List of usage examples for java.lang String replaceFirst
public String replaceFirst(String regex, String replacement)
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@Override public List<SeedData> apply(Null in) { List<SeedData> seedDatas = new ArrayList<SeedData>(); int maxNum = startNum + diff * (seedCount - 1); for (int i = startNum; i <= maxNum; i += diff) { for (String baseURL : baseURLs) { String url = baseURL.replace(paraPattern, "" + i); int indexOfSpace = url.indexOf(" "); if (indexOfSpace > 0) { url = url.replaceFirst(" ", " " + task.getTaskId() + " "); } else { url = url + " " + task.getTaskId(); }// w w w . ja va2 s. c o m SeedData seedData = SeedDataFactory.buildFromFormatString(url); seedDatas.add(seedData); } } return seedDatas; }
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/** * Add a file to the GUI history section. * @param location file name to add/*from ww w .j a va 2 s . c o m*/ * @throws IOException I/O error */ @ThreadPolicy(ThreadPolicy.ThreadId.ANY) public void updateFile(final String location) throws IOException { final int historySize = getFileHistorySize(); final String expandedFileName = Utility.expandEnvironment(location); final String probeName = expandedFileName.replaceFirst("file://", ""); final String name = RptoolsFileTypeDetector.probeContentName(FileSystems.getDefault().getPath(probeName)); LOGGER.debug("probeName={}; name={}; location={}", probeName, name, location); if (name == null || location == null) { // safeguard return; } final AssetTableRow newRow = new AssetTableRow(name, location); Platform.runLater(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (getURLList().getItems().size() == historySize) { getURLList().getItems().remove(historySize - 1); } // This moves existing rows to the front if (getURLList().getItems().contains(newRow)) { getURLList().getItems().remove(newRow); } getURLList().getItems().add(0, newRow); guiToState(); } }); }
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public final void setAbsoluteFilename(String value) { setFileName(value.replaceFirst("^.*" + sepReg, "")); setFilePath(value.substring(0, value.length() - this.fileName.length())); }
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@Override public VirtualMachine createResource(VirtualMachines virtualMachines) throws Exception { final String vmName = "vm" + this.testId; final String publicIpDnsLabel = SdkContext.randomResourceName("abc", 16); // Prepare the custom data ///*from ww w.j a va 2 s. c o m*/ String cloudInitFilePath = getClass().getClassLoader().getResource("cloud-init").getPath(); cloudInitFilePath = cloudInitFilePath.replaceFirst("^/(.:/)", "$1"); // In Windows remove leading slash byte[] cloudInitAsBytes = Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(cloudInitFilePath)); byte[] cloudInitEncoded = Base64.encodeBase64(cloudInitAsBytes); String cloudInitEncodedString = new String(cloudInitEncoded); PublicIPAddress pip = pips.define(publicIpDnsLabel).withRegion(Region.US_EAST).withNewResourceGroup() .withLeafDomainLabel(publicIpDnsLabel).create(); VirtualMachine vm = virtualMachines.define(vmName).withRegion(pip.regionName()) .withExistingResourceGroup(pip.resourceGroupName()).withNewPrimaryNetwork("") .withPrimaryPrivateIPAddressDynamic().withExistingPrimaryPublicIPAddress(pip) .withPopularLinuxImage(KnownLinuxVirtualMachineImage.UBUNTU_SERVER_16_04_LTS) .withRootUsername("testuser").withRootPassword("12NewPA$$w0rd!") .withCustomData(cloudInitEncodedString).withSize(VirtualMachineSizeTypes.STANDARD_D3_V2).create(); pip.refresh(); Assert.assertTrue(pip.hasAssignedNetworkInterface()); if (!MockIntegrationTestBase.IS_MOCKED) { JSch jsch = new JSch(); Session session = null; ChannelExec channel = null; try { java.util.Properties config = new java.util.Properties(); config.put("StrictHostKeyChecking", "no"); session = jsch.getSession("testuser", publicIpDnsLabel + "." + "", 22); session.setPassword("12NewPA$$w0rd!"); session.setConfig(config); session.connect(); // Try running the package installed via init script // channel = (ChannelExec) session.openChannel("exec"); BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(channel.getInputStream())); channel.setCommand("pwgen;"); channel.connect(); String msg; while ((msg = in.readLine()) != null) { Assert.assertFalse(msg.startsWith("The program 'pwgen' is currently not installed")); } } catch (Exception e) {"SSH connection failed" + e.getMessage()); } finally { if (channel != null) { channel.disconnect(); } if (session != null) { session.disconnect(); } } } return vm; }
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/** * {@inheritDoc}// w w w . j a va2 s .c om */ @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public UserDetails loadUserByUsername(String username) throws UsernameNotFoundException { LOGGER.debug("Authenticating user with username = {}", username.replaceFirst("@.*", "@.***")); SibUser user = null; try { username = username.replace("'", " "); Object[] queryParams = { username }; List<Object> readObject = dao.readObjects(Parameters.GET_USER_BY_USERNAME, queryParams); if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(readObject)) { throw new UsernameNotFoundException(username); } Map<String, Object> userMap = (Map<String, Object>) readObject.get(0); List<GrantedAuthority> authorities = getAuthorities((String) userMap.get(Parameters.USER_TYPE)); user = new SibUser(); user.setUsername(username); user.setUserid("" + userMap.get(Parameters.USER_ID)); user.setPassword( (userMap.get(Parameters.PASSWORD) != null) ? "" + userMap.get(Parameters.PASSWORD) : null); user.setFirstname( (userMap.get(Parameters.FIRST_NAME) != null) ? "" + userMap.get(Parameters.FIRST_NAME) : null); user.setLastname( (userMap.get(Parameters.LAST_NAME) != null) ? "" + userMap.get(Parameters.LAST_NAME) : null); user.setUserType( (userMap.get(Parameters.USER_TYPE) != null) ? "" + userMap.get(Parameters.USER_TYPE) : null); user.setImageUrl( (userMap.get(Parameters.IMAGE_URL) != null) ? "" + userMap.get(Parameters.IMAGE_URL) : null); user.setSchool((userMap.get(Parameters.SCHOOL) != null) ? "" + userMap.get(Parameters.SCHOOL) : null); user.setDefaultSubjectId((userMap.get(Parameters.DEFAULT_SUBJECT_ID) != null) ? "" + userMap.get(Parameters.DEFAULT_SUBJECT_ID) : null); user.setEmail((userMap.get(Parameters.EMAIL) != null) ? "" + userMap.get(Parameters.EMAIL) : null); user.setActiveFlag( (userMap.get(Parameters.ENABLE_FLAG) != null) ? "" + userMap.get(Parameters.ENABLE_FLAG) : null); user.setBirthDay((userMap.get(Parameters.DOB) != null && !"".equals(userMap.get(Parameters.DOB))) ? Long.parseLong("" + userMap.get(Parameters.DOB)) : null); return new SibUserDetails(user, authorities); } catch (DAOException e) { throw new UsernameNotFoundException(e.getMessage()); } }
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/** * // w w w . ja va2 s .c o m * @param templateProject */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static void createRooApplication(final File ecoreProject, final File busProject, final File templateProject) { File imbProject; File editProject; String pluginContent; String pomContent; String tomcatConfiguration; Collection<File> pluginFiles; try { editProject = new File(ecoreProject.getParent(), ecoreProject.getName() + ".edit"); imbProject = new File(editProject, "/imb/"); FileUtils.deleteDirectory(imbProject); // Create the roo application FileUtils.copyFile(new File(templateProject, "/templates/install.roo"), new File(imbProject, "install.roo")); EcoreImbEditor.executeCommand("roo script --file install.roo", imbProject); // Update libraries pomContent = FileUtils.readFileToString(new File(imbProject, "pom.xml")); pomContent = pomContent.replaceFirst("</dependencies>", FileUtils.readFileToString(new File(templateProject, "/templates/pom.xml"))); FileUtils.writeStringToFile(new File(imbProject, "pom.xml"), pomContent); // IMB types configuration FileUtils.copyDirectory(new File(busProject, "/src/main/java/imb"), new File(imbProject, "/src/main/java/imb")); FileUtils.copyFile(new File(busProject, "/src/main/resources/schema.xsd"), new File(imbProject, "/src/main/resources/schema.xsd")); FileUtils.copyFile( new File(busProject, "/src/main/resources/META-INF/spring/applicationContext-contentresolver.xml"), new File(imbProject, "/src/main/resources/META-INF/spring/applicationContext-contentresolver.xml")); // Update the plugin configuration pluginFiles = FileUtils.listFiles(new File(editProject, "/src"), new IOFileFilter() { @Override public boolean accept(File file) { return (file.getName().endsWith("")); } @Override public boolean accept(File dir, String file) { return (file.endsWith("")); } }, TrueFileFilter.INSTANCE); for (File plugin : pluginFiles) { pluginContent = FileUtils.readFileToString(plugin); pluginContent = pluginContent.substring(0, pluginContent.indexOf("public static class Implementation extends EclipsePlugin")); // Tomcat configuration tomcatConfiguration = FileUtils .readFileToString(new File(templateProject, "/templates/Plugin.txt")); tomcatConfiguration = tomcatConfiguration.replace("${imbProject}", imbProject.getPath()); FileUtils.writeStringToFile(plugin, pluginContent + tomcatConfiguration); break; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.out.println("Error while configuring Roo application: " + e.getMessage()); } }
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public CloudantServiceInfo(String id, String url) throws URISyntaxException { super(id);/*from w w w .j a v a2 s . co m*/ URI uri = new URI(url); this.url = url.replaceFirst(CloudantServiceInfo.SCHEME, "http"); = uri.getHost(); this.port = uri.getPort(); String serviceInfoString = uri.getUserInfo(); if (serviceInfoString != null) { String[] userInfo = serviceInfoString.split(":"); this.username = userInfo[0]; this.password = userInfo[1]; } }
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public void setDefaultDB(String defaultDB) { if (!StringUtils.hasText(defaultDB)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("url must not be empty"); }//from w w w. j a v a 2 s . c om this.defaultDB = defaultDB.replaceFirst(C_RootRealPath, rootRealPath).trim(); }
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private void getHierarchyDump() {"getHierarchyDump"); long dumpTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); String hierchary = DeviceHandler.createDump(serial); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(hierchary) && hierchary.contains("hierarchy rotation")) { hierchary = hierchary.replaceFirst("hierarchy rotation", "hierarchy time=\"" + dumpTime + "\" rotation"); try {//from ww w.j av a 2 s . c om Document doc = DocumentHandler.convertStringToDocument(hierchary); if (DataQueue.DOCUMENT_QUEUE.size() == 3) DataQueue.DOCUMENT_QUEUE.poll(); DataQueue.DOCUMENT_QUEUE.offer(doc); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }
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@JsonCreator public Application(@JsonProperty(value = "url", required = true) String url, @JsonProperty(value = "name", required = true) String name, @JsonProperty("id") String id) { this.url = url.replaceFirst("/+$", ""); = name; = id; }