Example usage for java.lang Thread subclass-usage

List of usage examples for java.lang Thread subclass-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for java.lang Thread subclass-usage.


From source file fm.last.irccat.Scripter.java

class Scripter extends Thread {
    IRCCat bot;
    String nick, channel, returnName, cmd;

    Scripter(String nk, String ch, String r, String c, IRCCat b) {
        nick = nk;

From source file it.jnrpe.server.ThreadTimeoutWatcher.java

 * This class implements a Thread that kills all the JNRPEServerThread 
 * threads that runs for more than a specified number of seconds.
 * @author Massimiliano Ziccardi

From source file eu.optimis.ecoefficiencytool.core.ProactiveService.java

 * @author jsubirat
public class ProactiveService extends Thread {

From source file es.upm.dit.gsi.noticiastvi.gtv.item.FavoriteThread.java

 * Favorite thread
 * @author Antonio Prada <toniprada@gmail.com>

From source file com.workplacesystems.utilsj.threadpool.WorkerThread.java

 * The actual WorkerThread.
public class WorkerThread extends Thread {

    private final static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(WorkerThread.class);

From source file net.chaosserver.timelord.data.engine.AutoSaveThread.java

 * A thread run in the background that will auto-save the data file
 * on a set duration.
 * @author Jordan Reed

From source file com.baidubce.http.IdleConnectionReaper.java

 * Daemon thread to periodically check connection pools for idle connections.
 * <p>
 * Connections sitting around idle in the HTTP connection pool for too long will eventually be terminated by the BCE end
 * of the connection, and will go into CLOSE_WAIT. If this happens, sockets will sit around in CLOSE_WAIT, still using

From source file com.redhat.poc.jdg.bankofchina.performance.TestCase531RemoteMultiThreads.java

 * ? (client-server mode, 2JDG,??)
 * @author maping
public class TestCase531RemoteMultiThreads extends Thread {

From source file net.jotel.ws.client.WebSocketReaderThread.java

public class WebSocketReaderThread extends Thread {
    private final static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(WebSocketReaderThread.class);

    private WebSocketClient wsClient;
    private BufferedInputStream inputStream;
    private AtomicBoolean active = new AtomicBoolean(true);

From source file com.redhat.poc.jdg.bankofchina.performance.TestCase532RemoteMultiThreads.java

 * ? (client-server mode, 2JDG,??)
 * @author maping
public class TestCase532RemoteMultiThreads extends Thread {