List of usage examples for java.lang Thread MAX_PRIORITY
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@Override public void run() { setPriority(Thread.MAX_PRIORITY); while (true) { try {//from w w w. j a v a2 s . c o m Socket connection = statusServerSocket.accept(); new GameStatusThread(connection, _uptime, _statusPw); if (isInterrupted()) { try { statusServerSocket.close(); } catch (IOException io) { _log.warn(io.getMessage(), io); } break; } } catch (IOException e) { if (isInterrupted()) { try { statusServerSocket.close(); } catch (IOException io) { _log.warn(io.getMessage(), io); } break; } } } }
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private DeadlockDetector() { super("DeadlockDetector"); setPriority(Thread.MAX_PRIORITY); setDaemon(true);/*from www .j a v a 2s . c om*/ start();"DeadlockDetector: Initialized."); }
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public void applicationMemberAdded(Member member) { Thread th = new Thread(new MemberAdder(member)); th.setPriority(Thread.MAX_PRIORITY); th.start();/*from w ww .j a v a 2 s .co m*/ }
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static Pair<EventLoopGroup, Class<? extends Channel>> getEventLoopConfig(Configuration conf) { String name = conf.get(EVENT_LOOP_CONFIG); if (StringUtils.isBlank(name)) { // create new event loop group if config is empty return Pair.<EventLoopGroup, Class<? extends Channel>>newPair( new NioEventLoopGroup(0, new DefaultThreadFactory("AsyncFSWAL", true, Thread.MAX_PRIORITY)), NioSocketChannel.class); }/*from w w w.ja va 2 s . com*/ return EVENT_LOOP_CONFIG_MAP.get(name); }
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public static void premain(String agentArgs) { CustomJvmAgent.premain(agentArgs);//from ww w . ja va2 m try {"About to load BackendManager..."); Field jolokiaHttpHandlerField = FieldUtils.getDeclaredField(server.getClass(), "jolokiaHttpHandler", true); JolokiaHttpHandler jolokiaHttpHandler = (JolokiaHttpHandler) jolokiaHttpHandlerField.get(server); Field backendManagerField = FieldUtils.getDeclaredField(jolokiaHttpHandler.getClass(), "backendManager", true); BackendManager backendManager = (BackendManager) backendManagerField.get(jolokiaHttpHandler); HawkularClient client = getHawkularClient(); if (client == null) { LOG.error( "HawkularClient is null. Not starting HawkularMetricsService via ScheduledExecutorService."); } else { BasicThreadFactory factory = new BasicThreadFactory.Builder().namingPattern("hawkular-metrics-%d") .daemon(true).priority(Thread.MAX_PRIORITY).build(); ScheduledExecutorService exec = Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor(factory); exec.scheduleAtFixedRate( new HawkularMetricsRunnable(new HawkularMetricsService(backendManager, client)), 15, 15, TimeUnit.SECONDS);"Started HawkularMetricsService via ScheduledExecutorService."); } } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { LOG.error("{}", e); } }
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@BeforeMethod public void beforeMemoryLeakTest() { ThreadFactory threadFactory = new ThreadFactoryBuilder().setPriority(Thread.MAX_PRIORITY).setDaemon(true) .build();/*from w w w. j a va 2s. com*/ statusExecutor = Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor(threadFactory); statusExecutor.scheduleAtFixedRate(newStatusTask(), statusInterval, statusInterval, SECONDS); map = new Builder<Long, Long>().maximumWeightedCapacity(threads).build(); }
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protected LUCacheManager() { // start thread memoryCheckerThread = new Thread(new MemoryChecker(), "CacheMemoryChecker"); memoryCheckerThread.setPriority(Thread.MAX_PRIORITY); memoryCheckerThread.start();//w w w . j a va 2 s . c o m caches = new MapMaker().initialCapacity(256).weakValues().makeMap(); }
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@Override protected Void doInBackground(Void... params) { Thread.currentThread().setPriority(Thread.MAX_PRIORITY); //String portget = MainActivity.portString; List<NameValuePair> params1 = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>(); params1.add(new BasicNameValuePair("class", pref.getclass())); String url = ""; json = jparser.makeHttpRequest(url, "POST", params1); try {//w w w . ja va 2s . c o m // Checking for SUCCESS TAG //forjson.clear(); String heading = ""; String message = ""; //Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, (CharSequence) json, 1).show(); ipArray = new ArrayList<String>(); JSONArray account = json.getJSONArray("IPs"); for (int i = 0; i < account.length(); i++) { json = account.getJSONObject(i); String IpString = json.getString("IP"); if (!IpString.equals("")) ipArray.add(IpString); // forjson.add(Roll+"-"+ NAME); //categories_description.add(description); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } int port = Integer.parseInt(pref.getSerialNo()); socket = null; // ip.add(""); // ip.add(""); int len = ipArray.size(); /* try { for(int i=0;i<ip.size();i++) socket[i] = new,port); // socket1 = new"", port); // connect to server } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }*/ dataOut = new DataOutputStream[len]; try { for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { socket = new, port); dataOut[i] = new DataOutputStream(socket.getOutputStream()); } // dataOut1 = new DataOutputStream(socket1.getOutputStream()); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } while (!isCancelled()) { VideoChunk chunk = null; try { //Log.d(LOG_TAG, "waiting for data to send"); chunk = mVideoChunks.takeLast(); //Log.d(LOG_TAG,"got data. writing to socket"); int length = chunk.getData().length; for (int i = 0; i < ipArray.size(); i++) { dataOut[i].writeInt(length); dataOut[i].writeInt(chunk.getFlags()); dataOut[i].writeLong(chunk.getTimeUs()); dataOut[i].write(chunk.getData()); dataOut[i].flush(); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); continue; } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return null; }
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public Stresser() { ThreadFactory threadFactory = new ThreadFactoryBuilder().setPriority(Thread.MAX_PRIORITY).setDaemon(true) .build();//w w w.j a v a 2 s. co m Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor(threadFactory).scheduleAtFixedRate(this::status, STATUS_INTERVAL, STATUS_INTERVAL, SECONDS); cache = Caffeine.newBuilder().maximumSize(operation.maxEntries).recordStats().build(key -> key); local = (BoundedLocalCache<Integer, Integer>) cache.asMap(); ints = new Integer[TOTAL_KEYS]; Arrays.setAll(ints, key -> { cache.put(key, key); return key; }); cache.cleanUp(); stopwatch = Stopwatch.createStarted(); status(); }
From source
public void start() { if (thread != null) { throw new RuntimeException("Watchdog started twice"); }//from ww w .j av a2 s . c om thread = new Thread(this); //noinspection CallToThreadSetPriority thread.setPriority(Thread.MAX_PRIORITY); thread.start(); }