Example usage for java.lang System clearProperty

List of usage examples for java.lang System clearProperty


In this page you can find the example usage for java.lang System clearProperty.


public static String clearProperty(String key) 

Source Link


Removes the system property indicated by the specified key.


From source file:com.thoughtworks.go.util.SystemEnvironment.java

public void clearProperty(String name) {

From source file:com.seleniumtests.it.reporter.TestSeleniumTestsReporter2.java

 * Check that video capture file is present in result
 * //  www  . j a  v  a  2  s  .c  o m
 * @throws Exception
@Test(groups = { "it" })
public void testReportContainsVideoCapture() throws Exception {

    try {
        System.setProperty(SeleniumTestsContext.VIDEO_CAPTURE, "true");

        executeSubTest(1, new String[] { "com.seleniumtests.it.stubclasses.StubTestClassForDriverTest" },
                ParallelMode.METHODS, new String[] { "testDriver" });

        // read 'testDriver' report. This contains calls to HtmlElement actions
        String detailedReportContent1 = readTestMethodResultFile("testDriver");

                "<li>sendKeys on TextFieldElement Text, by={By.id: text2} with args: (true, true, [a text,], )</li>"));

    } finally {


From source file:org.apache.solr.cloud.BasicDistributedZkTest.java

private void testANewCollectionInOneInstanceWithManualShardAssignement() throws Exception {
    log.info("### STARTING testANewCollectionInOneInstanceWithManualShardAssignement");
    List<SolrClient> collectionClients = new ArrayList<>();
    SolrClient client = clients.get(0);//  www  . ja  v  a 2  s  . c  om
    final String baseUrl = ((HttpSolrClient) client).getBaseURL().substring(0,
            ((HttpSolrClient) client).getBaseURL().length() - DEFAULT_COLLECTION.length() - 1);
    createSolrCore(oneInstanceCollection2, collectionClients, baseUrl, 1, "slice1");
    createSolrCore(oneInstanceCollection2, collectionClients, baseUrl, 2, "slice2");
    createSolrCore(oneInstanceCollection2, collectionClients, baseUrl, 3, "slice2");
    createSolrCore(oneInstanceCollection2, collectionClients, baseUrl, 4, "slice1");

    while (pending != null && pending.size() > 0) {

        Future<Object> future = completionService.take();

    SolrClient client1 = collectionClients.get(0);
    SolrClient client2 = collectionClients.get(1);
    SolrClient client3 = collectionClients.get(2);
    SolrClient client4 = collectionClients.get(3);

    // no one should be recovering
    waitForRecoveriesToFinish(oneInstanceCollection2, getCommonCloudSolrClient().getZkStateReader(), false,

    assertAllActive(oneInstanceCollection2, getCommonCloudSolrClient().getZkStateReader());


    // TODO: enable when we don't falsely get slice1...
    // solrj.getZkStateReader().getLeaderUrl(oneInstanceCollection2, "slice1", 30000);
    // solrj.getZkStateReader().getLeaderUrl(oneInstanceCollection2, "slice2", 30000);
    client2.add(getDoc(id, "1"));
    client3.add(getDoc(id, "2"));
    client4.add(getDoc(id, "3"));

    SolrQuery query = new SolrQuery("*:*");
    query.set("distrib", false);
    long oneDocs = client1.query(query).getResults().getNumFound();
    long twoDocs = client2.query(query).getResults().getNumFound();
    long threeDocs = client3.query(query).getResults().getNumFound();
    long fourDocs = client4.query(query).getResults().getNumFound();

    query.set("collection", oneInstanceCollection2);
    query.set("distrib", true);
    long allDocs = getCommonCloudSolrClient().query(query).getResults().getNumFound();

    //    System.out.println("1:" + oneDocs);
    //    System.out.println("2:" + twoDocs);
    //    System.out.println("3:" + threeDocs);
    //    System.out.println("4:" + fourDocs);
    //    System.out.println("All Docs:" + allDocs);

    //    assertEquals(oneDocs, threeDocs);
    //    assertEquals(twoDocs, fourDocs);
    //    assertNotSame(oneDocs, twoDocs);
    assertEquals(3, allDocs);

    // we added a role of none on these creates - check for it
    ZkStateReader zkStateReader = getCommonCloudSolrClient().getZkStateReader();
    Map<String, Slice> slices = zkStateReader.getClusterState().getSlicesMap(oneInstanceCollection2);
    String roles = slices.get("slice1").getReplicasMap().values().iterator().next()
    assertEquals("none", roles);

    ZkCoreNodeProps props = new ZkCoreNodeProps(getCommonCloudSolrClient().getZkStateReader().getClusterState()
            .getLeader(oneInstanceCollection2, "slice1"));

    // now test that unloading a core gets us a new leader
    try (HttpSolrClient unloadClient = getHttpSolrClient(baseUrl)) {
        Unload unloadCmd = new Unload(true);

        String leader = props.getCoreUrl();


        int tries = 50;
        while (leader.equals(zkStateReader.getLeaderUrl(oneInstanceCollection2, "slice1", 10000))) {
            if (tries-- == 0) {
                fail("Leader never changed");



From source file:com.seleniumtests.it.reporter.TestSeleniumTestsReporter2.java

 * Check that HAR capture file is present in result
 * /*from   www  .ja  va2 s  .c o m*/
 * @throws Exception
@Test(groups = { "it" })
public void testReportContainsHarCapture() throws Exception {

    try {
        System.setProperty(SeleniumTestsContext.CAPTURE_NETWORK, "true");
        System.setProperty(SeleniumTestsContext.WEB_PROXY_TYPE, "direct");

        executeSubTest(1, new String[] { "com.seleniumtests.it.stubclasses.StubTestClassForDriverTest" },
                ParallelMode.METHODS, new String[] { "testDriver" });

        // read 'testDriver' report. This contains calls to HtmlElement actions
        String detailedReportContent1 = readTestMethodResultFile("testDriver");

                "<li>sendKeys on TextFieldElement Text, by={By.id: text2} with args: (true, true, [a text,], )</li>"));
                detailedReportContent1.contains("Network capture: <a href='networkCapture.har'>HAR file</a>"));
                "testDriver", "networkCapture.har").toFile().exists());

    } finally {


From source file:org.fcrepo.integration.auth.webac.WebACRecipesIT.java

public void testAgentAsUri() throws IOException {
    final String id = "/rest/" + getRandomUniqueId();
    final String testObj = ingestObj(id);
    final String acl = ingestAcl("fedoraAdmin", "/acls/16/acl.ttl", "/acls/16/authorization.ttl");

    logger.debug("Anonymous can't read (no ACL): {}", id);
    final HttpGet requestGet1 = getObjMethod(id);
    assertEquals(HttpStatus.SC_FORBIDDEN, getStatus(requestGet1));

    logger.debug("Can username 'smith123' read {} (no ACL)", id);
    final HttpGet requestGet2 = getObjMethod(id);
    setAuth(requestGet2, "smith123");
    assertEquals(HttpStatus.SC_FORBIDDEN, getStatus(requestGet2));

    System.setProperty(USER_AGENT_BASE_URI_PROPERTY, "info:user/");
    System.setProperty(GROUP_AGENT_BASE_URI_PROPERTY, "info:group/");

    logger.debug("Can username 'smith123' read {} (overridden system ACL)", id);
    final HttpGet requestGet3 = getObjMethod(id);
    setAuth(requestGet3, "smith123");
    assertEquals(HttpStatus.SC_FORBIDDEN, getStatus(requestGet3));

    logger.debug("Can username 'group123' read {} (overridden system ACL)", id);
    final HttpGet requestGet4 = getObjMethod(id);
    setAuth(requestGet4, "group123");
    assertEquals(HttpStatus.SC_FORBIDDEN, getStatus(requestGet4));


    // Add ACL to object
    linkToAcl(testObj, acl);//from  w ww  .  j  av  a 2  s  .co m

    logger.debug("Anonymous still can't read (ACL present)");
    final HttpGet requestGet5 = getObjMethod(id);
    assertEquals(HttpStatus.SC_FORBIDDEN, getStatus(requestGet5));

    logger.debug("Can username 'smith123' read {} (ACL present, no system properties)", testObj);
    final HttpGet requestGet6 = getObjMethod(id);
    setAuth(requestGet6, "smith123");
    assertEquals(HttpStatus.SC_FORBIDDEN, getStatus(requestGet6));

    System.setProperty(USER_AGENT_BASE_URI_PROPERTY, "info:user/");
    System.setProperty(GROUP_AGENT_BASE_URI_PROPERTY, "info:group/");

    logger.debug("Can username 'smith123' read {} (ACL, system properties present)", id);
    final HttpGet requestGet7 = getObjMethod(id);
    setAuth(requestGet7, "smith123");
    assertEquals(HttpStatus.SC_OK, getStatus(requestGet7));

    logger.debug("Can groupname 'group123' read {} (ACL, system properties present)", id);
    final HttpGet requestGet8 = getObjMethod(id);
    setAuth(requestGet8, "group123");
    assertEquals(HttpStatus.SC_OK, getStatus(requestGet8));


From source file:com.seleniumtests.it.reporter.TestSeleniumTestsReporter2.java

 * Check that HAR capture file is not present in result if option is disabled
 * // w  w  w  .ja  v  a  2s  .co m
 * @throws Exception
@Test(groups = { "it" })
public void testReportDoNotContainsHarCapture() throws Exception {
    try {
        System.setProperty(SeleniumTestsContext.CAPTURE_NETWORK, "false");

        executeSubTest(1, new String[] { "com.seleniumtests.it.stubclasses.StubTestClassForDriverTest" },
                ParallelMode.METHODS, new String[] { "testDriver" });

        // read 'testDriver' report. This contains calls to HtmlElement actions
        String detailedReportContent1 = readTestMethodResultFile("testDriver");

                "<li>sendKeys on TextFieldElement Text, by={By.id: text2} with args: (true, true, [a text,], )</li>"));
                detailedReportContent1.contains("Network capture: <a href='networkCapture.har'>HAR file</a>"));
                "testDriver", "networkCapture.har").toFile().exists());
    } finally {


From source file:com.thoughtworks.go.util.SystemEnvironment.java

public <T> void reset(GoSystemProperty<T> systemProperty) {
    if (systemProperty instanceof CachedProperty) {
        ((CachedProperty) systemProperty).clear();
    }/*from w w  w.ja va  2  s.co m*/

From source file:org.apache.directory.studio.connection.core.io.jndi.JNDIConnectionWrapper.java

private void doGssapiBind(final InnerRunnable innerRunnable) throws NamingException {
    File configFile = null;/*from w  w  w . ja va 2  s . c  o  m*/
    try {
        Preferences preferences = ConnectionCorePlugin.getDefault().getPluginPreferences();
        boolean useKrb5SystemProperties = preferences
        String krb5LoginModule = preferences.getString(ConnectionCoreConstants.PREFERENCE_KRB5_LOGIN_MODULE);

        if (!useKrb5SystemProperties) {
            // Kerberos Configuration
            switch (connection.getConnectionParameter().getKrb5Configuration()) {
            case DEFAULT:
                // nothing 
                System.clearProperty("java.security.krb5.conf"); //$NON-NLS-1$
            case FILE:
                // use specified krb5.conf
                System.setProperty("java.security.krb5.conf", connection.getConnectionParameter() //$NON-NLS-1$
            case MANUAL:
                // write manual config parameters to connection specific krb5.conf file
                String fileName = Utils.getFilenameString(connection.getId()) + ".krb5.conf"; //$NON-NLS-1$
                configFile = ConnectionCorePlugin.getDefault().getStateLocation().append(fileName).toFile();
                String realm = connection.getConnectionParameter().getKrb5Realm();
                String host = connection.getConnectionParameter().getKrb5KdcHost();
                int port = connection.getConnectionParameter().getKrb5KdcPort();
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                sb.append("[libdefaults]").append(ConnectionCoreConstants.LINE_SEPARATOR); //$NON-NLS-1$
                sb.append("default_realm = ").append(realm).append(ConnectionCoreConstants.LINE_SEPARATOR); //$NON-NLS-1$
                sb.append("[realms]").append(ConnectionCoreConstants.LINE_SEPARATOR); //$NON-NLS-1$
                sb.append(realm).append(" = {").append(ConnectionCoreConstants.LINE_SEPARATOR); //$NON-NLS-1$
                sb.append("kdc = ").append(host).append(":").append(port).append( //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
                sb.append("}").append(ConnectionCoreConstants.LINE_SEPARATOR); //$NON-NLS-1$
                try {
                    FileUtils.writeStringToFile(configFile, sb.toString());
                } catch (IOException ioe) {
                    NamingException ne = new NamingException();
                    throw ne;
                System.setProperty("java.security.krb5.conf", configFile.getAbsolutePath()); //$NON-NLS-1$

            // Use our custom configuration so we don't need to mess with external configuration
            Configuration.setConfiguration(new InnerConfiguration(krb5LoginModule));

        // Gets the TGT, either from native ticket cache or obtain new from KDC
        LoginContext lc = null;
        try {
            lc = new LoginContext(this.getClass().getName(), new InnerCallbackHandler());
        } catch (LoginException le) {
            NamingException ne = new NamingException();
            throw ne;

        // Login to LDAP server, obtains a service ticket from KDC
        Subject.doAs(lc.getSubject(), (PrivilegedAction<Object>) () -> {
            try {
            } catch (NamingException ne) {
                innerRunnable.namingException = ne;
            return null;
    } finally {
        // delete temporary config file
        if (configFile != null && configFile.exists()) {

From source file:com.cisco.dvbu.ps.deploytool.services.ResourceManagerImpl.java

public void doResourcesExist(String serverId, String resourceIds, String pathToResourceXML,
        String pathToServersXML) throws CompositeException {

    String prefix = "doResourcesExist";
    String processedIds = null;//from  w ww.j  a  va  2 s  . c om

    // Extract variables for the resourceIds
    resourceIds = CommonUtils.extractVariable(prefix, resourceIds, propertyFile, true);

    // Set the Module Action Objective
    String s1 = (resourceIds == null) ? "no_resourceIds" : "Ids=" + resourceIds;
    System.setProperty("MODULE_ACTION_OBJECTIVE", "EXIST : " + s1);

    List<ResourceType> resourceList = getResources(serverId, resourceIds, pathToResourceXML, pathToServersXML);
    if (resourceList != null && resourceList.size() > 0) {

        for (ResourceType resource : resourceList) {

            // Get the identifier and convert any $VARIABLES
            String resourceId = CommonUtils.extractVariable(prefix, resource.getId(), propertyFile, true);

             * Possible values for archives 
             * 1. csv string like import1,import2 (we process only resource names which are passed in)
             * 2. '*' or what ever is configured to indicate all resources (we process all resources in this case)
             * 3. csv string with '-' or what ever is configured to indicate exclude resources as prefix 
             *      like -import1,import3 (we ignore passed in resources and process rest of the in the input xml
            if (DeployUtil.canProcessResource(resourceIds, resourceId)) {
                // Add to the list of processed ids
                if (processedIds == null)
                    processedIds = "";
                    processedIds = processedIds + ",";
                processedIds = processedIds + resourceId;

                if (resource.getResourcePath() != null && resource.getResourcePath().size() > 0) {
                    for (int i = 0; i < resource.getResourcePath().size(); i++) {
                        String resourcePath = resource.getResourcePath().get(i);
                        System.setProperty("RESOURCE_ID", resourceId);
                        if (!doResourceExist(serverId, resourcePath, pathToServersXML)) {
                            throw new CompositeException(
                                    "Resource Id " + resourceId + " does not exist on server " + serverId);
                } else {
                    if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
                        logger.info("No resource paths found for resourceId " + resourceId);
        // Determine if any resourceIds were not processed and report on this
        if (processedIds != null) {
            if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
                logger.info("Resource entries processed=" + processedIds);
        } else {
            if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
                String msg = "Warning: No resource entries were processed for the input list.  resourceIds="
                        + resourceIds;
                System.setProperty("MODULE_ACTION_MESSAGE", msg);
    } else {
        if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
            String msg = "Warning: No resource entries found for Resource Module XML at path="
                    + pathToResourceXML;
            System.setProperty("MODULE_ACTION_MESSAGE", msg);