List of usage examples for java.lang System lineSeparator
String lineSeparator
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public String getStat(String statname) { if (statname == null) { return Values.EMPTYSTRING; }//from www.java2 s . c o m switch (statname.toLowerCase()) { case "memoryusage": return this.statsService.getMemoryUsage("<br>"); case "loadaverage": return this.statsService.getLoadAverage(); case "uptime": return this.statsService.getUptime(); case "searchcount": return Values.EMPTYSTRING + this.statsService.getSearchCount(); case "runningjobs": StringBuilder stringBuffer = new StringBuilder(); for (String key : Singleton.getRunningIndexRepoJobs().keySet()) { RunningIndexJob indexJob = Singleton.getRunningIndexRepoJobs().get(key); if (indexJob != null) { int runningTime = Singleton.getHelpers().getCurrentTimeSeconds() - indexJob.startTime; stringBuffer.append(key).append(" <small>(").append(runningTime).append(" seconds)</small>") .append(" "); } else { stringBuffer.append(key).append(" "); } } return stringBuffer.toString(); case "spellingcount": return Values.EMPTYSTRING + Singleton.getSpellingCorrector().getWordCount(); case "repocount": return Values.EMPTYSTRING + Singleton.getRepo().getRepoCount(); case "numdocs": CodeSearcher codeSearcher = new CodeSearcher(); return Values.EMPTYSTRING + codeSearcher.getTotalNumberDocumentsIndexed(); case "servertime": return new Date().toString(); case "deletionqueue": return Values.EMPTYSTRING + Singleton.getDataService().getPersistentDelete().size(); case "alllogs": return StringUtils.join(Singleton.getLogger().getAllLogs(), System.lineSeparator()); case "infologs": return StringUtils.join(Singleton.getLogger().getInfoLogs(), System.lineSeparator()); case "warninglogs": return StringUtils.join(Singleton.getLogger().getWarningLogs(), System.lineSeparator()); case "severelogs": return StringUtils.join(Singleton.getLogger().getSevereLogs(), System.lineSeparator()); case "searchlogs": return StringUtils.join(Singleton.getLogger().getSearchLogs(), System.lineSeparator()); case "apilogs": return StringUtils.join(Singleton.getLogger().getApiLogs(), System.lineSeparator()); case "threads": return "" + java.lang.Thread.activeCount(); case "paused": return this.sharedService.getPauseBackgroundJobs() ? "paused" : "running"; } return Values.EMPTYSTRING; }
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@Override public void merge(MergeOperation<FileArtifact> operation, MergeContext context) { Objects.requireNonNull(operation, "operation must not be null!"); Objects.requireNonNull(context, "context must not be null!"); if (!exists()) { String className = getClass().getSimpleName(); String filePath = file.getAbsolutePath(); String message = String.format("Trying to merge %s whose file %s does not exist.", className, filePath); throw new RuntimeException(message); }//from www . j a va2 s . c o m if (isDirectory()) { Merge<FileArtifact> merge = new Merge<>(); if (context.hasStatistics()) { context.getStatistics().setCurrentFileMergeScenario(operation.getMergeScenario()); } LOG.finest(() -> "Merging directories " + operation.getMergeScenario()); merge.merge(operation, context); } else { MergeStrategy<FileArtifact> strategy = context.getMergeStrategy(); MergeScenario<FileArtifact> scenario = operation.getMergeScenario(); if (!isJavaFile()) { LOG.fine(() -> "Skipping non-java file " + this); return; } if (context.hasStatistics()) { context.getStatistics().setCurrentFileMergeScenario(scenario); } try { try { strategy.merge(operation, context); } catch (Throwable e) { if (context.hasStatistics()) { context.getStatistics().getScenarioStatistics(scenario).setStatus(FAILED); } throw e; } } catch (AbortException e) { throw e; // AbortExceptions must always cause the merge to be aborted } catch (RuntimeException e) { context.addCrash(scenario, e); LOG.log(SEVERE, e, () -> { String ls = System.lineSeparator(); String scStr = operation.getMergeScenario().toString(ls, true); return String.format("Exception while merging%n%s", scStr); }); if (context.isExitOnError()) { throw new AbortException(e); } else { if (!context.isKeepGoing() && !(strategy instanceof LinebasedStrategy)) { LOG.severe(() -> "Falling back to line based strategy."); context.setMergeStrategy(MergeStrategy.parse(MergeStrategy.LINEBASED).get()); merge(operation, context); } else { LOG.severe(() -> "Skipping " + scenario); } } } } }
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@Test(timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT) public void testListSystemProperties() throws Exception { when(compilerHelperMock.loadSystemProperties(Lists.newArrayList(""))).thenReturn( Sets.newLinkedHashSet(Lists.newArrayList(new SystemProperty("namespace1", "key1", "value1", ""), new SystemProperty("namespace2", "key2", "value2", ""), new SystemProperty("namespace3", "key3", "value3", "")))); final CommandResult cr = shell.executeCommand("list --f"); assertEquals("Following system properties were loaded:" + System.lineSeparator() + "\tnamespace1.key1: value1" + System.lineSeparator() + "\tnamespace2.key2: value2" + System.lineSeparator() + "\tnamespace3.key3: value3", cr.getResult()); assertEquals("method threw exception", null, cr.getException()); assertEquals("success should be true", true, cr.isSuccess()); }
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public static String getExceptionMessagesAsSingleStr(Throwable e) { StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); for (String s : getExceptionMessages(e)) { b.append(s);//ww w. jav a 2 s . c o m b.append(System.lineSeparator()); } return b.toString(); }
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protected void revertButtonActionPerformed(ActionEvent evt, Path vpkToRevert) { //TODO: See if we can abstract away some of this functionality if (currentTree.getSelectionRows().length != 0 && ((TreeNode) currentTree.getSelectionPath().getLastPathComponent()).isLeaf()) { DefaultMutableTreeNode selectedNode = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) currentTree.getSelectionPath() .getLastPathComponent(); String selectedWaveString = ((DefaultMutableTreeNode) selectedNode).getUserObject().toString(); String selectedWaveParentString = ((DefaultMutableTreeNode) ((DefaultMutableTreeNode) selectedNode) .getParent()).getUserObject().toString(); selectedNode = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) this.getTreeNodeFromWavePath(selectedWaveString); //First go in and delete the sound in customSounds deleteSoundFileByWaveString(selectedWaveString); //Get the relevant wavestring from the internal scriptfile VPKArchive vpk = new VPKArchive(); try {/*from ww w. j a v a2s . c o m*/ vpk.load(new File(vpkToRevert.toString())); } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } String scriptDir = getCurrentScriptString(); scriptDir = scriptDir.replace(Paths.get(installDir, "/dota/").toString(), ""); scriptDir = scriptDir.replace("\\", "/"); //Match internal forward slashes scriptDir = scriptDir.substring(1); //Cut off leading slash byte[] bytes = null; VPKEntry entry = vpk.getEntry(scriptDir); try { ByteBuffer scriptBuffer = entry.getData(); bytes = new byte[scriptBuffer.remaining()]; scriptBuffer.get(bytes); } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } String scriptFileString = new String(bytes, Charset.forName("UTF-8")); ArrayList<String> wavePathList = this.getWavePathsAsList(selectedNode.getParent()); int waveStringIndex = wavePathList.indexOf(selectedWaveString); //Cut off every part of the scriptFileString before we get to the entry describing the relevant hero action, so we don't accidentally get the wrong wavepaths StringBuilder scriptFileStringShortened = new StringBuilder(); Scanner scan = new Scanner(scriptFileString); boolean found = false; while (scan.hasNextLine()) { String curLine = scan.nextLine(); if (curLine.equals(selectedWaveParentString)) { found = true; } if (found == true) { scriptFileStringShortened.append(curLine).append(System.lineSeparator()); } } scriptFileString = scriptFileStringShortened.toString(); ArrayList<String> internalWavePathsList = getWavePathListFromString(scriptFileString); String replacementString = internalWavePathsList.get(waveStringIndex); selectedNode.setUserObject(replacementString); ScriptParser parser = new ScriptParser(this.currentTreeModel); parser.writeModelToFile(getCurrentScriptString()); //Modify the UI treeNode in addition to the backing TreeNode ((DefaultMutableTreeNode) currentTree.getLastSelectedPathComponent()).setUserObject(replacementString); ((DefaultTreeModel) currentTree.getModel()) .nodeChanged((DefaultMutableTreeNode) currentTree.getLastSelectedPathComponent()); } }
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private void importFile(SupportedFileType option) { // to do.. excel import needs to show progress dialog (as its slow) final JFileChooser chooser = option.createFileChooser(); IOUtils.setFile(PreferencesManager.getSingleton().getLastImportFile(option), chooser); final ExecutionReport report = new ExecutionReportImpl(); if (chooser.showOpenDialog(this) == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { try {/*from www. j a v a2 s . c o m*/ PreferencesManager.getSingleton().setLastImportFile(chooser.getSelectedFile(), option); ODLDatastoreAlterable<ODLTableAlterable> imported = TableIOUtils .importFile(chooser.getSelectedFile(), option, report); if (imported == null) { throw new RuntimeException(); } if (loaded == null) { openEmptyDatastore(); } if (!TableUtils.addDatastores(loaded.getDs(), imported, true)) { throw new RuntimeException(); } for (int i = 0; i < imported.getTableCount(); i++) { ODLTableReadOnly table = imported.getTableAt(i); report.log("Imported table \"" + table.getName() + "\" with " + table.getRowCount() + " rows and " + table.getColumnCount() + " columns."); } report.log("Imported " + imported.getTableCount() + " tables."); } catch (Throwable e) { report.setFailed(e); report.log("Error importing " + Strings.convertEnumToDisplayFriendly(option)); report.log("Could not import file: " + chooser.getSelectedFile().getAbsolutePath()); String message = report.getReportString(true, false); if (message.length() > 0) { message += System.lineSeparator(); } }, "Import result", report); } }
From source
@Test(timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT) public void testPrintCompileErrors() { when(compilerHelperMock/*from ww w.j a va 2 s . co m*/ .compileSource(System.getProperty("user.dir") + File.separator + "", null)) .thenReturn(new CompilationModellingResult(null, Lists.newArrayList( new RuntimeException("1"), new RuntimeException("2"), new RuntimeException("3")))); final CommandResult cr = shell.executeCommand("compile --f"); Assert.assertNotNull(cr.getException()); assertEquals("exception mismatch", "Following exceptions were found:" + System.lineSeparator() + "\tclass java.lang.RuntimeException: 1" + System.lineSeparator() + "\tclass java.lang.RuntimeException: 2" + System.lineSeparator() + "\tclass java.lang.RuntimeException: 3" + System.lineSeparator(), cr.getException().getMessage()); }
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public boolean snapshotDecision(AmazonEC2Client ec2Client, Volume vol, String period) { if ((ec2Client == null) || (vol == null) || (period == null)) { return false; }/*from ww w . j a v a 2 s. co m*/ try { List<Snapshot> int_snapshots = getAllSnapshotsOfVolume(ec2Client, vol, ApplicationConfiguration.getAwsCallRetryAttempts(), awsAccount_.getMaxApiRequestsPerSecond(), awsAccount_.getUniqueAwsAccountIdentifier()); List<Snapshot> comparelist = new ArrayList(); for (Snapshot snapshot : int_snapshots) { String desc = snapshot.getDescription(); if ("week".equalsIgnoreCase(period) && desc.startsWith("week_snapshot")) { comparelist.add(snapshot); } else if ("day".equalsIgnoreCase(period) && desc.startsWith("day_snapshot")) { if (!desc.contains("snapshot checker")) { comparelist.add(snapshot); } } else if ("hour".equalsIgnoreCase(period) && desc.startsWith("hour_snapshot")) { comparelist.add(snapshot); } else if ("month".equalsIgnoreCase(period) && desc.startsWith("month_snapshot")) { comparelist.add(snapshot); } } List<Snapshot> sortedCompareList = new ArrayList<>(comparelist); sortSnapshotsByDate(sortedCompareList); int hours = getHoursBetweenNowAndNewestSnapshot(sortedCompareList); int days = getDaysBetweenNowAndNewestSnapshot(sortedCompareList); if (("week".equalsIgnoreCase(period) && days < 0) || ("week".equalsIgnoreCase(period) && days >= 7)) { } else if (("hour".equalsIgnoreCase(period) && hours < 0) || ("hour".equalsIgnoreCase(period) && hours >= 1)) { } else if (("day".equalsIgnoreCase(period) && days < 0) || ("day".equalsIgnoreCase(period) && days >= 1)) { } else if (("month".equalsIgnoreCase(period) && days < 0) || ("month".equalsIgnoreCase(period) && days >= 30)) { } else { return false; } } catch (Exception e) {"awsAccountNickname=\"" + awsAccount_.getUniqueAwsAccountIdentifier() + "\",Event=\"Error\", Error=\"error in snapshotDecision\", stacktrace=\"" + e.toString() + System.lineSeparator() + StackTrace.getStringFromStackTrace(e) + "\""); return false; } return true; }
From source
@Override public FileArtifact createConflictArtifact(FileArtifact left, FileArtifact right) { // This is not a conflict introduced by concurrent modification of content, // but by deleting and changing a file (insertion-deletion conflict on file/directory level) FileArtifact deleted = left != null ? left : right; assert deleted != null; if (deleted.isFile()) { FileArtifact conflict = new FileArtifact(deleted); StringBuilder content = new StringBuilder(); content.append(Content.Conflict.CONFLICT_START); if (deleted == left) { content.append(" ").append(deleted.getRevision()); }//from w ww . ja v a 2s . co m if (deleted == left) { content.append(System.lineSeparator()).append(deleted.content); } content.append(System.lineSeparator()).append(Content.Conflict.CONFLICT_DELIM); if (deleted == right) { content.append(System.lineSeparator()).append(deleted.content); } content.append(System.lineSeparator()).append(Content.Conflict.CONFLICT_END); if (deleted == right) { content.append(" ").append(deleted.getRevision()); } content.append(System.lineSeparator()); conflict.setContent(content.toString()); return conflict; } else if (deleted.isDirectory()) { FileArtifact conflict = new FileArtifact(deleted); for (FileArtifact child : deleted.getChildren()) { if (deleted == left) { conflict.addChild(createConflictArtifact(child, null)); } else if (deleted == right) { conflict.addChild(createConflictArtifact(null, child)); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Both sides of conflict are null"); } } return conflict; } else { throw new RuntimeException("FileArtifact " + deleted + " is neither file nor directory."); } }
From source
String getAlterTableSQL(List<DBChangeUnit> op) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder constraints = new StringBuilder(); DataTypeDef dataTypeDef = null;/* w ww . j a v a2 s .c om*/ boolean firstCol = true; String schema; if (verifiedSchema != null) { schema = verifiedSchema + "."; } else { schema = ""; } for (DBChangeUnit unit : op) { switch (unit.changeType) { case begin: //nothinig break; case end: builder.append(constraints); break; case alterTable: builder.append("ALTER TABLE ").append(schema).append(unit.tableName).append(System.lineSeparator()); break; case addColumn: if (!firstCol) { builder.append(", "); } else { firstCol = false; } builder.append("ADD COLUMN "); dataTypeDef = getDataType(unit.typeName); if (unit.identity) { builder.append(unit.columnName).append(" ").append("serial PRIMARY KEY") .append(System.lineSeparator()); } else { builder.append(unit.columnName).append(" ").append(unit.typeName); // if (dataTypeDef.create_params != null && unit.size > 0){ if (dataTypeDef.createWithSize && unit.size > 0) { builder.append(" (").append(unit.size); if (unit.decimalSize > 0) { builder.append(",").append(unit.decimalSize); } builder.append(") "); } if (!unit.foreignTable.isEmpty()) { builder.append("REFERENCES ").append(unit.foreignTable).append(" (").append(unit.columnName) .append(")"); //constraints.append("CONSTRAINT ").append(unit.columnName).append(" REFERENCES ").append(unit.foreignTable); } builder.append(System.lineSeparator()); } break; case alterColumnSize: case alterColumnType: if (!firstCol) { builder.append(", "); } else { firstCol = false; } builder.append("ALTER COLUMN ").append(unit.columnName).append(" TYPE ").append(unit.typeName); if (unit.size > 0) { builder.append(" (").append(unit.size); if (unit.decimalSize > 0) { builder.append(",").append(unit.decimalSize); } builder.append(") "); } builder.append(System.lineSeparator()); break; case alterColumnName: if (!firstCol) { builder.append(", "); } else { firstCol = false; } builder.append("RENAME COLUMN ").append(unit.columnName).append(" TO ").append(unit.newColumnName); builder.append(System.lineSeparator()); break; default: //should not get here if the list is valid, unless a new changetype //was added that this DMR does not know about. If which case - fail. logger.error("unimplemented DBChangeUnit {} for alter table operation", unit.getChangeType().toString()); return null; } } return builder.toString(); }