List of usage examples for java.lang Thread interrupted
public static boolean interrupted()
From source
@Override public void perform(Run<?, ?> build, FilePath workspace, Launcher launcher, TaskListener listener) throws IOException, InterruptedException { FilePath workspaceJsonSourceDir;//most of the time on slave FilePath workspaceJsonTargetDir;//always on master if (!hasText(featuresDir)) { workspaceJsonSourceDir = workspace; workspaceJsonTargetDir = getMasterWorkspaceDir(build); } else {/*w w w .j a va 2 s. co m*/ workspaceJsonSourceDir = new FilePath(workspace, featuresDir); workspaceJsonTargetDir = new FilePath(getMasterWorkspaceDir(build), featuresDir); } logger = listener.getLogger(); workspaceJsonSourceDir.copyRecursiveTo("**/*.json,**/cukedoctor-intro.adoc,**/", workspaceJsonTargetDir); System.setProperty("INTRO_CHAPTER_DIR", workspaceJsonTargetDir.getRemote()); logger.println(""); logger.println("Generating living documentation for " + build.getFullDisplayName() + " with the following arguments: "); logger.println("Features dir: " + workspaceJsonSourceDir.getRemote()); logger.println("Format: " + format.getFormat()); logger.println("Toc: " + toc.getToc()); logger.println("Title: " + title); logger.println("Numbered: " + Boolean.toString(numbered)); logger.println("Section anchors: " + Boolean.toString(sectAnchors)); logger.println("Hide features section: " + Boolean.toString(hideFeaturesSection)); logger.println("Hide summary: " + Boolean.toString(hideSummary)); logger.println("Hide scenario keyword: " + Boolean.toString(hideScenarioKeyword)); logger.println("Hide step time: " + Boolean.toString(hideStepTime)); logger.println("Hide tags: " + Boolean.toString(hideTags)); logger.println(""); Result result = Result.SUCCESS; List<Feature> features = FeatureParser.findAndParse(workspaceJsonTargetDir.getRemote()); if (!features.isEmpty()) { if (!hasText(title)) { title = "Living Documentation"; } logger.println("Found " + features.size() + " feature(s)..."); File targetBuildDirectory = new File(build.getRootDir(), CukedoctorBaseAction.BASE_URL); if (!targetBuildDirectory.exists()) { boolean created = targetBuildDirectory.mkdirs(); if (!created) { listener.error("Could not create file at location: " + targetBuildDirectory.getAbsolutePath()); result = Result.UNSTABLE; } } GlobalConfig globalConfig = GlobalConfig.getInstance(); DocumentAttributes documentAttributes = globalConfig.getDocumentAttributes().backend(format.getFormat()) .toc(toc.getToc()).numbered(numbered).sectAnchors(sectAnchors).docTitle(title); globalConfig.getLayoutConfig().setHideFeaturesSection(hideFeaturesSection); globalConfig.getLayoutConfig().setHideSummarySection(hideSummary); globalConfig.getLayoutConfig().setHideScenarioKeyword(hideScenarioKeyword); globalConfig.getLayoutConfig().setHideStepTime(hideStepTime); globalConfig.getLayoutConfig().setHideTags(hideTags); String outputPath = targetBuildDirectory.getAbsolutePath(); CukedoctorBuildAction action = new CukedoctorBuildAction(build); final ExecutorService pool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(4); if ("all".equals(format.getFormat())) { File allHtml = new File( outputPath + System.getProperty("file.separator") + CukedoctorBaseAction.ALL_DOCUMENTATION); if (!allHtml.exists()) { boolean created = allHtml.createNewFile(); if (!created) { listener.error("Could not create file at location: " + allHtml.getAbsolutePath()); result = Result.UNSTABLE; } } InputStream is = null; OutputStream os = null; try { is = getClass().getResourceAsStream("/" + CukedoctorBaseAction.ALL_DOCUMENTATION); os = new FileOutputStream(allHtml); int copyResult = IOUtils.copy(is, os); if (copyResult == -1) { listener.error("File is too big.");//will never reach here but findbugs forced it... result = Result.UNSTABLE; } } finally { if (is != null) { is.close(); } if (os != null) { os.close(); } } action.setDocumentationPage(CukedoctorBaseAction.ALL_DOCUMENTATION); pool.execute(runAll(features, documentAttributes, outputPath)); } else { action.setDocumentationPage("documentation." + format.getFormat()); pool.execute(run(features, documentAttributes, outputPath)); } build.addAction(action); pool.shutdown(); try { if (format.equals(FormatType.HTML)) { pool.awaitTermination(5, TimeUnit.MINUTES); } else { pool.awaitTermination(15, TimeUnit.MINUTES); } } catch (final InterruptedException e) { Thread.interrupted(); listener.error( "Your documentation is taking too long to be generated. Halting the generation now to not throttle Jenkins."); result = Result.FAILURE; } if (result.equals(Result.SUCCESS)) { listener.hyperlink("../" + CukedoctorBaseAction.BASE_URL, "Documentation generated successfully!"); logger.println(""); } } else { logger.println(String.format("No features Found in %s. %sLiving documentation will not be generated.", workspaceJsonTargetDir.getRemote(), "\n")); } build.setResult(result); }
From source
@Override public void restart() throws PEException { stop();/*from w w w .ja va 2 s . c o m*/ // initiate reconnection on new thread to allow existing i/o thread to resume channel closed processing reconnectThread = new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { FastDateFormat formatter = FastDateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(FastDateFormat.MEDIUM, FastDateFormat.MEDIUM); long retries = 0; long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); long lastAttempt = start;"Replication slave lost connection on " + formatter.format(start) + ". Attempting to reconnect with the following parameters: " + MyReplicationSlaveConfig.REPL_SLAVE_MASTER_RETRY_CONNECT + "=" + myConfig.getMasterConnectRetry() + " seconds" + ", " + MyReplicationSlaveConfig.REPL_SLAVE_SLAVE_NET_TIMEOUT + "=" + myConfig.getSlaveNetTimeout() + " seconds" + ", " + MyReplicationSlaveConfig.REPL_SLAVE_MASTER_RETRY_COUNT + "=" + myConfig.getMasterRetryCount()); while (myClient == null || !myClient.isConnected()) { if (Thread.interrupted()) {"Replication slave reconnection was terminated by STOP service command."); reconnectThread = null; break; } if (((retries > 0) && (retries >= myConfig.getMasterRetryCount())) || ((lastAttempt - start) / 1000) > myConfig.getSlaveNetTimeout()) { logger.warn( "Replication slave was unable to reconnect and will stop replication. Total attempts=" + retries + ", Started=" + formatter.format(start) + ", Ended=" + formatter.format(lastAttempt)); reconnectThread = null; return; } try { Thread.sleep(myConfig.getMasterConnectRetry() * 1000); } catch (Exception e) {"Replication slave reconnection was terminated by STOP service command."); reconnectThread = null; return; } if (Thread.interrupted()) { reconnectThread = null;"Replication slave reconnection was terminated by STOP service command."); break; } retries++; lastAttempt = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Replication slave reconnect attempt #" + retries + " at " + formatter.format(lastAttempt)); } start(false); } catch (Exception e) { // do nothing if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Replication slave reconnect attempt #" + retries + " failed.", e); } } } if (myClient.isConnected()) { // successfully reconnected"Replication slave successfully reconnected on attempt " + retries + " on " + formatter.format(lastAttempt)); } } }, "ReplicationReconnect"); reconnectThread.start(); }
From source
public static void initCredentials(Job job) throws IOException { if (User.isHBaseSecurityEnabled(job.getConfiguration())) { try {/*from w ww .jav a 2 s . c o m*/ User.getCurrent().obtainAuthTokenForJob(job.getConfiguration(), job); } catch (InterruptedException ie) {"Interrupted obtaining user authentication token"); Thread.interrupted(); } } }
From source
@Override public Collection<? extends Playground> getWithin(Context context, GeoPoint topLeft, GeoPoint bottomRight, int maxQuantity) { playgrounds = new ArrayList<Playground>(); String result = swingset.getResources().getString(R.string.error); HttpURLConnection httpConnection = null; Log.d(TAG, "getPlaygrounds()"); try {// www . j av a2s .c o m // Check if task has been interrupted if (Thread.interrupted()) { throw new InterruptedException(); } // Build query URL url = new URL("" + TYPE_PARAM + "=" + WITHIN + "&" + TOP_LEFT_LATITUDE_PARAM + "=" + topLeft.getLatitudeE6() / 1E6 + "&" + TOP_LEFT_LONGITUDE_PARAM + "=" + topLeft.getLongitudeE6() / 1E6 + "&" + BOTTOM_RIGHT_LATITUDE_PARAM + "=" + bottomRight.getLatitudeE6() / 1E6 + "&" + BOTTOM_RIGHT_LONGITUDE_PARAM + "=" + bottomRight.getLongitudeE6() / 1E6); httpConnection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); httpConnection.setConnectTimeout(15000); httpConnection.setReadTimeout(15000); StringBuilder response = new StringBuilder(); if (httpConnection.getResponseCode() == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) { // Read results from the query BufferedReader input = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(httpConnection.getInputStream(), "UTF-8")); String strLine = null; while ((strLine = input.readLine()) != null) { response.append(strLine); } input.close(); } // Parse to get translated text JSONArray jsonPlaygrounds = new JSONArray(response.toString()); int numOfPlaygrounds = jsonPlaygrounds.length(); JSONObject jsonPlayground = null; for (int i = 0; i < numOfPlaygrounds; i++) { jsonPlayground = jsonPlaygrounds.getJSONObject(i); playgrounds.add(toPlayground(jsonPlayground)); } } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "Exception", e); Intent errorIntent = new Intent(context, Playgrounds.class); errorIntent.putExtra("Exception", e.getLocalizedMessage()); errorIntent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP); context.startActivity(errorIntent); } finally { if (httpConnection != null) { httpConnection.disconnect(); } } Log.d(TAG, " -> returned " + result); return playgrounds; }
From source
/** * Update ZK, ROOT or META. This can take a while if for example the .META. is * not available -- if server hosting .META. crashed and we are waiting on it * to come back -- so run in a thread and keep updating znode state meantime * so master doesn't timeout our entityGroup-in-transition. Caller must * cleanup entityGroup if this fails./*w w w . j a v a m*/ */ boolean updateMeta(final EntityGroup entityGroup) { if (this.server.isStopped() || this.fsServices.isStopping()) { return false; } // Object we do wait/notify on. Make it boolean. If set, we're done. // Else, wait. final AtomicBoolean signaller = new AtomicBoolean(false); PostOpenDeployTasksThread t = new PostOpenDeployTasksThread(entityGroup, this.server, this.fsServices, signaller); t.start(); int assignmentTimeout = this.server.getConfiguration() .getInt("wasp.master.assignment.timeoutmonitor.period", 10000); // Total timeout for meta edit. If we fail adding the edit then close out // the entityGroup and let it be assigned elsewhere. long timeout = assignmentTimeout * 10; long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); long endTime = now + timeout; // Let our period at which we update OPENING state to be be 1/3rd of the // entityGroups-in-transition timeout period. long period = Math.max(1, assignmentTimeout / 3); long lastUpdate = now; boolean tickleOpening = true; while (!signaller.get() && t.isAlive() && !this.server.isStopped() && !this.fsServices.isStopping() && (endTime > now)) { long elapsed = now - lastUpdate; if (elapsed > period) { // Only tickle OPENING if postOpenDeployTasks is taking some time. lastUpdate = now; tickleOpening = tickleOpening("post_open_deploy"); } synchronized (signaller) { try { signaller.wait(period); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // Go to the loop check. } } now = System.currentTimeMillis(); } // Is thread still alive? We may have left above loop because server is // stopping or we timed out the edit. Is so, interrupt it. if (t.isAlive()) { if (!signaller.get()) { // Thread still running; interrupt LOG.debug("Interrupting thread " + t); t.interrupt(); } try { t.join(); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { LOG.warn("Interrupted joining " + entityGroup.getEntityGroupInfo().getEntityGroupNameAsString(), ie); Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } } // Was there an exception opening the entityGroup? This should trigger on // InterruptedException too. If so, we failed. Even if tickle opening fails // then it is a failure. return ((!Thread.interrupted() && t.getException() == null) && tickleOpening); }
From source
private File s3Fetch(URI uri, Reporter reporter) throws IOException, InterruptedException { String bucketName = uri.getHost(); String path = uri.getPath();/* w ww . j a va2 s . c o m*/ UUID uniqueId = UUID.randomUUID(); File destFolder = new File(tempDir, uniqueId.toString() + "/" + path); if (destFolder.exists()) { FileUtils.deleteDirectory(destFolder); } destFolder.mkdirs(); Throttler throttler = new Throttler((double) bytesPerSecThrottle); boolean done = false; try { s3Service = new RestS3Service(getCredentials()); if (s3Service.checkBucketStatus(bucketName) != RestS3Service.BUCKET_STATUS__MY_BUCKET) { throw new IOException("Bucket doesn't exist or is already claimed: " + bucketName); } if (path.startsWith("/")) { path = path.substring(1, path.length()); } for (S3Object object : s3Service.listObjects(new S3Bucket(bucketName), path, "")) { long bytesSoFar = 0; String fileName = path; if (path.contains("/")) { fileName = path.substring(path.lastIndexOf("/") + 1, path.length()); } File fileDest = new File(destFolder, fileName);"Downloading " + object.getKey() + " to " + fileDest + " ..."); if (fileDest.exists()) { fileDest.delete(); } object = s3Service.getObject(new S3Bucket(bucketName), object.getKey()); InputStream iS = object.getDataInputStream(); FileOutputStream writer = new FileOutputStream(fileDest); byte[] buffer = new byte[downloadBufferSize]; int nRead; while ((nRead =, 0, buffer.length)) != -1) { // Needed to being able to be interrupted at any moment. if (Thread.interrupted()) { iS.close(); writer.close(); cleanDirNoExceptions(destFolder); throw new InterruptedException(); } bytesSoFar += nRead; writer.write(buffer, 0, nRead); throttler.incrementAndThrottle(nRead); if (bytesSoFar >= bytesToReportProgress) { reporter.progress(bytesSoFar); bytesSoFar = 0l; } } if (reporter != null) { reporter.progress(bytesSoFar); } writer.close(); iS.close(); done = true; } if (!done) { throw new IOException("Bucket is empty! " + bucketName + " path: " + path); } } catch (S3ServiceException e) { throw new IOException(e); } return destFolder; }
From source
public void testDelete(final String ns) throws InterruptedException { final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(5); final CountDownLatch latchMore = new CountDownLatch(10); final AtomicLong runs = new AtomicLong(0); long prior = 0; final URIExtractionNamespace namespace = new URIExtractionNamespace(ns, tmpFile.toURI(), new URIExtractionNamespace.ObjectMapperFlatDataParser( URIExtractionNamespaceTest.registerTypes(new ObjectMapper())), new Period(1l), null); final String cacheId = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); final CountDownLatch latchBeforeMore = new CountDownLatch(1); ListenableFuture<?> future = manager.schedule(namespace, factory, new Runnable() { @Override/*w ww .ja va2 s . c o m*/ public void run() { try { if (!Thread.interrupted()) { manager.getPostRunnable(namespace, factory, cacheId).run(); } else { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } if (!Thread.interrupted()) { runs.incrementAndGet(); } else { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } } finally { latch.countDown(); try { if (latch.getCount() == 0) { latchBeforeMore.await(); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { log.debug("Interrupted"); Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } finally { latchMore.countDown(); } } } }, cacheId); latch.await(); prior = runs.get(); latchBeforeMore.countDown(); Assert.assertFalse(future.isCancelled()); Assert.assertFalse(future.isDone()); Assert.assertTrue(fnCache.containsKey(ns)); latchMore.await(); Assert.assertTrue(runs.get() > prior); Assert.assertTrue(manager.implData.containsKey(ns)); manager.delete("ns"); Assert.assertFalse(manager.implData.containsKey(ns)); Assert.assertFalse(fnCache.containsKey(ns)); Assert.assertTrue(future.isCancelled()); Assert.assertTrue(future.isDone()); prior = runs.get(); Thread.sleep(20); Assert.assertEquals(prior, runs.get()); }
From source
@SuppressWarnings("resource") private void databaseExecutableForHost(DatabaseHost databaseHost, String type, String databaseObjectDescription, AutoCompleteListItemType autocompleteType) { trace("Building autocomplete object list using [ " + databaseHost.getName() + " ] for type - " + type); ResultSet rs = null;//www.ja v a2 s. c o m try { DatabaseMetaData databaseMetaData = databaseHost.getDatabaseMetaData(); String catalog = databaseHost.getCatalogNameForQueries(defaultCatalogForHost(databaseHost)); String schema = databaseHost.getSchemaNameForQueries(defaultSchemaForHost(databaseHost)); List<String> names = new ArrayList<String>(); List<AutoCompleteListItem> list = new ArrayList<AutoCompleteListItem>(); if (autocompleteType == AutoCompleteListItemType.DATABASE_FUNCTION) { try { rs = databaseMetaData.getFunctions(catalog, schema, null); } catch (Throwable e) { trace("Functions not available using [ getFunctions() ] - reverting to [ getProcedures() ] - " + e.getMessage()); rs = getProcedures(databaseMetaData, catalog, schema); } } else { rs = getProcedures(databaseMetaData, catalog, schema); } if (rs != null) { int count = 0; while ( { try { if (Thread.interrupted() || databaseMetaData.getConnection().isClosed()) { return; } } catch (SQLException e) { } names.add(rs.getString(3)); count++; if (count >= INCREMENT) { addTablesToProvider(databaseObjectDescription, autocompleteType, names, list); count = 0; list.clear(); names.clear(); } } addTablesToProvider(databaseObjectDescription, autocompleteType, names, list); } } catch (Exception e) { error("Tables not available for type " + type + " - driver returned: " + e.getMessage()); } finally { releaseResources(rs); trace("Finished autocomplete object list using [ " + databaseHost.getName() + " ] for type - " + type); } }
From source
protected final boolean interrupted() { return Thread.interrupted(); }
From source
private Object doWork() { // the process result String processResult = null;//from w ww . j av a2s .co m // are we halting on any error int onError = getParent().getOnError(); haltOnError = (onError == ImportExportProcess.STOP_TRANSFER); boolean isBatch = getParent().runAsBatchProcess(); appendProgressText("Beginning import from delimited file process..."); appendProgressText("Using connection: " + getParent().getDatabaseConnection().getName()); // --------------------------------------- // table specific counters // the table statement result int tableInsertCount = 0; // the records processed for this table int tableRowCount = 0; // the table commit count int tableCommitCount = 0; // --------------------------------------- // total import process counters // the current commit block size int commitCount = 0; // the total records inserted int totalInsertCount = 0; // the total records processed int totalRecordCount = 0; // the error count int errorCount = 0; // the current line number int lineNumber = 0; int rollbackSize = getParent().getRollbackSize(); int rollbackCount = 0; FileReader fileReader = null; BufferedReader reader = null; DateFormat dateFormat = null; try { // retrieve the import files Vector files = getParent().getDataFileVector(); int fileCount = files.size(); // whether to trim whitespace boolean trimWhitespace = getParent().trimWhitespace(); // whether this table has a date/time field boolean hasDate = false; // whether we are parsing date formats boolean parsingDates = parseDateValues(); // column names are first row boolean hasColumnNames = getParent().includeColumnNames(); // currently bound variables in the prepared statement Map<ColumnData, String> boundVariables = null; // ignored indexes of columns from the file List<Integer> ignoredIndexes = null; if (hasColumnNames) { boundVariables = new HashMap<ColumnData, String>(); ignoredIndexes = new ArrayList<Integer>(); appendProgressText("Using column names from input file's first row."); } // columns to be imported that are in the file Map<ColumnData, String> fileImportedColumns = new HashMap<ColumnData, String>(); // whether the data format failed (switch structure) boolean failed = false; // define the delimiter String delim = getParent().getDelimiter(); // --------------------------- // --- initialise counters --- // --------------------------- // the table's column count int columnCount = -1; // the length of each line in the file int rowLength = -1; // progress bar values int progressStatus = -1; // ongoing progress value int progressCheck = -1; // the import file size long fileSize = -1; // set the date format if (parseDateValues()) { try { dateFormat = createDateFormatter(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { errorCount++; outputExceptionError("Error applying date mask", e); return FAILED; } } // record the start time start(); // setup the regex matcher for delims // ---------------------------------------------------------------- // below was the original pattern from oreilly book. // discovered issues when parsing values with quotes // in them - not only around them. /* String regex = "(?:^|\\" + delim + ") (?: \" ( (?> [^\"]*+ ) (?> \"\" [^\"]*+ )*+ ) \" | ( [^\"\\" + delim + "]*+ ) )"; Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile(regex, Pattern.COMMENTS).matcher(""); Matcher qMatcher = Pattern.compile("\"\"", Pattern.COMMENTS).matcher(""); */ // ---------------------------------------------------------------- // modified above to regex below // added the look-ahead after the close quote // and removed the quote from the last regex pattern String escapedDelim = escapeDelim(delim); String regex = "(?:^|" + escapedDelim + ") (?: \" ( (?> [^\"]*+ ) (?> \"\" [^\"]*+ )*+ ) \"(?=" + escapedDelim + "?) | ( [^" + escapedDelim + "]*+ ) )"; // ---------------------------------------------------------------- // changed above to the following - seems to work for now // regex pattern in full - where <delim> is the delimiter to use // \"([^\"]+?)\"<delim>?|([^<delim>]+)<delim>?|<delim> // // fixed oreilly one - not running this one // ---------------------------------------------------------------- Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile(regex, Pattern.COMMENTS).matcher(""); Matcher qMatcher = Pattern.compile("\"\"", Pattern.COMMENTS).matcher(""); // ---------------------------------------- // --- begin looping through the tables --- // ---------------------------------------- // ensure the connection has auto-commit to false conn = getConnection(); conn.setAutoCommit(false); int currentRowLength = 0; boolean insertLine = false; // the number of columns actually available in the file int filesColumnCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < fileCount; i++) { lineNumber = 0; tableInsertCount = 0; tableCommitCount = 0; rollbackCount = 0; tableRowCount = 0; rowLength = 0; if (Thread.interrupted()) { setProgressStatus(100); throw new InterruptedException(); } tableCount++; DataTransferObject dto = (DataTransferObject) files.elementAt(i); // initialise the file object File inputFile = new File(dto.getFileName()); outputBuffer.append("---------------------------\nTable: "); outputBuffer.append(dto.getTableName()); outputBuffer.append("\nImport File: "); outputBuffer.append(inputFile.getName()); appendProgressText(outputBuffer); // setup the reader objects fileReader = new FileReader(inputFile); reader = new BufferedReader(fileReader); // retrieve the columns to be imported (or all) Vector<ColumnData> columns = getColumns(dto.getTableName()); columnCount = columns.size(); filesColumnCount = columnCount; // the wntire row read String row = null; // the current delimited value String value = null; // the ignored column count int ignoredCount = 0; // clear the file columns cache fileImportedColumns.clear(); // if the first row in the file has the column // names compare these with the columns selected if (hasColumnNames) { // init the bound vars cache with the selected columns boundVariables.clear(); for (int k = 0; k < columnCount; k++) { boundVariables.put(columns.get(k), VARIABLE_NOT_BOUND); } row = reader.readLine(); lineNumber++; String[] _columns = MiscUtils.splitSeparatedValues(row, delim); if (_columns != null && _columns.length > 0) { filesColumnCount = _columns.length; // -------------------------------------- // first determine if we have any columns in the // input file that were not selected for import // reset the ignored columns ignoredIndexes.clear(); // set up another list to re-add the columns in // the order in which they appear in the file. // all other columns will be added to the end Vector<ColumnData> temp = new Vector<ColumnData>(columnCount); ColumnData cd = null; int ignoredIndex = -1; for (int j = 0; j < _columns.length; j++) { ignoredIndex = j; String column = _columns[j]; for (int k = 0; k < columnCount; k++) { cd = columns.get(k); String _column = cd.getColumnName(); if (_column.equalsIgnoreCase(column)) { temp.add(cd); fileImportedColumns.put(cd, INCLUDED_COLUMN); ignoredIndex = -1; break; } } if (ignoredIndex != -1) { ignoredIndexes.add(Integer.valueOf(ignoredIndex)); } } ignoredCount = ignoredIndexes.size(); // if we didn't find any columns at all, show warning if (temp.isEmpty()) { String message = "No matching column names were " + "found within the specified file's first line.\n" + "The current file will be ignored."; outputBuffer.append(message); appendProgressWarningText(outputBuffer); int yesNo = GUIUtilities.displayYesNoDialog(message + "\nDo you wish to continue?", "Warning"); if (yesNo == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) { continue; } else { throw new InterruptedException(); } } else { // add any other selected columns to the // end of the temp list with the columns // available in the file boolean addColumn = false; for (int k = 0; k < columnCount; k++) { addColumn = false; cd = columns.get(k); for (int j = 0, n = temp.size(); j < n; j++) { addColumn = true; if (temp.get(j) == cd) { addColumn = false; break; } } if (addColumn) { temp.add(cd); } } columns = temp; // note: size should not have changed } } } // otherwise just populate the columns in the file // with all the selected columns else { for (int j = 0; j < columnCount; j++) { fileImportedColumns.put(columns.get(j), INCLUDED_COLUMN); } } /* Log.debug("ignored count: " + ignoredCount); for (int j = 0; j < columnCount; j++) { Log.debug("column: " + columns.get(j)); } */ fileSize = inputFile.length(); progressStatus = 10; progressCheck = (int) (fileSize / progressStatus); // prepare the statement prepareStatement(dto.getTableName(), columns); if (parsingDates && dateFormat == null) { // check for a date data type for (int j = 0; j < columnCount; j++) { if (dateFormat == null && !hasDate) { ColumnData cd = columns.get(j); if (fileImportedColumns.containsKey(cd)) { if (cd.isDateDataType()) { hasDate = true; break; } } } } if (hasDate && dateFormat == null) { String pattern = verifyDate(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(pattern)) { fileReader.close(); setProgressStatus(100); throw new InterruptedException(); } dateFormat = createDateFormatter(pattern); } } rowLength = 0; while ((row = reader.readLine()) != null) { insertLine = true; lineNumber++; tableRowCount++; totalRecordCount++; if (Thread.interrupted()) { fileReader.close(); printTableResult(tableRowCount, tableCommitCount, dto.getTableName()); setProgressStatus(100); throw new InterruptedException(); } currentRowLength = row.length(); if (currentRowLength == 0) { outputBuffer.append("Line "); outputBuffer.append(lineNumber); outputBuffer.append(" contains no delimited values"); appendProgressWarningText(outputBuffer); int yesNo = GUIUtilities.displayYesNoDialog("No values provided from line " + lineNumber + " - the row is blank.\n" + "Do you wish to continue?", "Warning"); if (yesNo == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) { continue; } else { throw new InterruptedException(); } } rowLength += currentRowLength; if (progressCheck < rowLength) { setProgressStatus(progressStatus); progressStatus += 10; rowLength = 0; } // reset matcher with current row matcher.reset(row); int index = 0; int lastIndex = -1; int loopIgnoredCount = 0; //Log.debug(row); for (int j = 0; j < filesColumnCount; j++) { if (matcher.find(index)) { String first =; if (first != null) { value = first; } else { qMatcher.reset(; value = qMatcher.replaceAll("\""); } index = matcher.end(); // check if its an ignored column if (ignoredCount > 0) { if (isIndexIgnored(ignoredIndexes, j)) { loopIgnoredCount++; continue; } } } else { // not enough delims check if (j < (filesColumnCount - 1) && index > (currentRowLength - 1)) { outputBuffer.append("Insufficient number of column "); outputBuffer.append("values provided at line "); outputBuffer.append(lineNumber); appendProgressErrorText(outputBuffer); int yesNo = GUIUtilities .displayYesNoDialog("Insufficient number of values provided from line " + lineNumber + ".\n" + "Do you wish to continue?", "Warning"); if (yesNo == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) { insertLine = false; break; } else { throw new InterruptedException(); } } else { // check if we're on a delim the matcher didn't pick up int delimLength = delim.length(); if (row.substring(index, index + delimLength).equals(delim)) { // increment index index++; // assign as null value value = null; } } } // check if we landed on the same index - likely null value if (index == lastIndex) { index++; } lastIndex = index; if (value != null && value.trim().length() == 0) { value = null; } try { ColumnData cd = columns.get(j - loopIgnoredCount); setValue(value, getIndexOfColumn(columns, cd) + 1, cd.getSQLType(), trimWhitespace, dateFormat); if (hasColumnNames) { boundVariables.put(cd, VARIABLE_BOUND); } } catch (ParseException e) { errorCount++; failed = true; outputBuffer.append("Error parsing date value - "); outputBuffer.append(value); outputBuffer.append(" - on line "); outputBuffer.append(lineNumber); outputBuffer.append(" at position "); outputBuffer.append(j); outputExceptionError(null, e); break; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { errorCount++; failed = true; outputBuffer.append("Error parsing value - "); outputBuffer.append(value); outputBuffer.append(" - on line "); outputBuffer.append(lineNumber); outputBuffer.append(" at position "); outputBuffer.append(j); outputExceptionError(null, e); break; } } if (!insertLine) { prepStmnt.clearParameters(); continue; } if (failed && haltOnError) { processResult = FAILED; break; } // execute the statement try { // check all variables are bound if we used // the column names from the first row if (hasColumnNames) { index = 0; // check all variables are bound - insert NULL otherwise for (Map.Entry<ColumnData, String> entry : boundVariables.entrySet()) { ColumnData cd = entry.getKey(); if (VARIABLE_NOT_BOUND.equals(entry.getValue())) { index = getIndexOfColumn(columns, cd); prepStmnt.setNull(index + 1, cd.getSQLType()); } } } if (isBatch) { prepStmnt.addBatch(); } else { int result = prepStmnt.executeUpdate(); tableInsertCount += result; commitCount += result; } rollbackCount++; // check the rollback segment if (rollbackCount == rollbackSize) { if (isBatch) { int result = getBatchResult(prepStmnt.executeBatch())[0]; tableInsertCount += result; commitCount += result; prepStmnt.clearBatch(); } conn.commit(); totalInsertCount += commitCount; tableCommitCount = tableInsertCount; rollbackCount = 0; commitCount = 0; } // reset bound variables if (hasColumnNames) { for (int k = 0; k < columnCount; k++) { boundVariables.put(columns.get(k), VARIABLE_NOT_BOUND); } } } catch (SQLException e) { logException(e); errorCount++; if (!isBatch) { outputBuffer.append("Error inserting data from line "); outputBuffer.append(lineNumber); outputExceptionError(null, e); } else { outputBuffer.append("Error on last batch execution"); outputExceptionError(null, e); } if (haltOnError) { processResult = FAILED; conn.rollback(); getParent().cancelTransfer(); throw new InterruptedException(); } } } // ---------------------------- // file/table has ended here if (isBatch) { int[] batchResult = null; try { batchResult = getBatchResult(prepStmnt.executeBatch()); int result = batchResult[0]; tableInsertCount += result; commitCount += result; tableCommitCount = tableInsertCount; } catch (BatchUpdateException e) { logException(e); int[] updateCounts = e.getUpdateCounts(); batchResult = getBatchResult(updateCounts); errorCount += batchResult[1]; if (errorCount == 0) { errorCount = 1; } outputBuffer.append("An error occured during the batch process: "); outputBuffer.append(e.getMessage()); SQLException _e = e.getNextException(); while (_e != null) { outputBuffer.append("\nNext Exception: "); outputBuffer.append(_e.getMessage()); _e = _e.getNextException(); } outputBuffer.append("\n\nRecords processed to the point "); outputBuffer.append("where this error occurred: "); outputBuffer.append(updateCounts.length); appendProgressErrorText(outputBuffer); processResult = FAILED; } // Log.debug("commitCount: " + commitCount + // " batch: " + batchResult[0]); if (tableRowCount != tableInsertCount) { conn.rollback(); if (onError == ImportExportProcess.STOP_TRANSFER) { getParent().cancelTransfer(); processResult = FAILED; throw new InterruptedException(); } } } boolean doCommit = true; if (failed && !isBatch && rollbackSize != ImportExportProcess.COMMIT_END_OF_ALL_FILES) { int yesNo = GUIUtilities.displayYesNoDialog( "The process completed with errors.\n" + "Do you wish to commit the last block?", "Confirm commit"); doCommit = (yesNo == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION); } // do the commit if ok from above // and if rollback size selected is end of file if (rollbackSize == ImportExportProcess.COMMIT_END_OF_FILE) { if (doCommit) { conn.commit(); totalInsertCount += commitCount; tableCommitCount = tableInsertCount; commitCount = 0; } else { conn.rollback(); } } // update the progress display printTableResult(tableRowCount, tableInsertCount, dto.getTableName()); setProgressStatus(100); // reset the checks hasDate = false; failed = false; } // commit the last remaining block or where // set to commit at the end of all files if (rollbackSize != ImportExportProcess.COMMIT_END_OF_FILE) { setProgressStatus(100); boolean doCommit = true; if (errorCount > 0 && errorCount != totalRecordCount) { int yesNo = GUIUtilities.displayYesNoDialog( "The process completed with errors.\n" + "Do you wish to commit the changes?", "Confirm commit"); doCommit = (yesNo == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION); } if (doCommit) { conn.commit(); totalInsertCount += commitCount; } else { conn.rollback(); } } processResult = SUCCESS; } catch (InterruptedException e) { if (processResult != FAILED) { processResult = CANCELLED; } try { if (prepStmnt != null) { prepStmnt.cancel(); } if (conn != null) { conn.rollback(); } } catch (SQLException e2) { outputExceptionError("Error rolling back transaction", e); } } catch (Exception e) { logException(e); outputBuffer.append("Error processing data from line "); outputBuffer.append(lineNumber); outputExceptionError("\nUnrecoverable error importing table data from file", e); int yesNo = GUIUtilities.displayYesNoDialog( "The process encountered errors.\n" + "Do you wish to commit the last transaction block?", "Confirm commit"); boolean doCommit = (yesNo == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION); try { if (doCommit) { conn.commit(); totalInsertCount += commitCount; } else { conn.rollback(); } } catch (SQLException e2) { logException(e2); outputExceptionError("Error processing last transaction block", e2); } processResult = FAILED; } finally { finish(); releaseResources(getParent().getDatabaseConnection()); if (totalRecordCount == 0 || errorCount > 0) { processResult = FAILED; } setTableCount(tableCount); setRecordCount(totalRecordCount); setRecordCountProcessed(totalInsertCount); setErrorCount(errorCount); setProgressStatus(100); GUIUtilities.scheduleGC(); if (reader != null) { try { reader.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } } if (fileReader != null) { try { fileReader.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } } if (prepStmnt != null) { try { prepStmnt.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { } } } return processResult; }