List of usage examples for java.lang String valueOf
public static String valueOf(double d)
From source
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, NumberFormatException, InterruptedException { if (args.length < 4) { w w w. j a va 2s .c o m "Usage: \n param 1 - path to file \n param 2 - stream name to send the data \n param 3 - time in ms to wait to send each data \n param 4 - broker list"); } else { Producer<String, String> producer = new Producer<String, String>(createProducerConfig(args[3])); Gson gson = new Gson(); Reader in = new FileReader(args[0]); CSVParser parser = CSVFormat.DEFAULT.parse(in); List<String> columnNames = new ArrayList<>(); for (CSVRecord csvRecord : parser.getRecords()) { if (columnNames.size() == 0) { Iterator<String> iterator = csvRecord.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { columnNames.add(; } } else { StratioStreamingMessage message = new StratioStreamingMessage(); message.setOperation(STREAM_OPERATIONS.MANIPULATION.INSERT.toLowerCase()); message.setStreamName(args[1]); message.setTimestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()); message.setSession_id(String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis())); message.setRequest_id(String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis())); message.setRequest("dummy request"); List<ColumnNameTypeValue> sensorData = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < columnNames.size(); i++) { // Workaround Object value = null; try { value = Double.valueOf(csvRecord.get(i)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { value = csvRecord.get(i); } sensorData.add(new ColumnNameTypeValue(columnNames.get(i), null, value)); } message.setColumns(sensorData); String json = gson.toJson(message);"Sending data: {}", json); producer.send(new KeyedMessage<String, String>(InternalTopic.TOPIC_DATA.getTopicName(), STREAM_OPERATIONS.MANIPULATION.INSERT, json));"Sleeping {} ms...", args[2]); Thread.sleep(Long.valueOf(args[2])); } }"Program completed."); } }
From source
public static void main(String ar[]) throws IOException { ArrayList<String> runs_list = new ArrayList<String>(); String basepath = replacelogs(); String path = basepath + "ATU Reports\\Results"; File directory = new File(path); File[] subdirs = directory.listFiles((FileFilter) DirectoryFileFilter.DIRECTORY); String htmlReport = basepath + "HTML_Design_Files\\CSS\\HtmlReport.html"; for (File dir : subdirs) { runs_list.add(dir.getName());//from w ww .j av a2 s .c o m } String Reports_path = basepath + "ATU Reports\\"; int LatestRun = Utlis.getLastRun(Reports_path); String Last_run_path = Reports_path + "Results\\Run_" + String.valueOf(LatestRun) + "\\"; HtmlParse.replaceMainTable(false, new File(Last_run_path + "/CurrentRun.html")); HtmlParse.replaceCountsinJSFile(new File("HTML_Design_Files/JS/3dChart.js"), Last_run_path); UpdateTestCaseDesciption.basepath = Last_run_path; UpdateTestCaseDesciption.getTestCaseHtmlPath(Last_run_path + "/CurrentRun.html"); UpdateTestCaseDesciption.replaceDetailsTable(Last_run_path + "/CurrentRun.html"); // GenerateFailReport.genarateFailureReport(new File(htmlReport), Reports_path + "Results\\Run_" + String.valueOf(LatestRun)); genarateFailureReport(new File(htmlReport), Reports_path + "Results\\"); Map<String, List<String>> runCounts = GetCountsrunsWise(runs_list, path); int success = replaceCounts(runCounts, path); if (success == 0) { File SourceFile = new File(path + "\\lineChart_temp.js"); File RenameFile = new File(path + "\\lineChart.js"); renameOriginalFile(SourceFile, RenameFile); File SourceFile1 = new File(path + "\\barChart_temp.js"); File RenameFile1 = new File(path + "\\barChart.js"); renameOriginalFile(SourceFile1, RenameFile1); Utlis.getpaths(Reports_path + "\\Results\\Run_" + String.valueOf(LatestRun)); try { Utlis.replaceMainTable(false, new File(Reports_path + "index.html")); Utlis.replaceMainTable(true, new File(Reports_path + "results\\" + "ConsolidatedPage.html")); Utlis.replaceMainTable(true, new File(Reports_path + "Results\\Run_" + String.valueOf(LatestRun) + "CurrentRun.html")); fileList.add( new File(Reports_path + "\\Results\\Run_" + String.valueOf(LatestRun) + "CurrentRun.html")); for (File f : fileList) { Utlis.replaceMainTable(true, f); } } catch (Exception ex) {"Error in updating Report format" + ex.getMessage()); } Last_run_path = Reports_path + "Results\\Run_" + String.valueOf(LatestRun) + "\\"; // HtmlParse.replaceMainTable(false, new File(Last_run_path + "/CurrentRun.html")); // HtmlParse.replaceCountsinJSFile(new File("../HTML_Design_Files/JS/3dChart.js"), Last_run_path); ArrayList<String> to_list = new ArrayList<String>(); ReportingProperties reportingproperties = new ReportingProperties(); String temp_eml = reportingproperties.getProperty("TOLIST"); String JenkinsURL = reportingproperties.getProperty("JENKINSURL"); String ScreenShotsDir = reportingproperties.getProperty("ScreenShotsDirectory"); Boolean cleanScreenshotsDir = Boolean.valueOf(reportingproperties.getProperty("CleanPreScreenShots")); Boolean generatescreenshots = Boolean.valueOf(reportingproperties.getProperty("GenerateScreenShots")); String HtmlreportFilePrefix = reportingproperties.getProperty("HtmlreportFilePrefix"); if (cleanScreenshotsDir) { if (!CleanFilesinDir(ScreenShotsDir)) { log.error("Not able to Clean the Previous Run Details in the paht" + ScreenShotsDir); } else {"Cleaning Previous Run Details in the paht" + ScreenShotsDir + "Sucess"); } } List<String> scr_fileList; List<String> html_fileList; if (generatescreenshots) { scr_fileList = GetFileListinDir(ScreenShotsDir, "png"); int len = scr_fileList.size(); len = len + 1; screenshot.generatescreenshot(Last_run_path + "CurrentRun.html", ScreenShotsDir + "screenshot_" + len + ".png"); File source = new File(Reports_path + "Results\\HtmlReport.html"); File dest = new File(ScreenShotsDir + HtmlreportFilePrefix + "_HtmlReport.html"); // Files.copy(f.toPath(), (new File((ScreenShotsDir+HtmlreportFilePrefix+"_HtmlReport.html").toPath(),StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING); FileUtils.copyFile(source, dest); scr_fileList.clear(); } scr_fileList = GetFileListinDir(ScreenShotsDir, "png"); html_fileList = GetFileListinDir(ScreenShotsDir, "html"); if (temp_eml.length() > 1) { String[] to_list_temp = temp_eml.split(","); if (to_list_temp.length > 0) { for (String to_list_temp1 : to_list_temp) { to_list.add(to_list_temp1); } } if (to_list.size() > 0) { screenshot.generatescreenshot(Last_run_path + "CurrentRun.html", Last_run_path + "screenshot.png"); // cleanTempDir.cleanandCreate(Reports_path, LatestRun); // ZipUtils.ZipFolder(Reports_path + "temp", Reports_path + ""); if (generatescreenshots) { SendingEmail.sendmail(to_list, JenkinsURL, scr_fileList, html_fileList); } else { SendingEmail.sendmail(to_list, JenkinsURL, Reports_path + "/Results/HtmlReport.html", Last_run_path + "screenshot.png"); } // FileUtils.deleteQuietly(new File(Reports_path + "")); // FileUtils.deleteDirectory(new File(Reports_path + "temp")); } } } }
From source
public static void main(String ar[]) throws IOException { ArrayList<String> runs_list = new ArrayList<String>(); String basepath = replacelogs(); String path = basepath + "ATU Reports\\Results"; File directory = new File(path); File[] subdirs = directory.listFiles((FileFilter) DirectoryFileFilter.DIRECTORY); for (File dir : subdirs) {"Directory: " + dir.getName()); runs_list.add(dir.getName());/* ww w . j a v a 2s. c om*/ } Map<String, List<String>> runCounts = GetCountsrunsWise(runs_list, path); int success = replaceCounts(runCounts, path); if (success == 0) { File SourceFile = new File(path + "\\lineChart_temp.js"); File RenameFile = new File(path + "\\lineChart.js"); renameOriginalFile(SourceFile, RenameFile); File SourceFile1 = new File(path + "\\barChart_temp.js"); File RenameFile1 = new File(path + "\\barChart.js"); renameOriginalFile(SourceFile1, RenameFile1); String Reports_path = basepath + "ATU Reports\\"; int LatestRun = Utlis.getLastRun(Reports_path); Utlis.getpaths(Reports_path + "\\Results\\Run_" + String.valueOf(LatestRun)); try { Utlis.replaceMainTable(false, new File(Reports_path + "index.html")); Utlis.replaceMainTable(true, new File(Reports_path + "results\\" + "ConsolidatedPage.html")); Utlis.replaceMainTable(true, new File(Reports_path + "Results\\Run_" + String.valueOf(LatestRun) + "CurrentRun.html")); fileList.add( new File(Reports_path + "\\Results\\Run_" + String.valueOf(LatestRun) + "CurrentRun.html")); for (File f : fileList) { Utlis.replaceMainTable(true, f); } } catch (Exception ex) { log.error("Error in updating Report format" + ex.getMessage()); } } }
From source
/** * @param args//from w ww .java 2 s. c o m * command-line arguments */ public static void main(final String[] args) { // create the command line parser CommandLineParser parser = new PosixParser(); // create the Options Options options = new Options(); options.addOption(OptionBuilder.hasArg().withArgName("gn").withLongOpt("generations") .withDescription("Number of generations [default: 50]").withType(Integer.valueOf(0)).create("g")); options.addOption(OptionBuilder.hasArg().withArgName("mp").withLongOpt("mutation") .withDescription("Mutation propability [default: 0.5]").withType(Double.valueOf(0)).create("m")); options.addOption(OptionBuilder.hasArg().withArgName("ps").withLongOpt("populationsize") .withDescription("Size of population [default: 20]").withType(Integer.valueOf(0)).create("p")); options.addOption(OptionBuilder.hasArg().withArgName("rp").withLongOpt("recombination") .withDescription("Recombination propability [default: 0.8]").withType(Double.valueOf(0)) .create("r")); options.addOption(OptionBuilder.hasArg().withArgName("sp").withLongOpt("selectionpressure") .withDescription("Selection pressure [default: 4]").withType(Integer.valueOf(0)).create("s")); options.addOption(OptionBuilder.withLongOpt("help").withDescription("print this message").create("h")); options.addOption(OptionBuilder.hasArg().withArgName("filename").isRequired().withLongOpt("file") .withDescription("Problem file [default: \"\"]").withType(String.valueOf("")).create("f")); options.addOptionGroup(new OptionGroup() .addOption(OptionBuilder.withLongOpt("verbose").withDescription("be extra verbose").create("v")) .addOption(OptionBuilder.withLongOpt("quiet").withDescription("be extra quiet").create("q"))); options.addOption(OptionBuilder.withLongOpt("version") .withDescription("print the version information and exit").create("V")); try { // parse the command line arguments CommandLine line = parser.parse(options, args); // validate that block-size has been set if (line.hasOption("h")) { // automatically generate the help statement HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter(); formatter.printHelp("fssp", options); } } catch (MissingOptionException exp) {"An option was missing:" + exp.getMessage(), exp); // automatically generate the help statement HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter(); formatter.printHelp("fssp", options); } catch (MissingArgumentException exp) {"An argument was missing:" + exp.getMessage(), exp); // automatically generate the help statement HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter(); formatter.printHelp("fssp", options); } catch (AlreadySelectedException exp) { // automatically generate the help statement HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter(); formatter.printHelp("fssp", options); } catch (ParseException exp) {"Unexpected exception:" + exp.getMessage(), exp); // automatically generate the help statement HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter(); formatter.printHelp("fssp", options); System.exit(1); } // Ausgabe der eingestellten Optionen"Configuration"); //" Datafile: {}", fname); }
From source
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { // get credentials String user = "jreilly"; AWSCredentials credentials = whgHelper.getCred(user); // use credentials to set access to SQS AmazonSQS sqs = whgHelper.setQueueAccess(credentials); // define queue that messages will be retrieved from String thisQueue = "alertInbound"; String nextQueue = "alertPersist"; while (1 > 0) { // pull list of current messages (up to 10) in the queue List<Message> messages = whgHelper.getMessagesFromQueue(thisQueue, sqs); System.out.println("Count of messages in " + thisQueue + ": " + messages.size()); try {//from w w w . j a v a 2 s . c om for (Message message : messages) { whgHelper.printMessage(message); for (Entry<String, String> entry : message.getAttributes().entrySet()) { whgHelper.printMessageEntry(entry); } // validate JSON for completeness and form and handle errors // if (sqs == null) { // sqs.sendMessage(new SendMessageRequest("alertErrorHandling", message.getBody())); // } // call a function to transform message String alertJSON = String.valueOf(Base64.decodeBase64(message.getBody())); System.out.println("Transformed JSON: " + alertJSON); // send message to next queue System.out.println("Sending message to next queue."); sqs.sendMessage(new SendMessageRequest(nextQueue, alertJSON)); // delete message from this queue System.out.println("Deleting message.\n"); String messageRecieptHandle = message.getReceiptHandle(); sqs.deleteMessage(new DeleteMessageRequest(thisQueue, messageRecieptHandle)); } Thread.sleep(20000); // do nothing for 1000 miliseconds (1 second) } catch (AmazonServiceException ase) { whgHelper.errorMessagesAse(ase); } catch (AmazonClientException ace) { whgHelper.errorMessagesAce(ace); } } }
From source
/** * @param args the command line arguments *///from w w w.j av a 2 public static void main(String[] args) { try { if (args.length > 1) { Reader in = new FileReader(args[0]); IndexWriterConfig config = new IndexWriterConfig(Version.LATEST, new ItalianAnalyzer()); IndexWriter writer = new IndexWriter( File(args[1])), config); Iterable<CSVRecord> records = CSVFormat.EXCEL.withHeader().withDelimiter(';').parse(in); for (CSVRecord record : records) { int id = Integer.parseInt(record.get("id")); String question = record.get("question"); String answer = record.get("answer"); String tag = record.get("tag"); Document doc = new Document(); doc.add(new StringField("id", String.valueOf(id), Field.Store.YES)); doc.add(new TextField("question", question, Field.Store.NO)); doc.add(new TextField("answer", answer, Field.Store.NO)); doc.add(new TextField("tag", tag.replace(",", " "), Field.Store.NO)); writer.addDocument(doc); } writer.close(); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Number of arguments not valid"); } } catch (IOException | IllegalArgumentException ex) { Logger.getLogger(Index.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } }
From source
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { checkUsage(args);/*from www .j ava 2s . c om*/ String applicationName = args[0]; String streamName = args[1]; Region region = RegionUtils.getRegion(args[2]); if (region == null) { System.err.println(args[2] + " is not a valid AWS region."); System.exit(1); } setLogLevels(); AWSCredentialsProvider credentialsProvider = CredentialUtils.getCredentialsProvider(); String workerId = String.valueOf(UUID.randomUUID()); KinesisClientLibConfiguration kclConfig = new KinesisClientLibConfiguration(applicationName, streamName, credentialsProvider, workerId).withRegionName(region.getName()) .withCommonClientConfig(ConfigurationUtils.getClientConfigWithUserAgent()); IRecordProcessorFactory recordProcessorFactory = new StockTradeRecordProcessorFactory(); // Create the KCL worker with the stock trade record processor factory Worker worker = new Worker(recordProcessorFactory, kclConfig); int exitCode = 0; try {; } catch (Throwable t) { LOG.error("Caught throwable while processing data.", t); exitCode = 1; } System.exit(exitCode); }
From source
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { // Construct an array containing the list of files in the input folder String inputPath = "input/"; // Set the directory containing the CSV files String outputPath = "output/"; // Set the output directory for the consolidated report String outputFile = "Consolidated_CSV_Report.csv"; File folder = new File(inputPath); // Load the selected path File[] listOfFiles = folder.listFiles(); // Retrieve the list of files from the directory // Serialize the reference headers to write the output CSV header CSVReader referenceReader = new CSVReader(new FileReader("reference/example_fields.csv")); String[] referenceHeaders = referenceReader.readNext(); CSVWriter writer = new CSVWriter(new FileWriter(outputPath + outputFile), ',', CSVWriter.NO_QUOTE_CHARACTER); System.out.println("-- CSV parser initiated, found " + listOfFiles.length + " input files.\n"); for (int i = 0; i < listOfFiles.length; i++) { if (listOfFiles[i].isFile()) { String filename = listOfFiles[i].getName(); // Retrieve the file name if (!filename.endsWith("csv")) { // Check if the file has a CSV extension System.out.println("EE | Fatal error: The input path contains non-csv files: " + filename + ".\n Please remove them and try again."); writer.close();/*from w w w .j a v a2 s . c o m*/ System.exit(1); // Exit if non-CSV files are found } String filePath = String.valueOf(inputPath + filename); // Combine the path with the filename File file = new File(filePath); CSVReader csvFile = new CSVReader(new FileReader(filePath)); String[] nextLine; // CSV line data container int rowIterator = 0; // Used to loop between rows int colIterator = 0; // Used to loop between columns int rowCount = 0; // Used to count the total number of rows int pageCount = 0; int f = 0; String[] pageName = new String[100]; // Holder for Page names double[] individualPRT = new double[100]; // Holder for Page Response Times String PTrun = ""; // Name of Performance Test Run String startTime = ""; // Test start time double PRT = 0; // Average Page Response Time double PRd = 0; // Page Response Time Standard Deviation double ERT = 0; // Average Element Response Time double ERd = 0; // Element Response Time Standard Deviation double MRT = 0; // Maximum Page Response Time double mRT = 0; // Minimum Page Response Time int elapsedTime = 0; // Test Elapsed Time int completedUsers = 0; // Number of Completed Users int TPA = 0; // Total Page Attempts int TPH = 0; // Total Page Hits int TEA = 0; // Total Element Attempts int TEH = 0; // Total Element Hits // Fetch the total row count: FileReader fr = new FileReader(file); LineNumberReader ln = new LineNumberReader(fr); while (ln.readLine() != null) { rowCount++; } ln.close(); // Close the file reader // Fetch test identification data: nextLine = csvFile.readNext(); PTrun = nextLine[1]; // Name of Performance Test Run nextLine = csvFile.readNext(); startTime = nextLine[1]; // Performance Test Start Time // Skip 9 uninteresting rows: while (rowIterator < 9) { nextLine = csvFile.readNext(); rowIterator++; } // Check if there are VP fails (adds another column) if (nextLine[9].equals("Total Page VPs Error For Run")) { f = 2; } else if (nextLine[8].equals("Total Page VPs Failed For Run") || nextLine[8].equals("Total Page VPs Error For Run")) { f = 1; } else { f = 0; } // Read the page titles: while (colIterator != -1) { pageName[colIterator] = nextLine[colIterator + 18 + f]; if ((pageName[colIterator].equals(pageName[0])) && colIterator > 0) { pageCount = colIterator; pageName[colIterator] = null; colIterator = -1; // Detects when the page titles start to repeat } else { colIterator++; } } // Retrieve non-continuous performance data, auto-detect gaps, auto-convert in seconds where needed nextLine = csvFile.readNext(); nextLine = csvFile.readNext(); while (rowIterator < rowCount - 3) { if (nextLine.length > 1) { if (nextLine[0].length() != 0) { elapsedTime = Integer.parseInt(nextLine[0]) / 1000; } } if (nextLine.length > 5) { if (nextLine[5].length() != 0) { completedUsers = Integer.parseInt(nextLine[5]); } } if (nextLine.length > 8 + f) { if (nextLine[8 + f].length() != 0) { TPA = (int) Double.parseDouble(nextLine[8 + f]); } } if (nextLine.length > 9 + f) { if (nextLine[9 + f].length() != 0) { TPH = (int) Double.parseDouble(nextLine[9 + f]); } } if (nextLine.length > 14 + f) { if (nextLine[14 + f].length() != 0) { TEA = (int) Double.parseDouble(nextLine[14 + f]); } } if (nextLine.length > 15 + f) { if (nextLine[15 + f].length() != 0) { TEH = (int) Double.parseDouble(nextLine[15 + f]); } } if (nextLine.length > 10 + f) { if (nextLine[10 + f].length() != 0) { PRT = Double.parseDouble(nextLine[10 + f]) / 1000; } } if (nextLine.length > 11 + f) { if (nextLine[11 + f].length() != 0) { PRd = Double.parseDouble(nextLine[11 + f]) / 1000; } } if (nextLine.length > 16 + f) { if (nextLine[16 + f].length() != 0) { ERT = Double.parseDouble(nextLine[16 + f]) / 1000; } } if (nextLine.length > 17 + f) { if (nextLine[17 + f].length() != 0) { ERd = Double.parseDouble(nextLine[17 + f]) / 1000; } } if (nextLine.length > 12 + f) { if (nextLine[12 + f].length() != 0) { MRT = Double.parseDouble(nextLine[12 + f]) / 1000; } } if (nextLine.length > 13 + f) { if (nextLine[13 + f].length() != 0) { mRT = Double.parseDouble(nextLine[13 + f]) / 1000; } } nextLine = csvFile.readNext(); rowIterator++; } // Convert the elapsed time from seconds to HH:MM:SS format int hours = elapsedTime / 3600, remainder = elapsedTime % 3600, minutes = remainder / 60, seconds = remainder % 60; String eTime = (hours < 10 ? "0" : "") + hours + ":" + (minutes < 10 ? "0" : "") + minutes + ":" + (seconds < 10 ? "0" : "") + seconds; csvFile.close(); // File recycled to reset the line parser CSVReader csvFile2 = new CSVReader(new FileReader(filePath)); // Reset iterators to allow re-usage: rowIterator = 0; colIterator = 0; // Skip first 13 rows: while (rowIterator < 13) { nextLine = csvFile2.readNext(); rowIterator++; } // Dynamically retrieve individual page response times in seconds, correlate with page names: while (rowIterator < rowCount) { while (colIterator < pageCount) { if (nextLine.length > 18 + f) { if (nextLine[colIterator + 18 + f].length() != 0) { individualPRT[colIterator] = Double.parseDouble(nextLine[colIterator + 18 + f]) / 1000; } } colIterator++; } nextLine = csvFile2.readNext(); rowIterator++; colIterator = 0; } csvFile2.close(); // Final file closing // Reset iterators to allow re-usage: rowIterator = 0; colIterator = 0; // Display statistics in console, enable only for debugging purposes: /* System.out.println(" Elapsed Time: " + elapsedTime + "\n Completed Users: " + completedUsers + "\n Total Page Attempts: " + TPA + "\n Total Page Hits: " + TPH + "\n Average Response Time For All Pages For Run: " + PRT + "\n Response Time Standard Deviation For All Pages For Run: " + PRd + "\n Maximum Response Time For All Pages For Run: " + MRT + "\n Minimum Response Time For All Pages For Run: " + mRT + "\n Total Page Element Attempts: " + TEA + "\n Total Page Element Hits: " + TEH + "\n Average Response Time For All Page Elements For Run: " + ERT + "\n Response Time Standard Deviation For All Page Elements For Run: " + ERd + "\n"); // Display individual page response times in console: while (colIterator < 9) { System.out.println("Page " + Page[colIterator] + " - Response Time: " + PagePRT[colIterator]); colIterator++; } */ // Serialize individual Page Response Times into CSV values StringBuffer individualPRTList = new StringBuffer(); if (individualPRT.length > 0) { individualPRTList.append(String.valueOf(individualPRT[0])); for (int k = 1; k < pageCount; k++) { individualPRTList.append(","); individualPRTList.append(String.valueOf(individualPRT[k])); } } // Serialize all retrieved performance parameters: String[] entries = { PTrun, startTime, String.valueOf(completedUsers), eTime, String.valueOf(TPA), String.valueOf(TPH), String.valueOf(PRT), String.valueOf(PRd), String.valueOf(MRT), String.valueOf(mRT), String.valueOf(TEA), String.valueOf(TEH), String.valueOf(ERT), String.valueOf(ERd), "", individualPRTList.toString(), }; // Define header and write it to the first CSV row Object[] headerConcatenator = ArrayUtils.addAll(referenceHeaders, pageName); String[] header = new String[referenceHeaders.length + pageCount]; header = Arrays.copyOf(headerConcatenator, header.length, String[].class); if (i == 0) { writer.writeNext(header); // Write CSV header } writer.writeNext(entries); // Write performance parameters in CSV format System.out.println("== Processed: " + filename + " ==========================="); } } writer.close(); // Close the CSV writer System.out.println("\n-- Done processing " + listOfFiles.length + " files." + "\n-- The consolidated report has been saved to " + outputPath + outputFile); }
From source
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { // Construct an array containing the list of files in the input folder String inputPath = "input/"; // Set the directory containing the CSV files String outputPath = "output/"; // Set the output directory for the consolidated report String outputFile = "Consolidated_CSV_Report.csv"; File folder = new File(inputPath); // Load the selected path File[] listOfFiles = folder.listFiles(); // Retrieve the list of files from the directory // Serialize the reference headers to write the output CSV header CSVReader referenceReader = new CSVReader(new FileReader("reference/example_fields.csv")); String[] referenceHeaders = referenceReader.readNext(); CSVWriter writer = new CSVWriter(new FileWriter(outputPath + outputFile), ',', CSVWriter.NO_QUOTE_CHARACTER); System.out.println("-- CSV parser initiated, found " + listOfFiles.length + " input files.\n"); for (int i = 0; i < listOfFiles.length; i++) { if (listOfFiles[i].isFile()) { String filename = listOfFiles[i].getName(); // Retrieve the file name if (!filename.endsWith("csv")) { // Check if the file has a CSV extension System.out.println("EE | Fatal error: The input path contains non-csv files: " + filename + ".\n Please remove them and try again."); writer.close();// w ww. j a v a 2s . c o m System.exit(1); // Exit if non-CSV files are found } String filePath = String.valueOf(inputPath + filename); // Combine the path with the filename File file = new File(filePath); CSVReader csvFile = new CSVReader(new FileReader(filePath)); String[] nextLine; // CSV line data container int rowIterator = 0; // Used to loop between rows int colIterator = 0; // Used to loop between columns int rowCount = 0; // Used to count the total number of rows int pageCount = 0; int f = 0; String[] pageName = new String[100]; // Holder for Page names double[] individualPRT = new double[100]; // Holder for Page Response Times String PTrun = ""; // Name of Performance Test Run String startTime = ""; // Test start time double PRT = 0; // Average Page Response Time double PRd = 0; // Page Response Time Standard Deviation double ERT = 0; // Average Element Response Time double ERd = 0; // Element Response Time Standard Deviation double MRT = 0; // Maximum Page Response Time double mRT = 0; // Minimum Page Response Time int elapsedTime = 0; // Test Elapsed Time int completedUsers = 0; // Number of Completed Users int TPA = 0; // Total Page Attempts int TPH = 0; // Total Page Hits int TEA = 0; // Total Element Attempts int TEH = 0; // Total Element Hits // Fetch the total row count: FileReader fr = new FileReader(file); LineNumberReader ln = new LineNumberReader(fr); while (ln.readLine() != null) { rowCount++; } ln.close(); // Close the file reader // Fetch test identification data: nextLine = csvFile.readNext(); PTrun = nextLine[1]; // Name of Performance Test Run nextLine = csvFile.readNext(); startTime = nextLine[1]; // Performance Test Start Time // Skip 9 uninteresting rows: while (rowIterator < 9) { nextLine = csvFile.readNext(); rowIterator++; } // Check if there are VP fails (adds another column) if (nextLine[9].equals("Total Page VPs Error For Run")) { f = 2; } else if (nextLine[8].equals("Total Page VPs Failed For Run") || nextLine[8].equals("Total Page VPs Error For Run")) { f = 1; } else { f = 0; } // Read the page titles: while (colIterator != -1) { pageName[colIterator] = nextLine[colIterator + 16 + f]; if ((pageName[colIterator].equals(pageName[0])) && colIterator > 0) { pageCount = colIterator; pageName[colIterator] = null; colIterator = -1; // Detects when the page titles start to repeat } else { colIterator++; } } // Retrieve non-continuous performance data, auto-detect gaps, auto-convert in seconds where needed nextLine = csvFile.readNext(); nextLine = csvFile.readNext(); while (rowIterator < rowCount - 3) { if (nextLine.length > 1) { if (nextLine[0].length() != 0) { elapsedTime = Integer.parseInt(nextLine[0]) / 1000; } } if (nextLine.length > 4) { if (nextLine[4].length() != 0) { completedUsers = Integer.parseInt(nextLine[4]); } } if (nextLine.length > 6 + f) { if (nextLine[6 + f].length() != 0) { TPA = (int) Double.parseDouble(nextLine[6 + f]); } } if (nextLine.length > 7 + f) { if (nextLine[7 + f].length() != 0) { TPH = (int) Double.parseDouble(nextLine[7 + f]); } } if (nextLine.length > 12 + f) { if (nextLine[12 + f].length() != 0) { TEA = (int) Double.parseDouble(nextLine[12 + f]); } } if (nextLine.length > 13 + f) { if (nextLine[13 + f].length() != 0) { TEH = (int) Double.parseDouble(nextLine[13 + f]); } } if (nextLine.length > 8 + f) { if (nextLine[8 + f].length() != 0) { PRT = Double.parseDouble(nextLine[8 + f]) / 1000; } } if (nextLine.length > 9 + f) { if (nextLine[9 + f].length() != 0) { PRd = Double.parseDouble(nextLine[9 + f]) / 1000; } } if (nextLine.length > 14 + f) { if (nextLine[14 + f].length() != 0) { ERT = Double.parseDouble(nextLine[14 + f]) / 1000; } } if (nextLine.length > 15 + f) { if (nextLine[15 + f].length() != 0) { ERd = Double.parseDouble(nextLine[15 + f]) / 1000; } } if (nextLine.length > 10 + f) { if (nextLine[10 + f].length() != 0) { MRT = Double.parseDouble(nextLine[10 + f]) / 1000; } } if (nextLine.length > 11 + f) { if (nextLine[11 + f].length() != 0) { mRT = Double.parseDouble(nextLine[11 + f]) / 1000; } } nextLine = csvFile.readNext(); rowIterator++; } // Convert the elapsed time from seconds to HH:MM:SS format int hours = elapsedTime / 3600, remainder = elapsedTime % 3600, minutes = remainder / 60, seconds = remainder % 60; String eTime = (hours < 10 ? "0" : "") + hours + ":" + (minutes < 10 ? "0" : "") + minutes + ":" + (seconds < 10 ? "0" : "") + seconds; csvFile.close(); // File recycled to reset the line parser CSVReader csvFile2 = new CSVReader(new FileReader(filePath)); // Reset iterators to allow re-usage: rowIterator = 0; colIterator = 0; // Skip first 13 rows: while (rowIterator < 13) { nextLine = csvFile2.readNext(); rowIterator++; } // Dynamically retrieve individual page response times in seconds, correlate with page names: while (rowIterator < rowCount) { while (colIterator < pageCount) { if (nextLine.length > 16 + f) { if (nextLine[colIterator + 16 + f].length() != 0) { individualPRT[colIterator] = Double.parseDouble(nextLine[colIterator + 16 + f]) / 1000; } } colIterator++; } nextLine = csvFile2.readNext(); rowIterator++; colIterator = 0; } csvFile2.close(); // Final file closing // Reset iterators to allow re-usage: rowIterator = 0; colIterator = 0; // Display statistics in console, enable only for debugging purposes: /* System.out.println(" Elapsed Time: " + elapsedTime + "\n Completed Users: " + completedUsers + "\n Total Page Attempts: " + TPA + "\n Total Page Hits: " + TPH + "\n Average Response Time For All Pages For Run: " + PRT + "\n Response Time Standard Deviation For All Pages For Run: " + PRd + "\n Maximum Response Time For All Pages For Run: " + MRT + "\n Minimum Response Time For All Pages For Run: " + mRT + "\n Total Page Element Attempts: " + TEA + "\n Total Page Element Hits: " + TEH + "\n Average Response Time For All Page Elements For Run: " + ERT + "\n Response Time Standard Deviation For All Page Elements For Run: " + ERd + "\n"); // Display individual page response times in console: while (colIterator < 9) { System.out.println("Page " + Page[colIterator] + " - Response Time: " + PagePRT[colIterator]); colIterator++; } */ // Serialize individual Page Response Times into CSV values StringBuffer individualPRTList = new StringBuffer(); if (individualPRT.length > 0) { individualPRTList.append(String.valueOf(individualPRT[0])); for (int k = 1; k < pageCount; k++) { individualPRTList.append(","); individualPRTList.append(String.valueOf(individualPRT[k])); } } // Serialize all retrieved performance parameters: String[] entries = { PTrun, startTime, String.valueOf(completedUsers), eTime, String.valueOf(TPA), String.valueOf(TPH), String.valueOf(PRT), String.valueOf(PRd), String.valueOf(MRT), String.valueOf(mRT), String.valueOf(TEA), String.valueOf(TEH), String.valueOf(ERT), String.valueOf(ERd), "", individualPRTList.toString(), }; // Define header and write it to the first CSV row Object[] headerConcatenator = ArrayUtils.addAll(referenceHeaders, pageName); String[] header = new String[referenceHeaders.length + pageCount]; header = Arrays.copyOf(headerConcatenator, header.length, String[].class); if (i == 0) { writer.writeNext(header); // Write CSV header } writer.writeNext(entries); // Write performance parameters in CSV format System.out.println("== Processed: " + filename + " ==========================="); } } writer.close(); // Close the CSV writer System.out.println("\n-- Done processing " + listOfFiles.length + " files." + "\n-- The consolidated report has been saved to " + outputPath + outputFile); }
From source
public static void main(String[] args) { /*/*from w ww.j a v a2 s. com*/ * some preparation - create output folder */ Examples.createOutputFolder(); /* * Build the problem. * * But define a problem-builder first. */ VehicleRoutingProblem.Builder vrpBuilder = VehicleRoutingProblem.Builder.newInstance(); /* * A solomonReader reads solomon-instance files, and stores the required information in the builder. */ new SolomonReader(vrpBuilder, 100).read("input/R101.txt"); /* * Finally, the problem can be built. By default, transportCosts are crowFlyDistances (as usually used for vrp-instances). */ VehicleRoutingProblem vrp =; /* * Create ComputationalLaboratory */ ComputationalLaboratory computationalLab = new ComputationalLaboratory(); /* * add benchmarking instance */ computationalLab.addInstance("SolomonR101", vrp); /* * add algorithms through factories * * * */ for (double alphaVal = 0.; alphaVal < .4; alphaVal += .1) { final String alpha = String.valueOf(alphaVal).substring(0, 3); computationalLab.addAlgorithmFactory("alpha_" + alpha, new VehicleRoutingAlgorithmFactory() { @Override public VehicleRoutingAlgorithm createAlgorithm(VehicleRoutingProblem vrp) { return VehicleRoutingAlgorithms.createAlgorithm(vrp, getAlgorithmConfig(alpha)); } }); } /* * plot search progress of different algorithms */ final XYLineChartBuilder chartBuilder = XYLineChartBuilder.newInstance("alpha-sensitivity", "iterations", "costs"); computationalLab.addListener(new CalculationListener() { @Override public void calculationStarts(BenchmarkInstance p, final String algorithmName, VehicleRoutingAlgorithm algorithm, int run) { algorithm.addListener(new IterationStartsListener() { @Override public void informIterationStarts(int i, VehicleRoutingProblem problem, Collection<VehicleRoutingProblemSolution> solutions) { /* * plot only distance-costs, i.e. without fixed costs */ VehicleRoutingProblemSolution bestOf = Solutions.bestOf(solutions); chartBuilder.addData(algorithmName, i, bestOf.getCost() - bestOf.getRoutes().size() * 100.); } }); } @Override public void calculationEnds(BenchmarkInstance p, String algorithmName, VehicleRoutingAlgorithm algorithm, int run, Collection<VehicleRoutingProblemSolution> solutions) { } }); /* * define dataCollector to collect an arbitrary number of indicators as well as solutions */ final DataCollector dataCollector = new DataCollector(); computationalLab.addListener(new CalculationListener() { @Override public void calculationStarts(BenchmarkInstance p, String algorithmName, VehicleRoutingAlgorithm algorithm, int run) { } @Override public void calculationEnds(BenchmarkInstance p, String algorithmName, VehicleRoutingAlgorithm algorithm, int run, Collection<VehicleRoutingProblemSolution> solutions) { //memorize solution dataCollector.addSolution(, algorithmName, run, Solutions.bestOf(solutions)); } }); /* * determine number of threads to be used */ computationalLab.setThreads(2); /* * run the experiments */; /* * plot the lineChart */ XYLineChartBuilder.saveChartAsPNG(, "output/computationalStudies_alphaSensitivity.png"); /* * print best solution */ SolutionPrinter.print(vrp, Solutions.bestOf(dataCollector.getSolutions()), Print.VERBOSE); /* * plot best */ Plotter plotter = new Plotter(vrp, Solutions.bestOf(dataCollector.getSolutions())); plotter.plot("output/bestOf.png", "bestOfR101"); }