partStartRow + 2); cell = row.getCell(0); cell.setCellStyle(styleBorderThickLeftCenter); cell.setCellValue("??"); cell = row.getCell(2); cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); cell.setCellValue("?"); cell = row.getCell(10); cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); cell.setCellValue("??"); cell = row.getCell(21); cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); cell.setCellValue("?"); cell = row.getCell(24); cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); cell.setCellValue(""); cell = row.getCell(30); cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); cell.setCellValue("?"); cell = row.getCell(34); cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); cell.setCellValue("?"); cell = row.getCell(40); cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); cell.setCellValue(""); cell = row.getCell(44); cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); cell.setCellValue(""); for (int i = 0; i < ((p == pageSize - 1) ? partLastPageSize : partPageSize); i++) { if (p * partPageSize + i > partSize - 1) { break; } TbMaintianVo tbMaintianVo = maintianvosAdd.get(p * partPageSize + i); row = sheet.getRow(partStartRow + 4 + i * 2); cell = row.getCell(0); // cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); cell.setCellValue(p * partPageSize + i + 1); cell = row.getCell(2); // cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); cell.setCellValue(tbMaintianVo.getPartCode()); cell = row.getCell(10); // cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); cell.setCellValue(tbMaintianVo.getPartName()); cell = row.getCell(21); // cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); cell.setCellValue(tbMaintianVo.getZl()); cell = row.getCell(24); // cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); cell.setCellValue(tbMaintianVo.getProjectType()); cell = row.getCell(30); cell.setCellStyle(styleRight); cell.setCellValue(new BigDecimal(tbMaintianVo.getPartQuantity()) .divide(new BigDecimal("1.00"), 2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).toString()); cell = row.getCell(34); // cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); cell.setCellValue(new BigDecimal(tbMaintianVo.getPrice()) .divide(new BigDecimal("1.00"), 2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).toString()); cell = row.getCell(40); // cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); cell.setCellValue(new BigDecimal((1 - tbBusinessBalance.getFixPartFavourRate()) * 100) .divide(new BigDecimal("1.00"), 2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).toString()); cell = row.getCell(44); // cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); cell.setCellValue(new BigDecimal(tbMaintianVo.getPartQuantity()) .multiply(new BigDecimal(tbMaintianVo.getPrice())) .divide(new BigDecimal("1.00"), 2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).toString()); } } row = sheet.getRow(87); cell = row.getCell(34); cell.setCellValue(" " + (p + 1) + " " + pageSize + " "); if (p == pageSize - 1) { int attachStartRow = 21 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + (fixLastPageSize + partLastPageSize) * 2; sheet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(attachStartRow, attachStartRow, 0, 49)); row = sheet.getRow(attachStartRow); cell = row.getCell(0); cell.setCellStyle(styleBorderThickLeft); cell.setCellValue(""); row = sheet.getRow(attachStartRow + 1); cell = row.getCell(0); cell.setCellStyle(styleBorderThickLeft); row = sheet.getRow(attachStartRow + 2 + 1); cell = row.getCell(0); cell.setCellStyle(styleBorderThickLeftCenter); row = sheet.getRow(attachStartRow + 2); cell = row.getCell(0); // cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); cell.setCellStyle(styleBorderThickLeftCenter); cell.setCellValue("??"); if ("dfbz".equals(companyName)) { cell = row.getCell(10); cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); cell.setCellValue("??"); cell = row.getCell(21); cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); cell.setCellValue("?"); cell = row.getCell(24); cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); cell.setCellValue(""); cell = row.getCell(30); cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); cell.setCellValue("?"); cell = row.getCell(34); cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); cell.setCellValue("?"); cell = row.getCell(40); cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); } else if ("xtl".equals(companyName)) { cell = row.getCell(2); cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); cell.setCellValue(""); } cell = row.getCell(40); cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); cell.setCellValue(""); cell = row.getCell(44); cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); cell.setCellValue(""); row = sheet.getRow(attachStartRow + 4); cell = row.getCell(0); // cell.setCellStyle(styleCenter); cell.setCellStyle(styleBorderThickLeftCenter); cell.setCellValue("1"); row = sheet.getRow(attachStartRow + 4 + 1); cell = row.getCell(0); cell.setCellStyle(styleBorderThickLeftCenter); if ("xtl".equals(companyName)) { if (attachStartRow + 6 < 66) { sheet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(attachStartRow + 6, 66, 0, 49)); } } } } } workbook.write(os); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } // 8 41 }
From source
private void setTableValuesForBillCollector(CollTableData collTableData, Entry<String, List<CollTableData>> entry, String aggregationLevel) { BigDecimal currDayColl = BigDecimal.ZERO; BigDecimal cytdColl = BigDecimal.ZERO; BigDecimal lytdColl = BigDecimal.ZERO; BigDecimal cytdDmd = BigDecimal.ZERO; BigDecimal performance;/*www .j a va 2 s . co m*/ BigDecimal totalDmd = BigDecimal.ZERO; BigDecimal variance; BigDecimal cyArrearColl = BigDecimal.ZERO; BigDecimal cyCurrentColl = BigDecimal.ZERO; BigDecimal cyPenaltyColl = BigDecimal.ZERO; BigDecimal cyRebate = BigDecimal.ZERO; BigDecimal cyAdvance = BigDecimal.ZERO; BigDecimal lyArrearColl = BigDecimal.ZERO; BigDecimal lyCurrentColl = BigDecimal.ZERO; BigDecimal lyPenaltyColl = BigDecimal.ZERO; BigDecimal lyRebate = BigDecimal.ZERO; BigDecimal lyAdvance = BigDecimal.ZERO; BigDecimal arrearDmd = BigDecimal.ZERO; BigDecimal currentDmd = BigDecimal.ZERO; BigDecimal proportionalArrearDmd = BigDecimal.ZERO; BigDecimal proportionalCurrentDmd = BigDecimal.ZERO; BigDecimal dayTargetDmd = BigDecimal.ZERO; BigDecimal lyTodayColl = BigDecimal.ZERO; BigDecimal totalAssessments = BigDecimal.ZERO; BigDecimal arrearInterestDemand = BigDecimal.ZERO; BigDecimal currentInterestDemand = BigDecimal.ZERO; BigDecimal lyTotalArrearColl = BigDecimal.ZERO; BigDecimal lyTotalCurrentColl = BigDecimal.ZERO; BigDecimal lyTotalPenaltyColl = BigDecimal.ZERO; BigDecimal lyTotalRebate = BigDecimal.ZERO; BigDecimal lyTotalAdvance = BigDecimal.ZERO; BigDecimal lyTotalColl = BigDecimal.ZERO; String[] userNameNumberArr = entry.getKey().split("~"); for (CollTableData tableData : entry.getValue()) { currDayColl = currDayColl .add(tableData.getTodayColl() == null ? BigDecimal.ZERO : tableData.getTodayColl()); cytdColl = cytdColl.add(tableData.getCytdColl() == null ? BigDecimal.ZERO : tableData.getCytdColl()); cytdDmd = cytdDmd.add(tableData.getCytdDmd() == null ? BigDecimal.ZERO : tableData.getCytdDmd()); totalDmd = totalDmd.add(tableData.getTotalDmd() == null ? BigDecimal.ZERO : tableData.getTotalDmd()); lytdColl = lytdColl.add(tableData.getLytdColl() == null ? BigDecimal.ZERO : tableData.getLytdColl()); lyTotalColl = lyTotalColl .add(tableData.getLyTotalColl() == null ? BigDecimal.ZERO : tableData.getLyTotalColl()); cyArrearColl = cyArrearColl .add(tableData.getCyArrearColl() == null ? BigDecimal.ZERO : tableData.getCyArrearColl()); cyCurrentColl = cyCurrentColl .add(tableData.getCyCurrentColl() == null ? BigDecimal.ZERO : tableData.getCyCurrentColl()); cyPenaltyColl = cyPenaltyColl .add(tableData.getCyPenaltyColl() == null ? BigDecimal.ZERO : tableData.getCyPenaltyColl()); cyRebate = cyRebate.add(tableData.getCyRebate() == null ? BigDecimal.ZERO : tableData.getCyRebate()); cyAdvance = cyAdvance .add(tableData.getCyAdvanceColl() == null ? BigDecimal.ZERO : tableData.getCyAdvanceColl()); lyArrearColl = lyArrearColl .add(tableData.getLyArrearColl() == null ? BigDecimal.ZERO : tableData.getLyArrearColl()); lyCurrentColl = lyCurrentColl .add(tableData.getLyCurrentColl() == null ? BigDecimal.ZERO : tableData.getLyCurrentColl()); lyPenaltyColl = lyPenaltyColl .add(tableData.getLyPenaltyColl() == null ? BigDecimal.ZERO : tableData.getLyPenaltyColl()); lyRebate = lyRebate.add(tableData.getLyRebate() == null ? BigDecimal.ZERO : tableData.getLyRebate()); lyAdvance = lyAdvance .add(tableData.getLyAdvanceColl() == null ? BigDecimal.ZERO : tableData.getLyAdvanceColl()); lyTotalArrearColl = lyTotalArrearColl.add(tableData.getLyTotalArrearsColl() == null ? BigDecimal.ZERO : tableData.getLyTotalArrearsColl()); lyTotalCurrentColl = lyTotalCurrentColl.add(tableData.getLyTotalCurrentColl() == null ? BigDecimal.ZERO : tableData.getLyTotalCurrentColl()); lyTotalPenaltyColl = lyTotalPenaltyColl.add(tableData.getLyTotalPenaltyColl() == null ? BigDecimal.ZERO : tableData.getLyTotalPenaltyColl()); lyTotalRebate = lyTotalRebate .add(tableData.getLyTotalRebate() == null ? BigDecimal.ZERO : tableData.getLyTotalRebate()); lyTotalAdvance = lyTotalAdvance.add(tableData.getLyTotalAdvanceColl() == null ? BigDecimal.ZERO : tableData.getLyTotalAdvanceColl()); arrearDmd = arrearDmd .add(tableData.getArrearDemand() == null ? BigDecimal.ZERO : tableData.getArrearDemand()); currentDmd = currentDmd .add(tableData.getCurrentDemand() == null ? BigDecimal.ZERO : tableData.getCurrentDemand()); proportionalArrearDmd = proportionalArrearDmd .add(tableData.getProportionalArrearDemand() == null ? BigDecimal.ZERO : tableData.getProportionalArrearDemand()); proportionalCurrentDmd = proportionalCurrentDmd .add(tableData.getProportionalCurrentDemand() == null ? BigDecimal.ZERO : tableData.getProportionalCurrentDemand()); dayTargetDmd = dayTargetDmd .add(tableData.getDayTargetDemand() == null ? BigDecimal.ZERO : tableData.getDayTargetDemand()); lyTodayColl = lyTodayColl .add(tableData.getLyTodayColl() == null ? BigDecimal.ZERO : tableData.getLyTodayColl()); totalAssessments = totalAssessments.add(tableData.getTotalAssessments()); arrearInterestDemand = arrearInterestDemand .add(tableData.getArrearInterestDemand() == null ? BigDecimal.ZERO : tableData.getArrearInterestDemand()); currentInterestDemand = currentInterestDemand .add(tableData.getCurrentInterestDemand() == null ? BigDecimal.ZERO : tableData.getCurrentInterestDemand()); } if (DASHBOARD_GROUPING_BILLCOLLECTORWISE.equalsIgnoreCase(aggregationLevel)) { collTableData.setBillCollector(userNameNumberArr[0]); collTableData.setBillCollMobNo(userNameNumberArr.length > 1 ? userNameNumberArr[1] : StringUtils.EMPTY); } else if (DASHBOARD_GROUPING_REVENUEINSPECTORWISE.equalsIgnoreCase(aggregationLevel)) { collTableData.setRevenueInspector(userNameNumberArr[0]); collTableData .setRevInspectorMobNo(userNameNumberArr.length > 1 ? userNameNumberArr[1] : StringUtils.EMPTY); } else if (DASHBOARD_GROUPING_REVENUEOFFICERWISE.equalsIgnoreCase(aggregationLevel)) { collTableData.setRevenueOfficer(userNameNumberArr[0]); collTableData .setRevOfficerMobNo(userNameNumberArr.length > 1 ? userNameNumberArr[1] : StringUtils.EMPTY); } collTableData.setTodayColl(currDayColl); collTableData.setCytdColl(cytdColl); collTableData.setCytdDmd(cytdDmd); collTableData.setCytdBalDmd(cytdDmd.subtract(cytdColl)); collTableData.setTotalDmd(totalDmd); collTableData.setLytdColl(lytdColl); setCurrYearTillDateCollBreakUpForTableData(collTableData, cyArrearColl, cyCurrentColl, cyPenaltyColl, cyRebate, cyAdvance); setLastYearTillDateCollBreakUpForTableData(collTableData, lyArrearColl, lyCurrentColl, lyPenaltyColl, lyRebate, lyAdvance); setLastFinYearCollBreakUpForTableData(collTableData, lyTotalArrearColl, lyTotalCurrentColl, lyTotalPenaltyColl, lyTotalRebate, lyTotalAdvance); collTableData.setArrearDemand(arrearDmd); collTableData.setCurrentDemand(currentDmd); collTableData.setProportionalArrearDemand(proportionalArrearDmd); collTableData.setProportionalCurrentDemand(proportionalCurrentDmd); collTableData.setDayTargetDemand(dayTargetDmd); collTableData.setLyTodayColl(lyTodayColl); collTableData.setArrearInterestDemand(arrearInterestDemand); collTableData.setCurrentInterestDemand(currentInterestDemand); collTableData.setTotalAssessments(totalAssessments); if (cytdDmd != BigDecimal.valueOf(0)) { performance = (collTableData.getCytdColl().multiply(PropertyTaxConstants.BIGDECIMAL_100)) .divide(cytdDmd, 1, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP); collTableData.setPerformance(performance); } if (collTableData.getLytdColl().compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) == 0) variance = PropertyTaxConstants.BIGDECIMAL_100; else variance = ((collTableData.getCytdColl().subtract(collTableData.getLytdColl())) .multiply(PropertyTaxConstants.BIGDECIMAL_100)).divide(collTableData.getLytdColl(), 1, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP); collTableData.setLyVar(variance); }
From source
public CalculateLoanCostResult getInterestByRole(List<DivsionRuleRole> list, CalculateLoanCostOrder loanCostOrder) { CalculateLoanCostResult loanCostResult = new CalculateLoanCostResult(); double loanInterest = 0; double investorInterest = 0; String[] roleName = new String[list.size()]; double[] divisionRule = new double[list.size()]; int i = 0;/*from w ww .j a v a 2 s .c o m*/ for (DivsionRuleRole d : list) { BigDecimal bg = new BigDecimal(d.getRule() * 100); loanInterest += bg.setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).doubleValue(); if (SysUserRoleEnum.INVESTOR.getValue() == d.getRoleId()) { investorInterest += bg.setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).doubleValue(); } Role role = roleDao.getByRoleId(d.getRoleId()); roleName[i] = role.getName(); divisionRule[i] = d.getRule(); i++; } if (sysFunctionConfigService.isTradeFeeCharge()) { if (loanCostOrder.getLoanAmount() != null && loanCostOrder.getLoanAmount().greaterThan( && loanCostOrder.getTimeLimitUnit() != null && loanCostOrder.getTimeLimit() > 0) { Money tradeChargeAmount = loanCostOrder.getLoanAmount().multiply(new BigDecimal(0.002)); BigDecimal rate = new BigDecimal(0); if (loanCostOrder.getTimeLimitUnit() == LoanPeriodUnitEnum.LOAN_BY_DAY) { rate = tradeChargeAmount.multiply(new BigDecimal(360)).getAmount() .divide(new BigDecimal(loanCostOrder.getTimeLimit()), BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP) .divide(loanCostOrder.getLoanAmount().getAmount(), 3, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP); } else if (loanCostOrder.getTimeLimitUnit() == LoanPeriodUnitEnum.LOAN_BY_YEAR) { rate = tradeChargeAmount.getAmount() .divide(new BigDecimal(loanCostOrder.getTimeLimit()), BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP) .divide(loanCostOrder.getLoanAmount().getAmount(), 3, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP); } else { rate = tradeChargeAmount.multiply(new BigDecimal(12)).getAmount() .divide(new BigDecimal(loanCostOrder.getTimeLimit()), BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP) .divide(loanCostOrder.getLoanAmount().getAmount(), 3, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP); } loanCostResult.setTradeChargeAmount(tradeChargeAmount); loanCostResult.setTradeChargeRate(rate.doubleValue() * 100); } } loanCostResult.setDivisionRule(divisionRule); loanCostResult.setRoleName(roleName); loanCostResult.setSuccess(true); loanCostResult.setLoanInterest(loanInterest); loanCostResult.setInvestorInterest(investorInterest); return loanCostResult; }
From source
public void printTbFixEntrustTemplateBlankXTL(OutputStream os, String tpl, Long tbFixEntrustId) { try {//from w w w .j a v a 2 s .c o m TbFixEntrust tbFixEntrust = this.findById(tbFixEntrustId); TbCustomer tbCustomer = tbCustomerService.findById(tbFixEntrust.getTbCustomer().getId()); TbCarInfo tbCarInfo = tbCarInfoService.findById(tbFixEntrust.getTbCarInfo().getId()); List<TbFixEntrustContent> tbFixEntrustContentList = tbFixEntrustContentService .findTbFixEnTrustContentListByTbFixEntrustId(tbFixEntrustId); // ?? TmCompany tmCompany = tmCompanyService.acquireUniqueTmCompany(); /* * List<TbMaintainPartContent> maintainList = * tbMaintainPartContentService * .getViewEntrustMaintianContent(tbFixEntrustId); * * * List<TmStockOutDetVo> solePartList = * tmStockOutService.getSellByEntrustCode * (tbFixEntrust.getEntrustCode()); */ /** * ?? */ List<TbMaintianVo> maintianvos = tbMaintainPartContentService .getTbMaintianDetailVosByEntrustId(tbFixEntrust.getId(), Constants.BALANCE_ALL); /** * ? */ List<TmStockOutDetVo> tmStockOutDetVos = tmStockOutService .getSellDetailByEntrustCode(tbFixEntrust.getEntrustCode(), Constants.BALANCE_ALL); /** * ?? */ List<TbMaintianVo> partAll = new ArrayList<TbMaintianVo>(); if (null != maintianvos && maintianvos.size() > 0) { for (TbMaintianVo tbMaintianVo : maintianvos) { partAll.add(tbMaintianVo); } } if (null != tmStockOutDetVos && tmStockOutDetVos.size() > 0) { for (TmStockOutDetVo tmStockOutDetVo : tmStockOutDetVos) { TbMaintianVo tbMaintianVo = new TbMaintianVo(); tbMaintianVo.setPartId(tmStockOutDetVo.getPartinfoId()); tbMaintianVo.setHouseName(tmStockOutDetVo.getHouseName()); tbMaintianVo.setPartCode(tmStockOutDetVo.getPartCode()); tbMaintianVo.setPartName(tmStockOutDetVo.getPartName()); tbMaintianVo.setUnitName(tmStockOutDetVo.getUnitName()); tbMaintianVo.setPrice(tmStockOutDetVo.getPrice()); tbMaintianVo.setPartQuantity(tmStockOutDetVo.getQuantity()); tbMaintianVo.setTotal(tmStockOutDetVo.getTotal()); tbMaintianVo.setIsFree(tmStockOutDetVo.getIsFree()); tbMaintianVo.setProjectType(tmStockOutDetVo.getProjectType()); tbMaintianVo.setZl(tmStockOutDetVo.getZl()); tbMaintianVo.setXmlx(tmStockOutDetVo.getXmlx()); partAll.add(tbMaintianVo); } } int fixSize = (tbFixEntrustContentList == null ? 0 : tbFixEntrustContentList.size()); int maintainSize = (maintianvos == null ? 0 : maintianvos.size()); int solePartSize = (tmStockOutDetVos == null ? 0 : tmStockOutDetVos.size()); int partAllSize = (partAll == null ? 0 : partAll.size()); int pz = (fixSize / 8 > partAllSize / 12 ? (fixSize / 8 + 1) : (partAllSize / 12 + 1)); HSSFWorkbook workbook = new HSSFWorkbook(this.getClass().getResourceAsStream(tpl)); HSSFSheet sheet = workbook.getSheetAt(0); HSSFCellStyle style = workbook.createCellStyle(); style.setWrapText(true); style.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_LEFT); style.setVerticalAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER); HSSFFont font = workbook.createFont(); font.setFontName(""); font.setFontHeightInPoints((short) 9); style.setFont(font); HSSFCellStyle style10_5 = workbook.createCellStyle(); style10_5.setWrapText(true); style10_5.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_LEFT); style10_5.setVerticalAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER); HSSFFont font10_5 = workbook.createFont(); font10_5.setFontName(""); font10_5.setFontHeightInPoints((short) 11); style10_5.setFont(font10_5); HSSFRow row = null; HSSFCell cell = null; row = sheet.getRow(3); cell = row.getCell(0); cell.setCellValue(" ??:" + "?" + " (?:70691M) ?:" + tmCompany.getCompanyAddress() + " ?: " + (tmCompany.getCompanyPhone() == null ? "" : tmCompany.getCompanyPhone())); row = sheet.getRow(0); cell = row.getCell(40); // cell.setCellStyle(style); cell.setCellValue("*?:" + tbCustomer.getCustomerCode() + "\n" + "??:"); row = sheet.getRow(6); cell = row.getCell(4); cell.setCellValue(tbCustomer.getCustomerName() == null ? "" : tbCustomer.getCustomerName()); row = sheet.getRow(6); cell = row.getCell(24); // cell.setCellStyle(style); cell.setCellValue(tbCustomer.getAddress() == null ? "" : tbCustomer.getAddress()); row = sheet.getRow(6); cell = row.getCell(41); cell.setCellValue(tbCustomer.getContractPerson() == null ? "" : tbCustomer.getContractPerson()); row = sheet.getRow(8); cell = row.getCell(41); cell.setCellValue(tbCustomer.getTelephone() == null ? "" : tbCustomer.getTelephone()); row = sheet.getRow(8); cell = row.getCell(4); cell.setCellValue(tbCustomer.getTelephone() == null ? "" : tbCustomer.getTelephone()); row = sheet.getRow(12); cell = row.getCell(0); String entrustCode = tbFixEntrust.getEntrustCode(); String[] es = entrustCode.split("-"); String newCode = "RO" + es[0].substring(2, 6) + es[1]; cell.setCellValue(/* tbFixEntrust.getEntrustCode() */newCode); row = sheet.getRow(12); cell = row.getCell(9); cell.setCellValue(CommonMethod.parseDateToString(tbFixEntrust.getFixDate(), "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm")); row = sheet.getRow(12); cell = row.getCell(18); cell.setCellValue(tbCarInfo.getLicenseCode()); row = sheet.getRow(12); cell = row.getCell(26); // cell.setCellStyle(style); cell.setCellValue(tbCarInfo.getTmCarModelType().getModelName()); row = sheet.getRow(12); cell = row.getCell(34); cell.setCellValue(tbCarInfo.getChassisCode()); // ? row = sheet.getRow(16); cell = row.getCell(0); cell.setCellValue(tbFixEntrust.getBjzzh() == null ? "" : tbFixEntrust.getBjzzh()); row = sheet.getRow(16); cell = row.getCell(9); cell.setCellValue(CommonMethod.parseDateToString(tbCarInfo.getPurchaseDate(), "yyyy-MM-dd")); // ? row = sheet.getRow(16); cell = row.getCell(18); cell.setCellValue(tbFixEntrust.getSbrq() == null ? "" : tbFixEntrust.getSbrq()); row = sheet.getRow(16); cell = row.getCell(26); cell.setCellValue(tbFixEntrust.getEnterStationKilo() == null ? "" : new BigDecimal(tbFixEntrust.getEnterStationKilo().toString()) .divide(new BigDecimal("1.00"), 0, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).toString()); row = sheet.getRow(16); cell = row.getCell(34); cell.setCellValue(CommonMethod.parseDateToString(tbFixEntrust.getEstimateDate(), "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm")); Double fixCount = tbFixEntrustContentService.countTbFixEnTrustContentByTbFixEntrustId(tbFixEntrustId); row = sheet.getRow(75); cell = row.getCell(30); cell.setCellValue(new BigDecimal(fixCount).divide(new BigDecimal("1.00"), 2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP) .toString()); BigDecimal partPriceAll = new BigDecimal("0.00"); if (partAllSize > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < partAllSize; i++) { TbMaintianVo tbMaintianVo = partAll.get(i); BigDecimal total = new BigDecimal(tbMaintianVo.getPrice()) .multiply(new BigDecimal(tbMaintianVo.getPartQuantity())); partPriceAll = partPriceAll.add(total); } } row = sheet.getRow(77); cell = row.getCell(30); cell.setCellValue(partPriceAll.divide(new BigDecimal("1.00"), 2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).toString()); BigDecimal total = new BigDecimal(fixCount).add(partPriceAll).divide(new BigDecimal("1.00"), 2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP); row = sheet.getRow(81); cell = row.getCell(30); cell.setCellValue(total.toString()); row = sheet.getRow(79); cell = row.getCell(30); cell.setCellValue("0.00"); row = sheet.getRow(89); cell = row.getCell(6); cell.setCellValue("1"); row = sheet.getRow(89); cell = row.getCell(1); cell.setCellValue(pz + ""); int page = 1; if (fixSize / 8 >= (maintainSize + solePartSize) / 12) { page = fixSize / 8; } else { page = (maintainSize + solePartSize) / 12; } for (int i = 0; i < page; i++) { int p = 0; int k = 0; HSSFSheet sheetClone = workbook.cloneSheet(0); row = sheetClone.getRow(89); cell = row.getCell(1); cell.setCellValue((i + 1) + ""); row = sheetClone.getRow(89); cell = row.getCell(6); cell.setCellValue(pz + ""); if (fixSize > 8) { int printFixSize = (fixSize > (i + 2) * 8 ? (i + 2) * 8 : fixSize); for (int j = 8 * (i + 1); j < printFixSize; j++) { TbFixEntrustContent content = tbFixEntrustContentList.get(j); List<TbFixShare> tbFixShareList = tbFixShareService .findTbFixShareListByTbFixEntrustContentId(content.getId()); String fixPersons = ""; String workTypes = ""; if (null != tbFixShareList && tbFixShareList.size() > 0) { for (TbFixShare tbFixShare : tbFixShareList) { if (null != tbFixShare.getTmUser()) { TmUser tmUser = tmUserService.findById(tbFixShare.getTmUser().getId()); fixPersons += (tmUser.getUserRealName() == null || "".equals(tmUser.getUserRealName()) ? tmUser.getUserName() : tmUser.getUserRealName()) + " "; workTypes += (tmUser.getTmWorkType() == null ? "" : tmUser.getTmWorkType().getWorkName()) + " "; } } } row = sheetClone.getRow(23 + p * 2); cell = row.getCell(2); // cell.setCellStyle(style10_5); cell.setCellValue(content.getStationName()); cell = row.getCell(20); // cell.setCellStyle(style10_5); cell.setCellValue(new BigDecimal(content.getFixHour()) .divide(new BigDecimal("1.00"), 2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).toString()); cell = row.getCell(24); // cell.setCellStyle(style10_5); cell.setCellValue(new BigDecimal(content.getWorkingHourPrice()) .divide(new BigDecimal("1.00"), 2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).toString()); cell = row.getCell(28); // cell.setCellStyle(style10_5); cell.setCellValue(new BigDecimal(content.getFixHourAll()) .divide(new BigDecimal("1.00"), 2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).toString()); cell = row.getCell(34); // cell.setCellStyle(style10_5); cell.setCellValue(content.getProjectType() == null ? "" : content.getProjectType()); cell = row.getCell(40); // cell.setCellStyle(style10_5); cell.setCellValue(workTypes); cell = row.getCell(45); // cell.setCellStyle(style10_5); cell.setCellValue(fixPersons); p++; } } if (partAllSize > 12) { int prinPartSize = (partAllSize > (i + 2) * 12 ? (i + 2) * 12 : partAllSize); for (int j = 12 * (i + 1); j < prinPartSize; j++) { TbMaintianVo t = partAll.get(j); row = sheetClone.getRow(41 + k * 2); cell = row.getCell(2); // cell.setCellStyle(style10_5); cell.setCellValue(t.getPartCode()); cell = row.getCell(11); // cell.setCellStyle(style10_5); cell.setCellValue(t.getPartName()); cell = row.getCell(20); // cell.setCellStyle(style10_5); cell.setCellValue(new BigDecimal(t.getPartQuantity()) .divide(new BigDecimal("1.00"), 2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).toString()); cell = row.getCell(24); // cell.setCellStyle(style10_5); cell.setCellValue(new BigDecimal(t.getPrice()) .divide(new BigDecimal("1.00"), 2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).toString()); cell = row.getCell(28); // cell.setCellStyle(style10_5); cell.setCellValue(new BigDecimal(t.getPartQuantity()).multiply(new BigDecimal(t.getPrice())) .divide(new BigDecimal("1.00"), 2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).toString()); cell = row.getCell(34); // cell.setCellStyle(style10_5); cell.setCellValue(t.getProjectType() == null ? "" : t.getProjectType()); // cell = row.getCell(40); // cell.setCellStyle(style10_5); cell.setCellValue(""); k++; } } } if (fixSize > 0) { int printFixSize = (fixSize > 8 ? 8 : fixSize); for (int j = 0; j < printFixSize; j++) { TbFixEntrustContent content = tbFixEntrustContentList.get(j); List<TbFixShare> tbFixShareList = tbFixShareService .findTbFixShareListByTbFixEntrustContentId(content.getId()); String fixPersons = ""; String workTypes = ""; if (null != tbFixShareList && tbFixShareList.size() > 0) { for (TbFixShare tbFixShare : tbFixShareList) { if (null != tbFixShare.getTmUser()) { TmUser tmUser = tmUserService.findById(tbFixShare.getTmUser().getId()); fixPersons += (tmUser.getUserRealName() == null || "".equals(tmUser.getUserRealName()) ? tmUser.getUserName() : tmUser.getUserRealName()) + " "; workTypes += (tmUser.getTmWorkType() == null ? "" : tmUser.getTmWorkType().getWorkName()) + " "; } } } row = sheet.getRow(23 + j * 2); cell = row.getCell(2); // cell.setCellStyle(style10_5); cell.setCellValue(content.getStationName()); cell = row.getCell(20); // cell.setCellStyle(style10_5); cell.setCellValue(new BigDecimal(content.getFixHour()) .divide(new BigDecimal("1.00"), 2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).toString()); cell = row.getCell(24); // cell.setCellStyle(style10_5); cell.setCellValue(new BigDecimal(content.getWorkingHourPrice()) .divide(new BigDecimal("1.00"), 2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).toString()); cell = row.getCell(28); // cell.setCellStyle(style10_5); cell.setCellValue(new BigDecimal(content.getFixHourAll()) .divide(new BigDecimal("1.00"), 2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).toString()); cell = row.getCell(34); // cell.setCellStyle(style10_5); cell.setCellValue(content.getProjectType() == null ? "" : content.getProjectType()); cell = row.getCell(40); // cell.setCellStyle(style10_5); cell.setCellValue(workTypes); cell = row.getCell(45); // cell.setCellStyle(style10_5); cell.setCellValue(fixPersons); } } if (partAllSize > 0) { int printPartSize = (partAllSize > 12 ? 12 : partAllSize); for (int j = 0; j < printPartSize; j++) { TbMaintianVo t = partAll.get(j); row = sheet.getRow(41 + j * 2); cell = row.getCell(2); // cell.setCellStyle(style10_5); cell.setCellValue(t.getPartCode()); cell = row.getCell(11); // cell.setCellStyle(style10_5); cell.setCellValue(t.getPartName()); cell = row.getCell(20); // cell.setCellStyle(style10_5); cell.setCellValue(new BigDecimal(t.getPartQuantity()) .divide(new BigDecimal("1.00"), 2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).toString()); cell = row.getCell(24); // cell.setCellStyle(style10_5); cell.setCellValue(new BigDecimal(t.getPrice()) .divide(new BigDecimal("1.00"), 2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).toString()); cell = row.getCell(28); // cell.setCellStyle(style10_5); cell.setCellValue(new BigDecimal(t.getPartQuantity()).multiply(new BigDecimal(t.getPrice())) .divide(new BigDecimal("1.00"), 2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).toString()); cell = row.getCell(34); // cell.setCellStyle(style10_5); cell.setCellValue(t.getProjectType() == null ? "" : t.getProjectType()); // cell = row.getCell(40); // cell.setCellStyle(style10_5); cell.setCellValue(""); } } workbook.write(os); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } }
From source
/** * Prepares month wise collection map /*w w w .j a v a 2 s . com*/ * @param finYearStartDate * @param finYearEndDate * @param monthValuesMap * @param yearwiseMonthlyCollMap * @param cityaggr */ private void prepareMonthlyCollMap(Date finYearStartDate, Date finYearEndDate, Map<Integer, String> monthValuesMap, Map<String, Map<String, BigDecimal>> yearwiseMonthlyCollMap, StringTerms cityaggr) { Date dateForMonth; String[] dateArr; Integer month; Sum aggregateSum; String monthName; Map<String, BigDecimal> monthwiseColl; for (Terms.Bucket cityDetailsentry : cityaggr.getBuckets()) { String ulbName = cityDetailsentry.getKeyAsString(); monthwiseColl = new LinkedHashMap<>(); Histogram dateaggs = cityDetailsentry.getAggregations().get(DATE_AGG); for (Histogram.Bucket entry : dateaggs.getBuckets()) { dateArr = entry.getKeyAsString().split("T"); dateForMonth = DateUtils.getDate(dateArr[0], DATE_FORMAT_YYYYMMDD); month = Integer.valueOf(dateArr[0].split("-", 3)[1]); monthName = monthValuesMap.get(month); aggregateSum = entry.getAggregations().get(CURRENT_TOTAL); // If the total amount is greater than 0 and the month belongs // to respective financial year, add values to the map if (DateUtils.between(dateForMonth, finYearStartDate, finYearEndDate) && BigDecimal.valueOf(aggregateSum.getValue()).setScale(0, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP) .compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) > 0) { monthwiseColl.put(monthName, BigDecimal.valueOf(aggregateSum.getValue()).setScale(0, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP)); } } yearwiseMonthlyCollMap.put(ulbName, monthwiseColl); } }
From source
public void recordSensingInfo(SensorData senData) { String sRecordLine;//w ww.j av a 2s. co m String sTimeField; Date dtCurDate; int i; long lStartTime = 0; long lCurrentTime = 0; SimpleDateFormat spdRecordTime, spdCurDateTime; final String DATE_FORMAT = "yyyyMMddHHmmss"; final String DATE_FORMAT_S = "yyMMddHHmmssSSS"; //"yyyyMMddHHmmssSSS" int nSensorReadingType = SENSOR_EVENT_NULL; int nSensorDataType; if (m_blnRecordStatus == false) { //Stopped return; } dtCurDate = new Date(); // Timestamp for the record spdRecordTime = new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_FORMAT_S); sTimeField = spdRecordTime.format(dtCurDate); nSensorDataType = senData.getSensorDataType(); if (nSensorDataType == DATA_TYPE_SENSOR) { SensorEvent event; event = senData.getSensorEvent(); synchronized (this) { switch (event.sensor.getType()) { case Sensor.TYPE_ACCELEROMETER: //X, Y, Z if (m_blnAcclEnabled) { m_sAccl = Float.toString(event.values[0]) + "," + Float.toString(event.values[1]) + "," + Float.toString(event.values[2]) + ","; nSensorReadingType = SENSOR_EVENT_ACCL; } // if (m_blnOrientEnabled) { // m_arrfAcclValues = event.values.clone(); // // if (calculateOrientation()) { // //Azimuth (rotation around z-axis); Pitch (rotation around x-axis), Roll (rotation around y-axis) // m_sOrient = Float.toString(m_arrfOrientValues[0]) + "," + // Float.toString(m_arrfOrientValues[1]) + "," + // Float.toString(m_arrfOrientValues[2]) + ","; // // nSensorReadingType = SENSOR_EVENT_ORIENT; // // } // } break; case Sensor.TYPE_LINEAR_ACCELERATION: //X,Y,Z if (m_blnLinearAcclEnabled) { m_sLinearAccl = Float.toString(event.values[0]) + "," + Float.toString(event.values[1]) + "," + Float.toString(event.values[2]) + ","; nSensorReadingType = SENSOR_EVENT_LINEAR_ACCL; } break; case Sensor.TYPE_GRAVITY: //X,Y,Z if (m_blnGravityEnabled) { m_sGravity = Float.toString(event.values[0]) + "," + Float.toString(event.values[1]) + "," + Float.toString(event.values[2]) + ","; nSensorReadingType = SENSOR_EVENT_GRAVITY; } break; case Sensor.TYPE_GYROSCOPE: //X,Y,Z m_sGyro = Float.toString(event.values[0]) + "," + Float.toString(event.values[1]) + "," + Float.toString(event.values[2]) + ","; nSensorReadingType = SENSOR_EVENT_GYRO; break; case Sensor.TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD: // Values are in micro-Tesla (uT) and measure the ambient magnetic field if (m_blnMagnetEnabled) { m_sMagnet = Float.toString(event.values[0]) + "," + Float.toString(event.values[1]) + "," + Float.toString(event.values[2]) + ","; nSensorReadingType = SENSOR_EVENT_MAGNET; } // if (m_blnOrientEnabled) { // m_arrfMagnetValues = event.values.clone(); // // if (calculateOrientation()) { // //Azimuth (rotation around z-axis); Pitch (rotation around x-axis), Roll (rotation around y-axis) // m_sOrient = Float.toString(m_arrfOrientValues[0]) + "," + // Float.toString(m_arrfOrientValues[1]) + "," + // Float.toString(m_arrfOrientValues[2]) + ","; // // if (nSensorReadingType != SENSOR_EVENT_MAGNET) { // nSensorReadingType = SENSOR_EVENT_ORIENT; // } // } // } break; case Sensor.TYPE_ROTATION_VECTOR: //Added on 20150910 if (m_blnOrientEnabled) { float[] arrfRotVal = new float[3]; float[] arrfR = new float[9]; float[] arrfValues = new float[3]; try { System.arraycopy(event.values, 0, arrfRotVal, 0, event.values.length); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { //Hardcode the size to handle a bug on Samsung devices System.arraycopy(event.values, 0, arrfRotVal, 0, 3); } SensorManager.getRotationMatrixFromVector(arrfR, arrfRotVal); SensorManager.getOrientation(arrfR, arrfValues); m_arrfOrientValues[0] = (float) Math.toDegrees(arrfValues[0]); m_arrfOrientValues[1] = (float) Math.toDegrees(arrfValues[1]); m_arrfOrientValues[2] = (float) Math.toDegrees(arrfValues[2]); if (m_arrfOrientValues[0] < 0) { m_arrfOrientValues[0] = m_arrfOrientValues[0] + 360; // Make Azimuth 0 ~ 360 } // //Azimuth (rotation around z-axis); Pitch (rotation around x-axis), Roll (rotation around y-axis) m_sOrient = Float.toString(m_arrfOrientValues[0]) + "," + Float.toString(m_arrfOrientValues[1]) + "," + Float.toString(m_arrfOrientValues[2]) + ","; //m_tvGpsUp.setText(m_sOrient); //Show orientation nSensorReadingType = SENSOR_EVENT_ORIENT; } break; case Sensor.TYPE_LIGHT: // Ambient light level in SI lux units m_sLight = Float.toString(event.values[0]) + ","; nSensorReadingType = SENSOR_EVENT_LIGHT; break; case Sensor.TYPE_PRESSURE: // Atmospheric pressure in hPa (millibar) m_sBarometer = Float.toString(event.values[0]) + ","; nSensorReadingType = SENSOR_EVENT_BAROMETER; break; } } } else if (nSensorDataType == DATA_TYPE_GPS) { Location locationGps; locationGps = senData.getGpsLocation(); if (locationGps != null) { m_location = new Location(locationGps); //Change from double to float m_sGPS = Float.valueOf((float) (locationGps.getLatitude())).toString() + "," + Float.valueOf((float) (locationGps.getLongitude())).toString() + ","; if (locationGps.hasAltitude()) { m_sGPS = m_sGPS + Float.valueOf((float) (locationGps.getAltitude())).toString() + ","; GeomagneticField geoField = new GeomagneticField( Double.valueOf(locationGps.getLatitude()).floatValue(), Double.valueOf(locationGps.getLongitude()).floatValue(), Double.valueOf(locationGps.getAltitude()).floatValue(), System.currentTimeMillis()); // Append Declination, in Degree m_sGPS = m_sGPS + Float.valueOf((float) (geoField.getDeclination())).toString() + "," + Float.valueOf((float) (geoField.getInclination())).toString() + ","; } else { m_sGPS = m_sGPS + ",,,"; //m_sGPS = m_sGPS + ","; } //New add 201408270009 if (locationGps.hasSpeed()) { m_sGPS = m_sGPS + Float.valueOf((float) (locationGps.getSpeed())).toString() + ","; } else { m_sGPS = m_sGPS + ","; } if (locationGps.hasBearing()) { m_sGPS = m_sGPS + Float.valueOf((float) (locationGps.getBearing())).toString() + ","; } else { m_sGPS = m_sGPS + ","; } nSensorReadingType = SENSOR_EVENT_GPS; m_blnGpsUp = true; show_screen5_GpsUp(); } else { m_blnGpsUp = false; show_screen5_GpsUp(); } } else if (nSensorDataType == DATA_TYPE_MIC) { double fSoundLevelDb; fSoundLevelDb = senData.getSoundLevelDb(); m_sSouldLevel = new BigDecimal(fSoundLevelDb).setScale(0, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP) + ","; nSensorReadingType = SENSOR_EVENT_MIC; } else if (nSensorDataType == DATA_TYPE_CELLULAR) { int nCellId; nCellId = senData.getCellId(); m_sCellId = Integer.valueOf(nCellId).toString() + ","; nSensorReadingType = SENSOR_EVENT_CELLULAR; } else if (nSensorDataType == DATA_TYPE_WIFI) { List<WifiData> lstWifiData = senData.getListWifiData(); int nWifiCnt = Math.min(WIFI_COUNT, lstWifiData.size()); m_sWifi = ""; for (i = 0; i < nWifiCnt; i++) { //m_sWifi = m_sWifi + lstWifiData.get(i).getSSID() + "," + lstWifiData.get(i).getBSSID() + "," + lstWifiData.get(i).getSignalLevel() + ","; m_sWifi = m_sWifi + lstWifiData.get(i).getBSSID() + "," + lstWifiData.get(i).getSignalLevel() + ","; } for (i = 1; i <= WIFI_COUNT - nWifiCnt; i++) { //m_sWifi = m_sWifi + ",,,"; m_sWifi = m_sWifi + ",,"; } nSensorReadingType = SENSOR_EVENT_WIFI; } if (nSensorReadingType == SENSOR_EVENT_NULL) { return; } sRecordLine = sTimeField + ","; if (m_blnNoLabel == false) { sRecordLine = sRecordLine + m_sCurrentLabel + ","; } sRecordLine = sRecordLine + Integer.valueOf(nSensorReadingType) + ","; //New: Every field always there //Field in each line: /* * 1) Timestamp * 2) Label * 3) SensingEventType * 4-6) Accl * 7-9) Linear Accl * 10-12) Gravity * 13-15) Gyro * 16-18) Orientation * 19-21) Magnet * 22) Light * 23) Barometer * 24) Sould Level (Decibel) * 25) Cell ID * 26-32) GPS (Lat, Long, Alt, Declination, Inclination, Speed, Bearing) * 33-72) WiFi (<BSSID, Level>) */ // sRecordLine = sRecordLine + m_sAccl + m_sGyro + m_sOrient + m_sMagnet + // m_sLight + m_sBarometer + // m_sSouldLevel + m_sCellId + // m_sGPS + m_sWifi; sRecordLine = sRecordLine + m_sAccl + m_sLinearAccl + m_sGravity + m_sGyro + m_sOrient + m_sMagnet + m_sLight + m_sBarometer + m_sSouldLevel + m_sCellId + m_sGPS + m_sWifi; //////////////////////////// // String sAngle = calculateRot(m_sAccl, m_sGravity); // String sarrAngle[] = sAngle.split(","); // String sShow = sarrAngle[0] + "\n" + sarrAngle[1]; // String sShow = ""; // if (m_sGravity.length() > 3) { // String sarrAngle[] = m_sGravity.split(","); // double fX = Double.valueOf(sarrAngle[0]).doubleValue(); // double fY = Double.valueOf(sarrAngle[1]).doubleValue(); // double fZ = Double.valueOf(sarrAngle[2]).doubleValue(); // // double fTotal = Math.sqrt(fX*fX + fY*fY + fZ*fZ); // // double fAngleZ = Math.acos(fZ/fTotal)/Math.PI*180; // double fAngleY = 90 - Math.acos(fY/fTotal)/Math.PI*180; // double fAngleX = 90 - Math.acos(fX/fTotal)/Math.PI*180; // // sShow = "X: " + fAngleX + "\n"; // sShow = sShow + "Y: " + fAngleY + "\n"; // sShow = sShow + "Z: " + fAngleZ; // // // } // if (m_sGravity.length() > 3) { // String sarrAngle[] = m_sGravity.split(","); // double fX = Double.valueOf(sarrAngle[0]).doubleValue(); // double fY = Double.valueOf(sarrAngle[1]).doubleValue(); // double fZ = Double.valueOf(sarrAngle[2]).doubleValue(); // // int nSymbol = 0; // if (fX < 0) { // sShow = sShow + "- X" + "\n"; // } else if (fX > 0) { // sShow = sShow + "+ X" + "\n"; // } // // if (fY < 0) { // sShow = sShow + "- Y" + "\n"; // } else if (fY > 0) { // sShow = sShow + "+ Y" + "\n"; // } // // if (fZ < 0) { // sShow = sShow + "- Z"; // } else if (fZ > 0) { // sShow = sShow + "+ Z"; // } // // } // // if (m_sGyro.length() > 3) { // String sarrAngle[] = m_sGyro.split(","); // double fX = Double.valueOf(sarrAngle[0]).doubleValue(); // double fY = Double.valueOf(sarrAngle[1]).doubleValue(); // double fZ = Double.valueOf(sarrAngle[2]).doubleValue(); // // int nSymbol = 0; // if (fX < 0) { // nSymbol = -1; // } else if (fX > 0) { // nSymbol = 1; // } // // if (fY < 0) { // nSymbol = nSymbol + (-1); // } else if (fY > 0) { // nSymbol = nSymbol + 1; // } // // if (fZ < 0) { // nSymbol = nSymbol + (-1); // } else if (fZ > 0) { // nSymbol = nSymbol + 1; // } // // if (nSymbol < 0) { // nSymbol = -1; // } else if (nSymbol > 0) { // nSymbol = 1; // } // // sShow = sShow + "\n\n" + nSymbol + ""; // } // m_tvSensingInfo.setText(sShow); //////////////////////////// sRecordLine = sRecordLine + System.getProperty("line.separator"); if (m_fwSensorRecord != null) { //Write information into file //Compose information into recordLine try { m_fwSensorRecord.write(sRecordLine); } catch (IOException e) { } } }
From source
/** * Prepares weekwise collection map/*from ww w . j a v a 2s . c o m*/ * @param intervalwiseCollMap * @param cityaggr */ private void prepareWeeklyCollMap(Map<String, Map<String, BigDecimal>> intervalwiseCollMap, StringTerms cityaggr) { String weekName; int noOfWeeks; String ulbName; Sum aggregateSum; Map<String, BigDecimal> weekwiseColl; for (final Terms.Bucket cityDetailsentry : cityaggr.getBuckets()) { weekwiseColl = new LinkedHashMap<>(); ulbName = cityDetailsentry.getKeyAsString(); noOfWeeks = 0; Histogram dateaggs = cityDetailsentry.getAggregations().get(DATE_AGG); for (Histogram.Bucket entry : dateaggs.getBuckets()) { if (noOfWeeks == 0) noOfWeeks = 1; weekName = "Week " + noOfWeeks; aggregateSum = entry.getAggregations().get(CURRENT_TOTAL); if (BigDecimal.valueOf(aggregateSum.getValue()).setScale(0, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP) .compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) > 0) { weekwiseColl.put(weekName, BigDecimal.valueOf(aggregateSum.getValue()).setScale(0, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP)); } noOfWeeks++; } intervalwiseCollMap.put(ulbName, weekwiseColl); } }
From source
/** * Prepares collection details for each day in a week * @param intervalwiseCollMap//ww w .ja va2s . co m * @param cityaggr * @param fromDate */ private void prepareDailyCollMap(Map<String, Map<String, BigDecimal>> intervalwiseCollMap, StringTerms cityaggr, Date fromDate) { String day; int noOfDays; String ulbName; Sum aggregateSum; Map<String, BigDecimal> dayWiseCollFromResult; Map<String, BigDecimal> finalDayWiseColl; String resultDateStr; List<String> daysInWeek = new ArrayList<>(); Date weekStartDate = fromDate; for (int count = 0; count < 7; count++) { daysInWeek.add(PropertyTaxConstants.DATEFORMATTER_YYYY_MM_DD.format(weekStartDate)); weekStartDate = DateUtils.addDays(weekStartDate, 1); } for (final Terms.Bucket cityDetailsentry : cityaggr.getBuckets()) { dayWiseCollFromResult = new LinkedHashMap<>(); finalDayWiseColl = new LinkedHashMap<>(); ulbName = cityDetailsentry.getKeyAsString(); noOfDays = 0; Histogram dateaggs = cityDetailsentry.getAggregations().get(DATE_AGG); for (Histogram.Bucket entry : dateaggs.getBuckets()) { resultDateStr = entry.getKeyAsString().split("T")[0]; aggregateSum = entry.getAggregations().get(CURRENT_TOTAL); if (BigDecimal.valueOf(aggregateSum.getValue()).setScale(0, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP) .compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) > 0) dayWiseCollFromResult.put(resultDateStr, BigDecimal.valueOf(aggregateSum.getValue()).setScale(0, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP)); } // Check collections for all days in a week, if collection is not present, 0 will be shown for the corresponding day for (String dates : daysInWeek) { if (noOfDays == 0) noOfDays = 1; day = "Day " + noOfDays; if (dayWiseCollFromResult.get(dates) == null) finalDayWiseColl.put(day, BigDecimal.ZERO); else finalDayWiseColl.put(day, dayWiseCollFromResult.get(dates)); noOfDays++; } intervalwiseCollMap.put(ulbName, finalDayWiseColl); } }
From source
/** * Provides week wise DCB details across all ULBs * @param collectionDetailsRequest//from w w w. j ava2 s . co m * @param intervalType * @return list */ public List<WeeklyDCB> getWeekwiseDCBDetailsAcrossCities( final CollectionDetailsRequest collectionDetailsRequest, final String intervalType) { final List<WeeklyDCB> ulbWiseDetails = new ArrayList<>(); Date fromDate = null; Date toDate = null; String weekName; Sum aggregateSum; String aggregationField = StringUtils.EMPTY; Map<String, Object[]> weekwiseColl; final Map<String, Map<String, Object[]>> weeklyCollMap = new LinkedHashMap<>(); Map<String, BillCollectorIndex> wardWiseBillCollectors = new HashMap<>(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(collectionDetailsRequest.getFromDate()) && StringUtils.isNotBlank(collectionDetailsRequest.getToDate())) { fromDate = DateUtils.getDate(collectionDetailsRequest.getFromDate(), DATE_FORMAT_YYYYMMDD); toDate = DateUtils .addDays(DateUtils.getDate(collectionDetailsRequest.getToDate(), DATE_FORMAT_YYYYMMDD), 1); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(collectionDetailsRequest.getType())) aggregationField = getAggregrationField(collectionDetailsRequest); if (DASHBOARD_GROUPING_WARDWISE.equalsIgnoreCase(collectionDetailsRequest.getType())) wardWiseBillCollectors = getWardWiseBillCollectors(collectionDetailsRequest); final Map<String, BigDecimal> totalDemandMap = getCollectionAndDemandValues(collectionDetailsRequest, fromDate, toDate, PROPERTY_TAX_INDEX_NAME, TOTAL_DEMAND, aggregationField); final Aggregations collAggr = getMonthwiseCollectionsForConsecutiveYears(collectionDetailsRequest, fromDate, toDate, true, intervalType, aggregationField); final StringTerms cityaggr = collAggr.get(BY_CITY); BigDecimal totalDemand; BigDecimal weeklyDemand; int noOfWeeks; Object[] demandCollValues; for (final Terms.Bucket cityDetailsentry : cityaggr.getBuckets()) { weekwiseColl = new LinkedHashMap<>(); final String ulbName = cityDetailsentry.getKeyAsString(); noOfWeeks = 0; totalDemand = totalDemandMap.get(ulbName) == null ? BigDecimal.ZERO : totalDemandMap.get(ulbName); final Histogram dateaggs = cityDetailsentry.getAggregations().get(DATE_AGG); for (final Histogram.Bucket entry : dateaggs.getBuckets()) { if (noOfWeeks == 0) noOfWeeks = 1; demandCollValues = new Object[53]; if (totalDemand.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) == 0) weeklyDemand = BigDecimal.ZERO; else weeklyDemand = totalDemand.divide(BigDecimal.valueOf(52), BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP) .multiply(BigDecimal.valueOf(noOfWeeks)); weekName = "Week " + noOfWeeks; aggregateSum = entry.getAggregations().get(CURRENT_TOTAL); if (BigDecimal.valueOf(aggregateSum.getValue()).setScale(0, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP) .compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) > 0) { demandCollValues[0] = BigDecimal.valueOf(aggregateSum.getValue()).setScale(0, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP); demandCollValues[1] = weeklyDemand; weekwiseColl.put(weekName, demandCollValues); } noOfWeeks++; } weeklyCollMap.put(ulbName, weekwiseColl); } setWeeklyDCBValues(ulbWiseDetails, weeklyCollMap, wardWiseBillCollectors); return ulbWiseDetails; }