Example usage for java.lang System setSecurityManager

List of usage examples for java.lang System setSecurityManager


In this page you can find the example usage for java.lang System setSecurityManager.


public static void setSecurityManager(SecurityManager sm) 

Source Link


Sets the system-wide security manager.


From source file:it.unifi.rcl.chess.traceanalysis.Trace.java

private static void forbidSystemExitCall() {
    final SecurityManager securityManager = new SecurityManager() {
        public void checkPermission(Permission permission) {
            if (permission.getName().contains("exitVM")) {
                throw new ExitTrappedException();
            }//from  w ww .  j  a v  a2  s . c  o m

From source file:it.unifi.rcl.chess.traceanalysis.Trace.java

private static void enableSystemExitCall() {

From source file:com.thoughtworks.acceptance.SecurityManagerTest.java

public void testSerializeWithXppDriverAndPureJavaReflectionProviderAndActiveSecurityManager() {
    sm.addPermission(source, new RuntimePermission("accessClassInPackage.sun.misc"));
    sm.addPermission(source, new RuntimePermission("accessClassInPackage.sun.text.resources"));
    sm.addPermission(source, new RuntimePermission("accessClassInPackage.sun.util.resources"));
    sm.addPermission(source, new RuntimePermission("accessDeclaredMembers"));
    sm.addPermission(source, new RuntimePermission("createClassLoader"));
    sm.addPermission(source, new RuntimePermission("fileSystemProvider"));
    sm.addPermission(source, new RuntimePermission("loadLibrary.nio"));
    sm.addPermission(source, new RuntimePermission("modifyThreadGroup"));
    sm.addPermission(source, new PropertyPermission("ibm.dst.compatibility", "read"));
    sm.addPermission(source, new PropertyPermission("java.home", "read"));
    sm.addPermission(source, new PropertyPermission("java.nio.file.spi.DefaultFileSystemProvider", "read"));
    sm.addPermission(source, new PropertyPermission("java.security.debug", "read"));
    sm.addPermission(source, new PropertyPermission("javax.xml.datatype.DatatypeFactory", "read"));
    sm.addPermission(source, new PropertyPermission("jaxp.debug", "read"));
    sm.addPermission(source, new PropertyPermission("jdk.util.TimeZone.allowSetDefault", "read"));
    sm.addPermission(source, new PropertyPermission("sun.boot.class.path", "read"));
    sm.addPermission(source, new PropertyPermission("sun.io.serialization.extendedDebugInfo", "read"));
    sm.addPermission(source, new PropertyPermission("sun.nio.fs.chdirAllowed", "read"));
    sm.addPermission(source, new PropertyPermission("sun.timezone.ids.oldmapping", "read"));
    sm.addPermission(source, new PropertyPermission("user.country", "read"));
    sm.addPermission(source, new PropertyPermission("user.dir", "read"));
    sm.addPermission(source, new PropertyPermission("user.timezone", "read,write"));
    sm.addPermission(source, new ReflectPermission("suppressAccessChecks"));
    sm.addPermission(source, new NetPermission("specifyStreamHandler"));
    sm.setReadOnly();/*from   ww w  .  j  ava 2s.co  m*/

    xstream = new XStream(new PureJavaReflectionProvider());
    xstream.allowTypesByWildcard(AbstractAcceptanceTest.class.getPackage().getName() + ".*objects.**");
    xstream.allowTypesByWildcard(this.getClass().getName() + "$*");


From source file:com.enioka.jqm.tools.JqmEngine.java

 * Starts the engine/*from ww  w.  j a v  a 2s.  c om*/
 * @param nodeName
 *            the name of the node to start, as in the NODE table of the database.
 * @throws JqmInitError
void start(String nodeName) {
    if (nodeName == null || nodeName.isEmpty()) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("nodeName cannot be null or empty");

    // Set thread name - used in audits
    Thread.currentThread().setName("JQM engine;;" + nodeName);

    // Log: we are starting...
    jqmlogger.info("JQM engine version " + this.getVersion() + " for node " + nodeName + " is starting");
    jqmlogger.info("Java version is " + System.getProperty("java.version") + ". JVM was made by "
            + System.getProperty("java.vendor") + " as " + System.getProperty("java.vm.name") + " version "
            + System.getProperty("java.vm.version"));

    // JNDI first - the engine itself uses JNDI to fetch its connections!

    // Database connection
    EntityManager em = Helpers.getNewEm();

    // Node configuration is in the database
    node = em.createQuery("SELECT n FROM Node n WHERE n.name = :l", Node.class).setParameter("l", nodeName)

    // Check if double-start
    long toWait = (long) (1.1 * Long.parseLong(Helpers.getParameter("internalPollingPeriodMs", "60000", em)));
    if (node.getLastSeenAlive() != null
            && Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis() - node.getLastSeenAlive().getTimeInMillis() <= toWait) {
        long r = Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis() - node.getLastSeenAlive().getTimeInMillis();
        throw new JqmInitErrorTooSoon("Another engine named " + nodeName + " was running less than " + r / 1000
                + " seconds ago. Either stop the other node, or if it already stopped, please wait "
                + (toWait - r) / 1000 + " seconds");

    // Prevent very quick multiple starts by immediately setting the keep-alive

    // Only start if the node configuration seems OK
    Helpers.checkConfiguration(nodeName, em);

    // Log parameters
    Helpers.dumpParameters(em, node);

    // Log level

    // Log multicasting (& log4j stdout redirect)
    GlobalParameter gp1 = em
            .createQuery("SELECT g FROM GlobalParameter g WHERE g.key = :k", GlobalParameter.class)
            .setParameter("k", "logFilePerLaunch").getSingleResult();
    if ("true".equals(gp1.getValue()) || "both".equals(gp1.getValue())) {
        RollingFileAppender a = (RollingFileAppender) Logger.getRootLogger().getAppender("rollingfile");
        MultiplexPrintStream s = new MultiplexPrintStream(System.out, FilenameUtils.getFullPath(a.getFile()),
        ((ConsoleAppender) Logger.getRootLogger().getAppender("consoleAppender"))
                .setWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(s));
        s = new MultiplexPrintStream(System.err, FilenameUtils.getFullPath(a.getFile()),

    // Remote JMX server
    if (node.getJmxRegistryPort() != null && node.getJmxServerPort() != null && node.getJmxRegistryPort() > 0
            && node.getJmxServerPort() > 0) {
        JmxAgent.registerAgent(node.getJmxRegistryPort(), node.getJmxServerPort(), node.getDns());
    } else {
                "JMX remote listener will not be started as JMX registry port and JMX server port parameters are not both defined");

    // Jetty
    this.server = new JettyServer();
    this.server.start(node, em);

    // JMX
    if (node.getJmxServerPort() != null && node.getJmxServerPort() > 0) {
        try {
            MBeanServer mbs = ManagementFactory.getPlatformMBeanServer();
            name = new ObjectName("com.enioka.jqm:type=Node,name=" + this.node.getName());
            mbs.registerMBean(this, name);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new JqmInitError("Could not create JMX beans", e);
        jqmlogger.info("JMX management bean for the engine was registered");
    } else {
        loadJmxBeans = false;
        jqmlogger.info("JMX management beans will not be loaded as JMX server port is null or zero");

    // Security
    if (System.getSecurityManager() == null) {
        System.setSecurityManager(new SecurityManagerPayload());
    jqmlogger.info("Security manager was registered");

    // Cleanup
    purgeDeadJobInstances(em, this.node);

    // Force Message EMF load
    em.createQuery("SELECT m FROM Message m WHERE 1=0", Message.class).getResultList();

    // Pollers
    syncPollers(em, this.node);
    jqmlogger.info("All required queues are now polled");

    // Internal poller (stop notifications, keepalive)
    intPoller = new InternalPoller(this);
    Thread t = new Thread(intPoller);

    // Kill notifications
    killHook = new SignalHandler(this);

    // Done
    em = null;
    latestNodeStartedName = node.getName();
    jqmlogger.info("End of JQM engine initialization");

From source file:com.cisco.dvbu.ps.deploytool.dao.wsapi.VCSWSDAOImpl.java

public void vcsImportCommand(String prefix, String arguments, String vcsIgnoreMessages, String propertyFile)
        throws CompositeException {

    String identifier = "VCSWSDAOImpl.vcsImportCommand"; // some unique identifier that characterizes this invocation.
    String actionName = "IMPORT";

    try {/*  www .  jav a 2  s .com*/
        boolean preserveQuotes = false;
        boolean initArgsList = true;
        List<String> argsList = new ArrayList<String>();

        // Don't execute if -noop (NO_OPERATION) has been set otherwise execute under normal operation.
        //   If so then force a no operation to happen by performing a -printcontents for pkg_import
        // mtinius-2016-04-14: commented out until a full analysis can be done.
        //if (CommonUtils.isExecOperation() && !arguments.toLowerCase().contains("-printcontents")) 
        //   arguments = arguments + " -printcontents";

        // Parse the arguments
        argsList = CommonUtils.parseArguments(argsList, initArgsList, arguments, preserveQuotes, propertyFile);
        String[] args = argsList.toArray(new String[0]);

         * 2014-02-14 (mtinius): Removed the PDTool Archive capability
        //         ImportCommand.startCommand(null, null, args);
         * 2014-02-14 (mtinius): Added security manager around the Composite native Archive code because
         *                    it has System.out.println and System.exit commands.  Need to trap both.
        String maskedargsList = CommonUtils.getArgumentListMasked(argsList);
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
            logger.debug(identifier + "(prefix, arguments, vcsIngoreMessages, propertyFile).  prefix=" + prefix
                    + "  arguments=[" + maskedargsList + "]" + "  vcsIgnoreMessages=" + vcsIgnoreMessages
                    + "  propertyFile=" + propertyFile);

        // Get the existing security manager
        SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager();
        PrintStream originalOut = System.out;
        PrintStream originalErr = System.err;
        String command = "ImportCommand.startCommand";
        try {
            // Get the offset location of the java.policy file [offset from PDTool home].
            String javaPolicyOffset = CommonConstants.javaPolicy;
            String javaPolicyLocation = CommonUtils.extractVariable(prefix,
                    CommonUtils.getFileOrSystemPropertyValue(propertyFile, "PROJECT_HOME_PHYSICAL"),
                    propertyFile, true) + javaPolicyOffset;
            // Set the java security policy
            System.getProperties().setProperty("java.security.policy", javaPolicyLocation);

            // Create a new System.out Logger
            Logger exportLogger = Logger.getLogger(ImportCommand.class);
            System.setOut(new PrintStream(new LogOutputStream(exportLogger, Level.INFO)));
            System.setErr(new PrintStream(new LogOutputStream(exportLogger, Level.ERROR)));
            // Create a new security manager
            System.setSecurityManager(new NoExitSecurityManager());

            // Don't execute if -noop (NO_OPERATION) has been set otherwise execute under normal operation.
            if (CommonUtils.isExecOperation()) {
                // Invoke the Composite native import command.
                ImportCommand.startCommand(null, null, args);
            } else {
                logger.info("\n\nWARNING - NO_OPERATION: COMMAND [" + command + "], ACTION [" + actionName
                        + "] WAS NOT PERFORMED.\n");
        } catch (NoExitSecurityExceptionStatusNonZero nesesnz) {
            String error = identifier + ":: Exited with exception from System.exit(): " + command
                    + "(null, null, " + maskedargsList + ")";
            throw new CompositeException(error);
        } catch (NoExitSecurityExceptionStatusZero nesezero) {
            if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                logger.debug(identifier + ":: Exited successfully from System.exit(): " + command
                        + "(null, null, " + maskedargsList + ")");
        } finally {

    } catch (Exception e) {
        if (resolveExecCommandLineError(prefix, e.getMessage().toString(), vcsIgnoreMessages)) {
            ApplicationException applicationException = new ApplicationException(
                    "ImportCommand execution returned an error=" + e.getMessage().toString());
            if (logger.isErrorEnabled()) {
            throw applicationException;

From source file:com.amazonaws.services.dynamodbv2.online.index.integration.tests.ViolationDetectionTest.java

public static void setup() throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
    awsConnection = new AWSConnection(AWS_CREDENTIAL_PATH);
    dynamoDBClient = awsConnection.getDynamoDBClient(DYNAMODB_REGION, TestUtils.RUN_TESTS_ON_DYNAMODB_LOCAL);
    tableManager = new TableManager(dynamoDBClient);
    System.setSecurityManager(new NoExitSecurityManager());

From source file:com.amazonaws.services.dynamodbv2.online.index.integration.tests.ViolationDetectionTest.java

public static void tearDown() {

    if (tablesToDelete != null) {
        for (String tableName : tablesToDelete) {
        }/*from w w  w . java2 s .co  m*/

    // Delete the output files
    String[] fileNames = { DETECTOR_OP_FILE };

From source file:org.nebulaframework.grid.Grid.java

 * Starts a Light-weight {@link GridNode} (a GridNode without
 * Job Execution Support, that is non-worker) with default
 * settings, read from default properties file.
 * //from   w ww. ja v a2  s  .  co m
 * @param useConfigDiscovery indicates whether to use information
 * from configuration to discover
 * @param isGui indicates that the application is a GUI based
 * application and any disconnection notifications should be
 * done through message boxes.
 * @return GridNode
 * @throws IllegalStateException if a Grid Member (Cluster / Node) has
 * already started with in the current VM. Nebula supports only one Grid
 * Member per VM.
public synchronized static GridNode startLightGridNode(boolean useConfigDiscovery, final boolean isGui)
        throws IllegalStateException {

    if (isInitialized()) {
        // A Grid Member has already started in this VM
        throw new IllegalStateException("A Grid Memeber Already Started in VM");


    StopWatch sw = new StopWatch();

    try {

        // Set Security Manager
        System.setSecurityManager(new SecurityManager());

        Properties config = ConfigurationSupport.detectNodeConfiguration();

        log.info("GridNode Attempting Discovery...");

        // Discover Cluster If Needed
        GridNodeDiscoverySupport.discover(config, useConfigDiscovery);


        // If we reach here, connection test succeeded

        log.debug("Starting up Spring Container...");

        applicationContext = new NebulaApplicationContext(GRIDNODE_LIGHT_CONTEXT, config);

        log.debug("Spring Container Started");

        node = true;
        lightweight = true;

        log.info("GridNode Started Up. " + sw.getLastTaskTimeMillis() + " ms");

        GridNode node = (GridNode) applicationContext.getBean("localNode");
        ServiceEventsSupport.addServiceHook(new ServiceHookCallback() {

            public void onServiceEvent(ServiceMessage message) {

                log.warn("[GridNode] Disconnected from Cluster");
                log.warn("[GridNode] Shutting Down");

                if (isGui) {
                            "Disconnected from Cluster, terminating VM");

        }, node.getClusterId().toString(), ServiceMessageType.NODE_DISCONNECTED);

        return node;

    } finally {
        if (sw.isRunning()) {

From source file:com.cisco.dvbu.ps.deploytool.dao.wsapi.ArchiveWSDAOImpl.java

public void takeArchiveAction(String actionName, ArchiveType archive, String serverId, String pathToServersXML,
        String prefix, String propertyFile) throws CompositeException {

    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
        logger.debug(// w  w  w . j  a  v a  2  s .co m
                "ArchiveWSDAOImpl.takeArchiveAction(actionName, archive, serverId, pathToServersXML, prefix, propertyFile).  actionName="
                        + actionName + "  archive object=" + archive.toString() + "  serverId=" + serverId
                        + "  pathToServersXML=" + pathToServersXML + "  prefix=" + prefix + "  propertyFile="
                        + propertyFile);
    // Set the debug options

    // Read target server properties from xml and build target server object based on target server name 
    CompositeServer targetServer = WsApiHelperObjects.getServerLogger(serverId, pathToServersXML,
            "ArchiveWSDAOImpl.takeArchiveAction(" + actionName + ")", logger);
    // DA@20120610 Comment unnecessary ping - if server is down the backup/restore command will fail as fast as ping
    // Ping the Server to make sure it is alive and the values are correct.
    //      WsApiHelperObjects.pingServer(targetServer, true);

    // Get the offset location of the java.policy file [offset from PDTool home].
    String javaPolicyOffset = CommonConstants.javaPolicy;
    String javaPolicyLocation = CommonUtils.extractVariable(prefix,
            CommonUtils.getFileOrSystemPropertyValue(propertyFile, "PROJECT_HOME_PHYSICAL"), propertyFile, true)
            + javaPolicyOffset;

    String identifier = "ArchiveWSDAOImpl.takeArchiveAction"; // some unique identifier that characterizes this invocation.
    try {

        if (logger.isDebugEnabled() || debug3) {
            CommonUtils.writeOutput(":: executing action: " + actionName, prefix, "-debug3", logger, debug1,
                    debug2, debug3);
            //logger.debug(identifier+":: executing action: "+actionName);

        List<String> argsList = getCommonArchiveParameters(archive, targetServer);

        if (actionName.equalsIgnoreCase(ArchiveDAO.action.IMPORT.name())) {
            // pkg_import
            boolean archiveISNULL = false;
            if (archive == null)
                archiveISNULL = true;
            if (logger.isDebugEnabled() || debug3) {
                                identifier + ":: " + ArchiveDAO.action.IMPORT.name().toString()
                                        + " archiveISNULL=[" + archiveISNULL + "]",
                                prefix, "-debug3", logger, debug1, debug2, debug3);
            // Don't execute if -noop (NO_OPERATION) has been set otherwise execute under normal operation.
            //   If so then force a no operation to happen by performing a -printcontents for pkg_import
            if (!CommonUtils.isExecOperation()
                    || (archive.isPrintcontents() != null && !archive.isPrintcontents()))

            // Construct the variable input for pacakged import
            List<String> parms = getPackageImportParameters(archive);
            String[] args = argsList.toArray(new String[0]);
            String maskedArgList = CommonUtils.getArgumentListMasked(argsList);
            if (logger.isDebugEnabled() || debug3) {
                                identifier + ":: " + ArchiveDAO.action.IMPORT.name().toString()
                                        + " argument list=[" + maskedArgList + "]",
                                prefix, "-debug3", logger, debug1, debug2, debug3);
                //logger.debug(identifier+":: "+ArchiveDAO.action.IMPORT.name().toString()+" argument list=[" + maskedArgList+"]" );
             * 2014-02-14 (mtinius): Removed the PDTool Archive capability
            //            ImportCommand.startCommand(".", ".", args);
             * 2014-02-14 (mtinius): Added security manager around the Composite native Archive code because
             *                    it has System.out.println and System.exit commands.  Need to trap both.
            // Get the existing security manager
            SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager();
            PrintStream originalOut = System.out;
            PrintStream originalErr = System.err;
            String command = "ImportCommand.startCommand";
            try {
                // Set the java security policy
                System.getProperties().setProperty("java.security.policy", javaPolicyLocation);

                // Create a new System.out Logger
                Logger importLogger = Logger.getLogger(ImportCommand.class);
                System.setOut(new PrintStream(new LogOutputStream(importLogger, Level.INFO)));
                System.setErr(new PrintStream(new LogOutputStream(importLogger, Level.ERROR)));
                // Create a new security manager
                System.setSecurityManager(new NoExitSecurityManager());

                if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    logger.debug(identifier + "().  Invoking ImportCommand.startCommand(\".\", \".\", args).");

                // Invoke the Composite native import command.
                ImportCommand.startCommand(".", ".", args);

                if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    logger.debug(identifier + "().  Successfully imported.");
            } catch (NoExitSecurityExceptionStatusNonZero nesesnz) {
                String error = identifier + ":: Exited with exception from System.exit(): " + command
                        + "(\".\", \".\", " + maskedArgList + ")";
                throw new CompositeException(error);
            } catch (NoExitSecurityExceptionStatusZero nesezero) {
                if (logger.isDebugEnabled() || debug3) {
                            identifier + ":: Exited successfully from System.exit(): " + command
                                    + "(\".\", \".\", " + maskedArgList + ")",
                            prefix, "-debug3", logger, debug1, debug2, debug3);
                    //logger.debug(identifier+":: Exited successfully from System.exit(): "+command+"(\".\", \".\", "+maskedArgList+")");
            } finally {

        } else if (actionName.equalsIgnoreCase(ArchiveDAO.action.RESTORE.name())) {
            // backup_import         
            // Construct the variable input for backup import
            List<String> parms = getBackupImportParameters(archive);
            String[] args = argsList.toArray(new String[0]);
            String maskedArgList = CommonUtils.getArgumentListMasked(argsList);
            if (logger.isDebugEnabled() || debug3) {
                                identifier + ":: " + ArchiveDAO.action.RESTORE.name().toString()
                                        + " argument list=[" + maskedArgList + "]",
                                prefix, "-debug3", logger, debug1, debug2, debug3);
                //logger.debug(identifier+":: "+ArchiveDAO.action.RESTORE.name().toString()+" argument list=[" + maskedArgList+"]" );

             * 2014-02-14 (mtinius): Removed the PDTool Archive capability
            //            RestoreCommand.startCommand(".", ".", args) ;
             * 2014-02-14 (mtinius): Added security manager around the Composite native Archive code because
             *                    it has System.out.println and System.exit commands.  Need to trap both.
            // Get the existing security manager
            SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager();
            PrintStream originalOut = System.out;
            PrintStream originalErr = System.err;
            String command = "RestoreCommand.startCommand";
            try {
                // Set the java security policy
                System.getProperties().setProperty("java.security.policy", javaPolicyLocation);

                // Create a new System.out Logger
                Logger restoreLogger = Logger.getLogger(RestoreCommand.class);
                System.setOut(new PrintStream(new LogOutputStream(restoreLogger, Level.INFO)));
                System.setErr(new PrintStream(new LogOutputStream(restoreLogger, Level.ERROR)));
                // Create a new security manager
                System.setSecurityManager(new NoExitSecurityManager());

                if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    logger.debug(identifier + "().  Invoking RestoreCommand.startCommand(\".\", \".\", args).");

                // Don't execute if -noop (NO_OPERATION) has been set otherwise execute under normal operation.
                if (CommonUtils.isExecOperation()) {
                    // Invoke the Composite native restore command.
                    RestoreCommand.startCommand(".", ".", args);

                    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        logger.debug(identifier + "().  Successfully restored.");
                } else {
                    logger.info("\n\nWARNING - NO_OPERATION: COMMAND [" + command + "], ACTION [" + actionName
                            + "] WAS NOT PERFORMED.\n");
            } catch (NoExitSecurityExceptionStatusNonZero nesesnz) {
                String error = identifier + ":: Exited with exception from System.exit(): " + command
                        + "(\".\", \".\", " + maskedArgList + ")";
                throw new CompositeException(error);
            } catch (NoExitSecurityExceptionStatusZero nesezero) {
                if (logger.isDebugEnabled() || debug3) {
                            identifier + ":: Exited successfully from System.exit(): " + command
                                    + "(\".\", \".\", " + maskedArgList + ")",
                            prefix, "-debug3", logger, debug1, debug2, debug3);
                    //logger.debug(identifier+":: Exited successfully from System.exit(): "+command+"(\".\", \".\", "+maskedArgList+")");
            } finally {

        } else if (actionName.equalsIgnoreCase(ArchiveDAO.action.EXPORT.name())) {
            // pkg_export
            List<String> parms = getPackageExportParameters(archive);
            String[] args = argsList.toArray(new String[0]);
            String maskedArgList = CommonUtils.getArgumentListMasked(argsList);
            if (logger.isDebugEnabled() || debug3) {
                                identifier + ":: " + ArchiveDAO.action.EXPORT.name().toString()
                                        + " argument list=[" + maskedArgList + "]",
                                prefix, "-debug3", logger, debug1, debug2, debug3);
                //logger.debug(identifier+":: "+ArchiveDAO.action.EXPORT.name().toString()+" argument list=[" + maskedArgList+"]" );

             * 2014-02-14 (mtinius): Removed the PDTool Archive capability
            //            ExportCommand.startCommand(".", ".", args);
             * 2014-02-14 (mtinius): Added security manager around the Composite native Archive code because
             *                    it has System.out.println and System.exit commands.  Need to trap both.
            // Get the existing security manager
            SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager();
            PrintStream originalOut = System.out;
            PrintStream originalErr = System.err;
            String command = "ExportCommand.startCommand";
            try {
                // Set the java security policy
                System.getProperties().setProperty("java.security.policy", javaPolicyLocation);

                // Create a new System.out Logger
                Logger exportLogger = Logger.getLogger(ExportCommand.class);
                System.setOut(new PrintStream(new LogOutputStream(exportLogger, Level.INFO)));
                System.setErr(new PrintStream(new LogOutputStream(exportLogger, Level.ERROR)));
                // Create a new security manager
                System.setSecurityManager(new NoExitSecurityManager());

                if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    logger.debug(identifier + "().  Invoking ExportCommand.startCommand(\".\", \".\", args).");

                // Don't execute if -noop (NO_OPERATION) has been set otherwise execute under normal operation.
                if (CommonUtils.isExecOperation()) {
                    // Invoke the Composite native export command.
                    ExportCommand.startCommand(".", ".", args);

                    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        logger.debug(identifier + "().  Successfully exported.");
                } else {
                    logger.info("\n\nWARNING - NO_OPERATION: COMMAND [" + command + "], ACTION [" + actionName
                            + "] WAS NOT PERFORMED.\n");
            } catch (NoExitSecurityExceptionStatusNonZero nesesnz) {
                String error = identifier + ":: Exited with exception from System.exit(): " + command
                        + "(\".\", \".\", " + maskedArgList + ")";
                throw new CompositeException(error);
            } catch (NoExitSecurityExceptionStatusZero nesezero) {
                if (logger.isDebugEnabled() || debug3) {
                            identifier + ":: Exited successfully from System.exit(): " + command
                                    + "(\".\", \".\", " + maskedArgList + ")",
                            prefix, "-debug3", logger, debug1, debug2, debug3);
                    //logger.debug(identifier+":: Exited successfully from System.exit(): "+command+"(\".\", \".\", "+maskedArgList+")");
            } finally {

        } else if (actionName.equalsIgnoreCase(ArchiveDAO.action.BACKUP.name())) {
            // backup_export
            List<String> parms = getBackupExportParameters(archive);
            String[] args = argsList.toArray(new String[0]);
            String maskedArgList = CommonUtils.getArgumentListMasked(argsList);
            if (logger.isDebugEnabled() || debug3) {
                                identifier + ":: " + ArchiveDAO.action.BACKUP.name().toString()
                                        + " argument list=[" + maskedArgList + "]",
                                prefix, "-debug3", logger, debug1, debug2, debug3);
                //logger.debug(identifier+":: "+ArchiveDAO.action.BACKUP.name().toString()+" argument list=[" + maskedArgList+"]" );

             * 2014-02-14 (mtinius): Removed the PDTool Archive capability
            //            BackupCommand.startCommand(".", ".", args);
             * 2014-02-14 (mtinius): Added security manager around the Composite native Archive code because
             *                    it has System.out.println and System.exit commands.  Need to trap both.
            // Get the existing security manager
            SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager();
            PrintStream originalOut = System.out;
            PrintStream originalErr = System.err;
            String command = "BackupCommand.startCommand";
            try {
                // Set the java security policy
                System.getProperties().setProperty("java.security.policy", javaPolicyLocation);

                // Create a new System.out Logger
                Logger backupLogger = Logger.getLogger(BackupCommand.class);
                System.setOut(new PrintStream(new LogOutputStream(backupLogger, Level.INFO)));
                System.setErr(new PrintStream(new LogOutputStream(backupLogger, Level.ERROR)));
                // Create a new security manager
                System.setSecurityManager(new NoExitSecurityManager());

                if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    logger.debug(identifier + "().  Invoking BackupCommand.startCommand(\".\", \".\", args).");

                // Don't execute if -noop (NO_OPERATION) has been set otherwise execute under normal operation.
                if (CommonUtils.isExecOperation()) {
                    // Invoke the Composite native backup command.
                    BackupCommand.startCommand(".", ".", args);

                    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        logger.debug(identifier + "().  Successfully backed up.");
                } else {
                    logger.info("\n\nWARNING - NO_OPERATION: COMMAND [" + command + "], ACTION [" + actionName
                            + "] WAS NOT PERFORMED.\n");
            } catch (NoExitSecurityExceptionStatusNonZero nesesnz) {
                String error = identifier + ":: Exited with exception from System.exit(): " + command
                        + "(\".\", \".\", " + maskedArgList + ")";
                throw new CompositeException(error);
            } catch (NoExitSecurityExceptionStatusZero nesezero) {
                if (logger.isDebugEnabled() || debug3) {
                            identifier + ":: Exited successfully from System.exit(): " + command
                                    + "(\".\", \".\", " + maskedArgList + ")",
                            prefix, "-debug3", logger, debug1, debug2, debug3);
                    //logger.debug(identifier+":: Exited successfully from System.exit(): "+command+"(\".\", \".\", "+maskedArgList+")");
            } finally {


        if (logger.isDebugEnabled() || debug3) {
            CommonUtils.writeOutput(identifier + ":: completed " + actionName, prefix, "-debug3", logger,
                    debug1, debug2, debug3);
            //logger.debug(identifier+":: completed " + actionName );

    // TO DO: Implement specific catch clauses based on implementation 
    catch (Exception e) {
        // TODO: Be more specific about error messages being returned
        // TODO: null - this is where soap-faults get passed - modify if you return a soap-fault (e.g. e.getFaultInfo())
        if (e.getCause() != null && e.getCause() instanceof WebapiException) {
            //            CompositeLogger.logException(e, DeployUtil.constructMessage(DeployUtil.MessageType.ERROR.name(), actionName, "Archive", identifier, targetServer),e.getCause());
            CompositeLogger.logException(e.getCause(), DeployUtil.constructMessage(
                    DeployUtil.MessageType.ERROR.name(), actionName, "Archive", identifier, targetServer));
        } else {
            CompositeLogger.logException(e, DeployUtil.constructMessage(DeployUtil.MessageType.ERROR.name(),
                    actionName, "Archive", identifier, targetServer));
        throw new ApplicationException(e.getMessage(), e);


From source file:com.amazonaws.services.dynamodbv2.online.index.integration.tests.ViolationCorrectionTest.java

public static void setup() throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
    awsConnection = new AWSConnection(AWS_CREDENTIAL_PATH);
    dynamoDBClient = awsConnection.getDynamoDBClient(DYNAMODB_REGION, TestUtils.RUN_TESTS_ON_DYNAMODB_LOCAL);
    tableManager = new TableManager(dynamoDBClient);
    System.setSecurityManager(new NoExitSecurityManager());