List of usage examples for java.lang Thread join
public final void join() throws InterruptedException
From source
/** * Frees all resources tied to the server, that is networking threads and * sockets.//from ww w . j a v a 2 s . co m */ private void closeResources() { for (Thread transmitter : transmitters.values()) transmitter.interrupt(); try { for (Thread receiver : receivers.values()) { receiver.join(); } for (Thread transmitter : transmitters.values()) { transmitter.join(); } } catch (InterruptedException intEx) { //shouldn't be interrupted LOG.fatal("Interrupted during termination!!"); LOG.fatal(intEx); } }
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public void index(String trackingType, String repositoryId) { synchronized (LOCK) { ChangeEvents changeEvents = getCmisChangeLog(trackingType, repositoryId); if (changeEvents == null) { return; }/*w w w. j a va2s .c o m*/ List<ChangeEvent> events = changeEvents.getChangeEvents(); // After 2nd crawling, discard the first item // Because the specs say that it's included in the results String token = readLatestChangeToken(repositoryId); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(token)) { if (!org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils.isEmpty(events)) { events.remove(0); } } if (events.isEmpty()) return; // Parse filtering configuration PropertyManager pm = new PropertyManagerImpl(StringPool.PROPERTIES_NAME); boolean fulltextEnabled = Boolean.TRUE.toString() .equalsIgnoreCase(pm.readValue(PropertyKey.SOLR_TRACKING_FULLTEXT_ENABLED)); boolean mimeTypeFilterEnabled = false; // default List<String> allowedMimeTypeFilter = new ArrayList<String>(); // default if (fulltextEnabled) { String _filter = pm.readValue(PropertyKey.SOLR_TRACKING_MIMETYPE_FILTER_ENABLED); mimeTypeFilterEnabled = Boolean.TRUE.toString().equalsIgnoreCase(_filter); if (mimeTypeFilterEnabled) { allowedMimeTypeFilter = pm.readValues(PropertyKey.SOLR_TRACKING_MIMETYPE); } } // Extract only the last events of each objectId List<ChangeEvent> list = extractChangeEvent(events); PropertyManager propMgr = new PropertyManagerImpl(StringPool.PROPERTIES_NAME); int numberOfThread = Integer.valueOf(propMgr.readValue(PropertyKey.SOLR_TRACKING_NUMBER_OF_THREAD)); int numberPerThread = list.size() / numberOfThread; if (list.size() < numberOfThread) { numberOfThread = list.size(); numberPerThread = 1; } for (int i = 0; i <= numberOfThread; i++) { int toIndex = (numberPerThread * (i + 1) > list.size()) ? list.size() : numberPerThread * (i + 1); List<ChangeEvent> listPerThread = list.subList(numberPerThread * i, toIndex); Session cmisSession = CmisSessionFactory.getSession(repositoryId); Registration registration = new Registration(cmisSession, core, indexServer, listPerThread, fulltextEnabled, mimeTypeFilterEnabled, allowedMimeTypeFilter); Thread t = new Thread(registration); t.start(); try { t.join(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { logger.error(e); } } // Save the latest token storeLatestChangeToken(changeEvents.getLatestChangeLogToken(), repositoryId); // In case of FUll mode, repeat until indexing all change logs if (Constant.MODE_FULL.equals(trackingType)) { index(Constant.MODE_FULL, repositoryId); } } }
From source
/** * Indexes a document in <code>index</code> with <code>docId</code> then concurrently updates the same document * <code>nUpdates</code> times * * @return the document version after updates *//*from w w w.ja v a 2s. c o m*/ private int indexDocWithConcurrentUpdates(String index, final int docId, int nUpdates) throws IOException, InterruptedException { indexDocs(index, docId, 1); Thread[] indexThreads = new Thread[nUpdates]; for (int i = 0; i < nUpdates; i++) { indexThreads[i] = new Thread(() -> { try { indexDocs(index, docId, 1); } catch (IOException e) { throw new AssertionError("failed while indexing [" + e.getMessage() + "]"); } }); indexThreads[i].start(); } for (Thread indexThread : indexThreads) { indexThread.join(); } return nUpdates + 1; }
From source
@Test public void testShutdownHookThread() throws InterruptedException { final LoggerContext context = Mockito.mock(LoggerContext.class); final Thread shutdownThread = new TsdQueryLogSink.ShutdownHookThread(context); shutdownThread.start();// w w w . jav a 2s . c o m shutdownThread.join(); Mockito.verify(context).stop(); }
From source
private void runTest(long numberEvents, int rate, String server, int in_port, String data_file, String msLayerUrl, Boolean isSingle) { this.send_rate = -1.0; this.rcv_rate = -1.0; try {/*from w w w . ja v a 2s . c om*/ GetMapServiceCountRunnable reader = new GetMapServiceCountRunnable(numberEvents, msLayerUrl, isSingle); Thread readerThread = new Thread(reader); readerThread.start(); // Give the consumer a couple of seconds to start Thread.sleep(2000); this.send(server, in_port, numberEvents, rate, data_file); readerThread.join(); rcv_rate = reader.getAverage_read_per_second(); if (reader.getNum_events_read() != numberEvents) { // Number of events read differs from send throw new Exception("Number of Events received (" + Long.toString(reader.getNum_events_read()) + ") did not match what was sent (" + Long.toString(numberEvents) + ") !"); } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage()); rcv_rate = -1.0; } finally { this.rcv_rate = rcv_rate; } }
From source
@Override public void run() {"Starting Undertow!"); Thread thread = new Thread(server::start); thread.start();//w ww.ja v a2 s. co m try { while (!Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) { Thread.sleep(10L); } } catch (InterruptedException ignored) { } server.stop(); thread.interrupt(); try { thread.join(); } catch (InterruptedException ignored) { } cleanup(); }
From source
public List<AnalysisResult> analyzeElasticity(CloudProvider cloudProvider) { final List<AnalysisResult> analysisResults = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<AnalysisResult>()); List<Thread> threads = new ArrayList<Thread>(); for (final CloudOfferedService unit : cloudProvider.getCloudOfferedServices()) { if (!unit.getCategory().equals("IaaS")) { continue; }/*from w w w . j av a 2*/ Thread t = new Thread() { @Override public void run() { analysisResults.add(analyzeElasticity(unit)); } }; threads.add(t); t.start(); } for (Thread t : threads) { try { t.join(); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { Logger.getLogger(CloudServiceElasticityAnalysisEngine.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } Collections.sort(analysisResults, new Comparator<AnalysisResult>() { @Override public int compare(AnalysisResult o1, AnalysisResult o2) { return ((Double) o1.getValue(OVERALL_ELASTICITY)) .compareTo(((Double) o2.getValue(OVERALL_ELASTICITY))); } }); return analysisResults; }
From source
private void tryMT(int numSeconds) throws Exception { String eplCreateVariable = "create table vartotal (cnt count(*), sumint sum(int), avgint avg(int))"; epService.getEPAdministrator().createEPL(eplCreateVariable); String eplInto = "into table vartotal select count(*) as cnt, sum(intPrimitive) as sumint, avg(intPrimitive) as avgint from SupportBean"; epService.getEPAdministrator().createEPL(eplInto); epService.getEPAdministrator().createEPL("create window MyWindow.std:lastevent() as SupportBean_S0"); epService.getEPAdministrator().createEPL("insert into MyWindow select * from SupportBean_S0"); epService.getEPRuntime().sendEvent(new SupportBean_S0(0)); WriteRunnable writeRunnable = new WriteRunnable(epService); ReadRunnable readRunnable = new ReadRunnable(epService); // start/*from w w w . j a va 2s .com*/ Thread t1 = new Thread(writeRunnable); Thread t2 = new Thread(readRunnable); t1.start(); t2.start(); // wait Thread.sleep(numSeconds * 1000); // shutdown writeRunnable.setShutdown(true); readRunnable.setShutdown(true); // join"Waiting for completion"); t1.join(); t2.join(); assertNull(writeRunnable.getException()); assertNull(readRunnable.getException()); assertTrue(writeRunnable.numEvents > 100); assertTrue(readRunnable.numQueries > 100); System.out.println( "Send " + writeRunnable.numEvents + " and performed " + readRunnable.numQueries + " reads"); }
From source
/** * Expected: If multiple threads try to retrieve the same key from a * SelfPopulatingCache at the same time, and that key is not yet in the cache, * one thread obtains the lock for that key and uses the CacheEntryFactory to * generate the cache entry and all other threads wait on the lock. * Any and all threads which timeout while waiting for this lock should fail * to acquire the lock for that key and throw an exception. * <p/>//from w w w . ja va m * This thread tests for this by having several threads to a cache "get" for * the same key, allowing one to acquire the lock and the others to wait. The * one that acquires the lock and attempts to generate the cache entry for the * key waits for a period of time long enough to allow all other threads to * timeout waiting for the lock. Any thread that succeeds in acquiring the lock, * including the first to do so, increment a counter when they begin creating * the cache entry using the CacheEntryFactory. It is expected that this * counter will only be "1" after all threads complete since all but the * first to acquire it should timeout and throw exceptions. * <p/> * We then test that a thread that comes along later increments the counter. */ public void testSelfPopulatingBlocksWithTimeoutSetNull() throws InterruptedException { selfPopulatingCache = new SelfPopulatingCache(new Cache("TestCache", 50, false, false, 0, 0), new NullCachePopulator()); selfPopulatingCache.setTimeoutMillis(200); manager.addCache(selfPopulatingCache); CacheAccessorThread[] cacheAccessorThreads = new CacheAccessorThread[10]; for (int i = 0; i < cacheAccessorThreads.length; i++) { cacheAccessorThreads[i] = new CacheAccessorThread(selfPopulatingCache, "key1"); cacheAccessorThreads[i].start(); // Do a slight delay here so that all the timeouts // don't happen simultaneously - this is key try { Thread.sleep(20); } catch (InterruptedException ignored) { // } } //All of the others should have timed out. The first thread will have returned null. // This thread should be able to have a go, thus setting the count to 2 Thread.sleep(1000); Thread lateThread = new CacheAccessorThread(selfPopulatingCache, "key1"); lateThread.start(); lateThread.join(); assertEquals("Too many cacheAccessorThreads tried to create selfPopulatingCache entry for key1", 2, cacheEntryFactoryRequests); }
From source
/** * Creating 11 Threads which attempt to get a null entry will result, eventually, in 11 * calls to the CacheEntryFactory/*from www. j a v a 2s. c om*/ * @throws InterruptedException */ public void testSelfPopulatingBlocksWithoutTimeoutSetNull() throws InterruptedException { selfPopulatingCache = new SelfPopulatingCache(new Cache("TestCache", 50, false, false, 0, 0), new NullCachePopulator()); //selfPopulatingCache.setTimeoutMillis(200); manager.addCache(selfPopulatingCache); CacheAccessorThread[] cacheAccessorThreads = new CacheAccessorThread[10]; for (int i = 0; i < cacheAccessorThreads.length; i++) { cacheAccessorThreads[i] = new CacheAccessorThread(selfPopulatingCache, "key1"); cacheAccessorThreads[i].start(); // Do a slight delay here so that all the timeouts // don't happen simultaneously - this is key try { Thread.sleep(20); } catch (InterruptedException ignored) { // } } //All of the others should have timed out. The first thread will have returned null. // This thread should be able to have a go, thus setting the count to 2 Thread.sleep(12000); Thread lateThread = new CacheAccessorThread(selfPopulatingCache, "key1"); lateThread.start(); lateThread.join(); assertEquals("The wrong number of cacheAccessorThreads tried to create selfPopulatingCache entry for key1", 11, cacheEntryFactoryRequests); }