List of usage examples for java.lang StringBuilder insert
@Override public StringBuilder insert(int dstOffset, CharSequence s, int start, int end)
From source
public static void main(String[] arg) { StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder("from"); CharSequence cs = ""; buffer.insert(2, cs, 1, 3); System.out.println(buffer);//from w w w . ja va 2 s. co m }
From source
public static void main(String args[]) { StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); char charArray[] = { 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f' }; buffer.insert(0, charArray, 3, 3); System.out.println(buffer.toString()); }
From source
@Override public void handle(String target, Request baseRequest, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException, ServletException { if (target.equals(Constants.API_ENDPOINT_DELETE)) { baseRequest.setHandled(true);//from www .j a va 2 s. c o m } else { return; } // // CORS header // response.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"); long nano = System.nanoTime(); // // Extract DatalogRequest if specified // String datalogHeader = request.getHeader(Constants.getHeader(Configuration.HTTP_HEADER_DATALOG)); DatalogRequest dr = null; boolean forwarded = false; if (null != datalogHeader) { byte[] bytes = OrderPreservingBase64.decode(datalogHeader.getBytes(Charsets.US_ASCII)); if (null != datalogPSK) { bytes = CryptoUtils.unwrap(datalogPSK, bytes); } if (null == bytes) { response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "Invalid Datalog header."); return; } TDeserializer deser = new TDeserializer(new TCompactProtocol.Factory()); try { dr = new DatalogRequest(); deser.deserialize(dr, bytes); } catch (TException te) { response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, te.getMessage()); return; } Map<String, String> labels = new HashMap<String, String>(); labels.put(SensisionConstants.SENSISION_LABEL_ID, new String( OrderPreservingBase64.decode(dr.getId().getBytes(Charsets.US_ASCII)), Charsets.UTF_8)); labels.put(SensisionConstants.SENSISION_LABEL_TYPE, dr.getType()); Sensision.update(SensisionConstants.CLASS_WARP_DATALOG_REQUESTS_RECEIVED, labels, 1); // // Check that the request query string matches the QS in the datalog request // if (!request.getQueryString().equals(dr.getDeleteQueryString())) { response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "Invalid DatalogRequest."); return; } forwarded = true; } // // TODO(hbs): Extract producer/owner from token // String token = null != dr ? dr.getToken() : request.getHeader(Constants.getHeader(Configuration.HTTP_HEADER_TOKENX)); if (null == token) { response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "Missing token."); return; } WriteToken writeToken; try { writeToken = Tokens.extractWriteToken(token); } catch (WarpScriptException ee) { ee.printStackTrace(); response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, ee.getMessage()); return; } String application = writeToken.getAppName(); String producer = Tokens.getUUID(writeToken.getProducerId()); String owner = Tokens.getUUID(writeToken.getOwnerId()); // // For delete operations, producer and owner MUST be equal // if (!producer.equals(owner)) { response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "Invalid write token for deletion."); return; } Map<String, String> sensisionLabels = new HashMap<String, String>(); sensisionLabels.put(SensisionConstants.SENSISION_LABEL_PRODUCER, producer); long count = 0; long gts = 0; Throwable t = null; StringBuilder metas = new StringBuilder(); // // Extract start/end // String startstr = request.getParameter(Constants.HTTP_PARAM_START); String endstr = request.getParameter(Constants.HTTP_PARAM_END); // // Extract selector // String selector = request.getParameter(Constants.HTTP_PARAM_SELECTOR); String minage = request.getParameter(Constants.HTTP_PARAM_MINAGE); if (null != minage) { response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "Standalone version does not support the '" + Constants.HTTP_PARAM_MINAGE + "' parameter in delete requests."); return; } boolean dryrun = null != request.getParameter(Constants.HTTP_PARAM_DRYRUN); File loggingFile = null; PrintWriter loggingWriter = null; // // Open the logging file if logging is enabled // if (null != loggingDir) { long nanos = null != dr ? dr.getTimestamp() : TimeSource.getNanoTime(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(Long.toHexString(nanos)); sb.insert(0, "0000000000000000", 0, 16 - sb.length()); sb.append("-"); if (null != dr) { sb.append(dr.getId()); } else { sb.append(datalogId); } sb.append("-"); sb.append(dtf.print(nanos / 1000000L)); sb.append(Long.toString(1000000L + (nanos % 1000000L)).substring(1)); sb.append("Z"); if (null == dr) { dr = new DatalogRequest(); dr.setTimestamp(nanos); dr.setType(Constants.DATALOG_DELETE); dr.setId(datalogId); dr.setToken(token); dr.setDeleteQueryString(request.getQueryString()); } if (null != dr && (!forwarded || (forwarded && this.logforwarded))) { // // Serialize the request // TSerializer ser = new TSerializer(new TCompactProtocol.Factory()); byte[] encoded; try { encoded = ser.serialize(dr); } catch (TException te) { response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, te.getMessage()); return; } if (null != this.datalogPSK) { encoded = CryptoUtils.wrap(this.datalogPSK, encoded); } encoded = OrderPreservingBase64.encode(encoded); loggingFile = new File(loggingDir, sb.toString()); loggingWriter = new PrintWriter(new FileWriterWithEncoding(loggingFile, Charsets.UTF_8)); // // Write request // loggingWriter.println(new String(encoded, Charsets.US_ASCII)); } } boolean validated = false; try { if (null == producer || null == owner) { response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_FORBIDDEN, "Invalid token."); return; } // // Build extra labels // Map<String, String> extraLabels = new HashMap<String, String>(); // // Only set owner and potentially app, producer may vary // extraLabels.put(Constants.OWNER_LABEL, owner); // FIXME(hbs): remove me if (null != application) { extraLabels.put(Constants.APPLICATION_LABEL, application); sensisionLabels.put(SensisionConstants.SENSISION_LABEL_APPLICATION, application); } boolean hasRange = false; long start = Long.MIN_VALUE; long end = Long.MAX_VALUE; if (null != startstr) { if (null == endstr) { response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "Both " + Constants.HTTP_PARAM_START + " and " + Constants.HTTP_PARAM_END + " should be defined."); return; } if (startstr.contains("T")) { start = fmt.parseDateTime(startstr).getMillis() * Constants.TIME_UNITS_PER_MS; } else { start = Long.valueOf(startstr); } } if (null != endstr) { if (null == startstr) { response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "Both " + Constants.HTTP_PARAM_START + " and " + Constants.HTTP_PARAM_END + " should be defined."); return; } if (endstr.contains("T")) { end = fmt.parseDateTime(endstr).getMillis() * Constants.TIME_UNITS_PER_MS; } else { end = Long.valueOf(endstr); } } if (Long.MIN_VALUE == start && Long.MAX_VALUE == end && null == request.getParameter(Constants.HTTP_PARAM_DELETEALL)) { response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "Parameter " + Constants.HTTP_PARAM_DELETEALL + " should be set when deleting a full range."); return; } if (Long.MIN_VALUE != start || Long.MAX_VALUE != end) { hasRange = true; } if (start > end) { response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "Invalid time range specification."); return; } // // Extract the class and labels selectors // The class selector and label selectors are supposed to have // values which use percent encoding, i.e. explicit percent encoding which // might have been re-encoded using percent encoding when passed as parameter // // Matcher m = EgressFetchHandler.SELECTOR_RE.matcher(selector); if (!m.matches()) { response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST); return; } String classSelector = URLDecoder.decode(, "UTF-8"); String labelsSelection =; Map<String, String> labelsSelectors; try { labelsSelectors = GTSHelper.parseLabelsSelectors(labelsSelection); } catch (ParseException pe) { response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, pe.getMessage()); return; } validated = true; // // Force 'producer'/'owner'/'app' from token // labelsSelectors.putAll(extraLabels); List<Metadata> metadatas = null; List<String> clsSels = new ArrayList<String>(); List<Map<String, String>> lblsSels = new ArrayList<Map<String, String>>(); clsSels.add(classSelector); lblsSels.add(labelsSelectors); metadatas = directoryClient.find(clsSels, lblsSels); response.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_OK); response.setContentType("text/plain"); PrintWriter pw = response.getWriter(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (Metadata metadata : metadatas) { // // Remove from DB // if (!hasRange) { if (!dryrun) { this.directoryClient.unregister(metadata); } } // // Remove data // long localCount = 0; if (!dryrun) { localCount = this.storeClient.delete(writeToken, metadata, start, end); } count += localCount; sb.setLength(0); GTSHelper.metadataToString(sb, metadata.getName(), metadata.getLabels()); if (metadata.getAttributesSize() > 0) { GTSHelper.labelsToString(sb, metadata.getAttributes()); } else { sb.append("{}"); } pw.write(sb.toString()); pw.write("\r\n"); metas.append(sb); metas.append("\n"); gts++; // Log detailed metrics for this GTS owner and app Map<String, String> labels = new HashMap<>(); labels.put(SensisionConstants.SENSISION_LABEL_OWNER, metadata.getLabels().get(Constants.OWNER_LABEL)); labels.put(SensisionConstants.SENSISION_LABEL_APPLICATION, metadata.getLabels().get(Constants.APPLICATION_LABEL)); Sensision.update( SensisionConstants.SENSISION_CLASS_CONTINUUM_STANDALONE_DELETE_DATAPOINTS_PEROWNERAPP, labels, localCount); } } catch (Exception e) { t = e; throw e; } finally { if (null != loggingWriter) { Map<String, String> labels = new HashMap<String, String>(); labels.put(SensisionConstants.SENSISION_LABEL_ID, new String( OrderPreservingBase64.decode(dr.getId().getBytes(Charsets.US_ASCII)), Charsets.UTF_8)); labels.put(SensisionConstants.SENSISION_LABEL_TYPE, dr.getType()); Sensision.update(SensisionConstants.CLASS_WARP_DATALOG_REQUESTS_LOGGED, labels, 1); loggingWriter.close(); if (validated) { loggingFile.renameTo(new File(loggingFile.getAbsolutePath() + DatalogForwarder.DATALOG_SUFFIX)); } else { loggingFile.delete(); } } Sensision.update(SensisionConstants.SENSISION_CLASS_CONTINUUM_STANDALONE_DELETE_REQUESTS, sensisionLabels, 1); Sensision.update(SensisionConstants.SENSISION_CLASS_CONTINUUM_STANDALONE_DELETE_GTS, sensisionLabels, gts); Sensision.update(SensisionConstants.SENSISION_CLASS_CONTINUUM_STANDALONE_DELETE_DATAPOINTS, sensisionLabels, count); Sensision.update(SensisionConstants.SENSISION_CLASS_CONTINUUM_STANDALONE_DELETE_TIME_US, sensisionLabels, (System.nanoTime() - nano) / 1000); LoggingEvent event = LogUtil.setLoggingEventAttribute(null, LogUtil.DELETION_TOKEN, token); event = LogUtil.setLoggingEventAttribute(event, LogUtil.DELETION_SELECTOR, selector); event = LogUtil.setLoggingEventAttribute(event, LogUtil.DELETION_START, startstr); event = LogUtil.setLoggingEventAttribute(event, LogUtil.DELETION_END, endstr); event = LogUtil.setLoggingEventAttribute(event, LogUtil.DELETION_METADATA, metas.toString()); event = LogUtil.setLoggingEventAttribute(event, LogUtil.DELETION_COUNT, Long.toString(count)); event = LogUtil.setLoggingEventAttribute(event, LogUtil.DELETION_GTS, Long.toString(gts)); LogUtil.addHttpHeaders(event, request); if (null != t) { LogUtil.setLoggingEventStackTrace(null, LogUtil.STACK_TRACE, t); }, event)); } response.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_OK); }
From source
/** * Handle Metadata updating//from w w w .ja v a 2 s . co m */ public void handleMeta(String target, Request baseRequest, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException, ServletException { if (target.equals(Constants.API_ENDPOINT_META)) { baseRequest.setHandled(true); } else { return; } try { // // CORS header // response.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"); // // Extract DatalogRequest if specified // String datalogHeader = request.getHeader(Constants.getHeader(Configuration.HTTP_HEADER_DATALOG)); DatalogRequest dr = null; boolean forwarded = false; if (null != datalogHeader) { byte[] bytes = OrderPreservingBase64.decode(datalogHeader.getBytes(Charsets.US_ASCII)); if (null != datalogPSK) { bytes = CryptoUtils.unwrap(datalogPSK, bytes); } if (null == bytes) { throw new IOException("Invalid Datalog header."); } TDeserializer deser = new TDeserializer(new TCompactProtocol.Factory()); try { dr = new DatalogRequest(); deser.deserialize(dr, bytes); } catch (TException te) { throw new IOException(); } Map<String, String> labels = new HashMap<String, String>(); labels.put(SensisionConstants.SENSISION_LABEL_ID, new String( OrderPreservingBase64.decode(dr.getId().getBytes(Charsets.US_ASCII)), Charsets.UTF_8)); labels.put(SensisionConstants.SENSISION_LABEL_TYPE, dr.getType()); Sensision.update(SensisionConstants.CLASS_WARP_DATALOG_REQUESTS_RECEIVED, labels, 1); forwarded = true; } // // Loop over the input lines. // Each has the following format: // // class{labels}{attributes} // String token = null != dr ? dr.getToken() : request.getHeader(Constants.getHeader(Configuration.HTTP_HEADER_TOKENX)); WriteToken wtoken; try { wtoken = Tokens.extractWriteToken(token); } catch (WarpScriptException ee) { throw new IOException(ee); } String application = wtoken.getAppName(); String producer = Tokens.getUUID(wtoken.getProducerId()); String owner = Tokens.getUUID(wtoken.getOwnerId()); if (null == producer || null == owner) { response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_FORBIDDEN, "Invalid token."); return; } // // Determine if content if gzipped // boolean gzipped = false; if (null != request.getHeader("Content-Type") && "application/gzip".equals(request.getHeader("Content-Type"))) { gzipped = true; } BufferedReader br = null; if (gzipped) { GZIPInputStream is = new GZIPInputStream(request.getInputStream()); br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is)); } else { br = request.getReader(); } File loggingFile = null; PrintWriter loggingWriter = null; // // Open the logging file if logging is enabled // if (null != loggingDir) { long nanos = null != dr ? dr.getTimestamp() : TimeSource.getNanoTime(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(Long.toHexString(nanos)); sb.insert(0, "0000000000000000", 0, 16 - sb.length()); sb.append("-"); if (null != dr) { sb.append(dr.getId()); } else { sb.append(datalogId); } sb.append("-"); sb.append(dtf.print(nanos / 1000000L)); sb.append(Long.toString(1000000L + (nanos % 1000000L)).substring(1)); sb.append("Z"); if (null == dr) { dr = new DatalogRequest(); dr.setTimestamp(nanos); dr.setType(Constants.DATALOG_META); dr.setId(datalogId); dr.setToken(token); } if (null != dr && (!forwarded || (forwarded && this.logforwarded))) { // // Serialize the request // TSerializer ser = new TSerializer(new TCompactProtocol.Factory()); byte[] encoded; try { encoded = ser.serialize(dr); } catch (TException te) { throw new IOException(te); } if (null != this.datalogPSK) { encoded = CryptoUtils.wrap(this.datalogPSK, encoded); } encoded = OrderPreservingBase64.encode(encoded); loggingFile = new File(loggingDir, sb.toString()); loggingWriter = new PrintWriter(new FileWriterWithEncoding(loggingFile, Charsets.UTF_8)); // // Write request // loggingWriter.println(new String(encoded, Charsets.US_ASCII)); } } try { // // Loop on all lines // while (true) { String line = br.readLine(); if (null == line) { break; } // Ignore blank lines if ("".equals(line)) { continue; } // Ignore comments if ('#' == line.charAt(0)) { continue; } Metadata metadata = MetadataUtils.parseMetadata(line); // Add labels from the WriteToken if they exist if (wtoken.getLabelsSize() > 0) { metadata.getLabels().putAll(wtoken.getLabels()); } // // Force owner/producer // metadata.getLabels().put(Constants.PRODUCER_LABEL, producer); metadata.getLabels().put(Constants.OWNER_LABEL, owner); if (null != application) { metadata.getLabels().put(Constants.APPLICATION_LABEL, application); } else { // remove application label metadata.getLabels().remove(Constants.APPLICATION_LABEL); } if (!MetadataUtils.validateMetadata(metadata)) { response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST, "Invalid metadata " + line); return; } metadata.setSource(Configuration.INGRESS_METADATA_UPDATE_ENDPOINT); this.directoryClient.register(metadata); // // Write the line last, so we do not write lines which triggered exceptions // if (null != loggingWriter) { loggingWriter.println(line); } } } finally { if (null != loggingWriter) { Map<String, String> labels = new HashMap<String, String>(); labels.put(SensisionConstants.SENSISION_LABEL_ID, new String( OrderPreservingBase64.decode(dr.getId().getBytes(Charsets.US_ASCII)), Charsets.UTF_8)); labels.put(SensisionConstants.SENSISION_LABEL_TYPE, dr.getType()); Sensision.update(SensisionConstants.CLASS_WARP_DATALOG_REQUESTS_LOGGED, labels, 1); loggingWriter.close(); loggingFile.renameTo(new File(loggingFile.getAbsolutePath() + DatalogForwarder.DATALOG_SUFFIX)); } } response.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_OK); } catch (Exception e) { if (!response.isCommitted()) { response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, e.getMessage()); return; } } }
From source
@Override public void handle(String target, Request baseRequest, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException, ServletException { String token = null;//from w w w. j a va2 s . c om if (target.equals(Constants.API_ENDPOINT_UPDATE)) { baseRequest.setHandled(true); } else if (target.startsWith(Constants.API_ENDPOINT_UPDATE + "/")) { baseRequest.setHandled(true); token = target.substring(Constants.API_ENDPOINT_UPDATE.length() + 1); } else if (target.equals(Constants.API_ENDPOINT_META)) { handleMeta(target, baseRequest, request, response); return; } else { return; } try { // // CORS header // response.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"); long nano = System.nanoTime(); // // Extract DatalogRequest if specified // String datalogHeader = request.getHeader(Constants.getHeader(Configuration.HTTP_HEADER_DATALOG)); DatalogRequest dr = null; boolean forwarded = false; if (null != datalogHeader) { byte[] bytes = OrderPreservingBase64.decode(datalogHeader.getBytes(Charsets.US_ASCII)); if (null != datalogPSK) { bytes = CryptoUtils.unwrap(datalogPSK, bytes); } if (null == bytes) { throw new IOException("Invalid Datalog header."); } TDeserializer deser = new TDeserializer(new TCompactProtocol.Factory()); try { dr = new DatalogRequest(); deser.deserialize(dr, bytes); } catch (TException te) { throw new IOException(); } token = dr.getToken(); Map<String, String> labels = new HashMap<String, String>(); labels.put(SensisionConstants.SENSISION_LABEL_ID, new String( OrderPreservingBase64.decode(dr.getId().getBytes(Charsets.US_ASCII)), Charsets.UTF_8)); labels.put(SensisionConstants.SENSISION_LABEL_TYPE, dr.getType()); Sensision.update(SensisionConstants.CLASS_WARP_DATALOG_REQUESTS_RECEIVED, labels, 1); forwarded = true; } // // TODO(hbs): Extract producer/owner from token // if (null == token) { token = request.getHeader(Constants.getHeader(Configuration.HTTP_HEADER_TOKENX)); } WriteToken writeToken; try { writeToken = Tokens.extractWriteToken(token); } catch (WarpScriptException ee) { throw new IOException(ee); } String application = writeToken.getAppName(); String producer = Tokens.getUUID(writeToken.getProducerId()); String owner = Tokens.getUUID(writeToken.getOwnerId()); Map<String, String> sensisionLabels = new HashMap<String, String>(); sensisionLabels.put(SensisionConstants.SENSISION_LABEL_PRODUCER, producer); long count = 0; long total = 0; File loggingFile = null; PrintWriter loggingWriter = null; try { if (null == producer || null == owner) { response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_FORBIDDEN, "Invalid token."); return; } // // Build extra labels // Map<String, String> extraLabels = new HashMap<String, String>(); // Add labels from the WriteToken if they exist if (writeToken.getLabelsSize() > 0) { extraLabels.putAll(writeToken.getLabels()); } // Force internal labels extraLabels.put(Constants.PRODUCER_LABEL, producer); extraLabels.put(Constants.OWNER_LABEL, owner); // FIXME(hbs): remove me, apps should be set in all tokens now... if (null != application) { extraLabels.put(Constants.APPLICATION_LABEL, application); sensisionLabels.put(SensisionConstants.SENSISION_LABEL_APPLICATION, application); } else { // remove application label extraLabels.remove(Constants.APPLICATION_LABEL); } // // Determine if content if gzipped // boolean gzipped = false; if (null != request.getHeader("Content-Type") && "application/gzip".equals(request.getHeader("Content-Type"))) { gzipped = true; } BufferedReader br = null; if (gzipped) { GZIPInputStream is = new GZIPInputStream(request.getInputStream()); br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is)); } else { br = request.getReader(); } // // Get the present time // Long now = TimeSource.getTime(); // // Check the value of the 'now' header // // The following values are supported: // // A number, which will be interpreted as an absolute time reference, // i.e. a number of time units since the Epoch. // // A number prefixed by '+' or '-' which will be interpreted as a // delta from the present time. // // A '*' which will mean to not set 'now', and to recompute its value // each time it's needed. // String nowstr = null != dr ? dr.getNow() : request.getHeader(Constants.getHeader(Configuration.HTTP_HEADER_NOW_HEADERX)); if (null != nowstr) { if ("*".equals(nowstr)) { now = null; } else if (nowstr.startsWith("+")) { try { long delta = Long.parseLong(nowstr.substring(1)); now = now + delta; } catch (Exception e) { throw new IOException("Invalid base timestamp."); } } else if (nowstr.startsWith("-")) { try { long delta = Long.parseLong(nowstr.substring(1)); now = now - delta; } catch (Exception e) { throw new IOException("Invalid base timestamp."); } } else { try { now = Long.parseLong(nowstr); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IOException("Invalid base timestamp."); } } } // // Open the logging file if logging is enabled // if (null != loggingDir) { long nanos = null != dr ? dr.getTimestamp() : TimeSource.getNanoTime(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(Long.toHexString(nanos)); sb.insert(0, "0000000000000000", 0, 16 - sb.length()); sb.append("-"); if (null != dr) { sb.append(dr.getId()); } else { sb.append(datalogId); } sb.append("-"); sb.append(dtf.print(nanos / 1000000L)); sb.append(Long.toString(1000000L + (nanos % 1000000L)).substring(1)); sb.append("Z"); if (null == dr) { dr = new DatalogRequest(); dr.setTimestamp(nanos); dr.setType(Constants.DATALOG_UPDATE); dr.setId(datalogId); dr.setToken(token); if (null == now) { // // We MUST force 'now', otherwise forwarded metrics will not have a // coherent time. This alters the semantics slightly but make it // coherent across the board. // now = TimeSource.getTime(); } dr.setNow(Long.toString(now)); } if (null != dr && (!forwarded || (forwarded && this.logforwarded))) { // // Serialize the request // TSerializer ser = new TSerializer(new TCompactProtocol.Factory()); byte[] encoded; try { encoded = ser.serialize(dr); } catch (TException te) { throw new IOException(te); } if (null != this.datalogPSK) { encoded = CryptoUtils.wrap(this.datalogPSK, encoded); } encoded = OrderPreservingBase64.encode(encoded); loggingFile = new File(loggingDir, sb.toString()); loggingWriter = new PrintWriter(new FileWriterWithEncoding(loggingFile, Charsets.UTF_8)); // // Write request // loggingWriter.println(new String(encoded, Charsets.US_ASCII)); } // // Force 'now' // now = Long.parseLong(dr.getNow()); } // // Loop on all lines // GTSEncoder lastencoder = null; GTSEncoder encoder = null; // // Chunk index when archiving // do { String line = br.readLine(); if (null == line) { break; } line = line.trim(); if (0 == line.length()) { continue; } // // Ignore comments // if ('#' == line.charAt(0)) { continue; } // // Check for pushback // TODO(hbs): implement the actual push back if we are over the subscribed limit // if (count % PUSHBACK_CHECK_INTERVAL == 0) { Sensision.update( SensisionConstants.SENSISION_CLASS_CONTINUUM_STANDALONE_UPDATE_DATAPOINTS_RAW, sensisionLabels, count); total += count; count = 0; } count++; try { encoder = GTSHelper.parse(lastencoder, line, extraLabels, now, maxValueSize, false); //nano2 += System.nanoTime() - nano0; } catch (ParseException pe) { Sensision.update(SensisionConstants.SENSISION_CLASS_CONTINUUM_STANDALONE_UPDATE_PARSEERRORS, sensisionLabels, 1); throw new IOException("Parse error at '" + line + "'", pe); } if (encoder != lastencoder || lastencoder.size() > ENCODER_SIZE_THRESHOLD) { // // Check throttling // if (null != lastencoder) { // 128BITS lastencoder.setClassId(GTSHelper.classId(classKeyLongs, lastencoder.getName())); lastencoder.setLabelsId( GTSHelper.labelsId(labelsKeyLongs, lastencoder.getMetadata().getLabels())); ThrottlingManager.checkMADS(lastencoder.getMetadata(), producer, owner, application, lastencoder.getClassId(), lastencoder.getLabelsId()); ThrottlingManager.checkDDP(lastencoder.getMetadata(), producer, owner, application, (int) lastencoder.getCount()); } // // Build metadata object to push // if (encoder != lastencoder) { Metadata metadata = new Metadata(encoder.getMetadata()); metadata.setSource(Configuration.INGRESS_METADATA_SOURCE); //nano6 += System.nanoTime() - nano0; this.directoryClient.register(metadata); //nano5 += System.nanoTime() - nano0; } if (null != lastencoder) {; } if (encoder != lastencoder) { lastencoder = encoder; } else { //lastencoder = null // // Allocate a new GTSEncoder and reuse Metadata so we can // correctly handle a continuation line if this is what occurs next // Metadata metadata = lastencoder.getMetadata(); lastencoder = new GTSEncoder(0L); lastencoder.setMetadata(metadata); } } // // Write the line last, so we do not write lines which triggered exceptions // if (null != loggingWriter) { loggingWriter.println(line); } } while (true); br.close(); if (null != lastencoder && lastencoder.size() > 0) { // 128BITS lastencoder.setClassId(GTSHelper.classId(classKeyLongs, lastencoder.getName())); lastencoder .setLabelsId(GTSHelper.labelsId(labelsKeyLongs, lastencoder.getMetadata().getLabels())); ThrottlingManager.checkMADS(lastencoder.getMetadata(), producer, owner, application, lastencoder.getClassId(), lastencoder.getLabelsId()); ThrottlingManager.checkDDP(lastencoder.getMetadata(), producer, owner, application, (int) lastencoder.getCount());; } // // TODO(hbs): should we update the count in Sensision periodically so you can't trick the throttling mechanism? // } catch (WarpException we) { throw new IOException(we); } finally {; this.directoryClient.register(null); Sensision.update(SensisionConstants.SENSISION_CLASS_CONTINUUM_STANDALONE_UPDATE_DATAPOINTS_RAW, sensisionLabels, count); Sensision.update(SensisionConstants.SENSISION_CLASS_CONTINUUM_STANDALONE_UPDATE_REQUESTS, sensisionLabels, 1); Sensision.update(SensisionConstants.SENSISION_CLASS_CONTINUUM_STANDALONE_UPDATE_TIME_US, sensisionLabels, (System.nanoTime() - nano) / 1000); if (null != loggingWriter) { Map<String, String> labels = new HashMap<String, String>(); labels.put(SensisionConstants.SENSISION_LABEL_ID, new String( OrderPreservingBase64.decode(dr.getId().getBytes(Charsets.US_ASCII)), Charsets.UTF_8)); labels.put(SensisionConstants.SENSISION_LABEL_TYPE, dr.getType()); Sensision.update(SensisionConstants.CLASS_WARP_DATALOG_REQUESTS_LOGGED, labels, 1); loggingWriter.close(); loggingFile.renameTo(new File(loggingFile.getAbsolutePath() + DatalogForwarder.DATALOG_SUFFIX)); } // // Update stats with CDN // String cdn = request.getHeader(Constants.OVH_CDN_GEO_HEADER); if (null != cdn) { sensisionLabels.put(SensisionConstants.SENSISION_LABEL_CDN, cdn); // Per CDN stat is updated at the end, so update with 'total' + 'count' Sensision.update(SensisionConstants.SENSISION_CLASS_CONTINUUM_STANDALONE_UPDATE_DATAPOINTS_RAW, sensisionLabels, count + total); Sensision.update(SensisionConstants.SENSISION_CLASS_CONTINUUM_STANDALONE_UPDATE_REQUESTS, sensisionLabels, 1); Sensision.update(SensisionConstants.SENSISION_CLASS_CONTINUUM_STANDALONE_UPDATE_TIME_US, sensisionLabels, (System.nanoTime() - nano) / 1000); } } response.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_OK); } catch (Exception e) { if (!response.isCommitted()) { response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, e.getMessage()); return; } } }